
воскресенье, 7 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 8 / September 25 •


October 8 / September 25
2018 (7527)
• APPEARANCE of the Mother of God to Sergius of Radonezh (1442)
• Translation (1640) of the Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God "CALM MY MOURNINGS" to Moscow
• Commemoration of the earthquake in Constantinople, when a boy was lifted to heaven and heard the "TRISAGION" (447) 纪念447年帝都君士坦丁堡之地震(在这场天灾中,一个男童被提升上天,听到了天使所咏唱的三圣赞,如此,这天军的赞歌被流传至尘世,并平息了大地的震动)
Μνήμη τοῦ μεγάλου σεισμοῦ
• Hosiosmartyr PAPHNUTIUS 帕弗努提 hermit, and another 546 martyrs of Thebas, including MM DIONYSIUS and KALLIMACHOS, EUSTORGIUS with his wife HERMIONA and their daughter STEPHANIA, elder EUSEBIUS and 40 soldiers, 80 fishermen, 40 clerks and 16 virgins (303) at Egypt
Ὁ Ἅγιος Παφνούτιος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας καὶ ἀναχωρητὴς καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῶ 546 μαρτυρήσαντες
• AURELIA and NEOMISIA Recluse of Macerata near Anagni, Italy
• Martyrs BYZATENUS (Byzantine) and BISCORUS
Ὁ Ἅγιος Βυζατηνός
• Blessed CYRIL (Kyril) schemamonk, and MARIA (Mary) schemanun (14th c.) parents of Sergius of Radonezh
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Martyr IOANN Menkov (1920)
• NIKOLAJ Rozov, Archpriest, Protopresbyter of Yaroslavl-Rostov, Confessor (1879-1941)
• Uncovering (1985) of Relics of Hieromartyr ALEKSANDR Smirnov, presbiter, priest (1875-1918)
• Uncovering (1985) of Relics of Hieromartyr THEODOR Remizov, presbiter, priest (1918)
• AILBE Bishop of Emly
• ANACHARIUS (Aunacharius, Aunachaire, Aunaire) Bishop of Auxerre (604) France
• ARSENIUS 阿尔塞尼 Didi (the Great) 长者, Catholic Patriarch of Kartlien (839-887) Georgia • BASILIUS II, patriarch of Antioch (11th c.)
• CADOC 喀多克 of Llancarfan, Wales (577)
• CAIAN of Tregaian (5th c.) Son of St Brychan
• CEOLFRITH (Ceolfrith, Ceufrey, Gaufrid, Geoffrey, Geoffroy, Geofroi, Gioffredo, Godefrid, Godefridus, Godfrey, Goffredo, Goffrey, Gofrido, Gotfrid, Gottfried, Jeffrey) Abbot of Wearmouth and Jarrow (642-716)
• CLEOPAS (Cleofa, Cleophas) of the two disciples of the Way to Emmaus. Martyr
• COLMAN of Comhruire, now Kilcomreragh, at Uisneach Hill, County of Westmeath (7th c.)
• VM COLUMBA at Teruel, Aragón, Spain
• Blessed Venerable DOSITHEUS 多西德亚 (Dar’ja T’apkna, also Dosithea) the Hermit, Clairvoyant Recluse of Kitaev (Kitayev) Monastery near the Kiev Caves (1721-1776) lead her life in solitude and prayer in men’s garb; who blessed Seraphim, that he might go to Sarov
• Hosiosmartyr EGELRED (869) a monk at Crowland in England, he was martyred with his abbot and many others by the heathen Danes
Monk at Crowland Abbey in England. Martyred
by pagan Danish invaders.
• Venerable EUPHROSYNE (Evphrosyne, Euphrosia, Efrosinia, Efrosene, Eurosyne, Ephrosene, Ephrosyne, Euphrosyna or Euphrasia) 艾弗福若西尼 of Alexandria, Nun, secretly accepted tonsure and calling herself Smaragdos, she went to the very same men’s monastery (445) lead her life in solitude and prayer in men’s garb
Ἡ Ὁσία Εὐφροσύνη
• Venerabless EUPHROSYNIA 艾弗福若西尼 (Theodulia in holy Baptism, also Evphrosyne, Efrosene, Eurosyne, Euphrosyna, Ephrosene, Ephrosyne, Evfrosinia or Efrosinia) Princess of Suzdal, Nun/Abs (1250)
• EUSTACHIUS of Rome, Monk
• ERMENFRIDUS (670) a monk at Luxeuil in France. Later he founded the monastery of Cusance
Monk of Luxeuil Abbey in France. Founded a monastery in Cusance, France.
• FYMBERT (7th c.)a bishop in the west of Scotland
Seventh-century bishop in western Scotland, consecrated by Saint Gregory the Great. Noted for his care of the poor and oppressed in his flock.
• FINBAR 芬巴尔 (Bairre, Barr, Barrocus, Finbarr, Findbar, Finnbarr, Fionnbharr, Lochan, Finbarro) Abbot of Cork (623) Ireland
• Hieromartyr FIRMINUS the 1st Bishop of Amiens in France (4th c.)
• Translation (1592) of Relics of Sainted GERMAN (Herman) 革尔曼 Archbishop of Kazan (1567)
• HERCULANUS (2nd c.)a soldier martyred in Rome
Second century imperial Roman soldier. Converted by Pope Saint Alexander I, and martyred soon after.
• IOMCHAIDH of Kill Drochoid, County or Down
• Sainted LUPUS Archbishop of Lyon (540)
• MEWROG of Wales
• NICHOLAS Trikkokites, Monk
• Venerable PAPHNUTIUS who became a monk in the same monastery as his daughter St Euphrosyne of Alexandria, and entered into repose 10 years after
Ὁ Ὅσιος Παφνούτιος
Father of Saint Euphrosyne of Alexandria. Later in life he became a monk and then abbot.
• PRINCIPIUS Bishop of Soissons in France (505) the elder brother of St Remigius of Rheims
• PROCHOROS disciple of the Apostle John the Theologian
• Martyr ROMANOS in Neaple
• Repose of Our Holy Father SERGIUS Abbot of Radonezh (1392)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σέργιος ὁ Θαυματουργός
• SOLEMNIS (Soleine) (511) Bishop of Chartres in France
Brother of Saint Aventinus of Chartres. Bishop of Chartres, France from c.490.
• THEOPHILOS the Confessor, Archbishop of Ephesus, Confessor of the Sacred Icons (833)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Θεόφιλος ὁ Ὁμολογητής Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Ἐφέσου
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018