
четверг, 4 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 5 / September 22 •


October 5 / September 22
2018 (7527)
• Virgin Mary EPAKOYOYSA "She Who Is Always Hear" 迅敏垂听者 (1366) Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God, of the monastery ZOGRAFOU on Athos ― Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “She who is quick to hear” or “Skoroposlushnitsa”
When the Blessed Cosmas of Zografou, an anchorite who flourished around the end of the 13th century or the beginning of the 14th, was still living in the coenobium, he chanced once to be alone in the church and to turn towards this particular icon fervent prayer, saying: “Most holy Theotokos, pray to your Son and God, that I may be led along the path of salvation”. He then heard the Theotokos say: “Son my God, teach your servant how he may be saved”, and Christ immediately reply: “Let him retire from the Monastery and find his peace alone”. In truth, the Saint made great progress in the life of hesychasm and was glorified with the gift of working miracles. The icon which heard (the name is derived from this concept) his supplication is in the sanctusary of the Monastery's kathilikon.
Synaxis of All Saints of TULA • 纪念图拉地方之全体圣徒
There are more than 30 Sainted Presbiters among The Synaxis of the Tula saints, more than 20 Holy Princes and Princesses, more than 30 Venerables, the names of the ascetics connected with the Kulikovo battle entered, and also Fools-for-Christ.
• Sainted NICHOLAS Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra at Lycia (345-351) // MAY 9 TR REL FROM MYRA TO BAR IN ITALY // DEC 6(REPOSE // JUL 29 BIRTH //
• Holy Nobleborn Prince BORIS (Roman in Baptism) Passion-Bearer (1015) // MAY 2 TR REL IN 1072)// JULY 24 COMMEMORATED WITH SAINT GLEB // • Holy Nobleborn Prince GLEB (David in Baptism) Passion-Bearer (1015) // MAY 2 TR RELIN 1115) // JULY 24 COMMEMORATED WITH SAINT BORIS // SEPTEMBER 5 MARTYRDOM // • Hieromartyr KUKSHA of the Kiev Caves, a monk and martyr from the Pechersk Lavra (Cave Monastery of the Dormition of Teotokos) in Kiev, Ukraine (after 1114). The relics of Saint Kuksha are kept at St Anthony Near Caves of the Lavra // AUG 27 (SEP 10) // SEP 28 (OCT 11) KIEV NEAR CAVES // CAVES // 2ND SUNDAY OF GREAT LENT IN SYNAXYS OF VENERABLES OF KIEV CAVES // JUN 10 (23) RYZAN’ // SEP 22 (OCT 5) TULA //
• Hieromartyr NIKON of the Kiev Caves (after 1114) disciple of Saint Kuksha // AUG 27 (SEP 10) // 2ND SUNDAY OF GREAT LENT IN SYNAXYS OF VENERABLES OF KIEV CAVES // SEP 22 (OCT 5) TULA //
• Sainted THEOCTISTUS Abbot of Kiev Cave Monastery, Bishop of Chernigov (1123) at St Anthony Near Caves of the Pechersk Lavra // AUG 5 //
• Venerable NIKOLA Svyatosha, Prince of Chernigov, Monk and Wonderworker of the Pechersk Lavra (Cave Monastery of the Dormition of Teotokos) in Kiev, Ukraine (1143) at St Anthony Near Caves of the Lavra // OCT 14 (27) // SEP 28 (OCT 11) KIEV NEAR CAVES // 2ND SUNDAY OF GREAT LENT IN SYNAXYS OF VENERABLES OF KIEV CAVES // OCT 10 (23) VOLYN’ // JUL 15 (28) KIEV // SEP 22 (OCT 5) TULA // 1ST STURDAY AFTER JUN 29 (JUL 12) CHERNIGOV //
• Blessed GEORGE (The Holy Nobleborn Prince Igor Olgovich, Gabriel in monasticism), Great Prince of Chernigov and Kiev, Wonderworker (1147) // JUN 5 (18) TR REL IN 1150 // SEP 19 (OCT 2) // JUL 15 (28) KIEV // SEP 22 (OCT 5) TULA // 1ST STURDAY AFTER JUN 29 (JUL 12) CHERNIGOV //
• Holy Martyr and Confessor MICHAEL of Chernigov, Great Prince, wonderworker (1245) // FEB 14 (TRANSFER OF RELICS IN 1578) // SEP 20 MARTYRDOM 1245 //
• Rightbelieving ALEXANDER Nevsky, Great Prince (1263) // AUG 30 TR REL IN 1724) // NOV 22 BURIAL IN 1263) //
• JOHN I Kalita, Great Prince (1340) // MAR 31 //
• Venerable ALEXANDER Peresvet (1380) soldier, schemamonk, disciple of Sergius of Radonezh. Fought in a single combat with the Tatar champion Temir-murza (Chelubey or Cheli-bey) at the opening of the Battle of Kulikovo (8 September 1380), where they killed each other // SEP 7 (20) // SUNDAY BEFORE AUG 26 (SEP 8) MOSCOW // JUL 6 (19) RADONEZH // SEP 22 (OCT 5) TULA //
• Venerable ANDREW Oslyabya (1380) a Russian schemamonk from Saint Sergius's Trinity Abbey who became famous for his part in the Battle of Kulikovo // SEP 7 (20) //
• DEMETRIUS of the Don, Grand Duchy of Moscow, Grand Prince of Vladimir (1389). His nickname, Donskoy (i.e., "of the Don"), alludes to his great victory against the Tatars in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380), which took place on the Don River // MAY 19 //
• Sainted PIMEN the Black, Archbishop of Novgorod (1571) // SEP 25 //
• Venerable schemamonk MACARIUS 玛喀里 abbot of Zhabynets and Wonderworker of Belevsk (1623) // JAN 22 // SEP 22 //
• Sainted ILARION Grigorovich, bishop of Krutitsy and Sarsk (1696-1759)
• Sainted IOANNIKIJ (Ivan Rudnev) metropolitam of Kiev and Galitsyja (1826-1900) // JUN 7 KIEV // AUG 30 TULA //
• Hieromartyr ONESIMUS (Mikhail Pylajev) Bishop of Tula (1876-1937) // FEB 14 (1937) // SEP 3 GLORIF//
• New Hieromartyr PETER Pavlushkov, presbiter (1865-1937) // NOV 10 // SEP 3 GLORIF //
• Hieromartyr NIKITA (Nikolaj Pribytkov) Bishop of Belev (1859-1938) // SEPT 3 GLORIF // DEC 21 //
• Blessed MATRONA the Blind of Moscow (1952) // FEB 23 // APR 19 //
• VM DROSIDA (Drosella, Drusilla or Drosis) a Princess, together with 5 Nuns VMM at Antioch (98-117)
• VMM Sisters DIGNA and EMERITA (Merita) at Rome (259)
Virgin-martyrs in Rome under Valerian. They died while standing before their judges in prayer. Their relics are enshrined in the church of St Marcellus in Rome.
• MM MAURICE the Chief the Theban Legion: martyred CANDIDUS the senator of the troops, VITALIS, INNOCENTIUS, ATTILIO, BESSUS, CHIAFFREDO (Theofredus), DEFENDENS; martyred URSUS, VICTOR and 66 companions at Solothurn; martyred FELIX and REGULA the patron saints of Zürich and EXUPERIUS (Exupernis) Campiductor or Major, at Zürich; martyred FIDELIS of Como, FORTUNATUS of Casei, MAGNUS of Cuneo, TEGULUS, VERENA of Zurzach; also martyred TYRSUS (or Thirsus), PALMATIUS and BONIFATIUS at Trier; CASSIUS, FLORENTINUS and their cohort at Bonn; GEREON and 318 others at Cologne; and VICTOR, MALLOSUS (or Mallosius) and 330 companions at Xanten in Germany; also martyred ALEXANDER of Bergamo, ANTONIUS of Piacenza; CONSTANTIUS, ALVERIUS, SEBASTIANUS and MAGIUS from the Cottian Alps; MAURILIUS, GEORGIUS and TIBERIUS at Pinerolo; MAXIMIUS, CASSIUS, SECUNDUS, SEVERINUS and LICINIUS at Milan; SECUNDUS of Ventimiglia; OCTAVIUS, SOLUTOR and ADVENTOR at Turin; many lesser saints as well in Italy; of THEBAN Legion included 6 600 men (287) (also known as the Martyrs of Agaunum)
His legion, as many as 6 600 men, was massacred en masse by their own side when they refused to participate in pagan sacrifices prior to battle.
A Roman imperial legion of 6 600 soldiers, all of whom were Christians; they had been recruited from the area around Thebes in Upper Egypt, were led by Saint Maurice, and served under Emperor Maximian Herculeus. Around the year 287, Maximian led the army across the Alps to Agaunum, an area in modern Switzerland, in order to suppress a revolt by the Bagandre in Gaul. In connection with battle, the army offered public sacrifices to the Roman gods; the Theban Legion refused to participate. For refusing orders, the Legion was decimated - one tenth of them were executed. When the remainder refused to sacrifice to the gods, they were decimated again. When the survivors still refused to sacrifice, Maximinian ordered them all killed.
Known members of the Legion include:
• ALEXANDER of Bergamo
• ALVERIUS of Agaunum
• CANDIDUS the Theban
• CHIAFFREDO of Saluzzo
• INNOCENT of Agaunum
• SEBASTIAN of Agaunum
• SECUNDUS the Theban
• URSUS the Theban
• VICTOR of Agaunum
• VICTOR of Cologne
• VICTOR of Xanten
• VICTOR the Theban
• VITALIS of Agaunum
Other profiled saints associated with the Legion include:
• ANTONINUS of Piacenza (martyred soldier; associated by later story tellers)
• ADVENTOR of Turin (not a member; associated by later story tellers)
• ATTILIO of Trino (martyred soldier; associated by some, but not all, later lists)
• CASSIUS (may have been a member)
• FLORENTIUS the Martyr (may have been a member)
• GEORGE of San Giorio (not a member; associated by later story tellers)
• GEREON (not a member, but another soldier who was martyred for refusing to make a sacrifice to Roman gods)
• GUSMEO of Gravedona sul Lario (may have been a member)
• MATTHEW of Gravedona sul Lario (may have been a member)
• OCTAVIUS of Turin (not a member; associated by later story tellers)
• PONS of Pradleves (escaped the massacre to become an evangelists in northern Italy)
• SECUNDUS of Asti (not a member, but linked due to art work)
• SOLUTOR of Turin (not a member; associated by later story tellers)
• TIBERIO of Pinerolo (may have been a member)
• VERENA (wife of a member of the Legion)
• ISAAC, MARTINOS & NICOLAS the Martyrs (303) by sword
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἰσαὰκ καὶ Μαρτίνος οἱ Μάρτυρες
• 26 Martyrs of the monastery ZOGRAFOU on Athos: THOMAS Hegumenos, monks BARSANUPHIUS, CYRIL, MICHÆAS, COSMAS, HILARION, JAMES, JOB, CYPRIAN, SABBAS, JAMES, MARTINIAN, COSMAS, SERGIUS, MINAS, JOASAPH, IOANNICIUS, PAUL, ANTHONY, EUTHYMIUS, DOMETIAN Parthenius, and 4 laymen, martyrs (1284) burned alive by a Latin army serving the Roman Emperor Michael VIII Paleologos
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 26 Ὁσιομάρτυρες Ζωγραφίτες
Θωμὰς ἡγούμενος, Βαρσανούφιος, Κύριλλος, Μιχαῖος (ἢ Μιχαίας), Σίμων, Ἰλαρίων, Ἰάκωβος, ἕτερος Ἰάκωβος, Ἰώβ, Κυπριανός, Σάββας, Μαρτινιανός, Κοσμᾶς, Σέργιος, Μηνᾶς, Ἰωάσαφ, Ἰωαννίκιος, Παῦλος, Ἀντώνιος, Εὐθύμιος, Δομέτιος, Παρθένιος καὶ τέσσερα ἀκόμα ἄτομα ποὺ τὰ ὀνόματά τους εἶναι ἄγνωστα
• Venerable desertdwellers THEODOR and PAVEL founders and abbots of Monastery of St Boris and Gleb on the river Ust’ja, near Rostov (14th c.)
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Repose of Blessed PARASCEVA (Pasha of Sarov or Prascovia Ivanovna) of Sarov-Diveyevo Convent, Fool for Christ (1795-1915)
Ἡ Ἁγία Παρασκευὴ ἡ διὰ Χριστὸν Σαλή τοῦ Σάρωφ – Ντιβίγιεβο
• Hieromartyr BENJAMIN (Vasilij Voskresenskij) bishop of Romanovsk (1871-1932)
• VM BASILLA at Rome (304)
• COLMAN a Son of Cathbhadh, of Midhe-iseal
• COLUM (Colomb Crag) Priest at Enach
• COSMAS 科斯玛 of the Bulgarians, monk in the monastery Zografou (1323) Mt Athos
Ὁ Ὅσιος Κοσμᾶς ὁ Ζωγραφίτης
• Hieromonk DAMIAN the Healer of the Pechersk Lavra (Cave Monastery of the Dormition of Teotokos) in Kiev, Ukraine (1071) at St Anthony Near Caves of the Lavra
• DINOOTH of Bangor Iscoed
• Hieromartyr EMMERAM (Emmeramus, Haimhramm) 恩麦拉穆 Bishop of Poitiers and Regensburg (690) attacked by assassins and died from his wounds. Patron of Ratisbon
• FELIX III (530) Pope of Rome
As Pope of Rome he is remembered for building the church of Sts Cosmas and Damian. He was greatly loved in Rome for his simplicity and generosity to the poor.
• Venerable FLORENTIUS (Florent) a disciple of St Martin of Tours, hieromonk, priest, hermit at Mt Glonne in Anjou (440) France. In 845 his relics were delivered to the Normans, in the castle to Saumur and from there (1025) to the new monastery after St-Florent-le-Jeune near Orléans
• Repose of INNOCENT Abbot in Valaam (1828)
• Holy Prophet先知 JONAS (Jonah) 约纳 (9th c. BC) Prophet in the northern kingdom of Israel. He told Jeroboam the king of the redemption of the territories to the Dead Sea (2 Kings 14:25)
Ὁ Προφήτης Ἰωνὰς
• JONAH 约纳 the Sabbaite (811) Father of Theophanes the hymnographer the Branded and Theodor Graptus
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰωνὰς ὁ Σαβαΐτης
• Venerable JONAH 约纳 founder and abbot of the Yashezersk Annunciation Monastery, Karelia (1592)
• JONAS (Yon) (3rd c.) companion or disciple of St Dionysius of Paris in France, he was martyred there
Disciple of Saint Dionysius of Paris. Priest. Evangelized near Paris, France. Marytred by order of the Roman prefect Julian. Died flogged and stabbed with a sword c.3rd century at Paris, France.
• Monk JEREMIAH the Clairvoyant of the Pechersk Lavra (Cave Monastery of the Dormition of Teotokos) in Kiev, Ukraine (1070) at St Anthony Near Caves of the Lavra
• GM KETEVAN (Ketevana) Qu. of Kakhetia, Georgia, Martyred at Shiraz (1624)
• LANDELIN the Martyr, hermit of Alsace, healing the sick, blind and lame (680) founder of Ettenheimmünster Abbey
• LO (Lauto or Laudus, Lô, Laudo) Bishop of Coutances in Normandy (568)
Bishop of Coutances, France in 528; he served for 40 years. Participated in the conclave of bishops in Angers, France c.529. Noted for his healing miracles, especially of eye problems. The town of Briovere and Lauto's estate became the modern city of Saint-Lô in northern France, and a healing spring at Courcy, France dedicated to him is a pilgrimage site.
• LUTRUD (Liutrud or Liutrudis) of Perthois, Recluse, virgin (6th c.) France
• Venerable schemamonk MACARIUS 玛喀里 abbot of Zhabynets and Wonderworker of Belevsk (1623)
• Monk MATTHEW the Clairvoyant of Kiev Cave Monastery of Dormition, in Near Caves of Antony
• Righteous PETER 彼得 of Africa, a former Publican (6th c.) the Merciful
Peter was a God-pleaser of the sixth century.
When a man clearly senses God's mercy toward him, he is startled, as from a dull and senseless dream, and becomes ashamed of his long blindness to God's unceasing compassion. In the time of Emperor Justinian, the chief imperial tax collector in Africa was a certain Peter, a very wealthy but very hard and merciless man. The beggars grumbled among themselves, that not one of them had ever received alms from Peter. Then, one of them bet that he would succeed in getting alms from Peter. He persistently begged alms of the miser until Peter, in a rage, hit him with a loaf of bread, since he had nothing else close at hand. Joyfully the beggar took the bread and fled. Immediately after this Peter became seriously ill and had this vision: He was being interrogated by demons in the other world. There was a scale, and on one side of it, the demons heaped Peter's sins, making that side extremely heavy. On the other side-which was empty-angels stood, sorrowing that they had not even one good deed in Peter's life to help balance the scale. One of them said: ``We have nothing to place on the scale except one loaf of bread, with which he struck a beggar the day before yesterday.'' The angels placed this one loaf of bread on the empty side of the scale, and that loaf of bread outweighed the other side of the scale, laden with all of Peter's sins. When the vision was over Peter said to himself: ``Indeed, this was not an apparition but the living truth, for I saw all my sins from my youth. And when I can be helped so much by one loaf of bread that I threw at a beggar, how much help would I receive from many deeds of almsgiving, performed from the heart and with humility?'' And from that time, Peter became the most compassionate man in his town. He distributed all of his possessions to the poor, and when he had finished distributing his possessions, he sold himself into slavery for thirty gold pieces and distributed even his own price as a slave to the poor as alms in the name of Christ. He was, thereafter, called Peter the Merciful.
• Hieromartyr PHOCAS 佛喀 Bishop of Sinope (117), especially venerated as a defender against fires, but also as giving aid to the drowning
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φωκᾶς ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας ὁ Θαυματουργὸς
• PHOCAS 佛喀 the Gardener, martyr of Sinope (320), especially venerated by sea-farers
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φωκᾶς ὁ κηπουρὸς
• RODENA of Levroux, France (3rd c.)
• SALABERGA (Sadalberga) Matr., Nun at Poulangey Monastery, Fndr. and Abs. of St John the Baptist Monastery at Lâon (665)
• SANCTINUS (300) the 1st Bishop of Meaux and a disciple of St Denis of Paris
• SILVANUS venerated from ancient times in Levroux near Bourges in France
• SOPHRONIUS Bishop of Wratschane in Bulgaria (1739-1813)
• Hieromartyr THEODOSIOS of the Brazi Monastery in Romania, metropolitan (1694)
• THEOPHANES 德奥梵 the Silent (the Hesychast) 缄默者, Recluse of Kiev Caves (12th c.)
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018