
четверг, 25 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 26 / October 13 •


October 26 / October 13
2018 (7527)
• Translation (1648) into Moscow of the a copy of the wonderworking Holy IVERON Icon of Panagia PORTAITISSA (i.o. The Keeper of Portal) of the Most Holy Theotokos (1004) of the Iveron Monastery on Mt Athos 敬迁至圣诞神女伊维隆圣像至莫斯科城纪念日
The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, located on Mount Athos, has been glorified by many miracles. Accounts of the wonderworking image were spread throughout Russia by pilgrims. His Holiness Patriarch Nikon (then still Abbot of the Novospasky monastery) asked Abbot Pachomius of the Iveron Monastery on Mt Athos, (who was in Moscow collecting alms for the Athonite monasteries) to supply a copy of the wonderworking Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Athonite monk Iamblichos painted the copy of the Iveron Icon, and after a year the icon was taken to Moscow, accompanied by monks of Athos. On October 13, 1648 it was solemnly greeted by a multitude of the people. The Iveron Icon of the Russian Orthodox Church was also glorified by the Lord with many miracles (February 12).
The Iveron Icon is also commemorated on February 12, March 31, and Bright Tuesday.
• ZVERINETSKA Icon of the Theotokos
• "OF THE SEVEN LAKES"七湖 Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1615) from Ustüg near Kazan
The Seven Lakes Icon of the Mother of God was brought from Ustiug near Kazan on October 13, 1615 by the monk Euthymius, founder of the Seven Lakes Mother of God monastery. He blessed the place of the future monastery with this icon. Feastdays of the Seven Lakes Icon were established in memory of its transfer from Ustiug, in memory of the deliverance of Kazan from a plague epidemic in 1654 and 1655 (June 26), and again from pestilence in 1771 (July 28).
• Holy Martyrs CARPUS (Karpos) 普主教 Bishop of Thyateira in Pergamum and deacon PAPYLUS (Papylos) 帕彼洛 of Thyateira suffered for the Christian Faith in Pergamum, AGATHADORUS 阿伽塔多若 (Agathadoros or Agathodoros) of Sardis ) Servant of Bishop Carpus, and Carpus's sister AGATHONICA 阿伽塔尼基 of Pergamum in Thyatira (170-251) all beheaded with the sword
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Κάρπος, Παπύλος, Ἀγαθόδωρος καὶ Ἀγαθονίκη οἱ Μάρτυρες
• Martyrs FAUSTUS, JANUARIUS and MARTIAL (304) in Cordoba in Spain under Diocletian and called The 3 Crowns of Cordoba were condemned to be burnt alive, and cheerfully finished their martyrdom by fire
• FINTANA and OTHA of Scotland (6th c.)
• Virginal Martyresses FYNCANA (Finchana or Fincana) and FINDOCHA (Fyndocha, Fyndoc, Findoca or Fink) of Scotland (8th c.)
• Holy 2 children Martyrs by the fire
Τὰ Ἅγια δύο Παιδιά
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr INNOCENT Kikin, presbiter, priest (1878-1937)
• Hieromartyr NICHOLAS Yermolov, presbiter, archpriest (1874-1937)
• Uncovering (1993) of Relics of Hieromartyr THADDEUS (Ioann Uspenskiy) (1872-1937) of Tver’, archbishop
• Righteous AGATHONIKI Nun of Didrun Lemn Convent in Romania (1956)
• Martyr ABDAS (Audas) Bishop of Kaskhar (420) Iran
• Commemoration of AMVROSSY Serebrennikiv, Archbishop of Kherson (1792)
• Martyr ANTIGONES burned by fire
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀντίγονος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Sainted ANTHONY 安托尼 of Chqondidi, metropolitan (1815)
• Repose of monk ATHANASIUS of Valaam (1852)
• Martyr BENEDICT of Cupra (304)
Soldier in the imperial Roman army, stationed at modern Cupra Marittima, Italy. Martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. Beheaded on 13 October 304 on the bridge over the river Menocchia in Cupra (modern Cupra Marittima), Italy. Body dumped into the river to wash out to sea.
• Hieromartyr BENJAMIN 文雅敏 the Deacon of Persia (421-424) converted many pagan Persians to Christianity, and for his zeal and evangelic preaching he suffered in Persia during the 5th century
Ὁ Ἅγιος Βενιαμὴν ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας ὁ Διάκονος
• Venerable BENJAMIN 文雅敏 of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1320) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Theodosy Far Caves of the Lavra
• BERTHOALD (7th c.) 5th bishop of Cambrai Arras in France
• CIAR (Ciara) of Donoghmore and Clogher
• Martyr COLMAN (Coloman, Koloman) of Stockerau, of Melk (1012) born in Ireland, he was going through Austria on his way to the Holy Land, when he was arrested as a spy, tortured and hanged with evildoers in Stockerau near Vienna. Miracles were worked by his relics and he was venerated as a saint. He is honoured as one of the patron-saints of Austria
• COMGAN (Cowan) an Irish prince, monk in Scotland and was buried on Iona and Abbot of Lochalsh (8th c.) brother of St Kentigerna, Hermitess of Loch Lomond
Born to the Irish royalty, the son of a prince of Leinster, Ireland; brother of Saint Kentigern, nephew of Saint Fillan. Soldier, wounded in battle with a neighboring clan, he and his sister fled to Scotland where he became a monk at Lochaise. Buried on the island of Iona Abbey, Scotland.
Ὁ Ἅγιος Διοκλητιανός
• Martyr DIOSKOROS in Cynopolis (Samalut) in Egypt (288)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Διόσκορος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• King EDWARD the Confessor
• Virgin and Ernaide (Nurney) FINNSEGH (Findsech or Finsech), Nun - 1) of Leix and the Dalriada; 2) from the Irnaide (or Ernaide) in Húi Airennáin in Cenél Eogain (Tyrone); or 3) of Irnaide (Ernaide) of Slíab Gúairi (Gúari) in Galenga (Gailenga)
• Martyr FLORENTIUS 弗洛仁提 of Thessalonica (190) tortured and martyred in the persecutions of Emperor Maximinus Daza
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φλωρέντιος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• GERALD of Aurillac in France (855-909) a layman. He founded a monastery on his estate and endowed it
• Hieromonk JACOB 雅科弗 the Elder ― spiritual son, devoted friend, and helper of St Anthony of Chqondidi
• Hosiosmartyr Abbot JACOB of Hamatura, priest, martyr in Tripoli in Lebanon (13th c.)
• Holy hermit LEOBONO in the region of Salagnac (modern Grand-Bourg), diocese of Limoges, France (600) relics enshrined in Grand-Bourg, France
• Righteous LUBENTIUS of Kobern (today District of Kobern-Gondorf on the Moselle in Rhineland-Palatinate), presbiter (350)
Spiritual student of Saint Martin of Tours. Ordained by Saint Maximinus of Trier, he served as parish priest in Kobern, Germany. Evangelist along the river Lahn in the Moselle region of Germany.
• Venerable LUKE of Demenna, Abbot of Carbione (984-995) Sicily
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μαρτύροχος
• Sainted MELETIUS I Pegas (1601) served as Greek Patriarch of Alexandria between 1590 and 1601. Simultaneously from 1597 to 1598 he served also as locum tenens of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
• Repose of Schemanun NAZARIA of Varatec, Ruman
• Venerable NICETAS 尼基塔 the Confessor of Paphlagonia (838)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Νικήτας ὁ Ὁμολογητής καὶ Πατρίκιος
• Hieromartyr PANTALUS the 1st Bishop of Basel (304)
• Sainted REGIMBALD (Reginbald, Regimbaut) Bishop of Speyer (1039)
Benedictine monk at the monastery of Saints Ulric and Afra in Augsburg, Germany. Monk at the monastery in Edersberg, Germany in 1015. Abbot at the monastery in Lorsch, Germany in 1022. Founded the monastery in Heiligenberg, Germany. Bishop of Speyer, Germany in 1032.
• ROMULUS (641) Bishop of Genoa in Italy. He reposed at the coastal town of Matuziano, since renamed San Remo after him
• Returning of the relics Venerable and God-bearing Father SABBAS the Sanctified (439-532) from Rome to the monastery of Massaba in Jordan on October 24 (1965) to Jerusalem
• Sainted SIMBERT (Simpert, Sinthert) (809) Bishop of Augsburg in Germany
Student and monk at Murbach Abbey near Colmar, Alsace, France. Abbot. Bishop of Augsburg, Germany in 778, and continued to function as abbot. Restored ecclesiastical discipline and improved theological studies in his see.
• Bishop THEOPHILUS of Antioch (181)
Saint Theophilus, a philosopher, was converted to Christianity by reading the Scriptures in an effort to attack them. He became the fifth bishop of Antioch after Saint Peter. Because Theophilus authored of many works of doctrine and apologetics, most of which have been lost, he is known as one of the Apologists of the 2nd century.
• Venerable VANNATIUS 瓦南提 of Poitiers (400) Abbot of the monastery of St Martin in Tours in France
Married in his youth, with his wife's permission he became a monk and then abbot Saint Martin Abbey in 5th century Tours, France.
• Commemoration of Miracle (1912) in Skopje of Holy Great-martyress ZLATA 兹拉塔 (Chryse, Hrisi 赫里西, Zlata Meglenska, Zlatija, Zlatia, Zlatica, Zlatitza or Zlatka) of Slatina Moglena in Macedonia (1796) of Bulgaria and Serbia
Ἡ Ἁγία Χρυσὴ ἡ Παρθενομάρτυς
On October 26 of 1912, a Miracle was revealed in Serbia, when the Turks took up arms against the city of Skopje, where the biggest uprising broke out against them after the Russo-Turkish War, which brought freedom to Bulgaria. And before the Serb army, defending Serbia, the holy maiden appeared and helped win the Serbs. Thus ended the 520-year rule of Osmania. In the holy maiden was recognized the Great Martyr Zlata - Golden vessel of virginity and undefiled bride of Christ. It was in 1912 that she was gloryfied as a Saint.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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