
суббота, 6 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 7 / September 24 •


October 7 / September 24
2018 (7527)
• Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of FILERIMOS in Rhodes (10th c.)
Monastery of Panagia of Filerimos is located at the hill Filerimos. The painting of Panagia Filerimos was the most sacred relic of the Order of the Knights. It is said that it was painted by Saint Luke, was transferred to Rhodes from Jerusalem and was placed in a crypt at Filerimos which is known today as the Chapel of Saint George.
• The MIROZH 密若哲 "Oranta" ("Praying") (1198) Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
• Commemoration of day of discovery PANAGIA MYRTIDIOTISSA ("Of the Myrtle Tree") Icon of Kythera (on the Greek island of Kythera) (14th c.)
Μνήμη Θαύματος τῆς Θεοτόκου καὶ Ἀειπαρθένου Μαρίας τῆς Μυρτιδιωτίσσης
• Synaxis of Panagia PANTANASSA at Vatopaidi
• Synaxis of Panagia VOURNIOTISSA in Tinos
• Our Lady of WALSINGHAM also known as Virgin by the Sea
ARRIVAL OF THE FIRST ORTHODOX MISSION IN AMERICA (September 24 of 1794) 首批正教传教士(圣革尔曼、圣犹文纳利、及他们的同道们)进入美洲大陆纪念日(1794年)
In those years Russian merchants discovered the Aleutian Islands which formed in the Pacific Ocean a chain from the eastern shores of Kamchatka to the western shares of North America. With the opening of these islands there was revealed the sacred necessity to illumine with the light of the Gospel the native inhabitants. With the blessing of the Holy Synod, Metropolitan Gabriel gave to the Elder Nazarius the task of selecting capable persons from the brethern of Valaam for this holy endeavor. Ten men were selected, and among them was Father Herman. The chosen men left Valaam for the place of their great appointment in 1793.
The first official Orthodox mission to America was launched on December 21 of 1793, when a group of volunteers from the monasteries Valaam and Konevitsa (located on the Russo-Finnish border) left St Petersburg for Alaska, then a Russian territory. The members of this historical mission were: Archimandrite JOSEPH Bolotoff, the Hieromonks JUVENAL, MACARIUS, ATHANASIUS, STEPHAN and NECTARIUS, Hierodeacons NECTARIUS and STEPHEN, and the monks JOASAPH, and HERMAN (died 1837, canonized as Saint in 1970), famous for his ascetic life and efforts to defend Alaskan natives from ruthless Russian traders; and several staff members. Guided by Gregory Shelekhov, a Russian businessman, the group traveled for 293 days and a distance of 7 300 miles before arriving at its destination.
While Archimandrite Joseph dealt with the leadership issues with Ivan Baranov, the leader of the settlement, Hieromonk Juvenaly and the others in their party began their missionary work. Within two years their zeal had brought more than 12 000 Alaskans to the Orthodox Christian faith. They did this not by degrading their former shaman based faith but by showing them that Christianity was the fulfillment of that faith.
As a result of the holy zeal of the preachers the light of the evangelic sermon quickly poured out among the sons of Russia, and several thousand pagans accepted Christianity. A school for the education of newly-baptized children was organized, and a church was built at the place where the missionaries lived. But by the inscrutable providence of God the general progress of the mission was unsatisfactory. After five years of very productive labor, Archimandrite Joasaph, who had just been elevated to the rank of bishop, was drowned with his party. (This occurred on the Pacific Ocean between Kamchatka and the Aleutian Islands. The ship, Phoenix, one of the first sea-going ships built in Alaska, sailed from Okhotsk carrying the first Bishop for the American Mission and his party. The Phoenix was caught in one of the many storms which periodically sweep the northern Pacific, and the ship and all hands perished together with Bishop Joasaph and his party.) Before this the zealous Hieromonk JUVENAL was granted the martyr’s crown. The others died one after another until in the end only Father Herman remained. The Lord permitted him to labor longer than any of his brethren in the apostolic task of enlightening the Aleutians.
Synaxis of All Saints of ALASKA
On the anniversary of the arrival of the Russian missionaries in Alaska (1794), we remember the New Martyrs Saint Peter the Aleut, Protomartyr of America, and Saint Juvenal.
• Hosiosmartyr hieromonk JUVENAL 犹文纳利 the Protomartyr of America (1761-1796) suffered from the pagan natives of Alaska to whom he was preaching the Gospel so zealously
• PETER the Aleut, Protomartyr (1815) of America, suffered cruel torture and death at the hands of Latin missionaries in San Francisco (1815) for refusing to abandon Orthodoxy for the heterodox Christianity of the West // SEP 24 // DEC 12 //
• Our Venerable Father HERMAN 革尔曼 of Alaska (1756-1837)
• Our Father among The Saints INNOCENT (Ivan Popov-Veniaminov), Metropolitan of Moscow, Equal to the Apostles and Enlightener of the Aleuts and Siberia, and Apostle to the America (1879)
• Father JACOB Netsvetov, Enlightener of Alaska, a native of the Aleutian Islands who became a priest of the Orthodox Church and continued the missionary work of St Innocent among his and other Alaskan people (1802-1864)
• ANDOCHIUS a priest, THYRSUS a deacon in Smyrna, and FELIX a rich merchant (2nd c.) at France
Andochius, a priest, and Thyrsus, a deacon in Smyrna, were sent to what is now France by St Polycarp. They settled in Autun where they converted their host, a rich merchant, by name Felix. All three were martyred and were venerated throughout Gaul.
• 49 Martyrs of Chalcedon (304) Christian choir singers of the church in Chalcedon in Asia Minor who were martyred together in their persecutions of Diocletian
• The Daughters of Cainnech (or Maghlocha), County of Tipperary (6th c.)
• CHUNIALD (Conald) of Ireland, Priest, and GISLAR (7th c.) born in Ireland, they enlightened the south of Germany and Austria with St Rupert of Salzburg
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Venerable GABRIEL 伽弗里伊尔 Zyr’anov, of the monastery of Pskov-Eleazar and of the Sedmijezersk (i.o.: Seven Lakes) Hermitage, Schemaarchimandrit (1844-1915)
• Hieromartyr VASILIJ Voskresenskij, deacon of Solikamsk, Perm (1870-1918)
• Hieromartyr ANDREJ Bystrov, presbiter, priest (1873-1937)
• Martyr VASILIJ Vinogradov (1891-1937)
• Martyr SERGIJ Mihajlov (1882-1937)
• Martyr SPIRIDON Savel’jev (1875-1937)
• New Hieromartyr PAVEL Berezin, presbiter, priest (1866-1937)
• Hieromartyr VITALIJ Kokorev (1890-1937)
• Hieromartyr KARP Elb, of Estonia, priest (1869-1937)
• Hieromartyr presbyter NICANDER Grivskij, priest (1880-1940)
• SILUAN the Athonite, monk (1938) Elder of St Panteleimon Monastery, Mount Athos
Ὁ Ἅγιος Σιλουανὸς ὁ Ἁγιορείτης
Through his prayers and those of all Thy Saints, O Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen.
• Venerable AVRAAMIJ (Abraham, Abramius) 阿弗拉弥 of Mirozhsk, the builder and first hegumen of the Pskov Saviour-Transfiguration monastery on the banks of the River Velika, at the confluence into it of the Rivulet Mirozha (1158) Pskov
• New Martyr AHMED the Calligrafer (1682)
• AMATA (Amée), Nun of Haute-Marne (7th c.)
• ANATHALON (1st c.) the 1st Bishop of Milan in Italy, he was sent there by the Apostle Barnabas whose disciple he was
• ANTONIUS the Younger, Bishop of Monembasa
• BERCHTUN Abbot of Beverley, disciple of Saint John of Beverley
• Venerable COPRIOS 科普里 of Palestine, Monk (530)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Κόπρις
• DAVID 卫和 (in the world: Demetrius) of Serbia, nephew of King Stephan, monk (1286)
• Venerable DEINIOL the 1st Bishop of of Bangor, Wales (584)
• Venerabless DOROTHEA 多若德亚 Ladygina, Schemanun of Kashyn (1549-1629)
• ERINHARD (739) Monk. Prior. Born in Normandy, France. Died in the diocese of Fontenelle, France
• Righteous EUPHROSYNE daughter of St Paphnutius of Egypt
• FOELCHU of Finglas, County of Dublin
• Hosiosmartyr GALACTION 伽拉克特翁 of Vologda, monk, recluse (1612)
• Hosiosmartyr GERARD Sagredo (Collert) Bishop of Chonad, Apostle of Hungary (1046) martyred in Buda and his body was thrown into the Danube
• GEREMARUS (Germer) (658) monk, abbot and hermit at France
Born in Beauvais in the north of France, with the consent of his saintly wife he became a monk at the monastery of Pentale, where he later became abbot. He later lived as a hermit in a cave nearby. In 655 he founded the monastery of Flay, between Beauvais and Rouen, which became known as Saint-Germer.
• ISARNUS (Ysarn) 伊撒尔诺 of Toulouse (1048) a monk and an abbot
• Venerable New Hieroconfessor LEONTIUS Karpovich, Archimandrite, of Vilnius (1620) representative of the Kyivan Metropolia at the Polish Seyjm and defender of Orthodoxy (praised by St Peter Mohyla, St Athanasiy of Brest and Zachary (Kopistensky), Archimandrite of the Kyiv Caves Lavra in the work "Palinodia")
• LITH (Luth) of Mag Locha (Maghiocha) (6th c.)
• Sainted LUPUS Archbishop of Lyon (540)
• MAWGAN (5-6th c.)
• Venerable NIKANDER 尼堪德尔 hermit in Pskov, monk (1507-1581)
• Hosiosmartyr PAPHNUTIUS of Egypt (303) tortured on a rack then hanged from a palm tree in Egypt
• Martyress PERSA (Persissa, Persis, Persida)
Ἡ Ἁγία Πέρση (ἢ Περσίδα)
• Sainted RUPERT (Ruprecht, Hrodpert) Bishop of Salzburg, Enlighteneer of East Bavaria and Salzburg (716)
• RUSTICUS (Rotiri) (446) Bishop of Clermont in Auvergne in France 426-446
• Venerable STEFAN 斯特梵 (having accepted before death monastic tonsure with the name Simeon 西蒙) the First-Crowned, King of Serbia (1165-1228) regarded one of the most important of the long lasting Nemanjić dynasty
• Holy Protomartyress TECLA (Theckla, Tegla, Tecla, Teckla, Tekla or Thekla) 特克拉 of Iconium, Equal to the Apostles, Virgin of Isauria or Lycaonia, received her instructions in divine and evangelical knowledge from St Paul, and was eminent for her skill in sacred science, died in Isauria, and was buried at Seleucia (96)
Ἡ Ἁγία Θέκλα ἡ Ἰσαπόστολος
• Sainted THEODOR II, patriarch of Antioch (976)
• Sainted THEODOR III, patriarch of Antioch and the whole Orient (1042)
• Venerable THEODOSIJ Abbot of Skete in Man’ava, in western Ukraine (1629)
• Sainted VIRGILIUS Bishop of Salzburg, Enlighteneer (784)
• VLADISLAV 弗拉迪斯拉夫 Prince of Serbia (1267) son of holy King Stefan
• Tr.Rel. of WALBURGA (Walpurg, Walburg, Walburgh, Vaubourg, Walpurgis, Gauburge, Falbourg, Valburga, Waltpurde, Wilburga or Warpurg) to Zutphen; Nun at Wimborne, Dorset; Abs. of Heidenheim, Bavaria (779)
• Widow (17th c.) Fndr. of Convent of the Meeting
And He said unto me, "My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Cor. 12:9
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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