
суббота, 20 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 21/ October 8 •


October 21/ October 8
2018 (7527)
• Panagia NAUPAKTIOTISSA and the Battle of Lepanto // SUNDAY BETWEEN OCTOBER 7 AND 13 //
Synaxis of the Saints of VYATKA including:
• Venerable TRYPHON 特里丰 of Viatka, archmandrite (1612) // OCT 8 //
• Blessed PROCOPIUS of Viatka Fool for Christ (1625) // DC 21 // • Venerable hieromonk LEONID of Ust’nedumskij convent (1654) // JUK 17 // • Venerable STEPHAN of Filejskoje (1890) • New Hieromartyr archpriest NIKOLAI Pod’jakov (1918) // SEP 11 // New Hieromartyr archpriest PROCOPIUS Popov (1918) // SEP 30 // • New Hieromartyr presbiter ANATOLIJ Ivanovskij (1918) // OCT 17 // • New Hieromartyr presbiter VIKTOR Usov (1918// SEP 11 // • New Hieromartyr presbiter MICHAEL Tikhonitskij (1918) // SEP 7 // • Venerable MATTHEW of Jaransk (1927) • Confessor VIKTOR Ostrovidov bishop of Glazov (1934) // APR 19 // JUN 18 // • Martyress NINA Kuznetsova (1938) // MAY 1 // • Hieroconfessor archmandrite ALEXANDER Orudov (1961) // AUG 14 // SEP 5 //
Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (787) 纪念第七次神圣普世大公会议之诸位圣父师
Today the Church remembers the 350 holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council under the holy Patriarch Tarasius (February 25). The Synod of 787, the second to meet at Nicea, refuted the Iconoclast heresy during the reign of Empress Irene and her son Constantine VI. The Council decreed that the veneration of icons was not idolatry (Exodus 20:4-5), because the honor shown to them is not directed to the wood or paint, but passes to the prototype (the person depicted). It also upheld the possibility of depicting Christ, Who became man and took flesh at His Incarnation. The Father, on the other hand, cannot be represented in His eternal nature, because “no man has seen God at any time” (John 1:18). In Greek practice, the holy God-bearing Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council are commorated on October 11 (if it is a Sunday), or on the Sunday which follows October 11. According to the Slavic MENAION, however, if the eleventh falls on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, the service is moved to the preceding Sunday.
• Martyrdom of ABADIR and his sister IRAI at Alexandria (3rd c.)
• Virgin Martyresses PALATIAS a lady of Ancona converted to Christ by her slave LAURENTIA (302) martyred in Fermo near Ancona in Italy under Diocletian
• PORCARIA and PALLADIA of Sens (5th c.) Gaul
• Sisters VALERIA and POLLENA at Hennecourt, Diocese of Cambrai (7th c.)
• VMM EUSEBIA Abs., and 34 Nuns, at Marseilles (8th c.)
• Monks ISIDOR and DOROTHEUS of Palestina
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr DIMITRIJ (Ioann Dobrsedov) Archbishop of Mozhajsk (1937)
• Hieromartyr deacon IOANN Khrenov (1888-1937) of Moscow
• Hosiosmartyr AMVROSIUS (Alexis Astakihov), Archmandrite of Aksinyino, Moscow (1860-1937)
• Hosiosmartyr Abbot PACHOMIUS (Pavel Turkevich) of Moscow (1864-1937)
• Hosiosmartyress Nun TATIANA (1866-1937) at Butovo
• Martyr NIKOLAJ Rejn (1892-1937) of Moscow
• Martyress MARIA Volnukhina (1876-1937) of Moscow
• Martyress NADEZHDA Azhgerevich (1877-1937) of Moscow
• Hieromartyr JONAH (Ioann Lazarev) Bishop of Velizh and Nevel of Pskov (1869-1937) graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr SERAPHIM (Ioann Shcholokov) Archmandrite of Kashira (1877-1937) graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr PETR Nikotin, presbiter, archpriest (1889-1937)
• Hieromartyr VASILIJ Ozeretskovskij, presbiter, priest (1885-1937) of Moscow
• Hieromartyr PAVEL Preobrazhenskij, presbiter, archpriest (1882-1937)
• Hieromartyr PETR Ozeretskovskij, presbiter, priest (1889-1937) of Moscow
• Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Speranskij, presbiter, priest (1877-1937)
• Martyr VICTOR Frolov, ipodeacon (1913-1937)
• Martyr IOANN Rybin (1898-1937)
• Martyr NIKOLAI Kuz’min, singer in Church (1899-1937)
• Martyress ELISABETH Kuranova, singer in Church (1877-1937)
• Hosiosmartyr VARLAAM Efimov (1937)
• Blessed MARIA Filatova, Confessor of Orenburg, Nun (1937)
• Translation of Relics of AIDAN Bishop of Lindisfarne and Enlightener of Northumbria (651)
• AKAKIOS the New of Neochorion in Thessaloniki (1816)
• AMOR (Amour) of Aquitaine (9th c.) born in Aquitaine, he lived as a hermit in Maastricht. He later founded the convent of Münsterbilsen near Liège in Belgium
• ANTONY 安托尼 Bishop of Novgorod (1232)
• BADILO (870) a monk at Vezelay in France, he became Abbot of Leuze in Hainault in Belgium
Monk at Vezelay, France, leading the work to re-found the abbey after Moorish and Norman raids in the 8th century. Abbot of Leuze-en-Hainaut, Belgium.
• Virgin Martyress BENEDICTA (Benetta, Benita, Benedetta, Eulogia or Bettina) at Prigny-sur-Oise, Laon, Diocese of Soissonsin France
• Translation of the Relics of CEOLFRITH (Geoffrey), Abbot and Confessor of Wearmouth and Jarrow
• DINERTACH a monk of Clonmore
• Venerable DOSITHEUS 多西德奥 Abbot of Verkneostrov (1482) Pskov
Ὁ Ἅγιος Δοσίθεος τοῦ Βερκνεοστρόβ
• Translation (1052) of Relics of Sainted ERHARD Bishop of Regensburg (715)
• EUTHYMIOS the New of Peloponnesos (1814)
• EVODIUS (5th c.) Bishop of Rouen in France
• GRATUS (652) Bishop of Châlons-sur-Saône in France
• Sainted GUNTHER Bishop of Regensburg (940)
• Hosiosmartyr IGNATIUS 伊格纳提 the New of Bulgaria, monk in the Skete Prodromou on Mount Athos (1814) martyred in Constantinople
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰγνάτιος ὁ νέος Ὁσιομάρτυρας
• Martyr JOHN of Prusa (13-14th c.)
• Hermitess and Virgin KEYNA (Cain, Keyne, Ceinwen, Cenue,Kean, Kenya, Keinwey, Kainwen, Ceneu, Kenwyn, Cain-Wyryf, Cain Wyry, Cain the Maiden or Ceyn-Wyryf) (5th c.) born in Wales, she lived as an anchoress in Cornwall
Daughter of Saint Brychan of Brycheiniog. Fifth century anchoress in Cornwall, England where a church is dedicated to her. The town of Keynsham, Somerset, England may have been named for her.
Virgin Martyress LEOBERIA (Leoberta) at Origny-Ste-Benoite, Diocese of Soissons (4th c.)
• MELANIA (Melanthia, Melanthe, Melan, Melana, Malan or Melanie) the Elderess of Rome, Fndr. and Abs. of Convent on Mount of Olives in Jerusalem (410)
• Martyr NESTOR of Thessalonica (4th c.)
Young man martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. There is a legend of him being involved in gladatorial matches as a way to prove something about his faith, but it's apparently a late addition.
• Sainted NICHOLAS II Studites patriarch of Antioch and the Whole Orient (1030)
• Venerable Mother PELAGIA 佩拉吉亚 the Penitent 忏悔者 of Antioch and Palestine (457) passed herself off and disguised as the monk Pelagius at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem
Ἡ Ὁσία Πελαγία
Πελαγίας ὁσίας
Professional dancer. Attended a sermon by Saint Nonnus of Edessa during which he spoke of a stripper who worked to make herself beautiful and her dance perfect, but did nothing for the work of God. Pelagia immediately converted, confessed, was baptized, turned away from her former life, moved to Jerusalem, and lived as a hermit the rest of her days, possibly wearing men's clothes so people would leave her alone.
• 15th years old Virgin Martyress PELAGIA 佩拉吉亚 of Antioch (303)
Ἡ Ἁγία Πελαγία ἡ Παρθένος
Πελαγίας παρθενοµάρτυρος
The holy Virgin Martyr Pelagia was a fifteen-year-old girl when she suffered martyrdom in Antioch during the Diocletian persecution. When soldiers came to her home to seize her, Saint Pelagia jumped out the window in order to avoid defilement.
St John Chrysostom wrote: ``Her death came about not by natural causes but rather by the command of God.'' And he continues: ``Thus, this virginal body, more pure than any gold, lay on the ground; angels surrounded it, archangels honored it and Christ Himself was beside her.''
• Commemoration of PELAHIA Horlenko, first cousin of St Joasaph (Horlenko) Bishop of Bilhorod (18th c.)
• Martyr PETER of Seville in Spain
• PHILIP Bishop of Gortyna (180)
• PHILOTHEUS Patriarch of Constantinople (1379)
• Venerabless RAGNFRIED (Ragenfredis, Raginfredis, Reginfrede, Reinfrede, Rainfrede, Raginfledis, Rainfredis, Renfroie or Renfroy) Abs. of Monastery at Denain (Denais) in Hainault, Belgium (805)
• VM REPARATA (Margaret) at Caesarea in Palestine (250)
Baptized very young. Arrested and tortured for her faith at age 11 during the persecution of Decius. Thrown into a furnace to die, she sat for a while in the flames, then emerged unharmed. Rather than see this as divine intervention, the authorities simply offered her another chance to apostacize; when she refused, she was beheaded.
• Blessed ROMANA of Antioch, Deaconess (5th c.)
• Venerabless THAÏS (Taisia or Thaisis) 塔伊斯 the Repentant of Egypt, Pen. (340)
Ἡ Ἁγία Ταϊσία
Ταϊσίας ῾Οσίας
Following a long life of sin, Thais converted to Christianity, brought to the faith by Saint Paphnutius of Heracleopolis in Egypt. To avoid temptation and spend the next three years in prayer, she moved into a closed cell and would only communicate with her spiritual advisors Saint Anthony the Abbot, Saint Paul the Simple and Saint Paphnutius. After that she moved into a convent, but lived only two more weeks.
• Virgin TRIDUANA (Treddles, Triduna, Traddles, Tredwall, Trallen, Trallew, Tradlius, Tredwell, Tradwall, Trodlin, Tradwell or Trollhaena) (8th c.) Solitary at Rescobie (Forfarshire) and later at Restalrig (Lanarkshire), Scotland, Pat. of Kintradwell (Caithness) connected with St Regulus in Scotland. Her shrine was a centre of devotion and pilgrimage
Eighth century consecrated virgin who worked with Saint Regulus in Scotland. Her shrine was a centre of devotion and pilgrimage until destroyed in 1560 during the Scottish Reformation.
• Venerable TRYPHON 特里丰 of Viatka, archmandrite (1612) // OCT 8 //
• Hieroconfessor Martyr VARSIMEUS bishop of Edessa (105)
• Hermit YWI (Iwigius, Yvius, Iwi) of Lindisfarne (690) Deacon and Hermit of Wilton, Disciple of Saint Cuthbert
A monk at Lindisfarne in England, he was ordained deacon by St Cuthbert. His relics were later translated to Wilton near Salisbury
• Comm. of Church of the Holy Virgins at Cell na n-ingen (or nóebingen) at Armagh
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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