
среда, 24 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 25 / October 12 •


October 25 / October 12
2018 (7527)
• Translation from Malta to Gatchina of a part of the Life-Creating CROSS OF THE LORD; together with the PHILERMIA Icon of the Mother of God painted by the holy Evangelist Luke; and the right hand of Saint JOHN the Baptist (1799)
• The JERUSALEM Icon of the Mother of God (48) written by the holy Evangelist Luke in the 15th year after the Ascension of the Lord at Gethsemane
In 988 the icon was transferred to Korsun and given to the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles prince Vladimir. When the people of Novgorod accepted Christianity, Saint Vladimir then sent them this image.
• The YAROSLAVL-SMOLENSK Directress (the Smolensk Hodegetria) Icon of the Mother of God (1642)
• The RUDENSK Icon of the mother of God (1687) appeared in Rudno locale of Mogilevsk diocese
• Appearance (1812) standing in the air of the Icon of the Mother of God of KALUGA (1748) to Russian and French soldiers
• Synaxis of Panagia ELEFTHEROTRIA (the Liberator) in Salamina on the hill Patrice on the Saronic island of Greece. In 1998 the church was built over the ruins of a German gun emplacement, in commemoration of the liberation of the island in World War 2 (1944)
• Statue of Our Lady Aparecida (Our Lady Who Appeared) diocese of Brazil
• Our Lady of the Pillar (Nossa Senhora do Pilar, Nuestra Señora del Pilar)
Tradition says that in the early day of the Church, Saint James the Greater was spreading the Gospel in Spain, but making very little progress. He was dejected and questioning his mission. About 44, the Virgin Mary, who was still living in Jerusalem at the time, bi-located and appeared to him in a vision to boost his morale. In it, she was atop a column or pillar, which was being carried by angels. That pillar is believed to be the same one venerated in Zaragoza, Spain today. Miraculous healings reported at the scene.
Synaxis of All Saints of ATHENS
The Germans occupied Greece from 1941 until 1944. In the first year of the German occupation of Greece more than 300 000 civilians died from hunger - with Athens especially hit hard. Over 400 000 Greeks died during the Second World War, the vast majority civilians. On 12 October 1944 Athens was liberated from the German occupation and the government in exile returned. As the last German soldiers took the swastika down from the Acropolis and began to drive through the city towards the road north, they passed through crowds of Athenians in a state of joy, waving the blue and white Greek flags, embracing, while bells rang all over the city. It was a happy time for those in Athens who had survived the occupation, but their joy was not destined to last. They were about to enter the most divisive period of modern Greek history - the Greek Civil War. To commemorate the joy of this occasion, the Holy Archdiocese of Athens issued an encyclical on 22/30 September 1999 that a feast be held to commemorate in a synaxis "all those saints in the city of Athens and the surrounding districts: holy apostles, hierarchs and righteous who lived, struggled and died in her." This synaxis was to be celebrated annually on October 12th.
Among those commemorated are Sts PHILOTHEI, NEKTARIOS, DIONYSIUS the Areopagite, PAUL the Apostle and many others who were associated with the city of Athens.
• 70 Martyrs through the sword
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 70 Μάρτυρες
• Holy Martyrs TARACHUS 普若弗, PROBUS 塔拉霍 and ANDRONICUS 安德若尼科 in Cilicia (304) courageously suffered all sorts of tortures during various questionings and their lives were ended by the sword at Anazarbus
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Πρόβος, Τάραχος καὶ Ἀνδρόνικος οἱ Μάρτυρες
• Martyrdom of Hieromartyrs MAXIMILIANUS of Lorsch, bishop (284) founded the church of Lorsch near Passau and QUIRINUS (282-309) bishops of Noricum martyred in Cilli in Styria under Numerian
• Martyrs JUVENTINUS and MAXIMINUS (361- 363) through the sword under Julian Apostate
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἰουβεντίνος καὶ Μάξιμος (ἢ Μαξιμίνος) οἱ Μάρτυρες
• Martyrs ANDROMACHOS and DIODOROS murdered by fire
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἀνδρομάχος καὶ Διόδορος οἱ Μάρτυρες
• 4 996 Martyrs of Arian North Africa (483) died in the persecutions of the Vandals in Africa mandated by the Arian king Huneric. The persecuted Christians include bishops, priests, deacons and thousands of the lay faithful
• FELIX and CYPRIAN (484) bishops in North Africa, leaders of a great multitude of Orthodox - the number of 4 966 is usually given - driven to starvation and death in the Sahara Desert by the Arian Vandal King, Hunneric
• Holy Martyrs RHIPSIMIA and GAIANA of Armenia together with their Companions
• HERLINDA (Harlindis or Herlindis) and RELINDIS (also Renildis, Reinilda, Renula or Renule), Fnders. and Abbesses at Maeseyck ( “Maaseik” or “Maaseyck”) in Belgium (8th c.)
• A group of Martyrs either in Rome or else in Syria including EVAGRIUS, PRISCIAN and companions
• VALENTIOS, BARLAAM and BARNABAS monk, and BASILIUS bishop, GEORGE, GEORGE, GEORG and GEORGE and DIMITRIANOS bishop, IRENICUS, ELPIDIOS and EPAPHRODITUS of the “300 Allemagne saints” in Cyprus Οἱ Ἅγιοι Βαλάντιος, Βαρλαᾶμ, Βαρνάβας ὁ Μοναχός, Βασίλειος ὁ Ἐπίσκοπος, Γεώργιος ὁ Βαβατσινιώτης, Γεώργιος ὁ Ἐπιτηδειώτης, Γεώργιος ὁ Περαχωρίτης, Γεώργιος ὁ Σαλαμάνης, Δημητριανὸς ὁ Ἐπίσκοπος, Εἰρηνικὸς ἢ Ἀρνιακός, Ἐλπίδιος, Ἐπαφρόδιτος
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• EUPHROSYNE 艾弗福若西尼 (called Annushka Postnitsa (i.o. the Faster), Anna Mezenova) the Faster 持斋者, Schemaabbess of Siberia (1879-1918)
• Martyr and Confessor IOANN Letnikov (1860-1930)
• Hieromartyr JOHN Pommer Archbishop of Riga and Latvia (1934)
• Hosiosmartyr LAURENCE Levchenko, hieromonk (1893-1937)
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Pozdeevskiy, presbiter, priest (1868-1940) of Yaroslavl-Rostov
• Hieroconfessor NIKOLAI (Theodosy Mogilevskiy) of Alma-Ata, metropolitain (1877-1955)
• Venerable AMPHILOCHIUS 斐洛希 of Glushitsa Monastery, Abbot (1452) // VOLOGDA //
• VM ANASTASIA 阿纳斯塔西亚 of Rome (3rd c.) under Decius and Valerian
Ἡ Ἁγία Ἀναστασία ἡ Παρθένος
• Archimandrite ARSENIUS of Svyatogorsk Monastery (1859)
• BECC mac Dé, a celebrated prophet
• Sainted archbishop BRUNO the Great (925-965) in 953 he became Bishop of Köln in Germany
• Venerable COSMAS 科斯玛 of Maiuma the Hymnographer, bishop of Maiuma, near Palestinian Gaza (787)
He was a friend of St John Damascene, whose parents took him in as an orphan and raised him. As a monk, he assisted John in compiling the Octoechos, and he himself composed many canons to the saints. His canons on Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday and Passion Week are particularly distinguished by their beauty and profundity.
• Martyr DIOSCORUS (288) trough the sword
• VM DOMNICA 多穆尼纳 (Domnina) of Anazarbus in Cilicia (now Anavarza in Turkey) (286)
Ἡ Ἁγία Δομνίνη ἡ Μάρτυς
Young Christian woman tortured and martyred in the persecutions of Lysias.
• Martyr EDISTIUS (303) in Ravenna in Italy under Diocletian
• Martyr EDISTO (Aristo, Hedisto, Oreste, Rest) buried alive on 12 October (60) just off the Via Laurentina near modern Sant Oreste, Italy
Born to the imperial Roman nobility. Soldier. Equerry to emperor Nero. Convert, baptized by Saint Peter the Apostle. Betrayed by a servant for the crime of being a Christian during the persecutions of Nero, Edisto was captured by soldiers during a covert Mass with four other congregants. Martyr. A church was built over the site of the martyrdom, and the village of Sancti Heristi grew up around it; the village moved to the side of Mount Soratte for better defense against raiders; it's modern name is Sant Oreste. Relics were known to have been enshrined in the Sant'Edisto monastery outside the walls of Rome, Italy in the 7th century.
• Martyr EDWIN 埃德文 King of Northumbria (633) fell in battle at Hatfield Chase fighting against pagan Mercians and Welsh and was venerated as a martyr
A prince, born a pagan, the son of King Ella of Northumbria. King of Northumbria from 616 to 633. Married to Saint Ethelburga of Kent. Adult convert to Christianity, baptized in 627 by Saint Paulinus of York; first Christian King of Northumbria. Father of Saint Eanfleda of Whitby and Saint Edwen of Northumbria. Great-uncle of Saint Hilda of Whitby. Grandfather of Saint Elfleda. Worked for the evangelization of his people. Listed as a martyr as he died in battle with the pagan king, Penda of Mercia, an enemy of the Faith.
• EPICTETUS the Wonderworker, one of the “300 Allemagne Saints” in Cyprus (7th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἐπίκτητος ὁ Θαυματουργός
• ETHELBURGA (Æthelburh) of Barking (678)
The Venerable Bede wrote that "she showed herself in every way worthy of her brother, in holiness of life and constant solicitude for those under her care, attested by miracles from above."
• VM EXUPERIA (Sperie) Pat. of St. Céré, Diocese of Cahora (8th c.) legend says that the body picked up the head and carried it to a stream to wash away the blood
Born to a wealthy, landed family, the daughter of duke Serenus. As a young woman, Spérie wished to devote herself to God. When her family arranged a marriage for her to the neighboring lord Elidius, she disguised herself as a peasant and left home to live as a hermitess with a hollow tree for a shelter. Her brother Clarus either didn’t believe her or didn’t care; he tracked her down, demanded that she return with him, and when she refused, he became so angry that he murdered her.
• FIACC (Fiacc) the Bard, Bishop of Sletty in Ireland, poet, Friend of Saint Padraig and the reputed author of the metrical life of St Patrick in Irish, a document of undoubted antiquity and of prime importance as the earliest biography of the saint that has come down to us
Prince of Hy-Bairrche, Ireland; son of MacDara. Nephew of the famous bard and convert Dubhtach who taught him to sing. Married layman and father of one son, Fiacre, who was later ordained by Saint Patrick. Convert. Widower. Ordained as a missionary bishop for Leinster, Ireland by Saint Patrick. Founded the churches and monasteries of Domnach-Fiech and Sletty. Known for his severe fasts during Lent. Poet; may have been the author of a metrical life of Saint Patrick, in Irish, said to be the earliest biography of the saint. Though he suffered from an unnamed, painful condition in his later years, he continued to travel his region right up to his death.
• Sainted JASON 雅颂 Bishop of Damascus, reposed in peace
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰάσων Ἐπίσκοπος Δαμασκοῦ
• JELENA (Helen or Yelena) Jakshich-Brancovich, Wife of Despot Jovan (also John) Brankovich (16th c.)
• Venerable MACARIUS 玛喀里 of Glushitsa Monastery, Abbot (1462) // VOLOGDA //
• Martyress MALPHETHA slain by an arrow
Ἡ Ἁγία Μαλφεθᾶ ἡ Μάρτυς
• Sainted MARTIN 玛尔提诺 the Merciful 仁慈者 Bishop of Tours (400)
• MAXIMILIAN 玛克西弥利安 of Lorch (284) bishop of Lorch near Passau, Germany
• Venerable MÓIBHÍ 默博西 the Teacher of Glasnevin (545) Dublin
• MONAS (249) Bishop of Milan in Italy from 193 for fifty-six years. He lived through several persecutions
• Deacon OPILIO of Piacenza (5th c.)
Brother of Saint Gelasius. As a child, he was known to share the food of his daily meals with the poor. Deacon in Piacenza, Italy noted for his charity and personal piety.
• PANTALUS Bishop of Basle in Switzerland
• Glorification (2009) of Sainted PHILARET (Dmitry Gumilevsky) archbishop of Chernigov (1805-1866)
• SALVINUS (562) Bishop of Verona in Italy. His relics are enshrined in St Stephen's church there
• Returning of the relics Venerable and God-bearing Father SABBAS the Sanctified (439-532) from Rome to the monastery of Massaba in Jordan on October 24 (1965) to Jerusalem
• SYMEON 西麦翁 the New Theologian 新神学家 (1022)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Συμεὼν ὁ Νέος Θεολόγος
• Venerable TARASIUS 塔拉西 of Glushitsa Monastery, Abbot (1440) // VOLOGDA //
• Venerable THEODOSIUS 德奥多西 of Glushitsa Monastery, monk (1473) // VOLOGDA //
• Venerable THEOSEBIUS 德奥塞维 the God-bearer 心怀上帝者, Bishop of Arsinoe in Cyprus
Ὁ Ὅσιος Θεοσέβιος ὁ Ἀρσινοΐτης
• Sainted THEODOTUS 德奥多特 Bishop of Ephesus (250)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Θεόδοτος Ἐπίσκοπος Ἐφέσου
• Translation (870) of Relics from Heidenheim to Eichstätt of Venerable WALBURGA (Walpurg, Walburg, Walburgh, Vaubourg, Walpurgis, Gauburge, Falbourg, Valburga, Waltpurde, Wilburga or Warpurg) Nun at Wimborne, Dorset; Abs. of Heidenheim (779) Bavaria
• Sainted WILFRITH (Wilfrid) 维尔弗里德 Bishop and Confessor of York (633-709)
• Translaton of Relics of Holy WOLFGANG Archbishop of Regensburg (994)
• Memory of the good robber, also called ZOATHAN (Dimas, Dymas, Dismas) (30) in Jerusalem
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018