
пятница, 26 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 27 / October 14 •


October 27 / October 14
2018 (7527)
• "YAKHROM" (1482) Icon of the Mother of God
The Yakhromsk Icon of the Mother of God appeared to the lad Kosma (Comm. 18 February), whilst accompanying a sick person. Kosma had stopped at the bank of the Yakhroma River, not far from Vladimir, and the sick person fell asleep. Kosma suddenly saw a bright light and heard a voice: "Attend to and consider thou words of life, show a life God-pleasing and desire the joy of the righteous, and then delight thou of eternal blessings". The light had come from an icon of the Uspenie-Dormition of the MostHoly Mother of God, upon a tree. The lad Kosma took hold the icon, carried it over to the sick person, and that one immediately was healed. Kosma after this set out for the Kievo-Pechersk monastery, where he was tonsured and grew in his own spiritual efforts. The Monk Kosma later upon an inspiration from God took with him the wonderworking icon and withdrew to the bank of the Yakhroma at the place, where he had found the icon. The Monk Kosma built a church, in honour of the Uspenie of the Mother of God, and installed within it the Yakromsk Icon. A monastery later formed there.
• Synaxis of the Saints of BARKING // SATURDAY AFTER OCT 11 //
The Monastery at Barking was founded in 666 AD and dedicated to the Mother of God. From the late tenth century the abbey followed the Rule of Saint Benedict. The abbey had a large endowment and sizeable income but suffered severely after 1377, when the River Thames flooded around 720 acres (290 ha) of the abbey's land, which was unable to be reclaimed. Despite this, at the time of the dissolution it was still the third wealthiest nunnery in England. In 870 Barking was sacked by the Danes. Possibly the Holy Monastery was then deserted. In 970 it was re-founded as the Monastery of the Mother of God and Saint Ethelburga. The abbey existed for almost 900 years, until its closure in 1539, as part of King Henry VIII's Dissolution of the Monasteries. It had many notable abbesses including several saints, former queens and the daughters of kings. The abbess of Barking held precedence over all other abbesses in England. The ruined remains of Barking Abbey now form part of a public open space known as Abbey Green. It is recognizable for its partially restored Grade-II Listed Curfew Tower, which features on the coat of arms of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham.
Here are the main saints associated with the monastery, some of whom feature in the icon above. Various spellings of the names of the Saints are in use.
• ERKENWALD “the Light of London”, Abbot of Chertsey, Founder of Barking, later Bishop of London (693) // APR 30 //
• ETHELBURGA 1st Abbess of Barking (675) sister of St Erkenwald // OCT 11 //
• HILDELITH 2nd Abbess of Barking (712) Spiritual Mother of St Ethelburga // MAR 24 //
• THEOGIRTHA 1st Novice Mistress of Barking (681) // JAN 26 //
• CUTHBERGA Queen of Northumbria, Nun of Barking, 1st Abbess of Wimborne (725) // AUG 31 //
• CWENBURGA Nun of Barking, 2nd Abbess of Wimborne (735) // AUG 31 //
• ETHELBURGA Queen of Wessex, Nun of Barking (740) // FEB 6 //
• The Nuns of Barking martyred by the Danes (870)
• EDGAR the Peaceable, King of England, Re-founder of Barking (975) // JUL 8 //
• DUNSTAN Archbishop of Canterbury, Re-founder of Barking, (988) // MAY 19 //
• WULFHILD 1st Abbess of Barking after the re-foundation (1000) // SEP 9 //
• Holy Martyrs NAZARIUS 纳匝里, GERVASIUS 格尔瓦西, PROTASIUS 普若塔西 and CELSUS 凯尔索 at Milan (64) contested for the faith in Milan, and were beheaded under the Emperor Nero. Many years later, their relics were discovered by St Ambrose through a vision, and were given honorable burial
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ναζάριος, Προτάσιος, Γερβάσιος καὶ Κέλσιος οἱ Μάρτυρες
Thy Martyrs, O Lord, in their courageous contest for Thee received as the prize the crowns of incorruption and life from Thee, our immortal God. For since they possessed Thy strength, they cast down the tyrants and wholly destroyed the demons' strengthless presumption. O Christ God, by their prayers, save our souls, since Thou art merciful.
• MM FORTUNATA and her brothers CARPONIUS, EVARISTUS and PRISCIANUS, at Caesaria in Palestine, Cappadocia (in modern Turkey) (303) martyred together in the persecutions of Diocletian; relics enshrined in Naples, Italy
• Hieromartyr SILVANUS 西尔瓦诺 of Gaza with 40 Christian soldiers of Egypt (311) beheaded together in Palestine
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σιλβανὸς ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας ὁ Γέρων
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 40 Μάρτυρες ἀπὸ τὴν Αἴγυπτο καὶ Παλαιστίνη
• MM MODESTO and LUPULO of Capua, Campania, Italy
• MM LUPUS and AURELIA at Córdoba
• MM LUPUS (Lupulo) and SATURNINUS of Caesarea, Cappadocia (in modern Turkey)
• Emperor JUSTINIAN and his wife THEODORA
• Death of HAROLD Godwinson, last Orthodox king of England, and those killed with him at the Battle of Hastings (1066)
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromatyr MICHAEL Lektorskiy, presbiter, priest (1872-1921)
• Hieroconfessor AMBROSE (Alexander Pol’anskiy) Bishop of Kamenetz-Podolsk (1878-1932)
• Hieromatyr PETER Lebedev, presbiter, priest (1889-1937)
• Hosiosmartyr MAXIMILIAN (Michael Marchenko), hegumenos (1871-1938)
• PACHOMIOS (Panagiotis Arelias) of Chios (1840-1905)
• ANGADRISMA (Angadresima or Angadrême de Renty) Nun at Fontenelle, Abs. of L’Oroir (Oroër-des-Vierges) near Beauvais (695)
Cousin of Saint Lambert of Lyon. Educated in Therouanne by Lambert and Saint Omer. She felt drawn to religious life from an early age, but was promised in an arranged marriage to Saint Ansbert of Chaussy. Dreading marriage, Angadrisma prayed for a miracle to prevent it; she was striken with leprosy. The marriage was broken off, Ansbert married some one else, and Angadrisma became a nun; the leprosy was cured the moment she received the veil from Saint Ouen, archbishop of Rouen. Abbess of the Benedictine monastery of Oroër-des-Vierge near Beauvais, France. Miracle worker. Once stopped a fire that was about to destroy her monastery by praying while holding up the relics of the house's founder, Saint Ebrulf of Ouche.
• BERNARD of Arce (9th c.) a hermit in Arpino in Italy. His relics are enshrined in Rocca d'Arce
• Sainted BURCHARD 布尔察德 Bishop of Würzburg and English missionary to Germany (755) founder of several monasteries, of which the most important was St Andrew's, later named after him
• Hieromartyr Bishop CALLISTUS I of Rome (222) martyred in Todi in Italy; legend says he was killed by being thrown down a well with a millstone around his neck, but there is no solid evidence
• CELESTE (Celestio, Céleste, Celestius) of Metz (3-4th c.) Priest. Evangelist in the area of Metz, France. Second bishop of Metz
• Priest COLUM of Inis-caoin in Loch Melghe
• Venerable Father COSMAS 科斯玛 the Hagiopolite the Hymnographer (760) Bishop of Maiuma, the Poet
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κοσμᾶς ὁ Μελωδός
• COSMAS 科斯玛 founder and abbot of Yakhromsk Monastery (1494) Vladimir
• DONATIAN (Donas) Bishop of Rheims in France (390) patron-saint of Bruges in Belgium
• Venerable hierodeacon EUTHYMIUS 艾弗提弥 the New of Thessalonica (889) monk of Mt Athos
• FORTUNATUS of Todi (537) a Bishop of Todi in Italy, who saved the city from being sacked by Totila the Goth
Bishop of Todi, Italy. Saved Todi from being sacked by Totila the Goth. Converted many and showed the power of God over idols by destroying a temple of Pan and using the materials to build a church.
• Martyress FORTUNATA of Rome (148)
• Hieromartyr GAUDENTIUS Bishop of of Rimini in Italy (360) suffered much at the hands of the Arians who dominated the Council of 357 and he was martyred by them
Immigrant to Rome, Italy c.308; ordained there in 332. Evangelizing bishop of Rimini, Italy in 346. Ordained Saint Marinus as deacon. Attended the Council of Rimini in 359 which condemned Arianism. Murdered by Arians.
• Blessed Venerable GERVASIUS of Caracallou on Mount Athos, monk, Fool for Christ (1830)
• GREGOR Bishop of Assos / Mytilene
• Sainted IGNATIUS 伊格纳提 Agallianos from Methymna Metropolitan of Lesbos, monastery founder and Wonderworker (1566)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰγνάτιος ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ Ἀγαλλιανός Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Μηθύμνης
• JOHN the Lampadiste of Cyprus
• JUSTUS Bishop of Lyons (390) a hermit in Egypt // SEP 2 // OCT 14 //
• MANACCUS (Manakus, Manaccus) Abbot of Caer Gybi (Holyhead) in Wales
Sixth century monk. Abbot at Caer Gybi in Holyhead, Anglesey, Wales. Worked with Saint Cuby of Caernarvon. Manaccan, Cornwall is named for him.
• MANECHILDIS (Menechildis, Manechild, Manehild, Manehildis, Manegildis or Ménéhould) at Châlons, Solitary at Bienville on the Marne, Pat. of St. Ménéhould on the Aisne River (6th c.)
Youngest of seven sisters, all of whom are honoured as saints in parts of Champagne, France. Hermitess. Nun, receiving the veil from Saint Alpinus.
• MENEHOULD (5th c.)
Patron-saint of the town in France which is named after her. Her five sisters were also honoured as saints.
• Nameday of NAZARIUS Abbot of Valaam
• Venerable Monk NICHOLA 尼科拉 Svyatosha 斯维雅托沙 (i.o. the Pious), Prince of Chernigov, Wonderworker, of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1143) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Antony Near Caves of the Lavra // OCT 14 //
Ὁ Ὅσιος Νικόλαος ὁ Θαυματουργός καὶ ἁπλὸς ὁ ἐν τῷ Σπηλαίῳ, δούκας Τζερνηγοβιγίας
• Tr.Rel. of NOTBURGA (Noitburgis) from Cologne to Coblenz, Nun (710)
• Martyr PANTELEIMON in Asia Minor
• Venerabless PARASCEVA 帕拉斯凯维 PETKA (Parasceve, Paraskeve, Paraskeva, Parascevia, Piatnitza (i.o. Friday) or Petka) the "Younger"or "the New" of Epibatima in Thrace (1050) whose relics are in Iaşi (Jassy) in Romania; and Commemoration of the Miracle of St Paraskevi on the island of Chios (1442)
Ἡ Ὁσία Παρασκευὴ ἡ Νέα
• Martyr PETER 裴特若 Apselamus 阿普塞拉默 of Eleutheropolis in Palestine (309) burned in fire
Ὁ Ἅγιος Πέτρος ὁ Αὐσελάμου
• Sainted RUSTICUS Bishop of Trier in Germany (574) Bishop of Trier in Germany. He resigned to live at the hermitage of St Goar
Bishop of Trier, Germany. Accused of sexual impurity, Rusticus feared the scandal would harm the faith of this parishioners, so he resigned and spent his remaining days as a hermit at Saint Goar.
• SELEVAN (Levan) of Cornwall
• Bishop THERAPON martyred on Cyprus
• Bishop VENANZIO of Luni (7th c.)
Bishop of Luni, Italy from 594 to c.604. Friend of Saint Gregory the Great who wrote about Venanzio’s personal piety and his apostolic zeal.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018