
пятница, 19 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 20 / October 7 •


October 20 / October 7
2018 (7527)
• ELEOUSA (“Tenderness”) Icon of Theotocos of Pskov Cave Monastery (1524)
The October 7 commemoration was established in thanksgiving for the deliverance of Pskov from the invading army of Napoleon in 1812.
• Synaxis of PANAGIA NAFPAKTIOTISSA (Virgin of Nafpaktos) (1571)
Μνήμη Παναγίας Ναυπακτιώτισσας
• Synaxis of the Mother of God in memory of the victory of the Spanish fleet and the rebellious Greeks against the Muslims in Lepanto
• Holy Martyrs SERGIUS 塞尔吉 and BACCHUS 瓦克霍 (297) by the sword
Σεργίου καὶ Βάκχου τῶν µαρτύρων
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Σέργιος καὶ Βάκχος
• MM presbiter JULIAN 犹利安 and deacon CAESAR 凯撒里 (42) in Terracina
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἰουλιανὸς ὁ πρεσβύτερος καὶ Καισάριος ὁ διάκονος
᾽Ιουλιανοῦ πρεσβυτέρου
• Venerable JOHN the Hermit of Crete and 99 Monks of Crete
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰωάννης καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῷ Ὅσιοι 99 Πατέρες ποὺ ἀσκήτευσαν στὴν Κρήτη
These 99 martyrs were from Crete. The most prominent among them was called John, and he was known as a wonderworker. He knelt so much in prayer that he was not able to walk, and had to move about on his knees. One day a woodsman saw him going about in this way. Thinking that it was some wild animal, he shot the saint with an arrow. It is said that the other 99 Fathers also died on that same day.
• MM presbyter EUSEBIUS 艾弗塞维 and FELIX 斐利克斯 in Terracina (1st c.) beheaded by sword and drowned in the river under Claudianus. Suffered together with Sts Julian and Caesarius whom we commemorate today
• MM MARCELLUS and APULEIUS in Capua in Italy
• Martyrdom of St EUSTATHIUS and his family (118)
• Holy Hieromartyr presbiter POLYCHRONIUS 颇利赫若尼 of Gamphanitus (331) with 10 companions: PARMENIAS, POLYTELEIOS, ELYMOS, MOCIUS, CHRYSOTELIS, MAXIMUS, LUKE, OBADIAH, SEMNIOS and OLYMPIADA (4th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Πολυχρόνιος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας
Πολυχρονίου ἱεροµάρτυρος
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Παρμενίας, Πολυτέλειος, Ἐλυμᾶς, Μώκιος, Χρυσοτέλης, Μάξιμος, Λουκᾶς, Ἀβδίας, Σέμνιος καὶ Ὀλυμπιάδα
• The 7 Holy Virginal Girls of the Termon of Ard-Macha
• FRANCA, PROMPTIA and POSSENA, Sisters of St Helanus of Cornwall
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• New Confessor Sainted hieromonk JONAH 约纳 (Vladimir Pokrovskij) Bishop of Hankou and Manzhouli reposed in Manzhouli (1888-1925) at China
By the prayers of our holy hierarch, the newly glorified Saint Jonah, help us, O Lord, to make this our earnest intent.
• Uncovering of the relics (1906) of JOHN Triantaphyllides the New Chrysostom and Merciful of Chaldia in Asia Minor (1903)
• New Hieromartyr NIKOLAJ Kaznskij, presbiter, archpriest (1874-1942)
• New Hieromartyr presbiter VALENTINE 瓦伦廷 Sventitsky (1931)
• ADALGIS (850) Bishop of Novara in Italy 830-850. He is buried in the church of San Gaudenzio
Member of the court of Emperor Lothair I of the Franks. Bishop of Novara, Italy c.830.
• AUGUSTUS (6th cent.) Abbot of Bourges in France and a friend of St Germanus of Paris. He is notable for discovering the relics of St Ursinus, Apostle of that region
Friend of Saint Germanus of Paris. Monk. Abbot of Bourges, France. Discovered the relics of Saint Ursinus.
• CANOG (Cenneur, Cynog) Son of Saint Brychan of Brecknock (492) Martyred by barbarians in Merthyr-Cynog. Several churches in Wales were dedicated to him
• CELLACH the Saxon from Glendalough, i.e. in Hui Máil is deacon Cellach, in Disert Cellaig to the south-east of Glendalough
• Sainted DUBTACH 杜布塔奇 (513) Archbishop of Armagh in Ireland from 497 to c 513
• DUBHTHACH Mac Ua Lugair
• HELANUS (Helen) of Rheims (of Cornwall), Hermit (6th c..) Born in Ireland, he went to France with 9 other members of his family, 6 brothers and 3 sisters, and settled near Rheims. He became a priest and ministered there
• Hieromartyr JOSEPH 约熙福 Dschandieri Elder of Mokhevi (1763) Catholicos and Wonderwoker of Georgia
• Virgin Martyress JULIA at Resapha in Syria (4th c.)
• Virgin Martyress JUSTINA of Padua (300) in Italy under Diocletian
Young woman who took private vows of chastity and devotion to God. Martyr in the persecutions of Diocletian. Some mideaval documents describe her as a disciple of Saint Peter the Apostle, but that's impossible. She is sometimes depicted in art as a nun, but never was, and some artists may have confused her with Saint Scholastica.
• LEONTIUS the Proconsul of the rulers (1st c.)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Λεόντιος ὁ Ὑπατικὸς, Εὐσέβιος ὁ Πρεσβύτερος καὶ Φήλιξ
• Virgin Martyress LIBARIA (Leobaria or Livière) Pat. of Grand (Vosges), France (4th c.) beheaded in 362 at the 2nd milepost of Apollogranum, Gaul (in modern France)
Born to an imperial Roman patrician family, the daughter of Baccius Lientrude and sister of Saint Amée, Saint Francule, Saint Gontrude, Saint Hoilde, Saint Lintrude, Saint Menne, Saint Ode, Saint Pusinne and Saint Suzanne. She worked for her family as a shepherdess, spending her time with the flocks spinning, praying and singing hymns. While travelling, emperor Julian the Apostate found her in the field and tried to get her to renounce Christianity by showing her a golden statue of Apollo; she struck it with her distaff and the statue fell apart. Martyr. Legend says that a healing spring sprang from the place of her murder, and that her body picked up the severed head and carried it back to town where she combed out the hair to make it more presentable before burial.
• MARK I Pope of Rome (336)
Son of Priscus. Chosen 34th pope; he reigned less than a year. Believed to have built the basilica of San Marco in Rome, Italy and the Juxta Pallacinis basilica just outside the city. Issued a constitution confirming the power of the bishop of Ostia to consecrate newly elected popes. Little else is known of his life or reign.
• Uncovering (1513) of Relics of Venerable MARTINIAN 玛尔提尼安 Abbot of Belozersk (i.e.White Lake)(1483)
• Martyress OSYTH 奥西特 (Osith, Osythe, Osgyth, Toosey or Sythe) a princess of the Hwiccas in the west of England (700) Fndr. and Abs. of monastery in Chich (Crich), Essex in England
Born a princess, the daughter of Frewald, a Merclan prince of the Hwiccan tribe. Niece to Editha, to whom belonged the town and manor of Ailesbury, and who raised Osith. Educated at the convent school at Aylesbury. Though she was drawn to religious life, Osith was married young to Sighere, king of the East Angles. After giving birth to Offa, who became king of the Angles, Osith became celibate with her husband's consent. He gave her the manor at Chick, which became a monastery under her rule. Killed by Danish invaders for supporting area Christians.
• Virgin Martyress PELAGIA 佩拉吉亚 of Tarsus in Asia Minor (290) deemed worthy of most strange and divine visions // OCT 7 // MAY 4 //
• PALLADIUS (590) Bishop of Saintes in France (570-590)
• Venerable SERGIUS 塞尔吉 the Obedient 听命者 of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1196) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Antony Near Caves of the Lavra
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σέργιος ὁ ἐν τῷ Σπηλαίῳ
• Venerable SERGIUS 塞尔吉 of Obnorsk abbot of Monastery at bank of the River Nurma of Vologda (1412) disciple of St Sergius of Radonezh
• Translation (1052) of Relics of Sainted VOLFGANG bishop of Regensburg and Confrssor in Noricum (924-994) to Regensburg
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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