
вторник, 23 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 24 / October 11 •


October 24 / October 11
2018 (7527)
• Commemoration of the Miracle of the Icon of Our Lord Jesus Christ in BERET (669) of Phoenecia
• Icon of Theotokos named VODODATEL’NITSA (i.o. She Who Give a Water) (19th c.)
• Feast of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Commemorates Mary's divine motherhood, her dignity as Mother of God, and refers also to her spiritual motherhood of men. It was first granted to Portugal, Brazil, and Algeria in 1751; it is now of almost universal observance. Under this title Poland celebrates the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland.
Synaxis of the Saints of OPTINA (1996) 纪念奥普提纳精舍全体圣徒
This feast commemorates a few of the holy Fathers who made the Optina Hermitage (Pustyn) a focus for the powerful renewal movement that spread through the Church in Russia beginning early in the nineteenth century, and continuing up to (and even into) the atheist persecutions of the twentieth century. Saint Paisius Velichkovsky (November 15) was powerfully influential in bringing the almost-lost hesychastic tradition of Orthodox spirituality to Russia in the eighteenth century, and his labors found in Optina Monastery a 'headquarters' from which they spread throughout the Russian land. The monastery itself had been in existence since at least the sixteenth century, but had fallen into decay through the anti-monastic policies of Catherine II and other modernizing rulers. Around 1790, Metropolitan Platon of Moscow undertook a mission to restore and revive the monastery in the tradition set forth by St Paisius. By the early 1800s the monastery (located about 80 miles from Moscow) had become a beacon of Orthodox spirituality, partly through their publication of Orthodox spiritual texts, but more importantly through the lineage of divinely-enlightened spiritual fathers (startsi, plural of starets) who served as guides to those, noble and peasant, who flocked to the monastery for their holy counsel. The fathers aroused some controversy in their own day; a few critics (some of them from other monasteries) disapproved of their allowing the Jesus Prayer to become widely-known among the people, fearing that it would give rise to spiritual delusion (prelest). For a wonderful depiction of the deep influence of the Jesus Prayer on Russian life during this period, read the anonymously-written Way of a Pilgrim. With the coming of the Russian Revolution in 1917, the monastery was of course officially shut down, but some of the Fathers were able to keep it running for a time as an 'agricultural legion'. Over the years, most of the Fathers were dispersed, to die in exile, in prison camps, or by the firing squad. Many of them are known to have continued to function as startsi to their spiritual children, despite great danger and hardship, for the remainder of their time on earth.
Today the Church honors the memory of the holy Elders of Optina Monastery.
• Venerable hieroschemamonk Elder LEONID 莱奥尼德 (Lev Nagolkin) of Optina (1768—1841) // OCT 11 //
Founder and inspirer of the Optina spiritual fathers. The whole life of this Elder was an expression of evangelical love, passing in the service of God and fellow. With deeds, unceasing prayer, and with God-like humility, he obtained the abundant gifts of the Holy Spirit.
• Venerable hieroschemamonk MACARIUS 玛喀里 (Mikhail Ivanov) (1788—1860) // SEPT 7 //
• Venerable schemaarchmandrite MOSES 摩西 (Timothei Putilov) (1782—1862) // JUN 16 //
• Venerable schemaabbot ANTHONY 安托尼 (Alexander Putilov) (1795—1865) brother of Elder Moses of Optina // AUG 7 //
• Venerable hieromonk HILARION 伊拉里雍 (Rodion Ponomaröv) (1805—1873) // SEP 18 //
• Venerable Elder hieroschemamonk AMBROSE 安弗若西 (Alexander Grenkov) of Optina (1812—1891) // JUN 27 // OCT 10 //
• Venerable hieroschemamonk ANATOLE 阿纳托利 the Elder 长者 (Alexis Zertsalov) (1824—1894) // JAN 25 //
• Venerable schemaarchmandrite ISAAC 伊撒克 I 第一 (Ivan Antimonov) (1810—1894) // AUG 22 //
• Venerable hieroschemamonk JOSEPH 约熙福 (Ivan Litovkin) (1837—1911) // MAY 9 //
• Venerable schemaarchmandrite VARSONOFY 瓦尔撒努斐 (Pavel Plikhankov) (1845—1913) // APR 1 //
• Venerable hieroschemamonk ANATOLE 阿纳托利 the Younger 幼者 (Alexander Potapov) (1855—1922) // JUL 30 //
• Venerable hieromonk NECTARIUS 奈克塔里 (Nikolai Tikhonov) (1853—1928) // APR 29 //
• Venerable hieromonk NIKON 尼孔 (Nikolai Bel’ayev) the Confessor 宣信者 (1888—1931) // JUN 25 //
• Hieromartyr archmandrite ISAAC 伊撒克 II 第二 (Ivan Bobrakov) (1865—1938) was shot by the Bolsheviks // DEC 26 //
• Holy Martyresses ZINAIDA 兹纳伊斯 (Zinaida, Zenaida, Zena, Zinaïs or Zenaïs) and PHILONILLA 斐洛尼拉 (Philonida or Philonella) the Unmercenary Healer (100) of Tarsus in Cilicia. Called the kinswomen of St Paul the Apostle
Οἱ Ἁγίες Ζηναΐδα καὶ Φιλονίλλα
• VM PIENTIA of La Roche Guyon (Gaul) together with M CLAIRUS (3rd c.)
• Martyrs ANDRONICUS of Ephesus, TARACHUS (Tharacus) of Cladiopolis and PROBUS of Side (304) tried and tortured for the crime of Christianity in Tarsus, Mopsuestia and Anazarbus in Cilicia during the persecutions of Galerius and Diocletian; local Christians at each town made records of the examinations and abuse
• Brothers and Sisters MM Virgins GONTRUDE (Gontrudis), ODA and SUZANNA (Susanna) together with MM EUCHARIUS (Eucherius or Eucharis) and ELOPHUS (Elaphe, Elophius, Elaphius or Elapius) at Toul (4th c.)
• VM EUSEBIA Abs. at Marseilles, together with 40 Nun Martyrs at Saint-Cyr (731) France
• MM ANASTASIUS a priest, PLACID, GENESIUS and Companions
• Martyrs NICASIUS, PIENZA, QUIRINUS and SCUBICOLUS of Vilcassin; died at Vexin Lugdunense territory of Gaul (modern Vilcassin, France)
• LOMAN and FORTCHERN of Trim, County Meath saints associated with the mission of St Patrick
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr PHILARET Velikanov, presbiter, priest (1873-1918)
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Grivskiy, presbiter, priest (1874-1918)
• Hosiosmartyr hieromonk IOANN (Pavel Larinov) from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1876-1937) Ukraine
• Hieromartyr JUVENALIY (Evgeniy Maslovskiy) archbishop of Ryazan’ (1878-1937)
• AGILBERT (Aglibert) (685) Bishop of Paris
• Martyrdom of ANASTASIA of Rome (3rd c.)
• Venerable ANASTASIUS the Apocrisarius (666) died near the Tzager fortress in the Caucasus mountains
Monk. Priest. Apocrisarius (special diplomatic envoy) in Rome. Accompanied Saint Maximus the Confessor into exile.
• ANSILIO (7th c.) a monk whose relics were enshrined at the monastery of Lagny in the north of France
• Sainted ARCADIUS (Arsakios) 阿尔喀迪 patriarch of Constantinople (405)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Νεκτάριος, Ἀρσάκιος καὶ Σισίνιος Πατριάρχες Κωνσταντινουπόλεως
• Sainted ATTIKOS patriarch of Constantinople (425)
• Sainted archbishop BRUNO the Great (925-965) in 953 he became Bishop of Köln in Germany
• EMILIAN a hermit in Rennes in Brittany
The Roman Martyrology states that Saint Emilian was a recluse at Rennes in Brittany; however, no saint of this name is recorded locally. It is suggested that there may be some confusion and that the saint may be Bishop Melanius of Rennes.
• Venerable ETHELBURGA (Edelburge, Ethel, Ethelburgh, Aedilburh or Aethelburh) 埃特尔布尔伽 sister of St Erconwald of London, First Abs. of Monastery at Barking in Essex (678) England
Sister of Saint Erconwald of London. Spiritual student of Saint Hildelith of Barking First abbess of Barking Abbey in Essex, England.
This Saint Ethelburga should not be confused with another saint of the same name (April 5), who was married to the holy martyred King Edwin of Northumbria (October 12).
• Hosiosmartyr EUFRIDUS (7th c.) a monk near Asti in Italy, whose relics were venerated in the Cathedral of Alba in Piedmont
Seventh-century Benedictine monk near Asti, Italy. Abbot. Martyred by invading Saracens in the Piedmont region of Italy .
• FIRMINUS Bishop of Uzès (553)
• Hieromartyr GERMANUS of Besançon (390) followed St Desideratus as Bishop of Besançon in France and by tradition was martyred by Arians
• Venerable GERMANOS "Maroulis" the Hagiorite (1336)
• GRATUS (506) the 1st bishop of Oloron in the south of France
• Venerable GUMMARUS (Gomer) 艮玛尔 Confessor of Lierre (Lier) in Belgium reposed as a hermit (717-775)
Son of the Lord of Emblem, a court official. Gummarus received no formal education but grew up serving in the court of Pepin the Short. He married a shrewish noble woman name Guinmarie; they had no children. Soldier in the army of Pepin, serving eight years in the field in Lombardy, Saxony, and the Aquitaine. In his absence, his wife abused the servants and withheld funds for their support. On his return, Gummarus tried to convert her to active Christianity, failed, and they separated in their later years. He became a hermit at Nivesonck. With Saint Rumald, he founded an abbey at Lier, Belgium.
• GUIADENZIO (Razdim) of Gniezno
Brother of Saint Adalbert of Prague. Benedictine monk at the abbey of Saint Alexius in Rome, Italy. Priest. Assisted with evangelizing work of Saint Adalbert. Imprisoned with his brother for his faith. Archbishop of Gniezno, Poland in 1000.
• Venerable JONAS the Wonderworker of Pergamo in Cyprus
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Θεοφάνης, Σολέας καὶ Ἰωνᾶς οἱ ἐν Περγάμῳ τῆς Κύπρου
• JULIANA (Julia) a Former Slave, servant girl who became a nun and then abbess at Pavilly, Diocese of Rouen (750) France
• Venerable KENNETH (Canice, Caimnech, Cainnic, Canicus, Cainnech, Kenny) 堪奈奇 of Agahaboe, founder the monastery of Agahaboe and perhaps of Kilkenny, which is named after him (525-600) a disciple of St Finian of Clonard and St Cadoc in Wales, a friend and companion of St Columba. Later preached in Scotland where he was the first to build a church in the place now known as St Andrews
Lord, how various are your works,
in wisdom you have made them all
and the earth is full of your creatures:
Grant that, as we praise you for the life and preaching of Canice
among the hills and rivers of Kilkenny,
so we may after his example learn to regard the heritage
we have in this beautiful land as a trust
to preserve and hand on for those who come after us,
for your glory endures for ever;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
• Sainted NECTARIUS 奈克塔里 Patriarch of Constantinople (397)
• Hieromartyr presbiter QUIRINUS of Rouen (286)
• Holy Apostle PHILIP 腓力 of the Seven Deacons (79)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φίλιππος ὁ Ἀπόστολος
Probably an Hellenized Jew. One of the seven Jerusalem deacons mentioned in the canonical Acts of the Apostles. Preached and performed miracles in Samaria, converting many including the magician Simon Magus. Commanded by an angel, he travelled from Jerusalem to Gaza. Converted and baptized the eunuch of Queen Candace of Ethiopia. Transported to Azotus, he preached throughout the region, finally returning to Caesarea where he lived with his four daughters, virgins with the gift of prophecy. Met with Saint Paul the Apostle on his last journey to Jerusalem. Some traditions say be became bishop of Tralles (modern Aydin, Turkey).
He was married and had four daughters, virgins consecrated to Christ, each of whom was granted the gift of prophecy (Acts 21).
• Holy Father Sained PHILOTHEOS 斐洛德奥 Kokkinos 科基诺斯 of Mt Athos, Patriarch of Constantinople (1379)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φιλόθεος ὁ Κόκκινος, Πατριάρχης Κωνσταντινούπολης
• Holy Virgin PLACIDIA Wonderworker of Verona (460) Italy
Nun venerated at Verona, Italy where she lived and was known for her sanctity. Often mistakenly identified as the daughter of Emperor Valentinian III.
• SANTINO of Verdun, Missionary bishop in Verdun, France
• Hosiosmartyr SARMATA (Sarmatas) Desert hermit and monk. Spiritual student of Saint Anthony the Abbot. Died by Bedouins in the deserts of Egypt
• SAVVAS of Vatopaidi the Fool for Christ (1349)
• Sainted 息尼西 SISINNIOS I patriarch of Constantinople (427)
• Venerable THEOPHANES 德奥梵 Graptus (the Branded) Metropolitan of Nicaea, the Scarred (850) the Confessor and Hymnographer
Ὁ Ὅσιος Θεοφάνης ὁ Ὁμολογητής ὁ Γραπτός, Ἐπίσκοπος Νίκαιας
Theophanes was a confessor and writer of canons. He was born in Arabia of wealthy and pious parents. With his brother Theodore, he was tonsured a monk in the Monastery of St Sava the Sanctified. As they were very educated monks, Patriarch Thomas of Jerusalem sent them to Emperor Leo the Armenian, to justify and defend the veneration of icons. The iniquitous emperor harshly tortured these holy brothers and cast them into prison. Later, the iconoclastic Emperor Theophilus resumed their torture and commanded that words of mockery (in twelve lines of iambic verse) be branded (or, by another account, tattooed) on their faces, to expose them to the ridicule of the world:
Πάντων ποθούντων προστρέχειν προς την πόλιν,
Όπου πάναγνοι του Θεού λόγου πόδες
Έστησαν εις σύστασιν της οικουμένης,
Ώφθησαν ούτοι τω σεβασμίω τόπω
Σκεύη πονηρά δεισιδαίμονος πλάνης.
Eκείσε πολλά λοιπόν εξ απιστίας
Πράξαντες δεινά αισχρά δυσσεβοφρόνως,
Eκείθεν ηλάθησαν ως αποστάται.
Προς την πόλιν δε του κράτους πεφευγότες
Oυκ εξαφήκαν τας αθέσμους μωρίας.
Όθεν γραφέντες ως κακούργοι την θέαν
Kατακρίνονται και διώκονται πάλιν.
All long to run to the city [Jerusalem],
Where the all-pure feet of God's Word
Stood as a support of the ecumene,
These men were seen in this revered place
Wicked vessels of superstitious delusion.
There due to unbelief
They did many woeful, shameful and ungodly-minded things
They were banished from there as apostates.
Towards the city [Constantinople] of the empire they fled
They did not abandon their lawless folly.
Thus they were branded to be seen as evil-doers
They are again condemned and prosecuted.
When the iconoclastic controversy was resolved, Theophanes was freed, and shortly thereafter was consecrated a bishop. He died peacefully in the year 847, having suffered for the holy icons for a total of twenty-five years. He wrote 145 Canons. He entered into the eternal joy of his Lord.
• Monk THEOPHANES 德奥梵 the Faster 持斋者 of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1127) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Theodosy Far Caves of the Lavra // OCT 11 //
• THEOPHANES Bishop of Solea
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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