
среда, 17 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 18 / October 5 •


October 18 / October 5
2018 (7527)
Synaxis of Holy Hierarchs of MOSCOW (1596) 莫斯科诸圣都主教
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Πέτρος, Ἀλέξιος καὶ Ἰωνᾶς οἱ Θαυματουργοί Μητροπολῖτες Μόσχας καὶ πάσης Ρωσίας
This Feast of the Hierarchs of Moscow was established during the reign of Tsar Theodore and Patriarch Job in the year 1596. All of them are commemorated individually as well as on this day. Only Sts Peter, Alexis, Jonas and Philip are specifically mentioned in the Menaion service, but other holy hierarchs of Moscow have been added to the commemoration over the years.
• Uncovering of Relics of Sainted PETER 彼得 metropolitan of Moscow and Wonderwoker of All Russia (1326) // DEC 21 //
• Uncovering of Relics of Sainted ALEXIS 阿莱克西 metropolitan of Moscow and Wonderwoker of All Russia (1378) // FEB 12 //
• Uncovering of Relics of Sainted JONAH 约纳 metropolitan of Moscow and of All Russia (1461) // MAR 31 //
• Uncovering of Relics of Sainted MACARIUS 玛喀里 metropolitan of Moscow and of All Russia (1563)
• Uncovering of Relics of Sainted PHILIP 腓力 II metropolitan of Moscow and of All Russia (1569) // JAN 9 //
• Sainted JOB patriarch of Moscow and of All Russia (1607)
• Uncovering of Relics of Hieromartyr HERMOGENES (Germogen) 埃尔默艮 patriarch of Moscow and of All Russia (1612) // FEB 17 //
• Uncovering of Relics of Hierokonfessor TIKHON 提弘 patriarch of Moscow and of All Russia (1925)
• New Hieromartyr PETR Pol’anskij, metropolitan of Krutitsa, serving as the Patriarchal locum tenens (1862-1937)
• Uncovering of Relics of PHILARET 斐拉瑞特 metropolitan of Moscow (1867)
• Uncovering of Relics of Our Father among The Saints INNOCENT 英诺肯提 (Ivan Popov-Veniaminov), Metropolitan of Moscow, Equal to the Apostles and Enlightener of the Aleuts and Siberia, and Apostle to the America (1879)
• MACARIUS II (Michael Nevski) metropolitan of Moscow and Colomna (1926) an outstanding missionary and enlightener of the masses in the Altai region (people used to call him the "Siberian pillar of Orthodoxy" and "Apostle of the Altai")
Synaxis of Holy Fellow-strugglers Venerable Fathers and Mothers of the KLARJETI Wilderness of St Gregory of Khandzta (9th c.) 纪念格鲁吉亚克拉尔捷提的克汗德兹塔旷野中所有和圣格里高利一同修行的诸位圣徒
For centuries the region of Tao-Klarjeti in southwestern Georgia was known for its holiness, unity and spiritual strength. The cultural life and faith of Kartli were nearly extinguished by the Arab-Muslim domination from the 8th to 10th centuries. Tao-Klarjeti, however, which had been emptied by a cholera epidemic and the aftermath of the Islamic invasions, filled with new churches and monasteries, becoming a destination for many Christian ascetics. St. Ekvtime Taqaishvili wrote that “Every monastery included a school and a seminary where the Christian Faith, philosophy, Greek and other foreign languages, chant, calligraphy, fine arts, jewelry making, and other disciplines were taught. Countless priests, translators, miniaturists, and jewelry makers developed their craft in these schools.” The prayers of the Tao-Klarjeti monastics multiplied and were lifted up to the heavens like holy incense. Hagiographical works were written, original hymns composed, and theological texts translated. The literature of this period was thoroughly infused with the spirit of the Georgian people. Tao-Klarjeti reinvigorated the soul of the Georgian people and redirected the lost back to the true path.
• GREGORY of Khandzta, a priest of great virtue and wisdom, spearheaded this spiritual revival. He was a good shepherd to his flock and the builder of many churches
• GEORGE Merchule also provided the Church with the Life of Holy Catholicos Nerse III, an Armenian by descent
• Holy Catholicos HILARION was the founder and abbot of Tsqarostavi Church and a disciple of Gregory of Khandzta
• STEPHEN of Tbeti was the first bishop of Tbeti
• ZACHARIAH of Anchi
• MACARIUS of Anchi served as bishop of Anchi following the repose of St. Gregory of Khandzta in 861
• EZRA of Anchi, of the noble Dapanchuli family, labored in holiness during the 10th century
• SAVA of Ishkhani was a cousin and one of the closest companions of St.Gregory of Khandzta
• JOHN the New Martyr for Christ labored at Khandzta Monastery
• THEODORE Founder of Nedzvi Monastery, and CHRISTOPHER Founder of the Dviri Monastery of St Cyricus, were spiritual sons of St Gregory of Khandzta and the first men to join him in his holy labors
With St Gregory they labored first at Opiza and later at Khandzta Monastery. These holy fathers journeyed to Abkhazeti to increase the fullness of the Faith in that region, and on their way, in Samtskhe, an aristocrat named Mirian entrusted them with the care and upbringing of his son, the six-year-old Arsenius (later Holy Catholicos ARSENIUS the Great). Eventually St Gregory of Khandzta desired the return of Theodore and Christopher, and he traveled to Abkhazeti to find them. St Gregory took with him his young disciple EPHRAIM (later the bishop and wonderworker of Atsquri). When he met the brothers in Abkhazeti, St. Gregory entrusted them with Ephraim’s upbringing and made them vow not to leave Khandzta Monastery until Ephraim and Arsenius had reached maturity. When Ephraim and Arsenius reached manhood they were “perfected in wisdom,” and Theodore and Christopher left Khandzta to establish the Nedzvi and Dviri Monasteries. There each father labored until the day of his repose.
• Holy Fathers GEORGE, AMONA, PETER, and MACARIUS labored in the wilderness of Opiza
• In the second part of the 9th century SERAPION of Zarzma founded Zarzma Monastery in Samtskhe
• The holy and righteous KHVEDIOS labored as a hermit in the caves of the Khandzta Wilderness
• EPIPHANIUS was a wonderworker and a spiritual son of St Gregory of Khandzta
• MATTHEW labored in the Khandzta Wilderness
• ZENON the “Treasure of Virtue, Holy Model of Asceticism and Gate of the Klarjeti Wilderness,” reposed at an advanced age
• JOHN Abbot of Khandzta, is celebrated for having completed construction of the new church at Khandzta that was begun by his predecessor, St Arsenius
• THEODORE the Abbot and his brother John both labored at Khandzta Monastery
• The monk GABRIEL ministered to the infirm and elderly monks of Khandzta Monastery
• DEMETRIUS was raised by the blessed St. Febronia and later became one of St Gregory of Khandzta’s first disciples
• ARSENIUS and MACARIUS, “good monks full of wisdom and the gift of wonder-working,” were relatives of St Ephraim of Atsquri
• SHIO the Wonderworker “shone upon the land of Kartli like the North Star in the morning sky”
• BASIL and MARKELUS, “abounding and brilliant in virtue,” were disciples of St. Michael of Parekhi
• Venerable Father DAVID, “an image of the angels” and builder of many monasteries, labored as abbot of Midznadzori Monastery
• Endowed with many gifts of grace, St JACOB was a prominent figure in the tenth-century Georgian Church
• Venerable SOPHRONIUS the Great was the restorer of the Shatberdi Church and a famous writer, but his literary works have not been preserved
• GEORGE Merchule numbers him among the wise and holy fathers whose stories are worthy to be told. St Gregory of Shatberdi labored at the same monastery
• ZACHARIAH built the famous Beretelta Monastery and set an example of wisdom and holiness for the fathers who labored there after him
• St George Merchule honors the venerable and God-fearing HILARION of Parekhi as one of the greatest writers and figures in the Church of his time
• HILARION Abbot of Ubisi, labored for many years at the Lavra of St. Sabbas in Jerusalem
• FEBRONIA labored at Mere Monastery in Samtskhe
She was a close friend of St Gregory of Khandzta. He sent to her a certain woman whom King Ashot Kuropalates (later the holy martyr) had taken as his mistress, to instruct her in the Christian Faith. St Febronia denied the king’s pleas to return the woman to the royal palace. Angels often visited St Febronia to inform her of God’s holy will. St Temestia labored with St Febronia at Mere Monastery. For forty years she ministered to St MATTHEW the spiritual father of the monastery. St Temestia herself remarked that her relationship with Father Matthew was so chaste and innocent that the holy father would not even permit himself to receive the holy incense directly from her hands.
• ANATOLE (also called Antonios) labored in seclusion at Mere Monastery
• ANASTASIA labored among the holy mothers in remarkable sanctity and humility
• VM FLAVIA (Flaviana) and her brother M FIRMATUS, Deacon, at Auxerre (5-6th c.) France
• PALMATIUS and companions (287) martyred in Trier in Germany under Maximian Herculeus
• Hosiosmartyr Abbot PLACIDUS and companions
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Venerabless METHODIA 麦托迪亚 of Kimolos (Cimola), Ascetic (1865-1908)
Ἡ Ὁσία Μεθοδία ἐκ Κιμώλου
• Name Day of Crown Prince Passion Bearer Martyr ALEXIS Romanov (1904-1918)
• Hieromartyr presbiter DIMITRI Voznesenskij (1855-1918)
• Hieromartyr presbiter IAKOV Bobyrev (1883-1937)
• Hieromartyr presbiter MICHAEL Tverdovskij (1881-1937)
• Hieromartyr presbiter NIKOLAI Vereshchagin (1893-1937)
• Hieromartyr presbiter TIKHON Arkhangelskij (1875-1937)
• Hosiosmartyr archmandrite BASIL (Gabriel Tsvetkov) (1867-1937)
• Uncovering (1985) of the relics of Hieromartyr Bishop BASIL 瓦西里 of Kineshma (1945)
• Hieroconfessor GABRIEL Igoshkin, Archimandrite of Melekess (Saratov) in the Bishopric of Moscow (1959)
• SERAPHIM Amelin, schemaarchimandrite of the hermitage Glinsk (1958) Ukraine • Repose of PAISIUS Olaru of Sihastria in Romania, Hieroschemamonk (1990)
• Repose of Nun AGNIA (Countess Anna Orlova-Chesmenskaya) (1848)
• ALEXANDER (3rd c.) one of the 'innumerable multitude' martyred in Trier in Germany under Diocletian
• APOLLINARIS (Aiplonay) Bishop of Valence (520) Elder brother of St Avitus of Vienne in France
Son of Saint Isychius. Elder brother of Saint Avitus of Vienne. Bishop of Valence, France in 486 after a long vacancy in the diocese, and Apollinaris exhausted himself in reforming abuses and re-vitalizing the faith. Exiled by King Sigismund for political reasons, but allowed to return when he miraculously healed the king.
• ATTILANUS (939-1009) a monk at Moreruela with St Froilan
• AUREA Abs. of Castillon (Amiens) (8th c.)
• AYMARD (520) succeeded St Odo as Abbot of Cluny in France in 942. However, after about ten years he became blind and resigned his office to St Majolus, setting for all an example of resignation for the rest of his life
• BAETHALLACH of Ath-Truim
• BONIFACE (287) one of the martyrs with St Palmatius and companions in Trier in Germany
• Martyress CHARITINA 哈里提纳 (Charitine Charity, or Haritina, Charitini, Haritine, Haritini, Tina, Hara) of Amisus (304) Slave of Pontus in Amisus
Ἡ Ἁγία Χαριτίνη
• Venerabless CHARITINA of Novgorod, Princess of Lithuania, Abs. of St Peter and Paul’s Convent at Mt Sinitza near Novgorod (1281)
• Venerable COSMA 科斯玛 abbot of the monastery on the Sangarius River in Bithynia (10th c.)
• Venerable DAMIAN 达弥安 the Healer 医治者 of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1071) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Antony Near Caves of the Lavra // SEP 28 // 2ND SUNDAY OF GREAT LENT //
• Hieromartyr DIONYSIUS 迪奥尼西 the Great (265) Bishop of Alexandria
• ENIMIA Abs. at Mende, Fndr. of Convent at Fontaine-de-Burle, Diocese of Mende (Gevaudan) (7th c.)
• Uncovering (1840) of Relics of Venerable EUDOCIMUS 艾弗多基默 the Newly-Revealed of Vatopedi (17th c.) Mt Athos
Ὁ Ὅσιος Εὐδόκιμος ὁ νεοφανής
• VM FELICULA at Briare, Diocese of Auxerre
• Venerable FROILAN (905) of Galacia, Spain
Benedictine monk. With his friend, Saint Attilanus, he reorganized the monastic community at Moreruela in Old Castile (part of modern Spain). From there the two worked to restore and revitalize Benedictine monasticism in western Spain. Bishop of Léon in 900. Noted for his generosity to the poor, and his own simple lifestyle as bishop. Reported miracle worker.
• GALLA of Rome, Matr., W., Anch. (550) led the life of an anchoress on the Vatican Hill, where she died of breast cancer
• Venerable GREGORY (Grigol) 格里高利 the Archimandrite of Khandzta in Klarjeti, Georgia (991)
• Hieromartyr HERMOGENES the Wonderworker of Cyprus, Bishop of Samos (4th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἐρμογένης ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας καὶ Θαυματουργὸς
• Commemoration of Venerable ISAIA Kopynsky, Metropolitan of Kyiv, Halych and all Rus', of the Kyiv Caves Lavra (1640)
• Venerable JEREMIAH 耶利米 the Clairvoyant of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1070) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Antony Near Caves of the Lavra // SEP 28 // 2ND SUNDAY OF GREAT LENT //
The Monk Jeremii had of the Lord the gift to see into the future, and to see into the moral condition of a person.
• Sainted JOHN 约安 Mavropos 玛弗若颇, metropolitan of Euchaita (1100)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰωάννης ὁ Μαυρόπους, ἐπίσκοπος Εὐχαΐτων
• Martyr JOVIANUS of Trier (304)
• MAGDALVEUS (Madalveus, Mauvé) Bishop of Verdun (776)
Born in Verdun in France, he became a monk at St Vannes and later (c 736) Bishop of Verdun.
• MAHARSPOR martyr in Persia under Bahram V (421)
• Martyress MAMELTA (Memelta, Mamelchtina or Mamelchtha) of Persia (344)
Ἡ Ἁγία Μαμελχθῆ
• MARCELLINUS of Ravenna (3rd c.) Bishop of Ravenna in Italy
• Venerable MATTHEW 马太 the Clairvoyant of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1085) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Antony Near Caves of the Lavra // SEP 28 // 2ND SUNDAY OF GREAT LENT //
The Monk Matfei was also endowed with the gift of seeing into the spiritual world. By his insight the elder would tell brethren, things to avoid doing of danger for the soul.
• Venerable MATTHEW abbot of St Nicholas Cherneev (i.o. of deep dark forest around) Monastery at Shatsk (1573)
• Righreous deacon MEINULPH (Meinolf, Meinolfo, Meinolfus, Meinulfus, Meinulphus, Meinuph, Meinulfo) (859) founder of the monastery of Bödeken in Westphalia in Germany
Born to the nobility; his godfather was Charlemagne. Educated at the cathedral school of Paderborn, Germany. Archdeacon of Paderborn in 836. Priest. Noted preacher and evangelist. Founded the convent of Böddeken in Westphalia, Germany; legend says that abbey site was a place where Meinulph saw a stag with a cross in its antlers.
• MURDOC (Murdach) the Culdee in Argyleshire, Hermit
• ODRADA Nun (7th c.)
• VM PEREGRINA at Rome (303)
• Venerable SABBAS 萨瓦 of Vatopedi, Fool for Christ (1350)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σάββας ὁ διὰ Χριστὸν Σαλός ὁ Βατοπαιδινός
• SINECH of Crohane, Co. Tipperary
• SINECH Ergna (Sinech Fergnae) of Cruachan Maige Abna (also “Crúachu Maige Abnea”) in Eoganacht of Cashel
• TULLIA at Clugny (5th c.)
• Venerable VARLAAM 瓦尔拉穆 desert-dweller of Chikoysk (1846)
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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