
понедельник, 29 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 30 / October 17 •


October 30 / October 17
2018 (7527)
• The Hodigitria Icon of the Mother of God, named "Before Birth and After Birth the Virgin" (1827)
The Icon of the Mother of God, named "Before Birth and After Birth the Virgin", was transferred to the Nikolaev Peshkovsk monastery of Moscow diocese by the Moscow merchant Aleksei Grigor'evich Mokeev. In about the year 1780 Aleksei joined the brethren of the monastery. He had given all his wealth to the monastery to its monastic head, archimandrite Makarii, and the holy icon remained in his cell. After the death of Aleksei, the icon was brought to the archimandrite, who observed that the icon was written in oil on canvas and not according as proscribed, and he installed it over the exit door to the chapel of the Monk Methodii, which was situated on a street not far from the monastery. The glorification of the holy icon began in 1827, when captain Platon Osipovich Shabashev, going by night past the chapel, saw that from the icon of the MostHoly Mother of God issued forth an extraordinary light. Another time he had a vision of the icon during a period circumstances during his life. In a dream Platon beheld the radiant icon of the Mother of God amidst the clouds over the Methodiev chapel and heard a voice: "If thou dost wish to be delivered from temptation, pray before this icon". Platon obeyed the guidance of the Mother of God, and the sorrow passed him by. The pious Platon told about the miracles to the monastery head, who transferred the holy image into the monastery. When they went to encase the icon in ornament, it then transpired, that the image of the MostHoly Virgin, written on canvas-linen, was stiffened taunt upon a board, on which was concealed a depiction of the Mother of God of finest quality. Especially numerous were the miracles from this icon in 1848 during a time of cholera, when many praying before it were healed.
• The Icon of the Mother of God "DELIVERESS" (1889)
The Icon of the Mother of God "Deliveress", before being brought to the Novo‑Athonsk Simono-Kananitsk monastery in the Caucasus, was situated on Holy Mount Athos with a resident of the Russian Panteleimonov monastery, schemamonk Martinian (+ 1884). The pious schemamonk had received this icon from the ascetic, Theodoul. The holy icon was glorified by miracles from times of old. Through prayer before this icon in 1841 the inhabitants of Sparta (in Greece) were delivered from locusts. From the Panteleimonov monastery, upon the final wishes of schemamonk Makarii, on 20 July 1889 this icon was given over to the Novo-Athonsk monastery, and the festal celebration in honour of it established under 17 October. When the feastday in honour of this icon was first made at the Simono-Kananitsk monastery, a storm cast up on shore at the monastery more than a ton of fish. On the icon the MostHoly Mother of God holds on Her right arm the God-Infant, Who blesses with His right hand.
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Κοσμᾶς, Δαμιανός, Λεόντιος, Ἄνθιμος καὶ Εὐπρέπιος οἱ Ἀνάργυροι καὶ οἱ σὺν αυτῶν 15 Ἀνάργυροι
In Greek the Unmercenary Saints are known as Anargyroi, which translates as "no silver", meaning that they received no money for their work as physicians. Each Unmercenary Saint has his individual feast day, while all of them are celebrated together today during their Synaxis, either on October 17th (the Greek tradition) or the Sunday after November 1st (the Slavic tradition. They are usually twenty in number, but with the addition of Saint Photios they number twenty-one.
The Synaxarion of Ormylia Monastery says:
The oldest testimony to the veneration of Saints Cosmas and Damian relates to the basilica built in their honour at Cyrrhus, north of Antioch in Syria, mentioned in the Life of St Rabula of Edessa (c. 400). Their veneration spread rapidly throughout the Empire; in the East, where the famous Cosmidion was founded at Constantinople in 439, as well as in Rome and the West(see 1 July). Their widespread veneration and the dispersal of their relics are probably reasons why Cosmas and Damian came to be regarded as three distinct pairs of saints of the same names.
The following is the list of Holy Unmercenary Saints and their feast days:
• KOSMAS and DAMIAN of Asia Minor // Nov 1 //
• KOSMAS and DAMIAN of Rome // JUL 1 //
• Holy Martyrs COSMAS 科斯玛 and DAMIAN 达弥安 the Unmercenaries of Arabia and those with them: their brother LEONTIUS 莱翁提 with ANTHIMUS 安提默 and EUTROPIUS 艾弗特若彼 of Cilicia (287/303) beheaded with the sword in the time of Diocletian and Maximian // OCT 17 //
• TRYPHON the Wonderworker // FEB 1 //
• JULIAN // FEB 6 //
• MOKIOS // MAY 11 //
• SAMPSON the Innkeeper // JUN 27 //
• HERMOLAOS // JUL 26 //
• PANTELEIMON the Great Martyr // JUL 27 //
• DIOMEDES // AUG 16 //
Additional Physician / Healer Saints:
• LUKE the Apostle, Evangelist and Physician // OCT 18 //
• LUKE Archbishop of Simferopol the Surgeon // JUN 11 //
• HERMIONE // SEP 4 // ZENAIS and PHILONILLA the Daughters of St Philip the Deacon // OCT 11 //
• PAUL the Physician of Corinth // JUN 28 //
• CARPOS and PAPYLOS the Martyrs of Pergamus // OCT 13 //
• ORESTES the Physician and Martyr of Cappadocia //NOV 10 //
• SOPHIA the Physician and Martyr // MAY 22 //
• AGAPIT the Righteous Unmercenary of the Kiev Caves // JUN 1 //
• HYPATIUS the Healer of the Kiev Caves // MAR 31 //
• MOSES the Wonderworker of the Kiev Caves // JUK 26 //
• POIMEN the Much-Ailing of the Kiev Caves // AUG 7 //
• DAMIAN the Healer of the Kiev Caves // SEP 28 //
• JOSEPH the Much-Ailing of the Kiev Caves // APR 4 //
• ANGELIS the Physician and New Martyr // DEC 3 //
• ANTIPAS the Hieromartyr, Healer of Teeth // APR 11 //
• CHARALAMBOS Protector against gastric distress and dysentery, infectious diseases, and regrettable // FEB 10 //
• BLAISE (Vlassios) Healer of Throat Ailments // FEB 11 //
• SPYRIDON the protector of ceramicists, protector from epidemics, smallpox, and diseases of the ears // DEC 12 //
• MODESCUS (Modestos) Protector against diseases of animals and against locusts, protector of plows // DEC 16 //
• ARTEMIOS Protector against psychiatric, neurotic, intestinal and hernia problems // OCT 20 //
• New Martyr passion-bearer ALEXANDER of Munich (1943) // FEB 4 // JUL 13 //
• New Martyr passion-bearer EVGENIY Botkin (1865-1918) the last physician-in-ordinary of Emperor Nicholas II
Synaxis of the Patron Saints of the Holy Metropolis of HYDRA on the Saronic Gulf Islands, SPETSES and AEGINA in Greece
Μνήμη πάντων τῶν Προστατῶν καὶ Πολιούχων Ἁγίων της Ἱερᾶς Μητροπόλεως Ὕδρας
On October 17th we commemorate all Protectors and Patron Saints of the Sacred Metropolis of Hydra, Spetses and Aegina. This includes:
• Holy Apostle CRISPUS // DEC 8 //
• LEONTIOS the General // JUN 18 //
• Holy Martyr LEONIDAS of Troezen and his 7 companions the Holy Martyrs CHARISSA, NIKE, GALINA, KALISA (Kalida), NUNEKHIA, VASILISSA and THEODORA // APR 16 //
• JULIUS and JULIANUS the Missionaries of Aegina // JAN 31 // MAY 19 //
• Venerable ATHANASIA the Wonderworker // APR 18 //
• Venerable THEODORA // AUG 3 //
• Venerable THEOPISTI // AUG 3 //
• Venerable LUKE of Steirion // FEB 7 //
• DIONYSIOS of Aegina // DEC 17 // AUG 24 //
• MAKARIOS of Corinth // APR 17 //
• CONSTANTINE of Hydra // NOV 14 //
• 3 Holy New Martyrs NICHOLAS, STAMATIOS and JOHN of Spetses // FEB 3 //
• NEKTARIOS of Aegina // NOV 9 // SEPT 3 //
• SAVVAS of Kalymnos // APR 7 //
The Saronic Gulf (Greek: Σαρωνικός κόλπος, Saronikós kólpos) or Gulf of Aegina in Greece is formed between the peninsulas of Attica and Argolis and forms part of the Aegean Sea. It defines the eastern side of the isthmus of Corinth, being the eastern terminus of the Corinth Canal, which cuts across the isthmus.
• Martyrs RUFUS and ZOSIMUS of Rome (107) mangled by wild animals in the arena of Rome, Italy
Brought to Rome with Saint Ignatius of Antioch and Saint Zosimus during the persecutions of Trajan.
• Sisters Martyresses ISIDORA and NEOPHYTA at Lentini in Sicily (236)
Οἱ Ἁγίες Ἰσιδώρα καὶ Νεοφύτη
• Martyrs ALEXANDER, MARIANUS and VICTOR of Nicomedia (in modern Turkey) (303) martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian
• Martyrs of Volitani (Bolitani), proconsular Africa (in modern Tunisia)
A group of martyrs who were praised by Saint Augustine of Hippo.
• Holy Martyrs COSMAS 科斯玛 and DAMIAN 达弥安 the Unmercenaries of Arabia and those with them: their brother LEONTIUS 莱翁提 with ANTHIMUS 安提默 and EUTROPIUS 艾弗特若彼 of Cilicia (287/303) beheaded with the sword in the time of Diocletian and Maximian // OCT 17 //
• Martyrs ISIDORE and companion
• Martyrs ANTIGONUS, LUCIAN, TERENTIUS, NICOMEDES and THEOPHANES Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἀντίγονος, Λουκιανός, Τερέντιος, Νικομήδης καὶ Θεοφάνης
• Martyrs ETHELBERT (Aedilberct, Ethelbricht) 埃特尔瑞德 and ETHELRED 埃特尔博特 (640) Great-grandsons of St Ethelbert of Kent, cruelly put to death at Eastry near Sandwich in England in commemoration of the Translation (666) of Relics of Ethelred
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr NEOPHIT Lübimov, presbiter, archpriest (1918)
• New Hieromartyr ANATOLIY Ivanovskiy, presbiter, priest (1863-1918)
• Hosiosmartyr monk JAKINPHOS (Eliah Pitatelev) (1882-1918)
• Hosiosmartyr monk CALLISTUS (Cosma Oparin) (1864-1918)
• Elder BARTHOLOMEW Bondarenko the Fool for Christ's Sake of the Holy Monastery of the Holy Trinity in Chyhyryn (1870-1931) of Cherkassy in Ukraine
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER 亚历山大 Shchukin, Archbishop of Semipalatinsk (1891-1937)
• Hieroconfessor OLEKSIY Usenko of Kyiv (1937)
• Repose of Blessed Nun ALYPIA of Goloseyevo Convent in Kiev, Fool for Christ (1910-1988)
• Holy Hosiomartyr Venerable Martyr ANDREW 安德列 who is in Crisi (767) surnamed the Calybite or the Cretan, was a holy monk, and a zealous defender of Holy Icons in the reign of Constantine Copronymus, by whose orders he was whipped to death without the walls of Constantinople in the circus of St Mamas
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀνδρέας ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας
• ANSTRUDIS (Anstrude, Austru or Austrude) Abbess of St John the Baptist Monastery at Lâon (688) had much to suffer at the hands of Ebroin, the oppressor of all the saints of that age
Daughter of Saint Blandinus of Laon and Saint Sadalberga; sister of Saint Baldwin. When Sadalberga withdrew from the world to become abbess at Saint John the Baptist convent at Laon, France, Anstrudis went with her as a nun. On the death of her mother, Anstrudis reluctantly became abbess of the convent. Noted for her care for her sisters, her all night vigils, and her self-imposed austerities. Ebroin, mayor of the palace, viciously persecuted the Church of the day, and had her brother killed. He threatened Anstudis, but her simple faith won him over.
• Venerable ANTHONY 安托尼 abbot of Leokhono (1611) Novgorod
• Repose of ATHANASIUS Zakharov, the Elder of Ploshchansk Hermitage (1825) disciple of Paisius Velichkovskiy
• BERARIUS (680) Bishop of Le Mans in France
• Martyr CATERVUS (Catervo, Flavius Julius Catervus) (4th c.) martyred in Tolentino, Italy
Born to the imperial Roman nobility. Roman prefect. Married layman with a son named Bassus. Brought Christianity to the city of Tolentino, Italy. Martyred for doing so.
• COLMAN of Kilroot (6th c.) a disciple of St Ailbe of Emly and Bishop of Kilroot near Carrickfergus in Ireland
• CUBRETAN Anchorite of Magh-bile (Moville)
• Tr.Rel. of ERMENGILD (Ermengilda, Ermenilda, Ermenhild, Ermenhilda, Eormenhilde or Hermynhild) Qu., Abs. at Minster-on- Sheppey and Abs. at Ely (700)
• Tr.Rel. of ETHELDREDA (Etheldred, Ediltrudis, Ethelreda, Etheltrud, Etheltrudis, Aethelthryth, Audry or Audrey) of Ely, Queen of Northumbria, Fndr. and Abs. of monastery at Ely (7th c.)
• Venerable EUSTRATIUS of the Lavra of Chariton in Palestine, monk, Wonderworker (8th c.)
• FLORENTIUS of Orange (526) the 8th Bishop of Orange in the south of France
Bishop of Orange, France. Known for his scholarship, his personal piety, and his non-stop fight against the heresies of the day. Part of the Council of Epaone in 517. Part of the Council of Arles in 527. Pilgrim to Rome, Italy.
• Hieromartyr HERON Bishop of Antioch (136) a disciple of Saint Ignatius and his successor
• Holy Prophet先知 HOSEA (Osee) 奥西埃 the 1st and earliest of the 12 Minor Prophets (820 B.C.)
Ὁ Προφήτης Ὠσηέ
• Hieromartyr IGNATIUS of Antioch (107) called 'the God-bearer'. Bishop of Antioch for forty years, he was taken to Rome by order of Trajan and was thrown to the wild beasts in the amphitheatre. On his way to Rome he wrote seven letters which survive. His relics are in St Peter's in Rome
• JOACHIM ibn Daou, Patriarch of Antioch, martyr on the Jebel Druse (1592)
• JOHN of Lykopolis in Egypt, hermit, Wonderworker (304-394)
• JOHN the Dwarf (also known as John Colobus), Hermit (5th c.)
Born to a poor but pious family. From age 18, he lived in an underground cave he dug in the desert of Skete. Spiritual student of Saint Poemen and Saint Ammoes. Noted for being short of stature, short of temper, and conceited by nature; he did not grow in height, but as his faith increased, so did his gentleness and humility. In later life he was known for absent-mindedness, his thoughts being on the spiritual life. As a test of his new humble obedience, his director ordered him to water a walking staff stuck in the sand; John did so. It later blossomed, and John referred to it as the "tree of obedience". To escape Berber invaders around 395, he fled Skete and lived for years as a hermit on Mount Queolzum, near the current city of Suez. Spiritual teacher of Saint Arsenius.
• Sainted JOSEPH 约熙福 Jandierishvili the Catholicos of Georgia (1770)
• Martyr KOZMAN of Kartli in Georgia
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κοσμᾶς ὁ ἐν Γεωργίᾳ
• Translation (898) of Relics of Righteous LAZARUS 拉匝若 of the Four Days 被埋葬四日而复生者, the friend of Christ, Archbishop of Citium (present-day Larnaka) (1st c.) from the island of Cyprus to Constantinople
Ἀνακομιδὴ καὶ Κατάθεσις τοῦ Λειψάνου τοῦ Ἁγίου καὶ Δικαίου Λαζάρου
• LOUTHIERN (6th c.) born in Ireland, he is the patron-saint of St Ludgran in Cornwall
• MAENACH (Maonach) of Dunleer, son of Cláirin, Abbot of Lann Léire (720)
• Martyress MAMELTA of Persia (344) stoned and then drowned in a lake in Persia Saint Mamelta, reputed to have been a pagan priestess at Bethfarme, Persia, converted to Christianity. Thereafter she was stoned, and then drowned in lake.
• NOTHELM (739) 11th Archbishop of Canterbury and a friend of St Bede and St Boniface
Friend of Saint Bede and Saint Boniface. Priest in London, England. Archbishop of Canterbury, England in 734. His research into the history of Kent, England was used by Bede in his histories.
• REGULUS (Rule) (4th c.) by tradition an abbot who brought relics of St Andrew from Greece to Scotland, leading to St Andrew's adoption as the patron-saint of Scotland
• Tr.Rel. of SAXBURGH (Sexburga, Sexburg or Sexburgis) Qu., Matr., W., Fndr. and Abs. of Minster-on-Sheppey and Abs. of Ely (7th c.)
• VM SOLINA (Sulina or Soline) of Gascony and Chartres (290) escaped to Chartres to avoid marriage to a pagan
• Martyress SHUSHANIKI (Shushanik, Sussanah or Susanna) 苏散纳 Queen of Georgia (475)
• VICTOR (554) consecrated Bishop of Capua in Italy in 541 and a prolific writer
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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