
суббота, 13 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 14 / October 1 • POKROV •


October 14 / October 1
2018 (7527)

THE PROTECTION OF THE MOST-HOLY THEOTOKOS and Ever-Virgin Mary at the Church of the Blachernae (Vlachernai), Constantinople (10th c.) 至圣诞神女帲幪节(圣母护守节)
Μνήμη Ἁγίας Σκέπης τῆς Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου ἐν Βλαχερνῷ
This is a great feast-day in Ukraine and commemorates several events during which the Mother of God appeared over embattled cities to save them with her Mantle of Protection (e.g. Pochaiv in 1675).
• TEREBOVLANSKA Icon of the Mother of God // 1ST SUNDAY IN OCTOBER //
• Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos the VOURLIOTISSA // 1ST SUNDAY IN OCTOBER //
According to the tradition of Asia Minor, the Sacred Icon was found by a shepherd. He would take his goats to a field where there were rushes and reeds (vourla), for which the village of Vourla was named after. At one point a goat cut off from the herd and when it returned the shepherd noticed it had a wet beard. The next day the shepherd returned to the field without his goats to find the place with the water in order to open it so that his animals could drink. While searching and unable to find the source he discovered the icon of the Panagia. On the spot of the discovery a small church was built and next to it a larger church in which the icon was kept. In 1922 after August 15th, the Turks entered Vourla and destroyed it. They desecrated, plundered and then burned the church. It is unknown how and by whom the icon arrived in New Philadelphia, a northern suburb of Athens. The icon of the Panagia was damaged by another fire which occurred on the eve of the invasion of the Turks into Cyprus and on the anniversary of the consecration of the church. The silver covering was placed in Philadelphia out of gratitude towards the Panagia by a woman of Vourla, who received a considerable amount from the exchangeable fund after the disaster. It has performed many miracles and it attracts Christians both from Asia Minor and not. By decision of the Sacred Cathedral of the Dormition of the Theotokos in New Philadelphia, where the sacred icon is kept, and the Sacred Metropolis of New Ionia and Philadelphia, a purely refugee Metropolis, the official celebration of the icon was appointed for the first Sunday in October each year.
• The following feasts are all related: Miracle of the Pillar with the ROBE OF THE LORD under It at Mtskheta, Georgia (330)
• Feast of Svetizchoweli Cathedral, the cathedral of the life-giving Pillar in Mtskheta in Georgia
• LJUBLINSKAJA (863) Icon of the Most-Holy Theotokos of Lublin in Poland
• The Feastday of the Most Holy Mother of God in Honour of Her Icon “POKROV”, named the PSKOVO-POKROVSK (1581)
The Feastday of the MostHoly Mother of God in Honour of Her Icon, named the Pskovo-Pokrovsk, was established in memory of the miraculous deliverance of Pskov from the invading troops of the Polish king Stefan Bathory in 1581. During the time of the siege, within the city they carried forth in church procession the wonderworking Uspenie-Dormition Icon of the Mother of God from the Pechersk monastery. On the eve of the decisive fighting, the pious blind elder Dorophei the Smith had a vision of the MostHoly Mother of God at the spot, where the enemy had prepared to assault – at a corner of the fortress of the monastery in honour of the Pokrov-Protection of the MostHoly Mother of God. The MostHoly Virgin appeared to the elder Dorophei amidst a representation of Russian Saints: the Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir and the Pskov Princes Vsevolod-Gavriil and Dovmont-Timophei, the Monks Antonii of Kievo-Pechersk, Kornilii of Pskovo-Pechersk, Evphrosyn of Spasoelazarsk and Savva of Krypetsk, Blessed Nikolai of Pskov and Sainted Nyphont, Archbishop of Novgorod, the organiser of the Pskov Spaso-Mirozhsk monastery.
• The KASPEROVSK Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God (1854) of Kasperovka, defended the city of Odessa in Ukraine during the Crimean War (1853-1855). Under archbishop Innokentii (Borisov) it was directed "that this event should not be forgotten in the teaching of posterity"
The Kasperovsk Icon of the MostHoly Mother of God during the War of 1853‑1855 defended the city of Odessa against an incursion of hostile forces. Under archbishop Innokentii (Borisov) it was directed "that this event should not be forgotten in the teaching of posterity", and to make celebration on 1 October. The icon had already been acknowledged as wonderworking and glorified by the MostHoly Synod in 1840, after investigation of a whole series of miracles. Before this, the image had been kept by the landowner Juliania Ioannovna Kasperova, who received it inheritance as a sacred family heirloom in 1809.
• BRAILOVSKAJA (1635) Icon of the Most-Holy Theotokos of Brayiliv-Pochaiv at Brayiliv near Vinnitsa in Ukraine
• The GERBOVETSK Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God (1790 and 1859) of Gerbovets
The Gerbovetsk Icon of the MostHoly Mother of God was acknowledge as wonderworking in the year 1859, but even before this it was especially revered by believers of Kishinev diocese. According to tradition, this image was brought to the Gerbovetsk monastery in the year 1790.
• BARSKAJA (1887) Icon of the Most-Holy Theotokos an ancient image of Byzantine origin from the Barsk monastery in Podol'sk diocese of Ukraine
The Barsk Icon of the MostHoly Mother of God – is an ancient image of Byzantine origin from the Barsk monastery in Podol'sk diocese. The icon from of old was venerated as holy by both Orthodox and Catholics. The solemn celebration was established in 1887.
• KRUPETSKAJA Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God (1612) of Kruptsy in Minsk in Belarus
• Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of M’ATINA (1746) at Volynia. Probably a copy of Iveron Icon
• Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos named KUKUZÉLISSA (1796) appeared to John Koukouzelis the domesticos (1360)
• Transfer of the TEREBOVLYA Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God from Terebovlya to Lvov (1672) in Ukraine
• Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos GORGOEPIKOOS "She Who Is Quick To Hear" at the Dochiariou monastery on Mount Athos (1664)
Σύναξις Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου τῆς Γοργοϋπηκόου

Synaxis of All Saints of CYPRUS // 1ST SUNDAY IN OCTOBER //
Cyprus is known as the "Island of Saints". From apostolic times till our present day we know of 240 Saints from Cyprus. Many many more are unknown to us. There are also many which are only known to the Cypriot people but are not annually commemorated. For this reason, on the first Sunday of October is commemorated all the Saints of the island of Cyprus, both known and unknown. In fact, Archbishop Makarios III counted 369 Saints of Cyprus up until St. Philoumenos who was martyred in 1979.

Synaxis of Saints of MOLDAVIA (2013)
• Venerable ANTIPA of Valaam and Mount Athos (1816-1882) // JAN 10 //
• DOSIPHEUS metropolitaim of Moldavia (1693) // DEC 13 //
• Venerable JOHN Jacob the Chozebite, of Neamț (1960) of Romania // AUG 5 //
• New Hieromartyr NIKODIM Krotkov, archbishop of Kostroma (1938) // AUG 8 // KOSTROMA // NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS // ROSTOV //
• Venerable PAISIJ Velichkovskij (1794) of Moldavia and Mt Athos // NOV 15 //
• Sainted PETR Mogila, metropolitain of Kiev (1646) // DEC 31 // Volynia //
• New Hieromartyr SERAPHIM Chichagov, metropolitain (1937) // NOV 28 // BRIANSK // DIVEEVO // MOSKOW // NEW MARTYRS OF BUTOVO // PETERBURG //
• Rightbelievng STEPHAN the Great of Moldavia (1504) // JUL 2 //
• Venerable THEODORA of Sikhla (18th c.) // AUG 7 //
• Great Martyr IOANN of Sochava and Belgorod (1330) // JUN 2 //

• MM SOPHIA and IRENE (Herena, Arina) of Egypt (3nd c.)
• MM VERISSIMA (Verissimus), MAXIMA and JULIA at Lisbon (302) Martyrs in Lisbon in Portugal under Diocletian. They have a full Mozarabic service
• MM brothers AIZAN and SAZAN (400) petty chieftains in Abyssinia, who were zealous to spread the Good News in their homeland. Their enthusiasm attracted the friendship of St Athanasius
• Comm. of SIDONIA and her father ABIATHAR of Mtskheta (4th cent.) Georgia
• King 王弥里安 MIRIAN III and Queen NANA 诺纳 Empress of Georgia, and Equal of the Apostles (4th c.) of Mtskheta and Righteous ABIATAR 阿彼亚塔尔 Jewish rabbi of Mtskheta (323) Georgia
• VM GERMANA a servant girl, and her relative VM HONORATA at Bar-sur-Aube, France (5th c.)
• Hosiosmartyr MICHAEL 弥哈伊尔 abbot in the monastery of Zovia/Zobes at Sebaste in Armenia, and 36 Fathers with him (780-790)
• Virgins Sisters EURIELLA (Eurielle) and ONENNA (7th c.)

NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr ALEXIJ Stavrovskij, presbiter, archpriest (1834-1918)
• Hosiosmartyr hieromonk IOANN (Jacov Novoselov) (1879-1918)
• Hieromartyr MIKHAIL Vologodskij, presbiter, priest of Krasnojarsk (1920)
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Agafonnikov, presbiter, archpriest (1881-1937)
• Hieromartyr GEORG (Gregor) Arkhangelskij, presbiter, priest (1872-1937)
• Hieromartyr NIKOLAJ Kuligin, presbiter, archpriest (1870-1937)
• Martyr IOANN Artemov (1887-1937)
• Hieromartyr ISMAEL 伊斯玛伊尔 Rozhdestvensky, Archpriest of Strelna (1938) Sankt Petersburg
• Hosiosmartyr THEODOR Monk (1940)

• ABHAI converted Persian (4th c.)
• ADDAI Enlighteneer of Edessa
• ALBAUD (Aladius) (520) Bishop of Toul in France. He built the church of St Aper (Epvre) who was his predecessor
• Holy Apostle ANANIAS 阿纳尼雅 of the Seventy Disciples (40) bishop in Damascus, martyr of Eleutheropolis. Forewarned by a divine apparition, baptized the converted persecutor of Christians Saul, afterwards to become the great preacher and Apostle (Acts 9: 10-19) around the year 37
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀνανίας ὁ Ἀπόστολος
• ARETAS suffered in Rome with 504 others
• Venerable BALAI of Berröa (Aleppo) in Syria, Chorebishop (431)
• Venerable BAVO (Bavon) 巴沃 of Ghent, hermit (589-654)
Belgian nobleman who spent a wild youth, noted for selfishness; known to have sold his servants as slaves to local noble houses. Married. Widower. Converted after hearing a sermon by St Amand of Maastricht. Built an abbey on his estate, called St Peter's in his day and St Bavo's today. He turned it over to St Amand, and became a monk in the house. He finally gave his estate to the house, his belongings to the poor, and lived as a recluse in a hollow tree and later a cell in the forest near the abbey.
• Consecration of the church on Monte Cassino to BENEDICT of Nursia
• CLOTHRA (Clora) of Inchadony, Co. Cork
• Hieromartyr CYPRIAN Bishop of Antioch
• DODO Abbot of Wallers-en-Faigne (750)
• DOMNA Slipchenko, Fool for Christ, Native of Poltava (1872)
• Martyr DOMNINUS 多穆尼诺 of Thessaloniki (305)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Δομνίνος
• Repose of EUTHEMIUS of Valaam (1829)
• FIODHAIRLE (Fidharleus), Ua Suanaigh, Abbot of Raithin, the restorer of the monastery of Rathin in Ireland (762) the age of Christ when he went to heaven
• GODINA (Gidina) of Basto, Abs. of St Jean de Vieyra, Portugal (10th c.)
• Venerable GREGORY 格里高利 the Choirmaster and Singer (Domesticus) (1355) a monk and cantor of the Great Lavra on Mount Athos
Ὁ Ὅσιος Γρηγόριος ὁ Δομέστικος
• Venerable JOHN 约安 Koukouzelis 库库则利斯, domesticos (1360) from Mount Athos, Kantor/Singer and Hymnograph
• Finding of Relics of VM LAURENTIA (Laurencia) of Ancona (302)
• Translaton of Relics of Sainted MEDARDUS Bishop of Noyon (550-561)
• 麦尔希则德克 MELCHIZEDEK I Catholicos Patriarch of Georgia (1030)
• Translaton (965) of Relics of Childmartyr Prince MELOR (Mylor) of Cornwall (544)
• Sainted NICETIUS bishop of Trier, monk (566)
• PETRUS Bishop
• PETRO Kalnyshevsky, Koshovey-Commander of the Zaporozhian Kozaks
St Petro was sent to the Solovki islands after the Sich was destroyed by Tsarist forces. He lived to be over 100 years old and lived in deep holiness of life at the Solovetsky monastery. He represents all the Holy Kozaks and those who died in battle fighting in defence of Holy Orthodoxy and against national oppression. On this feast day, it is also customary to commemorate the Ukrainian soldiers and fighters of various historical era of national struggle for freedom.
• PIATON (Piato, Piat) (286) martyred in Tournai under Maximian
• Translaton of Relics of Sainted REMIGIUS 瑞弥吉 Bishop of Reims (533) the Apostle of the Franks
During the seventy-four years he was bishop he was the most influential prelate in Gaul, the culminating event of his life being the baptism of Clovis, King of the Franks, in 496. Clovis had married the noble Christian maiden known to us as St Clotilda, and these three acting concertedly gained virtually the entire nation to the Christian religion. The army was baptized at the same time as Clovis, by St Remi and his assistants. The Saint threw down the altars of the idols, built churches, and appointed bishops. He silenced the Arians and presided at the First Council of Orleans. Eventually he converted so many that he left France a Christian kingdom; its king was also the first crowned son of the Church, and at that time the only one. Ever since St Remi, Christian France has rejoiced in its title of eldest daughter of the Church.
• Venerable deacon ROMANUS 罗玛诺 the Melodist the Hymngrapher of Constantinople (556)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ῥωμανὸς ὁ Μελῳδὸς
• Venerable SABBAS 萨瓦 Abbot of Vishera (1461) Novgorod
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σάββας ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ ἐν Βησερίᾳ
• SINELL of Moville (589)
• Translaton (667) of Relics of Sainted Bishop VEDASTUS (Gaston, Foster) of Arras (540)
• VIRILA of Leyre (1000) Abbot of the monastery of the Saviour in Leyre in Spain
• WASNULF (or Wasnon) Patron of Conde, Confessor (651)
Seventh-century priest and noted preachers. Missionary to the Hainault region (along the border of modern Belgium and France) at the invitation of Count Vincent of Hainault. Miracle worker.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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