
вторник, 16 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 17 / October 4 •


October 17 / October 4
2018 (7527)
• Synaxis of the miraculous Icon of the Theotokos Panagia KITRINOPETRITISSA" (Our Lady of Yellow Rock) in Australia (2012) located at the Holy Monastery of St George in Blue Mountains
Synaxis of All Saints of KAZAN 纪念喀山全体圣徒 including :
• Holy Hierarch Archbishop GURIAS first archbishop of Kazan’ and Svijazh (1563) // JUN 20 // OCT 4 // DEC 5 //
• Holy Hierarch Bishop BARSANUPHIUS of Tver (1567) // APR 11 // OCT 4 //
• Holy Hierarch Archbishop HERMAN archbishop of Kazan’ and Svijazh (1567) // Jun 23 // SEP 25 // NOV 6 //
• Venerable JONAH 约纳 (Ioann Zastol’skij) (1563) and NECTARIUS 奈克塔里 (Nestor Zastol’skij) (1563) of Kazan’, monks
• Martyr AVRAAMI of Bolgar (1229)
• Martyr THEODOR the Philosopher, of Bolgar (1323)
• Martyr IOANN of Kazan’ (1529)
• Martyr PETR of Kazan’ (1552)
• Martyr STEPHAN of Kazan’ (1552)
• Martyr BORIS Saltykov (16th c.)
• Martyr IAKOV Jevstaf’jev (16th c.)
• Martyr THEODOR Churkin (16th c.)
• Martyr SIL’VAN Vasil’jev (16th c.)
• Martyr THEODOR Baklanovskij (16th c.)
• Martyr VASILI Konstantinov (1552-1553)
• Martyr THEODOR Konstantinov (16th c.)
• Martyr DIMITRI Konstantinov (16th c.)
• Martyr MIKHAILKuz’minskij (16th c.)
• Martyr IOANN Mokhnev (16th c.)
• Martyr VASILI Födorov (16th c.)
• Sainted HERMOGEN Patriarch of Moscow (1612)
• Hieromartyr CYRILLSmirnov, Metropolitan of Kazan’ (1937)
• Hieromartyr IOASAPH Udalov, bishop of Chistopol’je (1937)
• Hieromartyr AMVROSSI Bishop of Svijazh (1918)
• Hosiosmartyrs of Zilantov (1918): archmandrite SERGI Zajtsev, hieromonks LAVRENTI Nikitin and SERAPHIM Kuz’min, hierodeacon THEODOSY Aleksandrov, monks LEONTI Kargin and STEPHAN, novices GEORGE Timofejev, SERGI Galin, ILLARION Pravdin, IOANN Sretenskij
• New Hosiosmartyrs of Raifa (1930): hieromonks IOSIF Gavrilov, SERGI Gus’kov, ANTHONY Chirkov, VARLAAM Pokhilük, IOV Protopopov, novice PETR Tupitsyn
• Hosiosmartyress MARGARITA Abbess of St Eliah the Prophet Menzelinsk women convent (1918)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk DIMITRI Shyshokin, prior of Holy Trinity prisonal Church (1918)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk PHILARET Velikanov, steward of Archangel Michael academic church of Kazan’ Seminary (1918)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk DANIIL Dymov, presbiter of church in selo Verkhnij Uslon (1918)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk THEODOR Gidaspov, prior of Pyatnitskaya church in Kazan’, scribe at Pyatnitskaya parochial school (1918)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk VLADIMIR Fialkovskij, archpriest of Tikhvinskaja church in Voznesenskoje (1934)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk IOANN Bogojavlenskij, presbiter of Makarievsk church in Kazan’ (1918)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk CONSTANTINE Dalmatov, archpriest of Sophijsk church (1918)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk VASILI Agatitskij, presbiter of Holy Trinity Cathedral of Tetüsh(1918)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk LEONID Skvortsov, presbiter of Sophijsk Cathedral of Laishev (1918)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk CONSTANTINE Sergejev, presbiter of selo Kutush of Chistopol’skij ujezd (1918)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk VASILI Luzin, presbiter of selo Abdej (1918) murdered together with presbiter Nicholas Priklonskij
• Hieromartyr hieromonk NICHOLAS Priklonskij, presbiter of selo Abdej (1918)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk LEONID Polikarpov, presbiter from Mamadyshskij ujezd (1918)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk MICHAEl Mansurov, archpriest of selo Kukmor of Mamadyshskij ujezd (1918)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk ANDREW Bragin, presbiter of selo Chirki-Bebkejevy of Tetüsh ujezd (1918)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk PAVEL Mikhajlov, presbiter of Mamadyshsk Holy Trinity Cathedral (1919)
• Hieromartyr hieromonk MICHAEL Votyakov, prior of Holy Trinity church of selo Chistopol’skije Vyselki (1931)
• Martyr ALEXANDER Verizhskij, student of Kazan’ Seminary (1918)
• Sainted EPHREM metropolitan of Kazan’ and Svijazh (1608)
• Venerable GAVRIIL Zyryanov, of Sedmijesero (1915)
• Venerable ALEXANDER Orudov, of Sedmijesero (1961)
• Devotees of piety: Abbess MAVRA (Matrona Onuchina) (16th c.); Sainted EPIPHANY of Jerusalem (1606); nun ANISIA of Sedmijesero (1644); monk EVFIMI of Sedmijesero (1648) founder of Sedmijezersk Pustyn’; Abbot PHILARET of Raifa (1665) founder of Raifsk Pustyn’; Sainted ARSENI of Andruzsk (1706); VENIAMIN Putsek-Grigorovich, archbishop of Kazan’ and Svijazh (1785); ANTHONY Amfiteatrov, archbishop of Kazan’ and Svijazh (1879) honorary member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences; NICHOLAS Il’minskij (1891) orientalist, mission teacher, biblical scholar, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences; DIMITRI Sambikin, archbishop of Kazan’ and Svijazh (1908); Abbess ANGELINA (Anna Aleksejeva) (1884-1937) last superioress of St Theodor Holy Trinity monastery in Kazan’; SERGI Korolöv, archbishop of Kazan’ and Chistopol’je (1952); hieromonk SERAPHIM Koshurin, of Sedmijesero (1969)
Synaxis of the Saints of NOVGOROD
• ANNA of Novgorod, Grand Duchess of Kiev, Nun (11th cent.) mother of Vladimir Prince of Novgorod
• Holy Rightbelieving Wonderworker VLADIMIR Prince of Novgorod (1052) son of Prince Yaroslav (11th c.)
• JOACHIM of Korsun, 1st bishop of Novgorod (988-1030)
• Bishop LUKE the Jew (1060) // OCT 15 //
• GERMANUS bishop (1078-1096)
• ARCADIUS bishop // SEP 18 //
• GREGORY archbishop (1193) // MAY 24 //
• MARTYRIUS archbishop (1199) // AUG 24 //
• ANTHONY archbishop (1231) // OCT 8 //
• Archbishop BASIL the Lame (1352) // JUL 3
• SIMEON archbishop (1421) // JUN 15 //
• GENNADIUS archbishop // DEC 4 //
• PIMEN archbishop (1553-1571)
• APHTHONIUS metropolitan (1653) // APR 6 //
• Bishop NIKITA the Hermit // JAN 31 //
• NIPHON bishop // APR 8 //
• JOHN archbishop // SEP 7 //
• THEOCTISTUS archbishop // DEC 23 //
• MOSES archbishop // JAN 25 //
• EUTHYMIUS archbishop // MAR 11 //
• JONAH archbishop // NOV 5 //
• SERAPION archbishop // MAR 16 //
• Hieromartyrs CRISPUS and CAIUS of Corinth (1th c.)
Crispus and Caius were the only ones baptized by Saint Paul at Corinth (1 Corinthians 1:14). Crispus was ruler of the synagogue in Corinth (Acts 18:8), and Caius probably hosted St Paul (Romans 16:23) and was the "dearly beloved Gaius" to whom Saint John addressed his third epistle. Tradition says that Crispus became bishop of Aegina and Caius, bishop of Thessalonica.
• Martyrs GAIUS 盖奥 deacon, FAUSTUS 法邬斯特 deacon, EUSEBIUS 艾弗塞维 bishop, and CHAEREMON 海瑞蒙 deacon (259) of Alexandria
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Φαῦστος, Γάϊος, Εὐσέβιος καὶ Χαιρήμων (ἢ Χαρήμων) οἱ Διάκονοι
• Martyrs of Trier: PAULINUS bishop of Triers, highly extolled by ATHANASIUS, HILARY, and JEROM, suffered grievous persecutions under the Arian emperor Constantius, and was banished by him into Phrygia, where he died
• Martyrs brothers MARCUS, MARCIAN and their companions (305) under Dioclesian
• Martyresses DOMNINA (Domnine) 多穆尼纳 and her daughters BERNICE (Verine, Verinna, Berenice, Verenike or Verina) 维瑞尼基 and PROSDOCE 普若斯多基 (Proscudia, Prosdoke, Prosdokia) of Edessa (305-306) at Hierapolis (Modern Urfa in Turkey)
Ἡ Ἁγία Δομνίνη ἡ Μάρτυς καὶ οἱ θυγατέρες αὐτῆς Βερνίκη καὶ Προσδόκη
According to St John Chrysostom, Domnina stood in the middle of the river and pulled her daughters under the water with her because she was afraid that the soldiers were going to rape them. St John praised Domnina for her courage, and Berenice and Prosdoce for their obedience.
• Martyr AUDACTUS (Avdaktos) and his daughter Martyress KALLISTHENE (Callisthene) of Ephesus (4th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Αὔδακτος (ἢ Ἄδαυκτος) ὁ Μάρτυρας καὶ ἡ θυγατέρα του Καλλισθένη
• VOLODYMYR 弗拉迪弥尔 Yaroslavich 雅罗斯拉维奇, Prince of Novhorod and son of St Yaroslav the Wise (1052) and his mother St ANNA 安纳 of Novhorod, wife of St Yaroslav the Wise
• Holy Rightbelieving Prince STEFAN 斯特梵 Štiljanoviæ a Serbian despot and his wife HELENA 艾莱尼 Štiljanoviæ (in monasticism Elizabeth, Elisabeth, Yelissaveta or Jelisaveta) Princess of Serbia also called Blessed Elizabeth of Serbia (16th c.)
Glory in the struggles, warrior Stephen Stiljianovich, great healer of those who pray to you in faith.
• Uncovering of the relics (1595) of GURIAS 谷里亚 1st archbishop of Kazan (1563) and BARSANUPHIUS 瓦尔桑努斐 bishop of Tver (1576)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Γουρίας καὶ Βαρσανούφιος οἱ ἐν Κοζάνῃ
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr DMITRI Voznesenskij, presbiter, priest (1855-1918)
• Hieromartyr NIKOLAI Vereshchagin, presbiter, priest (1893-1937) of Tver
• Hieromartyr MICHAEL Tverdovskij, presbiter, priest (1881-1937) of Tver
• Hieromartyr IACOV Bobyrev, presbiter, priest (1883-1937) of Tver
• Hieromartyr TIKHON Arkhangelskij, presbiter, archpriest (1875-1937)
• Hosiosmartyr VASILI (Gavriil Tsvetkov) archmandrite (1867-1937)
• KHIONIA Arkhangelskaja, confessoress (1945)
• Hieroconfessor BARSANUPHIUS Yurchenko of Kherson and Crimea (1954)
• AMMON 阿蒙 (Ammonius, Ammoun or Amun) Hermit and Founder of the Hermitages of Nitria, disciple of St Anthony the Great (286-348) and his wife
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀμμοῦν ὁ Αἰγύπτιος
• Venerable AMMON 阿蒙 the Recluse of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (13th c.) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Theodosy Far Caves of the Lavra
Saint Ammon the Recluse of the Kiev Caves, Far Caves, was given the title “Lover of Labor.” The saint went to Athos and to Jerusalem. Upon his return, he became famous for his exploits, and he was an image of holy life for the brethren. He was buried in the Far Caves. His memory is also celebrated on August 28 and on the second Sunday of Great Lent.
• Repose of ANDREW Rublev the Iconographer
• ANNA of Novgorod, Grand Duchess of Kiev, Nun (11th cent.) mother of Vladimir Prince of Novgorod
• Virgin and Abbess AUREA (Avia) (666) a nunnery of 300 virgins, Abs. of St Martialis (or “Martial”) in Paris
Immigrated from Syria to France. Nun. Served as abbess of Saint Martial in Paris, France for 33 years. Died with 160 of her sisters during a plague epidemic.
• Virgin Martyress BALUÍNE
• BICSECH of Cell Bicsige in Húi Macc-uais in Co. Meath
• DAMARIS of Athens, Greece
One of the people who heard Saint Paul the Apostle speak at the Areopagus in Athens, Greece (Acts 17:34). Convert.
• DOMETIOS of Quros, physican, ascetic (4-5th c)
• King and Martyr EDWIN baptized at York on Easter-day, in the year of Christ 627, the eleventh of his reign
• Hieromartyr 艾弗德默兹 EUDEMOZ I catholicos of Georgia (1642)
Saint Evdemoz led the Georgian Orthodox Church in the mid-17th century during the reign of King Rostom-Khan (1632-1658) a Georgian who had converted to Islam.
• Venerable HELLADIUS 埃拉迪 the Recluse of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1231) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Antony Near Caves of the Lavra
• Hieromartyr HIEROTHEUS 耶若德奥 bishop of Athens (76) a companion of St Dionysius the Areopagite
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἱερόθεος
• JOACHIM of Korsun, Bishop of Novhorod (1030)
• Venerable JOHN 约安 Lampadistes 朗帕迪斯提 of Cyprus (963-969)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰωάννης ὁ Λαμπαδιστὴς
• Sainted MARSUS of Auxerre, priest, Enlighteneer of Gaul (432)
• MSTISLAV Udaly (i.o. the Daring), Prince of Halychyna (1228)
• Venerable ONESIMUS 阿尼西母 the Recluse of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (12-13th c.) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Antony Near Caves of the Lavra
• Venerable PAUL 保罗 the Simple 简朴者 (4th c.) disciple of St Anthony the Great
“The thrice-blessed Paul the Simple was a clear example for us, for he was the rule and type of blessed simplicity....”
• Hieromartyr PETER 裴特若 of Capitolia, bishop of Bostra (715)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Πέτρος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας ἐκ Καπιτωλίων
• Hieromartyr PETER Bishop of Damascus (750)
Bishop Peter of Damascus, Syria, was maimed, blinded, exiled, and finally bound to a cross and beheaded for preaching against Islam.
• Righteous PETER 裴特若 Michurin of Siberia (1820)
• PETRONIUS Bishop of Bologna, Confessor
• Venerable PIOR the Hermit of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (13th c.) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Theodosy Far Caves of the Lavra
• QUINTIUS (Quentin, Quintino) of Tours (570) murdered at L'Indrois near Montresor, France
Worked in the court of the king of the Franks. When the queen tried to seduce him, Quintius refused, explaining that his faith prohibited adultery; angered at the rejection, she had Quintius murdered.
• SAVVAS of Vatoped on Mt Athos, Hesyhast (1350)
• Sainted THEODORE 德奥多若 the Wonderworker, bishop of Tamassos in Cyprus (158)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Θεόδωρος Ταμασοῦ
• THEODOR I Patriarch of Antioch, Confessor (750-774)
• QUINTIUS (Quentin) (570) of Tours in France
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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