
вторник, 30 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 31 / October 18 •


October 31 / October 18
2018 (7527)
Intercession to All Saints
Here's why: If we were to trace the origins of Halloween to one specific event in history, it would be when Pope Gregory III (731-741) dedicated an oratory in the original Saint Peter's Basilica of Rome in honor of all the Saints on November 1st, which initiated a local Roman custom to celebrate the feast of All Saints on November 1st. Before this time the feast of All Saints, also known as All Hallows, was celebrated throughout the Christian world since the 4th century to mainly commemorate all the Martyrs either in April or May, including Ireland. St Bede (d. 735) recorded the celebration of All Saints Day on November 1 in England, and such a celebration also existed in Salzburg, Austria. Ado of Vienne (d. 875) recounted how Pope Gregory IV asked King Louis the Pious (778-840) to proclaim November 1 as All Saints Day throughout the Frankish Empire. Sacramentaries of the ninth and tenth centuries also placed the Feast of All Saints on the liturgical calendar on November 1.
O glorious Apostles, Prophets and Martyrs, and all Saints, pray for us sinners.

• Synaxis of the Icon of Panagia MACHAIRIOTISSA of Machairas Monastery in Cyprus, one of the 70 icons of her written by the Saint Apostle Luke
The Monastery of the Panagia of Machairas is built on the Troodos mountains beneath the foot of Machairas Hill where Pedaios River runs. This river is the most important on the island of Cyprus. Machairas Monastery is in second position in terms of prestige in Cyprus, after the Monastery of Kykkos. Tradition says that the icon of the Panagia of Machairas is one of the seventy icons painted by the evangelist Luke. The icon of Panagia of Machairas is miraculous, and is known in Cyprus for producing many miracles. The Panagia of Machairas is especially known for healing wounds. According to local tradition, the Monastery was visited in 1337 by Alix d'Ibelin, wife of the Lusignan King Henry IV in 1337. She did not show any respect towards the monks nor the Orthodox Faith and ignored their pleas not to enter the Monastery which was avaton and therefore inaccessible to women. Once she entered the Holy Sanctuary, she was hit by the Panagia of Machairas and remained mute for three years. Tradition links the founding of the Monastery with Iconoclasm. According to an oral tradition during the time of Iconoclasm (716-843 AD), a hermit brought the icon of the Panagia Agiosoritissa, later Machairiotissa, to Cyprus from Constantinople, and settled in a cave at the site where the Monastery is now. After the death of the ascetic, the icon was forgotten and bushes covered the entrance of the cave until the 12th century, when the Virgin Mary miraculously gave a knife to the ascetic saints Neophytos and Ignatios, to cut the bush in order to find the icon (hence the name Machairas, which is translated as "of the knife"). After Saint Neophytos reposed, another monk came to live with Ignatios, an old monk by the name of Prokopios. When the brotherhood became too crowded, these two fathers decided to build a monastery, which would operate under the coenobitic model followed by the great monastic centers of the period. The two monks, were subsidized by the then emperor of Constantinople, Manuel Komnenos (1143-1180) and initially they built a small chapel and a few cells. The Monasteries of Machairas, Kykkos, and Saint Neophytos had acquired special privileges from the time of the Roman Emperors. For this reason, they are Imperial and Stavropegial Monasteries, which means that they have a Cross lying under their foundation stone, and that makes them autonomous from the Archbishopric of Cyprus. The Monastery of the the Panagia of Machairas played an important role in the struggles of the Greek Nation. This Monastery is where important figures such as the Archbishop and Ethnomartyr Kyprianos and the revolutionary monk Ioannikios came from, while during the years of the armed struggle between 1955-59 against the British, the Monastery became a refuge for the hero Gregorios Afxentiou, and there is a small museum with the hero's belongings there. In 1530, a large fire completely destroyed the Monastery, and only the icon was saved. During British rule, in 1892, the Monastery was burned again completely, but again, the icon of Panagia Machairiotissa survived. The icons of the iconostasis and the most important historical relics that were in the library of the Monastery were also saved. In 1905, the Monastery was rebuilt again. Today the Monastery has 25 extremely active and modest monks. They mainly live from agriculture and the donations from Christians. It celebrates on the feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple on November 21st.
• The Icon Panagia MEGALOSPILIOTISSA a hideous carving in low relief of the Virgin and Child by Saint Apostle Luke
Παναγίας της Μεγαλοσπηλαιώτισσας
Orthodox tradition has Luke as the first icon painter. Once 600 icons were attributed to him; now only 70 get the official nod from the Church. Still, even 70 icons, one Gospel, and the Acts of the Apostles is a miracle of organization. The beeswax and mastica icon is in relief, its wax about three centimeters thick. Luke made images of Mary something of a specialty; many scholars think he may have actually met her. Certainly the belief that he had met her made his portraits especially venerated as true portraits. The famous Virgin Hodegetria , the protectress of Constantinople, was also attributed to Luke. So, owning an icon by Luke was the top of the tops in Marian iconography and owning it made Mega Spilaion famous throughout the Orthodox world and a pilgrimage site of great renown. It also made it vulnerable to attack in the 800s by the iconoclasts many of whom raged throughout the Orthodox world burning icons and killing their defenders; Mega Spilaion was burned to the ground in 840 by just such fanatics. The icon was saved however and when iconoclasm was declared a heresy, it was reinstalled and the monastery rebuilt. There were other fires, in 1400 and a worse one in 1640 but still the icon was saved. It was this latter fire which blackened her once vibrant pigments. That the wax did not also lose its shape in one of these conflagrations is so unlikely that it is officially listed as one of her many miracles…
• MM Deacon PROCULUS (Procolo) and laymen EUTYCHIUS (Eutyches, Eutichio, Eutiche) and ACUTIUS of Pozzuoli, Italy (363) imprisoned and martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian for objecting to the deaths of other martyrs; beheaded on 19 September 305 near the Solfatara volcano, Pozzuoli, Italy
• Venerable JULIAN 犹利安 Sabas the Hermit of Mesopotamia, desert-dweller (363) and his contemporary DIDYMUS 狄迪默 the Blind 瞽者
• MM JUSTUS, ARTEMIUS and HONESTA at Monchel in Artois, Diocese of Amiens (3-4th c.) France
• Martyrdom of Sts ABAHOR (Anba Hor or Hor); TOSIA (Susanna or Susia) and her children; and Abba AGATHO the Anchorite (5th c.); in Tamouh Martyress GWEN (Wenn, Wenna, Candida or Blanche) of Talgarth, Daughter of Saint Brychan of Brecknock, Widow, at Wales (492) murdered by heathen in Talgarth in Wales
• Martyr SELEVAN and Martyress GWEN (Wenna) of Wales (5th c.) martyred Welsh missionaries, in Brittany
• BROTHEN (Brothan) and Venerable Abbess GWENDOLINE (Gwendolen, Gwendolyn or Gwyddelan ) of Wales (6-7th c.)
• Venerable monks brothers SIMEON 西麦翁 and THEODORE 德奥多若 founders of the Mega Spilaion Monastery in Kalavryta; and Venerabless Virgin EUPHROSYNE 艾弗福若西尼 the shepherd girl who Found the Icon of the Most Holy Virgin of Luke the Evangelist in the Great Cave in the Peloponnese (4th c.) Wonderworkers
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Συμεών, Θεόδωρος καὶ Εὐφροσύνη οἱ Θαυματουργοί
• Martyrs GABRIEL 伽弗里伊尔 and CIRMIDOLES 基尔弥多尔 (1522) of Egypt
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Γαβριὴλ καὶ Κυρμιδώλης οἱ Νεομάρτυρες οἱ ἐν Αἰγύπτῳ
• 40 Childmartyrs by sword
Τὰ Ἅγια 40 Παιδιὰ
• Martyrs JULIAN and MARTIN
• Translation (1953) of Relics of the Holy Newly-Revealed Neomartyrs: Hieromartyr ISIDORE and his 2 children GEORGE and IRENE martyred under the Ottomans (17th c.) to the Church of Saint Demetrios in Vali
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr ANDREW Voskresenskiy, presbiter, archpriest (1884-1937) graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr SERGIUS Bazhanov, presbiter, priest (1883-1937) graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr NICHOLAS Sokolov, presbiter, archpriest (1877-1937) graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr SERGIUS Gusev, presbiter, priest (1886-1937) graved at Butovo
• Martyress ELIZABETH Krymova (1877-1937) graved at Butovo
• Slaying of Brother JOSÉ (in monasticism Monk Ambrose) Muñoz-Cortez Guardian of The Myrrh-streaming HAWAIIAN IVERON ICON of the Mother of God who met with a martyric death (1997)
• Translation of the Relics of Righteous presbiter AMABILIS of Clermont (5th c.) Cantor in the church of Saint Mary at Clermont, France. Precentor of the cathedral of Clermont. Parish priest in Riom, France
• Hieromartyr ASCLEPIADES Patriarch of Antioch (217)
Bishop of Antioch in 211. Sometimes listed as a martyr due to the trials he underwent as bishop.
• Hieromartyr ATHENODORUS of Pontus (269) brother of Saint Gregory the Wonderworker
• BROTHEN (6th c.) Patron of Llanbrothen, Wales
• Venerable CADWALADR of Brittany
Spiritual student of Saint Cadoc of Llancarvan. Helped found the monastery on the island of Morbihan (modern Ile de Saint-Cado) in Armorica, Brittany, France and served as its abbot.
• Hieromartyr CYRIACUS (Kyriacos) Chorepiscopus of Jerusalem (363)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κυριάκος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας
• Venerable DAVID 达维德 Abbot in Serpukhov (1520) disciple of Venerable Paphnutios of Borovsk // MOSCOW //
• Repose of Sainted DIONYSIUS the Greek Archboshop of Rostov (1425) // ROSTOV-YAROLAVL //
• Abbess GWEN (500) Sister of St Nonna and aunt of St David of Wales. She is also said to have been the mother of Sts Cyby and Cadfan
• Righteous GWEN (Wenn) of Cornwall, Matr., Fndr. of St Wenn’s Church (5-6th c.)
• JAMES the Deacon (7th c.) assisted Saint Paulinus of York in evangelizing the north of England
• Translation (2001) of the Relics of Venerable JOSEPH 约熙福 of Volokolamsk (1515) // SEP 9 // OCT 18 TR REL // FEB 13 //
• JULIAN the Hermit (4th c.) hermit with a cell near Edessa, Mesopotamia. Hermit on Mount Sinai
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰουλιανὸς ὁ ἐν τῷ Εὐφράτῃ ποταμῷ
• Childmartyr JUSTUS in Parisis aged 9 (287) venerated in Beauvais in France
• Holy Apostle and Evangelist LUKE 路喀 numbered among the Seventy Apostles, a fellow worker of the Apostle Paul, wrote the Acts, considered to be the founder of Christian iconography (84) tortured by wicked idolaters for the sake of Christ and hanged from an olive tree in the town of Thebes, in Boethia
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λουκᾶς ὁ Εὐαγγελιστής
• Martyr MARINUS 玛里诺 the Elder 长老 (303) at Anazarbus
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μαρῖνος ὁ Γέρων
• MOLUAINEN of Tamlacht, in Boirche
• Hieromartyr MONON (Mono) of Scotland, deacon (650) born in Scotland, he lived as a hermit in the Ardennes. He was stoned to deathby evildoers in Nassogne in Belgium
• Hieromartyr MNASON 穆纳松 bishop of Tamassos of Cyprus (69)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μνάσων ὁ Μάρτυρας Ἐπίσκοπος Κύπρου
• Sainted PETER 裴特若 of Cetinje, Metropolitan of Montenegro (1830)
• Virgin TECA of Rooskey (Ruscach), Co Roscommon in Cuailgne
• Martyress TRYPHONIA at Rome, Widow (251) Mother of St Cyrilla of Rome
In legend Tryphonia is either the wife of Emperor Decius or his son, Messius Decius. She was a Roman widow martyred in Rome.
• Holy Great Martyress ZLATA (Chryse, Hrisi, Zlata Meglenska, Zlatija, Zlatia, Zlatica, Zlatitza or Zlatka) of Slatina Moglena in Macedonia (1796) of Bulgaria and Serbia
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018