
четверг, 18 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 19 / October 6 •


October 19 / October 6
2018 (7527)
• O ALL-HYMNED MOTHER Icon of the Mother of God 满被赞美之母
The Icon “O All-Hymned Mother” derives its title from the thirteenth Kontakion of the Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos. “O All-Hymned Mother who bore the Word, holiest of all the saints....” The Mother of God wears a crown, and clasps Her child to Her breast with both hands. Christ is held in Her left arm, and rests on Her left shoulder. He is facing Her, and both of His hands are placed below Her neck. Instead of the usual stars on Her head and shoulders, the faces of angels appear in three circles. This is similar to the Arabian Icon (September 6) and the “Stone of the Mountain not cut by Hands” Icon on the iconostasis of the cathedral of the Transfiguration at Solovki.
• The ARAPET or “Arabian” Icon of the Mother of God (301)
The Arapet, or “Arabian” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos appeared while the holy Apostle Thomas was evangelizing Ethiopia, Arabia, and India. Instead of the usual three stars (signifying the perpetual virginity of the Mother of God), the outer garment of the Theotokos has three circles with the head of an angel inside each one. In this feature, it resembles the icons “In Giving Birth you Preserved your Virginity” (“A Virgin Before and After Giving Birth”) (October 17) and “O All-Hymned Mother” (October 6).
• TERTIA (Tertiana) Queen of India; and her son AZANES (Wazan, Vizan or Iuzanes); MARCA; MIGDONIA (Mygdonia) and her niece SINDIKIA; Bishop DIONYSIUS and M PELAGIA (1st c.)
• Martyrs of Trier (287) Innumerable martyrs were slain for Christ in divers ways in Trier in Germany during the persecution of Diocletian
• HILARION the Boy and JOSEPH of Lythodrontan and KaLantios of Tamasia and CASSIAN of Glypha and CASSIAN of Axilos (7th c.) The Holy Six "Allemagne Saints", in Cyprus
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἰλαρίων ὁ Νέος, Ἰωάννης, Ἰωσὴφ ὁ «εἰς τὸν Λυθροδώνταν», Καλάντιος ἐν Ταμασίᾳ, Κασσιανὸς ὁ τῆς Γλυφᾶς, Κασσιανὸς ὁ τῆς Ἀξύλου οἱ ἐξ Ἀλαμανῶν, ἐν Κύπρῳ
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hosiosmartyr IOANN (Leonid Rotnov) a monk (1885-1918)
• Hieromartyr IOANN Rybin, presbiter, priest of Alma-Ata (1877-1937)
• AUREA of Boves, Abs. of Castillon (Amiens) (8th c.)
A young girl from Amiens in France, she became a nun in Boves and eventually became the abbess of a large convent.
• CEOLLACH (Ceallaeach) Bishop of Mercia (7th c.) born in Ireland, he became Bishop of the Mercians or Mid-Angles, before going to Iona and then returning to Ireland
• COLMAN Lucell of Clonkeen
• CUMINE (Cummian) the White (669) born in Ireland, he became Abbot of Iona and wrote a life of St Columba // FEB 24 // OCT 6 //
• EPIPHANIA a Nun at Santa Maria della Caccia in Pavia (800) Italy
Born a Princess, the daughter of King Ratchis of the Lombards. Nun at the convent of Santa Maria della Caccia in Pavia, Italy.
• VM EROTHEIS (Erotis, Eroteës or Eroteis) 埃若提伊斯 of Cappadocia (296) burned at the stake in Greece
Ἡ Ἁγία Ἐρωτηΐς ἡ Μάρτυς
• FAILBHE an Abbot in Scotland
• VM FAITH (Vera, Fides, Foi or Foy) at Agen in the Acquitaine, France (3rd c.) cooked on a brazier, then beheaded; burnt to death under Maximian Herculeus
• Glorification (1977) of Sainted INNOCENT (John Popov-Veniaminov) the Metropolitan of Moscow and Enlightener of the Aleuts, Apostle to the Americas (1879)
• Venerable IWI (Ivi, Iwigius, Ywi, Ywy) (704) Northumbria, England
Monk in Lindisfarne, England. Deacon. Spiritual student of Saint Cuthbert at Lindisfarne. Following the Irish ideal of an "exile for Christ", he took ship without bothering to ask its destination, planning to evangelize where it landed. It turned out to be Brittany, where he lived as a hermit and followed a ministry of miraculous healing. About 250 years later a group of Breton monks carrying the relics of Ivi arrived at Wilton abbey in southwest England. When they were ready to leave they found they could not move the relics; they had found a home at the abbey altar, and the monks were forced to leave them behind.
• Venerable KENDEAS (Cindeus) 金德奥 of Cyprus, monk, Wonderworker (1121) one of the "300 Allemagne Saints" in Cyprus
Ὁ Ὅσιος Κενδέας
• Virgin LALLUWY of Menheniot (5-6th c.)
• LUGHAIDH of Rattoo, also called “bishop Lugach (Lugaid) the bright-coloured”
• Hosiosmartyr MACARIUS 玛喀里 of Kios in Bithynia, a monk in the Skete of St Anna at Mt Athos, of Brussa (1590)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μακάριος ὁ νέος Ὁσιομάρτυρας
Μακαρίου νεοµάρτυρος
• Sainted MAGNUS (660) born in Venice in Italy, he became Bishop of Oderzo on the Adriatic and later of Heraclea
Bishop of Orderzo, Treviso, Italy. Transferred his see to Heraclea (modern Citta Nuova) in 638 due to Lombard invasion.
• MODESTA, Fndr. of Horre Monastery at Trier, Germany (6-7th c.)
• Translation (1039) of Relics of Hieromartyr MEINRAD (Meginrad) of Einsiedeln (of Reichenau), hermit and Enlightener (861)
• NIKANOR a monk
• Hieromartyr NIKIFOR Paraskhes-Kantakuzen, archdeacon, exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Moldavia and the Rzeczpospolita (The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, formally the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) (1599)
• PARDULF (Pardoux) a hermit and Abbot of the monastery of Guéret (658-738) in France
• ROMANUS of Auxerre (564) Bishop of Auxerre in France
• SAGAR (Sagara, Sagaris, Sagaro) of Laodicea (175)
Legend says that he was a spiritual student of Saint Paul the Apostle, but the dates are wrong for that. Bishop of Laodicea, Phrygia (in modern Turkey). Martyred in the persecutions of Marcus Aurelius.
• 神圣而荣耀之使徒多马 Holy THOMAS 多马 the Apostle of the Twelve Apostles (called Didymus which means "the twin" or Mar Thoma in Syriac) (72) The Apostle of India
Ὁ Ἅγιος Θωμᾶς ὁ Ἀπόστολος
Θωµᾶ τοῦ ἀποστόλου
He is informally called doubting Thomas because he doubted Jesus' resurrection when first told (in the Gospel of John account only), followed later by his confession of faith, "My Lord and my God", on seeing Jesus' wounded body.
多馬,又稱「底土馬」(意即「雙生子」),耶穌十二門徒之一。《對觀福音》和《使徒行傳》把他列在門徒名單上(《馬太福音》第10 章第3节、《馬可福音》第3章第18 节、《路加福音》第6章第15节),但有關資料不多,對他的敘述集中在約翰福音。
約翰福音數次提到他。在拉撒路剛死去,耶稣對門徒說,要再往猶太地去,門徒即表示那将是危險的行程(《约翰福音》第11 章第7 – 8 节),因為之前猶太人曾想用石頭打死他。當耶稣表明坚决之態度后,多馬向其他使徒说:“我們也去和祂同死吧!”(约翰福音11:16) 。
當耶稣在最後晚餐向門徒明示自己将要離去,並向門徒保證自己必再来接門徒到所预备的地方同住,同时又說这條路門徒是知道的(《约翰福音》第14章第1 - 4节),而多馬抗議他們不知道。(《约翰福音》第14章第5节),耶稣就此說了一段詳細而難明有關他與上帝關係的道。
多馬最為人知在《约翰福音》第20 章第24 - 25节,他懷疑耶穌復活,表示要摸到他的傷口才相信真有其事,而耶穌亦顯示了其身上的傷痕證實自己復活。在看到活著的耶穌後,他宣告對耶穌的信心,耶穌亦稱他為信徒。
• The Angel’s Annunciation of John the Baptist to ZECHARIAH (Luke 1:5 ― 2:20) (at Jerusalem probably 6 B.C.)
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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