
суббота, 27 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 28 / October 15 •


October 28 / October 15
2018 (7527)
• Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "SHE WHO RIPENS THE GRAIN" ("Prosperess of Loaves", "Multiplier of Wheat") 恩赐五谷丰登之母 (1890)
The Icon of the Mother of God, named "Prosperess of Loaves" ("Sporitel'nitsa Khlebov"), was written at the blessing of the starets-elder of the Visitation Optina wilderness monastery, the priest-schemamonk Amvrosii (Ambrosii) (23/XI/1812 - 10/X/1891). Father Amvrosii, a great Russian ascetic of the XIX Century, was ardent with a childlike faith towards the Mother of God. He in particular revered all the feastdays of the Mother of God and on these days he redoubled his prayer. With the icon, "Prosperess of Loaves", Father Amvrosii blessed the Shamordinsk women's monastery established in honour of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and founded by him not far from the Optina monastery.
On this icon the Mother of God is depicted sitting upon the clouds, and Her hands are extended in blessing. Beneathe – is a compressed field, and on it amidst the grass and flowers stand and lay sheaves of rye. Starets Amvrosii himself decreed the day of celebration – 15 October, and called the image "Prosperess of Loaves", indicating by this, that the MostHoly Mother of God – "is an Helper for people in their labours for the acquiring of their daily bread". Before his blessed death, Father Amvrosii ordered a large quantity of photo-replicas of this icon and distributed and sent them off to his spiritual children. For the singing of an akathist before the holy image, the starets composed a particular response: "Hail, Thou Full-of-Grace, the Lord is with Thee! Grant unto us unworthy ones the dew of Thy grace and the showing forth of Thine mercy!"
The day of burial of Father Amvrosii happened on 15 October – the feastday of the icon. The first miracle from the holy icon was witnessed in 1891, when throughout Russia was a famine because of crop-failure, but in the Kaluzh district and on the fields of the Shamordinsk monastery grain was produced. In 1892, already after the death of Father Amvrosii, his attendant Ivan Feodorovich Cherepanov sent a copy from the icon to the Pyatnitsk women's monastery in Voronezh district. In this locale there was a drought and famine threatened, but soon after a molieben served before the icon, "Prosperess of Loaves", it rained and ended the drought.
Synaxis of 23 New Hieromartyrs of the MINSK Diocese of Belorussia (2000) 纪念白俄罗斯之二十三位新殉道者
• Hieromartyr VALERIAN Novitskiy (1897-1930) priest of Telyadovich // FEB 10 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest BASIL Izmaylov (1885-1930) // FEB 9 //
• Hieromartyr priest PETR Grudinskiy (1877-1930) // FEB 10 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest VLADIMIR Khirasko (1874-1932) // JAN 11 //
• Hieromartyr priest VLADIMIR Talüsh (1891-1933) // JAN 26 //
• Hieromartyr priest VLADIMIR Khrishchenovich (1876-1933) // JAN 30 //
• Hieromartyr priest IOANN Vechorko (1933) // APR 4 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest SERGIUS Rodakovskiy (1882-1933) // APR 8 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest MICHAEL Novitskiy (1889-1935) // APR 17 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest ALEXANDER Shalai (1879-1937) // NOV 1 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest DIMITRIY Pavskiy (1874-1937) // AUG 1 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest IOANN Voronets (1937) // AUG 7 //
• Hieromartyr priest IOANN Pankratovich (1870-1937) // SEP 23 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest LEONID Birükovich (1864-1937) // AUG 12 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest MICHAEL Plyshevskiy (1937) // AUG 7 //
• Hieromartyr deacon NIKOLAI Vasükovich (1882-1937) // SEP 13 //
• Hieromartyr priest NIKOLAI Matskevitch (1878-1937) // JAN 26 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest VLADIMIR Zubkovich (1863-1938) // JAN 18 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest VLADIMIR Pasternatskiy (1885-1938) // JAN 8 //
• Hieromartyr priest DIMITRIY Plyshevskiy (1880-1938) // JAN 8 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest PORFIRY Rubanovich (1883-1943) // JAN 26 //
• Hosiosmartyr SERAPHIM (Simeon Shahmut’) archmandrite of Zhyrovichy Monastery (1901-1946) // AUG 24 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest MATTHEW Kritsuk (1882-1950) // OCT 15 //
Synaxis of the Saints of KIOS // ON THE SUNDAY BETWEEN OCTOBER 11-17 //
On the first Sunday after October 10th, the God-bearing Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Synod are honored and celebrated, which took place in Nicaea of Bithynia in Asia Minor. At this Synod it was decided to restore the Holy Icons and Iconoclasm was condemned. On this same day are commemorate all the Saints who were from Kios in Asia Minor. These are:
• EUSTATHIOS the Bishop of Kios // MAR 29 //
• Venerable Martyr IGNATIOS of Kios // OCT 8 //
• Venerable Martyr MAKARIOS the New who was martyred in Prousa in the year 1590 // OCT 6 //
• Holy New Martyr ATHANASIOS // JUL 24 //
• MM SARBELIUS 撒尔维洛 (Sarbel, Sarbelios, Sharbel, Tuthail or Thatueles) and his sister BEBAÍA 瓦尔维亚 (Barbea, Babea, Vevaia, Babaea or Bebai) at Edessa (110)
• 360 Christian soldiers Martyrs of Cologne (303) martyred together in the persecutions of Diocletian and Maximian; outside the city walls of Cologne, Germany
• Martyr GREGORIUS (Gereon) Maurus a soldier, and 300/318 martyrs in Köln (304) of Germany
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr SIMEON Kon’ukhov, presbiter, priest (1853-1918)
• Hieromartyr VOLODYMYR Khirasko of Podilske (1918)
• Hieromartyr DIMITRIY Kasatkin, presbiter, priest (1884-1942)
• Hieroconfessor ATHANASIUS 阿塔纳西 (Sergius Sakharov) bishop of Kovrov (1867-1962) Poltava Seminary professor
• Martyr AGILEUS of Carthage in North Africa (300) but his relics were later translated to Rome
• Sainted ANTIOCHUS (Andeol) Bishop of Lyons in France (410)
• AURELIA of Ratisbon, Strasbourg (383)
• Venerabless princess AURELIA who lived for 55 years as an anchoress in Strasbourg in France (1027)
Born a princess, a member of the royal family of Hugh Capet. To escape marriage, she fled to Alsace and lived as a recluse for 52 years. Only Bishop Wolfgang of Ratisbon knew that she was even alive.
• BARSES 瓦尔西 the Confessor, Bishop of Edessa (378)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Βάρσος
Hermit in northern Mesopotamia. Bishop of Edessa, Syria in 361. For his firm defense of orthodox Christianity, he was exiled to Egypt by the Arian Emperor Valens in 373. Sent to the Phoenician island of Aruad, he brought most of the residents and clergy back to the orthodox faith, and was so successful that Valens had him exiled to farther and more isolated locations in Egypt.
• Hieromartyr BRUNO-BONIFACE Archbishop of Mersburg (1009) was sent to enlighten the heathen Prussians. He was martyred with 18 companions // JUN 19 // OCT 15 //
Born in Querfurt in Germany, he accompanied the half-Greek Emperor Otto III to Italy in 996 and became a monk there. He became Archbishop of Mersburg and was sent to enlighten the heathen Prussians. He was martyred with eighteen companions.
• Martyr CALLISTUS (1003) born in Huesca in Spain, together with St Mercutialis he went to France and was killed by the Saracens
• CANNATUS (5th c.) Bishop of Marseilles in France after St Honoratus
• CUAN of Cluain-mor
• DIONYSIUS 迪奥尼西 Archbishop of Suzdal (1373/1385)
• ETHELRIC Bishop of Durham
• Venerable hierodeacon EUTHYMIUS 艾弗提弥 the New of Thessalonica (824-889) monk of Mt Athos
Ὁ Ἅγιος Εὐθύμιος ὁ Νέος
Hermit on Mount Olympus c.848. Hermit on Mount Athos in Greece, and became a noted preacher in the area. Founded a monastery in Salonika where he lived for a while as a hermit. Founded a monastery on and another one near Mount Athos. Late in life, he retired to living as a prayerful hermit.
Saint Euthymius was credited with miraculous powers and the gift of prophecy, as related by his biographer Saint Basil, who was one of his monks at Saint Andrew's. He is called "the Younger" to distinguish him from Euthymius the Great (c. 378-473, Armenian).
• Martyr FORTUNATUS (889) in Rome
• HOSPICIUS (Hospis) the Anchoret (580)
• Sainted JOHN 约翰 bishop of Suzdal (1373)
• LEONARD of Vandoeuvre (570) a hermit who founded Vandoeuvre, now Saint-Leonard-aux-Bois, near Le Mans in France
• Hosiosmartyr LUCIAN 路基安 of Samosata Presbyter of the Church of Greater Antioch (312)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λουκιανὸς ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας Πρεσβύτερος τῆς Ἐκκλησίας τῆς Ἀντιοχείας
He scorned hunger; let us also scorn luxury and destroy the lordship of the stomach; that we may, when the time comes for us to meet such torture, be prepared beforehand, by the help of a lesser ascesis, to show ourselves worthy of glory in the hour of battle.
• Hieromartyr LUCIAN 路基安 the Presbyter of the Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1243) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Theodosy Far Caves of the Lavra
• ODILO (954) Abbot of Stavelot-Malmédy in Belgium
• Translation of the Relics of OSWALD Archbishop of York
• SABINUS Bishop of Salaminia in Cyprus, Wonderworker (5th c.)
• Sainted SABINUS 撒维诺 (760) Bishop of Catania in Sicily. After a few years as bishop he resigned and became a hermit
• SEVERUS Bishop of Trier in Germany (455) a disciple of St Germanus of Auxerre and St Lupus of Troyes he accompanied St Germanus to Britain to oppose the Pelagian heresy. He preached the Gospel to the Germans on the lower Moselle
• SOLOMONIA mother of The seven holy Maccabee martyrs (160 B.C.)
• SPECIOSA a Solitary of Pavia (5th c.)
• TEGLA (Thecla) of Denbighshire and Radnorshire (750)
• Venerabless THECLA 特克拉 (Tecla or Heilga) of Kitzingen in Franconia, Nun at Wimborne (Dorset) and at Bischofsheim (Germany); Abs. of Ochsenfürt and of Kitzingen-on-Main (790)
• WILLA (1050) a nun at Nonnberg near Salzburg in Austria who reposed as an anchoress
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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