
среда, 31 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • November 1 / October 19 •


November 1 / October 19
2018 (7527)
Intercession to All Saints
Here's why: If we were to trace the origins of Halloween to one specific event in history, it would be when Pope Gregory III (731-741) dedicated an oratory in the original Saint Peter's Basilica of Rome in honor of all the Saints on November 1st, which initiated a local Roman custom to celebrate the feast of All Saints on November 1st. Before this time the feast of All Saints, also known as All Hallows, was celebrated throughout the Christian world since the 4th century to mainly commemorate all the Martyrs either in April or May, including Ireland. St Bede (d. 735) recorded the celebration of All Saints Day on November 1 in England, and such a celebration also existed in Salzburg, Austria. Ado of Vienne (d. 875) recounted how Pope Gregory IV asked King Louis the Pious (778-840) to proclaim November 1 as All Saints Day throughout the Frankish Empire. Sacramentaries of the ninth and tenth centuries also placed the Feast of All Saints on the liturgical calendar on November 1.
O glorious Apostles, Prophets and Martyrs, and all Saints, pray for us sinners.

Thus, they begin on October 19th ("Palm Sunday") and proceed to the feast of St Demetrios on October 26th ("Pascha")
The love and devotion towards St. Demetrios the Great Martyr and Myrrhgusher from the Orthodox faithful of Thessaloniki is truly immense. Though to some it may seem hyperbolic, St. Demetrios has worked countless wonders both for the city of Thessaloniki, and for all the Orthodox faithful throughout the world. In praise of Christ Who strengthened him in his martyrdom, and in honor and thanksgiving to this great Wonderworker, various hymnographers have composed hymns beyond those of the standard Menaia in praise of St. Demetrios. Many of these hymns comprise the so-called "Holy Week of St. Demetrios". This is a collection of pre-festal hymns from various sources in honor of the Saint, and are generally modeled after and grouped correspondingly to the days of Holy Week (i.e. the Passion and Resurrection of Christ). Thus, they begin on October 19th ("Palm Sunday") and proceed to the feast of St. Demetrios on October 26th ("Pascha"). Many of the hymns have been written by St. Symeon of Thessaloniki (+ 1429), so we can see how this is an old and established tradition of this local Orthodox Church.

• Synaxis of the Icon of "PANAGIA VASILISSA" ("Panagia the Queen") in Mouzaki, Karditsa, Greece
• Martyrs PTOLEMY put to death for instructing a woman in the Orthodox Faith, LUCIUS and other martyr protested against the injustice of the sentence with other 2 martyrs (165) in Rome under Antoninus Pius
• Holy Martyr VARUS (Ouarus, Warus or Waros) 瓦若 of Kemet and 7 teachers Monk-Martyrs suffered for the faith in Palestine under Emperor Maximian (307) commemorated with Blessed Widow CLEOPATRA 克莱奥帕特拉 (Cleo or Patra) (327) and her son soldier JOHN 约翰 (320) in Egypt
Ὁ Ἅγιος Οὔαρος ὁ Μάρτυρας
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἕξι Ὁσιομάρτυρες οἱ ἐρημίτες
Ἡ Ὁσία Κλεοπάτρα
Saint Varus is especially honored by Russian Orthodox Christians as the patron of those who have died outside the Orthodox Christian Faith, and of young children who are ill or have died either by illness or during birth or even in the womb. Since it is not permissible to pray for the unbaptized who have departed this world during the Divine Liturgy or Funeral Services, many Orthodox have resorted to praying to Saint Varus on behalf of their loved ones who died without baptism (this does not apply to those Christians who have committed suicide, rather see the Prayer of Elder Leonid of Optina).
• Holy Hieromartyr SADOTH (Shahdost) 撒多特 the Bishop of Persia and his 128 companions (342)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Σαδῶθ (ἢ Σαδῶκ ἢ Σαδῶχ) ὁ Ἐπίσκοπος καὶ οἱ 120 Μάρτυρες ἀπὸ τὴν Περσία
• Martyrs FELIX (Philikos) presbiter and EUSEBIOS deacon killed by sword
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Φήλιξ καὶ Εὐσέβιος οἱ Μάρτυρες
• MM BERONICUS, PELAGIA and 59 Christians martyred at Antioch
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Venerable archimandrite GABRIEL 伽弗里伊尔 of Mt Athos (1849-1901) abbot of St Elias Skete. Relics are in Odessa in Ukraine
• Glorification (1964) of Righteous JOHN 约翰 (Ioann Sergeev) Wonderworker of Kronstadt (1908) who is the 1st Saint to be canonized in America
• Hieromartyr Priest ALEXIS 莱克西 Stavrovsky of Petrograd (1918)
• Hieromartyr SERGIUS Pokrovskiy, presbiter, archpriest (1880-1937)
• Venerable Schemaarchbishop ANTONY (Dutch David Abashidze, tonsured monk Dimitriy) (1867-1942)
A Georgian, St Anthony took the monastic Schema at the Kyiv Caves and his relics are enshrined in front of the entrance to the Near Caves of St Anthony.
• Schearchimandrite Ven St THEOPHAN Rikhlovsky of Nizhyn (1977)
• Canonization of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia (1982)
• ALTINUS (Attinus) of Orléans, missionary bishop (4th c.) Founder of the churches of Orleans and Chartres in France and perhaps a martyr
• AQUILINUS Bishop of Evreux, Confessor (620-695) born in Bayeux in France, he and his wife agreed to live by good works. They went to Evreux and Aquilinus was soon made bishop there. However, he managed to live more as a hermit than a pastor
Married. Aquilinus and his wife agreed to live by good works. When they moved to Evreux, France, Aquilinus's reputation for holiness was such that he was chosen bishop, but he lived more as a prayerful hermit than an active pastor among the people.
• Laying down the Relics of Venerable abbot COLUMBAN the Younger of Luxeuil and Bobbio, monastery founder and Enlghteneer of Alemannien (615) to the Tours in France
• CRONAN (Croman, Chronan, Cuaran, Mochuaroc, and frequently Mochua, Cron and Cua having in Irish the same meaning) of Tomgrane now Tomgraney, in the barony of Upper Tulla, County Clare)
• Childmartyr Crown Prince DEMETRIUS II of Moscow (1582-1591) at Uglich
• DESIDERIUS of Longoret (705) a monk at Lonrey and a disciple of St Sigiranus, he became a hermit in La Brenne near Bourges in France
Benedictine monk at Saint-Pierre de Longoret Abbey in France. Spiritual student of Saint Sigiranus. Hermit in La Brenne, France.
• EDNOTH (Eadnot) (1016) a monk at Worcester and Abbot of Ramsey in England. In 1006 he became Bishop of Dorchester. He was killed by the Danes and is sometimes called a martyr
• Abbot ETHBIN of Kildare (600) born in Britain, he was a disciple of St Samson in Brittany. Ordained deacon, he served at the monastery of Taurac until it was destroyed by the Franks. He then went to Ireland and led the life of a hermit near Kildare
Born to the nobility. Spiritual student of Saint Samson of York in Brittany, France. Deacon. Served at the monastery of Taurac in Brittany until it was destroyed by the Franks. Hermit near Kildare, Ireland. Miracle worker.
• EUSTERIUS (5th c.) 4th Bishop of Salerno in Italy
• Martyr FLORUS (250)
• Venerabless Virgin FRIDESWIDE (Fredeswinda, Frevisse, Fridespida or Frideswida) 弗里德斯维德 of Oxford, Abs. and Solitary, Pat. of Oxford (680-735)
Daughter of Prince Didan. When a neighbouring noble, Prince Algar, as for her hand in an arranged marriage, Frideswide fled to Thomwry Wood, Birnsey, England where she lived as a hermitess. Benedictine nun. Founded Saint Mary's Convent, and served as its abbess. The monastery is now Christ Church College, University of Oxford, and the convent church became Oxford cathedral.
• Holy Prophet 先知 JOEL 约伊尔 second in the line of the 12 minor prophets (800 B.C.)
Ὁ Προφήτης Ἰωήλ
His name means "The Lord is God." The Old Testament book of his prophecies, which bears his name, includes his prophecy of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Joel 2:28), which was quoted by the Apostle Peter (Acts 2:17).
• First Translation (1187) and Translation (1238) of the Relics of Venerable JOHN 约安 abbot of Rila in Bulgaria (946) from the city of Sredets (Sofia) to Tɤ̞rnovo
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰωάννης ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ ἀσκητής
• Martyress LAURA at Córdoba, Spain, W., Abs. at Santa María de Cuteclara (864)
Married. Widow. Nun and then abbess at Cuteclara during the period of Moorish occupation of Spain. Killed by Muslim authorities for the crime of Christianity. Martyr. One of the Martyrs of Córdoba. The Estadio Santa Laura in Santiago, Chile, and the Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works in northern Chile are named for her. Thomas Love Peacock wrote a ballad about her in his work Gryll Grange.
• Venerable LEONTIOS 莱翁提 the Philosopher of the St Sabbas Monastery (624)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λεόντιος ὁ φιλόσοφος
• LUPUS of Soissons (540) a nephew of St Remi of Rheims who became Bishop of Soissons in France
• Hieromartyr MAXIMUS the Deacon, in Aquileia in the south of Italy (249) martyred by being thrown off an overhanging cliff near his native city during the persecution of Decius
• Hieromartyr MNASON 穆纳松 bishop of Tamassos of Cyprus (69) the early disciple, mentioned in Acts 21:15-16
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μνάσων ὁ ἀρχαῖος μαθητὴς
• Hosiosmartyr Monk NICHOLAS 尼科拉 Dvali 德瓦利 of Jerusalem (1314)
• Translation (1238) of the relics of Venerable PROCHORUS 普若霍尔 of Pchinja in the Vranski Desert on the Pchinja river (10th c.)
• Translation (1911) of Relics of Blessed Schemaabbess SOPHIA of Shamordino Convent (1888)
• Hosiosmartyr THEOFRID (Theofroy, Chaifre) monk and Abbot of Carmery-en-Velay in France (728) died at the hands of invading Saracens
• VERANUS (590) born in Vaucluse in France, he became Bishop of Cavaillon
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018