
четверг, 11 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 12 / September 29 •


October 12 / September 29
2018 (7527)
• HORBANIVSKA Icon of the Mother of God
The Dedication of of the famous church of St MICHAEL on Mount Gargano, in Italy: FESTIVAL OF ST MICHAEL AND ALL THE HOLY ANGELS (493)
Whenever some act of wondrous power must be performed, Michael is sent, so that his action and his name may make it clear that no one can do what God does by his superior power. - from a homily by Pope Saint Gregory the Great
This festival has been celebrated in the church with great solemnity ever since the sixth century. It was enacted in the ecclesiastical laws of King Ethelred in England, in the year 1014, “That every Christian who is of age, fast three days on bread and water, and raw herbs, before the feast of St Michael, and let every man go to confession and to church barefoot.—Let every priest with his people go in procession three days barefoot, and let every one’s commons for three days be prepared without anything of flesh, as if they themselves were to eat it, both in meat and drink, and let all this be distributed to the poor. Let every servant be excused from labour these three days, that he may the better perform his fast, or let him work what he will for himself. These are the three days, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, next before the feast of St Michael. If any servant break his fast, let him make satisfaction with his hide, bodily stripes, let the poor freeman pay thirty pence, the king’s thane a hundred and thirty shillings; and let the money be divided to the poor.”
Synaxis of All Saints of POLTAVA
• Hopy Nobleborn Passionbearer Prince BORIS (1015) // MAY 2 // JUL 24 //
• Venerable EPHREM of Kiev Caves, metropolitan of Perejaslavl (1098) // JAN 28 //
• Sainted NICHOLAS (1072), EVTHIMIOS (1155) and SIMON (1239) Bishops of Perejaslavl
• Sainted ATHANASIOS III Patellarios, patriarch of Constantinople, wonderworker of Lubny (1597-1654) // MAY 2 //
• Hosiosmartyr MACARIOS Tokarevskij, of Perejaslavl, archmandrite of Kanev and Ovruch (1605-1678) // MAY 13 // SEP 7 //
• Sainted DIMITRI (Daniil Tuptalo) metropolitan of Rostov (1709) // SEP 21 // OCT 28 //
• Sainted IOASAPH (Ioakim Gorlenko) bishop of Belgorod (1705-1754) // SEP 4 // DEC 10 //
• Sainted SOPHRONIOS (Kristalevskij, born Stephan Födorov) bishop of Irkutsk (1703-1771) // MAR 30 // JUN 30 //
• Venerable SINESIOS Ivanov, schemaarchmandrite (1698-1787/1777) // MAY 10 //
• Venerable PAISIOS Velichkovskij, archmandrite of Nyamets (1722-1794) // NOV 15 //
• Sainted ATHANASIOS (Theodor Vol’khovskij) Bishop of Mogilev and polotsk, Wondrworker of Poltava (1741-) // JAN 1 // SEP 27 //
• Sainted MELETIOS (Michael Leontovich) archbishop of Kharkov and Akhtyr (1784-1840) // FEB 12 //
• Venerable DANIIL Delija, Righteous of Achinsk, Siberia (1784-1843) // APR 15 // DEC 16 //
• Sainted ANTHONY (Avrami Smirnitskij) archbishop of Voronezh and Zdonsk (1773-1846) // MAY 10 // DEC 20 //
• Venerable EFVIMI Lübimchenko, Elder of Glinsk dwelling-desert, schemaarchmandrite (1866)
• Blessed DOMNA Slepchenko, Fool for Chirst of Tomsk (1872) // OCT 16 //
• Venerable PAISIOS (Prokopi Jarotskij) of Kiev Caves, Fool for Chirst (1821-1893) // APR 17 //
• Venerable IONA (Ivan Miroshnichenko, Peter in schema) of Kiev (1802-1903) // JAN 9 //
• Hosiosmartyr NIL of Poltava, hieromonk (1918) // JUL 4 //
• Hosiosmartyrs of Mgarsk Convent (1919) // JUL 24 //
• Hieromartyr SILVESTR (Iustin Ol’shevskij) archbishop of Omsk and pavlodar, bishop of Priluksk, vicarios of Poltava Eparchy (1860-1920) // FRB 13 //
• Hosiosmartyr INNOKENTI Beda, archmandrite (1881-1928) // DEC 24 //
• Hieromartyr BASIL Zelentsov, bishop of Priluksk, vicarios of Poltava Eparchy (1870-1930) // JAN 25 //
• Martyr CYPRIAN Jatsenko, psalmist (1787-1935)
• Hieromartyr ARCADI Ostal’skij, bishop of Bezhetsk, bishop of Lubny (1889- 1937) // DEC 16 //
• Hosiosmartyr GENNADI (Grigory Rebeza) archmandrite (1880-1937) // NOV 19 //
• Hieromartyr DAMIAN (Dimitri Voskresenski) archbishop of kursk and Obojansk, bishop of Poltava and Perejaslavl (1873-1937) // OCT 21 //
• Hieromartyr IOASAPH (knyaz’ Vladimir Zhevakhoff) bishop of Mogilev (1874-1937) // NOV 22 //
• Hieromartyr MIRON Rzhepik, presbiter (1885-1937) // AUG 31 //
• Hieromartyr SERAPHIM (Simeon Samojlovich) archbishop of Uglich (1881-1937) // OCT 22 //
• Hieromartyr SIMEON Krivoshejev, presbiter (1878-1937) // NOV 19 //
• Hieromartyr ANTHONY Gorban’, presbiter (1938) // DEC 9 //
• Hieromartyr MITROFAN Vil’gel’mskij, presbiter (1883-1938) // MAY 19 //
• Hosiosmartyress OLIMPIADA Verbetskaja, Abbess of Kozel’tshcansk Convent (1938) //MAY 20 //
• Hieromartyr GAVRIIL Kovalenko, archpriest (1938) //MAY 20 //
• Hosiosmartyr VARFOLOMEI Ratnykh, hieromonk (1894-1938) // JAN 28 //
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Petrovskij, archbishop of Kharkov (1851-1940) // MAY 11 // OCT 30 //
• Martyress MARFA Dudarenko (1942)
• Hosiosconfessor BASIL (Veniamin Preobrazhenskij) bishop of Kineshma (1876-1945) // JUL 31 // OCT 5 //
• Hosiosconfessor NICHOLAS (Theodosy Mogilevskij) metropolitan of Alma-Ata (1877-1955) // OCT 12 // AUG 26 //
• Hosiosconfessor ATHANASIOS (Sergi Sakharov) bishop of Kovrov (1887-1962) // OCT 15 //
• Holy Hierarch Sainted JOHN Maximovich, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco (1896-1966)
• Venerable ANDRONIK Lukash, Elder of Glinsk dwelling-desert, schemaarchmandrite (1974) // MAR 8 //
• VMM RHIPSIME (Rhipsima, Rhipsimia, Arbsima, Hrip’sime or Ripsimia), GAÏANE (Gaiane or Gaiana), MARIAMNE, and 30 other nuns at Erzroum in Armenia, Protomartyrs of Armenia (330)
• MM DADA 答达; GABDELAS (Gobdelaas, Gobdelaha or Gabdela) 伽布德拉; his sister CASDOE (Casdoa, Casdoas, Kasdoa, Kasdios or Kazoy of Kasdoa) 喀斯多埃; CASDIOS and GARGAL; of Persia (330)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Γοβδελαᾶς, Δᾴδας, Κάσδοος καὶ Κασδόα
• 154 Holy Martyrs of Egypt and Palestine (303) Holy Martyrs PELEUS and NILUS the Bishops, PATERMUTHIUS, ELIAS and another 100 Martyrs of Egypt, and 50 Martyrs of Palestine
• 50 Martyrs in Palestine
• MM TRYPHON 特里丰, TROPHIMUS 特若斐默, DORYMEDON 多里麦顿 and 150 martyrs in Palestine
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 150 οἱ Μάρτυρες
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Τρύφων, Τρόφιμος καὶ Δορυμέδων
• 80 Martyrs of Byzantium (364 - 378) were burnt in a marine vessel for their firmness in Orthodoxy during the reign of Emperor Valens
• CATHOLDUS, ANNO and DIETHARDUS (late 8th c.) monks who preached the Gospel around Eichstätt in Germany
• 39 martyrs in Vrachori in Ätolien (1786) by the Muslims
• Monks of Strophades Island, Martyrs (1530)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι ἐν Στροφάσιν ἀναιρεθέντες Μάρτυρες
Strofades or Strofadia is a group of two small Greek islands in the Ionian Islands. They lie about 44 km (27 mi) south-southeast of the island of Zakynthos.
• 3 New Martyrs of Vrachori, Agrinio (1786)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι τρεῖς Νεομάρτυρες ἐν τῷ Βραχωρίῳ Ἀγρινίου
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Uncovering of Relics (1993) of Holy Hierarch JOHN Maximovich, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco (1896-1966)
By prayers before his incorrupt relics, people are strengthened in faith, receive healing, consolation, and spiritual powers. After the many struggles, cares, sorrows which he endured for the sake of Christ and His Truth, Holy Hierarch John has arrived at the peaceful heavenly harbor, where rejoicing together with the angels, he glorifies the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, God One in Trinity, to Whom from us as well may there be glory, honor and worship, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
• New Hieromartyr IOANN 约安 Pommer, Archbishop of Riga in Latvia (1876-1934)
St John’s influence in Galicia was especially felt through his involvement in the movement toward Orthodoxy among the Galician intelligentsia. He has been formally placed in the list of All Saints of Galicia as a result.
• Repose of Archimandrite GERASIM Schmaltz (1969) of Alaska
• Canonization (1998) of SEBASTIAN the Elder of Optina and Karaganda, confessor (1966)
• Canonization (1998) of PIMEN Belolikov, Bishop of Wernyj and Sermirechensk, martyr of Alma-Ata (1918)
• AGRICOLAOS Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia
• Venerable ALARICUS (Adalricus, Adalrai) of Zurich, hermit (975) in Switzerland
• Venerable Martyress ANASTASIA ascetic
• Repose of ANTONIUS Alexseevich, Fool for Christ in Zadonsk (1851)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀντώνιος ὁ διὰ Χριστὸν Σαλός ἐκ Ζαντόσκ
• Translation of Relics of AUXENTIUS the Wonderworker
• Venerable CYPRIAN 基普里安 abbot in Ustiug, monk (1276) of Vologda
• DIONYSIUS I, Patriarch of Constantinople
• Translation of the relics of DONATUS Bishop of Euroea in Epirus (387) from the Church of Santa Maria e San Donato in Venice to Paramythia in Greece
• VM GUDELIA (Goudelia, Gabdela, Gobdelas, Gobdalaha, Gubarelahas, Gabedda or Gabeddas) 谷德利亚 of Persia (4th c.) by command of Shapur, King of Persia, she was nailed to a tree
Ἡ Ἁγία Γουδελία (ἢ Γοβδελία)
• Hieromartyr FRATEMUS (Fraternus) (450) Bishop of Auxerre in France
• Venerable KYRIAKOS 基里雅科 of Palestine, hermit, monk (556)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Κυριακὸς ὁ Ἀναχωρητὴς
• Sainted LIUTWIN (Ludwin, Leodwin) (717) Founder of Mettlach in Germany and then Bishop of Trier, Laon and Reims
• Hosiosmartyr MALACHIAS 玛拉希亚 of Rhodes, monk (1500) tortured by tie to the tail of the horses and drag along the ground, by broke of elbows and knees, and baked on fire and roasted on a spit over live coals
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μαλαχίας ὁ Νέος Ὁσιομάρτυρας
• MARY of Palestine (also known as Mary the Ascetic), Desert Dweller (5-6th c.)
At first, Mary was a reader of the Psalter in the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem. Because she was of beautiful countenance, many who gazaed upon her were tempted by lustful thoughts. So that she would no longer be a cause of temptation for men, Mary withdrew into the wilderness of Souka with a basket of beans and an earthenware jug of water. St Mary lived in the wilderness for eighteen years. By God's power, neither the beans nor the water ran out. The disciples of St Cyriacus found her during her lifetime, and later buried her.
• Sainted MELETIJ (Mikhail Leontovich), Archbishop of Kharkiv (1840)
• MURGHAL Abbot of Rathlin, County of Antrim
• Translation of Relics of NEOPHYTE 奈奥斐特 the Incarcerated, of Cyprus (1214)
• Venerable Schemamonk ONUPHRIOS 奥努弗里 (Otar Machutadze in the world) of Garedzha (1733) Georgia
• Martyress PETRONIA of Greece, by the sword
Ἡ Ἁγία Πετρωνία ἡ Μάρτυς
• Martyress THEODOTA at Philippolis in Thrace, Pen. (318)
Repentant prostitute. Convert. Tortured and martyred for refusing to sacrifice to Roman idols during the persecutions of Agrippa.
• Venerable monk THEOPHANES 德奥梵 the Merciful 仁慈者, of Gaza (594)
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018