
понедельник, 22 октября 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • October 23 / October 10 •


October 23 / October 10
2018 (7527)
• Icon of the Mother of God “OF THE AKATHIST” 弗坐词 of the Zographou Monastery (1274)
This Holy Icon not to be confused with the Hilandar Icon “Of the Akathist”.
• Feast of the Second Pokrova, the Icon of the Mother of God the Unmoveable Wall in the Cathedral of St Sophia of Kyiv
• The Miraculous Icon of the Theotokos and the Abbots Revelation named “CHAIROVO” that is “Our Lady of the Hail”
Synaxis of The SAINTS of VOLHYNIA (1831) 纪念沃尔希尼亚之七位圣徒
On this day, we commemorate the Synaxis of Saints of Volhynia — one of the most ancient domains of Christian Rus’, and now part of western Ukraine. Volhynia was once of what the Russian chronicles call “Chervonnaya Rus”, which means literally “Red Russia”, brought to the Orthodox Christian faith in the time of Grand Prince Vladimir. Ravaged by Mongol Hordes, occupied by Poland-Lithuania, absorbed back into the Russian Empire under Catherine the Great, Volhynia returned briefly to Poland after World War I and then became part of the Soviet Union after World War II. Despite its turbulent history, Volhynia is today largely Orthodox Christian. At the region’s Orthodox heart is one of the most revered monasteries of Russian and Ukrainian Orthodoxy, the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra.
• Holy CYRIL Equal of the Apostles and Enlightener of the Slavs (869) appointed as instructor in philosophy // FEB 14 // MAY 11 //
• Holy METHODIUS bishop Equals of the Apostles and Enlightener of the Slavs (885) // APR 6 // MAY 11 //
• OLGA Equal of the Apostles, the Great Princess of Russia, in Holy Baptism called Helen (969) // JUL 11 //
• Equal of the Apostles Great Prince VLADIMIR, in Holy Baptism Basil, the Enlightener of the Russian Land (1015) // JUL 15 //
• Venerable BARLAAM the 1st Abbot of the Kiev St Antony Near Caves of the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1065) Ukraine // NOV 19 //
• Rightbelieving YAROPOLK 雅罗颇尔克 (in Holy Baptism Peter 裴特若) prince of Vladimir-Volhynia (1086) // NOV 22 //
• Venerable STEPHEN 斯特梵 of Kiev Caves, Bishop of Vladimir in Volhynia (1094) // APR 27 //
• Venerable Monk NESTOR the Chronicler, of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1114) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Antony Near Caves of the Lavra // OCT 27 //
• Sainted AMPHILOCHIUS 安斐洛希 Bishop of Vladimir in Volhynia (1122) // OCT 10 //
• Venerable Monk NICHOLA Svyatosha, Prince of Chernigov, Wonderworker, of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1143) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Antony Near Caves of the Lavra // OCT 14 //
• Venerable Bishop NIPHONT of Novgorod, of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1156) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Antony Near Caves of the Lavra // APR 8 //
• Holy Prince ANDREW Bogoliubsky (i.o. “God-loving”) (1110-1174) // JUN 29 // JUL 4 //
• Venerable OLEG (in Baptism Leontius) Holy Prince of Briansk (1285) after 1274 he resigned as prince and became a monk with the name Basil at the Briansk monastery of Saints Peter and Paul, built through his generosity // SEP 20 //
• Wonderworker Sainted PETER Metropolitan of Moscow (1326) // AUG 24 // DEC 21 //
• Venerable METHODIUS of Pochayiv (1091-1228)
• Sainted THEOGNOSTUS the Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia (1353) // MAR 14 //
• Holy Hierarch Venerable Wonderworker CYPRIAN the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia (1406) // MAY 27 // SEP 16 //
• Holy Hierarch Sainted PHOTIUS the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia (1431) // MAY 27 // JUL 2 //
• Venerable THEODORE 德奥多若 (Theodosius, in monasticism) prince of Ostrog, monk of St Theodosy Far Caves of the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1483) Ukraine // AUG 11 //
• Righteous Virgin JULIANA 犹利亚纳 of Olshansk 奥尔珊斯卡亚, princess and nun (1540-1550) // JUL 6 //
• Sainted PETER Mogila, an influential Romanian Orthodox theologian and reformer, Metropolitan of Kiev, Halych and All Rus' (1646) // DEC 31 //
• Monastic Martyr ATHANASIUS of Brest the Abbot of Brest-Litovsk (1648) // JUL 20 // SEP 5 //
• Venerable JOB 约弗 of Pochayiv, abbot (1651) // MAY 6 // AUG 8 // AUG 28 // OCT 28 //
• Hieromartyr Wonderworker archmandrite MACARIUS 玛喀里 of Kanev (1678) // MAY 13 // SEP 7 //
• Sainted INNOCENT (John Kulchitsky ) the 1st Bishop of Irkutsk (1731) // FEB 9 // NOV 26 //
• New Hieromartyr MAXIM Sandovich (Maxim of Gorlice) the protomartyr of the Lemko people, Priest, of Lemkovina, Poland (1914) // AUG 24 //
• New Hieromartyr AMBROSIUS (Basil Gudko), bishop of Sarapula (1918) // JUL 27 //
• Martyr NIKOLAI Varzhanskiy (1918) // AUG 23 //
• New Hieromartyr NAZARIUS (Joseph Lezhava), metropoltain of Kutaisi (1924) // AUG 14 //
• New Hieromartyr archpriest ALEXANDER Skal’skiy (1933) // JAN 4 //
• Hieroconessor presbiter BASIL Malakhov (1937) // MAR 11 //
• New Hieromartyr archpriest MIRON Rzhepik (1937) // AUG 31 //
• Hieromartyr EUGENIUS Vyzhva, abbot (1937) // SEP 7 //
• Martyr VLADIMIR Pravdolübov (1937) // SEP 21 //
• New Hieromartyr presbiter KORNILIY Udilovich (1937) // NOV 24 //
• New Hieromartyr ARCADIUS Ostal’skiy, bishop of Bezhetsk (1937) // DEC 16 //
• New Hieromartyr presbiter ELIAH Benemanskiy (1937) // DEC 18 //
• New Hieromartyr presbiter ARETHA Nasonov (1938) // DEC 28 //
• New Hieromartyr presbiter PAVEL and Martyress IOANNA Shwaik (1943)
• New Hieromartyr presbiter SERGIUS Zaharchuk (1943)
• New Hieromartyr presbiter NIKOLAI Golets (1944)
• New Hieromartyr presbiter PETR Ogryzenko (1944)
• Venerable AMPHILOCHIUS (Iakov Golovatük) of Pochayiv (1894-1971) // APR 29 // DEC 19 //
Synaxis of the Saints of OPTINA
• Venerable hieroschemamonk LEONID (Lev) (1768—1841) // OCT 11 // • Venerable hieroschemamonk MACARIUS (1788—1860) // SEPT 7 // • Venerable schemaarchmandrite MOSES (1782—1862) // JUN 16 // • Venerable schemaigumenos ANTHONY (1795—1865) // AUG 7 // • Venerable hieromonk HILARION (1805—1873) // SEP 18 // • Venerable Elder hieroschemamonk AMBROSE of Optina (1812—1891) // JUN 27 // OCT 10 // • Venerable hieroschemamonk ANATOLE the Elder (1824—1894) // Jan 25 // • Venerable schemaarchmandrite ISAAC I (1810—1894) // Aug 22 // • Venerable hieroschemamonk JOSEPH (1837—1911) // MAY 9 // • Venerable schemaarchmandrite JOSEPH (1845—1913) // APR 1 // • Venerable hieroschemamonk ANATOLE the Younger (1855—1922) // JUL 30 // • Venerable hieromonk NECTARIUS (1853—1928) // APR 29 // • Venerable hieromonk NIKON the Confessor(1888—1931) // JUN 25 // • Hieromartyr archmandrite ISAAC II (1865—1938) // DEC 26 //
• The martyrs of the Theban Legion along the Rhine: GEREON of Köln a soldier martyred in Germany, either in Xanten or else in Bonn and his 318 companions; CASSIUS and FLORENTIUS under the Emperor Maximian Herculeus in Bonn in Germany and their 6 companions; VICTOR of Xanten, and MALLOSUS , and their 330 companions martyrs (286-304)
• Holy Martyrs EULAMPIUS (Evlampios or Eulampios) 艾弗朗彼 and his sister EULAMPIA (Evlampia) 艾弗朗彼亚 the Siblings (305) at Nicomedia, thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil, they stepped out unhurt and finally beheaded in 302 at Nicomedia, Asia Minor (in modern Turkey); together with 200 Martyrs converted to Christ after seeing the miracles of Saint Eulampius and Saint Eulampia as they were being tortured. They were also put to death and received the crown of martyrdom
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Εὐλάμπιος καὶ Εὐλαμπία τὰ ἀδέλφια
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 200 Μάρτυρες
• 26 Holy Martyrs of Zographou Monastery (1284) of Mt Athos were burned alive in 1282 on Mount Athos by a Latin army serving the Roman Emperor Michael VIII Paleologos : THOMAS 托玛斯 Hegumenos, monks BARSANUPHIUS 瓦尔萨努斐, CYRIL 基里尔, MICHÆAS 弥亥亚, COSMAS 科斯玛, HILARION 伊拉里雍, JAMES 雅科弗, JOB 约弗, CYPRIAN 基普里安, SABBAS 萨瓦, JAMES 雅科弗, MARTINIAN 玛尔提尼安, COSMAS 科斯玛, SERGIUS 塞尔吉, MINAS 弥纳, JOASAPH 约阿撒弗, IOANNICIUS 约安尼基, PAUL 帕弗罗, ANTHONY 安托尼, EUTHYMIUS 艾弗提弥, DOMETIAN 多麦提安, PARTHENIUS 帕尔特尼and 4 laymen martyrs // SEP 22 // OCT 10 //
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 26 οἱ Ὁσιομάρτυρες Ζωγραφίτες τοῦ Ἁγίου Ὄρους
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• New Hieromartyr PETER Polyansky, Metropolitan of Moscow and Krutitsy (1862-1937)
• New Hieromartyr THEODOR Pozdeyevskiy, Archbishop of Volokolamsk (1937)
• ALDERICUS (Aldric, Audri) (790-841) Archbishop of Sens
• Translation (846) of Relics of Sainted ALDRICH abbot in Ferrières, Archbishop of Sens (836-841)
• Venerable Elder hieroschemamonk AMBROSE 安弗若西 of Optina (1812—1891) // JUN 27 // OCT 10 //
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀμβρόσιος τῆς Ὄπτινα
• Blessed Fool for Christ ANDREW 安德列 of Totma (1673)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀνδρέας ὁ διὰ Χριστὸν Σαλός ἐκ Τότμα
• Venerable BASSIAN 瓦西安 (Basil) of Constantinople (458) the igumen at a monastery where there were 3 000 monks. Among them also was Saint Matrona, who dressed in men’s attire
Ὁ Ἅγιος Βασιανός
• CERBONIUS (400) Bishop of Verona in Italy
• CERBONIUS (580) of the bishops in North Africa driven from their sees by the Arian Vandals. He settled at Piombino in Tuscany in Italy and was a bishop there
• CLARUS (3rd c.) Bishop of Nantes in France
Died 3rd century (?). Some claim that Bishop Saint Clarus of Nantes was a disciple of Saint Peter and the first apostle of Brittany (then known as Armorica). More likely his episcopacy occurred several centuries later.
• New Martyr St CONSTANTINE Politansky (1742) graduate of the Kyivan-Mohyla Academy, martyred by the Turks at Constantinople
• Martyr DIONYSIUS the Philosopher Metropolitan of Larissa (1541-1611)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Διονύσιος ὁ Σκυλόσοφος
• Holy New Martyr DIONYSIOS of Vatopaidi (1822)
Ssent to Crete in 1822 to escort the Holy Girdle of the Theotokos because of an epidemic that ravaged the island. Since at that time a revolution broke out in Crete, the Turks arrested him as a hostage and pressured him to convert to Islam. Because he refused the Turks tortured him by piercing his head with a flaming spit. Remaining steadfast and unyielding in his faith he was led on Clean Monday (February 13) in 1822 to the gallows, after first confessing his sins and receiving Holy Communion.
• FULK (845) the 21st Abbot of Fontenelle in France
• Sainted GREGORY metropolitan of Nicaea, Confessor of the Divine Icons
• Sainted INNOCENT 英诺肯提 Smirnov, Bishop of Penze (1819)
• Venerable LONGINUS the Stylite (716)
• Martyr MAHARSAPOR of Persia (421)
A Christian Persian of noble family, Saint Maharsapor was seized with Narses (Parses) and Sabutaka when King Yezdigerd, angered at the destruction of a Mazdean temple unleashed a persecution of Christians. They were tortured and then Narses and Sabutaka were executed at the order of the judge Hormisdavarus, a former slave. Maharasapor was not so privileged. Repeatedly Maharasapor was brought before Hormisdavarus for examination and torture. After a three-year imprisonment, he was thrown into a cistern to die of starvation during the reign of Varanes V. Three days later he was found dead in the posture of prayer, surrounded by light.
• PATRICIAN (5th c.) a bishop in Scotland who was driven out by heathen and spent the remainder of his life on the Isle of Man
• PAULINUS 帕弗利诺 of York (644) consecrated Bishop of York and sent to enlighten Northumbria, where he baptised King Edwin in York. After the King's martyrdom, he returned to Kent, where he became Bishop of Rochester
This is how the present life of man on Earth, King, appears to me in comparison with that time which is unknown to us. You are sitting feasting with your ealdormen and thegns in winter time. The fire is burning on the hearth in the middle of the hall and all inside is warm, while outside the wintry storms of rain and snow are raging - and a sparrow flies swiftly through the hall. It enters in at one door and quickly flies out through the other. For the few moments it is inside, the storm and wintry tempest cannot touch it, but after the briefest moment of calm, it flits from your sight, out of the wintry storm and into it again. So this life of man appears but for a moment. What follows or, indeed, what went before, we know not at all. - Saint Paulinus of York, speaking in Northumbria
• PAULINUS Bishop of Capua in Italy (843) a pilgrim from England reposed in Sicopolis where he had fled during the invasion of the Saracens
• Translation (1994) of the relics of St PHILARET (Theodor Amphiteatrov, schemamonk Theodosy) Metropolitan of Kyiv, of the Kyiv Caves Lavra (1837-1858)
• PINIUS (Pinytus) 彼尼托 Bishop of Knossos in Crete (171)
• SIOLLAN (Sillan) the Abbot of Imleach-Cassain (Cuailgue) or Imleach Caoin (Tir-Aedha) or Inchigeela, Co. Cork
• VM TANCHA (Tanca, Tranca) (637) a young girl near Troyes in France who was martyred defending her virginity
• TELECHILD (Telechildis, Teodechilde) 1st Abs. of Jouarre, Diocese of Meaux (7th c.)
Nun. Abbess of Jouarre Abbey, Meaux, France c.630 where she was a noted spiritual teacher of her sisters.
• Schemamonck THEODOR ascetic of Valaam (1834)
• Venerable THEOPHILUS 德奥斐洛 the Confessor of Bulgaria, came from the area surrounding Tiberiada (8th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Θεόφιλος ὁ Ὁμολογητής
• Holy Martyr THEOTECNUS 德奥特克诺 of Antioch (305)
• Sainted TUTO Bishop of Regensburg (930)
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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