November 22 / November 9
2018 (7527)
• The miraculous Icon of Panagia GORGOEPIKOOS of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Quick Hearer" ("She Who Is Quick to Hear" also "Quick to Obey") 迅敏垂听之母 of Mt Athos (1664)
Let them and all Orthodox Christians come to Me in their necessities, and I shall not forsake them. All their petitions will be granted by My Son, because of My intercession with Him. My icon shall be called She who is Quick to Hear, for I shall speedily fulfill the petitions of those who hasten to it. The Most Holy Theotokos then fulfilled and continues to fulfill Her promise of quick help and consolation for all those who come to Her with faith.
It should be noted that prior to the miracle above regarding Monk Neilos, the names of the Panagia's icon at Docheiariou in 1563 were Vrefokratousa (Infant-bearer), Fovera Prostasia (Awesome Protection) and Gorgoepikoos (Quick to Hear). Yet when the Panagia revealed her name a century later there was a different spelling to the last that is hard to portray in English but looks like this in Greek - it went from Γοργοεπήκοος to Γοργοϋπήκοος (in English the "e" is a long "e" sound). What this means is that not only is the Theotokos "Quick to Hear", but she is also showing another attribute of herself by calling herself "Quick to Obey".
• Dedication of the Lateran Basilica (324)
The oldest and first in rank of the four basilicas of Rome, Italy. The name is derived from the Laterani family, on the site of whose palace the basilica stands. Constantine presented this palace to the Church. The original church building, probably adapted from the hall of the palace, was dedicated to the Saviour, and from its splendor was known as the Basilica Aurea. Though several times destroyed and rebuilt, the basilica retained its ancient form, being divided by rows of columns into aisles and having an atrium with colonnades. The tasteless restoration of the 17th century changed its appearance. A monastery was formerly between the basilica and the city wall of which the cloister still remains. The original apse survived until 1878, when it was destroyed and a deeper apse built. The ancient mosaics have been preserved. The high altar, which is of wood and is believed to have been used by Saint Peter, is now encased in marble. In the upper part of the baldachinum are the heads of the Apostles, Peter and Paul. The baptistery is an octagonal edifice with porphyry columns. The font is of green basalt. This basilica has been the cathedral of Rome since the 4th century.
• Blessed AGATHA (Agaphia) Maranchuk novice of Kushelovsk Monastery of Bessarabia (today in Moldavia) (1819-1843) // JUN 9 //
• Righteous THEODOSY Levitskiy, presbiter in St Nicholas Church in Balta (1791-1845) // MAR 9 //
• Hieromartyr KIRION II (George Sadzaglishvili) Catholicos (Patriarch) of All Georgia (1855-1918) historian and spiritual w riter // JUN 27 //
• New Hieromartyr AMBROSE (Basil Gudko) bishop of Sarapula and Elabuga (1867-1918) // JUL 27 //
After the return of Vladyka to Sviyazhsk, in July 1918 the bishop was again arrested on the personal order of Trotsky and taken to the Türlema train-station, where the headquarters of units of the Red Army was stationed. Bishop Ambrose was tortured on August 9, 1918. In a few hours his co-cellar St Iov Protopopov found in the middle of an unbroken field the body of the archpastor with a lot of bayonet wounds, with his hands turned out in the shoulders, elbows and hands. Job betrayed his honest remains to the land and for 12 years paid to the peasant that would not plow the field where the ashes of the martyr were at a shallow depth. In 1930, the land moved to the collective farm, and later it came to lose to determine the place of the unknown grave of Bishop Ambrose.
• Hosiosmartyr hieromonk JOB (John Protopopov) of Kazan (1880-1930) // JAN 14 //
• Hieromartyr presbiter PAVEL Gajdaj (1876-1937) at Karaganda KZ // AUG 23 //
• Hieromartyr PARTHENIUS (Petr Bryansky) bishop of Ananiev (1881-1937) martyred at Archangelsk // NOV 9 //
• Venerable Schemaarchbishop Sainted ANTONY (Dutch David Abashidze tonsured monk Dimitriy) (1867-1942) // OCT 19 //
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Χριστόφορος καὶ Μαύρα οἱ Μάρτυρες
• Holy Martyrs ONESIPHORUS 奥尼息佛尔 and PORPHYRIUS 颇尔斐里 (305) martyred for the name of Christ during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. They were severely beaten, then burned on an iron grid, then tied to horses' tails and dragged over rocks and thorns. They were thus torn to pieces and gave up their holy souls to God
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ὀνησιφόρος καὶ Πορφύριος οἱ Μάρτυρες
• Holy Crowned Martyrs martyred in Pannonia: the carvers CLAUDIUS 克劳迪, NICOSTRATUS 尼科斯特拉特, SYMPHORIAN 塞穆普若尼安 the son of Claudius, and CASTORIUS 喀斯托尔 and SIMPLICIUS (305) the latter were sculptors who refused to carve a statue of the god Aesculapius and were martyred by Diocletian • MM JULIAN, Marcian and MARIA of 10 Martyrs of Constantinople (modern Istanbul, Turkey) (305)
A group of ten Christians who tried to defend an image of Jesus over the Brazen Gate of Constantinople from an attack by Iconoclasts during the persecutions of emperor Leo the Isaurian. The group of was seized by soldiers, condemned by judges for opposing the emperor, and martyred.
• Martyrs NARSES and ARTEMON by the sword
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ναρσὴς καὶ Ἀρτέμωνας οἱ Μάρτυρες
• Venerables Co-Founders of Dochiariou Monastery EUTHYMIUS 艾弗提弥 (990) of Dochiariou and his nephew and disciple NEOPHYTUS 奈奥斐特 benefactor of the monastery, deigned to be chosen “protos” (head of the governing Council of Elders of the Holy Mountain) and for many years he labored there
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Εὐθύμιος καὶ Νεόφυτος κτήτορες τῆς Μονῆς Δοχειαρίου Ἁγίου Ὄρους
欧蒂缪斯和内奥菲图斯是塞尔维亚人,也是拜占廷高级贵族的亲属。起初,欧蒂缪斯是圣阿塔纳西的同伴和他的修道院的管事,之后,欧蒂缪斯成为多基亚罗修道院的创始人。欧蒂缪斯于公元990 年安息主怀,他的侄子内奥菲图斯继承了他叔叔的职务,成了多基亚罗修道院院长,内奥菲图斯增进了兄弟之间的关系,并建立了一座大教堂。内奥菲图斯于公元11 世纪安息主怀。
• Our Father among the Saints Sainted NECTARIUS 奈克塔里 (Nektarios) Kephalas, bishop of Pentapolis, Wonderworker, and founder of the Monastery of the Holy Trinity on Aegina (1846-1920)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νεκτάριος Μητροπολίτης Πενταπόλεως Αἰγύπτου
Born in Greece, 1846; died on Aegina, Greece, 1920; canonized by the Orthodox Church. While rector of the Rhizarion ecclesiastical college, Nectarius began restoring a convent on the island of Aegina in 1904. After 1908, he used his energies full-time on this project. He died on the island where he was revered during his lifetime and where he was buried. His relics at the restored convent have been the destination of pilgrims since 1953.
• Gerondissa XENI of Aegina in Greece (1923)
• Hieromartyr PARTHENIUS Bryansky, Bishop of Ananevsk (1937)
• Repose of Righteous MATRONA a Clairvoyant Cripple of Penza (1937)
• Hieromartyr CONSTANTINE Cherepanov, presbiter, priest (1878-1937) at
• Hieromartyr NESTOR Panin, presbiter, archpriest (1881-1937) at Semipalatinsk
• Hieromartyr THEODORE Chichkanov, presbiter, archpriest (1884-1937) at Semipalatinsk
• Hieromartyr VICTOR Klimov, presbiter, priest (1889-1937) at Semipalatinsk
• Hieromartyr presbiter CONSTANTINE Nemeshajev (1879-1937) graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr presbiter DIMITRIY Rusinov (1871-1937) graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr archpriest ELIAH Ryl’ko (1881-1937) graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr archpriest PAUL Ansimov (1891-1937) graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr deacon JOSEPH Schensnovich (1886-1937) graved at Butovo
• Hosiosmartyr ALEXIS Zadvornov, Hieromonk of the Afanasiev Convent, Yaroslavl (1882-1937) graved at Butovo
The priest was accused of "condemning the Constitution, quoting words from the Bible, discontent with the conditions of life in the camp," to which Father Alexis said that "he regards the camp as a monastery, and satisfied with everything and thanks God for everything".
• Hosiosmartyr SERGIUS Tshernushin, Hegumenos
• Repose of schemamonk THEODOR (George Irtel) the Elder (1999) tonsured monk Sergius of Valaam, missionary in Alaska, South of USA and Mexica
• Sainted AGRIPPINUS (Arpinus) Bishop of Naples in Italy (233)
• Martyr ALEXANDER 亚历山大 of Thessalonica (305) standing before the judgement seat of the tyrant, because he had kicked over the sacrificial altar to the idols, and scattered the demonic offerings and sacrifices that were on it, he was sentenced to be beheaded, and by this the renowned one received the crown of martyrdom
• Martyr ANTHONY 安托尼 of Apamea (356) a stone-mason. With the blessing of the bishop of the Syrian city of Apameia, he began to construct a church in the Name of the Holy Trinity. Pagan townspeople, having learned of this, rushed by night into his house and murdered him with a sword
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀντώνιος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Sainted AURELIUS, Bishop of Riditio in Armenien (475)
When Saint Dionysius of Milan was driven from his diocese by Arians, he fled to Armenia where he was befriended by Aurelius. When Dionysius died, Aurelius took his remains back to Milan where he remained as a friend to Saint Ambrose of Milan. Bishop of Riditio in Armenia.
• Sainted BENIGNUS (Benen) of Armagh (468) "Benen, son of Sessenen, St Patrick's Psalmsinger". A favourite disciple of St Patrick, whom he succeeded as the main bishop in Ireland. He preached mainly in Clare and Kerry and founded a monastery in Drumlease
Son of the Irish chieftain Sesenen in County Meath. Baptized by and a disciple of Saint Patrick, accompanying him in his travels and missions. Noted choral singer and arranger for liturgical music, he was called Patrick's psalm-singer. Evangelized the provinces of Clare, Kerry, and Connaught. Abbot of Drumlease for twenty years. Assisted in compiling the Senchus Mor, the Irish Code of Laws. Present at the synod which recognized the See of the Apostle Peter (Rome, Italy) as the final court of appeal in difficult cases. Succeeded Saint Patrick as bishop of Ireland.
• Martyr CLEMENS, consul (89)
• Venerable Elder HELLADIUS of Egypt (439)
• Venerabless EUSTOLIA 艾弗斯托利亚 of Constantinople (610) a native of Rome, came to Constantinople and entered one of the women's monasteries. The virtuous and strict monastic life of the blessed saint gained her the love and respect of the sisters. Not only monastics, but also many laypeople came to her for advice and consolation
• FIONNSEACH (Finseacha)
• Venerable HELLADIUS monk
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἑλλάδιος
• Sainted JOB 1st patriarch of Moscow (1606)
• Venerable Abba JOHN 约翰 the Dwarf 矮者, called ``Kolobos'' means ``dwarf,'' for he was of little stature, of Scetis desert, among the greatest of the Egyptian ascetics (422) the author of the Life of the Monk Paisias the Great
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰωάννης ὁ Βραχύσωμος ἢ Κολοβὸς
约安是伟大的埃及苦行者之一。由于他身材矮小而被称为矮人。约安同他的兄弟达尼伊尔一起来到了一座小修道院,将自己的全部热情都倾注在苦行之中,由此,达尼伊尔不得不催促他要适中。约安是圣旁博的弟子,后来成为圣大阿尔赛纽斯的老师。圣大帕伊修斯同约安同属圣旁博的弟子。有一次,当他同帕伊修斯谈论如何进行修行时,上帝的一位使者出现在他们的面前,命令约安呆在他以前教导其他人的地方,而帕伊修斯要去旷野之中,成为一名隐士。为了考验约安的忠顺,圣旁博命令他为一个被埋在地里的枯枝浇水,直到枯枝变绿为止。约安毫不迟疑,日日夜夜为这个枯枝浇水整整3 年的时间,在上帝的力量之下,这个枯枝变绿了,并结出了果实。旁博将这棵树结的果实带到了教堂,将其分给众兄弟,说:“过来,尝一尝忠顺结出的果实!”。矮人约安有很多弟子。他的很多智慧之言都被保存下来,最后进入了主永恒的国度。
Pray earnestly with compunction and vigilance. Pay no attention to the faults of others. Do not measure yourself against other people, for you are lower than every creature. — Abba John the Dwarf
• Our Venerabless Holy Mother MATRONA 玛特若纳 of Perge and Constantinople who dressed in men’s attire (492) Abbess, Fndr. of monasteries
Ἡ Ὁσία Ματρῶνα
玛特若纳出生于潘菲里亚的佩尔加。玛特若纳嫁给了君士坦丁堡的一个贵族,婚后,这个贵族不能再容忍她。玛特若纳身着男装逃走了,化名为巴比拉斯,并进入了君士坦丁堡的圣巴西安修道院。由于她的丈夫一直都在寻找她,所以,他不得不换了一个地方又一个地方:埃枚萨、西奈、耶路撒冷,最后重新又回到了君士坦丁堡。玛特若纳在25 岁的时候剪发成为一名修女,修行长达75 年之久,后来成了君士坦丁堡一座修道院的院长。玛特若纳于公元492 年在她100 岁之际安息主怀。
She came to Christ and begged him evermore to bestow grace upon the churches and give salvation to all his people who glorify Him as one of the indivisible Trinity, to which is due all glory, honor, and adoration, now and always, for ever and ever. Amen.
• NIKEPHORUS the Russian, ascetic
Ὁ Ὅσιος Νικηφόρος ὁ ἐν τῷ Σπηλαίῳ
• Venerable hieromonk ONESIPHORUS 奥尼息佛尔 the Confessor of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1148) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Antony Near Caves of the Lavra
He was a presbyter and had the gift of perspicacity (clairvoyance).
• Martyr ORESTES of Cappadocia (304) tortured to death under Diocletian
• PABO (510) after life as a soldier in Scotland, he came to Wales and in Anglesey founded the monastery later called Llanbabon after him
Son of a fifth century Pictish chieftain. Soldier and warlord in the area of modern Scotland who gave up his sword to become a monk in Wales. Founded a monastery on Anglesy Island; it was later known as Llanbabon, based on a variation of his name.
• SARNAT (Sarnata) of Galway
• Venerable SIMEON 西麦 Metaphrastes (i.o. the Translator), of Constantinople (940-987) from scattered manuscripts and earlier anthologies, he assembled a collection of Lives of almost 150 Saints, a work which forms the basis of the Synaxaria in use today. He also compiled a Universal Chronicle and edited the treatises of several Fathers of the Church. Because of his skilled and diligent labors, he is called Metaphrastes, meaning 'Translator' or 'editor'. He is the author of many beautiful prayers still in regular use today (one is found in the Prayers of Preparation for Communion). At his repose, a sweet-smelling and healing myrrh flowed from his body
Ὁ Ὅσιος Συμεὼν ὁ Μεταφραστὴς
西麦翁是君士坦丁堡一位富有天才的人,兼备世俗和精神方面的教育。他曾经担任帝国的文房长官,并成为皇宫贵族之首,但是他的生活是圣洁的,正派的,如同一个真正的修行者。西麦翁因其在军事方面表现出的勇气和超人的智慧而倍受智慧皇帝莱翁的敬重,并一度将其派遣到克里特岛同阿拉伯人进行和平谈判,当时阿拉伯人占领了克里特岛。西麦翁在这次使命中获得胜利,在返回君士坦丁堡不久之后,便从这个纷杂的世界中隐退。西麦翁书写了圣人的生活,编纂了122 个新传记,修改了539 个传记。西麦翁于公元960 年安息主怀,从他的圣髑中经常会散发出香气,并有医治病症的没药从圣骨中流出。
• SINEACH of Co. Loughshinney (597)
• Venerabless SOPATRA 索西帕特拉 (Sosipatra) of Constantinople (625) daughter of the emperor Maurice (582-602), being inclined towards monasticism, met the Nun Evstolia at Blakhernai, in the church in honour of the MostHoly Mother of God. After conversation with the saint, Sosipatra finally decided to leave the world and give her will over altogether to her guide, the Nun Evstolia. In the palace building, which the pious emperor bestowed upon his daughter, there gradually emerged a monastery, known for its strict monastic rule
Οἱ Ἁγίες Εὐσταλία καὶ Σωπάτρα
• Martyr THEODORUS surnamed Tyro (306) the recruit, from Euchaïta; the patron of soldiers
I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall be always in my mouth.
Roman general (stratelates) and covert Christian during a time of persecution. Exposed as a Christian, a military tribunal decided he was a good soldier who had made a mistake, told him to reconsider, and set him free; he promptly burned down a pagan temple. Arrested again, he was ordered to apostatize, then tortured by having his flesh torn off; he responded by reciting the Psalms.
Saint Theodore Tyro is almost certainly the same person as Theodore Statelates. The Tyro story describes the soldier as a recruit, the feast day is 9 November, and the region is slightly different, but the story is the same.
• Venerabless THEOCTISTA 德奥克提斯特 (Teoktista Paroska, Theoctista or Theoktiste) of the Monastery Panagia "Ekatontapyliani" (Hundred Doors) in Paros (881) of Lesbos (Lesvos)
Ἡ Ὁσία Θεοκτίστη ἡ Λεσβία
特奥科蒂斯塔出生于勒斯波斯岛,她在17 岁时剪发成为一名修女。野蛮的撒拉逊人袭击了该岛,并将落入他们手中的所有人沦为奴隶,其中也包括特奥科蒂斯塔和她的妹妹。当撒拉逊人将这些奴隶带到帕罗斯岛的市场的时候,特奥科蒂斯塔从人流中逃走,并隐藏到该岛中部的一座废弃的教堂中,在那里度过修行生活长达35 年的时间。特奥科蒂斯塔于公元881 年进入基督永生的国度。
• Virgin TRIDUANA (Treddles, Triduna, Traddles, Tredwall, Trallen, Trallew, Tradlius, Tredwell, Tradwall, Trodlin, Tradwell or Trollhaena) of Restalrig in Scotland (8th c.) Solitary at Rescobie (Forfarshire) and later at Restalrig (Lanarkshire), Scotland, Pat. of Kintradwell (Caithness) connected with St Regulus in Scotland. Her shrine was a centre of devotion and pilgrimage // 8 OCT // 9 NOV //
• Sainted URSINUS 1st Bishop of Bourges in France (277-280)
Missionary to and first bishop of Bourges, France. Legend says he was a disciple of the Apostles who sent him as a missionary to Gaul (modern France), but we now know that he lived in the third century.
• VITONUS (Vanne, Vaune) the Confessor (525) Bishop of Verdun in the north of France c 500-525. A monastery in Lorraine was later dedicated to him
Became a monk as a young man. Bishop of Verdun, France c.500. Converted all the residents in his diocese, wiping out paganism in the area. Founded a college for priests. Known as a miracle worker. A great Benedictine abbey in Lorraine, France was later named for him.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Blessed be God.
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