
воскресенье, 30 июня 2019 г.

• συνοδικός • 2019 July 1 / June 18 7527 •


July 1 / June 18
2019 (7527)
• Icon of the Mother of God the Most Holy Theotokos "THE GOD LOVING" ("Bogolübov") 博格路博夫 (1157) // JUN 18 //
Σύναξις Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου ἐν Μπογκολιούμπσκϊυ Ρωσίας
The Bogolub Icon of the Mother of God, one of the most ancient wonderworking icons of Russia, was written in the twelfth century at the request of Prince Andrew Bogolubsky, in memory of an appearance to him by the Mother of God. In 1155, Prince Andrew, having resettled from Vishgorod to the Suzdal region of Russia, brought with him a wonderworking icon of the Mother of God, written by the Evangelist Luke (ultimately, it came to be called the Vladimir Icon). Seven miles from Vladimir, the cart carrying the wonderworking icon stopped and could not be moved. Prince Andrew asked the priest Nicholas, who accompanied him, to serve a Molieben before the Icon. For a long time Andrew prayed with tears before the venerable image. He later went into his tent and continued his fervent prayers. The Most Holy Theotokos appeared to him with a small scroll in Her hand and told the pious prince that the icon should remain at Vladimir, and that on the site of Her miraculous appearance a church and holy monastery should be built. She then prayerfully raised Her hand to Heaven, and received a blessing from Christ the Savior. In fulfilling her command, Prince Andrew built a stone church and monastery in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. Afterwards the prince commissioned iconographers and asked that the Mother of God be depicted as he had seen in the vision, in full stature, with the scroll in Her right hand, and Her face turned towards the Savior. When the church was completed, the icon was placed in it, and a yearly celebration in honor of the appearance of the Mother of God was established on June 18. The monastery, and the city which formed around it, was named Bogolub by St. Andrew, because in his own words, “the Mother of God loves this place,” and the prince himself came to be called Bogolub or “God-lover.” This wonderworking icon of the Mother of God was afterwards transferred from the Bogolub Monastery to the Dormition Cathedral in Vladimir, but the icon of the Appearance remained at Bogolub. The icon of the Bogolub Mother of God was glorified by innumerable miracles, and over the span of many centuries manifested its grace-filled help to the believers of Russia. The miracles and signs wrought by the icon inspired believers throughout Russia to make copies of the venerable image, some of which were also miraculous.
• Reverence list of "BOGOLIUBOV" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Moskow (1157)
The Icon of the Mother of God of Bogoliubsk-Moskow was written in the year 1157 and in earlier times was situated in Moskow at the Solyana Square, over the Varvarsk Gates of the Chinese Quarter. The wonderworking image was glorified by healings during the time of a fierce plague in 1771. From this time the icon became especially venerated by believers, and a molieben was done yearly before the wonderworking image on 18 June. On the vigil of the feast for three days the icon was taken down from the wall and transferred to a special pavilion, whither thronged numerous people for prayerful veneration of the image of the Mother of God. After the course of three days the icon was again put up over the gates, where it remained until the following year on18 June. Unique to this icon is that there is imaged upon it, besides the Saviour and the Mother of God, also these saints: Sainted-hierarchs Peter, Alexei, Jona and Philip ― Metropolitans of Moskow, Blessed Vasilii and Maksim, the Nun Paraskeva, Saint Basil the Great, the Apostle Peter, Alexei "the man of God", the Disciple Simeon ― kinsman of the Lord, the Martyress Paraskeva and the Nun-Martyr Evdokia.
• Reverence list of "BOGOLIUBOV" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Uglich (1654)
The Icon of the Mother of God of Bogoliubsk-Uglich was glorified by the miraculous ending of a pestilential plague in the year 1654. At the time of the deadly epidemic, the Uglich tradesman Aphanasii Kustov went along the city ramparts and arrived at the church in honour of Blessed Prince Dimitrii of Uglich. He saw there three lads, which he assumed were the children of the city voevoda-commander, living not far from the church. One of these however ordered Aphansii to announce in the city square that the inhabitants of the city should pray to the Lord God and His All-Pure Mother and invoke also the help of the holy wonderworkers Tsarevich Dimitrii and Roman of Uglich. The inhabitants of the city quickly gathered together in the church of Blessed Dimitrii the Tsarevich, they sang a molieben before the Bogoliubsk Icon of the Mother of God, and the terrible plague immediately stopped.
• Reverence list of "BOGOLIUBOV" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Zimarovo (1237)
The Icon of the Mother of God of Bogoliubsk-Zimarovsk according to ancient tradition stood on the gates of the city of Pronsk, and during the time of an invasion of Tatars (13th c.) it was taken down and broken in pieces, but of itself it miraculously came back together, though one half of it remained higher than the other. In the latter 18th century this icon was situated in the house of the landowner Lopukhin, living at Moscow. Because of the antiquity of the icon they kept it among a number of things in a storeroom. At the time of a fierce plague in 1771 one of the afflicted inhabitants of Moscow was commanded in a dream vision to make a molieben before the icon, located in the house of Lopukhin. They located the icon and gave it to the sick person, who after making the molieben was healed, returning the wonderworking image. Other similar healings were done by the icon. Before his death (about 1780) the owner of the icon made a bequest to send it to its own native region, to the village of Zimarovo in Ryazan gubernia, situated 18 versts from the city of Ranenburg. In 1848 an outbreak of cholera raged in this city. The inhabitants quickly set off to the venerable image in the village of Zimarovo, and when the ancient wonderworking icon of the Bogoliubsk Mother of God was brought to the city, the threat of the danger of disease stopped.
• Reverence list of "BOGOLIUBOV" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Yuryevskoe (1771)
The Icon of the Mother of God of Bogoliubsk-Iur'evsk was given by the emperor Peter I to the dignitary Boris Mironovich Baturin. In the second half of the XVIII Century it belonged to the landowner Zagryazhsky, and in 1771 through prayers to the wonderworking image a fierce plague was averted. By way of inheritance, in 1838 the icon came to the parish church of the village of Iur'ev, Borovsk district, Kaluga gubernia, and it received the title Iur'evsk. Through the intervention of the Mother of God, in 1848 the Iur'ev parishioners were saved from cholera, and in the years 1848-1853 through prayers before the wonderworking image, the cholera stopped at Maloyaroslavl' and Borovsk. During the time of this dread disease, a certain woman had died, but through the grief-stricken prayers of her spouse before the Bogoliubsk Icon, she revived. In commemoration of the miraculous help of the Mother of God at Borovsk and at Maloyaroslavl', an annual church-procession is made with the wonderworking Iur'evsk icon. There are known also other copies of the wonderworking Bogoliubsk Icon of the Mother of God, made famous in earlier times through the mercy of the Heavenly Queen. Among the venerable copies of particular importance are the Tul'sk (1771), Kozlovsk (1771), Tarussk (1848 and 1870), and Elatemsk (1771). It is significant, that just as with the original of the Bogoliubsk Mother of God, so also its copies are glorified by healings in times of terrible sickness, in particular plague and Cholera.
• Reverence list of "BOGOLIUBOV" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Kozlov (1771), of Elatma (1771), of Tula (1771), of Tarusa (1790), of Usman (1831)
• The Meeting of Pükhtinsk "AT THE SOURCE" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1946)
• Korobeinikov-KAZAN Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1938) // SUNDAY AFTER JUN 18/JUL 1 //
• VM PAULA and Child Martyr CYRIACUS Pat. of Málaga (305) stoned to death in Málaga in Spain under Diocletian
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Κυριακὸς καὶ Παύλα οἱ Μάρτυρες
• 2 Martyrs of Cyprus whose feet were burned
Οἱ Ἅγιοι δύο Μάρτυρες οἱ ἐν Κύπρῳ
• 18 Martyrs
• Martyr LEONTIUS 莱翁提 a Roman commander and with him Martyrs HYPATIUS 伊帕提 and THEODULUS 德奥杜洛 at Tripoli in Syria (73)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λεόντιος ὁ Μάρτυρας καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῷ Ὕπατος καὶ Θεόδουλος μαρτυρήσαντες
维斯帕斯安皇帝在位期间里昂蒂乌斯是腓尼基的特里波里的罗马指挥官。维斯帕斯安出生于海拉斯(希腊),身体高大、强壮、有力,在战场上非常英勇。皇帝的手下哈达里安是基督徒的敌人,对基督徒进行残忍地迫害,他派遣军事分队去逮捕里昂蒂乌斯。希帕蒂乌斯是这支军分队的高级官员,半路上他生病了,发高烧,由此,军队的行进速度不得不减慢。一个晚上,上帝派来天使出现在希帕蒂乌斯面前,对他说:"如果你想恢复健康,那就同所有的士兵向天空高呼三次:'里昂蒂乌斯的上帝,帮助我!'" 希帕蒂乌斯将这个异像告诉了他的士兵们,按照天使吩咐的那样连同全体士兵这样高呼了三次,之后希帕蒂乌斯立即恢复了健康。这个奇迹使所有人感到震惊,尤其是特奥杜洛。之后,希帕蒂乌斯和特奥杜洛走在其他士兵前面寻找指挥官里昂蒂乌斯。里昂蒂乌斯亲切地接待了他们,并服侍他们。当里昂蒂乌斯向他们解释他的信仰时,他们的心充满了对基督火一般的爱,就在那时,一片明亮的云降到希帕蒂乌斯和特奥杜洛身上,云中的露水落在他们身上。这是上帝的圣灵对他们皈依的灵魂进行浸礼,当时,圣里昂蒂乌斯这样说:"以神圣的三位一体父、子和圣灵之名。"邪恶的哈达里安听说希帕蒂乌斯和特奥杜洛皈依了基督,于是下令对他们进行残忍地鞭打,之后用斧头将他们斩首。这两位里昂蒂乌斯的属灵孩子就这样死去。之后,哈达里安下令对里昂蒂乌斯进行残忍地折磨,但是里昂蒂乌斯信仰坚定毫不动摇。他遍体鳞伤,但是仍切切地向上帝祷告,请求上帝不要抛弃他。在施刑期间,上帝派来天使向他显现,鼓励并安慰他。最后,他们将里昂蒂乌斯打倒在地,对他痛打,直到他将灵魂交给上帝为止。基尔•诺塔里乌斯亲眼目睹了圣里昂蒂乌斯的受刑过程,他将自己所看到的记录在铅板上,将其放置在殉道者的陵墓前。圣里昂蒂乌斯于公元73年荣耀殉道。
• Bishop GREGORIUS, Deacon DEMETRIUS and Hermit CALOGERUS of Sicily (5th c.) anchorites, missionaries and defenders of Trinitarianism against Arianism
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Γρηγόριος, Δημήτριος καὶ Καλόγηρος οἱ Ἀναχωρητές
• Twin brothers and deacons Hieromartyrs MARK and MARCELLIAN (287) suffered in Rome under Maximian Herculeus
• Sisters Virgins EDBURGA and EDITH of Aylesbury (or of Bicester) (650) Anglo-Saxon princesses, supposedly of King Penda of Mercia, who became nuns at Aylesbury
• FURADHRAN and BAITHIN of Dunleer, County of Louth
• Martyrs POTENTINUS with his sons SIMPLICIUS and FELICIUS of Steinfeld
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Righteous ILIA Chavtchavadze of Georgia (1837-1907)
• Hieromartyr priest ARCADIJ Gariaev (1877-1918)
• Uncovering (1997) of Relics of Righteous JONAH Atamansky Hieroconfessor of Odessa (1855-1924)
• Hieromartyr BASIL Smirnov, archpriest (1870-1938)
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Krutitskij, priest (1898-1938)
• Hieromartyr BASIL Krylov, priest (1889-1938)
• Hieromartyr SERGIUS Krotkov, archpriest (1876-1938)
• Hosiosmartyr Archimandrite NIKANOR (Nikifor) Morozkin (1870-1938) of Spas-Ruzsky, Moskow br
• Finding (1997) of the relics of New Hieromartyr VICTOR 维克托尔 Ostrovidov, bishop of Glazov (1934)
• Hieromartyr JOANIKIJE Lipovac, Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, executed by Communist partisans at the close of World War II (1945)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰωαννίκιος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας Μητροπολίτης Μαυροβουνίου καὶ Παραθαλασσίας
• Hermit ABRAHAM of Clermont in the Auvergne region (472)
While on a journey from Syria to Egypt to learn from the desert monks, he was kidnapped by thieves and kept captive for five years. He eventually escaped and by land and sea made his way to Gaul where he settled as a hermit near Clermont in the Auvergne region. His reputation for holiness spread, and he attracted so many would be students that he had to build a monastery for them. Miracle worker.
• Martyr AETHERUS 埃特若 of Nicomedia (305) beheaded for his confession of faith in Christ during the time of the persecution against Christians under the emperor Diocletian
Ὁ Ἅγιος Αἰθέριος ὁ Μάρτυρας ὁ ἐν Νικομηδείᾳ
• Virgin Martyress ALENA (Aline) of Dilbeek at Vorst (or La Forêt) near Brussels, Belgium (640) // JUN 16 // JUN 18 //
Born of pagan parents near Brussels in Belgium, Alena was baptised without their knowledge. She was put to death while secretly going to the liturgy. Saint Alena (also written Alène or Alina) is a Christian saint who, if historical, was martyred around the year 640. She is sometimes referred to as Alena of Forest, or Alena of Brussels, having died in Forest, Belgium which is now one of the nineteen municipalities of Brussels.
• AMANDUS (431) Bishop of Bourdeaux
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀμάνδος Ἐπίσκοπος Μπορντὼ Γαλλίας
• CALOGERUS the Anchorite (486) a Greek who lived for 35 years as a hermit near Girgenti in Sicily after preaching Christ in the isles of Lipari, Italy. Noted exorcist
• CALOGERO of Sicily (466-561) Hermit with the gift of healing by prayer
• COLMAN Son of Mici
• Martyr ELPIDIOS in Gaul (4th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἐλπίδιος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Venerable EPHREM of Syria (378)
• Venerable ERASMUS monk (634)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἔρασμος
• FORTUNATUS the Philosopher (569) hagiographer from Vercelli, wrote a life of Saint Marcellus, the Bishop of Paris
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φορτουνάτος ὁ Φιλόσοφος
Bishop Saint Fortunatus, who is often confused with Saint Venantius Fortunatus, was driven from his see in northern Italy by the Lombards. Saint Germanus of Paris held him in high esteem.
• Venerable GUY of Baume, hegumen, hermit (940)
Benedictine monk at Baume with Saint Berno of Cluny. Abbot at Baume. Resigned the position c.940 to retire as a hermit near Fay-en-Bresse.
• GONERI of Brittany (6th c.) was exiled from Britain to Brittany, where he was a hermit near Treguier
• HILDEMARCA Abs. of Fécamp in Northern France (670)
• Venerable Youth LEONTIUS canonarch of the Kiev Far Caves of Theodosiy (1315)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Λεόντιος ὁ ἐν τοῖς Σπηλαίοις τοῦ Κιέβου
Saint Leontius, Canonarch of the Kiev Caves In his youth he entered the Kiev Caves monastery, where he received tonsure. He was endowed with a fine voice, and when he learned his letters, he fulfilled the obedience of canonarch (leader of church singing). Saint Leontius died at a young age in the fourteenth century. He was glorified by the Lord for his selfless deeds with the gift of miracles. The relics of the holy ascetic are located in the Far Caves, and he is also commemorated on August 28, the Synaxis of the Saints of the Kiev Caves.
• Venerable LEONTIUS 莱翁提 the Clairvoyant, of Argos and of Dionysiou Monastery, Mt Athos (1605) the Myrrh-gusher
Ὁ Ὅσιος Λεόντιος ὁ Μυροβλήτης
The Monk Leontios the Perspicacious, of Athos, was born in Peloponnesian Argos. He asceticised on Mount Athos for a long time at the monastery of Saint Dionysios. He spent 60 years at the monastery, and not once did the holy ascetic leave the monastery. For his deep faith and deeds he was granted by God the gift of perspicacity and prophecy. On 16 March 1605 at age 85 the Monk Leontios expired to the Lord. The holy relics of the saint of God were glorified by a flow of curative myrh.
• LEONTIUS the Shepherd, monk
Ὁ Ὅσιος Λεόντιος ὁ Ποιμένας ὁ πέραν τοῦ ἄστεως
• VM MARINA (Margaret or Margarita) at Alexandria
• MARINA 玛利纳 of Bithynia (8th c.) who dressed and runneth in men’s attire as monk Marinos // JUN 18 // JUL 17 //
• MICHAEL of Olympos, monk and confessor (6th c.) disciple of John Sedasneli, Georgia
• MINNBORINUS of Cologne, Abbot (986)
• OSMANNA (Osanna, Argariarga) Nun at the convent of Jouarre in France (700)
This Irish maiden crossed the Channel to become a hermitess near Brieuc.
• PETER of of Koriša, aristocrat who gave away all his possesions and became a monk at the Monastery of the Holy Archangels, and later, a hermit in the Šar Mountains
Ὁ Ὅσιος Πέτρος ἐκ Σερβίας
Koriša is a town just north of Prizren in Kosovo. It is located in the Prizrenski Podgor region. It is known for the mountain Kabaš, Mountain next to it, and the Saint Mark Koriški Monastery. It was the site of the 1999 Koriša bombing.
• THENEVA (Dwynwen, Thaney, Thenaw, Thenog, Thenova) of Glasgow (7th c.) Mother of St Kentigern Mungo
Saint Theneva was a British princess. When it was discovered that she had conceived out of wedlock, she was thrown from a cliff. Unharmed at the bottom, she was then set adrift in a boat on the Firth of Forth. It was expected that she would die at sea, but God protected her and kept her alive. She landed at Culross, where she was sheltered by Saint Serf and gave birth to Saint Kentigern, named Mungo ("darling") by his foster-father, Serf. She gave her name to Saint Enoch's Square and Railway Station in Glasgow, Scotland, where she is co-patron together with her son.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

• συνοδικός • 2019 June 30 / June 17 7527 • 2nd Sunday after Pentecost •


June 30 / June 17
2019 (7527)
2nd Sunday after Pentecost 五旬节后第二主日. ALL RUSSIAN SAINTS 俄罗斯全体圣徒.
All Saints of the Holy Mount
Today, on the second Sunday after Pentecost, we continue to explore the meaning of sanctity in our lives through the examples provided to us by the Church. The Church guides us in the celebration of the memory of the saints who are the closest to us in culture, and often in time. The numerous holy princes and peasants, learned and simple, monastics and soldiers, hermits and martyrs, men, women, and children — they are our ancestors and neighbors, parents and children, past and present. Sanctity in the holy Church of Christ did not end in some long-ago century, but has always persevered, and is set as a standard for our own lives here and now. Sanctity did not stop with the Apostles, or the Fathers, or even the New Martyrs of Russia, but reveals itself in the lives of the saints here in North America, some of whom many present here can remember personally. And those who remember, for example, the life of Saint John of San Francisco, know that sanctity is not in spectacular fireworks or drumbeat from the sky, but in taking one’s cross and following Christ (Matt. 10:38). In the Gospel reading for the memory of the saints, we hear about the strange beatitudes or qualities that make people blessed in the eyes of God (Matt. 5:1-12). They are the blessed qualities that shine forth through the lives of saints, but how unusual they are in the eyes of the secular world! Christ says: “Blessed are the poor in spirit”, but it is the rich and the arrogant that the world adores. “Blessed are those who mourn”, but the world urges us not to even think about death, to forget that this earthly life has a purpose and an end. “Blessed are the meek”, but it is the ruthless that get ahead in the secular world, and it is through brutality that earthly kingdoms are established. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness”, but the world wants us to hunger and thirst for very different things. “Blessed are the merciful”, but secular schools teach the doctrine of the survival of the fittest. “Blessed are the pure in heart”, but purity is trampled into dirt in today’s society. “Blessed are the peacemakers”, but the secular definition of peacemaking is to start a preemptive war. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake”, but the world persecutes righteousness and leaves no place for it as it marches along the path of “social progress.” Blessed are those who are persecuted for Christ, but who are the persecutors? In ancient Israel, they were the leaders of the people. In ancient Rome, they were the best emperors. And in Russia, those who envisioned a “bright future” for all slaughtered hundreds of thousands of clergy and millions of the faithful. We must remember this fact whenever we feel comfortable in this world order, whenever the world seems to be our friend. “Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (Jas. 4:4). The kingdom of Christ is not of this world (John 18:36). It is in this world, but it is not of this world. This distinction is very important for us. We must not treat the kingdom of God as some sort of a fantasy happening sometime in the future on some far-away planet. On the contrary, life with God must begin in this earthly life, and “behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you” (Luke 17:21). And those who follow Christ get to partake of the kingdom in anticipation of the resurrection of the world to life with Christ. Similarly, those who reject Christ and His kingdom in this life, get to partake of life without God in anticipation of the eternal result of their choice. Those who choose to live according to sins and passions that rule the secular world, rather than according to the law of Christ, get their choice inscribed in their hearts, even as those who choose Christ get His law inscribed in theirs (Heb 8:10). We must not think that it is possible to get the best of both kingdoms or to live according to our passions in this life and hope to inherit eternal life with God. “What accord has Christ with Belial?” (2 Cor. 6:15) The call of Christ must be answered without any reservation, or it is not answered at all. In the Gospel reading for this Sunday (Matt. 4:18-23), we hear of the way that the holy apostles answered this call: “Immediately they left their nets and followed Him”. We see no hesitation, no looking back, no calculations, — just an overwhelming readiness to be with the Lord. Of course, the particular circumstances of this calling may be very different from ours. Not everyone — whether then or now — is called to immediately leave their nets. The Holy Spirit leads everyone on a path most beneficial to him or her. And if at times it is necessary for us to leave our nets, then we must respond accordingly. But at all times Christ calls us to leave behind the nets of our passions, the entanglements that we create in our minds that keep us from answering His call, and to follow him in the simplicity of our hearts. And we see complete resolve to follow Christ in the lives of all saints, and in the lives of the saints of Russia. When Christ called the Russian saints to proclaim His Gospel and bring the good news to those in darkness, they answered His call. When Christ called them to teach the children, heal the sick, minister to the poor and the needy, and comfort the grieving, — they answered this call. When the godless attacked the faith and killed the faithful, they stood firm in the face of martyrdom. But at all times and under all circumstances they followed Christ in the firmness of their resolve and in the simplicity of their hearts. In celebrating the Feast of All Russian Saints, we do not keep an anniversary or a memorial. Rather, it is a call to us to follow Christ in our lives in the same way as the saints followed Him in theirs. Any example from the past is meaningful only in as much as it is applied in the present. Only in this way our requests for heavenly intercession from the Russian saints can become genuine and devoid of hypocritical posturing:
All saints of Russia, pray to God for us
to be worthy heirs of your memory.
Help us follow Christ as you have followed Him.
Help us accept His calling and reject the nets and trappings of this world;
so that with you we also may glorify God Who is wondrous in His saints.
O all you saints of the Russian land, pray to God for us!
ALL VENERABLE AND HOLY FATHERS OF THE HOLY MOUNT 阿托斯圣山全体圣徒 // 2ND SUNDAY OF PENTECOST // The Synaxis of Saints of Holy Mount Athos includes some 450 ascetics, while there are also several thousand unknown and unrevealed holy men who by their prayers blessed the soil of the Athonite peninsula, which is why it is called “the Holy Mountain”.
From the mid 18th century down to our own times has been a period when the Holy Mountain has greatly flourished. AKAKIOS Kafsokalyvitis (1730) the extremely severe cave-dwelling ascetic, the imitator of St MAXIMUS Kafsokalivitis; IEROTHEOS of Iveron (1745) a wise teacher; ANTHIMOS Kourouklis (1782) the joyful missionary to the islands of the Aegean and the Ionian; PAISIUS Velichkovsky (1794) the founder of the 'ascetic-literary' school; SOPHRONIOS Agiannanitis; MAKARIOS Notaras (1805) the bishop-ascetic; GEORGIOS of Tsernika in Romania (1806); NICODEMUS the Athonite (1809) a writer noted for his wisdom; ATHANASIOS of Paros (1813) a teacher of distinction; SOPHRONIOS Vratsis of Bulgaria (1813); ARSENIOS of Paros (1877) a renowned ascetic; ANTIPAS of Moldavia (1822); SILUAN of Russia the Athonite (1938) well-known from his fine biography; and SAVVAS of Kalymnos (1948) the worker of miracles, form an important nucleus of enlightenment, education, and service to God and man. To these names we must add the glorious latter-day Athonite martyrs, who in the 18th and 19th century number as many as 60, of whom we could mention: PACHOMIOS of the New Skete (1730), CONSTANTINE the Russian (1742), DAMASKINOS of Thessaly (1771), COSMAS of AETOLIA (1779) that renowned teacher and founder of churches and schools, LOUKAS of Stavroniketa (1802), GERASIMOS of Koutloumousiou (1812), EFTHYMIOS of the Skete of Iveron (1814), GIDEON of Karakallou (1818), AGATHANGELOS of Esphigmenou (1819), GREGORY V Patriarch of Constantinople (1821), PAVLOS of Konstamonitou (1824) and the renowned ATHANASIOS of Lemnos (1846). The foundation of the Athonite Academy (1749) was an important point in this modern Athonite renaissance. The distinguished teachers who served there included NEOPHYTOS Kafsokalyvitis, its first principal, who was succeeded by Archimandrite AGAPIOS of the Holy Sepulchre, slaughtered by the Turks outside Thessaloniki, EVGENIOS Voulgaris, that gifted techer, NIKOLAOS Zertzoulis of Metsovo, PANAGIOTIS Palamas, and ATHANASIOS of Paros, among others. Among those who served as the Academy's trustees and patrons were GREGORY V, NICODEMUS the Athonite, and MAKARIOS Notaras. Among the Academy's students were the martyrs COSMAS of Aetolia, CONSTANTINE of Hydra, and ATHANASIOS Koukaliotis; there were also leaders in the intellectual world such as Iosipos Moisiadax, Sergios Makraios, and Rigas Pheraios, who died for his country. It is an undoubted fact that for the Greek nation then enslaved to the Turks the Athonite Academy lit one more lantern of hope for its survival. The printing-press set up at the Great Lavra by COSMAS of Epidaurus (1755) and the school at the Vatopaidi Monastery also contributed to the awakening of the nation, but unfortunately these were short-lived. The same period coincided with the lives and work of important men of letters such as Papa-IONAS Kafsokalyvitis, DIONYSIOS Siatisteas, NEOPHYTOS Skourteos, VARTHOLOMAIOS of Koutloumousiou, PACHOMIOS of Tirnovo, DIONYSIOS of Fourna (1745), the icon-painter and author of the famous book on the art of painting, who lived at Karyes, KAISARIOS Dapontes (1784) a much-travelled writer and poet who was a monk of Xeropotamou, DOROTHEOS (Evelpidis) of Vatopedi, and NIKIPHOROS of Iveron. In the mid 18th century a grave theological debate developed all over the Holy Mountain in connection with the issues of the holding of memorial services for the departed, frequency of Holy Communion, and other matters relating to the exact observance of Orthodox tradition. The starting-point for this prolonged controversy was the building of the kyriakon at the Skete of St Anne (1754). The question arose as to whether the commemoration of the founders and benefactors should be held on Saturday or Sunday, and with what frequency the monks should receive Holy Communion. The debate divided the monks, and those who insisted that the memorial services should be held on Saturdays were mockingly dubbed 'kollyvades'. It seems, however, that, behind their apparent obstinacy, they had a profound knowledge of church tradition and fought hard for its authenticity and for its purification from adulteration. Thus the name of 'kollyvas' became a title of honour and the movement was responsible for a profitable and beneficial regeneration and renewal. Indeed, this devout movement was led by three saints: MAKARIOS Notaras, NICODEMUS the Athonite, and ATHANASIOS of Paros, and they numbered among their supporters and sympathizers distinguished scholars such as NEOPHYTOS Kafsokalyvitis, CHRISTOPHOROS Artinos, AGAPIOS of Cyprus, IAKOVOS the Peloponnesian, PAVLOS the hermit, THEODORITOS of Esphigmenou, and a number of others. Some of them chose voluntary exile and took refuge in mainland Greece or the islands, where they founded scores of monasteries, of which a fair number survive today. Thus we see MAKARIOS Notaras on Chios, NIPHON on Skiathos, DIONYSIOS of Skiathos on Skyros, IEROTHEOS on Hydra, with numerous disciples and friends of that Athonite tradition which has nourished monks and saints. The monasteries which they founded were noted for their vigour and service. The Ecumenical Patriarchate by decisions of the Holy Synod finally put an end to the 'kollyvades' issue, by ruling that memorial services could be held as circumstances demanded and that Holy Communion, with the proper preparation, could be received frequently, and that the life of the substance, and not the aridity of the form, was to be adhered to. Sts Nicodemus the Athonite, Makarios Notaras, and Athanasios of Paros are the typical representatives of the renaissance on the Holy Mountain, and of the spirit which prevailed. They were the authors of widely circulating books which had their effect on the souls of the enslaved Greeks, and their works continue to be re-issued even today. The seal was set on the Athonite theological spirit of the time by the publication of the 'Philokalia of the Ascetic Fathers' (1785), a publication which was a landmark in theological literature. In a difficult period such as that of Turkish rule, the Holy Mountain kept its lamp perpetually burning, and was able, moreover, to hand on the flame to the peoples of the Balkans and the North. Thus the exchange of visits and the sojourn of many on the Holy Mountain of Athos gave rise to an important spiritual and cultural movement. The quiet of Mount Athos acted as a school of superior philosophy in which not only asceticism and vigilance, but also study in its rich libraries, the translation of rare texts, concern for art, and the transmission of a spirit of service and self-sacrifice were cultivated. The work of the starets Paisius Velichkovski, the reformer of monasticism in Romania and Russia, after his departure from Athos, was particularly inspired. Similar work was carried out by his disciple the Blessed GEORGIOS of Tsernika (1806) in the monasteries of Moldavia, where hundreds of monks were his spiritual children, by the Blessed SOPHRONIOS Vratsis (1813) in Bucharest, while the Blessed ANTYPAS (1882) from Moldavia went to Jassy and finally reached the Monastery of Varlaam in Finland. The Russian Saint SILOUAN the Athonite (1938) continues to teach through his much-translated biography by Archimandrite SOPHRONIUS (1993) even after his blessed death. Yet again the illuminating influence of the universality of the Holy Mountain is apparent. The Athonite monastic community has never kept the fragrance of the blossoming of its virtues all for itself. In spite of the harshness of enslavement to the Turks, penury, the difficulties in travelling and the many perils, the Athonite monk in his humble cap went everywhere in the Greek world, to bring the sober preaching of salvation, of redemption, of consolation, of support, and of hope - fiery missionaries like COSMAS of Aetolia, who crowned his long preaching mission with martyrdom, the Blessed ANTHIMOS Kourouklis, who travelled the islands and built churches and monasteries, the Blessed MAKARIOS Notaras, who on the islands of the Aegean created real centres of refreshment and aspiration, while similar work was carried out by his companion Blessed ATHANASIOS of Paros, ARSENIOS of Paros, and SAVVAS of Kalymnos, to name but a few. The Ecumenical Patriarch GREGORY V the Martyr and the company of glorious latter-day Athonite martyrs still teach more strikingly today after their martyr's end and strengthen the hearts of the people. In our own century the Holy Mountain has continued its hidden service to mankind which makes known the lofty spirituality and life of Orthodoxy and its benign influence beyond its boundaries by continuing to produce ascetics and figures of great spiritual and theological stature. In a world which thirsts and seeks in anguish for authenticity, discipline and truth, it gives its testimony of the experience of the Orthodox spiritual life and the salvation of the soul. The many young pilgrims today may not always be fired with enthusiasm, but they are set thinking by this way of life of asceticism, abstinence, simplicity, and quiet of the monks. Thus often a pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain is a turning-point in their lives. The humility and sanctity of Mount Athos play a role of spiritually alerting the Church and the people. This spiritual portrait of Athos has to show in our own times many figures who vie with those of earlier eras, whose spirit they transmit, while at the same time providing a starting-point for the carrying on of their work in the future. Among those Abbots known for their great love for the Holy Mountain, for their monasteries, for their spiritual children, for the Theotokos and for God, lovers of virtue and hard work, were the now departed Archimandrites SYMEON of Gregoriou (1905), NEOPHYTOS of Simonopetra (1907) who were re-founders of their monasteries, KODRATOS of Karakallou (1940), ATHANASIOS of Gregoriou (1953), IERONYMOS of Simonopetra (1957), PHILARETOS of Konstamonitou (1963), who wore themselves out in the service of their monasteries and their monks, SERAPHIM of Agiou Pavlou (1960), VISSARION of Gregoriou (1974), GABRIEL of Dionysiou (1983), who successfully worked together to promote the common interests of the Holy Mountain, HARALAMBIS of Simonopetra (1970), and EPHRAIM of Xeropotamou (1983). Apart from these distinguished figures, the following, now at rest, were excellent and discreet spiritual counsellors and confessors in our own century: SAVVAS (1908) and GREGORIOS of Little St Anne, IGNATIOS Koutounakiotis (1927), CHARITON Kafsokalyvitis, KAISARIOS, and MIKHAIL the Blind (1952) of the Skete of St Anne, NEOPHYTOS, GABRIEL (1967), EFSTATHIOS (1981) and ELPIDIOS (1983) the Cypriots, and SPYRIDON (1990) of the New Skete, GREGORIOS of Dionysiou, MAXIMOS of Karakallou, NIKODEMOS of Crete of the Koutloumousi Skete, among others. Of widely acknowledged sanctity were the departed Elders HATZIGHIORGHIS (1886), renowned for the severity of his fasting, DANIEL the Romanian, the cavedweller, of Kerasia, AVIMELECH of Crete and Gerasimos (1991) the hymnographer of Little St Anne, KALLINIKOS (1930), the ascetic and Hesychast and DANIEL of Smyrna (1929) of Katounakia, GERASIMOS Menagias (1957) the wise hermit, AVVAKOUM (1978) the Barefoot, of the Lavra, Isaak (1932) the best of coenobites, and LAZAROS (1974) of Dionysiou, JOSEPH the Cave-Dweller (1959) the great ascetic, and THEOPHYLAKTOS (1986) the lover of the saints, of the New Skete, GERONTIOS (1958) of St Panteleimon, ATHANASIOS of Iveron (1973) known for his humility and devotion to the Theotokos, EVLOGIOS (1948), the great faster, and ENOCH (1978), the delightful Romanian, at Karyes, Papa-TYCHON (1968), the great Russian ascetic of Kapsala, PORPHYRIOS (1992) an elder of Kafsokalyvia with pre-vision and insight, who for years carried the blessings of Athos into Attica, and PAISIOS (1944) the Athonite, who gave rest to many who approached him with reverence. Many have written many worthy accounts of all of these. The last two to be mentioned above were widely known for the grace which was given them. Elder Porphyrios was one of the most important figures of our times: he had the authority of authenticity, he had the experience of the Holy Spirit, he was truly humble, his simplicity was thoroughgoing; in him childlikeness was interwoven with holiness. He was a discerner of souls, a teacher and a guide to many, who, greatly moved, will tell of their meetings with him. Elder Paisios was also an experienced, patient and persistent physician of souls and a guide to a host of people with great needs. His joyful discourse, his example, his counsels reached people, and infected them with his peace, the joy of blessing, the refreshment of the spirit. Amongst the men of letters of our time whom the Holy Mountain has produced are the priest-monk THEODORITOS of the Lavra, GERASIMOS of Esphigmenou (Smyrnakis), famed for his fine book on the Holy Mountain, the deacon-monk COSMAS of Agiou Pavlou (Vlachos), similarly, the priest-monk CHRISTOPHOROS of Docheiariou (Ktenas), the author of a host of works on the Holy Mountain, the Lavra Elders PANTELEIMON, CHRYSOSTOMOS, ALEXANDROS (Evmorphopoulos), SPYRIDON (Kambanaos) a doctor, PAVLOS (Pavlidis) also a doctor, ALEXANDROS (Lazaridis), EVLOGIOS (Kourilas), subsequently Metropolitan of Korytsa, IOAKEIM of Iveron, THEOPHILOS, NIKANDROS, IAKOVOS and ARKADIOS of Vatopaidi, and the Xeropotamou Elders PAVLOS, CHRYSANTHOS and EVDOKIMOS, ATHANASIOS of Pantocrator, ZOSIMAS of Esphigmenou, NEILOS (Mitropoulos) of Simonopetra, SAVVAS of Philotheou, VARLAAM of Gregoriou, THEODOSIOS of Agiou Pavlou, and IOAKEIM (Spetsieris) of New Skete.
The work of the saints, the abbots, the spiritual fathers, and the scholars of the Holy Mountain, of yesterday and today, radiates outwards and has a beneficial effect upon the world - because Athos, over and above its priceless material treasures, is the guardian of treasures of living virtue, which is of greater importance; it can provide a way of life to cope with the harshness of everyday life, its monotony and loneliness. Thus the Holy Mountain has been justly called by Prof. A. Stavropoulos "a school of spiritual fatherhood and counselling", through offering hospitality to many and through those monks who are able to go out into the world for confessions, conversation, and mission. The audience for their advice includes bishops, priests, monks, nuns, university and school teachers, and 'the least of the brethren'. As has been rightly said by J. Lacarriere "in the person of these few men who remain isolated in their kalyva or cave one can see the guardians, the trustees, the 'athletes' of a wisdom and a science of man which we hasten to admire when it comes from India or Tibet, but which we ignore when it is practised next door to us".
Contemporary American Orthodoxy is the result of the Russian missionaries to Alaska, but also of the migration of peoples from Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East. As a result, it often presents an "ethnic" face to American society. Building on an earlier pioneering historical work, Orthodox America (compiled for the 1976 American Bicentennial), the present work seeks to provide the reader, both Orthodox and non-Orthodox alike, with a popular narrative account of two hundred years of Orthodox Christianity on this continent. From its humble beginnings in 1794, when a small group of missionaries landed on Kodiak Island, Alaska, Orthodoxy in America has expanded to comprise a church of over two million faithful. Yet numerous Americans from all cultural and religious backgrounds have, particularly in recent decades, joined Orthodoxy as well. Orthodoxy does have something to say to American society. In the 18th Century, the great Orthodox Christian missionary work which began with Pentecost in Jerusalem, so many centuries before, finally crossed from the continent of Euro-Asia into North America.The first missionaries traveled with the explorers Vitus Bering and Alexei Chirikov, who formally claimed Alaska and the Aleutian Islands in 1741. For the next fifty years, together with the exploration and economic development of this new outpost of the Russian Empire, the first attempts were made to bring the Orthodox Faith to the natives of that region (the Aleuts, the Athabascan Indians, the Tlingits, and the Eskimos).The first formal Orthodox Christian Mission to America arrived on September 24, 1794, in Kodiak. This Mission consisted of eight Monks and two Novices, together with ten Alaskan natives who had been taken to Russia by GREGORY SHELIKOV in 1786. This Mission discovered on Kodiak Island hundreds of natives who had been taught the rudiments of the Orthodox Faith, and had been baptized by laymen. Gregory Shelikov, one of the founders of what was to become later the Russian-American Company, had himself baptized about two hundred Aleuts on Kodiak Island. The American Mission, headed by Archimandrite Joasaph, immediately began the work of establishing the Church in Kodiak and the Islands and later on the mainland of Alaska. Despite great difficulties, this Mission was very successful, for virtually all the remaining natives of Kodiak Island were baptized in just three years. During this period, one of the missionaries, Hieromonk Juvenaly, was martyred at Lake Iliamna by natives.
• BRENDAN the Navigator, leader of short-lived 6th c. Irish monastic community in Canada
• HERMAN of Alaska, first missionary to Alaska Wonderworker of All America
• TIKHON Patriarch of Moscow and Apostle to America
• INNOCENT of Alaska, missionary bishop to Alaska Enlightener of the Aleuts and Apostle to America
• RAPHAEL Hawaweeny, vicar bishop of Brooklyn under Moscow Patriarchate
• ALEXIS Toth of Wilkes-Barre, leader of ex-Uniates into Orthodoxy. Confessor and Defender of Orthodoxy
• JACOB Netsvetov Enlightener of the Native People of Alaska
• JOHN Kochurov Missionary to America
• ALEXANDER Hotovitsky Missionary of America
• JUVENALY Hieromartyr of Iliamna
• PETER the Aleut, protomartyr of America Holy Martyr of San Francisco
• BASIL Martysz, hieromartyr in Poland
• BOGOLYUB Gakovich of Chisholm, missionary to America, and hieromartyr under the Nazis
• MATEJ Stiyachic of Chisholm, missionary to America, and hieromartyr under the Nazis
• JOHN Kochurov, Missionary to America and First Hieromartyr under the Bolshevik Yoke
• JOHN Maximovitch of San Francisco and Shanghai
• NICHOLAS Velimirović, bishop of Ochrid & Žiča, rector of St. Tikhon's Seminary St Nicholas of South Canaan
• SERAPHIM Samoylovich of Uglich, missionary in Alaska and hieromartyr under the Soviets
• TEOFAN Beatovich of Chisholm, missionary in Minnesota, hieromonk and martyr under the Communists
• BARNABAS Nastić, the New Confessor, born in Gary, Indiana
• ANATOLE Kamensky of Irkutsk, New Hieromartyr and Archbishop of Irkutsk
• Archimandrite SEBASTIAN Dabovich, Serbian Apostle to America, first orthodox priest who born in USA
• MARDARIJE Uskokovic, serbian Bishop of America and Canada
• Met PHILARET Voznesensky of New York
• Abp ARSENY Chagovtsov of Winnipeg
• Bp GERASIMOS Papadopoulos of Abydos
• Br JOSÉ Muñoz-Cortes
• Hieromonk SERAPHIM Rose of Platina
• Matushka OLGA Michael of Alaska
• IVAN Smirennikov the Aleut elder
• Abp JOASAPH Skorodumoff, Enlightener of Canada
• Schemamonk SERGIUS Yanovsky, disciple of St Herman of Alaska
• Bp IOASAPH Bolotov, Enlightener of Alaska
• CONSTANTINE Essensky of Richmond
• Met LEONTIUS Turkevich
• Archbishop DMITRI Royster of Dallas
• Fr JACOB Korchinsky, Missionary and Martyr
• Father NICOLA Yanney, missionary under St Raphael
• Fr JOHN Karastamatis of Santa Cruz
Synaxis of All Saints of SCOTLAND // 2ND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST //
On the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, each local Orthodox Church commemorates all the saints, known and unknown, who have shone forth in its territory. Accordingly, the Orthodox Church in Scotland remembers the saints of Scotland on this day. Christ is shown at the top center of the icon titled "Synaxis of All Saints Who Shone Forth in Scotland" stretching forth His arms with a blessing.
• JOSEPH of Arimathea // JULY 31 //
• ANDREW the Apostle // NOV 30 //
• AIDAN of Lindesfarne // AUG 31 //
• ADAMNAN // SEP 23 //
• BAGA of Bee
• BEDE of Jarrow // MAY 27 //
• CEDD // JAN 7 //
• CHAD // MAR 2 //
• COLUMBA // JUN 9 //
• CUTHBERT // MAR 20 //
• EADBERHT // MAY 6 //
• EATA // OCT 26 //
• EBBA // AUG 25 //
• ETHELREDA // JUN 23 //
• HILDA of Whitby // NOV 17 //
• KENNETH // OCT 11 //
• KENTIGERN Mungo // JAN 13 //
• NINIAN // SEP 16 //
• ODUVALD a noble who became a monk and later Abbot and Confessor of Melrose Abbey in Scotland (698) // MAY 27 //
• PAULINUS // OCT 10 //
• PATRICK // MAR 17 //
• WILFRID // OCT 12 //
• FINTANA and OTHA of Scotland (6th c.) // MAY 27 //
• 52 Hosismartyrs of Eloc with St Donnan // APR 17 //
• Saints of Lindesfarne Monastery
• Kings and Passionbearers of Deira: Ss EDWIN // OCT 4 // OSWIN // AUG 20 // and OSWALD // AUG 5 //
• DONALD with his 9 daughters // JUL 15 //
Synaxis of All Saints of BULGARY // 2ND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST //
The second Sunday after Pentecost is dedicated by the Bulgarian Church of All Saints. Today is the day of all Bulgarian saints - the newest, mobile holiday in the Bulgarian church calendar. On this day, the Bulgarian people pay tribute to all the historical figures living on our lands, who are canonized for saints. They were distinguished by godly life, professed Christianity, and were devoted to the Holy Orthodoxy. They were people of faith and spirit, and each with his deeds strengthened the bond between church, nation, and state. The Bulgarian saints represent our national destiny because every period of our free-coming history has its martyrs. The Day of All Bulgarian Saints is a unique holiday. The first liturgy for the feast was celebrated by Patriarch Kirill in the Church of the Holy See in 1954. This is one of the first major initiatives of the Bulgarian Patriarchate, which restored its patriarchal dignity only one year earlier - on May 10, 1953. The canonized Saints Bulgarians are 104. Among them there are 12 Bulgarian Patriarchs, three wars, eighty-seven canonized martyrs. The first martyr of the Bulgarian Church of Bulgarian origin is the son of Khan Omurtag - Boyan Evanovata. He was killed by order of his brother Khan Malamir in the 1930s because he refused to deny Christianity. Prior to the execution of St Enevotha, Boyan said the words, "The faith I now die for will spread throughout the land of Bulgaria ...". Among the saints we honor today are St Cyril and Methodius. Canonized for saints are also their disciples who spread Christ's word and Orthodox culture among our people. In the Gallery of Bulgarian Holiness there is no lack of the images of bishops such as St Kliment Ohridski, Ilarion Maglenski, Patriarch Evtimii who heroically defends Tarnovgrad from the Asian hordes, Sofronius Vrachanski, who enlightens Bulgarians in times of chaos and error. Many saints-monks are also included. Their lineage is governed by the all-Bulgarian protector St Ivan Rilski miracle worker who founded the largest and most beautiful monastery in the Balkans. His spiritual followers are the three hermits in the Macedonian lands, Gabriel Lesnovski, Prochor Pshinski, Joakim Osogovski, also St Petka Tarnovska, the Hesychasts Theodosius of Tarnovski, Romulus Vidinski. A colorful saint is St Dimitar from the village of Basarbovo, who lived in the 17th century. In 2017 in the Cathedral St Alexander Nevski Cathedral by Patriarch Maxim were canonized for the saints Bulgarians killed in 1876 at the temple in Batak and in the Novoselski Trinity Monastery in Apriltsi. They will, however, be worshiped as the Council of the Battle Martyrs - on May 17, and the Council of New Martyrs from Novo Selo - on 9 May.
• Equal to Apostles CYRIL (826–869) and METHODIUS (815–885) brothers who were Byzantine Christian theologians and Christian missionaries
Κύριλλος καὶ Μεθόδιος
• BORIS I also known as Boris-Mikhail (Michael) and Bogoris, was the ruler of the First Bulgarian Empire in 852–889. At the time of his baptism in 864, Boris was named Michael after his godfather, Emperor Michael III
• CLEMENT of Ohrid (840-916) a medieval Bulgarian saint, scholar, writer and enlightener of the Slavs. He was one of the most prominent disciples of Saints Cyril and Methodius and is often associated with the creation of the Glagolitic and Cyrillic scripts, especially their popularisation among Christianised Slavs. He was the founder of the Ohrid Literary School and is regarded as a patron of education and language by some Slavic people. He is considered to be the first bishop of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, one of the seven Apostles of the Bulgarian Empire and one of the premier saints of modern Bulgaria
Άγιος Κλήμης της Αχρίδας
• BOYAN Enravota ("warrior") the eldest son of Omurtag of Bulgaria and the first Bulgarian Christian martyr (833)
• DASIUS of Durostorum a Christian martyr of the early 4th century AD. He was a Roman soldier of Legio XI Claudiana at Durostorum (modern Silistra), Moesia Inferior who was beheaded in the early 4th century after his refusal to take the part of "king" in the local Saturnalia celebrations
Δάσιος ο μάρτυρας
• EUTHYMIUS of Tarnovo, Patriarch of Bulgaria between 1375 and 1393
• New Martyr GEORGE of Kratovo (Georgi Sofiyski Novi) a young silversmith from Kratovo, whom Peja an Eastern Orthodox priest active in the Sanjak of Sofia (in the Ottoman Empire, now Bulgaria), was the spiritual guide and host and bible teacher. George was burnt alive on a pyre on 11 February 1515 in Sofia, after he refused to convert to Islam
• JOACHIM I the Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church between 1235 and 1246. He was the first head of the restored Bulgarian Patriarchate with seat in Tarnovo, the capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire
• JOHN Koukouzelis (1280-1360) an Albanian-Bulgarian medieval Orthodox Christian composer, singer and reformer of Orthodox Church music
Ιωάννης Κουκουζέλης
• JOHN of Rila (876-946) the first Bulgarian hermit
• KOZMA Zografski (1323) a monk of the Bulgarian Zograf Monastery on Mount Athos
• MACARIUS Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in the 13th century. His name is known only from the medieval Book of Boril where he is listed as the 5th Patriarch presiding over the Bulgarian Church from Tarnovo. He is the only Patriarch mentioned as a "thrice beatified and saintly martyr" which signifies that he met a martyr's death
• NAUM of Ohrid and Preslav (830-910) a medieval Bulgarian writer, enlightener, one of the seven Apostles of the First Bulgarian Empire and missionary among the Slavs. He was among the disciples of Saints Cyril and Methodius and is associated with the creation of the Glagolitic and Cyrillic scripts
• Martyr NICHOLAS of Sofia the New a Christian saint who lived in the 16th century in Sofia, Bulgaria and is considered a martyr in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. He is referred to as a New Martyr to signify that he died for his faith in the post-medieval period as opposed to the early martyrs who died primarily under the Romans. At the time of Nicholas' death, Bulgaria was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, which compelled some locals to convert to Islam. On May 17, 1555, some local authorities brought Nicholas before a judge or qadi (Turkish kadı). Although he was freed by the qadi, Nicholas was attacked by a mob of townspeople and killed
• PAISIUS of Hilendar (1722–1773) a Bulgarian clergyman and a key Bulgarian National Revival figure. He is most famous for being the author of Istoriya Slavyanobolgarskaya, the second modern Bulgarian history after the work of Petar Bogdan Bakshev from 1667, "History of Bulgaria". Most Bulgarians are taught that he was the forefather of the Bulgarian National Revival
• PETER I (970) Emperor (Tsar) of Bulgaria from 27 May 927 to 969
• ROMYLOS of Vidin and Ravanica (1330-1385) a Bulgarian cleric, a disciple of Gregory of Sinai
• SOPHRONIUS (born Stoyko Vladislavov) of Vratsa (1739–1813) a Bulgarian cleric and one of the leading figures of the early Bulgarian National Revival
• Venerable THEODOSIUS of Tarnovo (1363) a high-ranking 14th-century Bulgarian cleric and hermit and the person credited with establishing hesychasm in the Second Bulgarian Empire. A disciple of Gregory of Sinai, Theodosius founded the Kilifarevo monastery and school near the then-Bulgarian capital Tarnovo and took an important part in the condemning of various heresies during the reign of Tsar Ivan Alexander of Bulgaria
• Martyress ZLATA of Maglen (1795)
Αγία Χρυσή
Synaxis of All Saints of ROMANIA 罗马尼亚全体圣徒 // 2ND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST //
On the second Sunday after Pentecost, each local Orthodox Church commemorates all the saints, known and unknown, who have shone forth in its territory. Accordingly, the Orthodox Church in Romania remembers the saints of Romania on this day. “All Saints Sunday is a sanctioned historical presence, namely it got into the conscience of the Church as far back as the 4th century, first in the Eastern Church and then took over in the West too. Saint Basil the Great confesses in one of the prayers of his Liturgy that God wonderfully works through the saints that pleased him of any nation, showing that they represent every national Church and people. So, it was necessary that this feast should be established due to the presence and acknowledgement of the holiness of all categories, either confessors or pious saints of our nation”, says Rev. Prof. Sorin Cojocaru from the Orthodox Theological Seminary of Saint Andrew the Apostle of Galati city. The Romanian saints are the most precious fruit of the work of the Holy Spirit in Romania. On Romanian Saints Sunday the Romanian Church remembers the martyrs, confessors, hierarchs and pious, theologians and hermits, known and unknown, canonised or not, that the territory of Romania created.
• Apostle ANDREW the First-Called (Sfântul Apostol Andrei, Cel- Intâi chemat) // NOV 30 //
• Hieromartyr ANTIM the Ivirian (Sfântul Ierarh Martir Antim Ivireanul) (1650-1716) // SEP 27 //
• BRETRANION Bishop of Tomis (Sfântul Bretranion, Episcopul Tomisului) (381) // JAN 25 //
• CALINIC of Cernica, Bishop of Râmnic (Sfântul Ierarh Calinic de la Cernica, Episcopul Râmnicului) (1787-1868) // APR 11 //
• Hieromartyr EVANGELICUS of Tomis // JUL 7 //
• GHELASIE of Râmeţ Monastery, Archbishop of Transylvania (Sfântul Ierarh Ghelasie de la Mânăstirea Râmeţ, Arhiepiscopul Transilvaniei) (14th c.) // JUN 30 //
• Hieromartyr IRINEU Bishop of Sirmium (Sfântul Ierarh Martyr Irineu, Episcopul Sirmiumului) (304) // APR 6 //
• PAHOMIE of Gledin, Bishop of Rome (Sfântul Ierarh Pahomie, Episcopul Romanului) (1671-1724) // APR 14 //
• Confessor ELIJAH Iorest, Metropolitan of Ardeal (Sfântul Ierarh Mărturisitor Ilie Iorest, Mitropolitul Transilvaniei (Ardeal)) (1678) // APR 24 //
• JOSEPH the Confessor, Bishop of Maramureş (Sfântul Iosif Mărturisitorul, Episcopul Maramureşului) (1690-1711) // APR 24 //
• JOSEPH the New of Partoş Monastery, Metropolitan of Timişoara (Sfântul Ierarh Iosif cel Nou de la Mânăstirea Partoş, Mitropolit al Timişoarei) (1568-1656) // SEP 15 //
• THEOTIM Bishop of Tomis (Sfântul Ierarh Teotim, Episcopul Tomisului) (4th c.) // APR 20 //
• Confessor SAVA Brancovici, Metropolitan of Ardeal (Transylvania) (Sfântul Ierarh Mărturisitor Sava Brancivici, Mitropolitul Ardealului) (1683) // APR 24 //
• Priest-Confessor JOHN of Galeş (Preotul Mârturisitor Ioan din Galeş) (18th c.) // OCT 21 //
• GREGORY IV the Teacher, Metropolitan of Ţara Românească, (Sfântul Ierarh Grigorie IV Dacălul, Mitropolitul Tării Românesti) (1765-1834) // JUN 22 //
• NICETA Bishop of Remesiana (Sfântul Ierarh Niceta, Episcopul de Remesiana) (5th c.) // JUN 24 //
• LEONTIE Bishop of Rădăuţi (Sfântul Ierarh Leontie, Episcop de Rădăuţi) (14th c.) // JUL 1 //
• Priest-Confessor MOSES Măcinic of Sibiel (Preotul Mărturisitor Moise Măcinic, din Sibiel) (18th c.) // OCT 21 //
• NIPHON Patriarch of Constantinople and Metropolitan of Ţara Românească (Sfântul Ierarh Nifon, Patriarhul Constantinopolului şi Mitropolit al Tări Româneşti) (1437-1508) // AUG 11 //
• PETER Mogila, Metropolitan of Kiev and all Rus (Sfântul Ierarh Petru Movilă, Mitropolit de Kiev si a Toată Rusia) (1596-1647) // DEC 22 //
• Venerable ANTIPA of Calapodeşti, Mount Athos and Valaam Monastery (Sfântul Antipa de la Calapodeşti, Muntele Athos şi Mânăstirea Valaam) (1816-1882) // JAN 10 //
• Venerable ANTHONY of Iezeru Monastery, Vâlcea country (Sfântul Cuvios Antonie de la Iezeru Vâlcea) (1714) // NOV 23 //
• Venerable GEORGE of Cernica Monastery (Sfântul Cuvios Gheorghe de la Mânăstirea Cernica) (1730–1806) // DEC 3 //
• Venerable DANIEL the Hermit (Sfântul Cuvios Daniil (Daniel) Sihastrul). (15th c.) // DEC 18 //
• Venerable DIMITRIE the New of Basarabi (Sfântul Cuvios Dimitrie cel Nou, Basarabov) (13th c.) // SEP 27 //
• DOSOFTEI Metropolitan of Moldavia (Sfântul Ierarh Dosoftei, Mitropolitul Moldovei) (1624-1693) // DEC 13 //
• Venerable GREGORY the Decapolit (Sfântul Cuvios Grigorie Decapolitul) (785-842) // NOV 20 //
• Venerable GERMANUS of Dobrogea (Sfântul Gherman din Dobrogea) (368-415) // FEB 29 //
• Venerable JOHN IACOB the Romanian (the Hozevite) (Sfântul Cuvios Ioan Iacob Românul (Hozevitul)) (1913-1960) // AUG 5 //
• Venerable JOHN Cassian the Romanian (Sfântul Cuvios Ioan Casian Românul) (360-435) // FEB 29 //
• Venerable JOHN the New of Prislop Monastery (Sfântul Cuvios Ioan cel Nou de la Mânăstirea Prislop) // SEP 13 //
• Venerable NICODIM of Tismana (Sfântul Nicodim cel Sfinţit de la Tismana) (1320-1406) // DEC 26 //
• Venerable ONUFRIE of Vorona (Sfântul Onufrie de la Vorona) (18th c.) // Sept 9 //
• Venerabless PARASCHIVA of Iaşi (Sfânta Cuvioasă Paraschiva de la Iaşi) (1025-1050) // OCT 14 //
• Venerable PAISIOS Velicikovski of Neamţ (Sfântul Paisie Velicikovski de la Neamţ) (1722-1794) // NOV 15 //
• Venerable Confessor SOFRONIE of Cioara (Sfântul Mărturisitor Sofronie de la Cioara) (18th c.) // OCT 21 //
• STEPHEN the Great ( Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt ) (1433-1504) // JUL 2 //
• Venerable THEODORA from Carpathia, of Sihla (Sfânta Teodora din Carpaţi, Sihla) (17th c.) // AUG 7 //
• Venerable BASIL of Poiana Mărului (Sfântul Cuvios Vasile de la Poiana Mărului) (1692-1767) // APR15 //
• Venerable VISARION the Confessor (Cuviosul Mărturisitor Visarion Sarai Ieromonahul). (18th c.) // OCT 21 //
• Martyr DASSIE // NOV 20 //
• Martyrs DONAT and VENUST // AUG 21 //
• Martyrs ERMIL and STRATONIC // JAN 13 //
• Martyrs EPICTET and ASTION // JUL 8 //
• Martyr EMILIAN of Durostor // JUL 18 //
• Martyr HERMES // DEC 31 //
• Martyr JOHN the Valah // MAY 12 //
• Martyr JOHN the New of Suceava // JUN 2 //
• Martyr IULIU Veteranul // MAY 27 //
• Martyr ISIHIE // JUN 15 //
• Martyr LUP // AUG 23 //
• Martyrs MONTANUS and MAXIMA // MAR 26 //
• Martyr NICANDRU and MARCIAN // JUN 8 //
• Martyr OPREA of Săliştea // OCT 21 //
• Martyrs PASICRAT and VALENTIN // APR 24 //
• PHILOFTHEIA (Philothea) of Curtea de Argeş // DEC 7 //
• Martyrs ROMUL and SILVAN // AUG 21 //
• Martyr SAVA of Buzău (the Goth) // APR 12 //
• Martyr THEODOSIE of Brazi // SEP 23 //
• Martyrs ZOTIC, ATAL, CAMASIS and FILIP of Niculiţel // JUN 4 //
• Martyrs Brâncoveni: CONSTANTIN, STEPHEN, RADU and MATHEW // AUG 16 //
• PAPHNUTIUS the Iconographer a famous iconographer known by the name of Pârvu Mutul (the Mute) // AUG 7 //
• JOSEPH the Merciful, Metropolitan of Moldova
• GEORGE the Pilgrim (Gheorghe Lazar the Ascetic)
• NEOPHYTOS the Recluse of Cyprus
• Metropolitan JACOB Putneanul of Moldova
• Venerable Fathers SILAS, NATHAN and PAISIOS of Sihăstria Putnei Monastery
All saints‚ with the exception of the apostles and missionaries‚ have gained this quality by working for the faithful or becoming remarkable through their pure and sacrificial lives among the faithful of a special place or country. Their veneration started even during their lives‚ or after their death‚ among the faithful of that place‚ has extended step by step beyond those borders. The local saints became in this way universal saints. But they reached this veneration for their purity attained in a certain place‚ or for their martyrdom‚ or for their deeds towards the true faith confessed everywhere‚ so now they can be imitated by the faithful of any place. They have applied the teachings of the true universal faith in a certain place or country. They have served and demonstrated the universal faith in the place they have lived in. In this way‚ all saints are local saints because they contend in a certain place‚ but they are universal for the universal faith they serve in that specific place. From this point of view there are no local or universal saints. All are local for the people from a certain place‚ which they serve during their lives‚ through their deeds and example‚ but all are universal because this example is available for the faithful everywhere and contributes to the unity of all that want to know them. All are filled by the same Christ that shines through their beings and all are the bearers of the same Holy Spirit‚ even though the Holy Spirit That communicated to them was shared to others in a different language. They all belong‚ through the Same Spirit‚ to the Universal Church‚ started at Pentecost and continued through the centuries‚ involving different nations (Acts 2:3). Their languages May be different‚ but their souls are filled by the Same Spirit and they feel the Same Christ. So the Romanian Saints‚ be they martyrs of the faith in the fourth century‚ or in the eighteenth century‚ be they hierarchs that illumined the people with their word or helped them with their deeds‚ be they ascetics that reached the highest spiritual stage in God‚ through prayer for themselves and for the people‚ they have all elevated the character of the true faith and the image of man that lives the faith seriously to a step that urges the faithful everywhere‚ when they get to know them‚ to live their faith with more conviction and follow their example. The more the saints make themselves known through their exceptional lives in the place they live in‚ the more their faces radiate with even more power in the Universal Church. But the unity between their local and universal service can also be made known in a different way. A saint‚ even though he elevates at the highest level the characteristics of a certain nation‚ the height that he attains makes him embrace with an all-encompassing love all the people. There is no individual selfishness or national exclusivism in the saints. That’s why they are true bridges of brotherhood among people and nations. Through the saints‚ more that through all the faithful‚ the catholicity of the Church is deepened‚ even though this does not imply the erasing of the differences among the nations they belong to her. Through them the catholicity of the Church is deepened‚ as the faithful from different nations get to know them. This is because these faithful are asking for their intercessions with conviction and these saints truly intercede for them. This is why it would be good if the various Orthodox Churches would recognize‚ through official documents‚ known to their respective people‚ the canonizations made by each sister Church‚ to contribute even more to the unity of their people in their piety dedicated‚ in reciprocity‚ to their saints.
Sunday of the CHINESE Martyrs // 2ND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST //
On this day, second Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrate the Synaxis (gathering) of the Chinese Orthodox Christians who were martyred in Peking during the Boxer Rebellion in the year 1900. In the year of our Lord 1900, when the Empress Dowager reigned over the vast country of China and supported the Boxer Rebellion against all foreigners, two-hundred twenty Orthodox Christians in Peking died as martyrs, although a few others lost courage and renounced the truth of the Gospel. Leader of the martyrs was the Priest Metrophanes Tsi-Chung. Many others followed his example and became martyrs with him, by various means, among whom were his wife Tatiana and sons Isaiah and John, Isaiah’s fiancée Maria, also Paul Wang, the teacher Ia Wang, the eight year old boy John, Clement Kui Lin, Matthew Chai Tsuang, his brother Witt, Anna Chui, and many others, whose names are known by the Lord of life who awards the crowns.
• Hieromartyr MITROPHAN (Metrophanes) 1st Chinese priest, and the Chinese New Martyrs of the Boxer Uprising (1900)
• TATIANA 44 years of age
• ISAIAH served in the artillery for 23 years
• IOANN (John) aged 7 at the time
• MARIA aged 19, bride of Fr Mitrophan's son Isaiah
• PAVEL (Paul) Wang Wenheng, aged 36
• JOACHIM aged 19, nephew of Pavel, was seized by the Boxers on June 4th and killed near the northeast tower of the city wall. He was the first among Orthodox Christians to die as a martyr
• INNOKENTY (Innocent) Fang Zhihai
• Albazinian KLIMENT (Clement) Kui Ling, aged 36 – sacristan. His wife from the Zhun family BARBARA aged 35. Their children: MARIA aged 14; OLGA aged 11, IA aged 9 and IRINA aged 4
• MATFEI (Matthew) Hai Qun, aged 31, assistant to the sacristan, his wife from the Rui family MATRONA aged 32
• VITT Hai aged 29, Matfei's brother, on June 11th was killed in the Cheng'ensi pagan temple during the day and burned
• Albazinian SIMEON Xi Lin'a aged 50; formerly a sacristan and bellringer, had lately been baking prosfora (church bread)
• Albazinian maidens EKATERINA aged 24 and MUZA aged 17 daughters of Alexander Ai died as martyrs in the house of Vitt Hai, which was on a site which now has a women's monastery
• MARINA Xu aged 44; widowed for many years, was a teacher at the Mission's school for females
• Albazinian ANNA Rui aged 57; a widow. Her 2 married daughters are among those who died as martyrs; a third daughter, presently the nun Fiva and son, now the priest Mikhail Min, had been in the hands of the Boxers, but were saved
• PYOTR (Peter) Li Yongan aged 27; chorister conducted meteorological observations
• Albazinian ALEXANDRA Li aged 32; widow, sister of the catechist PAUL; her deceased husband EVMENY brother of Peter Li, had assisted Archimandrite Flavian with translations
• Albazinian ALEXEY Yin, aged 27 - a chorister from early childhood
• AFANASY (Athanasius) Yu aged 21; studied in the Mission school since an early age and was a chorister
• Albazinian AFANASY Ah aged 58-59; crippled
• Albazinian MYRON Rui aged 49. His wife MARIA aged 43. Their children: MARTHA aged 21; ANASTASIA aged 19; EUDOXIA aged 16; INNOKENTY aged 14 SAVVA aged 12; NIL aged 10; Maria aged 7; ELENA aged 4
• LYUBOV Chang aged 22 maiden
• DOROTHEA wife of Tikhon Wu, aged 43, limped
• KAPITON Ying-yuan aged 43, his wife PARASKEVA aged 40
• VICTOR Fu aged 48, baptized as an adult
• PETER Wang aged 51, was a humble man
• PHILLIP Antoniev Li Ruixing aged 45; his aged 37 wife ANNA and aged 7 son THOMAS lived at the Russian embassy, where Phillip was the senior servant
• ALEXEY Hang Wenheng aged 42, his wife THECLA aged 34, their children: THEOKTIST aged 14, ANNA aged 12, IULITA aged 7, SOFONIA aged 5, NICHOLAS aged 1
• THEODORE Yue aged 60, his wife ELIZABETH aged 51
• ELIAS Quan aged 32, his 2 wife ELENA aged 26, and their son JOHN aged 2
• MINODORA Wang aged 59, her son ANDREW aged 35, his wife ANNA aged 29, daughter SOPHIA aged 5; Minodora's second son JOHN aged 33, his wife DARIA aged 22, their son THEODOSIUS aged 5; MARIA aged 23, wife of Minodora's third son DAVID, her son MARK aged 3 - they were all martyred on the evening of June 10 in the Vitta Hai home, where there is now a women's monastery. Maria was pregnant at the time
• SERGIY Filippov Zhang aged 49; widower who studied at the Mission school in early childhood; knew Russian and was a chorister all his life
• Albazinian ALEXANDER Heng Gui the son of Gorodiy, aged 33 merchant
• LEV Hai Ling aged 39; when the Boxer pogroms began, he fled to an unknown location together with his father SAVVA Tsin aged 61 and son JOHN aged 14
• SAMPSON Nikolaev Pan aged 36, his wife ANNA aged 32, their son EVDOKIM aged 7; at first he purchased his life for money, but the Boxers were dissatisfied with the sum he gave
• Albazinian PAUL Sang aged 60, the brother of Monk Papiy
• DANIEL De aged 30
• GEORGE Lian Xi aged 42
• ANNA Lin aged 81; widow, from among the wards of the Mission
• MATRONA Lian aged 46
• EVFIMY Pan aged 42
• AKILINA Shuang aged 25, her widowed mother-in-law ANNA Chang aged 61, her husband PAUL Konstantinov Shuang aged 39, and children: IOANN aged 10, MAKRINA aged 4, IOANN aged 2- hid on Mǎsháo Hútòng Lane
• IRINA Gui Ruishi aged 54
• Albazinian IRINA Fu aged 35, wife of IVAN Fu. Irina's children: ANNA aged 17; ATHANASIA aged 10; EVPRAKSIYA aged 8; PROKHOR aged 6; NATRIA aged 3
• ANNA Bai widow, aged 62
• ZOYA Shuang about aged 45, widow
• Albazinian KAPITOLINA Huai widow, aged 62
• Albazinian AGAFIYA Rui widow, aged 55
• AKILINA Guang widow, aged 47. She lived at the Mission alms house. Her children: EVSTOLIA aged 14, and KIFA aged 11
• EVGENI Vasilevich Ji aged 47, Manchurian soldier, endured martyrdom on June 7th near Dōngzhímén Gate, at a place called Hónglǐng (红领), and there was thrown down a well
• EVFIMIA aged 12, daughter of the Albazinian Paul Yong, endured martyrdom on June 10, in Fr Mitrophan's house
• Albazinian FEODOT Gordiev Rui aged 60, endured martyrdom in his house near the Mission, on June 10th
• The son of Luke Quan MIKHAIL with his wife and 3 children fled to their cemetery, but not finding a haven, went from place to place and were seized
• ELENA Huo widow, aged 73; OLIMPIADA Jin widow, aged 61; Olimpiada's
daughter OLGA aged 19, all endured martyrdom on June 10 near the Mission
• FEVRONIA Fu, aged 72, endured martyrdom June 1, beyond the Āndìngmén Gate
• ANNA Li widow, aged 58
• NIKON Huo aged 23
• ANDREI Zhu Ling aged 54, suffered on June 10 at the Mission site
• PETR Chang aged 57, endured martyrdom on June 11
• IONA adopted son of Alexei Hang Wenheng, aged 19
• DARIA De aged 54, widow mother of Gerasim Fu and Gerasim's daughter Agafia, endured martyrdom on June 11 at Shíchàhǎi (什刹海) beyond the Hòumén Gate (后门)
• Albazinian PAVEL Nikolaevich Dong aged 48; his wife EVGENIA Mihailovna aged 38, and their children: IULIANIA aged 13; LUKIA aged 9; STEFAN aged 7, endured martyrdom on June 20 in Zhuāngqīn Wángfǔ (庄亲王府) in the western city
• DARIA aged 33 sister of Nikolai Ji endured martyrdom on June 23rd beyond the Dōngchímén Gate
• ISAIAH Se aged 62. Manchurian, died June 22nd beyond the Dōngzhímén Gate
• ANNA aged 56; wife of the Albazinian Georgy A, and ANNA Georgy's daughter aged 36, both Albazinians endured martyrdom on Hǎidàimén near Shiyiyuan • Albazinian NIKOLAI aged 22; nephew of Nikon Quan
• ALEXEI Zhang aged 48
When the church was burnt on the 11th of the 6th month, Alexei with all his family went to Beijing. His family consisted of: his wife EVFIMIA aged 44 and his children: EVDOKIA aged 11; NIKITA aged 10, MICHAEL aged 6; MARIA aged 1. Having arrived in Beijing and having seen the ashes of the destroyed Mission, Alexei departed for the northern mountains; but local inhabitants did not accept him, and only one family sheltered his elder daughter as their son's future bride. Alexei and the rest of his family returned to Dōngdìngān, where he was soon seized by the Boxers and together with his two boys was killed at a place called Sānjiǎo Kēng (三角坑, Triangular Pit), near a road to the west of the Mission site. Alexei's wife and younger daughter were martyred in a field on the northern side of the village of Maozhuang.
• STEFAN Wang Yuguang aged 61
• KIR Zhin Fucheng aged 60
• IRINA aged 55, was Paul Zhang Yu's stepmother

• VMM CYRIACA (Cyria) and her sister MUSCA (Musra) together with MM VALERIANUS and MARIA at Aquileja
• Martyress DABAMON of Degwah and her daughter Righteous YOUNA (Yona) at Sa (Sais) in Egypt (2nd c.)
• Martyr ISAURUS伊撒弗若 and with him BASIL 瓦西里, INNOCENT 英诺肯提, FELIX 斐利克斯, HERMES 埃尔弥斯 and PEREGRINUS 佩瑞格里诺 of Athens
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἴσαυρος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῷ μαρτυρήσαντες
These Athenians were found hiding themselves from persecution in a cave at Apollonia, Macedonia. They were beheaded.
• Translation of Relics (900) of VMM FORTUNATA, VALERIA and SATURNINA of Rome (273)
• Venerables monks JOSEPH 约熙福 the Wilderness Dweller and PIOR 彼奥尔 of Scetis (4th c.) disciples of St Anthony the Great
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰωσὴφ ὁ Ἀναχωρητής
Ὁ Ὅσιος Πιώρ
• Martyrs NICANDER and MARCIAN imperial Roman soldiers and DARIA (173/303) Christian lay people, two of them imperial Roman soldiers, who were converts to Christianity and were beheaded together in Venafroin Italy in the persecutions of Maximian and Diocletian
• Martyrs MANUEL 埃玛努伊尔, SABEL 撒维尔 and ISMAEL 伊斯玛伊尔 of Persia (362)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Μανουήλ, Σαβὲλ καὶ Ἰσμαὴλ οἱ Μάρτυρες
Three well-educated Christian men who were sent as ambassadors from King Baltan of Persia to the court of emperor Julian the Apostate to negotiate peace between the two states, and an end of Julian’s persecutions of Christians. Instead of negotiating, Julian imprisoned them, ordered them to make a sacrifice to pagan idols, and when they refused, had them executed.
• A group of 262 MARTYRS who suffered under Diodetian and buried on the old Via Salaria in Rome
• Brothers and monks BOTULF (Botolph) 博托尔弗 Abbot of the Monastery of Ikanhoe and ADULF (Adolph) (680) Boston, England
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Ἀδούλφιος καὶ Βοτούλφιος ὁ Ὁμολογητής , οἱ αὐτάδελφοι
• Uncovering of the relics (1562) of the Alfanov Brothers of Novgorod (1389) Sts NICETAS, CYRIL, NICEPHORUS, CLEMENT and ISAAC of Novgorod, founders of the Sikolnitzki Monastery
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Ἰσαάκ, Κλήμης, Κύριλλος, Νικήτας καὶ Νικηφόρος ἐκ Ρωσίας
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• New Hieromartyr priest ABERKIUS Severovostokov (1918) of Ufa
• Hosiosmartyr NICANDER Prusak (1918) Hieromonk, of Yaroslavl
• New Hieromartyr MAXIMUS Popov (1934)
• New Hieromartyr ISMAEL Rozhdestvensky, priest (1938)
• Virgin Martyress novice PELAGIA Balakireva (1901-1943)
• Repose of Elder GERVASIUS Paraskevopoulos (1964) of Patras
• ADLEIDIS (5-6th c.) Matr., W., Fndr. of convent in Bergamo, Italy
• AETIUS 埃提 (Djan Darada) the Eunuch, enlightener of Ethiopia, baptized by the Apostle Philip (1st c.)
The Holy Disciple Aetius was an eunuch and had the duty of protector of the treasury of the Ethiopian empress Candice. On the way from Jerusalem to Gaza he was baptised by the holy Apostle Philip (Acts 8: 26-40) and became the Enlightener of Ethiopia.
• Sainted AGRIPPINUS (615) Bishop of Como in the north of Italy
• ALBAN Protomartyr of Britanny
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀλβανὸς ὁ Πρωτομάρτυρας ἐκ Βρετανίας
• Venerable ANANIAS 阿纳尼雅 the Iconographer of Novgorod (1581)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀνανίας ὁ εἰκονογράφος
The Monk Ananii of Novgorod, an iconographer of the Novgorod Antoniev monastery, asceticised during the 16th century. An account about him is included in the narration about the miracles of the Monk Antonii the Roman, from which it is known, that the iconographer Ananii wrote "marvelous icons of many holy wonderworkers" and, fulfilling a monastic vow, not once in 33 years did he go outside the monastery walls. Historical records impute the time of his blessed end as the year 1581.
• Hieromartyr ANTIDIUS (Antel, Antible, Tude) (265) Bishop of Besançon in France
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀντίδιος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας
Disciple and successor of St Froninus as Bishop of Besançon in France. He was put to death by the Vandals at the hamlet called Ruffey.
• Translation of Relics (766) of Hieromartyr ARSATIUS bishop of Milan (400)
• AVITUS (Avy) (530) Abbot, near Orleans
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἄβιτος
Monk at the Menat monastery in Auvergne, France. Abbot of the Micy monastery near Orleans, France. Hermit in area of Perche, France. His reputation for holiness led to would-be spiritual students to gather around his shack. Eventually there were so many that they were led to build a new monastery where Avitus served as abbot.
• Venerable BESSARION the Great, Wonderworker of Egypt, Hermit (400)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Βησσαρίων ὁ Ἀναχωρητής
St Bessarion, an Egyptian hermit and a disciple of Saint Antony, lived in the open air, and often lost himself in the trackless desert. He always carried a copy of the four Gospels under his arms. One day he met a naked beggar. Bessarion himself had only one garment, but he gave it to the beggar and went about with nothing on, still carrying the Gospels under his arm. When the commissioner of peace saw the saint, he asked "Who has stripped you?" Bessarion held out his book and replied, "This has stripped me." Another version continues the story that he sold even this book, his prized and only possession, to relieve a poor man.
• BRIAVEL (6th c.) a hermit at St Briavels, now in Gloucestershire in England
• Translation of the Relics of COLUMCILLE Abbot of Iona, Apostle to Scotland
• DAVID of Bourges (815) Archbishop of Bourges, France in 785 where he served the remaining 30 years of his life
• GUNDULPHUS (6th c.) a bishop in France who is said to have reposed in Bourges Ὁ Ἅγιος Γουνδούλφιος Ἐπίσκοπος Γαλλίας
• HADRIAN III (885) Pope of Rome
• Venerable HERVEUS (Hervé) of Brittany (575) blind from childhood, he was born in Wales but was taken when very young to Brittany. Though blind, he became Abbot of Plouvien, from where he moved with some of his monks to Lanhouarneau
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἐρβέος ὁ ἐν Γαλλία
• HIMERIUS (560) born in Calabria in Italy, he became a monk and then Bishop of Ameila in Umbria. He is described as a great ascetic. In 995 his relics were translated to Cremona where he is one of the main Patron Saints
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰμέριος Ἐπίσκοπος Ἀμελίας
• HYPATIUS (Ypatios) abbot of monastery of Rufinianos (446)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ὑπάτιος ὁ ἐν Ρουφιαναῖς
Born in Phrygia; died c. 450. At the age of 19, St Hypatius embraced the life of a hermit in Thrace. Later he migrated to Chalcedon and Bithynia, where he headed a flourishing laura and from which he staunchly opposed the heresy of Nestorius.
• MICHAEL Ihumen of the Kyiv Zverynetsky Caves (1087)
• MOLLING (Moling, Myllin, Molignus, Dairchilla, Daircell, Taircell) (697) Bishop of Wexford (of Ferns)
• Martyr MONTANUS (300) a soldier who was taken to the island of Ponza in Italy and martyred by being thrown into the sea with a heavy stone tied round his neck. Christians recovered his body and enshrined it in Gaeta
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μοντανὸς ὁ Μάρτυρας ἐξ Ἰταλίας
• Holy Martyr Hermit NECTAN 奈克坦 (Nighton) of Hartland (6th c.) // May 18 // ALL SAINTS OF BRITAIN AND IRELAND 3RD SUNDAY OF PENTECOST // DEC 4 TR REL //
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νέκταν ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας
• Hieromartyr PHILONEIDES 斐洛尼迪 bishop of Kurion in Cyprus (306)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φιλονίδης ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας Ἐπίσκοπος Κουρίου
• Venerable RAMBOLD (Ramnold) (1001) monk at St Maximinus in Trier in Germany, he Abbot of St Emmeram in Regensburg. He reposed at the age of one hundred
• Martyr SHALVA 沙尔瓦 of Akhaltsikhe, Georgia (1227)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Σάλβα ὁ Μάρτυρας ἐκ Γεωργίας
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

пятница, 28 июня 2019 г.

• συνοδικός • 2019 June 29 / June 16 7527 •


June 29 / June 16
2019 (7527)
• Icon of the Mother of God of DOCIANES
Σύναξις Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου ἐν Δοκιαναῖς (ἢ πέραν ἐν Εὐδοκιαναῖς)
• Martyrs CYRICUS (Cyriacus, Cirgues, Cyr, Quiricus, Cyriac, Cerycus, Ciricus, Ciriacus, Kiriakos, Kirik, Kyrikos, Kerykos or Cirycus) and his mother JULITTA (Joulitta, Julita or Oulitta), W., of Iconium, at Tarsus (304)
• Virgin Martyresses ACTINEA and GRAECINA at Volterra (3-4th c.) in Italy under Diocletian
Οἱ Ἁγίες Ἀκτινέα καὶ Γρεσινιάνα οἱ Παρθενομάρτυρες
• Bishops FELIX and MAURUS of San Felice (6th c.) born in Palestine, after a pilgrimage to Rome, this father and son lived as hermits at what is now called San Felice near Narni in central Italy
• Martyrs TIGRIUS 提格里 the Presbyter and EUTROPIUS 艾弗特若彼 the Reader (404) among the clergy of St John Chrysostom of Constantinople
• Venerables Hegumen BERTALD and presbiter Monk AMAND (540) Hermits of Ardenne
• Hieromartyrs brothers priest FERREOLUS and deacon FERRUTIO (215)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Φερραίολος καὶ Φερρούκιος οἱ Ἱερομάρτυρες οἱ ἐν Γαλατίᾳ
Ferreolus, a priest, and Ferrutio, a deacon, were brothers from Asia Minor. They were sent by St Irenaeus of Lyons to enlighten the area round Besançon in France, where they preached for thirty years and were finally martyred.
• 5 Nikomedian Martyrs by the sword
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Πέντε Μάρτυρες ἐν Νικομηδείᾳ
• 40 Martyrs of Rome, by fire
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Τεσσαράκοντα Μάρτυρες οἱ Ρωμαῖοι
• Virgin Martyrs CUNIGUNDIS (Cundegundis), WIBRANDIS, MECHTUNDIS and CHRISTIANA (Chrishona, Christina) of Rapperswil, at Eycksel (Eichsel) near Constance (383)
• Righteous Virgins CHRISTINA, MARGARET and ODILE of Dinkelberg (383)
• NIKON, BASIL and TIKHON (16th c.)
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Νίκων, Βασίλειος καὶ Τύχων οἱ ἐν Σολόκοβο τῆς Ρωσίας
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr HERMOGENES (Germogen) 埃尔摩根 Dolganev, bishop of Tobolsk (1858-1918)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἑρμογένης ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας Ἐπίσκοπος Τομπὸλσκ Ρωσίας
• Hieromartyr EUPHREMIUS Dolganev, archpriest (1874-1918) Brother of Bishop Germogen Dolganev
• Hieromartyr MICHAEL Makarov, priest (1881-1918)
• Hieromartyr PETER Korelin, priest (1918)
• Martyr CONSTANTINE Minyatov (1874-1918)
• Repose of Righteous MARIA (1943) Disciple of St Paul of Taganrog
• Archbishop JOHN 伊望 (Michael Maksimovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker (1966) // MOVABLE HOLIDAY ON THE SATURDAY CLOSEST TO JUNE 19TH // br /> Vladyka turned his attention to the existence of local saints who had lived in antiquity but who were heretofore unknown to the Orthodox Church. At his initiative, the Synod passed a resolution with respect to veneration of a host of saints who had lived in the West prior to the schism of 1054. br /> By prayers before his incorrupt relics, people are strengthened in faith, and Mosaic over the NW entrance to the Cathedral. receive healing, consolation, and spiritual powers. After the many struggles, cares, sorrows which he endured for the sake of Christ and His Truth, Holy Hierarch John has arrived at the peaceful heavenly harbor, where rejoicing together with the angels, he glorifies the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, God One in Trinity, to Whom from us as well may there be glory, honor and worship, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. br />
• ACTINEA Martyr of Volterra in Italy
• AITHEACHAN (Athcain) of Inbher Colpthai, Colpe, County of Meath (6th c.)
• Virgin Martyress ALENA (Aline) of Dilbeek at Vorst (or La Forêt) near Brussels, Belgium (640)
St Alena (also written Alène or Alina) is a Christian saint who, if historical, was martyred around the year 640. She is sometimes referred to as Alena of Forest, or Alena of Brussels, having died in Forest, Belgium which is now one of the nineteen municipalities of Brussels.
• AMANDUS (Amand, Amatius, Amantiu) of Beaumont (6th c.) Hermit at Beaumont, archdiocese of Rheims, France
• AURELIAN Bishop of Arles (550)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Αὐρηλιανὸς Ἐπίσκοπος Ἀρελάτης
Bishop of Arles, Gaul (modern France) in 546. Founded a monastery and convent in Arles, and brought many relics to them including a piece of the True Cross. The Rule he gave each of the houses in his diocese stressed devotion to the saints and martyrs. Assisted at the Council of Orleans in 549. Referred to himself as Aurelian the Sinner. Papal vicar of Gaul under Pope Vigilius, from whom he received the pallium, one of the symbols of his high office.
• BERTHALDUS (Bertaud) (540) Priest in the Ardennes in France
• Hieromartyr CECCARDUS (Cichardo, Ceccardo) of Luni (860) Bishop of Luni, Italy
• CETTIN (Cethach, Cethagh) Bishop of of Oran, Ireland (5th c.) consecrated by Saint Patrick as an auxiliary bishop
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κεττίνος
• COLMAN Mc Roi (6th c.) a deacon who was a disciple of St Columba. He also founded a monastery at Reachrain, now Lambay Island, near Dublin in Ireland
Ὁ Ὅσιος Κολμανὸς ἐξ Ἰρλανδίας
• CURIG (6th c.) Bishop of Llanbadarn in Wales
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κουρίγγος ἐξ Οὐαλίας
There is a confusion of many saints with similar names to Curig. Nevertheless, he is believed to have been bishop of Llanbadarn, Wales, where several churches are dedicated to his honour.
• Martyr ELAPPAS
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἐλάππας ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Martyr EUTROPIUS of Mesopotamia
• FELIX Ascetic
• Repose of Elder GERASIMUS of the St Tikhon Monastery of Kaluga (1898)
• ILUD (Juliot, Juliana) (5-6th c.)
• ISMAEL (Ysfael, Osmail) Bishop of Menevia (6th c.) disciple of St Teilo in Wales, he was consecrated bishop by him
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰσμαὴλ ἐξ Οὐαλίας
• JULIOT sister of St Nectan of Hartland
• Hosiosmartyr KAIKHOSRO (Qiakhosro) 凯霍斯若 of Georgia (1558) monk, of Jerusalem, under Abbas I of Persia
Ὁ Ἅγιος Καουαϊκχόρσος ὁ Μάρτυρας ὁ Ἰβηρίτης μοναχὸς ἐν Ἱερουσαλήμ
• QUIRINUS of Tegernsee Martyr at Rome (270)
• Hieromartyr MARK 玛尔克 the Just, Bishop of Apollonia (1st c.) nephew of Barnabas
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μάρκος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας Ἐπίσκοπος Ἀπολλωνιάδος
• MAURUS Ascetic
• MNEMONIUS Bishop of Amathus, Cyprus (4th c.) ordained to the diaconate his successor St Tychon
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μνημόνιος Ἐπίσκοπος Ἀμαθοῦντος Κύπρου
• Repose of Venerable Elder MOSES 摩西 (Timothy Putilov) of Optina (1862) founder and archimandrite of the Optina Skete of St John the Baptist
Ὁ Ὅσιος Μωυσῆς τῆς Ὄπτινα
• NIKEPHOROS monk in Kaluga
• Venerable SABBAS of Moskow, Monk of Andronikov Monastery (1378)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σάββας τῆς Μόσχας
• SETNA Son of Tren, Bishop
• SIMILIAN (Sambin) (310) 3rd Bishop of Nantes in France. St Gregory of Tours testified to his holiness
Ὁ Ἅγιος Σιμιλιανὸς ὁ Ὁμολογητής Ἐπίσκοπος Νάντης
• SIMPLICIUS of Bourges (477) the father of a large family when the local bishops chose him to be Bishop of Bourges in France. He defended the Church against the Arian Visigoths
• Uncovering (1200) of the relics of Venerable THEODORE the Sykeote, Bishop of Anastasiopolis in Galatia (613)
Ἀνακομιδὴ Τιμίων Λειψάνων Ὁσίου Θεοδώρου τοῦ Συκεώτου
• Transfer of the Relics in 2002 of Sainted THEOPHAN the Recluse, bishop of Tambov and Shatsk (1894)
• Sainted TYCHON 提弘 bishop of Amathus in Cyprus (425)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Τύχων ὁ Θαυματουργός Ἐπίσκοπος Ἀμαθοῦντος Κύπρου
The life of Tychon, an early bishop of Amathus (modern Limassol), Cyprus, was recorded by Saint John the Almsgiver. He energetically fought against the last remnants of paganism in the island, especially against the cult of Aphrodite.
• Venerable TIKHON 提弘 of Kaluga and Medin (1492)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Τύχων ὁ ἐν Μεντὺν τῆς Ρωσίας
Among the disciples of the Monk Tikhon, particularly distinguished by his sanctity of life was the Monk Nikiphor of Kaluga. It is assumed, that he was the successor of the Monk Tikhon in guiding the monastery. The Monk Nikiphor is depicted on icons together with other Kaluga saints: the Monk Paphnutii of Borovsk (1 May), the Monk Tikhon of Kaluga and Blessed Lavrentii of Kaluga (10 August).
• Venerable TIKHON 提弘 of Lukhov amd Kostroma (1503)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Τύχων ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ ἐν τῷ Λούκωφ τῆς Ρωσίας
• TIKHON 提弘 of Krestogorsk of Vologda
Ὁ Ὅσιος Τύχων ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ ἐν Καράτσεβ τῆς Ρωσίας
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

• συνοδικός • 2019 June 28 / June 15 7527 •


June 28 / June 15
2019 (7527)
• Icon of the Mother of God "MARIANICA" (13th c.) 玛利亚尼喀
Σύναξις Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου πέραν ἐν τοῖς Μαρανικίου ἢ Μαρινακίου
Σύναξις τῶν Ἁγίων Σέρβων Νεομαρτύρων
Humbly addressing You about most previously of the New Martyrs of the 20th century in Serbia, within the region of Kosovo, especially the martyrdom of two Hieromartyrs (monastic priest) that took place 1990's in the Serbian Orthodox Church, in the region of Kosovo. The crowing of a these holy New Martyrs of Serbia in this report is not the first time the Serbian Orthodox Christians in Serbia, have witnessed martyrs. MORE THEN 750 000 ORTHODOX SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS GAVE THEIR LIVES IN THE DEFENSE OF THE FAITH DURING THE TIME OF BOTH WORLD WAR I, AND WORLD WAR II. Similar tribulations took place during the heroic struggle of the Serbs for national liberation at the beginning of the 19th century. Hundreds of noble Serbian clergymen were impaled at the fields of Kalemegdan in Belgrade, or were killed outright in prison camps. Throughout these ordeals the constant cry which united and comforted the Serbs was the five-century-old rallying cry of Kosovo, "For the Honorable Cross and Golden Freedom," a Christian plea based on the triumphant struggle of Jesus Christ on the Cross. For the Serbs at this time, to die for Christ and the Orthodox Faith was an honor, a holy privilege which they believed would be recompensed with eternal blessed life. For, as all pious Orthodox Christians believe, the Cross was the first step in the Lord's final victory over the devil and his power; and the Lord's Resurrection, the summit of this victory, granted true freedom to all those who endured. Hence the Christian Serbs were happy to "lay down their lives" for Christ in behalf of their family, friends and nation. During the first quarter of the 20th century, specifically during the years 1913, 1914 and 1915, the terrible assaults of the evil one rose up again against the Serbian Church. These years have been recorded as the first years of her martyrdom in modern times. Besieged by the Germans, Hungarians, Bulgarians and Albanians, the Serbian Church suffered bitterly during this time. For example, Metropolitan Vincent of Skoplje (Macedonia) was burned alive in the Gorge of Surdulica along with 157 Serbian priests. Later, during the 1930's, the Serbs suffered tremendously under the infamous Concordat, which sought to limit their religious and civil rights. The Concordat was an attempt by the overly conciliatory government to sign an agreement with the Vatican that would have given the Roman Church a privileged position in Yugoslavia. It was finally defeated in 1937, thanks in large part to the heroic witness of Patriarch Varnava, who reposed during the heat of the controversy, and was thought by many to have been poisoned. But of all the persecutions in the history of the Serbian Orthodox nation, none was more excruciating and terrifying than those which began in 1941. The Serbs and the Serbian Church were forced to undergo some of the worst atrocities the world has ever known. It has been said that these Christians were tortured even more than the Hebrews were by the Egyptians as recorded in the Book of Exodus; worse than the barbarous annihilations in ancient Carthage and the exterminations of the Christians in Nubia, North Africa, and even worse than the Holocaust victims in Nazi Germany during World War II. In all, there were OVER 800 000 SERBS BUTCHERED AND SLAIN BY THE REGIME OF ANTE PAVELICH IN THE "FREE CROATIAN STATE" DURING WORLD WAR II. In addition, many thousands of Serbs were forced to convert to Roman Catholicism under pain of death.
Many were simply asked to make the sign of the Cross, and if they did so in Orthodox fashion - from right to left - they were tortured on the spot.
Besides these, there were over 300 000 civilians killed by the Germans, Bulgarians, Hungarians and Albanians, many being sent to concentration camps to starve to death. In the end, the death toll of SERBIAN MARTYRS AMOUNTED TO OVER ONE-AND-HALF-MILLION, or more than one third of the entire Serbian people, OVER THE SPAN OF THIRTY YEARS (1914-1944, FROM WORLD WAR I TO WORLD WAR II).
Must we provide the horrible details of these atrocities? Pregnant women's wombs were ripped open; men were roasted on rotisserie spits used to cook animals (there were cases in which people were forced to eat the roasted bodies of members of their own families). Malicious medical experiments were performed. People were impaled, had their eyes gouged out, were sawn in two. Hearts were cut out of innocent victims and eaten by their adversaries. Slow, agonizing deaths could last for weeks and weeks. Every manner of torture that the devil could instill in people to use on their fellow human beings was on full display during those years of tribulation.
During these persecutions the leaders of the Serbian Orthodox Church were the first to suffer and lay down their lives for their people. Bishop PLATON of Banja Luka (Bosnia) was murdered in an incredibly bestial manner: he was taken by the Ustashas, along with the previously arrested priest, Fr DUSAN Jovanovich, to the village of Vrbanja, where their beards were shaved with a blunt knife, their eyes were gouged out, their noses and ears were cut off, and a fire was lit on their chests. Their bodies, together with the bodies of several other martyred clergymen, were thrown into the Vrbanja River. Croatian armed forces, formed by Hitler's Nazis to punish the Serbs for resisting him. Mostly Roman Catholic by faith, but including Moslems as well, they committed atrocities so horrible against the Orthodox Serbs that even the Nazi soldiers were appalled.
Many clergymen and monastics were executed right outside the walls of their churches and monasteries, in major cities such as Krushevac, Kragujevac, Mostar and Novi Sad. Here are but a few of the well-known examples of the torments Serbia has been subjected to:
• GLINA Region
Over 120 000 were killed by the Ustashas, as many as six hundred per evening being bludgeoned to death assembly-line style in the local Orthodox churches. The few that survived fled to the area of Petrova Gora.
On August 3 of 1941, 3 000 Serbs were massacred for refusing to convert to Roman Catholicism.
• VOJNICH Region
On July 29 of 1941, the chief of the Ustasha police in Zagreb, Bozidar Gervoski, arrived with a number of Ustasha police units. They rounded up some 3 000 Serbian Christians from Krnjak, Krstinje, Siroka Reka, Slunj, Rakovica and other villages, and after mocking and torturing them, led them to the village mill in Pavkovich, where they were butchered like cattle.
The long list of bloody sacrifices began with the martyred priest Fr BRANKO Dobrosavljevich from Veljun. Fr BRANKO was ordered to read the canon for the departure of the soul from the body over his son, who was still alive. His son was then killed in his presence, and he was subsequently tortured and killed himself. There followed for several weeks mass executions of innocent Serbs, including women and children.
On the Orthodox Feast of Christ's Nativity in 1942 about 1 200 Serbs, along with their parish priests, were cruelly murdered in Churug. At the end of the same month 1 300 more Serbs, including clergy, met the same fate in Novi Sad.
• SADILOVAC settlement in Croatia
On July 31 of 1942, the Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos was burned to the ground, along with 463 people, ranging in age from newborn babies to old men and women.
On June 26 of 1941, Croatian Ustashas tortured and murdered the entire monastery brotherhood, then threw their bodies into a pit. A Roman Catholic friar removed all the church valuables by tractor; the monastery church was subsequently demolished, and then the rest of the buildings were burnt down.
• JASENOVAC: The System of Ustasha Death Camps // SEP 13 //
This was one of the most horrible sites of the persecutions against Orthodox Serbs. The Ustashas, including Croats and Moslems from Hercegovinia, came with rifles, revolvers, axes and hammers, and brutally murdered the Serbs. To save ammunition, many Serbs were brought to the brick factory in Jasenovac and tossed into the fiery furnaces. As they were placed in single file the last person in line was shoved, creating enough force to thrust his fellow martyrs forward. Others were butchered along the Sava River and thrown into the water. The bloodthirsty Ustasha leader Ljubo Milosh boasted that he had killed over three thousand Serbs, each time jesting and crying out, "How sweet is Serbian blood!" One Orthodox Serb, Joca Divjak, was given to Milosh as a Christmas present. Martyr Joca's heart was torn out of his chest as other Serbs were forced to watch and laugh. Anyone who turned his head away from this abominable scene was killed on the spot. In all, over fifty thousand pious Serbian Orthodox Christians were martyred from August, 1941 to February, 1942 a period of seven months.
700 000 new martyrs of Serbia who were killed in the 1930's and 1940's.
There are many other lists of savageries which could be recounted - the record is truly astounding! These facts reveal that the Serbian Orthodox Church is in truth a Martyred Church. Her recent history demonstrates a courage and commitment to the Cross and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, which grants the Serbian Church a rightful and honorable place not only in Christian history but, more importantly, in the eyes of God Almighty Himself. So many - literally a million and a half innocent victims - upheld the belief in "laying down their lives" for the cause of Christ and His Holy Church. Their sacrifice for one another is an eternal witness and memorial, which should and must inspire all Orthodox Christians until the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. And truly, at the great Day of Judgment they will all be crowned with an incorruptible crown of glory, received as a result of their love for truth and justice, and for carrying out the message of "the Honorable Cross and Golden Freedom."
• Archbishop DOSITHEI of Zagreb (Croatia)
• Bishop IRENEI of Dalmatia was also imprisoned and later transferred to an Italian concentration camp near Florence
• Patriarch GABRIEL (1937-1950)
• VUKASIN of Klepci // MAY 16 // JUN 15 //
• Hieromartyr JOANIKIJE of Montenegro (1945) // JUN 19 //
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Σέρβοι Νεομάρτυρες, οἱ ὁποῖοι ἑορτάζουν σήμερα, εἶναι: Οἱ Μητροπολίτες Ζάγκρεμπ Δοσίθεος, Μαυροβουνίου Ἰωαννίκιος, Σαράγιεβο Πέτρος, οἱ Ἐπίσκοποι Γκόνι – Κάρλοβιτς Σάββας, Μπαναλιούκας Πλάτων, οἱ ἱερομάρτυρες Ραφαὴλ ἐν Σισιβάτς (ἱερομόναχος), Μπράνκο Ντομπροσάλιεβιτς, Γεώργιος Μπόγκιτς, Δανιὴλ Μπάμπιτς, καὶ ὁ Μάρτυς Βουκαλὶν ἐξ Ἐρζεγοβίνης.
• ILIJA Ajdukovic, priest, Srednja Gora (Udbina)
• DJURO Alagic, archpriest, Gornja Dubrava (Ogulin)
• JOVAN Andric, priest, Tepljuv (Knin)
• DUŠAN Aškrobic, deacon, Mostar
• DANE Babic, priest, Svinjica (Petrinja)
• DJORDJE Babic, priest, Balajnice (Našice)
• NIKOLA Ban, archpriest, Bjelovar
• MILAN Banjac, priest, Drvar
• SIMO Banjac, priest, Kamen (Glamoc)
• Dr BRANKO Barac, archpriest, Sisak
• BRANKO Bilanovic, student of theology, Monastery Zitomislic
• JOVAN Bjegovic, priest, Bihac
• DUŠAN Blagoje, priest, Stolac
• DOBROSAV Blazevic, priest, Donji Vakug (Bugojno)
• DUŠAN Bobarevic, archpriest, Vlasenica
• DJORDJE (Georgie) Bogic, priest, Našice
• NIKOLA J. Bogunovic, priest, Donji Lapac
• MILAN Bozic, archpriest, Sarajevo
• DANIKO Brakuš, priest, Bjelo Polje (Korenica)
• BRANKO Brazin, priest, Bolcin (near Bjelovar)
• ILIJA Budimir, priest, Crni Lug (Bos. Grahovo)
• RISTO Catic, priest, Gubin (Livno)
• VLADIMIR Cejovic, archdeacon, Mostar
• ANTIN Culumovic, monk, Monastery Tavna
• ALEKSANDAR Cupovic, achpriest, Bracevci (Djakovo)
• STEVAN Curcic, priest, Ogulin
• JOVAN Cutilic, priest, Veliko Oborsko, Bijeljina
• DIMITRIJE Damjanovic, archpriest, Nišic (Sarajevo)
• ZIVKO Danilovic, archpriest, Ljubija
• ILARION Deretic, abbot, Monastery Zavale
• DUŠAN Diklic, priest, Plitvicka Jezera (Korenica)
• MILOŠ Diklic, priest, Kosinja (Perunišic)
• BOGDAN Djogovic, pastor, Kifino Selo (Nevesinje)
• IGNJATIJE Djukic, monk, Velika Kladuša
• MILAN Djukic, priest, Plaški
• VLADIMIR Djukic, archpriest, Srpske Moravice
• BRANKO Dobrosavljevic, archpriest, Veljun (Kordun)
• MILE Dokmanovic, archpriest, Plaški
• MILE Dokmanovic, priest, Perjasica (Vojnic)
• MILOJKO Došen, priest, Pocitelj (Gospic)
• GAVRILO Eklemovic, monk, Privina Glava
• ANTONIJE Gajic, monk, Mala Trešnjevica
• BOGOLJUB Gakovic, secretary of church court, Plaški
• PETAR Galogaza, archpriest, Petrinja
• DUŠAN Gavranovic, priest, Vagan (Knin)
• MILAN Golubovic, teacher of religion, Drvar
• DJORDJE Gospic, priest, Crnjeljevo (Bijeljina)
• JOVAN Grozdanic, priest, Ragun (Gospic)
• MIHAILO Gutovski, archpriest, Trebinje (Vojnic)
• VLADIMIR Gvozdenovic, archpriest, Mostar
• LJUBOMIR Hajdinovic, priest, Capljina
• ILIJA Ilic, archpriest, Plaški
• BRANKO Ivanovic, archpriest, Sid
• LJUBOMIR Jakšic, priest, Han Pijesak (Vlasenica)
• DIMITRIJE Jerkovic, priest, Siroka Kula (Gospic)
• EMILIJAN Josipovic, archpriest, Opatovac
• MIHAILO Jovanovic, priest, Jablanica (Brcko)
• MIHAILO (Mika) Jovanovic, priest, Brodac (Bijeljina)
• The Holy Hieromartyr PLATON Jovanovic, the third Serbian Orthodox bishop of Banja Luka
• SEVASTIJAN Jovic, monk, Drniš
• PAVLE Katanic, priest, Bijeljina
• JOVAN Knjazev, priest, Zovik (Brcko)
• SAVA Kojic, monk, Buhaca (Slunj)
• DJURO Kosanovic, archpriest, Plaški
• TEOFAN Kosanovic, monk, Gomirje
• RADOVAN Kovacevic, priest, Primišlje (Slunj)
• VASILIJE Kovacina, priest, Metkovic
• VOJISLAV Krnjevic, archpriest, Mostar
• LJUBOMIR Krnjic, priest, Brodac (Brcko)
• BOGDAN Lalic, archpriest, Sarajevo
• PANTELIJA Landup, priest, Kamensko (Pakrac)
• RADOVAN Lapcevic, archpriest, Blatuša (Vrgin Most)
• SPASA Lavrnja, priest, Licka Guvaja (Lapac)
• JOVAN Magarasevic, archpriest, Tuzla
• PETAR Majstorovic, archpriest, Licki Doljani (Lapac)
• DUŠAN Malobabic, archpriest, Kolarici (Vojnic)
• MILOŠ Mandic, archpriest, Gracac
• STAVRO Manistulic, priest, Pocrnje
• ADAM Marin, priest, Koprivnica
• DJURO Marjan, archpriest, Senj
• RISTO Markovic, priest, Lagon (Bijeljina)
• DRAGOMIR Maskijevic, priest, Derventa (Vlasenica)
• SIMEON Matic, archpriest, Trzic
• VOJISLAV Medan, priest, Dubac (Stolac)
• DJORDJE Milojevic, priest, Nova Pavljan (Bjelovar)
• MILADIN Minic, priest, Biljesevo (Zenica)
• RAFAILO Momcilovic, monk, Sisatovac // JUN 15 NEW MARTYRS OF SERBIA // SEP 3 //
• VDILIJE Nakarada, priest, Madzvine (Kordun)
• STANISLAV Nasadil, priest, Licke Jasenice (Ogulin)
• EMILIJAN Neric, monk, Monastery Tavna
• TIHOMIR Neskovic, priest, Janja
• PETAR Ninkovic, priest, Vojnic
• PAVLE (Paja) Obradovic, archpriest, Nebljuš
• NOVAK Okiljevic, novice, Monastery Zitomislic
• BOGDAN Opacic, priest, Bacuge (Glina)
• VUJADIN Panjkovic, priest, Debelo Brdo (Korenica)
• DIMITRIJE Pantelic, priest, Cadjevica (Bijeljina)
• ROMAN Pašcan, monk, Beocin
• ILIJA Pavlica, priest, Munjava (Ogulin)
• MAKARIJE Pejak, deacon, Monastery Zitomislic
• PETAR Pejanovic, priest, Mostar
• MILORAD Pekic, priest, Sibislica (Brcko)
• VUKAŠIN Petkovic, priest, Mostar
• MILOŠ Petrovic, priest, Zuzani (Derventa)
• MILE Peuraca, priest, Gornji Budacki (Vojnic)
• ILIJA Pintar, priest, Srpska Jasenica (Bos. Krupa)
• MARKO Popovic, archpriest, Blagaj (Bugojno)
• MILHAILO Popovic, priest, Poljaca (Knin)
• MILAN Popovic, priest, Rmanj
• MILENKO Popovic, deacon, teacher of religion, Bijeljina
• SAVO Popovic, priest, Brezovo Polje (Brcko)
• STEVAN Popovic, archpriest, Medjaši (Bijeljia)
• MARKO Prodanovic, student of theology, Monastery Zitomislic
• OGNJEN Radic, priest, Mostar
• NIKOLA Radmanovic, archpriest, Slušnica (Slunj)
• MILOŠ Rajcevic, archpriest, Plaški
• UROŠ Rajcevic, priest, Mogoric
• PETAR Rašeta, archpriest (Bunic)
• VOJISLAV Rašis, priest, Tupnjevac (Bjeljina)
• KIRPRIJAN Reljic, priest, Vera (Vukovar)
• DRAGO Ristanovic, student of theology, Ruplje (Trebinje)
• RODOLJUB Samardzic, priest, Dracevo
• BOZIDAR Šarenac, priest, Dracevo
• JANKO Savic, priest, Knezina (Vlasenica)
• MILOŠ Savic, priest, Milici (Vlasenica)
• ANDREJ Semilutski, priest, Majur (Djakovo)
• VUKOLAJ Skendzic, priest, Brinj
• LJUBOMIR Skoric, priest, Modrani (Bijeljina)
• DMITAR Skorupa, priest, Cvijanovic Brdo (Slunj)
• DOBROSAV Sokovic, priest, Sjeverin (Rudo)
• RELJA Spahic, priest, Blazuj (Sarajevo)
• KOSTA Stanišic, archpriest, Livno
• RADE Stanisavljevic, teacher of religion, Korenica
• RADIVOJE Stanisavljevic, priest, Korenica
• SPIRIDON Starovic, archpriest, Avtovac
• JAŠA Stepanov, priest, Plaški
• MATIJA Stijacic, archpriest, Smiljani (Gospic)
• MIRKO Stojasavljevic, priest, Glamoc
• DJURO Stojanovic, priest, Plaški
• JOVAN Stojanovic, archpriest, Pakrac
• DAMJAN Štrbac, priest (Bos. Grahovo)
• DOSITEJ Štulic, monk, Monastery Krupa
• METODIJE Subotin, monk, Gomirje
• DUSAN Subotic, archpriest, Bosanska Gradiška
• DUSAN Sušnjar, priest, Dunjac (Vojnic)
• KONSTANTIN Todorovic, priest, Ugljenik (Bijelnina)
• PETAR Tovirac, priest, Zabrdje (Bijeljina)
• MILAN Trišic, priest, Vrlika, Sinj
• VIDAK Višnjevac, archpriest, Gacko
• VOJISLAV Vojinovic, priest, Osijek
• BOGDAN Vranješevic, priest, Krupa na Vrbasu
• PETAR Vucinic, priest, Plaški
• NIKOLA Vuckovic, priest, Drljace
• KONSTANTIN Vucurevic, monk, Monastery Zitomislic (Mostar)
• JEFTO Vujevic, archpriest, Mostar
• MILOŠ Vujic, priest, Radovice (Slunj)
• DOSITEJ Vukicevic, monk, Monastery Zitomislic
• NIKOLA Zagorac, priest, Petrovo Selo (Korenica)
• JOVAN Zecivic, priest, Bozuca (Tepce)
• LAZAR Zivadinovic, archdeacon, Zagreb
• GLIGORIJE Zivkovic, archpriest, Baluga
• SLAVKO Zjalicc, priest, Paklenice (Novska)
• JOVAN Lazarevic, priest, Korduk, Zvornik
• SEVASTIJAN Milovanovic, priest, Duvno
• DRAGOMIR Ostojic, priest, Zvornik
• DIMITRIJE Rajakovic, priest, Nišic, Sarajevo
• NIKOLA Skakic, priest, Sarajevo
• LJUBOMIR Svitlic, priest, Bijeljina
• Hieromartyr SAVA Bishop of Gorno-Karlovats taken to the Velebit Mountain and thrown into a pit with numerous other Serbs
• MIHAILO Vasic, priest, Banja Luka
• Archbishop PETER Zimonich of Sarajevo (Bosnia) tortured and humiliated in every way conceivable, and then thrown into a pit to die, together with 55 Orthodox priests
During this war was the first holy New Martyr was the Hierarch VLADIMIR, who was bishop of Raska and Prizren, just as similar to the first holy New Martyr of Russia, in the 20th century was Hierarch Metropolitan Vladimir of Moscow. More then 10 000 Orthodox Christians in Kosovo where killed, and numerous churches destroyed during the Second War, in which where exposed to murders and terror by the Albanian extremists and nationalist. This list also includes dozens of priest, but also monks, as well as included the Bishop of Raska and Prizren Holy Hierarch (Bishop) VLADIMIR, who was sent to prison in Albania and killed in prison. Then again we had a holy New Martyr from the Decani Monastery which is located in Kosovo, which took place during the Second World War. The late Bishop Nikolaj (Velimirovic), over a quarter of a century ago, inscribed into the Church calendar by his own hand the following notation for the date Augst 31 (O.S.): "The 700 000 who suffered for the Orthodox faith at the hands of the Roman crusaders and Ustaši during the time of the Second World War. These are the New Serbian Martyrs."
MARTYRED AFTER THE SECOND WORLD WAR : Holy New Martyr Archdeacon GAVRILO (Gabriel) From The Decani Monanstery
HOLY NEW MARTYRS OF SERBIA IN THE 1990's In the region OF KOSOVO, Serbia: Holy New Hieromartyr STEFAN Puric of Serbia (1999) • Holy New Hieromartyr HARITON Lukic of Serbia (1960-1999)
MEMORIAL to THE GREAT HOSPICE for travellers in Switzerland at 2 469 m altitude in the Pennine Alps
The first hospice or monastery was the 9th century one at Bourg-Saint-Pierre mentioned for the first time around 812-820. This was destroyed by Saracen incursions in the mid-10th century, probably in 940, the date at which they also occupied Saint-Maurice.
• Apostles FORTUNATUS 佛尔图纳特, ACHAICUS 阿亥科 and STEPHEN 斯特梵 of 70 Apostoles
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἀχαϊκός, Στεφανᾶς καὶ Φουρτουνάτος οἱ Ἀπόστολοι ἐκ τῶν Ἑβδομήκοντα
About the Holy Disciple Stephen the Holy Apostle Paul recollects in the 1st Epistle to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 16: 15-18). The Apostle Paul wrote: "I am joyful in the arrival of Stephen, Fortunatus and Achaecus: they have made up for me your deficiencies, wherefore they have set at rest both my spirit and your spirit. Respect such".
• Martyrs VITUS 维托 (Guy); MODESTUS (Modestos) 默德斯托 his tutor; and CRESCENTIA 克瑞森提亚 his attendant; at Lucania in Southern Italy (303)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Βίτος, Μόδεστος καὶ Κρησκεντία οἱ Μάρτυρες
• VMM THEOCTISTA and JUSTINA, with M CAESARINUS, at Carthage in Africa
• Martyr HESYCHIUS 伊西赫 the Soldier of Dorostolum a Roman soldier, was martyred at Dorostorum (Sillistria) in Moesia (Bulgaria) together with the veteran St JULIUS and others in Moesia (302)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἡσύχιος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Virgin Martyresses Sisters LEONIS (Leonida) 莱奥尼斯 and LIBYE (Lewbe, Livy, Lybe) 利维耶 and St EUTROPIA (Eftropia) 艾弗特若彼亚 together with her Mother who suffered in Palmyra at Nisibis (Sibapolis) of Syria (305)
Οἱ Ἁγίες Λεωνίς, Λιβύα καὶ Εὐτροπία οἱ Παρθενομάρτυρες
Lybe was beheaded; Leonis, her sister, died at the stake; and the 12 year-old slave girl, Eutropia, was used as a target for the soldiers to practice their shots. Their martyrdom took place under Diocletian at Palmyra in Syria.
• Blessed AUGUSTINE 奥古斯丁 bishop of Hippo (430) and his mother MONICA 妇莫尼卡 of Tagaste (387)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Αὐγουστίνος Ἐπίσκοπος Ἱππῶνος
• TAMADA (also Teemada, Ada or Timeda) and her CHILDREN, Together with St ARMENIUS and his mother St EMMADA in Egypt
• DOMITIAN and HADELIN (686) disciples of St Landelinus at Lobbes in Belgium Οἱ Ὅσιοι Δομετιανὸς καὶ Ἀδελίνος
• ELFLEDA (also Elflida or Ethelfleda) and ETHELHILDA Nuns at Winchester, Abs. at Romsey in Hampshire, England (1000)
• Translation (1524) of the relics of Hosiosmartyrs Abbot GREGORY 格里高利 and cellar CASSIAN 喀西安 of Avnezh, Vologda (1392)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Γρηγόριος καὶ Κασσιανὸς οἱ Ὁσιομάρτυρες καὶ Θαυματουργοί
• SERGIUS and BARBARA of Oyatsk, monastics, parents of St Alexander of Svir (1477-1480)
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• New Hieromartyr VASILIJ Sitnikov, deacon (1850-1918)
• New Hieromartyr AMOS Ivanov, priest (1919) shot by the Bolsheviks
• Repose of INNOCENT Metropolitain of Peking (1931)
• Repose of Elder KOSMAS of Valaam and Riga (1968)
• JOB Kundria of Ugolka, Archimandrite (1985)
• MARTHA Pešić, Abbess in Wojwodina in Serbia (1989)
• Repose of Elder ANTHIMUS of St Anne's Skete, Mt Athos (1996)
• ABRAHAM 阿弗拉穆 abbot of Auvergne (480) Gaul
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀβραὰμ ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ ἐν Γαλλίᾳ
While seeking to learn from hermits, Abraham was captured by bandits in Egypt, he was imprisoned and enslaved by them for five years before he could escape. Making his way to Europe, he lived as a hermit near Clermont, Gaul (modern France). Priest. Abbot of Saint Cyriacus abbey.
• Prophet先知 AMOS 阿摩斯 of the Twelve Minor Prophets (8th c. B.C.) Father of Prophet Jonah
Ὁ Προφήτης Ἀμώς
• Bishop BARDO of Mainz (1053)
• Martyress BENILDIS (Benilde) Matr., at Cordoba (853)
A woman of Cordoba in Spain who was so moved by the courage of the priest Athanasius during his martyrdom at the hands of the Moors, that she braved death at the stake on the following day. Her ashes were thrown into the Guadalquivir.
• BEOC of Wexford and Lan Veoc in Brittany (585)
• Bishop BERNARD of Menthon, Confessor (1008)
• CEDRONUS 凯德若诺 patriarch of Alexandria (107)
• COLMAN Son of Corodran, of Meelick, County of Monaghan
• CONSTANTINE (706) monk with St Philibert at Jumieges in France and then Bishop of Beauvais
Ὁ Ὅσιος Κωνσταντίνος Ἐπίσκοπος Μπεβαί Γαλλίας
• CYRILL the Wonderworker
Ὁ Ὅσιος Κύριλλος ὁ Θαυματουργός
• Martyr DULAS 杜拉斯 (Tatian) of Cilicia (300/313) who was scourged, burned, tortured and martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian after having undergone horrid tortures: disemboweled Zephyrinu, Cilicia, Asia Minor; his body was thrown into a ditch, and a sheepdog stood guard over it until local Christians could give him proper burial
Ὁ Ἅγιος Δουλᾶς ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Venerable DULAS the Passion-bearer of Egypt
Ὁ Ὅσιος Δουλᾶς ὁ ἐν Αἰγύπτῳ ἀσκήσας
• EADBURGA (Edburga, Edburgh or Eadburh) Nun of Winchester (960)
Daughter of King Edward the Elder and Edgiva of Kent; grand-daughter of King Alfred the Great. As a child she was placed in the convent of Nunnaminster, Winchester, England, which King Alfred's widow had founded. She lived her whole life there, a holy nun and abbess.
• Venerable EIGIL of Fulda Abbey, hegumen (822)
Born to the Bavarian nobility; nephew of St Sturmi of Fulda. Educated in Fulda, Germany in the monastery of his uncle Sturmi. Eigil became a Benedictine monk in Fulda. Priest. Teacher at the monastery school. Abbot of the monastery in 817, a house that was in decline at that point. He restored the community, built churches, founded another house, and trained his successor, St Rabanus Maurus.
• 艾弗冷 EPHRAIM II the Bulgarian, patriarch of Serbia (1400) // JUN 15 // AUG 30 SERBIAN HIERARCHS 13-14TH CC //
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἐφραὶμ Πατριάρχης Σερβίας
• Tr.Rel. to Constantinople in 363 of Hosiosmartyress FEBRONIA (Fevronia or Anahid) Virgin and Nun, Ascetic at Nisibis (Sibapolis) in Mesopotamia (305)
• Martyr GRACE
Ἡ Ἁγία Γραῦς ἡ Μάρτυς
• Hieromartyr HILARION of Espalion (793) Priest in Lévinhac, France
Beheaded c.793 in Perse, diocese of Rodez, France. Legend says that the body got up, washed the blood off the severated head, and then took it to his mother; he had jokingly promised he would do so every time she nagged him of the danger of passing through Muslim territory to being the Sacraments to the people of Perse.
• Martyr ISOECUS
• Venerable JEROME (Hieronymus) 耶若尼默 of Stridonium (420)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἱερώνυμος
• Sainted JONAH 约纳 metropolitan of Moscow (1461) // MAR 31 // MAY 27 TR REL // JUNE 15 // OCT 5 MOSCOW HIERARCHS //
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰωνᾶς Μητροπολίτης Μόσχας
• Repose of JONAH the Fool for Christ of Peshnosha Monastery (1838)
• JOSEPH 约熙福 monk of Bethlehem
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰωσὴφ ὁ ἐν Βηθλεέμ
• Venerable LANDELINUS abbot of Crespin (Crepy) (625-686)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Λανδελίνος ὁ ἐν Γαλλίᾳ
Born near Bapaume, Landelinus lived for a time as a robber, but he repented and became a monk. He was later ordained and founded monasteries in France and Belgium, at Lobbes in 654, Aulne (656), Walers (657) and Crespin (Crepy) in 670. Worked with Saint Ursmar. Spiritual director of Saint Hadelin of Lobbes and Saint Domitian of Lobbes.
• Great Martyr Holy Nobleborn LAZAR 拉匝若 the Tsar of Serbia (1389)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λάζαρος ὁ Μάρτυρας πρίγκιπας τῶν Σέρβων
圣殉道者拉泽尔(拉匝若),塞尔维亚王子br /> 拉泽尔是塞尔维亚贵族之一,在沙皇杜山去世后拉泽尔统治塞尔维亚帝国。沙皇乌罗什去世后,牧首艾弗冷加冕拉泽尔为塞尔维亚国王。拉泽尔派遣一个代表团同伊撒依亚修士一同前往君士坦丁堡,请求牧首为塞尔维亚人民解除咒逐。拉泽尔国王多次抗击土耳其人的势力。最后,于公元1389年6月15日在黑鸟地(科索沃-伯利耶)的战场上同土耳其苏丹阿姆拉特的军队进行交战,拉泽尔在那里遭到了斩首。他的尸体被运送到靠近库普里亚的拉瓦尼卡教堂进行安葬,拉瓦尼卡教堂是为纪念他而修建的,后来又被转送到斯热穆的拉瓦尼卡教堂。在第二次世界大战期间(1942年),他的圣髑被转移到贝尔格莱德的天使长圣弥哈伊尔大教堂内,时至今日,拉泽尔的圣髑仍没有腐坏,那些向他祷告的人都得到了安慰和治愈。(1989年是拉泽尔殉道600周年纪念,他的圣髑又被转移到库普里亚的拉瓦尼卡修道院)。圣拉泽尔在位期间修复了希兰达尔修道院(圣山阿托斯)和格尔尼亚克修道院。在拉泽尔在位期间还修建了拉瓦尼卡修道院和拉泽里卡修道院(在克鲁塞瓦克),同时还捐助了俄罗斯的圣潘塔里昂修道院(位于圣山阿托斯),以及其他许多教堂和修道院。
• LOTHARIUS of Séez (756) founded a monastery in the forest of Argentan, France; it was later named Saint-Loyer-des-Champs in his honour. Bishop of Séez, France for 32 years
• MELAN (549) Bishop of Viviers in France from 519 on
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μελανὸς Ἐπίσκοπος Βιβιέρ
Died after 549. Saint Melan was consecrated bishop of Viviers in 519. He was still bishop in 549, when he sent representatives to a council at Orléans.
• Sainted MICHAEL 弥哈伊尔 1st metropolitan of Kiev (992) // JUN 15 // SEP 30 //
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μιχαὴλ ὁ πρῶτος Μητροπολίτης Κιέβου καὶ πάσης Ρωσίας
• Martyr NERSES
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νερσῆς ὁ Μάρτυρας
• ORSIESIUS 奥尔谢西 the Cenobite, Abbot Hermit of Tabenna (368-380) disciple of St Pachomius the Great
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ὀρτίσιος
Orsiesius was a favorite disciple of St Pachomius at Tabennisi, and his assistant in drawing up the rules for the cenobites. He succeeded Pachomius as abbot. He was praised by Saint Antony and Saint Athanasius, but some 12 years before his death he was forced by his monks to resign because of the harshness of his rule. He resumed that office several years later. He is the author of an ascetical treatise that St Jerome translated into Latin.
• Translation of the relics of St PACHOMIOS the Great
• Venerable SABBAS 萨瓦 the Fool for Christ of Vatopedi, Mt Athos (1283-1349)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σάββας ὁ διὰ Χριστὸν Σαλός ὁ Βατοπαιδινός
• SYMEON 西麦翁 archbishop of Novgorod (1421)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Συμεὼν Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Νόβγκοροντ καὶ Πσκώφ
• SPYRIDON 斯彼里顿 patriarch of Serbia (1388)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Σπυρίδων Πατριάρχης Σερβίας
• STEPHAN of Vologda (1542)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Στέφανος τοῦ Ὀζέρο καὶ Κομὲλ Ρωσίας
• STEPHANIE (Stefanie)
• Translation (9th c.) of the relics of Venerable THEODORE 德奥多若 the Sykeote 西凯奥提 (613) // APR 22 // JUN 15 //
The Relics of St Theodore the Sykeote, Bishop of Anastasioupolis were transferred from Galatea to Constantinople in the ninth century. His relics were seen in the year 1200 by the Russian pilgrim Anthony at the monastery of St George.
• Holy Schemamonk THEOPHANES (in the world Theodore Talunin) of the Roslavl Forests and Optina (1819)
• TRILLO (Drillo, Drel) (6th c.) Abbot of Llandrillo, Wales, Companion of St Cadfan of Wales
Ὁ Ἅγιος Τρίλλος Ἐπίσκοπος ἐν Οὐαλίᾳ
Trillo, son of a Breton chieftain, migrated to Wales with Saint Cadfan. He is the patron of two places named Llandrillo in Denbighshire (now Gwynedd) and Monmouth. At Gwynedd there is an ancient oratory in the Irish style built over a spring that is used for baptisms named after him. Another Llandrillo in Merionethshire (now Gwynedd) had a well where rheumatism was cured. Patron saint of two places in Gwynedd in Wales.
• VAUGE (Vorech) (585) Priest in the diocese of Armagh, Ireland. Retiring from public work, he settled in Brittany to live as a hermit near Lesneven, France
Died June 15, 585. He was a holy priest in the church of Armagh, Ireland, who, to fly the archiepiscopal dignity, retired into to Penmarch, Cornwall, when it appeared he was to be consecrated archbishop. He landed at Penmarch in that county, and being honourably received, built himself a hermitage, yet often went out to preach to the people, and kindle in their breasts the most ardent desire of Christian perfection. But that doesn't mean that he kept to himself: He often preached to the local people and instilled the desire for Christian perfection in their breasts. He was called to receive the recompense of his labours on the 15th of June, 585. Under the name of St Vorech he seems titular saint of Llanlivery in Cornwall.
• VOUGA (Vougar, Veho, Feock, Fiech) Bishop of Lesneven (6th c.)
A bishop from Ireland who settled in Brittany and lived there as a hermit near Lesneven.
• Elderly Woman Martyress
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018