June 3 / May 21
2019 (7527)
• 弗拉迪弥尔圣母像纪念日 The Most Holy Theotokos in commemoration of The Meeting of the "VLADIMIR" Icon that was established to commemorate the deliverance of Moscow from an invasion of Tatars led by Khan Makhmet-Girei in 1521
Σύναξις Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου τοῦ Βλαδιμήρου
• Honour list of Icon of the Mother of God "VIRGIN OF TENDERNESS" from Pskov-Pechersk (1524)
Σύναξις Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου τῆς Τρυφερῆς
The "Umilenie-Tenderness" Pskovo-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God was written and brought to the Pskovo-Pechersk monastery through the efforts of the Pskov merchants Vasilii and Feodor in about the year 1521. It was glorified especially by miracles of healing in the year 1524. This holy icon and also the "Uspenie-Dormition" Icon were glorified in 1581 during the time of the siege of Pskov by the Polish king Stefan Bathory. The 7 October feastday of the "Umilenie" Icon was established in memory of the deliverance of Pskov from the invasion of Napoleon in 1812.
• The Vladimir-ZAONIKIEVSK Icon of the Mother of God takes its name from the Zaonikiev monastery (1588)
This icon came to attention in 1588 under the following circumstances: a blind man named Ilarion from the village of Obukhov, in Vologda diocese, was healed after fervent prayer before the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, Who miraculously pointed out to him a certain place in a dream. Healed by the Mother of God, Ilarion built a church with the help of the local inhabitants. Later on at this place grew up a monastery, where Ilarion accepted monastic tonsure under the name Joseph. And from the Vladimir-Zaonikievsk Icon of the Mother of God have occurred many miracles.
• The KRASNOGORSK (Chernogorsk) Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God (1603)
Hegumen Varlaam, serving at the church of the Resurrection of Christ at Keurola, had as his own this icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. In 1603 he heard a gentle feminine voice in a dream, directing him to give over the Vladimir icon to the priest Miron. And after a certain while there actually came to hegumen Varlaam for discussion a priest with news of the Urals, and named Miron. The hegumen told him about his dream and learned, that near the Urals was a desolate mountain, suitable for the forming of a monastery. Hegumen Varlaam gave over his icon to the priest Miron, who put it into a local church. This icon brought healing to a local woman there named Martha, and to her in a dream the Mother of God appeared and indicated the place, whither the priest Miron should convey Her image, which the priest then did. Having erected a cross on Black Mountain, Miron set about construction of the church, having the help of the monk Jona who had come from Moscow. The priest Miron accepted monastic tonsure from hegumen Varlaam, taking the name Makarii. He undertook a journey to Moscow, carrying back the grammota-document for the construction of the church and the forming of a monastery on Black Mountain. In 1608 the church in honour of the Praise (Pokhvala) of the Mother of God was completed, and priestmonk Makarii was elevated to the dignity of hegumen. The Vladimir icon was installed in the church. The monastery received the name Krasnogorsk.
• The ORANSK Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God (1634)
The Oransk Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God came to attention in the year 1634 under the following circumstances: the Nizhni Novgorod landowner Petr Gladkov had a deep devotion to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God situated in the Moscow Uspenie-Dormition cathedral. He commissioned a copy from this icon and took it back with him to his native region. After several years he received directives in a dream to build a church in honour of the Vladimir Icon on an hill indicated in the dream. Having set off in search of it, Petr in an impassable part of the forest came upon a place over which there was a radiance. Gladkov recognised this as the hill shown him in the dream. This was Mount Slovensk. Having related to Patriarch Joseph about all this, he received a grammota-document granting permission for the building of a church. Having set up a marble cross upon the hill, Petr set about the construction of the church, into which also was placed the icon of the Mother of God, which was given the title Oransk, deriving from the place-name ― Orano Pole ("Orano Field") ― where the icon had been discovered when the healings began from it. Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich commanded a monastery be built at the church.
• VYSHOROD Volodymyr Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
• TUPICHEV-ROSTOV Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
• The Icon of the Mother of God "THE STAR MOST BRIGHT"
The icon shows a full-length representation of the Mother of God with a star sending forth rays of light in the background. The origin of its name is connected with the poetic hymns in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos. Standing on her right hand is the Infant Jesus. At her feet are Murom saints: Sts Constantine, Mikhail and Fyodor arrayed in princely robes and Sts Petr, Fevronia and Uliania clad in monastic habits. In the bottom part of the icon is the following inscription: 'This Marvelous Image is the Star Most Bright of the Most Holy Lady Mother of God Queen of Heaven."
Karelia, the land of the Karelian peoples, is an area in Northern Europe of historical significance for Finland, Russia, and Sweden. It is currently divided among the Russian Republic of Karelia, the Russian Peterburg Oblast, and Finland (the regions of South Karelia and North Karelia).
• Venerable ANTHONY (in schema Abramius) monk of Kozhaezersk Monastery (1634) // JUN 7 //
• Venerable ABRAMIUS abbot of Paleostrov Monastery at Palei Island, Valaam, Karelia (15th c.) disciple of St Cornelius of Paleostrov // AUG 21 //
• Venerable ABRAMIUS of Rostov, Archimandrite and Wonderworker (1073) // OCT 29 //
• Hosiosmartyr ADRIAN of Ondrusov, founder of Ondrusov Monastery, Karelia (1549) // MAY 17 // AUG 26 //
• Holy Nobleborn ALEXANDER Nevsky (in schema Alexis), Grand Prince of Novgorod (1263) // AUG 30 // NOV 23 //
• Venerable ALEXANDER of Oshevensk, founder of Oshevensk Monastery at Arkhangelsk (1479) // APR 20 //
• Venerable Wonderworker ALEXANDER Abbot of Svir (1533) // APR 17 // AUG 30 REPOSE //
• Holy and All Praised Apostle ANDREW the First-Called (62) // JUN 20 // NOV 30 //
• ANTHONY of Karelia (1418) // APR 18 //
• Hieromonk ANTHONY (Andrew) Abbot of Siya Monastery, Novgorod (1556) // DEC 7 //
• Venerable ARSENIUS of Konevits, founder of Konevits Monastery, Wonderworker (1447) // JUN 12 //
• Holy Righteous Youth ARTEMIUS of Verkola (1532-1545) // OCT 20 // JUN 23 //
• Abbot ATHANASIUS of Murom, monk of Murman Island, Onega Lake (15th c.) // MAR 8 //
• Venerable ATHANASIUS of Navolotsk, Fool for Christ (16-17th c.) // JAN 18 //
• Venerable ATHANASIUS of Ostrovsk (16th c.) disciple of St Alexander of Svir // AUG 30 //
• Venerable ATHANASIUS of Syandemsk, Abbot of Syandemsk (1550) Valaam and Vologda // JAN 18 //
• Venerable BARLAAM of Keret Lake (16th c.) // JAN 15 // NOV 6 //
• Venerable BARLAAM of Shenkursk, monk (1462) // JUN 19 //
• Venerable BASSIAN monk of Pertomsk in Solovki (1561) // JUN 12 //
• Venerable CASSIAN Abbot of Komel (1537) disciple of Venerable Cornelius of Komel, Vologda // MAY 16 //
• Blessed Venerable CYPRIAN 基普里安 of Storozhev, former outlaw (1598) monk of Olonets; disciple of St Adrian of Ondrusov // AUG 26 // NOV 2 //
• Venerable CYRIACUS abbot of Kargopol (Cyrill of Syrsk), Vologda (1462) village Syrja, at Onega of Archangelsk // APR 28 //
• Venerable CYRIL Abbot of Chelmogorsk, Enlightener of the Chudian People (1367) // DEC 8 //
• Venerable CORNELIUS of Ostrovsk (16th c.) disciple of St Alexander of Svir // AUG 30 //
• Venerable CORNELIUS founder and abbot of Paleostrov Monastery abbot of Paleostrov Monastery at Palei Island, Valaam, Karelia (1420) // MAY 19 // AUG 21 //
• Venerable schemamonk DIODORUS (Diomid, monk Damian) Abbot of Yuriev Monastery (George Hill), Solovki (1633) // NOV 27 //
• Venerable DIONYSIUS О of Ostrovsk (16th c.) disciple of St Alexander of Svir // AUG 30 //
• Venerable EUTHYMIUS the Enlightener of Karelia (1435) // APR 18 //
• Hieromartyr EUPHROSYNUS of Blue-Jay Lake (1612) Valaam, Novgorod // MAR 20 //
• Venerable ELEAZAR of Anzersk Island at Solovki (1656) // JAN 13 //
• Venerable ELISHA of Sumsk, monk of Suma (Solovki) (15-6th c.) // JUN 14 //
• FELIX of Karelia (1418) // APR 18 //
• Venerable GENNADIUS monk of Vazhe Lake (Vazheozersk), Vologda (1516) disciple of St Alexander of Svir // FEB 9 //
• GENNADIUS of Novgorod, Archbishop of Novgorod (1504) // DEC 4 //
• Venerable Wonderworker HERMAN of Valaam (1353) // JUN 28 // SEP 11 TR REL //
• Venerable HERMAN Abbot of Solovki (1479) // JUL 30 // AUG 8 //
• Venerable IGNATIOS of Ostrovsk (16th c.) disciple of St Alexander of Svir // AUG 30 //
• Venerable JOHN of Yarenga (1544/1561) // JUL 3 //
• Venerable JONAH of Klemenetsk, founder of Monastery, Olonets (1534) // JUN 6 //
• Venerable JONAH monk of Pertomsk in Solovki (1561) // JUN 12 //
• Venerable JONAH founder of the Yashezersk Annunciation Monastery, Karelia (1589/1592) // SEP 22 //
• Abbot LAZARUS of Murom, monk of Murman Island, Onega Lake (1391) // MAR 8 //
• Venerable LEONID of Ostrovsk (16th c.) disciple of St Alexander of Svir // AUG 30 //
• Venerable LONGIN of Yarenga (1544/1561) // JUL 3 // OCT 16 //
• Venerable MACARIUS of Vysokojezersk (1683) // SEP 19 //
• Venerable MACARIUS founder of Oredezh Monastery in Novgorod (1532) disciple of St Alexander of Svir // AUG 9 //
• Blessed MARIA of Olonets, the Desert Dweller of the Northern Forests (1860)
• Venerable NICEPHORUS monk of Vazhe Lake (Vazheozersk), Vologda (1557) disciple of St Alexander of Svir // FEB 9 //
• Venerable PAKHOMIUS of Kensk (1515) disciple of Alexander of Oshevensk // 1ST SATURDAY AFTER BAPTIZM OF CHRIST//
• Venerable SABBATIUS of Solovki (1435) // AUG 8 // SEP 27 //
• Venerable Wonderworker SERGIUS of Valaam (1353) // JUN 28 // SEP 11 TR REL //
• Venerable TRYPHON of Pechenga or Kola, Enlightener of the Lapps (1583) // FEB 1 // DEC 15 //
• Blessed THADDEOS of Petrozavodsk (1726) // AUG 21 //
• Venerable THEODOR of Ostrovsk (16th c.) disciple of St Alexander of Svir // AUG 30 //
• Venerable THERAPONT of Ostrovsk (16th c.) disciple of St Alexander of Svir // AUG 30 //
• Hieromartyr PHILIP (Theodor Koluchev) Metropolitan of Moscow and Wonderworker of all Russia (1569) // JAN 9 // MAY 30 // MAY 30 // JUL 3 //
• Venerable ZOSIMAS Abbot of Solovki (1478) // APR 17 // AUG 8 // SEP 3 //
Ufa is the capital city of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia, and the industrial, economic, scientific and cultural center of the republic.
• Hieromartyr priest AVERKY Severovostokov (1918) // JUN 17 //
• Hieromartyr priest ALEXIS Kantserov (1918) // JUN 25 //
• Hieromartyr TIMOTHY Petropavlovskij (1918) // JUN 30 //
• Hosiosmartyress Abbess MARGARET (Mary Gunaronulo) of Menzelino (1918) // AUG 9 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest EUGRAPHUS Evarestov (1918) // NOV 24 //
• Hieromartyr SIMON (Simeon Shleyev) Bishop of Ufa (1873-1921) // AUG 5 //
• Hieromartyr priest PETR Varlamov (1930) // FEB 26 //
• Hosiosconfessor MAXIM (Mefody Popov), hieromonk (1876-1934) // JUN 17 //
• Martyr CYPRIAN Jatsenko, psalmer (1935)
• Blessed BARBARA Arkhangelskaja, Reclusess of Skvorchikha (1890-1966) // FEB 14 //
• Venerable MOSES (Nicholas Chigvintsev), archmandrite (1913-1982) // MAR 21 //
Simbirsk is located in on the Volga River 705 kilometers (438 mi) east of Moscow, Russia. Simbirsk was founded in 1648 by the boyar Bogdan Khitrovo, who also noted for his patronage of icon-painter Simon Ushakov. The fort of "Simbirsk" (alternatively "Sinbirsk") was strategically placed on a hill on the Western bank of the Volga River. The fort was meant to protect the eastern frontier of the Russian Empire from the nomadic tribes and to establish a permanent Imperial presence in the area.
• Blessed ANDREW Ogorodnikov, Fool for Christ of Simbirsk (1841) // TR REL MAY 21 // NOV 27 //
• Hieromartyr priest NICHOLAS Pokrovskij (1918) // MAR 5 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest IOANN Il’jinskij (1918) // SEP 15 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest NEOPHIT Lübimov (1918) // OCT 17 //
• Hieromartyr priest ALEXANDER Gnevushev (1930) // APR 15 //
• Hosiosmartyress EKATERINA Dekalina, novice (1938) // FEB 4 //
• Hieromartyr priest ALEXANDER Telemakov (1938) // FEB 6 //
• Hosiosconfessor GAVRIIL (Ivan Igoshkin), archmandrite (1888-1959) // OCT 5 //
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Κωνσταντίνος καὶ Ἑλένη οἱ Ἱσαπόστολοι
These royal saints are invoked at Crownings (wedding ceremonies) and are otherwise very popular saints in Ukraine, especially in connection to the Finding of the True Cross. St Olha of Kyiv took the name “Helen” or “Olena” as her baptismal name after St Helen.
• CONSTANTINE 君士坦丁 (In baptism Yaroslav) (1205) and his children Sts MICHAEL 米迦勒 and THEODORE 德奥多若 wonderworkers of Murom
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Κωνσταντίνος, Μιχαὴλ καὶ Θεόδωρος οἱ Πρίγκιπες καὶ Θαυματουργοί
• New Martyrs King CONSTANTINE Brancoveanu of Wallachia and his 4 sons CONSTANTINE, STEPHEN, RADU and MATTHEW, and his counsellor IANACHE Văcărescu (1714)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κωνσταντίνος ὁ Νεομάρτυρας καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῷ μαρτυρήσαντες
Prince Constantin Brancoveanu, who ruled over Wallachia between 1688-1714, is considered to be one of the most important promoters of art, culture and Christianity in Wallachia, his heritage being what is now called the Brancovenesc style in art and architecture. The execution of Constantin and his family happened on 15 August 1714, at Ialy Kisc („the kiosk at the sea”), on the day of the Dormition of Our Lady, the very day when he turned 60 years and his wife celebrating her namesday.
Sultan Ahmed III commanded a „grandiose ceremony” in order to humiliate his adversaries. Together with him were present also the ambassadors of France, England, Austria and Russia, who were invited to see his manifestation of power. Constantin was brought here not alone, but with his four sons Constantin, Radu, Ştefan and Matei and his confident Ianache Văcărescu. The sultan permitted them a last prayer and offered them one more chance to convert to Islam. The Italian chronicler Antonio Del Chiaro noted the answer of Constantine: „Your majesty, you have taken my fortune, but I don’t abandon my Christian law. I was born and lived in it and I want to die in it (as Christian). I filled the earth of my country with Christian churches and, now, attaining an old age, should I bow to your Turkish mosques? No, your Highness! I defended my land, I kept my faith I want to close my eyes in my faith and my sons together with me”. After that, he encouraged his sons „My children, have courage! I lost everything I had on this earthly world. We have left only our souls, we shall not lose them too, but we shall get them clean before our Savior Jesus Christ. Let’s wash our sins with our blood!” After the beheading of Ianache Văcărescu, the executioners took the four sons. Even if Matei, the youngest protested and asked his father to let him convert to Islam, because he didn’t live his life, Constantine was radical and forbade him such a thing. His son accepted his father’s decision and finally chose to die too. He was only 11 years old. Finally Voivod Constantine was also beheaded. The bodies of the martyrs were thrown into the waters of Bosphorus and their heads were worn in spears through the streets of Constantinople and hanged for 3 days at the gates of the Seray. Later they were also thrown into the waters o the sea. Some Christians have „fished” the bodies and buried them secretly in the Assumption Church from Halki island, during their heads were brought in Wallachia by Lady Mary in 1720 and secretly buried in the new church of St. Gheorghe from Bucharest. The tomb was covered by a white marble plate, without any name or identification. The discovery of the fact that the head of the Voivod is buried here, happened only in 1914, because of an inscription on a silver lamp until then remained unobserved: „This lamp, which was given to the church of St George the New, lights where are resting the bones of the blessed Lord Voivode Io Constantin Brâncoveanu Basarab and was made by her Excellency Mrs Maria, who hopes for the resting of her bones also here. July, 12 days, year 7228 (1720)” Her wish was fulfilled in 1745, when she died and was buried there.
On June 20, 1992 the Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church canonized the martyrs Brâncoveanu, setting their memorial not on August 15,because of the great Feast of Our Lady, but the second day, on August 16 memorial day.
• Martyrs POLYEUCTUS, VICTORINUS, DONATUS at Caesarea in Cappadocia
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Πολύευκτος, Βίκτωρ καὶ Δονάτος οἱ Μάρτυρες
• MM Priest SECUNDUS 塞昆多 and companions including VMM at Barca near Alexandria (356)
• Hieromartyr Bishop VALENS who was martyred in Auxerre in France along with 3 children
• HM 3 Deacons in Mauretania Caesariensis in North Africa martyred under Diocletian
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Τιμόθεος, Πόλιος καὶ Εὐτύχιος οἱ Ἱερομάρτυρες
• Repose of Elder ISAAC of Dionysiou Monastery of Mount Athos (1932)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀγαπητὸς ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας
• ADELPHIOS Bishop of Onouphis, in Byzantine Egypt (362/431)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀδέλφιος
• Hosiosmartyr AGERANUS (Ayran, Ayrman) of Beze, a monk at Bèze in France, martyred by the Vikings (888)
• Translation of Relics (1998) of ANDREW 安德列 Ogorodnikov, Fool for Christ of Simbirsk (1841)
• BARRFOIN (Bairrfhionn, Barrindus) of Killbarron, Hermit (6th c.)
• BASIL 瓦西里 bishop of Ryazan (1295)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Βασίλειος Ἐπίσκοπος Ριαζὰν καὶ Μουρώμ
• Monk BOROS
Ὁ Ὅσιος Βόρος
• BRIDHID (Brigid) daughter of Dima (Diomman)
• Venerable monk CASSIAN 卡西安 the Greek, of Uglich, Wonderworker (1504) // OCT 2 //
Ὁ Ὅσιος Κασσιανὸς ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ Ἕλληνας
On this day is celebrated the "name-in-common" ("tezoimenitstvo") of the Monk Kassian (in the world Konstantin/Constantine).
• CHRISTOPHER I Patriarch of Antioch (967)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Χριστόφορος Α’ Πατριάρχης Ἀντιοχείας
• CONSTANTINE the Fool for Christ, of Novotorzhok, Russia (16th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κωνστανίνος ὁ διὰ Χριστὸν Σαλός
• CYRIL II (Kirill) 基里尔 Bishop of Rostov (1262)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κύριλλος Β’ Ἐπίσκοπος Ροστώβ
The chronicler of his time relates, that to hear the preachings of Saint Kirill people gathered not only from Rostov, but they came even from surrounding cities. The Ordynsk prince Peter accepted Christianity under the influence of his preaching. Saint Kirill has left a series of writings ― "About the Fear of God", "About the Heavenly Powers", "About Evil Spirits", "About Publicans", and many others.
• ELEMURA Matron of Syria
• Righteous ERENFRID (Ezzo) Count Palatine in Lorraine, founder of the monastery (1035)
• VM EUSTALIA (Eustella or Estella) at Saintes, France, Pat. of LaRochelle (3rd c.)
• HELEN (Helena, Jelena or Yelena) 艾莱尼 Queen of Dechani, Serbia (1350)
Ἡ Ἁγία Ἑλένη ἡ πριγκίπισσα
• Repose of Blessed HELEN the Sufferer of Chepel, Kharkov (1885)
• HOSPITIUS (Hospicius, Sospis of Trier) 奥斯彼基 the Hermit of Nice, Wonderworker (580/681) Recluse in Provence
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ὁσπίτιος ὁ Ἐρημίτης
He shut himself up in the ruins of an old tower near Villafranca, one league from Nice in Provence, in a peninsula which is still called from him San-sospis. He girded himself with an iron chain, lived only on bread and dates, and was honoured with the gifts of prophecy and miracles. He died on the 21st of May, 681, on which day he is mentioned in the Roman Martyrology.
• GOLLEN (Collen, Colan) of Denbighshire (7th c.) a saint who has given his name to Llangollen in Wales
• IDABERGA (Iberga, Isberga, Itisberga, Gisela, Gisla or Gisleberga) of Yberghe (Aire) in Artois, Pat. of Artois (800) nun at Aire in France where she is venerated as the patroness of Artois
• IRENE Princess of Murom (1129)
• Martyr MICHAEL of Eurytania (1752)
• Hosiosmartyr PACHOMIUS 帕霍弥 of Patmos and Mt Athos (1730) Holy New Martyr of Usaki
Ὁ Ἅγιος Παχώμιος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας ὁ Νέος
Through the prayers of the holy New Martyr Pachomios, may we also be accounted worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.
• Martyr SECUNDINUS in Cordoba in Spain under Diocletian (306)
• THEOBALD (Thibaud) Archbishop of Vienne (970-1001)
Archbishop of Vienne in France 970-1001
• Hieromartyr deacon TIMOTHY of Mauritany (250/309)
The Anastenaria (Αναστενάρια) is a traditional fire-walking ritual performed in some villages in Northern Greece and Southern Bulgaria. The communities which celebrate this ritual are descended from refugees who entered Greece from Eastern Thrace following the Balkan Wars of 1911–12 and the exchange of populations between Greece and Turkey in 1923. The Bulgarian and Greek villages perform a unique annual ritual cycle, which begins on May 21 and ends on May 23 every year, the central figures of the tradition are Saint Constantine and Saint Helen, but all the significant days in this cycle coincide with important days in the Greek Orthodox calendar and are related to various Christian saints. The two major events in this cycle are two big festivals, one in January and particularly one in May, dedicated to these two saints, each of the festivals lasts for 3 days and involves various processions, music and dancing, and an animal sacrifice. The festival culminates with a firewalking ritual, where the participants, carrying the icons of saints Constantine and Helen, dance ecstatically for hours before entering the fire and walking barefoot over the glowing-red coals, unharmed by the fire. Each community of the Anastenaria has a special shrine known as the konaki, where their holy icons are placed, as well as the “signs” of the saints (‘’semadia’’), votive offerings and red kerchiefs attached to the icons. Here, on the Eve of the saints’ day, May 20 Saint Constantine and Saint Helen, they gather to dance to the music of the Thracian lyre and drum. After some time they believe that they may be "seized" by Saint Constantine and enter a trance, on the morning of the Saints' day, May 21, the gather at the konaki and proceed to a well to be blessed with holy water, and sacrifice animals. The rules about the nature of the beasts to be slain are precise, but differ from village to village; in the evening a fire is lit in an open space, and after dancing for some time in the konaki, the "anastenarides" go to it carrying their ikons. After dancing around it in a circle, individual anastenarides dance over the hot coals as the saint moves them, the ritual is also performed in January, during the festival of Saint Athanasius, and fire-walking is done indoors. According to some myths the custom originated in the Middle Ages when the church of Saint Constantine in their original home in Kosti, now in Bulgaria, caught fire, and the voices of the saints calling for help could be heard from inside. The villagers who braved the flames to rescue them were unharmed, being protected by the saints. Today, the rituals of the Anastenaria are performed in five villages of northern Greece: Ayia Eleni, Langadas, Melike, Mavrolefke, and Kerkine. In addition, the ritual is still performed in six Bulgarian villages in the Strandzha Mountains: Balgari, Gramatikovo, Slivarovo, Kondolovo, Kosti, and Brodilovo.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Blessed be God.
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