June 20 / June 7
2019 (7527)
Afterfeast of the Pentecost
• The Icon of Mother of God of CYPRUS
• The Icon of Mother of God of TUPITCHEV
• Sainted MITROPHAN (Mitrofan) of Voronezh (1623 - 1703) // SEPT 4 // NOV23 // АUG 7 //
• Blessed SIMON of Yurievits and Zharki, Fool for Christ (1584) // MAY 10 // NOV 4 //
• Venerable Wonderworker TIKHON of Luchov, Kostroma (1503) // JUN 6 // JUN 26 //
• Martyr ALEXIY Vorshin (1937) // SEP 12 //
• Hieromartyr Priest IOANN Prudentov (1937) // SEP 12 //
• Hieromartyr Archpriest THEODOR Lebedev (1937) // SEP 12 //
• Hieromartyr Priest CONSTANTINE Tverdislov (1937) // SEP 18 //
• Hieromartyr Archpriest PETR Lebedev (1937) // OCT 14 //
• Hieromartyr AUGUSTINE Belyaev, Archibishop of Kaluga (1937) // NOV 10 //
• Hosiosmartyress Nun MARGARITA Zakachurina (1937) // DEC 2 //
• Hosiosmartyress Nun TAMARA Provorkina (1937) // DEC 2 //
• Hieromartyr Archpriest ALEXANDER Krylov (1937) // DEC 26 //
• Hieromartyr Priest IOANN Uspenskiy (1938) // JAN 22 //
• Hieromartyr Priest EUTHYMIUS Tihonravov (1938) // JAN 22 //
• Venerable LEONTY Stasevich of Ivanovo, Archimandrite, New Confessor (1972) // JAN 28 //
• Martyr AVKSENTIY Kalashnikov (1922) // APR 27 //
• Hieromartyr Priest IOANN Rozhdenstvenskiy (1922) // APR 27 //
• Martyress ANASTASIA (1922) // APR 27 //
• Martyr NIKOLAY Malkov (1922) // APR 27 //
• Hieromartyr Archpriest PAVEL Svetozarov (1922) // APR 27 //
• Martyr PETR Yazikov (1922) // APR 27 //
• Martyr SERGIY Mefodiev (1922) // APR 27 //
• Confessor IOANN Blinov (1932) // MAY 21 //
• Hieromartyr Priest VLADIMIR Vvedenskiy (1931) // MAY 21 //
• Hosiosmartyress Nun SEVASTIANA Ageeva-Zueva (1938) // JUN 28 //
• Martyress ANNA Serova (1937) // JUL 31 //
• Priest Confessor CONSTANTINE Rasumov (1937) // JUL 31 //
• Martyr MAXIM Rumyantsev (1928) // JUL 31 //
• Confessoress ELIZABETH Rumyantseva (1937)
• Hieromartyr Priest IOANN Rumyantsev (1937)
• Hieromartyr Priest STEPHAN Preobrazhenskiy (1938)
Οἱ Ἁγίες Αἰσία καὶ Σωσάννα μαθήτριες τοῦ Ἁγίου Παγκρατίου
The Holy Women Hesia and Susanna were disciples of the Priestmartyr Pankratios Bishop of Tauromeneia (9 July) a disciple of the Apostle Peter.
• VM POTAMIAENA (Potiomena, Potamiena, Potamiaine or Potamioena) the Elder and her mother MARCELLA (Macella) together with MM BASILIDES, PLUTARCH, HERON, RAIS (Iraida, Irais, Herais, Rhais) and others at Alexandria (202) // JUN 21//
• 3 Virgins of Caesarea in Palestine: VMM MARY (Maria), CYRIA (Cyriaca) and VALERIA (Caleria) (304)
• Hieromartyrs MARCELLUS 玛尔凯洛 Bishop of Rome, Deacons SISINIUS 西息尼 and CYRIACUS (Kyriakus) 基里雅 together with MM SMARAGDUS 斯玛拉格多, LARGUS 拉尔格, APRONIAN 阿普若尼安, SATURNINUS 萨图尔尼诺, PAPPIAS 帕彼亚, MAURUS 玛弗若, CRESCENTIAN 克瑞斯肯提安, PRISCILLA 普里斯基拉, LUCINA 路基纳 and Princess ARTEMIA 阿尔特弥亚 and others at Rome (304-310)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μάρκελλος Ἐπίσκοπος Ρώμης
司祭殉道者马尔切鲁斯 ,罗马教宗
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Σισίνιος, Κυριακός, Σμάραγδος, Λάργος, Ἀπρονιανός, Σατουρνίνος, Κρήσκης, Παππίας, Μαύρος, Ἀρτεμιάδα, Πρίσκιλλα καὶ Λουκία οἱ Μάρτυρες
马克西米安在位期间,马尔切鲁斯 被定罪,在一个地方照料牛群。戴克里先封马克西米安为第二皇帝,为了讨好戴克里先,马克西米安开始在罗马修建公共浴室,即温泉浴室;他强迫基督徒修建浴室,如同法老曾经在埃及奴役犹太人一样。当时,有很多基督徒劳累致死。其中包括辅祭塞里亚库斯,塞里亚库斯对魔鬼拥有很大的能力,他治愈了戴克里先的女儿-被魔鬼附体的阿尔特米亚、波斯王的女儿约维亚,并为她们二人进行了浸礼。阿尔特米亚也为此殉道,同时殉道的还有同塞里亚库斯共同担任辅祭的斯斯纽斯、司马拉杜斯和拉尔久斯;辅祭阿菲罗尼亚努斯、刚刚接受浸礼的两名罗马士兵帕彼和毛鲁斯;长老萨图尼努斯、克雷森蒂亚努斯以及有福的童女普里希拉和鲁奇娜,这二位童女用她们自己的钱财为基督的殉道者修建了陵墓。罗马教宗圣马尔切鲁斯 长时间看管牛群,后来由于饥饿以及遭受士兵的凌辱和折磨而死。
• Hieromartyr MARCELLINUS (Marcellus) 玛尔凯利诺 Bishop of Rome, together with MM CLAUDIUS 克劳迪, CYRINUS 基里诺 and ANTONINA 安托尼 at Rome (4th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μαρκελλίνος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῷ μαρτυρήσαντες
Κλαύδιος, Κυρίνος καὶ Ἀντωνίνος
马尔切里努斯是罗马教宗马尔切鲁斯 的前任。当皇帝戴克里先召见马尔切里努斯并用刑罚对他进行威胁时,马尔切里努斯向偶像献了祭品,由此,皇帝赏赐给他珍贵的衣服。但是马尔切里努斯痛苦地进行了忏悔,并为自己否认基督而日夜感到悲痛,如同当年的圣徒裴特若一样。当时,在坎帕尼亚地区举行了一次主教会议。教宗马尔切里努斯身穿麻布衣,将灰尘倾倒在自己的头上,以这副装扮走进会场;在所有人面前,马尔切里努斯忏悔了自己的罪过,并祈求主教们对他进行审判。主教们说,他应该自己审判自己。之后,教宗马尔切里努斯说:“我自己罢免自己的教宗职务,因为我不值得称为教宗;同时,在我死后也不要将我的尸体埋葬,将其丢弃给野狗好了!”之后,他对所有违背他意愿欲想在他死后将其埋葬的人进行了诅咒。而后,马尔切里努斯来到了皇帝戴克里先那里,将那些珍贵的衣服放在皇帝面前表白了自己的基督信仰,并对偶像进行了凌辱。愤怒的皇帝下令对马尔切里努斯进行刑罚,并在城市外将其杀死,连同马尔切里努斯一同遭杀害的还有三个善良的人,他们是:克劳迪、塞里努斯和安托尼努斯。这三个善良的人在被杀死之后立即被埋葬,但是教宗马尔切里努斯的尸体被丢弃在那里长达36天之久。在这之后,圣徒裴特若向新教宗马尔切鲁斯 显现,并命令将马尔切里努斯的尸体埋葬,说:“自卑的,必升为高”(路喀福音/路加18:14)。
• Monks and Priests STEPHEN and ANTHIMUS of Constantinople (451)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Στέφανος ὁ Πρεσβύτερος
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἄνθιμος ὁ Πρεσβύτερος
• Martyrs TARASIOS and JOHN
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἰωάννης καὶ Ταράσιος οἱ Μάρτυρες
• Martyred in Dokkum in Holland: ADALAR (Adalher) (755) companion of St Boniface, EOBAN, FERDINAND, HILDEBRAND (754)
• Hieromartyrs priest PETER, deacon WALLABONSUS; Hosiosmartyrs SABINIAN monk of St Christopher's, WISTREMUNDUS monks of St Zoilus in Cordoba in Spain, HABENTIUS and JEREMIAH founder the monastery of Tábanos, near Cordoba (851) martyred under Abderrahman in Cordoba
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Πέτρος, Βαλλαβόνσος, Σαβινιανός, Βιστρεμοῦνδος, Ἀβέντιος καὶ Ἱερεμίας οἱ Μάρτυρες
• IOANNICIUS Rudnyev, Metropolitan of Kiev and Galich (1900)
• Hieromartyr ANDRONICUS 德若尼科 (Vladimir Nikol’skij) Archbishop of Perm (1870-1918)
• Hieromartyr Priest ALEXANDER 亚历山大 Osetrov (1895-1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Priest VALENTIN 瓦棱提诺 Belov (1891-1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Priest VENIAMIN文雅明 Lukanin (1875-1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Priest VIKTOR 维克托 Nikiforov (1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Priest ALEXANDER 亚历山大 Makhetov (1868-1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Priest PAVEL 保罗 Anoshkin (1891-1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Priest VLADIMIR 弗拉迪弥尔 Belozerov (1869-1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Priest IGNATI 伊格纳提 Jakimov (1872-1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Priest MIKHAIL 米迦勒 Denisov (1869-1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Priest NICHOLAS 尼科拉 Onyanov (1862-1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Priest PAVEL 保罗 Sokolov (1874-1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Archpriest ALEXANDER 亚历山大 Preobrazhenskij (1861-1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Priest NICHOLAS 尼科拉 Rozhdenstvenskij (1867-1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Archpriest NICHOLAS 尼科拉 Konükhov (1860-1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Deacon GRIGORI 格里高利 Smirnov (1891-1918) of Perm
• Martyr psalmist AFANASI 阿塔纳西 Zhulanov (1890-1918) of Perm
• Martyr psalmist ALEXANDR 亚历山大 Zujev (1883-1918) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Priest PETR 裴特若 Kuznetsov (1869-1919) of Perm
• Hieromartyr Nun HELENA Korobkova (1938)
• Hieromartyr Monk TAVRION Tolokontsev (1939)
• ANACLETUS (Cletus) Roman community leader (88)
• Repose of ANASTASIOS Gordios, the "Teacher of the Nation", at Vragiana, Evrytania, Greece (1654-1729)
• Venerable ANATOLIUS the Sinaite
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀνατόλιος ὁ Σιναΐτης
• ANTHIMUS the Hieromonk
• ANTHONY 安托尼 (in schema Abramius 阿弗拉弥) monk, of Kozha Lake (1634)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀβράμιος ἐκ Ρωσίας
The Monk Antonii of Kensk (Kozheezersk), with schema-monk name Avramii, was a disciple and successor of the Monk Serapion (Comm. 27 June) in the guiding of the Kozheezersk ("Leather-tanning Lake") monastery. He reposed peacefully to the Lord on 27 June 1592.
• ANTHONY Fool for Christ (1592)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀντώνιος ὁ διὰ Χριστὸν Σαλός
• Repose of ANTHONY Ivanovich, Fool for Christ of Valaam (1832)
• Martyr AVENTINUS (732) born in Bagnères in the Pyrenees in France, he became a hermit in the valley of Larboush, where the Saracens martyred him
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀβεντίνος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας
Hermit in the Larboust valley in the Pyrenees, part of the border region between modern France and Spain. Martyred by Saracens.
Ὁ Ἅγιος Βασιλείδης ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Venerable CEDD Bishop of Essex //OCT 26 //
• CLOU (Clodulphus) Bishop of Metz, Confessor // 20 JUN //
• COLMAN 科尔曼 (Mocholmoc) Bishop of Dromore, Ireland (516-610)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κολμανὸς ὁ ἐξ Ἰρλανδίας
Probably born in Ireland. By tradition he was the teacher of St Finnian of Clonard. Knew Saint Patrick. Studied at Noendrum under Saint Mochae of Noendrum, and then under Saint Ailbe of Emly. First abbot of Muckmore Abbey, County Antrim, Ireland. Founding abbot-bishop of the diocese of Dromore, County Down, Ireland c.514. Taught Saint Finnian of Clonard. Friend and advisor to Saint Macanisius. Miracle worker.
• CONON Bishop of Dromore
• Venerable DANIEL 达尼伊尔 of Scete in Egypt (420)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Δανιὴλ ὁ τῆς Σκήτεως
• DANIEL the Younger, Ascetic in the Scetish Desert (6th c.)
• Venerable DEOCHAR (Deocarus, Theutger, Gottlief) (847) hermit in Franconia in Germany, he became the 1st abbot of the monastery of Herriedon
Ὁ Ὅσιος Δεοχάρης ἐκ Γερμανίας
Spiritual student of Blessed Alcuin at Aachen, Germany. Saint Deochar was a hermit living in the wilds of Franconia until Blessed Charlemagne founded the Benedictine abbey of Herriedon and appointed Deochar its first abbot. Appointed missus regius (king's messenger), a royal office, in 802. In 819, he participated in the translation of Saint Boniface's relics to Fulda. A famous miracle ascribed to him was healing a young boy's blindness by prayer. In art, Saint Deochar is portrayed before an open tomb (possibly that of Saint Boniface) that exhales a sweet odor or enthroned under Christ among the apostles with a mitre, crozier and book.
• EUGENIA (Ouyne) at LeMans, Healer
• EVFROSINIA of Polotsk
Ἡ Ὁσία Εὐφροσύνη ἡ ἐν Πολώκ
• Sainted HERKUMBERT (Erkambert) Bishop of Minden (830)
• Hosiosmartyr IOANN
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰωάννης ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας
• JUSTUS of Condat (6th c.) Benedictine monk in France
• Martyress MARCELLINA martyred in the villa of Duke of Hermosa at Toledo, Spain
• MAXIMINUS 1t Archbishop of Aix, Confessor
• MERIADOC (Meriadec, Meriasek) Bishop of Vannes (886) born in Wales, he became a hermit and later Bishop of Vannes in Brittany
Ὁ Ὅσιος Μεριαδόκιος ὁ ἐξ Οὐαλίας
Wealthy 6-7th century lord of a large manor, he sold it off and gave the procedes to the poor. Hermit at Rohan, Brittany, France. Ordained by Saint Hingueten. Bishop of Vannes, France in 666. Subject of a wholly fictional medieval play in vernacular Cornish. Legend says that a bell from his church in Stival in Brittany would cure deafness and migraines if placed against the head of the sufferer.
• Venerabless MODWENNA (695/699) the successor of St Hilda as Abbess of Whitby
Ἡ Ὁσία Μοντβέννα ἐκ Μεγάλης Βρετανίας
• Martyr LYCARION 利喀里翁 of Hermopolis in Egypt
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λυκαρίων ὁ Μάρτυρας
This Saint is also celebrated on February 8th, where it says he suffered martyrdom with his sisters Martha and Mary.
• ODO of Massay (967) Benedictine abbot (935-967) of the Cluniac house of Massay in France
• Righteous Father PANAGIS 帕纳吉斯 (Bassias) Priest of Cephalonia (1883/1888)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Παναγῆς ὁ Μπασιᾶς
• Glorification (1999) of Righgteous Elder PAVEL of Taganrog (1879)
• Virgin Martyress POTAMIAENA (Potiomena, Potamiena, Potamiene, Potamiaine or Potamioena) 颇塔弥埃尼 the Younger of Alexandria (304)
Ἡ Ἁγία Ποταμιαίνη ἐξ Ἀλεξανδρείας
• Mother SEBASTIANA (Sebastiane) the Wonderworker
Ἡ Ἁγία Σεβαστιανὴ ἡ Θαυματουργός
• Translation (791) the Relics of Sainted SERVATIUS Bishop of Tongeren (384) • Virgin SYRA of Ireland // 21 JUN //
She was sister to St Fiacre, fired by whose example she left all to follow Christ. To make this sacrifice more entire she sailed from Ireland, her native country, and going after her brother into France, addressed herself to his patron and protector, St Faro, bishop of Meaux. That holy prelate recommended her to his sister Fara, abbess in Brie. Syra, under so eminent a directress, became a perfect pattern of humility, meekness, charity, and devotion. From her cell she was translated into paradise in the seventh century.
• Martyr THEODOTUS 德奥多特 an Innkeeper of Ancyra (303)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Θεόδοτος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας ὁ ἐν Ἀγκύρᾳ
Saint Theodotos is also celebrated on May 18th together with the Seven Holy Virgins.
• VULPHY (Wulflagius) (643) a priest near Abbeville in the north of France who lived and reposed as a hermit. He was greatly venerated in Montreuil-sur-Mer
Ὁ Ὅσιος Βουλφάγγιος ἐκ Γαλλίας
Died c. 643. Though married, Vulflagius was chosen to be priest of a parish at Rue, near Abbeville. He later made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and ended his life as a hermit. His memory is greatly venerated at Montreuil-sur-Mer.
• WILLIBALD (Willebald) Bishop of Eichstätt (700-786) Apostle of Germany
Ὁ Ἅγιος Βιλλιβάλδος ὁ Ἀπόστολος τῆς Γερμανίας
• Martyress ZENAIS (Zenaida) 齐纳伊斯 of Caesarea in Palestine (304) "The Miracle Worker of Constantinople"
Ἡ Ἁγία Ζηναΐς ἡ Θαυματουργός
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Blessed be God.
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