
среда, 12 июня 2019 г.

• συνοδικός • 2019 June 13 / May 31 7527 •


June 13 / May 31
2019 (7527)
Afterfeast of the Ascension
• The Most Holy Theotokos in commemoration of Icon of the Mother of God "THE UNBREAKABLE WALL"
• AMMON (Ammonius, Ammoun or Amun) and his wife of Nitria of Egypt (4th c.)
• Martyrs CANTIUS, CANTIAN (Cantianus) and his sister CANTIANILLA (Cantianella or Cantiana) and their tutor PROTUS beheaded at Aquae-Gradatae (modern San-Cantiano) just outside Aquileia, Italy (304) Patrons of children
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Κάνδιος, Κανδιανός, Κανδιανέλλη καὶ Πρῶτος οἱ Μάρτυρες
• MM JULIAN (Yulianus) and his mother in Alexandria (305)
• MM GAULIENUS, VICTORIA and others at Gerona of Spain
• WINNOW, MANCUS and MYRBAD (6th c.) Irish saints who lived in Cornwall where churches are dedicated to them
• 5 Martyrs of Ashkelon, dragged upon the earth to death
Οἱ Ἅγιοι πέντε Μάρτυρες ἐν Ἀσκαλώνι
• Martyrs EUSEBIUS and CHARALAMPUS in Nicomedia, by fire
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Εὐσέβιος καὶ Χαράλαμπος οἱ Μάρτυρες
• MM ROMANOS, TELETIOS, CHRISTINA and others in Nicomedia
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Day of martyrdom Hieromartyr Archpriest PHILOSOPHUS 斐洛索弗 Ornatsky (1860-1918) with his sons BORIS 博里斯 (1887-1918) and NICHOLAS 尼科拉 (1886-1918) and VLADIMIR shoted in St Petersburg
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φιλόσοφος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῷ Βόρις καὶ Νικόλαος οἱ Μάρτυρες
The Holy Hieromartyr Archpriest Philosophus (Ornatsky) was born in the village of Erga in the province of Novgorod. His father was a priest. In 1885 Philosophus completed the theologial academy of St Petersburg and married a woman named Helen. After being ordained a presbyter he worked pastorally in developing a huge philanthropic and missionary ministry. He became spiritually associated with with Patriarch Tikhon and during World War I he stood by the soldiers and their families. His son Nicholas served in a higher office in the 9th Russian Battalion and his son Boris was appointed chief of the 23rd Artillery Brigade and fought heroically in the Austro-Hungarian front. One of his brothers, Fr John Ornatsky, married the niece of Saint John of Kronstadt and he served in St Petersburg. Saint John of Kronstadt loved Fr Philosophus very much and would visit him often in his home. After the revolution of 1917, Fr Philosophus continued with greater zeal to preach and liturgize, and would do so in dangerous places. Among the victims of the Bolsheviks was his son-in-law, Fr Peter Skipetrov. Fr Philosphus was an eye-witness of the martyrdom of his son-in-law. All this violence was unable to bend this priest's heroic and martyric mindset. The editor of "Novoie Vremia", Souvorin, wrote to him: "Fr Philosophus, you are our only hope. Everyone else around us is silent." The Holy Hieromartyr and Archpriest Philosophus was arrested on 20 July 1918 together with his sons by the state security, and they were taken to the prisons of Kronstadt. They were executed by being shot to death, and in this way they gave the testimony of their faith in our Lord and God.
• Hieromartyrs HIEROTHEUS 耶若德奥 Afonin, bishop of Nikolsk (1928) and his friend Hieroschemamonk SERAPHIM 塞拉芬 Nikolsky (1923)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἱερόθεος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας ὁ Νέος
• Blessed THEOSEMNI Abs., Convent of Chrysopigi (2000)
• Martyr CRESCENTIAN in Sassari in Sardinia (130)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κρήσκης ὁ Μάρτυρας
Crescentian was martyred in Sassari, Sardinia, under Emperor Hadrian during the same persecution that ended the lives of Gabinus and Crispulus (today). Crescentian is still held in great veneration on the island.
• EUSTATHIUS 艾弗斯塔提 patriarch of Constantinople (1025)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Εὐστάθιος Πατριάρχης Κωνσταντινουπόλεως
• FERADACIUS Abbot of Iona, Scotland (9th c.)
• Venerabless HELMTRUD (Hiltrud) Recluse in Heerse (today Neuenheerse of Bad Driburg in Nordrhein-Westfalen) (950)
Helmtrud was a nun in the monastery Heerse - today Neuenheerse - and lived according to tradition for some time as a hermit on the mountain at the Iburg in Bad Driburg as a hermit. The first history of suffering about Helmtrud, which was written around 975, tells of apparitions of the Ursula of Cologne and the Cordula before Helmtrud.
• Hieromartyr Apostle HERMES (Hermas) 埃尔弥斯 Bishop in Thracian Philippopolis (1st c.) of the Seventy Apostles
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἑρμείας ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Martyr HERMIAS 埃尔弥亚斯 of Comana (160/170)
A venerable old man with white hair, Saint Hermios was a soldier by profession and a native of Comana. He suffered martyrdom under Emperor Antoninus (138-161). Seized for Christ's faith, he was led before Sebastian, his army general. Upon his refusal to sacrifice to idols, his jawbone was broken, the skin of his face was torn off, and his teeth were pulled out. He was thrown into a furnace, but came out of it unharmed. He was made to drink poison, but suffered no evil from it. He was finally beheaded.
• LUPICINUS of Verona, Bishop of Verona, described as 'the most holy, the best of bishops' (5th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λουπικίνος Ἐπίσκοπος Βερόνας
• Repose of Archimandrite MACARIUS of Peshnosha Monastery (1811) disciple of Blessed Theodore of Sanaxar
• Martyr MAGUS 玛若 the Magician who was converted on witnessing the martyrdom of Hermias
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μάγος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• MAELODHRAIN of Slane, County of Meath
• MUNDANA of Bordeaux, Matr. (7-8th c.)
• Finding of the relics of New Martyr NICHOLAS 尼科拉 the Deacon, of Mytilene (1463) of Lesbos
• PASCHASIUS Deacon and Confessor in Rome (512) who is mentioned by Pope Gregory I
Ὁ Ἅγιος Πασχάσιος
• Virgin Martyress PETRONILLA (Aurelia Petronilla, Pernelle, Peroline, Perrenotte, Perrette, Perrine, Perronelle, Petronella, Peyronne, Peyronnelle, Pierrette, Pérette, Périne, Pétronille) at Rome (1st c.)
Ἡ Ἁγία Πετρονίλα ἡ Μάρτυς
For centuries legend said she was the daughter of Saint Peter, and that she was so beautiful that he had locked her in a tower to keep her from eligible men, but none of that is true. She may have been related to Peter, a servant, a co-worker, one of his converts, his "spiritual daughter", or the tradition may have started because of the similarities of the names. May have been related to Saint Flavia Domitilla of Terracina. Cured of palsy by Saint Peter. One story says she refused a marriage offer by a pagan king named Flaccus; when he pressed his case, she went on a hunger strike, and died three days later. Old inscriptions, however, list her as a martyr in the more common murdered-for-the-faith form.
• First translation (1591) of the relics to Solovki of Hieromartyr 腓力 PHILIP II Metropolitan of Moscow and all Russia (1569)
• Martyr PHILOSOPHUS 斐洛索弗 at Alexandria (252)
• Sainted PHILOTHEUS 斐洛德奥 (Raphail Leschynskij, Theodor in schema) Metropolitan of Tobolsk and the Apostle of Siberia (1650-1727)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φιλόθεος Μητροπολίτης Τομπόλσκ
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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