August 28 / August 15
2018 (7526)
诞神女安息日 DORMITION ("Uspenie", "Koimesis", The "Falling-Asleep" or "Repose") OF OUR MOST HOLY LADY THE MOTHER OF GOD AND EVER-VIRGIN MARY 圣母安息节
Ἡ Κοίμησις τῆς Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου
The Dormition of the Mother of God (Greek: Κοίμησις Θεοτόκου, Koímēsis Theotokou often anglicized as Kimisis; Slavonic: Успение Пресвятыя Богородицы, Uspenie Presvetia Bogoroditsi; Georgian: მიძინება ყოვლადწმიდისა ღვთისმშობელისა) is a Great Feast of the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches which commemorates the "falling asleep" or death of Mary the Theotokos ("Mother of God", literally translated as God-bearer), and her bodily resurrection before being taken up into heaven. It is celebrated on 15 August (28 August N.S. for those following the Julian Calendar) as the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.
主在西奈山上所作的十诫中的第五条就是:“当孝敬父母”(出埃及记20:12),他用自己的例证展示出了一个人应当尊重他的父母。在被钉在十字架上忍受极端痛苦之时,主记住着他的母亲,并指示给宗徒约安,他对母亲说:“母亲,看你的儿子!”(约安福音/约/若19:26)。而后又对约安说:“看你的母亲!”(约安福音/约/若19:27)。他就是说这话的同时断气的。约安在耶路撒冷的锡安山上有他的家,诞神女就是在那里渡过她在世的最后时刻的。她用她的祷告、温文尔雅的劝告、温柔和耐心,大大地帮助她儿子的宗徒。起初,她的整个时间都在耶路撒冷渡过的,经常拜访使她回想起所发生的大事件,以及她儿子施行伟大奇迹的地方,尤其是各各他、伯利恒和橄榄山。诞神女进行了长途旅行,在安提约希亚,她拜访了圣伊格纳提(上帝的载体),同时,她还拜访了拉匝若(拉匝若死后第四天,主耶稣使他复活)和塞浦路斯的主教;她访问了圣山阿托斯,并为圣山祝福;在耶路撒冷迫害基督徒期间,诞神女同福音书的作者约安在艾弗所。在诞神女高龄之际,她经常在耶稣升天的地方-橄榄山上向主作祷告,以便主能够尽快带她离开这个世界。有一次,天使长伽弗里伊尔出现在她面前,告诉她,还有三天的时间她将安息。天使送给她一支棕榈枝,并告诉她,在她的葬礼上将携带这个棕榈枝。诞神女非常高兴地返回家中,并衷心希望能够再看一眼所有的基督的宗徒。主成全了她的意愿,众天使偕同所有圣徒在云中出现,同时也聚集在锡安山约安的家中。诞神女非常喜悦,她看到了众宗徒,并鼓励他们、劝告他们、抚慰他们,之后,诞神女便无痛苦、无病痛地安然将灵魂交在上帝的手中。宗徒们抬着装有诞神女遗体的棺柩,有香气不时从棺柩中散发出来,有众多基督徒相伴。他们将棺柩抬到革特西玛尼花园、抬到诞神女的父母-圣约雅敬和安娜的陵墓前。出于上帝的天意,云彩将他们从邪恶的犹太人面前遮掩起来。犹太人的祭司安托尼用手抓住了棺柩,打算破坏棺柩,就在此时,上帝的天使割断了他的双手。安托尼向宗徒们大声呼叫,请求他们的帮助。当他表白对主耶稣基督的信仰之后,他的双手痊愈了。宗徒多马没有在场,这也是出自上帝的天意,以便再次揭示出诞神女一个新的、且全荣耀的奥秘。第三天的时候,多马来了,并欲吻诞神女的遗体。但是当宗徒们打开棺柩的时候,他们发现只有包尸布在那里,尸体却不见了。那个晚上,诞神女在众天使的围护下出现在众宗徒面前,对他们说:“欢喜吧!我将永远与你们同在!”有关诞神女安息时的确切年龄不是很详知,但是大多数人认为她安息时的年龄为65 岁。
This feast has been called the “patronal feast day of Ukraine.” In fact, the three great monasteries/lavras of Ukraine are dedicated to the Holy Dormition: the Pochaiv Lavra in the west, the Kyiv Caves Lavra and the Svyatohirska (“Holy Mountain”) Lavra in the east. As during Holy Week, so too on this day a special Epitaphion/winding sheet in honour of the Most Holy Mother of God is brought out for public veneration. In accordance with what is a unique Ukrainian church tradition, the miraculous icon of the Dormition in the Kyiv Caves Lavra hangs above the main iconostasis and is lowered on major festal days. The miraculous icon of the Pochaiv Mother of God likewise hangs over the Royal Doors of the iconostasis and is lowered for public veneration.
One might notice the similarities between the traditional depictions of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Byzantine iconography and the account of the death of the Egyptian Desert Father, Sisoes the Great. In both Christ is seen coming to receive the soul of the dying saint surrounded by an aureola or cloud of blinding light and accompanied by the angels and prophets. In Byzantine iconography the other Christs shown surrounded by such a cloud of light are those also seen in icons of the Transfiguration, the Resurrection and the Last Judgment. One might further note that in some icons of the Dormition the Theotokos is depicted at the top of the icon in a similar aureola before the opening gates of heaven. This suggests that contemporary accounts of the deaths of the Desert Fathers accompanied by sudden burst of light came to influence the development of the iconography of the Dormition.
• Icon of SOPHIA THE WISDOM OF GOD (989) in Novgorod
• A copy of the IVIRON THEOTOKOS (The Panagia Portaitissa) ICON of the Mother of Godin MOZDOK (13thc.)
• Icon of the Mother of God "ATSKURSK" (1stc.)
This holy and wonderworking icon, by tradition, was wonderfully depicted on a board, in which the Mother of God put her figure, and was brought by the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-called to Iberia. Today it is in the Gaiane Cathedral, near Kutais. There the former Princess Saint Tamara had another Holy Icon of the Mother of God that today is called Gaiane.
• Icon of the Mother of God of TSILKANI (4th c.)
It is found in the Tsilkani Temple of the Theotokos, in Kartli (Georgia), written on a board from the Bethlehem manger and is contemporary with St Nina, the enlightener of Georgia (January 14).
• Icon of the Mother of God of VLAKHERNA in the Quabtahev Monastery, in the middle of Kartli (Georgia)
• Icon of the Mother of God of VLADIMIR in Rostov (12th c.)
It was written in the 12th century by the Venerable Alypius of the Monastery of the Caves and now is found in the Rostov Dormition cathedral.
• Icon of the Mother of God of GAIANE (13th c.)
• Icon of the Mother of God of BAKHCHISARAY
• Icon of the Mother of God of Galich-Chukhlomsk "TENDERNESS" (Eleousa) (1350)
• Icon of the Mother of God of SURDEGI (1530)
• Icon of the Mother of God of TUPICHEVSK Monastery of Holy Spirit at Mogilev (17th c.)
• ICON OF THE BLESSED MOTHER OF BETHLEHEM in the village of Metech in Georgia (1891)
• ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD OF BETHLEHEM worshiped in the Cathedral of Tbilisi in Georgia
• Icon of the Mother of God THE ENLIGHTENER OF MINDS
• Panagia PHANEROMENE at Lefkada Monastery οf Faneromeni (1136)
• Remembrance of the defense of the Saracen besiegers before Constantinople in the year 718 thanks to the intercession of Mary (718)
• The KIEVO-PECHERSK Icon of the Uspenie (Dormition) of the MostHoly Mother of God (1073)
• Icon of the Mother of God of OVINOV 1425)
This wonderworking icon is in the men's Monastery of St. Paisius (refer to the Kostroma Diocese). It received its name from the Boyar Ovinov, to whom it wonderfully appeared on the shore of Lake Galicia, near the city of Galicia in the princedom of Dmitri of the Don River. On the spot of its appearance Ovinov built the Temple of the Dormition of the Mother of God.
• Icon of the Mother of God of PSKOV-PECHERSK Cave Monastery (1472)
It is found in Pskov Monastery of the Caves (refer to the Pskov Diocese), in which it was wonderfully revealed in 1472. Again it is glorified by miracles in 1523. See October 7.
• Icon of the Mother of God "SEMIGORODNAYA" (1423)
This wonderworking icon representing the Dormition of the Mother of God was written by the Venerable Dionysius the Deaf in the 15 century. Brought by hermits from its monastery it was put into the parish church of the Semigorodny District, beyond the Dvinsk River. After the terrible plague that devastated the Vologda District in 15 century, the church stood in desolation for about 150 years. In 1593, through a special vision, the Starets Julian, from the family of Beloozero noblemen, found the icon and constructed a monastery on the spot where the holy icon was found. Now the icon is in the Tupichev Monastery, Mogilev Diocese. The icon is celebrated on the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit.
• Icon of the Mother of God of PIUKHTITSA (16th c.)
• KREKHIV Icon of the Theotokos
• ZHYDACHIV Icon of the Theotokos
• Most Merciful ZAHAYETSKA icon of the Mother of God
• Panagia MALEVI
• Panagia of TRIPOLITSA in Tripoli
• Panagia VOULKANIOTISSA in Messinia
• Monastery of Panagia KOSMOSOTIRA (Salvation of the World) in Feres
• The Chapel of Panagia KRIFTI (The Hidden Panagia)
Παναγιά Κρυφτή
• Veneration of the Panagia on the Island of Santorini
• Panagia of MIKROKASTROU and the Dormition Monastery
• Panagia KAVOURADAINA in Leros
Panagia Kavouradaina is a picturesque chapel of Leros in Xirokampos, considered one of the island’s most beautiful. It is a whitewashed, domed chapel, somewhat difficult to reach, although there are stairs leading there, built inside a rock’s crack next to the coast. Further down, we find the location where, according to tradition, a fisherman was looking for crabs (“kavouri”) and found inside a crack (or inside a crab’s shell, according to a different version) a tiny, miraculous icon of the Theotokos. This accounts for the chapel’s name.
We have drawn information on how it was built from tradition.
1. One version is the following:
While a fisherman was collecting sea shells among the rocks, he was bitten by a crab. At that precise moment he saw the icon of the Virgin Mary on the rocks. He immediately prayed and soon the wound healed. Witnessing this miracle he picked up the icon and devoutly took it to the village church, telling his compatriots about the event. That same night he had a dream of a woman in black who said to him: “You must put me back in exactly the same spot where you found me”. The next morning after searching, the icon was once again found on the same part of the rocks as it had been the previous day. After this it was decided that a small church be built on the same spot as where the icon had been found.
2. A second version of how the church was built is the following:
Many years ago two fishermen from Kalymnos set out one day to go fishing. The bad weather however did not allow them to fish for long. When the wind started blowing and the weather got worse they decided to moor at Diapori. So that they would not waste a night’s fishing they decided to fish near the beach with a harpoon to catch an octopus or anything they found by the light of their fishing lamp. As they looked down to the seabed they discerned a big group of crabs. When they filled their fishing baskets with crabs, and they had prepared to leave, a miracle happened: A piece of wood rose to the surface at the exact spot where they were fishing, although the currents were pushing it behind their boat. They stopped, full of curiosity, and took it out of the water. When they cleaned it, they saw that it was the icon of the Panagia. They kissed the icon and crossed themselves. In the morning, when they arrived in Kalymnos, they both went home. One taking the basket with the crabs and the other the icon of the Panagia. He hung it in a corner of his house and left a small olive oil lamp alight next to it. On the third night while the fisherman was sleeping, he saw the Panagia in his sleep and she said to him: “Take me to Leros and build me a little church, where you found me. Don’t forget to do it!” When he woke up, the fisherman told his friend and they set off for Leros. They arrived at the rocks of Diapori. They tied up their boat and they went to find Lerian builders to build a church. When it was built they placed the icon of the Panagia on the wooden iconostasis. A few days later, they returned to Kalymnos satisfied that they had realized the Panagia’s wish. However, three days later the fisherman saw the Panagia in his sleep, whose eyes were full of pain and with an angry look on her face, saying to him: “My child, you set me up well in my corner. Go back again and build me the church where you found me. I’m waiting for you”. The Kalymnian was at a loss when he arrived in Leros and saw the church demolished. He tried to find the icon of the Panagia, unsuccessfully. Disappointed he took the road to Xirokampos. To his great surprise he saw the icon against the rocks a little further away from the demolished church. The fisherman thought that as the Panagia wanted that spot to be where her church was, there it must be built. This is how it happened and is still located there, up until today.
A feast for the icon is celebrated every year on the 8th of September and 15th of August.
• The Castle of the Panagia in Leros
On the hill Apityki (or Pityki) and at a height of 200 m. above sea level, almost in the center of the island of Leros, stands the medieval Castle of the Panagia, which took its name from the church of the Theotokos, which treasures the "Holy Palladium of Lerians" - the icon of the Panagia Odigitria, or Panagia of Kastro, which miraculously arrived on the island of Leros during the era of iconoclasm. In a bull of Emperor Alexios Komnenos (1056 - 1118) the Castle was founded with the name Panteli Castle and built upon the foundations of an ancient Acropolis, and in its current form it was later altered by the Knights of Saint John (who occupied it from 1309 - 1522, followed by the Turks). Emperor Alexios gave this Castle to Saint Christodoulos together with the Castle of Patmos. The tomb of Eldress Gavrilia (1897 - 1992) is within the Castle also.
Among the traditions of the people for the August 15th feast is for mother's who have dedicated their children to the Panagia of Kastro to dress their children all in black on August 14th, they make prosphoro for the Divine Liturgy, they walk up to the Castle by way of 499 stairs, and after the Great Vespers Service they remove the black clothing and offer them to the Theotokos.
• Panagia GOURLOMATA ("bulging eyes") of Leros
•The Monastery of Panagia PANACHRANTOS (The All Pure One) in Andros
• Chapel of Panagia THALASSINI ("of the sea") in Andros
The small chapel of Panagia Thalassini (lit. "of the sea") is located in the old harbor of Chora in Andros. According to local tradition, she is the protectress of sea travellers along with St. Nicholas. According to the rules of proper iconographic style, the Virgin Mary always wears a red robe on the outside which is used to display her humanity, while underneath she wears a blue or dark green robe which testifies to her giving birth to the God-man Jesus Christ. In the icon of Panagia Thalassini, however, we have her wearing blue on the outside. This may be of its association with the color of the sea. The Chapel celebrates on August 15th.
• Panagia MYRTIDIOTISSA ("Of the Myrtle Tree") of Kythera
• Panagia THALASSOMAHOUSA of Strofades Monastery
The historic icon of the Sacred Monastery of Strofades near Zakynthos was in olden times kept in Constantinople. During iconoclasm it was the custom of the pious to throw certain icons into the sea, leaving it in the hands of God to lead them where He wills, much like the infant Moses of old. To save this particular icon of the Mother of God from maniacal icon smashers, it was thrown into the sea. While in the sea, the icon stood upward and was guided to Strofades Monastery in the Ionian Sea near Zakynthos. The Abbot and the monks received the icon with great joy and supplications from the sea and placed it in the katholikon of the monastery. They named it "Thalassomahousa" (Slaughterer of the Sea) because the icon fought the waves of the sea to arrive at Strofades Monastery unharmed. Today the icon resides in the Metropolis of Zakynthos. It is celebrated yearly on August 15th.
• The Monastery of Panagia CHRYSOLEONTISSA (Golden Lioness) in Aegina
Within the Monastery one can see the "Handprint of the Panagia". According to one tradition, when the monks were bringing the icon of Panagia Chrysoleontissa from their old monastery to establish a new one, they stopped on the road to rest. At the spot where they placed the icon, it left an imprint which can still be seen today. Another tradition says that the Panagia herself climbed the mountain, and at the spot she decided to rest the imprint remained. An oil lamp burns at this spot day and night.
• The Monastery of Panagia SPILIANI ("of the Cave") in Nisiros
According to tradition, a local farmer discovered a small cave, around 1400 AD, with an icon of the Virgin Mary inside this cave, near the hot springs of Mandraki on the island of Nisiros. He took this icon to the Church of Panagia Potamitisas ("of the Rivers"). The next day, the icon was missing. They supposed it to be stolen but after a few days it was rediscovered by the locals in a cave on a 30m high rock. Again they took the icon to the church of Panagia Potamitisas but again the icon went missing and was rediscovered in this same cave on the rocks. This happened three times until the locals decided to transform the cave into a church and leave the icon in its preferred location. This cave has been called Panagia Spiliani ("of the Cave") and the monastery is built immediately above this cave. The locals of Nisiros (aka Nissyros, Nisyros, Nissiros) acknowledge this icon as the protectress of the island.
• The Chapel of Panagia MAKRINI in Samos
• The Monastery of Panagia of "TOSO NERO" ("So Much Water") in Sifnos
According to tradition in Sifnos, a family on the island is chosen which they call "Panigyrades" to hold the old icon of the Dormition of the Theotokos in their home for the year. When the time for the feast arrives they take care of all the expenses for the festival. A procession takes place throughout the streets of the island and some Panigyrades even hold a dinner for the people that follow the procession.
• Panagia YPSENI in Rhodes
• The Church of Panagia PREKLA in Skiathos
The name Prekla is probably derived from the Latin preclarus (most glorious). It is dedicated to the Dormition of the Theotokos and was built towards the end of the 16th or the beginning of the 17th century. The church was wonderfully decorated and there were beautiful icons, especially the icon of Panagia Prekla, the gold sculptured icon screen in front of the altar, the chandelier, the silver hanging oil lamps, and the standing bronze candle holders... In the past, before 1821, when the now deserted and ruined town was still inhabited, all the residents of the two parishes would go to the church during the first 15 days of August to hear the Supplications and chants.
It is said that the name comes from Trikoukies (medlar trees that had three kernels). Another version says that is from the tree Kokkonia according to which the closest monastery of Kykkos was named by that too. Another tradition mentions that the monastery was supported during Turkish domination with the one third (trikoutsi) of the taxation of the Kouklia manors.
• The Monastery of Panagia TROODITISSA in Cyprus
• The Miraculous Panagia of JERUSALEM Icon
It is said that Elder Paisios the Athonite, who had seen in vision the Theotokos, once said of her appearance: "The Panagia looks a lot like the icon of the Panagia of Jerusalem. She is exactly the same. I have seen her many times and I don't know of any other icon resembling her so much." This should not be surprising, since the Panagia of Jerusalem icon has the reputation of being an icon "made-without-hands".
• Panagia SOUMELA
• MACARIUS 玛喀里the Roman, abbot, Wonderworker of Novgorod (1550) and his disciple CHARITON 哈里同 of Novgorod (16th c.)
• HIERON founder of the new Athos (1912)
• Venerable GEORG Lazar (MosulGheorghe) of Varatec in Romania, elder (1916)
• Repose of Abs. RUFINA of Harbin and Shanghai (1937)
• MM priest PAUL 帕弗罗 Szwajko and presbyter JOANN 约安纳 of Graboviec (Chelm and Podlasie in Poland) (1943)
• Elder JOSEPH the Hesychast of the New Skete on Mount Athos (1959)
• Hieromartyr ANDREW Voliansky, priest
• Sainted ALTFRID Bishop of Hildesheim (874)
Benedictine monk at Corvey Abbey. Bishop of Hildesheim, Germany in 851. Founded Essen Abbey. Adviser to the East Frankish King Louis the German. Known for his devotion to the Mother of God.
• Venerable ANTHONIUS (in the scheme: Arsenius) of Murom, friend of Seraphim of Sarov (1851)
• ARDUINUS (1009) a priest in Rimini in Italy who lived as a hermit and ended his days in the monastery of San Gudenzio
• Sainted AUDENTIUS Bishop of Toledo (396)
• Hosiosmartyr CHRISTOS 赫里斯托 of Ioannina, Hieromonk (1770)
• GERASIMOS the New Ascetic of Kefallonia (1579)
St Gerasimos the New Ascetic of Kefalloniais known as a renowned healer of the demon possessed. The demon possessed and the mentally ill flock to his holy shrine which contain his incorrupt relics on a daily basis to receive healing. He became a grace-filled exorcist because of his great discipline for fasting and prayer.
• Translation of Relics (836) of Venerable LANDELIN (Lando) abbot in Crespin (from Lobbes) (686) in the monastery Flechtdorf in Diemelsee near Kassel, Germany
• Mac Cartin (Ard, Aid, Aed, Maccarthannus) Bishop of Clogher in Ireland (506) disciple of Patrick of Ireland
• Martyr NAPOLEON (Neopolus) of Alexandria (300)
Saint Napoleon was so horribly maimed during his torture that he died while being carried back to his dungeon at Alexandria, Egypt, during the reign of Diocletian.
• Sainted SIMPLICIANUS Bishop of Milan (401)
Raised in a Christian family. Teacher and catechist. Priest. Instrumental in the conversion of both Saint Alipius of Tagaste and Saint Augustine of Hippo, who remembered his fondly, wrote about him with deep gratitude, calling him the “spiritual father of my soul”, and would submit his own writings to him to review and comment. Archbishop of Milan, Italy for about three to four years, being chosen when he was already in his 70’s. Friend of, advisor to and correspondent with Saint Ambrose of Milan. Also corresponded extensively with Pope Anastasius I and bishops in Africa and Gaul, but none of the writings have survived. Simpliciano always wore a black leather belt; following a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Saint Monica, the belt became part of the habit of the Augustinians.
• STEPHAN 斯特梵 Elder of Vyatka (1890)
• Martyr TARSICIUS of Rome (255) the patron of first communicants and altar boys
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ταρσίζιος ὁ Μάρτυρας
Third to fourth century layman or deacon (sources vary). While taking Communion to prisoners, Tarcisius was attacked by a pagan mob, and died defending the Host. Martyr. It is said that when the pagans searched him after beating him to death, the Hosts had miraculously disappeared.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Blessed be God.
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