
понедельник, 13 августа 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • August 14 / August 1 •


August 14 / August 1
2018 (7526)
The Beginning of the DORMITION FAST
Today begins the fast in preparation for the Holy Dormition of our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.

• Procession of the Precious Wood of the LIFE-GIVING CROSS OF THE LORD (917)
這瞻禮被希臘語和俄語的一個相互的協議在希臘的皇帝曼紐爾和俄語的時間開創在同時的勝利的紀念的王子安德魯在 Bulgarians 上的俄語和在撒拉遜人上的希臘語。在兩這些戰斗,十字被天國的光線從其照耀了的軍隊帶。因此被開創, 在 8 月 1 日, 十字首先被帶到神聖的智慧的教會的中間 [ Hagia Sophia ] 並且在那以後,沿著為人民到的街在先前的戰斗作為十字的奇跡的幫助的紀念尊敬。這不是一個平常的十字但是被放在帝國的場的教會的真實的光榮的十字。在 7 月 31 日, 光榮的十字從帝國的場被帶到它為地球和空氣的奉獻沿著街被帶的上帝並且從在那裡的神聖的智慧的教會。最後, 在 8 月 14 日, 它再被回到帝國的宮殿的教會。
本月三个救主庆节中的第一个 First of the three "Feasts of the Saviour" in August.
The Procession was established in the time of the Emperor Manuel Paleologos. In Constantinople, the wood of the Cross was brought forth from the Imperial Treasury on July 31 and placed on the altar of the Great Church, where it remained until the Dormition feast, being carried in procession every day for the people's veneration. To avert the illnesses which were most prevalent during the month of August from the most distant times, the practice in Constantinople was to carry the venerable Wood of the Holy Cross through the city's streets and public places in order to sanctify these places and to ward off illnesses. On the pre-festive day the Wood of the Holy Cross was carried from the Imperial Treasury Chamber and placed on the Holy Table of the Great Church, Holy Wisdom. From August 1 until the feast of the Dormition of our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, it was carried about throughout the entire city, then it was exposed for the people's veneration. This is the origin of the Procession of the Venerable and Life-giving Cross that we commemorate today.
• The Feast to THE ALL-MERCIFUL SAVIOUR and THE MOST HOLY MOTHER OF GOD (1164) 救主基督施生命十字圣架之宝木巡游纪念日
The Feast to the All-Merciful Saviour and the Most Holy Mother of God was established on the occasion of portents from icons of the Saviour, the MostHoly Mother of God and the Venerable Cross during the time of a battle of holy Prince Andrei Bogoliubsky (1157-1174) with the Volga Bulgars in 1164. This is the first of three feastdays of the All-Merciful Saviour, celebrated in August. The second – is the Transfiguration (Preobrazhenie, Metamorphosis) of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ (6 August). The third – is the Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Not-Wrought-by-Hand Image of the Lord Jesus Christ (16 August, during the Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God). These three feasts, as it were, connect together the Dormition-Uspenie Fast.
This is the first of the three feasts of the Saviour or “Spasy” in August and is popularly called the “Honey Saviour/Spas” in Ukraine because during this time beekeepers harvest honey and hold honey markets – such as the famous one at the Kyiv Caves Lavra to this day. It marks the exact day on which St Volodymyr the Great officially baptized his people, receiving Orthodox Christianity in 988, even though today that event is commemorated by Ukraine on St Volodymyr’s day. On this day water is therefore blessed. The Cross is venerated marking the victory of the armies of Rus’ over the Volga Bulgars. The feast is also called that of “the Merciful Saviour and of the Most Pure Theotokos”. Finally, the Holy Maccabean children are honoured. Their veneration has always been very popular in Ukraine and poppyseed or “mak,” with the connecting reference to the word “Mak-ovey in Ukrainian is blessed on this day and then kept for the kutya for Christmas and Theophany Eves.
• "ANTIPHONETRIA" ("The Fast to Hear" - "The Fast Answering") icon of the Most Holy Mother of God
• "SILOUAMSKAYA" Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God
• Synaxis of Panagia TAVRIOTISSA at the Church of Saint George in Tavros of Attica
When refugees came to Greece from Asia Minor in 1922 during the population exchange, those from Tavros in Asia Minor settled in a place in Attica they called Tavros, and there they established the Church of Saint George in 1927. There was also a basement chapel in this church dedicated to Saint Demetrios, which was at some point destroyed by a fire. When after much labor it was restored, a unique icon of the Virgin Mary was revealed with the Christ Child sitting on her lap. This discovery took place in 2007. When news of this discovery spread to the parishioners, they came and filled the Church of Saint George to celebrate a Paraklesis Service, since it was August 1st and the beginning of the Dormition Fast. The icon itself was covered in a white embroidery. Before the Paraklesis ended, as the hymn "The Beauty of Your Virginity" was being chanted, the priest uncovered the icon and revealed it to the people, and for the first time the people saw the icon their ancestors brought from Asia Minor in 1922. The icon was received with joy and much emotion. When the Paraklesis was completed, the priest asked the people what they should name the icon, and the people agreed that that it should be called Panagia Tavriotissa. Thus the icon was named on August 1st in 2007, and ever since then this icon was celebrated on August 1st. When Mayor Demetrios Soutos was informed by the priest that the people wished to call the icon Panagia Tavriotissa and wanted to celebrate it annually on August 1st, he uncovered information that the icon indeed came from Tavros in Asia Minor.
• The Litany of Panagia of TRIPOLITSA in Tripoli
Every year in the evening of August 1st, to honor the first Paraklesis (Supplication) Service of the Dormition Fast, the people of Tripoli process the Sacred and Miraculous Icon of Panagia of Tripolitsa which is safe-guarded at the Metropolitan Church of Saint Basil. The icon itself was painted during the difficult years of the Greek Revolution in 1823. It began to be painted by Mihailos Komnenidos of Poros, but before he finished he died of some sickness. It was completed in 1826 by the iconographer George Athanasiades from Cydonia, Crete. He gave the icon to Anastasios Gyzani of Poros who made the original order for it. For many years the icon remained within this family, and it was eventually given to the Church of Saint Basil in Tripoli. Over the years, this icon of Panagia of Tripolitsa became much-beloved by the locals. Twice it was saved from fire in a miraculous way, first when it was in possession of the Gyzani family and the second time when the Church of Saint Basil caught fire. Today the icon is enthroned in a marble proskynitarion, which was donated by faithful parishioners. The procession with the icon is a major event for the city every year on August 1st.
• Holy Seven Maccabees: MM ABIMUS (Avim, Animo or Abeem), ANTONIUS, GURIAS (Gurius or Hosea), ELEAZAR (also Eleazaros or Lazarus), ALIMUS (Achim or Aniana), EUSEBONUS (Semuna, Eusebon or Eusabonus) and MARCELLUS (Marcolus); and their mother, SALMONIA (Solomonia, Salamona, Sh’muna, Salomone, Samona, Solomone, Salomi or S’muni,); and their teacher, ELEAZAR (Eleazaros or Lazarus); at Antioch in Syria, during the reign of Antiochus King of Rome (166 B.C.)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἑπτὰ Μακαβαίοι
Ἀβεὶμ (ἢ Ἄβιβος), Ἀντώνιος (ἢ Ἀντωνίνος), Γουρίας, Ἐλεαζάρος, Εὐσέβωνας, Ἀχείμ, Μάρκελλος (ἢ Σάμωνας, ἢ Εὔλαλος ἢ Μᾶρκος) ἡ μητέρα τους Σολομονὴ καὶ ὁ διδάσκαλός τους Ἐλεαζάρος
他們都在國王 Antiochus 下面為伊斯[拉爾]。伊利以色列的信念的純淨受苦了, 由一些調用了“ Epiphanos ,”“照亮的一個”並且由其它“ Epimanis ”“發瘋的。”因為在耶路撒冷的大罪惡並且特別竟爭超過司祭的權威和罪行在這斗爭的場合期間進行了, 上帝在神聖的城市上允許了大災禍。在那以後, Antiochus 由任何工具想要在上帝和他朝這個球門做了任何事情的生活的一個代替他們的信念在猶太人之上強加古希臘人的聖像崇拜。在他的意愿的幫助的 Antiochus 是一些耶路撒冷的叛逆的高司祭和其它長輩。在一個上場合, 國王 Antiochus 自己來到了耶路撒冷並且命令了所有的猶太人吃豬的肉, 與摩西的法律相反,為吃豬肉是一個人否認了的一個明顯的跡象伊斯[拉爾]。伊利以色列的信念。Eleazar長老 , 一個司祭並且進希臘的語言的舊約的 70 個遷座者之一 [ 希臘之舊約聖經 ] 將不豬肉參與。因為那, Eleazar 被折磨並且燒。回到安提阿, 國王與他一起帶了被打電話給馬卡比書和他們的母親 Solomonia 的 7 個兒子。7 個 Maccabean 兄弟被打電話給︰Avim , Antonius , Eleazar , Gurius , Eusebon , Achim 和 Marcellus 。在他們的母親的眼睛前, 居心不良的國王折磨了兒子, 一個一個地, 從他們的臉撕破皮膚並且, 后來, 扔他們進火。他們都勇敢忍受了折磨並且死亡但是他們沒否認他們的信念。最後, 當母親看見了她的最後一個兒子時, 在火舊的 3 年, 她跳躍了進火焰並且在使她的靈魂變為到上帝的火被消費。他們都值得尊敬地在生活的一個為信念受苦了在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督前的上帝大約 180 年。
• VMM FAITH (Vera, Fidelia, Fides or Pistis), HOPE (Nadezhda, Spes, Helpis or Elpis) and LOVE (Lubov, Charitas or Agape) and their mother St SOPHIA (Sofia, Sophie, Sophy, Sonja, Sonia, Sonya, Sapientia or Wisdom) at Rome (137)
• 9 Martyrs of Perge in Pamphylia: LEONTIUS 莱翁提, ATTIUS 阿提奥, ALEXANDER 亚历山大, CINDEUS 金德, MINSITHEUS 穆尼西德奥 (Mnesitheus), CYRIACUS 基里雅科, MINEON 弥奈翁 (Menaeus) a carpenter, CATANUS 喀塔诺 and EUCLEUS 艾弗克莱 (296)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι ἐννέα Μάρτυρες
Λέοντιος, Ἄττος, Ἀλέξανδρος, Κινδέας, Μνησίθεος, Κυριακός, Μηναῖος, Κατοῦνος καὶ Εὐκλὴς
這些殉教者的名字是︰Leontius , Attus ,亞力山大, Cindeus , Mnesitheus , Cyriacus , Menaeus , Catunus 和 Eucleus 。Leontius 是一個木匠和其它是農夫。因為他們的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督並且因為他們的月亮與狩獵的女神的堂的破壞的費思的大膽的招供,他們殘忍地在 Diocletian 的朝代期間在 Pamphylia 的 Perga 被折磨並且斬並且成為了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的王國的繼承人。
• BONUS (Buono) a priest, with FAUSTUS, MAURUS and 9 companions: CALUMNIOSUS, JOHN, EXUPERIUS, CYRILL, BASILIUS, THEODORE, CARTULUS, HONORATUS martyred in Rome under Valerian (259)
• Martydom of St THECLA at Demtow or Demutu, and her brother St MOUJI (Mugi, Miugi or Fugi) at Alexandria in Egypt
• Martydom of Blessed JUSTUS the Vizier, his wife and his daughter, together with 135 soldiers; at Samanoud in Egypt (3rd c.)
• FRIARD (511-577) and SECUNDEL Hermits on the Isle of Vindomitte near Nantes in France
Friard (Friardo) a Hermit on the island of Vindomitte, France. Friend of St Secundel. When tormented for his piety, a cloud of wasps attacked his tormenters; when Friard prayed for them, the wasps left.
• Martyrs MENAS, MENAIS, and others of England
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Μήνης (ἢ Μηνός) καὶ Μηναῖος καὶ οἱ λοιποὶ ἐν τῷ Βιγλεντίῳ, πλησίον τοῦ χαλκοῦ Τετραπύλου
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Sainted NICHOLAS 尼科拉 Kasatkin, Enlightener of Japan (1836-1912)
Born in Russia in 1836, he became one of the great Orthodox missionaries of modern times. As a boy, he resolved to become a missionary in the far East. With the counsel and blessing of Bishop Innocent of Siberia and Alaska, he went to Japan in 1861 and joined a small Russian mission there. Though the mission's official purpose was to minister to the Russian consular community, the consul-general who invited Hieromonk Nikolai hoped to bring the light of the Orthodox Faith to the Japanese people as well. Realizing that he could only hope to convert the Japanese people if they understood one another well, Fr Nikolai immersed himself in the study of Japanese thought, culture and language. Over the course of his life he translated most of the Bible and most of the Orthodox services into Japanese, and became a fluent speaker of the language. He encountered much resistance: Preaching of Christian doctrine was officially banned in Japan, and a Samurai once approached him with the words "Foreigners must die!" It was this same Samurai who later became his first Japanese priest. In 1880 he was elevated to Bishop of Japan. During the Russo-Japanese war he remained in Japan and labored successfully to overcome nationalist strife that might have harmed or destroyed the Church in Japan. He encouraged all his Japanese faithful to pray for the Japanese armed forces, though he explained that as a Russian he could not do so, and excluded himself from all public services for the duration of the war. He sent Russian-speaking Japanese priests to the prison camps to minister to Russian prisoners of war. At the time of his repose in 1912, after forty-eight years in Japan, St Nikolai left a Cathedral, eight churches, more than 400 chapels and meeting houses, 34 priests, 8 deacons, 115 lay catechists, and 34,110 Orthodox faithful. The Church of Japan is now an autonomous Orthodox Church under the mantle of the Moscow Patriarchate.
• New Hieromartyr BASIL 瓦西里 archbishop of Chernigov (1918)
• New Hieromartyr DEMETRIUS Pavskij, presbiter, archpriest (1874-1937)
• Rep. of Blessed ALEXIA Abs. of Pitsk Monastery at Nizhni-Novgorod (1940)
• New Hieromartyr Archmandrite ALEXANDER (George Urodov), confessor (1876-1961)
• VM ALED (Eiluned, Euned, Almeida, Almedia, Ellyw, Adwenhelye, Elinet, Lhud, Eluned, Elined, Electa, Eled, Electa, Elevetha, Elyned, Tayned, Tayled or Almedha) at Brecknock (Brecon in Wales) of Wales (6th c.) princess, the daughter of King Brychan; beheaded by her father at Brecon, Wales
• Venerable AETHELWOLD (Ethelwold) 埃特尔沃尔德 of Winchester, Bishop (912-984)
• ANTHONY the New, Wonderworker of Beroia
• ARCADIUS (549) Bishop of Bourges in France, he took part in the Council of Orleans in 538
• Finding of Relics of VM AUGUSTA at Serravalle in Venetia (Venezia) near Treviso in Northern Italy (5th c.)
• Martyr CYRICUS cut by sword
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κήρυκος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• DAVID Prince of Chernihiv
• Martyr ELEAZAR
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἐλεαζάρος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Hosiosmartyress ELESA (Elessa) 埃勒萨 of Cythera (Kythera) at Peloponnesos (375)
Ἡ Ἁγία Ἐλέσα ἡ Ὁσιομάρτυς
• VM ENDELIENTA (Endellon, Endelient or Elined) near Brecknock (5-6th c.)
• EXUPERIUS (Soupire, Spire) (4th c.) Bishop of Bayeux in France, he is honoured in Corbeil
• Martyr FELIX (Feliu, Felice) of Gerona (303) Missionary. Martyred in the persecutions of Maximian Herculeus and Prefect Dacianus: cut to pieces with knives in Gerona, Spain. The Christian poet Prudentius wrote in his honour
• Martyrdom of St HILARIA (Hilara, Hillaire, Liyarya or Lyarya) at Tuw (Toah) in Egypt
• Child Martyr JUSTIN of Louvre near Paris in France (304)
• VM JUSTA at Forconium (Aquila) in Italy (304)
• JONATUS (690) monk at Elnone in Belgium. He was Abbot of Marchiennes (c 643-652) and then of Elnone (c 652-659)
• KENNETH (Cenydd, Kyned, Kened, Keneth, Kined) (6th c.) hermit who made his cell among the rocks in the Gower peninsula in Wales at a place later called Llangenydd after him
• LEUS (Leo) (4th c.) priest whose relics were honoured in Viguenza in Italy • LYDIA of Thyatira at Phillippi, Dcn. (49)
• MARY the Consoler (Consolata or Mary the Comforter) (8th c.) sister of St Anno, Bishop of Verona in Italy
• MIACCA (Miaca) of Nurney, Co. Kildare
• NATHI of Cuil Saccaile, in Dalaradia, County of Down
• NEMESIUS venerated near Lisieux in France
• Finding of Relics of NESTOR Bishop of Alëuten and of Alaska (1882)
• Martyr PAPA the Younger; drawn in the sea
Ὁ Ἅγιος Πάπας ὁ νέος
• PEREGRINUS (Pellegrino) a Celtic prince and/or monk; of Modena, Hermit (643)
• Martyr POLYEUCTUS graved alive in the manure
Ὁ Ἅγιος Πολύευκτος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• PRICONISSUS of the Peloponnese, Archbishop
• RIOCH (480) nephew of St Patrick and Abbot of Innisboffin in Ireland
• RUBIL the Anachoret in Syria (5th c.)
• Hieromartyr SECUNDUS (Secondino) Bishop of Palestrina, Italy (480) martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian on the Via Prenestina, 13 miles from Rome, Italy
• SEVERUS (500) priest of noble family, famous for his charity, he has been honoured from time immemorial in the village that bears his name, St Sever de Rustan in Bigorre in south-west France
• VM SIDWELL (Sativola, Sidefulla or Bidwell) of Exeter (6-7th c.)
• Uncovering (1995) of the relics of Venerable SOPHIA of Suzdal (1542)
• Departure of St THECLA (Theckla, Tegla, Tecla, Teckla, Tekla or Thekla) Disciple of Apostle Paul (1st c.)
• TIMOTHY 提摩泰 the Wonderworker, archbishop of Priconissus of Peloponnesus (6th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Τιμόθεος ὁ Θαυματουργός Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Προκοννήσου (Προικοννήσου)
• Martyr THEODOR beheaded by sword
Ὁ Ἅγιος Θεόδωρος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• VERUS (314) Bishop of Vienne in France. He attended the Council of Arles in 314
Saint Peter's Chains (44 A.D.)
In the year 44 King Herod Agrippa, after putting to death Saint James, son of Zebedee, was still avid for popular approval by the Jews. He had Saint Peter cast into prison, intending to put him to death publicly after the Passover; but the entire Church of Jerusalem was offering up prayers to God without ceasing (Acts 12:5) for the deliverance of the Chief Pastor of His flock, and God heard them favorably. The king had taken all possible precautions to prevent the escape of his prisoner. He was guarded day and night by sixteen soldiers, four of whom kept sentry duty in turn — two in the same dungeon with him, and two at the gate. Saint Peter was fastened to the ground by two chains, and a soldier watched on either side of him. He lay fast asleep on the very night before the day fixed for his execution, when it pleased God to deliver him out of the hands of his enemies. In the middle of the night, a bright light shone in the prison, and an Angel appeared beside him. He woke him from his sleep and bade him instantly rise, fasten his cincture, put on his sandals and cloak, and follow him. The Apostle did so, for the chains had fallen off his wrists. Following his heavenly guide, he passed after him through the first and second watches, and when they arrived at the iron gate which led into the city, that gate opened before them of its own accord. The Angel conducted him through one street, then, suddenly disappearing, left him to seek refuge. The Apostle went directly to the house of Mary, mother of John Mark, where several disciples were assembled and sending up their prayers to heaven for his deliverance. As he stood knocking, a young woman who had been sent to the door, hearing Peter's voice, ran back in joy and informed the group that their Pastor was at the door. They paid no attention to her, saying she was beside herself, or that it was probably his Guardian Angel. But the knocking continued until they opened the door, and Saint Peter, entering, told them of his miraculous escape. Having enjoined them to notify the rest of the brethren, he departed to regions of greater security, carrying wherever he went the divine blessing and life.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018