November 21 / November 8
2018 (7527)
Synaxis of The Holy Archangel MICHAEL 弥哈伊尔 and ALL the BODILESS POWERS of HEAVEN (364) 纪念天军之统帅弥哈伊尔总领天使及其余天军神将:伽弗里伊尔总领天使、拉法伊尔总领天使、邬里伊尔总领天使、撒拉斐伊尔总领天使、耶谷迪伊尔总领天使、瓦拉希伊尔总领天使、耶瑞弥伊尔总领天使, 并纪念天上九品万军众天使:上三品——炽爱天使、智鉴天使、宝座天使;中三品——统权天使、大能天使、威德天使;下三品——宰制天使、总领天使、普众天使
Σύναξις Ἀρχαγγέλων Μιχαὴλ καὶ Γαβριὴλ καὶ πασῶν τῶν Ἀσωμάτων καὶ Οὐράνιων Δυνάμεων
Μιχάλης, Μιχαηλία, Ἄγγελος, Ἀγγελική, Γαβριήλ, Γαβριέλλα, Σταμάτης, Σταματία, Ταξιάρχης
Psalm 91:11: "For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways".
The Apostle Paul says that Angels are: spirits in the service of God, sent as servants for the good of those who must receive the heritage of salvation. God has established them as protectors and guides of every nation and people. He charged them to guard those who hope in Him so that nothing harms them and no evil comes near their dwelling.
Feast of Archangel Michael and all the other heavenly powers was instituted for celebration in the month of November. Why precisely in November? Because November is the 9th month after March, and March is considered to be the month in which the world was created. Also, as the 9th month after March, November was chosen for the 9 orders of angels who were created first. The 8th day of the month was decreed for the intended Assemblage of all the Heavenly Powers – in conjunction with the Day of the Dread Last-Judgement of God, which the Holy Fathers called the "Eighth Day", – since after this age in which the seven days of Creation have elapsed will come the "Eighth Day", – and then "shalt come the Son of Man in His Glory and all the holy Angels together with Him" (Mt. 25: 31). The Angelic Ranks are divided into three Hierarchies: highest, middle, and lowest.
In the Highest Hierarchy are included the three Ranks: the Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones.
• closest of all to the Most Holy Trinity stand the 6-winged SERAPHIM (Flaming, and Fiery) (Is. 6: 12). They blaze with love for God and impel others to it
• after the Seraphim there stand before the Lord the many-eyed CHERUBIM (Gen. 3: 24). Their name means: outpouring of wisdom, enlightenment, since through them, – radiating with the light of Divine-knowledge and understanding of the mysteries of God, there is sent down wisdom and enlightenment for true Divine-knowledge
• after the Cherubim – stand God-bearing through grace given them for their service, the THRONES (Col. 1: 16), mysteriously and incomprehensibly upholding God. They serve the uprightness of God's justice
The Middle Angelic Hierarchy consists of three Ranks: Dominions, Powers, and Authorities.
• DOMINIONS (Col. 1: 16) hold dominion over the successive ranks of Angels. They instruct the earthly authorities, established from God, to wise governance. The Dominions influence rule by miracles, they quell sinful impulses, subordinate the flesh to the spirit, and provide mastery over the will to conquer temptation
• POWERS (1 Pet. 3: 22) fulfill the will of God. They work the miracles and send down the grace of wonderworking and perspicacity to saints pleasing to God. The Powers give assist to people in bearing obediences, encourage them in patience, and give them spiritual strength and fortitude
• AUTHORITIES (1 Pet. 3: 22, Col. 1: 16) have authority to quell the power of the devil. They repel from people demonic temptations, uphold ascetics and guard them, helping people in the struggle with evil ponderings
In the Lowest Hierarchy are included the three Ranks: Principalities, Archangels, and Angels.
• PRINCIPALITIES (Col. 1: 16) have command over the lower angels, instructing them in the fulfilling of Divine commands. To them are entrusted to direct the universe, and protect lands, nations and peoples. Principalities instruct people to render honour to everyone, as becomes their station. They teach those in authority to fulfill their necessary obligations, not for personal glory and gain, but out of respect for God and benefit for neighbour
• ARCHANGELS (1 Thess. 4: 16) announce about the great and most holy, they reveal the mysteries of the faith, prophecy and understanding of the will of God, they intensify deep faith in people, enlightening their minds with the light of the Holy Gospel. The Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church teaches us the names of the leaders of the angelic powers:
The Chief Captains of the Heavenly Host Archangel MICHAEL 弥哈伊尔 in the Hebrew language means ``Who is like unto God?'' or ``Who is equal to God?'' St. Michael has been depicted from earliest Christian times as a commander, who holds in his right hand a spear with which he attacks Lucifer, Satan, and in his left hand a green palm branch. At the top of the spear there is a linen ribbon with a red cross. The Archangel Michael is especially considered to be the Guardian of the Orthodox Faith and a fighter against heresies.
The Chief Captains of the Heavenly Host Archangel GABRIEL 伽弗里伊尔 means ``Might of God.'' He is the herald of the mysteries of God, especially the Incarnation of God and all other mysteries related to it. He is depicted as follows: In his right hand, he holds a lantern with a lighted taper inside, and in his left hand, a mirror of green jasper. The mirror signifies the wisdom of God as a hidden mystery.
Archangel RAPHAEL 拉法伊尔 means ``God's healing'' or ``God the Healer.'' (Tobit 3:17, 12:15). Raphael is depicted leading Tobit (who is carrying a fish caught in the Tigris) with his right hand, and holding a physician's alabaster jar in his left hand.
Archangel URIEL 邬里伊尔 means ``Fire of God,'' or ``Light of God'' (III Esdras 3:1, 5:20). He is depicted holding a sword against the Persians in his right hand, and a fiery flame in his left.
Archangel SALATHIEL 撒拉斐伊尔 means ``Intercessor of God'' (III Esdras 5:16). He is depicted with his face and eyes lowered, holding his hands on his bosom in prayer.
Archangel JEGUDIEL 耶谷迪伊尔 means ``Glorifier of God.'' He is depicted bearing a golden wreath in his right hand and a triple-thonged whip in his left hand.
Archangel BARACHIEL 瓦拉希伊尔 means ``Blessing of God.'' He is depicted holding a white rose in his hand against his breast.
Archangel JEREMIEL 耶瑞弥伊尔 means ``God's exaltation.'' He is venerated as an inspirer and awakener of exalted thoughts that raise a man toward God (III Ezra 4:36).
• ANGELS (1 Pet. 3: 22) are closest to all to people. They proclaim the intent of God, guiding people to virtuous and holy life. They protect believers restraining them from falling, and they raise up the fallen; never do they abandon us and always they are prepared to help us, if we so desire
A Guardian Angel is an angel that is assigned to protect and guide a particular person, group, kingdom, or country. "Angel" means "herald" or "messenger" and is properly applied only to those who serve as messengers from God to man; but the name is often applied to the entire host of bodiless powers.
Each man has a guardian angel who stands before the face of the Lord. This guardian angel is not only a friend and a protector, who preserves from evil and who sends good thought; the image of God is reflected in the creature ― angels and men ― in such a way that angels are celestial prototypes of men. Guardian angels are especially our spiritual kin. Scripture testified that the guardian ship and direction of the elements, of places, of peoples, of societies, are confided to the guardian angels of the cosmos, whose very substance adds something of harmony to the elements they watch over.
Angels are everywhere the intermediaries between God and man; and Christ set a seal upon the Old Testament teaching: "See that you despise not one of these little ones: for I say to you, that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 18:10).
All the Ranks of the Heavenly Powers have in common the name Angels – by virtue of their service. The Lord reveals His will to the highest of the Angels, and they in turn inform the others.
St Michael the Archangel is the patron of Kyivan Rus’-Ukraine and St Volodymyr the Great publicly wore the icon of the Archangel on his royal robes. For a period of time, the icon of St Michael was the coat of arms of Ukraine and flags with his icon were carried into battle by the Kozaks as the Archangel was their patron during land battles. His patronage is especially celebrated in Kyiv at his Cathedral.
May God have mercy on us and save us by the prayers of the Archangel Michael and all the bodiless heavenly powers. Amen.
VICTORIOUS suffered in Italy in the persecution of Dioclesian (304) buried on the Lavican Way, 3 miles from Rome
• Holy Crowned Martyrs martyred in Pannonia: the carvers CLAUDIUS, NICOSTRATUS, SYMPHORIAN and CASTORIUS and SIMPLICIUS (305) the latter were sculptors who refused to carve a statue of the god Aesculapius and were martyred by Diocletian
They are the patrons of sculptors, stone-cutters, and marble-workers, as well as protectors of cattle.
• Hierarch ALEXANDER (Alexi Okropiridze in the world), Bishop of Guria and Samegrelo (1824-1907) buried at Shio-Mgvime Monastery in Georgia
• New Martyr MICHAEL 弥哈伊尔 the Blessed 蒙福者, of Chernigov (1922)
• Hosiosmartyr ALEXIS Zadvornov, Hieromonk of Yaroslavl-Rostov (1882-1937) graved at Butovo
The priest was accused of "condemning the Constitution, quoting words from the Bible, discontent with the conditions of life in the camp," to which Father Alexis said that "he regards the camp as a monastery, and satisfied with everything and thanks God for everything".
• Hieromartyr archpriest PAUL Ansimov (1891-1937) graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr presbiter CONSTANTINE Nemeshajev (1879-1937) graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr archpriest ELIAH Ryl’ko (1881-1937) graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr presbiter DIMITRIY Rusinov (1871-1937) graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr deacon JOSEPH Schensnovich (1886-1937) graved at Butovo
• Repose of Nun BARBARA of Birsk (1903)
• Repose of Elder PHOTIUS of Valaam (1942)
• Repose of Metropolitan PHILARET Voznesensky of New York (1985)
• Repose of Elder IAKOVOS Tsalikis, of the Holy Monastery of Venerable David in Euboea (1991)
• Repose of hieromonk GABRIEL of Tbilisi (1995)
• Repose of Priest GEORGE Calciu of Romania and Alexandria, Virginia (2006)
• Blessed Matushka OLGA Michael of Kwethluk of Alaska, Midwife, Healer and Consoler of the Suffering (1916-1979) known for helping women who have been abused, particularly those women who have suffered rape and sexual abuse
God can create great beauty from complete desolation and nothingness.
“Matushka”, meaning mother, is an honorific title applied to a priest’s wife in the Russian Orthodox tradition, a faith which is still widely practiced among the native American population of Alaska. Her husband, Nikolai Michael, was the village postmaster and manager of the general store, who later was ordained a priest and subsequently was elevated to Archpriest. She served her community not only as a priest’s wife, but also as a midwife.
Matushka Olga was known for her empathy and caring for those who had suffered abuse of all kinds, especially sexual abuse. While her family was poor, she gave generously to those who were poorer, often giving away her children’s clothes to the needy. She was also known for her ability to tell when a woman was pregnant, even before the woman herself had missed her period.
Matushka Olga Michael, wife of the departed Archpriest Nikolai O. Michael from the village of Kwethluk on the Kuskokwim River in Alaska, was neither a “physically impressive or imposing figure.” She raised 8 children to maturity, giving birth to several of them without a midwife. While her husband was away taking care of many other parishes, she kept busy raising her family and doing many things for other people. One is reminded of the story of Tabitha in the book of Acts (9:36) when hearing that in addition to sewing Father Nikolai’s vestments in the early years and crafting beautiful parkas, boots and mittens for her children, she was constantly sewing or knitting socks or fur outerwear for others. Hardly a friend or neighbor was without something Matushka had made for them. Parishes hundreds of miles away received unsolicited gifts, traditional Eskimo winter boots (‘mukluks’) to sell or raffle for their building fund. All the clergy of the deanery wore gloves or woolen socks which she had made for them. While fulfilling many of the other tasks, like preparing the eucharistic bread, that are often assumed by other priests’ wives, she also knew the hymns of many feast days, including Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Pascha in Yup’ik (her Eskimo language) by heart. After, miraculously surviving an initial bout with cancer when it seemed that nothing could be done, she eventually succumbed to a return of the disease, preparing herself for death which took place on November 8, 1979 with great courage and faith.
Wealthy citizen of Tours, France; he gave up his wealth and position to become a monk at Marmoutier Abbey in Tours. Spiritual student of Saint Martin of Tours. Friend of Saint Sulpicius Severus and Saint Paulinus of Nola. Priest. Lived his later years as a hermit near the abbey.
• COLUM of Culbrim
• Venerable CYBI (Cuby) (550-555) an abbot who, with St Seiroil, is one of the most famous saints of Anglesey. He founded a monastery there, called Caer Gybi (the fortress of Cybi). He is the patron saint of Llangibby and Llangybi in Wales and Tregony, Landulph and Cuby in Cornwall
• DEUSDEDIT (Adeodatus I) (618) born in Rome, he became Pope in 615. During an outbreak of the plague he worked untiringly for the sick
Son of Stephen, a subdeacon. Pope. Supported the clergy who were being repressed by the politics of the day, trying to work their vocations during rebellions in Ravenna and Naples in Italy. Worked among victims of leprosy and an earthquake in his diocese. Said to have been the first to use bullae or lead seals for pontifical documents; hence the term Papal Bull. Many old Benedictine documents describe him as a Benedictine monk, but there is no outside evidence of it, and Deusdedit was known for his support of and dependance on the secular clergy.
• DROUET of Auxerre (532) Bishop of Auxerre, France
• Venerabless EUPHROSYNE the Younger, Nun of Constantinople (923)
• GERVADIUS (Gernard, Garnet, Gervat) of Kinnedor (10th c.) born in Ireland, he went to Moray and became a hermit near Elgin in Scotland
Hermit at Kenedor and Holyman Head in Scotland, where he lived in a cave. He would light torches at night to warn ships away from the dangerous rocks along the shore. His cave survived into the 19th century, being a place of pilgrimage before being quarried out. Legend says that once when he needed wood to complete construction of a church, a great storm struck upriver of him, washing enough timber down river to finish the work.
• Venerable GREGORY of Einsiedeln (996) on pilgrimage from England to Rome, he became a monk. On his way home he stopped at the monastery of Einsiedeln in Switzerland in 949. Eventually he became abbot there and the monastery flourished under him
While on pilgrimage to Rome, Italy he became a Benedictine monk, receiving the cowl on the Caelian Hill. In 949, on his way back to England he stopped at the abbey of Einsiedeln, Switzerland, and stayed to join the community. Abbot during the abbey's period of greatest growth and fame.
• Venerable KEBY (Cuby, Gybi, Kebius, Kybi) Bishop of Caernarvon, Wales (6th c.)
May have been the son of Saint Selevan; may have been the cousin of Saint David of Wales. Itinerent hermit, evangelist, monk and abbot. Found of the monastery of Caer Gybi (Cybi's Fort) at Holyhead, Anglesey, Wales, located within the walls of an ancient Roman fort, and is still venerated there. Missionary bishop to the area around the monastery. Friend of Saint Seiriol. Many exaggerated stories grew up around him.
• Venerabless MARIA (tonsured Martha 玛尔塔), Princess of Pskov, Matr., Abs. of Pskov Monastery (1300) wife of Dovmont Prince of Pscov
• MAURUS (383) 2nd Bishop of Verdun in France (353-383)
• Sainted MOROC of Scotland (9th c.) Abbot of Dunkeld and afterwards Bishop of Dunblane in Scotland
Abbot at Dunkeld, Scotland. Bishop of Dunblane, Scotland. Several churches are named for him, and he was venerated with a solemn office in the old Scottish rite.
• VM NEWLYNA (Newlyn, Newelina, Noyala, Noaluen or Noualen), Fndr. of Church in Penzance at Cornwall, Pat. of Noyal-Pontivy in Brittany (5th c.)
• Venerable TYSILIO 提西利奥 (Tyssel, Tyssilo, Suliau) of Wales (640) a prince who became Abbot of Meifod in Powys and founded several churches in other parts of Wales
Born to the Welsh royalty, the son of prince Brochwel Ysgythrog. Monk, and then abbot in Meifod, Montgomeryshire, Wales. The nearby town of Llandysilio, Wales is named for him. He founded several churches throughout Wales. May have moved to Brittany, but records are unclear.
• Sainted WILLEHAD Apostle of Saxony (789) A Northumbrian monk who in c 766 left England to enlighten the Frisians in Holland. Later he preached to the Saxons, but had to abandon this mission and retired to the monastery of Echternach. In 787 he was ordained Bishop of Bremen in Germany
Educated at York, England. Benedictine monk. Priest. Friend of Blessed Alcuin. Evangelist throughout western Europe. Worked in Frisia in 766, preaching in Dokkum, Overyssel, Humsterland, and Utrecht, but was driven out by violent pagans. Sent by Charlemagne to evangelize the Saxons in 780, but was expelled in 782 following a revolt by King Widukind against Charlemagne's rule. Pilgrim to Rome, Italy. Copied manuscripts at the abbey of Echternach. Following Charlemagne's re-conquest of the Saxons, Willehad became bishop of Bremen in 787, a seat he held until his death. Built the cathedral there, and many churches throughout his see.
• Sainted WIOMAD (Weomadus) (791) a monk at St Maximinus in Trier in Germany. He became Abbot of Mettlach and finally Bishop of Trier (750-790)
Benedictine monk at Saint Maximinus at Trèves (modern Trier, Germany) Abbot of the monastery of Mettlach, Germany. Bishop of Trèves c.770. Part of the court of Charlemagne.
There are accounts surrounding the date of this icon, one having to do with the Ottoman Turkish occupation and destruction of 1462, and the other with Saracen pirates during the 9th and 10th centuries during which the entire island was invaded. In either case, the story of the creation of the icon shares the theme that the target of the raids was the monastery of the Taxiarchis. The pirates threatened the monks with death if they would not reveal the whereabouts of the hidden villagers. The monks refused and the invaders slaughtered all of the monks except for one novice-monk. As the pirates where leaving, the novice climbed to the roof of the monastery to be sure that the pirates had left. However, the pirates noticed him from afar and returned to kill him as well. It is at this point in the story that the Archangel Michael makes his appearance in front of the Saracens with his own sword drawn forcing them to retreat in terror. Thanks to this miracle from the Archangel the monk survived and descending to the courtyard buried the bodies of his fellow brotherhood. The monk still in deep respect and reverence for having witnessed the Archangel Michael in all his fury, gathered up the earth that was red by the blood of the martyred monks and shaped it into the icon-sculpture of the Archangel as it is today; while it was still vivid in his memory. According to legend, the monk did not have enough of this dirt-blood mix and so the head of the Archangel has turned out disproportionately larger to the rest of his body.
• Synaxis of the Archangel Michael "PANORMITIS" on Symi in Greece (1783-1787) who is not only considered the island's patron saint but also the guardian of sailors in the entire Dodecanese area
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Blessed be God.
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