July 27 / July 14
2019 (7527)
• ELISAVETHGRADSK Icon of the Virgin Mary (19th c.) of Kirovograd, Ukraine
Akathist is composed by Hieromartyr Bishop Onuphrios Gagalük.
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀκύλας ὁ Ἀπόστολος
就鳥座是 70 個宗徒之一。作為一個猶太人,他首先與他的妻子普麗西拉生活在了意大利。甚麼時候所有的猶太人從[羅爾]瑪和意大利被駕駛的皇帝[羅爾]瑪皇帝名 decreed , 就鳥座在 Cornith 安定了, 宗徒葩。韋勒保羅在此第一次遇見了他並且有一年和一半的時間在他的家留下了並且給某人施洗禮他和他的妻子。為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督,就鳥座和普麗西拉的費思與熱情燒護衛了葩。韋勒保羅到 Ephesus 並且在他的宗徒的勞動幫助了他。葩。韋勒保羅從在的 Ephesus 寫了他的第一封書信給 Corinthians , 朝結束,他說︰“就鳥座和普麗西拉在主迎接你很多, 與教會那是他們的房子” ( 1 Corinthians 16:19 ) 。在皇帝[羅爾]瑪皇帝名的死亡以後,猶太人被允許回到意大利,並且就鳥座和普麗西拉這樣回到了[羅爾]瑪。在這以後從 Cornith 寫書信給[羅爾]瑪人的宗徒葩。韋勒保羅, 迎接他的老朋友和他的勞工同事︰“迎接普麗西拉和就鳥座我的在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督伊伊穌。斯耶穌的助理;為我的生活有的人,在他們的自己的頸下面放了︰到誰不僅我給感謝, 而且猶太人的所有的教會“ ( [羅爾]瑪人 16 ︰3-4 ) 。晚些時候, 我們在他和聖提摩斐。提摩太勞動的 Ephesus 看見就鳥座宗徒。在[羅爾]瑪鎖住了, 葩。韋勒保羅在 Ephesus 寫到提摩斐。提摩太︰“迎接普麗西拉和就鳥座” ( 2 提摩斐。提摩太 4:19 ) 。作為一個主教, 就鳥座給某人施洗禮了許多並且與費思,破壞的聖像,造的教會,製定的司祭和傳播照亮了他們光榮賦予在人之中的上帝的兒子。最後, 他被居心不良的異教徒謀殺並且在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的王國收起了居住。
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἀκύλας καὶ Ἰλάριος οἱ Μάρτυρες
Μαρτύρησαν διὰ λιθοβολισμοῦ.
• VLADIMIR and AGRIPPINA Wonderworkers of Rzhev
• 4 Crypto-Christian Neomartyrs: EMMANUEL, ANEZINA, GEORGE and MARIA
The New Martyrs of the faith, Emmanuel, Anezina and their children George and Maria, were cryptochristians and had the following Turkish names: the father was called “Ibraim Ibni Abdullach" and his wife was “Fatme Ibni Abdullach”, the daughter was called “Hatizie” and the son “Mustafa". Also the father, Emmanuel, was 40 years old, while his wife Anezina was 38, the son, George, was 18 and the daughter, Maria, was 16. As Muslims, they lived in the village Melissourgio of Kissamos and worked peacefully out in their fields. One day a neighbor saw them cross themselves as they sat to eat and turned them in to the Turks. They were spied on again, where they were seen doing their cross before going to bed, and taken to court, which decided for them to be beheaded, because they did not deny any of that which they were accused of. Instead they boldly said: “We were born Christians and we will die Christians.” It is worth mentioning that after they were told the court decision, they were presented before the court again and were told that if they returned to the religion of Islam they would live. Yet again they refused the offer and chose Christ.They were sentenced to death by decapitation and their bodies were thrown outside of the fortress in Hania, to be eaten by wild animals and vultures.
• Hieromartyr CONSTANTINE Bogojavlenskij, priest (1918)
• Hieromartyr NICHOLAS Poretskij, Archpriest (1865-1933)
• Righteous Youth DENTELIN of Mons (647)
• DEUSDEDIT (Adeodatus, Frithona) of Canterbury, Bishop (664)
Born in England and baptised Frithona, he was the first Englishman to become Archbishop of Canterbury, succeeding St Honorius in 655.
• Venerable ELLIUS (Hellius) 埃利 of Egypt (395)
Hellius 是第四個世紀的一個埃及的修道士。從他的早少年他在荒地把他自己奉獻了給修道士禁欲主義, 那由他的生活和有力的奇跡, 他攪動了修道士和俗人的驚訝相似並且盡管他逃跑了人的光榮, 他是不能的隱蔽他自己。他與魔鬼的誘惑忍受了大斗爭, 特別在時間期間延長齋戒。一次, 魔鬼為他提供了美味的蘋果但是 Hellius 不允許他自己被欺騙的蜂蜜和另外一個時間。他能認出人的心, 能認出每個人的熱情和思維, 不以便顯示出他的內部的知識,但是改正人。
• FELIX of Como (390) first Bishop of Como in Italy. He was a friend of St Ambrose • IDUS (Id) of Leinster (5th cent.) Bishop of Ath-Fhadhat, now Ahade or Aghade, County of Carlow; Baptised by St Patrick
• Martyr Soldier JUSTUS 犹斯特 at Rome (77) of the alleged sons of Saint Symphorosa
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰοῦστος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• JUSTINIAN II the New, Emperor of Byzantium
• JOSEPH 约熙福 Studite the Confessor, archbishop of Thessalonica (833) brother of St Theodore
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰωσὴφ ὁ Ὁμολογητής
• Martyr JOHN 约安 of Merv in Turkmenistan (1012)
• HERACLIUS 伊拉克利 patriarch of Alexandria (180-247)
Born in Egypt c. 180; died 247. Heraclas and his brother Saint Plutarch were the first students at Origen's catechetical school in Alexandria. There they were converted to Christianity by their master. Heraclias became Origen's assistant, was ordained, and succeeded Origen as head of the school when Bishop Demetrius of Alexandria condemned Origen in 231. Heraclias succeeded Demetrius as bishop of Alexandria that same year. Thinking it was safe to return, Origen went back to Alexandria, was excommunicated by his former disciple, and was driven from the city.
• Martyr HERACLIUS beaten to death by bludgeons (289)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἡράκλειος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Venerable LIBERT (783) born in Malines in Belgium, he was baptised and became a monk with St Rumoldus. Later he moved to the monastery of Saint-Trond where he was martyred by barbarians
• Repose of LONGINUS of Svjatogorsk, Hieroschemamonk (1882)
• MAELCEADAR the Victorious (Maldegarius, surnamed Vincent) first earl of the Hannoina (Hainault) (7th c.)
• MARCELLINUS (Marchelm, Marculf) 玛尔凯利诺 of Utrecht, priest (762)
Missionary to the Netherlands with St Willibrord of Echternach. Worked with St Lebuin of Deventer in the area of Overijssel, Netherlands
• MARCIANO of Frigento (5th c.)
Born to a wealthy Christian family, when Marciano received his inheritance he gave it all away to the poor and devoted himself to God. His devotion and spiritual wisdom attracted to so many admirers and would-be students that he left Greece for Italy, and became a hermit near the town of Frigento. Miracle worker and healer. Pilgrim to Rome, Italy, travelling with his friend, Bishop Lorenzo of Canosa, Italy. In Rome, Marciano was chosen bishop of Frigento by Pope Saint Leo the Great who, in a church near Rome, had encountered Marciano in prayer and received a vision that he was to be consecrated. While there are very few points of information in this story, there are a lot of problems with the dates in the original sources. It is possible that, since the first biography was not published until 1662, several Marcians, Marcianos and saintly men with similar names, had their stories mashed together.
• Martyr MIROPA (Myrope)
• Repose of Venerable NICODEMUS 尼科迪默 of Mt Athos, spiritual writer (1809)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Νικόδημος ὁ Ἁγιορείτης ὁ σοφὸς διδάσκαλος τῆς Ἐκκλησίας
He is best known for his collections of Orthodox writings, most importantly the Philokalia, a five-volume compendium of writings on asceticism and prayer, especially the Jesus Prayer, by the holy Fathers of the Church. (The first four volumes have been translated into English). He produced an Orthodox edition of Unseen Warfare, originally by Lorenzo Scupoli, a Roman Catholic. (This was further revised by St Theophan the Recluse). He also edited the Pedalion (Rudder), a collection of the canons of the Orthodox Church with his commentary.
• Hosiosmartyr ONESIMUS 奥尼息默 the Wonderworker (354) Monk of Magnesia
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ὀνήσιμος ὁ Θαυματουργός
• OPTATIAN (505) Bishop of Brescia in Italy c 451-505
• PETER Bishop of Gortyna in Crete (740)
• Martyr PETER the New
Ὁ Ἅγιος Πέτρος ὁ νέος
• Hieromartyr PHOCAS of Sinope (117) bishop of Sinope on the Black Sea
• RAGENULFA (Rainofle or Ragnulf) Solitary at Aincourt near Louvain in Belgium (7th c.)
• STEPHEN 斯特梵 abbot of Makhrishche (1406) Vologda
• Day of Canonization (1993) of THEOPHILUS of Kiev, Fool-for-Christ (1853) of the Kyiv-Bratsky and Kyiv Caves Monasteries
• Venerable VINCENT Madelgaire (Vincent of Soignies) (615-677) married to St Waltrude c.635; son-in-law of St Bertille. Father of four: St Madalberta, St Landericus, St Dentlin of Soignies, and St Aldetrudis. Sent by King Dagobert I to Ireland to recruit monks to work as missionaries in the region. Founded the Benedictine abbeys of Hautmont in 642, and later one on his estate in Soignies, Belgium. Around 653 he retired live as a monk in Hautmont Abbey, taking the name Vincent, and then to the one at Soignies, Belgium where he became abbot
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Blessed be God.
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