July 10 / June 27
2019 (7527)
• Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Byzantine depictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in art have three stars, one star each on the shoulder and one on the forehead. This type of icon is called Hodegetria, where Mary is pointing to her Son, known as a THEOTOKOS OF THE PASSION
The image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help measures around 50 centimeters (25 inches) high. It is in the Byzantine style, painted on wood with a gold leaf background. The Virgin is there with Her divine Child; each of them has a golden halo. Two Angels, one on the right and the other on the left, present the instruments of the Passion to the Child Jesus who is frightened, whereas the Blessed Virgin looks at the pathetic scene with calm, resigned sorrow. The image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help had long been venerated on the Isle of Crete. The inhabitants of that island, fleeing a Turkish invasion, took it with them to Rome. By the invocation of Mary under the title of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the ship transporting Her holy image was saved from a terrible storm. The icon originated from the Keras Kardiotissas Monastery and has been in Rome since 1499. Then 2 300 facsimiles of the Holy Picture have been sent from Saint Alphonsus's church in Rome to every part of the world. At the present day not only altars, but churches and dioceses (e.g. in England, Leeds and Middlesbrough; in the United States, Savannah) are dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. In some places, as in the United States, the title has been translated Our Lady of Perpetual Help. In the Eastern Orthodox Church iconography, the image is known as the "Virgin Theotokos of the Passion" due to the instruments of the Passion of Jesus Christ present on the image. The image depicts the following symbols:
The Blessed Virgin Mary — wearing a dress of dark red, representing the Passion of Jesus, with a blue mantle, representing her perpetual virginity, and cloaked veil, which represents her pure modesty.
The subject shows Mary looking towards the faithful, while pointing at her son, Jesus Christ who is frightened by the instruments of crucifixion and is depicted with a fallen sandal.
The left side is Saint Michael Archangel — carrying the lance and sponge of the crucifixion of Jesus.
On the right side is Saint Gabriel Archangel carrying a 3-bar cross used by Popes at the time and nails.
The Virgin Mary has a star on her forehead signifying her role as Star of the Sea while the cross on the side has been claimed as referring to the Greek monastery which produced the icon.
Popular legends claim that the icon to be a true copy of a painting that according to legend was painted by Saint Luke using the meal table of the Holy Family in Nazareth, and in Eastern Orthodox tradition was often identified with the Hodegetria icon, and consider it to be a miraculous imprint of the Virgin Mary both in the Latin and Orthodox communities. Our Lady of Perpetual Help has been venerated across many cultures and thus bears several titles in different languages, such as "Mother of Perpetual Succour", Mutter von immerwährenden Hilfe, Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro, Notre-Dame du Perpétuel Secours, Mater del Perpetuo Succursu, and Ina ng Laging Saklolo.
• Hieromatyr AUREUS, bishop of Mainz. Hieromatyr MAXIMUS, bishop of Mainz. Hieromatyr THEONEST, bishop of Philippi and Mainz. Hieromatyr JUSTIN, deacon. Martyr CRESCENS. Martyr JUSTINA and others 450 martyred in (451)
• Hieromatyrs TABRA and TABRATHA (also Tabraham and Tubraham), deacons (451) of Italy
• MARKIA (Marcia), THERAPON (Therapontes), MACARIUS and MARCUS at Asia Minor
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Θεράπων, Μακάριος, Μάρκιος καὶ Μαρκία οἱ Μάρτυρες
• Hieromatyr ALEXANDER Sidorov, priest (1867-1918)
• Hieromatyr VLADIMIR Sergeev, priest (1867-1918)
• Hieromatyr PETER Ostroumov, priest (1875-1939)
• New Hieromartyr Priest GREGORY 格里高利 Nikolsky of Kuban (1918)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Γρηγόριος, Ἀλέξανδρος, Βλαδίμηρος καὶ Πέτρος οἱ Ἱερομάρτυρες
• New Hieromartyr 基里翁 KIRION II (George Sadzaglishvili) catholicos-patriarch of Georgia (1855-1918)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κυρίων Β’ ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας
• Uncovering of the holy relics of Optina Elders: AMBROSE 安弗若西, LEONID 莱奥尼德, MACARIUS 玛喀里, 阿纳托利 ANATOLE I, 阿纳托利 ANATOLE II, BARSANUPHIUS 瓦尔撒努斐, HILARION 伊拉里雍 (1998)
• ADEODATO of Naples (671) 33rd bishop of Naples, Italy, serving from 653 to 671. Built the oratory of St Restituta of Carthage and enshrined that saint's relics there. Performed the burial of St Patrizia of Naples
• AEDHA (Aedh)
• ANECTUS 阿奈克特 of Caesarea in Cappadocia (298/304)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἄνεκτος ὁ Μάρτυρας ἐν Καισαρείᾳ τῆς Παλαιστίνης
• Venerabless ARIANELL of Gwent (6th c.) member of the Welsh royal family. She became possessed by an spirit, and was exorcised by St Dyfrig. Soon after, Arianell became a nun and spiritual student of Dyfrig
• Repose of Venerable AVRAAMIJ (Antony) of Kozha Lake, disciple of Serapion of Koza Lake (1592)
• Translation of the Relics of St BENEN (Benignus) Archbishop of Armagh, St Patrick's chanter at Glastonbury
• Martyr CLEMENT (298) in Cordoba in Spain under Diocletian. He belongs to the group led by St Zoilus
• Bishop CYRIL of Alexandria (376-444)
Nephew of Theophilus the Patriarch. Monk. Priest. Bishop and patriarch of Alexandria, Egypt on 18 October 412. Suppressed the Novatians. Worked at the Council of Ephesus. Fought against Nestorius who taught the heresy that there were two persons in Christ. Catechetical writer. Wrote a book opposing Julian the Apostate. Greek Father of the Church.
• Hieromartyr CYRIL Loukaris, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople (1638)
• DEODATUS (473) Deacon of St Paulinus of Nola in Italy and later his successor
• DESIDERATUS (Désiré, Desert, Didier) of Gourdon (569) priest and hermit in Gourdon the area of modern Burgundy, France. Pope St Gregory the Great wrote of the admirable holiness of Desideratus. Had the gift of healing by prayer, especially helping those with tooth pain
• DIMMAN (Dioman) monk, priest
• Venerable GEORGE 格奥尔吉 of the Holy Mountain and Georgia (1066)
• HADELIN of Crespin, Abbot (700)
St Landelin appointed his monk, St Crespin, as abbot of Crespin in Hainaul.
• Venerable HEIMERAD (as Heimrad, Haimrad or Heimo) at Hasunger Berg in Deutschland, hieromonk (1019)
• New Martyr IAKOVOS of Emesa in Syria and of Tripoli in Lebanon, ascetic (15/16th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰάκωβος ὁ Νεομάρτυρας
• Righteous Myrrhbearer JOANNA (Ioanna, Gianina, Giovanna, Joanne, Johanna or Jane) 约安纳 Wife of Chusa (Chuza), Steward of Herod Antipas, at Jerusalem (57)
Ἡ Ὁσία Ἰωάννα ἡ Μυροφόρος
• JOHN of Chinon (6th c.) Hermit, Priest and Confessor
Spiritual advisor to Queen Saint Radegunde. Known as a healer and prophet. Hermit in Chinon, Diocese of Tours, France. He lived in a small cell and planted a laural orchard next to it where he spent his time in prayer and study, and avoiding the would-be spiritual students he attracted.
• Venerable LUKE hermit reposed in peace (10th c.)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Λουκᾶς ὁ Ἐρημίτης
• Martyrdom of Monk LUKE Mukhaidze of Holy Cross Monastery in Jerusalem (1277)
• Venerable MARTIN 玛尔提诺 of Turov (1146) served as a cook under the Turov bishops Simeon, Ignatius, Joachim and George
• Hieromartyr PIERIUS presbyter of Antioch
Ὁ Ἅγιος Πιέριος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας
• Venerable SAMPSON 桑普松 the Hospitable (the Innkeeper, Xenodochius) (530) Holy Unmercenary Physician in Constantinople, noted for his care for the poor
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σαμψὼν ὁ Ξενοδόχος
桑普森出生于古罗马,父母富有且是名门家庭。桑普森在罗马学习了当时的世俗科学,主要致力于医学科学。桑普森富于同情心、不图名利、为病人就诊,包括身体上和精神上的病症;为每个人提供咨询,以帮助他们满足对基督信仰的需求。后来,他来到了君士坦丁堡,在那里,他拥有一个小小的房子,在这个小房子里,他为别人提供施舍、舒适、咨询、希望,以及药品,就如同太阳散发的光辉一样;一般来说,他在物质和精神上为那些无依无靠的人提供帮助。牧首听到了他所具有的这种伟大的美德之后,任命他为牧师。当时查士丁尼皇帝病重,所有的医生都确信,皇帝已经无可救药了。皇帝恒切向上帝祷告,上帝在梦中向皇帝显现:桑普森可以治愈他的病。皇帝听说之后邀请桑普森来到他的皇宫中;正如同长老将手放在生病的地方一样,皇帝恢复了健康。为此,皇帝赏给了他很多财富,桑普森感谢皇帝的赏赐,但是他却不想接受任何赏赐,他对皇帝说:“皇帝,即使我拥有金银财宝,但是为了基督的缘故,我也将会把它们留下,以便能够获得天国永恒的财富。”但是,当皇帝坚持要赏赐他的时候,圣桑普森要求皇帝为他建立一个家(救济所),以周济穷人。在这个家中,桑普森如同父母服侍孩子一样服侍穷人,对穷人富于怜悯,而无依无靠者对他来说却是自然的。最后,这位圣人添满了天国的力量和美德之后,于公元530 年6 月27 日安然安息主怀,并被埋葬在他的亲属-圣殉道者摩丘斯的教堂内。桑普森去世后,曾多次向那些求叫他帮助的人显现。
Samson was a distinguished citizen of Constantinople who studied medicine and was ordained priest in order to devote his life to the spiritual and physical care of the sick and destitute. He founded and equipped a magnificent hospital near Santa Sophia.
• Venerable SEVERUS 塞维若 presbyter of Interocrea in Italy (530)
• Venerable SERAPION 塞拉彼雍 of Kozha Lake (1611)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σεραπίων ἐκ Ρωσίας
• SYNESIUS of Cyrene, Philosopher and Bishop of Cyrene (411)
Μνήμη διηγήσεως Συνεσίου
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Blessed be God.
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