July 24 / July 11
2019 (7527)
• Icon of the Mother of God of OKOVETSK-RZHEVSK (1539)
The Rzhevsk (or Okovetsk) Icon of the Mother of God is from the Rzhevets Monastery in Poltava. On May 26, 1539, on the Feast of Pentecost, in the Tver diocese, in the town of Vyryshensk located in a virgin forest on the bank of the Vyryshna River, not far from the city of Rzhev, at a crossroads for people from four surrounding villages, the monk Stephen made a discovery – fastened to a pine tree was a large iron cross and on another tree an old painted icon depicting the Mother of God with Child, and also St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra. With the discovery of the holy cross and the icon there shone an extraordinary light and healings occurred. From Pentecost to the start of the Apostles’ Fast, twenty-seven healings occurred. The monk Stephen, and immediately after him, Father Gregory Onisiphorov, journeyed to Moscow with reports of the appearance of the holy icon and cross and the healings that had occurred. Metropolitan Joseph of Moscow gave thanks to the Lord, and after verifying the miracles, gave his blessing to erect two churches – one dedicated to the Procession of the Venerable Wood of the Cross of the Lord, and the other in honor of the Hodigitria Mother of God, which contained a chapel named for St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. At the consecration of the churches, a priest and deacon were sent from Moscow, together with church utensils, icons, vestments, books and bells. In January 1541 the Rzhevsk icon was solemnly transferred to Moscow for the consecration of a church in honor of the Rzhevsk Icon of the Mother of God. After the consecration of the temple, the icon and cross were transferred to the Dormition Cathedral, where they remained until July 11, 1541. On that day the Rzhevsk icon and cross were returned to the place of their miraculous appearance. The Metropolitan, together with all the assembled clergy and faithful of Moscow, as well as Tsar Ivan Vasilievich, accompanied the icon from the Dormition Cathedral to the Church of the Rzhevsk Icon of the Mother of God, where a copy of the icon was placed. In memory of this celebration, the Feast of the Rzhevsk Icon of the Mother of God was established on July 11.
• "BORKOLABOVSK" (1659) Icon of the Mother of God
• "SHUYA-SMOLENSK" Icon of the Mother of God
• The RUDNENSK Icon of the mother of God
The Rudnensk Icon of the mother of God appeared in the year 1687 in the Rudnya locale of Mogilevsk diocese. In 1712 the icon was transferred to the Florovsk Ascension monastery in Kiev, where now it is situated. It also named Ratkovskaya of russian word meaned Grieve.
• Martyrs and brothers SABINUS (Savinus) and CYPRIAN venerated in Brescia in Italy
Sigisbert founded the monastery of Dissentis in Switzerland. He built it on land given to him by St Placid, a wealthy landowner who joined the monastery as a monk and was later martyred for defending it.
• Repose of Cave-Dweller ANASTASIA of Padan of St Cornelius Hermitage in Olonets (1901)
• Hieromartyr presbiter IGNATI Jakimov (1872-1918) at Perm
• Uncovering (1998) of relics of Hieromartyr ILARION (Vladimir Troitskij) archbishop of Vereya (1886-1929)
• New Hieromartyrs of Serbia (1941-1945): MOMCILO 默穆基洛 Grgurevic 格尔古瑞维奇 • DOBROSLAV 多布若斯拉夫 Blazenovic 博拉则诺维奇 • MILAN 弥朗 Bozic 博兹奇 • MIHAILO 弥哈伊洛 Djusic 德犹西奇 • JOVAN 约梵 Zecevic 则切维奇 • BOZIDAR 博兹达尔 Jovic 约维奇 • BOGDAN 博格丹 Lalic 拉利奇 • TRIFUN 特里丰 Maksimovic 玛克西默维奇 • VELIMIR 维利弥尔 Mijatovic 弥雅托维奇 • BOZIDAR 博兹达尔 Minic 密尼奇 • MILADIN 弥拉定 Minic 密尼奇 • MARKO 玛尔克 Popovic 颇颇维奇 • DIMITRIJE 迪弥特里 Rajanovic拉雅诺维奇 • BUDIMIR 布迪弥尔 Sokolovic 索科洛维奇 • RELJA 瑞尔雅 Spahic 斯帕希克 • LAZAR 拉匝尔 Culibrk 库里布尔克 • SAVO 萨瓦 Siljac 西尔雅克 • SAVO 萨瓦 Skaljka 斯卡尔吉卡 • MILORAD 弥洛拉德 Vukojicic 弗科伊基奇 • RATOMIR 拉托弥尔 Jankovic 杨科维奇 • MIHAILO 弥哈伊洛 Jevdjevic 耶弗德耶维奇 • DUSAN 杜桑 Prijovic 普里约维奇 • DOBROSAV 多布若撒弗 Sokovic 科维奇 • NESTOR 奈斯托尔 Trkulja 特尔库尔雅 • SERAFIM 塞拉芬 Dzaric 德匝里奇 • ANDRIJA 安德列 Siljak 西尔雅克 • SLOBODAN 斯洛博丹 Siljak 西尔雅克 • JOVAN 约梵 Rapajic 拉帕伊奇
• Gerontas (Starets) SOPHRONIUS Sakharov (1993) founder of the monastery of John the Baptist in Essex
• AMABILIS Nun at convent St Amand in Rouen in France (634)
• Uncovering of the relics of the Monk ARKADIUS of Vyazemsk and Novotorzhsk (1677)
The relics of the Monk Arkadii, glorified by miracles, were uncovered on 11 July 1677 at the Novotorzhsk Borisoglebsk (Boris and Gleb) monastery. Two days later they were transferred from the right side of the Borisoglebsk cathedral to the left side, beneathe a chapel in honour of the holy Righteous Ancestors of God Joakim and Anna. In 1755 they were re-situated into a stone tomb. The account about the life of the Monk Arkadii is located under 13 December, the day of his repose.
• ARSENIUS Patriarch of Alexandria (970-1010)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀρσένιος Πατριάρχης Ἀλεξανδρείας
• Translation of the Relics of Great Martyress BARBARA
The relics of the holy Great Martyress Barbara were transferred to Kiev by Barbara, the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenos, who married the Russian prince Michael Izyaslavich. They rest even now at Kiev's St Vladimir Cathedral, where an Akathist to the saint is served each Tuesday. The hand of St Barbara is kept in a special shrine in the Monastery of St Michael in Kiev, on the left side of the church. The glove covering the hand is changed frequently, and pieces are given to pilgrims.
• Venerable BENEDICT of Nurcia (480-550) Father of Western Monasticism
Prayer ought to be short and pure, unless it be prolonged by the inspiration of Divine grace.
Born to the Roman nobility near Nursia in Umbria in central Italy, at the age of twenty he went to live as a hermit in a cave near Subiaco. Twin brother of St Scholastica. Studied in Rome, Italy, but was dismayed by the lack of discipline and the lackadasical attitude of his fellow students. Fled to the mountains near Subiaco, Italy, living as a hermit in a cave for three years; reported to have been fed by a raven. Friend of St Romanus of Subiaco who lived as a nearby hermit; spiritual teacher of St Placid. Benedict's virtues caused an abbey to request him to lead them. Founded the monastery at Monte Cassino, where he wrote the Rule of his order. His discipline was such that an attempt was made on his life; some monks tried by poison him, but he blessed the cup and rendered it harmless. He returned to his cave, but continued to attract followers, and eventually established twelve monasteries. Had the ability to read consciences, the gift of prophesy, and could forestall attacks of the devil. Destroyed pagan statues and altars, drove demons from groves sacred to pagans. At one point there were over 40 000 monasteries guided by the Benedictine Rule. A summation of the Rule: "Pray and work." He reposed while standing in prayer before the altar. Some relics of St Benedict were later translated to France but others remained at Montecassino.
• Hieromartyr Presbyter CINDEUS (Kindeos) 金德 of Pamphylia (305)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κινδέος ὁ Πρεσβύτερος
• Martyr CYRIACUS the Executioner
By order of governor Hadrian, he executed St Antiochus of Sebaste. When he saw the resolve of the Christians and then the miracle of milk flowing from the body of St Antiochus instead of blood, he converted to Christianity.
• Venerable CYRIL the New of Paros (1748-1833)
• CYWAIR (Cowair) Pat. of Llangywair (Llangower) near Bala in Merionethshire
• Venerable DROSTAN 德若斯坦 of Old Deer and Aberdeen, abbot of Dalcongaile (610) Apostle of Scotland; disciple and nephew of the great St Columcille (Columba)
• FALBI (Failbhe) Son of Culocha, of Disert Mic-Conlocha, in Cuircne, County of Westmeath
• Virgin GABTINA (Gaibhthene)
• Sainted HILDULF of Trier, bishop (707) Abbot both of Moyenmoutier and Bonmoutier (Galilaea, afterwards called Saint-Dié)
• JAMES Bishop of Nisibis, Confessor (350)
• JOHN of Bergamo (690) Bishop of Bergamo in Italy (c 656 to c 690), he was renowned for his learning and great success in fighting Arianism
• Venerable LEO 莱翁 monk of Mandra (496)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Λέων ὁ ἐν τὴ Μάνδρᾳ
• LEONTIUS the Younger (510-565) soldier who served against the Visigoths. He married and went to live in Bordeaux in France where he became bishop
• LONAN of Ard-Cruinn
• Martyr MARKIAN of Iconium, Lycaonia, Asia Minor (243)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μαρκιανὸς ὁ Μάρτυρας
Young Christian man who publicly proclaimed his faith during persections led by governor Perennio; it led to his arrest, torture, having his tongue cut out to stop him praying, and execution.
• Martyress MARCIANA of Caesarea gored by a bull and killed by leopard attack in the amphitheatre at Caesarea, Mauritania (in modern Algeria)
Making personal vows, she retired to the city of Caesarea, Mauritania (in modern Algeria) to live is a penitent hermitess. Imprisoned, tortured, threatened with rape, and eventually executed for refusing to worship of statue of the pagan goddess Diana during the persecutions of Diocletian.
• Martyr MARTYROKLES pierced with arrows (303)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μαρτυροκλής ὁ Μάρτυρας
• New Hosiosmartyr NECTARIUS 奈克塔里 of St Anne's Skete, Mt Athos (1820)
Nectarius 在亞洲未成年者在 Vryoulla 出生。在年齡十七他被強迫到擁抱回教。他有了類似的命運作為做了聖 Nicodemus 。甚麼時候, 作為一個伊斯蘭教徒, 他在他的母親前出現了, 她驚呼了︰“從我的分離, 我不知道你。我作為一克裡斯琴生了你, 不作為一個伊斯蘭教徒。”他痛苦地后悔了並且為Athos山分離了並且在聖人的 Scete 在那裡安妮是噸肯定一個修道士。決定為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督受苦並且, 從而離開洗他的罪惡,他再回到了他承受了殉教的 Vryoulla 。他被土耳其人在 1820 年 7 月 11 日在他的出生的地方為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督斬, 在 21 歲時。
Though raised a Christian, when Nectaire went into the service of a Turk, he converted to Islam. When he discovered that his mother, whom he thought he dead, was still alive, he travelled to see her, and back home he renounced Islam and returned to Christianity. He spent some time in exile, but eventually returned to Ephesus, publicly proclaimed his faith, and was murdered for it.
• Venerable NICODEMUS 尼科迪默 of Vatopedi, Mt Athos (1320) teacher of Gregory Palamas
Ὁ Ὅσιος Νικόδημος
• New Hosiosmartyr NICODEMUS 尼科迪默 the Albanian of Elbasan and Mt Athos (1722) Myrrhgusher
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νικόδημος ὁ νέος Ὁσιομάρτυρας ἀπὸ τὸ Ἐλβασᾶν
Nicodemus 在 Elbasan 出生, 阿爾巴尼亞。他結婚了並且有了孩子。由土耳其人欺騙了, 他擁抱了回教並且也強迫了他的孩子到擁抱回教, 除了一個兒子, 逃跑了到他是噸肯定的神聖的Athos山一個修道士。Nicodemus 旅行了到Athos山帶給他的兒子他后悔了並且回到了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思並且是噸肯定的在他上被成為了如此的印象的背后但是Athos山一個修道士。因為他的背教他有 3 年的時間哭泣了並且最後決定了回到阿爾巴尼亞他的他以前進行了它的罪惡后悔。在回來之上他在土耳其人前聲明了他是一克裡斯琴並且在 1722 年 7 月 11 日被斬。他的奇跡工作的遺物,甚至今天,未經觸動的修養和 uncorrupt 。
• Martyr NICODEMUS 尼科迪默 of Hilandar, Mt Athos (1809)
• New Hosiosmartyr NIKOLAS of Bryulon, monk
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νικόλαος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας ὁ ἐκ Βρυούλλων
• Blessed Equal to the Apostles OLGA 奥尔伽 princess of of Kyiv, High Queen of Kyivan Rus’ (879-969) in holy baptism called Helen
Ἡ Ἁγία Ὄλγα ἡ Ἰσαπόστολος ἡ βασίλισσα
聖人海倫娜 [ 奧爾加]
海倫娜, 是一個大的俄國的公主, 在她的浸禮前,被稱為奧爾加。奧爾加是王子 Igor 的妻子。主教皇 Polyeuctus 給某人施洗禮了她在土耳其都市。她為在俄國的正教信仰是很熱心的。她在一年進入了永久的休息 969 A.D 。
First Christian queen of Ukraine. Married to Igor I, duke of Kiev c.903. She ruled Kievan Rus after Igor's assassination in 945. Following her conversion and baptism in 957 in Constantinople, when she took the name Helena, she tried to introduce Christianity to the Ukraine on a wide scale, but failed. When her son Sviatoslav reached adulthood, she handed the throne to him, c.963. Grandmother of St Vladimir, great-grandmother of St Boris and St Gleb.
• Hieromartyr PIUS I (155) Pope from c 142 to c 155. He may have been a brother of Hermas, the writer of the work called The Shepherd. If so, Pius, like his brother, was born a slave. He opposed the Gnostics, notably the Gnostic Marcion. He may have been martyred
• Martyr SIDRONIUS (270) in Rome under Aurelian
• THURKETYL (Turketil) (887-975) Abbot of Crowland, Lincolnshire; restored Croyland Abbey, a house that had been destroyed by pagan Danes. Abbot of the monastery at Bedford, England
Θαῦμα Ἁγίας Εὐφημίας τῆς Μεγαλομάρτυρος
聖人尤菲米婭在 9 月 16 日被紀念, 她在其上是市場年的日子。在這天, 然而, 被紀念包圍她的光榮的遺物的奇跡, 它在 Chalcedon 在第四個全合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教會的委員會的時間被表明。這個委員會在一年在皇帝 Marcian 和女皇 Pulcheria 的朝代期間被集合 451 A.D , 在皇帝 Theodosius 的死亡以後更年輕。為召集這個委員會的原因是 Dioscorus 的異端邪說, 亞力山大大帝和 Eutyches 的主教皇, 從土耳其都市的一位修道院長, 散布假教那在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督主沒有 2 天性, 神聖並且人,但是僅僅一, 神聖的天性。在這委員會 Anatolius , 土耳其都市的主教皇, 並且羽毛未豐, 耶路撒冷的主教皇, 起了最突出的作用。因為一個結論不能從任何一個通過爭論和証詞被得出,看齊,主教皇 Anatolius 打手勢了正統並且異教徒寫下他們的信念的招供並且然後把他們放在石棺在哪兒聖的遺物尤菲米婭 reposed 。他們都同意了這。因此, 信念的 2 招供在偉大的女性的殉教者的胸上被寫並且放。石棺與皇帝的封口被關上,封上並且軍事的警衛被指定。他們的所有在禱告和齋戒度過了 3 天。當他們在第四天打開了石棺時,他們在聖人的右手和礙手礙腳的信念的異端的招供看見了信念的正統的招供。這樣爭論, 通過上帝的力量,贊成正統說法被決定。在皇帝 Heraclius 的朝代期間,尤菲米婭從 Chalcedon 被遷座到土耳其都市到教會的聖的遺物在賽馬或戰車賽場附近奉獻了給她。這些遺物被扔進海的 Isaurian 訂了的聖像破壞的皇帝利奧但是, 在一種奇跡的方式,石棺被遷座到蘭諾斯島的島並且把Glyceria殉教者 放了在大女性的教會。然後, 在女皇艾琳的朝代期間,與聖尤菲米婭的遺物的石棺再被回到到它的以前的地方的土耳其都市。血有時從這些遺物流動了它幫助了那些是病了的或在痛苦。
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Blessed be God.
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