
пятница, 12 июля 2019 г.

• συνοδικός • 2019 July 13 / June 30 7527 •


July 13 / June 30
2019 (7527)

• Icon of the Mother of God of BALYKIN
Σύναξις Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου τοῦ Βαλικίν, ἐν Τσέρνιγκωφ Ρωσίας
The Balikin Icon of the Mother of God is from the Chernigov Province. The Christ child is clothed only around the waist, and rests in His Mother’s arms. The hands of the Theotokos are joined in prayer.
• Icon of the Mother of God "BALYKIN" of Orlov (1858)
• "GORBANEVSK" (1786) Icon of the Mother of God
• Icon of the Mother of God of VOLYNIA (1289)
纪念神圣,荣耀,满被赞扬者,基督之十二使徒:彼得、安德列、雅各、约翰(则维德之子)、腓力、瓦尔托洛麦、多马、马太、雅各(阿尔斐之子)、儒达(雅各之兄弟)、西蒙(热忱者)、玛特提亚 • SYNAXIS OF THE HOLY, GLORIOUS AND ALL PRAISED TWELVE APOSTLES 纪念神圣,荣耀,满被赞扬者,基督之十二使徒
Σύναξις Ἁγίων Ἐνδόξων καὶ Πανευφήμων Ἀποστόλων
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Δώδεκα Ἀπόστολοι εἶναι: ὁ Ἀπόστολος Πέτρος († 29 Ἰουνίου), ὁ Ἀπόστολος Ἀνδρέας († 30 Νοεμβρίου), ὁ Ἀπόστολος Ἰάκωβος ὁ τοῦ Ζεβεδαίου († 30 Ἀπριλίου), ὁ Ἀπόστολος Ἰάκωβος ὁ τοῦ Ἀλφαίου († 9 Ὀκτωβρίου), ὁ Εὐαγγελιστὴς Ἰωάννης († 24 Σεπτεμβρίου), ὁ Ἀπόστολος Φίλιππος († 14 Νοεμβρίου), ὁ Ἀπόστολος Βαρθολομαῖος († 11 Ἰουνίου), ὁ Ἀπόστολος Θωμᾶς († 6 Ὀκτωβρίου), ὁ Εὐαγγελιστὴς Ματθαῖος († 16 Νοεμβρίου), ὁ Ἀπόστολος Ἰούδας († 19 Ἰουνίου), ὁ Ἀπόστολος Ματθίας († 9 Αὐγούστου), ὁ Ἀπόστολος Σίμων ὁ Ζηλωτής († 10 Μαΐου).
The Sobor (Assemblage) of the Glorious and All-Praiseworthy Twelve Apostles of Christ appears an ancient feast. Holy Church, ― honouring each of the 12 Apostles at a separate time of the year, from ancient times established a general commemoration of them on the day following after the commemoration of the Glorious and First-Ranked among the Apostles Peter and Paul (67). The holy nobleborn emperor Constantine the Great (306-337) built at Tsar'grad a temple in the name of the holy Twelve Apostles. Directions for the celebrating of this feast are encountered from the 4th century.
尽管12 位伟大的宗徒都各自有自己的纪念日,但是教会仍然确定6 月30 日为纪念众宗徒和圣徒帕弗罗的日子。以下是这12 位宗徒的芳名和各自的纪念日:。
• PETER 裴特若 (Simon the fisherman became known as Cephas (John 1:42), or Peter after confessing Jesus as the Son of God (Mt.16:18)), All-Praised Leader of the Apostles, of the Twelve (67) Crucified upside down // JUN 29 // JAN 16 VENERATION OF THE PRECIOUS CHAINS //
Ἀπόστολος Πέτρος
圣裴特若:6 月29 日和1 月16
• ANDREW 安得烈 the First-Called, of the Twelve, brother of the Apostle Peter (62) Crucified // NOV 30 //
Ἀπόστολος Ἀνδρέας
圣安得烈:11 月30 日
In the West, St Andrew is venerated as the patron of Scotland: in the Middle Ages, more than eight hundred churches in Scotland were dedicated to him.
• JAMES 雅各 the Son of Zebedee (西庇太的儿子圣雅各) of the Twelve, the brother of Saint John the Theologian (44) Beheaded // APR 30 //
Ἀπόστολος Ἰάκωβος ὁ τοῦ Ζεβεδαίου
西庇太的儿子圣雅各:4 月30 日
St James was the first of the Apostles to die as a martyr. His relics are venerated at his shrine in Compostela, Spain.
• JOHN 约安 the Theologian (神学家圣约安) the son of Zebedee, of the Twelve, the Evangelist (100) Died in peace in a wondrous way // SEP 26 // MAY 8 ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE TO HIS GRAVE //
Εὐαγγελιστὴς Ἰωάννης
神学家圣约安:9 月26 日和5 月8 日
The holy Apostle was, by the world's reckoning, the nephew of our Savior, since his mother Salome was the daughter of St Joseph the Betrothed. Called 'the beloved disciple, St John was the only one of Christ's disciples to follow Him to the Cross. He was entrusted by the Savior with the care of the most holy Theotokos, and became like another son to her, providing for her care until the day of her repose. He preached the Gospel of Christ throughout Asia Minor, especially in Ephesus. During the persecutions of the Emperor Domitian, he was taken in bonds to Rome, where he was subjected to various tortures; but when he emerged from these miraculously unharmed, he was exiled to the island of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation. After the death of Domitian, he returned to Ephesus and there wrote his Gospel and Epistles. He reposed in peace at a great old age. When his disciples later opened his grave, they found that his body was not there. He is called the Theologian because of the sublimity of theological expression in his New Testament writings.
• PHILIP 腓力 of the Twelve (80) Crucified // NOV 14 //
Ἀπόστολος Φίλιππος
圣腓力:11 月14 日
• BARTHOLOMEW 巴多罗买 (Nathaniel) of the Twelve (70) Crucified, then flayed and beheaded // JUN 11 // AUG 25 //
Ἀπόστολος Βαρθολομαῖος
圣巴多罗买:6 月11 日和8 月25 日
• THOMAS 多马 (Didim) of the Twelve (72) Pierced with five spears // OCT 6 //
Ἀπόστολος Θωμᾶς
圣多马:10 月6 日
圣多马:被5 只矛枪刺死。
• MATTHEW 玛特泰 (also named Levi (Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27)) of the Twelve and the Evangelist (传扬福音的圣玛特泰) was a publican, or tax-collector for Rome, brother of the Apostle James Alphaeus (Mark 2:14) (60) Burned to death // NOV 16 //
Εὐαγγελιστὴς Ματθαῖος
传扬福音的圣玛特泰:11 月16 日
• JAMES 雅各 the son of Alphaeus (亚勒腓的儿子圣雅各) of the Twelve, brother of the holy Evangelist Matthew (62) Crucified // OCT 9 //
Ἀπόστολος Ἰάκωβος ὁ τοῦ Ἀλφαίου
亚勒腓的儿子圣雅各:10 月9 日
• JUDE 犹大 the brother of James (“Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddeus” (Mt. 10:3) 达太) of the Twelve, the Brother of the Lord (雅各的兄弟圣达太,又称犹大) (80) Crucified and pierced by arrows // JUN 19 //
Ἀπόστολος Ἰούδας
雅各的兄弟圣达太,又称犹大:6 月19 日
• SIMON 西门 the Zealot (奋锐党的圣西门) from Cana in Galilee, of the Twelve, kinsman of the Lord (65) Crucified // MAY 10 //
Ἀπόστολος Σίμων ὁ Ζηλωτής
奋锐党的圣西门:5 月10 日
• MATTHIAS 马提亚 of the Seventy, placed among the Twelve (63) Stoned, then beheaded with an axe when dead // AUG 9 //
Ἀπόστολος Ματθίας
圣马提亚:8 月9 日
He was numbered among the Seventy. Then, when Judas who betrayed Christ had taken his own life. The disciples (120 men and women) convened to choose one who would take his place among the Twelve. They nominated two, Joseph (called Barsabas or Justus) and Matthias, then cast lots. The lot fell to Matthais, who henceforth was numbered among the Twelve (See Acts ch. 1).
• PAUL 帕弗罗 (67) beheaded // JUN 29 //
圣帕弗罗:6 月29 日
At first, he was called Saul, and had persecuted the Church. He was present at the stoning of Saint Stephen (Acts 7: 58). Then, on the road to Damascus, he was converted when Christ appeared to him. Blinded by the vision, he was healed when Ananias laid his hands on him. After his cure, he was baptized (Acts 9:18).
• First Martyrs of Rome (64)
Protomartyrs of Rome. They were falsely charged by Nero with burning down the city and were ordered to undergo various cruel deaths; some were covered with the skins of wild beasts and thrown to wild dogs to be torn apart; others were crucified and when daylight failed were used as human torches. They were all disciples of the Apostles and the first fruits of the martyrs whom the Church of Rome sent to the Lord.
• 1040 Martyrs together with PHON, KANON, SIMEON and ISAAK
• Martyrs Priest GAIUS and subdeacon LEO either in North Africa or in Rome
• MARTIAL 1st Bishop of Limoges in France and Apostle of the Limousin, together with two of his priests ALPINIAN and AUSTRICLINIAN (250)
• Commemoration of the Slaughtered Christians at Diyarbekir of Asia Minor under the Turks and Kurds (1895)
The Commemoration of the Brutal Slaughter of Orthodox Christians Under Kurdish Hordes in Diarbekir of Asia Minor was established by the Patriarchate of Alexandria in 1896, to be remembered on June 30th. Because of its territorial losses in the Balkans due to the Russian intervention and the rise of Armenian nationalism, Turkey began a policy of systematic extermination of its Christian citizens between 1894-1896. Though many refer to this as the "Armenian Genocide", in reality a great number of Assyrian and Greek Christians equally suffered at the same time. On October 20 in 1895, Turkish and Kurdish gangs began the slaughter of Christians in Diarbekir (Amid/Amida/Diyarbakır). This region was mainly made up of Armenians and Assyrians, yet many Greeks lived there as well. At this time. the Assyrian Church of the Holy Mother of God gave refuge to many Assyrians, Armenians, and Greeks. Here a revealing exchange occurred when several Assyrians suggested to their priest that the Armenian refugees be expelled from the building so as not to aggravate Turkish sentiment. The Assyrian cleric replied: "The people who cross themselves will stay in church to the end. Should we be killed, we will be killed together." In the end, 119 villages in Diarbekir were scorched and ruined; 6 000 Christian families - about 30 000 people - were killed. In October 1895, the Turkish army and Hamidiye regiments entered Urfa and killed 13 000 Assyrians. The massacre in Diarbekir city was one of the most violent and bloody massacres in the period, extensively reported on by the French Consul in the city, Gustave Meyrier. In a letter from Paul Cambon to his mother on November 4, 1895: "At Diarbekir they have been killling and looting since Friday. Our consul is locked in his house with 500 refugee and from his window, he watches policemen take up arms with groups of savage Kurds from outside the city and Muslims from within. They are massacring all Christians without distinction." In a later report on December 18, 1895 Gustave Meyrier wrote: "That day at sunrise the carnage started and lasted until Sunday night." Armed Turks were divided into groups going systematically from one house to another making sure not to disturb the Muslims. "They kicked the doors, looted evrything, and if the people were home, they slit their throats. They killed everyone they could find, men, women, and children, the girls were kidnappped." The massacres continued way into 1896. Sultan Abdul Hamid's anti-Christian pogroms had disastrous consequences for his Christians as up to 300 000 Armenians and 55 000 Assyrians died. Many Christians were forcibly converted to Islam or murdered. About 100 000 people from 245 villages were Islamicized and countless Assyrian women were forced into Turkish harems. The decline of the Ottoman Empire resulted in the coming to power of the Young Turks who saw World War One as another opportunity to rid Turkey of its Christian population, the indigenous people of the country. The massacres spilt over into the mountains north of Mosul and Urmia's province in northwest Iran. About 750,000 Assyrians in the three regions lost their life along with more than a million Armenians and an unspecified number of Greeks.
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• New Hieromartyr TIMOTHY Petropavlovskij, priest (1918)
• Hieromartyr NIKANDER (Nikifor Prusak), hieromonk of Tolga Monastery (1865-1918) shoted in Jaroslavl
• Hieromartyr Archimandrite THEOGENES (Vasilij Kozyrev) (1862-1939)
• Blessed Martyr ALEXANDER Schmorell of Munich (1917-1943)
• Martyr JOHN Demidov (1907-1944) died at Bamlag KZ, Amur
• New Hieromartyr MILAN 弥兰 Popovic 颇颇维奇, Priest of Rmanj Monastery, Serbia (1941) by the Ustashas
• AEMILIANA (Emiliana) at Rome
• ADILIA Abs. (650)
• ALPINIAN of Limoges (250) Priest in the diocese of Limoges, France. Worked with St Martial of Limoges
• ANDREW 安德列 prince of Bogoliubsk (1174)
• Martyr BASILIDES 瓦西利迪 the Soldier at Alexandria (202)
Pagan Roman soldier. Guard to the prefect of Egypt. Defended St Potomiana from the mob as she was being led to her martyrdom. She appeared to Basilides in visions each of three nights after her martyrdom, claiming to be praying for him and his conversion. He converted and was martyred for his new faith.
• BERTRAND (623) born in Autun in France, he met St Germanus in Paris and later became Bishop of Le Mans. He took a great interest in agriculture and wine-growing and loved the poor
• CLOTSENDIS (Clotsind, Clotsend or Clotsindis), Second Abbess of Marchiènnes in Flanders (Becomes France) (635-714)
• COELAN (Caolan) Dahoc • DINARA 迪纳拉 Queen of H
ereti (9-10th c.) Georgia
Ἡ Ἁγία Δηναρία βασίλισσα Γεωργίας
• Martyr DONATUS of Muenstereifel (140-173) buried by his mother in the Saint Agnes catacomb outside Rome
• Venerable ERENTRUDE of Salzburg, Abbess (718)
Relative of Saint Rupert of Salzburg worked with him as a missionary. Benedictine nun. First abbess at Nonnberg convent, Salzburg, a house founded by Rupert.
• EURGAIN Matr., Pat. of Llaneurgin or Northrop (Flintshire) (6th c.) Welsh princess, the daughter of chieftain Caradog of Glamorgan, Wales. Founded the convent of Cor-Eurgain in Wales, a house later known as Llanwit
• EURGAIN Virgin of Glamorgan, Wales, Foundress of Llantwit (Cor-Eurgain) Monastery (6th c.)
• EVODIUS Bishop of Antioch
• FAILBE of Cill-eo, County of Longford
• Apostle FEAGLE (Figel) of 70, Bishop of Ephesus
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φυνέλλος ὁ Ἀπόστολος ἐκ τῶν Ἑβδομήκοντα
• GELASIUS 革拉西 igumen of Rimet Monastery in Transylvania (14th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Γελάσιος ὁ ἐν τῇ μονῇ Ραμέτι Ρουμανίας ἀσκήσας
• Equal to the Apostles GEORGE of Holy Mountain and Georgia (1014-1067)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Γεώργιος ὁ Ἁγιορείτης ἐξ Ἰβηρίας
格奥尔吉于公元1014 年出生于伊比利亚(格鲁吉亚),同历代格鲁吉亚国王都有亲戚关系。格奥尔吉在年幼时就受到了良好的传统教育,但是他追求的却是属灵的生活。他在黑山同一位德高望重的神父格奥尔吉一起潜心苦修。格奥尔吉来到了圣阿托斯山,继续在伊维伦修道院修行。后来,格奥尔吉成了伊维伦修道院院长。在皇帝君士坦丁 摩诺马楚斯的帮助下,格奥尔吉将伊维伦修道院进行了修整,并将修道院教堂放置了用铅做的顶棚。这个用铅做的顶棚时至今日仍在。他将《圣经》、《序言》,以及《圣礼拜仪式》翻译成了格鲁吉亚语。巴戈拉特国王邀请他去格鲁吉亚教导这里的人们。格奥尔吉在家乡受到了隆重的欢迎。他周游各处,同时教导这里的教士和民众。在高龄之际,他希望在圣阿托斯山离世。于是起身前往,但是只走到君士坦丁堡的时候就离开了人世,时年公元1067 年。他的圣髑被带到伊维伦修道院。尽管格奥尔吉于5 月24 日安息主怀,但是伊维伦修道院的修士们仍将6 月30 日作为纪念他的日子,认为,格奥尔吉同“12 圣徒”具有同等地位。
• LUCINA of Rome, Matr. (4th c.)
• MARCIAN (757) Bishop of Pampeluna in Spain. He was present at the sixth Council of Toledo in 737
• MARY 妇玛利亚 Matr. at Jerusalem (1st c.) Mother of mother of John 约安 – Mark 尔克 Apostle of the Seventy, nephew of Apostle Barnabas
Ἡ Ἁγία Μαρία ἡ μητέρα τοῦ Εὐαγγελιστοῦ Μάρκου
• MARTIAL Bishop of Limoges (3rd c.) Missionary bishop who was sent with St Dionysius of Paris to evangelize Gaul (modern France), and who settled on Limoges as his see city. Spiritual teacher of St Valeria and St Aurelian of Limoges. Worked with St Alpinian of Limoges and St Austriclinian of Limoges
Ὁ Ὅσιος Μαρτιάλιος Ἐπίσκοπος Λιμὸζ Γαλλίας
• Martyr MELETON
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μελίτων ὁ Μάρτυρας
• New Martyr MICHAEL 弥哈伊尔 Paknanas, the Gardener (1770) suffered under the Turks for confessing the Christian faith at Athens
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μιχαὴλ ὁ Νεομάρτυρας ὁ Πακνανᾶς
• Repose of Bishop NESTOR Zass, of the Aleutians, of San Francisco and Alaska (1882)
• OSTIANUS venerated at Viviers in France (6th c.) priest who evangelized the area of the dioceses of Viviers and Puy in France. Late in life he settled as a hermit near Viviers
• PARASCEVE of Kevrolsk (near Arkhangelsk), sister of Artemius of Verkola (16th c.) Ἡ Ἁγία Παρασκευὴ ἐν Κέβρολσκ Ρωσίας
• Martyress PERPETUA
• PETER the Prince of the Tatar Horde, Rostov (1290) the grandson of Genghis Khan was converted by missionaries of the Church of Kyiv
Ὁ Ἅγιος Πέτρος ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ πρίγκιπας
按照血统,裴特若属于鞑靼人,是鞑靼国王伯开的外甥。裴特若听了罗斯托夫的主教基里尔的拯救之道,就一直记在心里。当裴特若亲眼目睹了主教基里尔通过他的祷告使伯开的儿子痊愈的奇迹之后,他偷偷地离开了金帐汗国,跑到了罗斯托夫。在那里,他接受了浸礼,并全心全意地投入到修行和研究基督真道上。有一天晚上,圣裴特若和帕弗罗在梦中向他显现,在一个湖畔对裴特若说,要他在这里以他们的名字建立一座教堂,裴特若从圣人那里收到了用于修建教堂所需的费用。真是这样,裴特若建立了一座非常漂亮的教堂。后来,在妻子去世后,年迈的裴特若剪发成为一名修士。有福的裴特若在高龄之际于公元1290 年6 月29 日安息主怀,他修建的教堂后来成了一座修道院,名叫裴特若罗夫斯基修道院。
• Martyr PETER 裴特若 of Synope
Ὁ Ἅγιος Πέτρος ὁ Μάρτυρας ἐκ Σινώπης
• SATURNINA Pen. of Jerusalem
• Glorification (1918) of Sainted SOPHRONIUS 索福若尼 bishop of Irkutsk and All Siberia (1771)
Μετακομιδὴ Τιμίων Λειψάνων Ἁγίου Σωφρονίου Ἐπισκόπου Ἰρκούτσκ
• SPROC (Sporog or Sporoc) Daughter of Colum
• Translation of the relics of the Great martyr STEPHEN-UROSH III of Dechani, Serbia (1338)
• STEPHEN 斯特梵 of Omsk (1876)
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018