
воскресенье, 28 июля 2019 г.

• συνοδικός • 2019 July 17 / July 4 7527 •


July 17 / July 4
2019 (7527)

• Icon of the Mother of God of GALATEA (1689)
The Galatea Icon of the Mother of God is found in Galatea (one of the districts of Constantinople) at Perge. In honor of the holy icon a monastery was formed, which existed until the seventeenth century. An exact copy of the icon is located in Moskow in the Church of St Tikhon.
• THEODOTUS 德奥多特 and THEODOTA (Theodote) 德奥多塔 of Rome (108) suffered martyrdom during the reign of Trajan because he refused to sacrifice to idols
• Martyrs DIOMEDES, EULAMPIUS, ASCLEPIODOTUS, and GOLINDUC of Caesarea in Cappadocia (108)
• NAMPHAMON and Companions (180)
Of Carthaginian descent, he was martyred with several compatriots at Madaura in Numidia in North Africa and called 'the Archmartyr'.
• THEODORE 德奥多若 Bishop of Cyrene (Pentapolis), Scribe and manuscript
copyist and with him MM CYPRILLA (Kyprilla or Cuprilla) 基普里拉, AROA (Aroja) 阿若亚 and LUCIA (Lucy, Loukia or Luceja) 路基亚 at Cyrene in Libya (310)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Θεόδωρος Ἐπίσκοπος Κυρήνης (τῆς Λυβύης)
Οἱ Ἁγίες Κυπρίλλα, Ἀρόα καὶ Λούκια οἱ Μάρτυρες
• Hieromartyrs INNOCENT 英诺肯提 and SABBATIUS 萨瓦提 and 30 others with them in Sirmium of Pannonia (304)
• BERTHA of France (644-723) Matr., Widow, 1st Abbess at the convent of Blangy in Artois in France, together with her two daughters Nun GERTRUDE and DEOTILA (Deotilla) the 2nd Abbess of Artois (725)
• Venerables TIKHON, BASIL and NIKON Monks of Solovki (16th c.)
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• HOLY ROYAL MARTYRS OF RUSSIA: Passion Bearers Tsar尼科拉 NICHOLAS II (1868-1918), Tsaritsa ALEXANDRA 亚历山德拉 (1872-1918), Crown Prince ALEXIS 阿莱克西 and Grand Duchesses OLGA 奥尔伽, TATIANA 塔提亚纳, MARIA 玛利亚and ANASTASIA 阿纳斯塔西亚, Righteous Passion Bearer EUGENE Botkin (1865-1918) the Physician and those martyred with them (1918)
• New Hieromartyr Hieromonk NILUS 尼尔 of Poltava (1918)
• Hieromartyr SAVA 萨瓦 Trlajic, Bishop of Gornji Karlovac (1941)
• New Hieromartyr GEORGE 格奥尔吉 Bogić, priest of Nasice in Serbia (1941)
• Hieromartyr PLATON Jovanović, Metropolitain of Banja Luka (1941)
• Hieromartyr DIMITRI 迪弥特里 Kazanskij, priest (1884-1942)
• DRAGOLJUB (Drazha) Mihailović, Serbian General (1946)
• Repose of Staretz TICHON Pelich of Sergiyev Posad, Archpriest (1983)
• Prophet AGGAEUS (Aggeus, Haggai) (516 BC)
The tenth of the Minor Prophets, Haggai belongs to the period after the exile. The purpose of his divine message was to forward the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem.
• Sainted ANDREW 安德列 archbishop of Crete (660-740)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀνδρέας ὁ Ἱεροσολυμίτης, Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Κρήτης
聖人安德魯, 克利特島的大主教
安德魯在克裡斯琴父母的大馬士革出生。他是一啞從出生直到 7 歲。當他的父母帶給了他到收到的教會和他神聖的共享時,他開始了說話。因此大是神聖並且神聖的共享的力量。在年齡 14 點,安德魯去了耶路撒冷並且在聖 Sabas 的 Lavra 是噸肯定把。由他的理解的優點和禁欲主義,他超過了許多更舊的修道士並且是一個例子到他們。在一會兒以後,主教皇作為他的個人的秘書帶了他。當 Monothelite 異端邪說開始了主伊伊穌。斯耶穌沒擁有一個人愿望的教了的異端邪說到憤怒時但是僅僅第 6 個全合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教會的委員會在土耳其都市集合了的一個神聖的愿望在一年在 intravenous 靜脈牡目鄧固苟〉某蕩剗褻〞� 681 A.D [ 忍受一 ] 。悉奧多, 耶路撒冷的主教皇, 是不能的作為他的代表出席委員會但是送的安德魯, 在那時間,是一個副主教。在委員會, 安德魯顯示了他的修辭的奇妙的禮品, 他的為費思和稀罕的謹慎的熱情。在加強正教信仰幫助了, 安德魯在耶路撒冷回到了他的責任。后來, 他作為克利特島的島的大主教被選並且安裝。作為一個大主教,他極大地被人民愛。安德魯為正統說法是很熱心的並且激烈地根除了所有的異端邪說。通過他的禱告他工作了奇跡。由他的禱告,他從克利特島的島駕駛了撒拉遜人。安德魯寫了最多的名望是大教規到在大的四旬齋的季節的第 5 星期天的星期四被讀的上帝的出生送禮者的說明,聖歌和教規的許多書。他的外面的外觀是如此的那“看見他的臉並且聽見他的詞象蜂蜜一樣流動, 每個人發現快樂和阿們他們的方法。”在一個上場合, 從土耳其都市回來, 在他到達了克利特島以前,安德魯預知了他的死亡。並且它這樣發生了。當他在其旅行了的船在 Mitylene 的島附近航行了時, 教會的這烽火結束了他的現世的生活並且與他的靈魂,在一年在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的王國在居住上面拿了 721 A.D 。
He was born in Damascus to Christian parents. He was mute until the age of seven, when he was given the power of speech upon receiving Holy Communion. Tonsured a monk at the monastery of St Sabbas in the Holy Land, he served the Patriarch of Jerusalem, then became deacon in the Great Church in Constantinople, and finally was made Archbishop of Crete. He was present at the Sixth Ecumenical Council. Accounts of the date of his repose vary from 712 to 740. He is best known as the composer of the Great Canon, sung during the first and fifth weeks of the Great Fast.
This Andrew of Crete should not be confused with the Saint of the same name celebrated on October 20.
• Venerable ANDREW 安德列 Rublev 儒博勒夫, Iconographer (1430)
His "Holy Trinity" icon of the Hospitality of Abraham is sometimes called the most perfectly executed of all icons.
Many consider him the greatest iconographer of all time, and his "Holy Trinity" the finest icon. Very little is known of his life. He was born around 1360, and probably studied with the Byzantine iconographer Theophanes the Greek. He is known to have created icons for the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Moscow and the Cathedral of the Dormition at Vladimir. He created a highly spiritual and distinctively Russian iconographic style that set the standard for Russian iconography for centuries thereafter. It is said that he knew St Sergius of Radonezh (July 5). In his later years he became a monk.
• Burial of Holy Nobleborn ANDREW 安德列 prince of Bogolübsk (1174)
• ANDREW 安德列 the Russian of Cairo (1850)
• ASCLEPIAS Wonderworkeress reposed in peace
Ἡ Ἁγία Ἀσκληπία ἡ Θαυματουργός
• AURELIAN (895) monk and Abbot of Ainay in France, he later became Archbishop of Lyons, France
• BOLCAN of Kilcooley, County of Roscommon (5th c.) disciple of St Patrick in Ireland. His relics remain at Kilmore, i. e. Great Cell, where his monastery stood
• CARILEFFO of Anille (576) Hermit in the area of Anille (modern St-Calais), France. The monastery erected in Anille in 576 was named in his honour
Ἡ Ἁγία Κορίλλα
• Hieromartyr DONATUS 多纳特 of Libya, bishop (360-363)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Δονᾶτος ἐπίσκοπος Λιβύης καὶ Ἰλαρίων Ὁσιομάρτυρας
• ELIAS of Jerusalem (513) Patriarch of Jerusalem. Exiled by the Emperor Anastasius supporting the decrees of the Council of Chalcedon which affirmed the existence of the Two Natures in Jesus Christ, both God and man. Died in Aila on the shores of the Red Sea
• Uncovering (1507) of the relics of Venerable EUTHYMIUS 艾弗提弥 the Wonderworker, archimandrite of Suzdal (1404)
• FINBAR (6th cent.), Abbot of Innis-Doimhle, County Wexford, Ireland
• FLAVIAN of Antioch (512) Patriarch of Antioch. Exiled by the Emperor Anastasius supporting the decrees of the Council of Chalcedon which affirmed the existence of the Two Natures in Jesus Christ, both God and man. Died at Petra, Arabia
• Venerable HATTO of Ottobeuren, the Recluse (985)
Born to the Swabian nobility, when Hatto came of age he gave all his property to the Benedictine abbey at Ottobeuren, and became a monk there. He left the abbey to live as a hermit on his old lands; his abbot saw that being a hermit was merely an excuse to live on his old property, and promptly summoned back to community life.
• Repose of JOHN founder of the monastery Sarov (1737)
• Martyr JUCUNDIAN in North Africa
• Hieromartyr LAURIANUS (544) born in Pannonia, now Hungary, he was ordained deacon in Milan in Italy and later became Archbishop of Seville in Spain. He was martyred in Bourges in France
Deacon in Milan, Italy. Ordained by Saint Eustogius II. Fled to Seville, Spain to escape Arian persecution; he was chosen archbishop of Seville in 522 and served for 17 years. Martyred by Totila, king of the Arian Ostrogoths.
• MARK the Confessor, monk
• Venerabless MARTHA 玛尔塔 of Antoich and Edessa (551) Mother of St Simeon of the Wonderful Mountain
Ἡ Ἁγία Μάρθα (κατ’ ἄλλους Μαρία) μητέρα τοῦ Ὁσίου Συμεών, ποὺ ἀσκήτευσε στὸ ὄρος Θαυμαστὸ
馬莎是奇妙的山的聖 Simeon 的母親 (5 月 24 日 ) 。與所有的她的靈魂奉獻了到費思, 她沒想到婚姻。當她的父母訂親了時她到一個年輕的人,馬莎想到了離開她的父母並且到的家從世界撤退了。但是, 洗者在看來了的聖伊望。約翰馬莎並且建議了她完成她的父母的愿望並且進入婚姻, 她做了它。從這婚姻的聯合, 光榮的聖人, 奇妙的山的 Simeon 出生。她有了為禱告在半夜升起的常規的習慣。與大慈善, 她幫助了貧困並且 misfortunate , 訪問了窮人, orphaned 並且注意病了。在她的她在他們的手裡與蠟燭看見了許多天神的死亡前的一年並且, 從他們,學習了她的死亡的時間。聽說這, 與甚至更大的熱情的馬莎把她自己奉獻了給禱告和好工作。她和平地在一年死了 551 A.D 並且在她的兒子的最近被埋葬, Simeon 合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教苦行者。在她的死亡以後,她多次為指示人類的目的並且為愈合的緣故出現了病了。當她的最重要的外觀是一個到 Simeon 的修道院的修道院院長,記錄了。跟隨聖馬莎的埋葬, 修道院院長與理解它從來應該沒被撲滅把一支奉獻的蠟燭放了在她的墳上。然後修道院院長成為了病和聖潔的馬莎在他看來了並且說︰“你為甚麼不在我的墳上燒一支奉獻的蠟燭?知道自從我在上帝前被使了值錢,我不從你的蠟燭需要光,永久的天國的光,但是它為你被需要。因此當你在我的墳上燒一盞燈時,你懇求我為你向主祈禱。”我們的為聖人的尊敬的球門作為那些懇求他們比我們值錢為我們並且為我們的救助向上帝祈禱,從這是顯然的。
• MARTHA the Mother of St Simeon Stylite the Younger
• Translation of the relicts of St MARTIN the Merciful, bishop of Tours (397)
• Finding of the relics of the Venerable MAXIMUS the Greek
Ὁ Ὅσιος Μένιγνος
• MICHAEL Choniates, Archbishop of Athene (1140—1220)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μιχαὴλ ὁ Χωνιάτης Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Ἀθηνῶν
• ODO the Good, Bishop of Canterbury (870-959)
Odo's parents were pagan Danish nobility who had come to East Anglia as part of a colonizing/invading force. Uncle of Saint Oswald of Worcester. Benedictine monk. Bishop of Rambury, Wessex, England. Present at the battle of Brunanburk. Archbishop of Canterbury in 942. Advisor to King Edmund and King Edgar, and helped set their legislative agendas. Paved the way for the later monastic restoration in England.
• Blessed ODOLRIC of Lyon (Oudryc, Odalric, Odobric) poisoned in Lyon, France (1046) Canon and archdeacon of Langres, France. Archbishop of Lyon, France in 1041 at the request of Emperor Henry III of Germany. Though he brought several years of stability and return to regular ecclesastical matters to the diocese, he was murdered by a group who, for political reasons, sought to have their own man as archbishop
• Prophet OSEE (Hosea) (8th c. BC)
• PROCOPIUS (980-1053) born in Czechia, he was ordained in Prague. Later he became a hermit and finally founded the monastery of Sazava
• SISOES (Sisoy) Anchoret in Egypt (429)
This saint must not be confounded with two other Sisoes, who lived in the same age. One, surnamed the Theban, lived at Calamon, in the territory of Arsinoe. Another had his cell at Petra. It is of Sisoes the Theban that the following passage is related, though some authors by mistake have ascribed it to St Sisoes of Sceté.
Ὁ Ἅγιος Θεόδοτος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Hieromartyr THEOPHIL II
Ὁ Ἅγιος Θεόφιλος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας
• ULRIC (Uldaricus, Udalric) of Augsburg and Bavaria (890-973)
• VALENTINE of Paris (519-547) Grew up in the court of King Childebert of Paris. Against the wishes of his family and friends, Valentine declined an arranged marriage and gave up the worldly life, saying he wished to devote himself to God
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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