
четверг, 8 сентября 2022 г.

• 2022 • September 9 / August 27 • 7530 #συνοδικός since #2018


9.9.2022 oo:oo 89\198 #συνοδικός #synodikos FRIDAY
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• συνοδικός • September 9 / August 27 • συνοδικός •
2022 (7530)
dedicated in honor of the DORMITION : 宿舍斋戒 : sùshè zhāijiè of the Most Holy Theotokos .
Let God’s will abide in everything, but we shall ask for His mercy towards us who are sinful .

The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church has suffered greatly in this century, and continues to be a martyr church in many parts of the world. We cannot even well imagine but "50 MILLION VICTIMS OF THE ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST" is not the correct number, as we have learned from Alexander Solzhenitsyn that more then 66.5 million Orthodox Christians also perished from 1917 and onward during the times of the Soviet Union. Secondly the New Martyrs of Serbia are increasing, the killing of innocent people, the destruction of Churches, Monasteries, Cemeteries, and homes, as well as a massive killings of Serbian Orthodox Christians, and countless missing people.
IN MEMORY OF THE 50 MILLION VICTIMS OF THE ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST // The 100th anniversary of the Christian Holocaust memorialized on 9 September//
1 750 000 Greek Christians martyred 1914-1922; 300 000 Armenians massacred, 1 500 000 perish in massacres and forced deportations (with subsidiaries to 1923), 30 000 massacred or burned alive in Smyrna, 1 800 000 Armenian Christians martyred 1894-1923; 100 000 Syrians Christians massacred.
"I have given orders to my Death Units to exterminate without mercy or pity, men, women, and children belonging to the Polish speaking race. It is only in this manner we can acquire the vital territory which we need. After all, who remembers the extermination of the Armenians?" - Adolf Hitler, 22 August 1939

Between seven and twelve million Ukrainians were systematically and deliberately starved to death in Ukraine, the "Bread Basket of Europe".

SAINT MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century

• Martyrs HONORATUS, FORTUNATUS, ARONTIUS (Orontius) and SABINIAN (Savinian) (303) beheaded at Potenza under Maximian. They are among the groups commemorated under the appellation of "The Twelve Holy Brothers"

• Martyrs RUFUS a deacon and CARPOPHORUS (Carpone)
Rufus was a deacon according to the untrustworthy acta of this duo. They were martyred at Capua, Italy, during the Diocletian persecutions.

• Martyrs MARCELLUS (Marcellinus) the Tribune; his wife MANNEA and 3 sons JOHN, SERAPION and PETER, and bishop, 3 clergymen, 8 other laymen, and another woman who comprised the entire Christian community of a small place (now believed to be Oxyrinchus) (304) in Capua under Diocletian

• MAMMAEA (Mannaea or Mannea); and her sons; Virgin Martyrissa SUSANNA (Susannah or Anna); Hieromartyr Bishop MILETUS; together with the entire congregation of Oxyrinchus; at Thmius in Egypt (304)

• Hieromartyrs PIMEN 彼敏 the Faster, KUKSHA 库克莎 and NIKON 尼孔 of the Kiev Caves (1114) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Anthony Near Caves of the Lavra
Kuksha 和 Pimen 都是在在 Kiev 的洞的修道院的修道士。Kuksha , 與成功,宣講了主條到 Wallachians 並且給某人施洗禮他們。有天, 異教徙攻擊了他並且旋轉他與他的門徙一起。在那片刻, Pimen 更快在洞的修道院在教會服務期間正在站並且, 在神看見 Kuksha 的死亡他的門徙和同伴, 驚呼︰“今天, 我們的兄弟 Kuksha 為神聖的主條被殺死。”說這, 他自己在一年放棄了神 1113 A.D 。
The Priestmartyr Kuksha and the Monk Pimen the Faster died after the year 1114. Sainted Simon, Bishop of Vladimir and Suzdal' (XII Century, Comm. 10 May), in a missive to the Monk Polykarp, Archimandrite of Pechersk (+ 1182, Comm. 24 July), wrote thus about the Monk Kuksha: "How can I worthily proclaim the glory of those saintly men, dwelling in the holy Pechersk monastery, in which pagans were baptised and became monks, and Jews accepted the holy faith? But I cannot keep silent about the Blessed PriestMartyr and Black-Robed Kuksha of this monastery, about whom everyone doth know, that he cast out devils, baptised the Vyatichi, caused it to rain, dried up a lake, did many other miracles, and after many torments was killed together with his disciple Nikon". The death of the PriestMartyr Kuksha was discerned by the Monk Pimen the Faster. Standing amidst the Pechersk Great church, he loudly exclaimed: "Our brother Kuksha was killed at dawn". The Vyatichi, among whom the PriestMartyr Monk Kuksha preached and died, lived along the River Oka, and they occupied the locale of the Orlov and Kaluzh districts. They were pagans. The Monk Nestor the Chronicler (Comm. 27 October), writing about the Vyatichi, was shocked by their brutal customs and he added, that they thus live "furthermore only for the present day", remaining unacquainted with the Law of God and instead making their own law. The PriestMartyr Monk Kuksha preached to the Vyatichi during the era of Sainted Theoktist, Bishop of Chernigov (1113-1123, Comm. 5 August). He was buried thus, as was the Monk Pimen the Faster, in the Nearer Caves (Commemoration of Monks of the Nearer Caves is 28 September).

• AUXILIUS of Killashee the son of Restitutus the Lombard and LIEMANIA the sister of Saint Patrick
With the future apostle of Ireland at Ebmoria, or Ivrea, in Lombardy, when Augustine and Benedict came there on their way to Rome, with intelligence of the decease of Palladius in North Britain, and of his unsuccessful essay in Ireland

• Translation of the relics of Saints THEOGNOSTUS 德奥格诺斯特, CYPRIAN 基普里安 and PHOTIUS 佛提 metropolitans of Moscow (1479)

NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century

• Hieromartyr MICHAEL 弥哈伊尔 Voskresensky, presbiter, priest (1883-1918) with 28 martyrs at Bortsurmany (1918) Nizhny Novgorod
• Hieromartyr STEPHEN 斯特梵 Nemkov, presbiter, priest; with 18 martyrs of Dejanovo (1918) Nizhny Novgorod
• Hieromartyr PAVEL Fokin, presbiter, priest (1881-1918)
• Hieromartyr IOANN Lebedev, presbiter, archpriest (1869-1937)
• Hieromartyr IOANN Smirnov, presbiter, archpriest (1873-1937)
• Hosiosmartyr METHODIUS (Nikolai Ivanov) Abbot (1899-1937)
• Hieromartyr ALEKSANDER Tsytserov, presbiter, archpriest (1884-1939)
• Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Sokolov, presbiter, archpriest (1883-1940)
• Hieroconfessor DIMITRIY Kryouchkov, presbiter, priest (1874-1952)
• New Martyrissa IRINA Migunov, Wife of Church Warden ALEXIS Mikhailovich Migunov (Middle of 1930’s)
• New Martyrissa MARIA Shipilova at Karaganda (Middle of 1930’s)
• Hieromartyr CYPRIAN Klimuts, presbiter, priest (1942) Belarus
• Hieromartyr CHRYSOSTOMOS Kalafatis, Metropolit of Smyrna (1867-1922)
• Uncovering of the relics (1991) of IOANN Gashkevich, Archpriest, of Korma (1917)
• Slaying of Archimandrite SYMEON (Mikhail Kholmogorov), spiritual writer (1937)
• Repose of Archimandrite SERGIUS (Pavel Ozerov) of New Valaam Monastery in Siberia (1937)

MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century

• AEDHAN (Aidan), possibly at Clontarf, County Dublin

• AGILO (957) Monk of St Aper in Toul in France

• Martyress ANTHUSA (Anthousa) 安图萨 the Younger, either a Greek or a Persian (1009)

• ANTHUSA 安图萨 the Confessoress (759) Paphlygonia in Asia Minor
Ἡ Ἁγία Ἀνθοῦσα ἡ νέα

• ARCADIUS Emperor of Byzantium (395-408)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀρκάδιος ὁ βασιλιὰς

• Sainted CAESARIUS 凯撒里 Bishop of Arles (470-543)

• Sainted CONRAD of Constance, bishop (975)
Saint Conrad is sometimes represented as a bishop holding a chalice with a spider in it or over it. This refers to a story that once when he was celebrating mass a spider fell into the chalice. Spiders were believed at that time to be deadly poisonous, but Conrad nevertheless drank the Blood of Christ, which had been transubstantiated from wine, with the spider in it, as a token of faith.

• Hosiosmartyr DECUMAN (Dagan), Monk in Rhos Crowther in Wales / Somerset, hermit (706)

• Baptism of the DJAN Darada, the Ethiopian eunuch of Queen Kandake (Acts 8: 26-40) by Apostle Philip
Βάπτιση τοῦ Αἰθίοπα Εὐνούχου ἀπὸ τὸν Ἅγιο Φίλιππο

• Sainted EBBO Bishop of Sens (740)

• ETHERIUS (Alermius) (602) Bishop of Lyons in France

• Virgin Martyrissa EUTHALIA at Lentini (Leontini) in Sicily (257)

• Sainted GEBHARD II Bishop of Constance in Germany (995)

• Sainted HOSIUS (Osia) 奥息 the Confessor, bishop of Cordova (359)
作為繩索 ovum 之複數的主教, Hosius 有超過 60 年的時間在西班牙管理了教會。他顯著地在 Nicea 在第一個全合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教會的委員會參與了 [ 325 A.D ] 並且在 347 在肉紅玉髓集成通信適配器在本地的委員會主持了這樣熱心的 A.D 是他為正統說法, 在他的死亡前,他再對 Arius 阿裡烏斯派的異端邪說發出了譏咒。

• Departure of IRENE (Irina, Eirene, Irina, Irena, Erine, Eireen or Irena of Magedon) (1-2nd cent.)

• JOHN (813) Bishop of Pavia in Lombardy in the north of Italy 801-813

• Sainted LIBERIUS 利贝里 the Confessor, pope of Rome (366)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λιβέριος ὁ Ὁμολογητής Πάπας Ρώμης

• Sainted LICERIUS (Lizier) of Ilerda, Bishop of Couserans (548)


• MALRUBIUS (1040) hermit in Merns in Kincardineshire in Scotland, martyred by Norwegian invaders

• Blessed MAELBRIGID MacDoilgen, Priest, at Armagh (11-12th cent.)

• MONICA of Tagaste (332-388) mother of Saint Augustine

• NARNUS the 1st Bishop of Bergamo in Italy (75)
Said to have been the first bishop of Bergamo, Italy, and to have been consecrated by Saint Barnabas.

• Venerable POEMEN 彼敏 the Great (450) of Egypt
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ποιμὴν
Leader of a group of hermits in the desert of Skete in Egypt, living in the abandoned ruins of a pagan temple at Terenuth. Noted for his strong discipline, permitting himself and his brothers four hours of sleep a day, spending the rest of the time in chores, prayers or study. One of the very few survivors of barbarian raids in 407. Urged frequent Communion for all; had a way with words and was known for his wise sayings.
Pimen 是由出生的一個埃及人並且一大禁欲埃及。作為一個男孩, 他訪問了最著名的神的人並且, 從他們,作為一只蜜蜂的收集有形的知識從花收集蜂蜜。Pimen 曾經懇求了年長的葩。韋勒保羅帶他去聖 Paisius 。看的 Pimen , Paisius 說到葩。韋勒保羅︰“這個孩子將保存許多;上帝的手與他一起。”及時, Pimen 是噸肯定一個修道士並且也吸引了 2 個他的兄弟到修道士生活。一旦他的母親來看了,她的兒子但是 Pimen 沒允許她進入但是通過門問她︰“你更需要這裡或在那裡在永恆看見我們嗎?”母親高興得撤退了說︰“自從我將肯定看見你在那裡,然後我不需要這裡看見你。”在這些 3 個兄弟的修道院, 由Anubis神父 管理了, Pimen 的最大的兄弟, 這是他們的規則 [ Typikon ] ︰在晚上, 他們度過了用他們的手工作的 4 個小時, 睡覺的 4 個小時和讀詩篇的 4 個小時。在日子期間, 從早上直到中午,他們在輪流出現的工作和禱告花了;直到薄暮從中午他們花了讀並且, 在下午,他們在 24 個小時為自己唯一的飯準備了晚飯並且那通常由一些蔬菜組成了。有關他們的生活, Pimen 自己說話︰“我們吃了那它被給我們。沒有人曾經說︰“給我另外的東西或我不想要那 . ”在這種方式,我們在沉默和和平花了我們的全部生活。”Pimen 生活了禁欲作為的生活一禁欲在第 5 個世紀並且和平地在老年死了。

• Venerable POEMEN 彼敏 of Palestine (605)
Pimen 生活了在 Rouba 的禁欲主義的生活, 在在皇帝 Maurice 的時間期間的巴勒斯坦的荒地 ( 582-602 A.D ) 。在他的少年,他是一個牧人。一旦他的狗攻擊了一個人並且撕了他成張和他, 從加害,沒保衛這個人。由於那, 被揭示到他他, 最後, 將從野生的野獸死。並且這樣它發生了。他心中充滿了野生的野獸並且放棄了他的靈魂到他的主。

• Great Martyr PHANURIUS 法努里 the Newly Appeared of Rhodes (303)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φανούριος ὁ Μεγαλομάρτυρας ὁ Νεοφανής
An apparition of Phanurius was reported on the island of Rhodes in 1500. Tradition says that he died praying for his mother; she was such a notorious sinner that he became known as patron of lost or impossible causes.

• Sainted PRAYLIOS Archbishop of Jerusalem (422)

• RUFUS Bishop of Capua and disciple of St Apollinaris of Ravenna

• Venerable SABBAS 萨瓦 of Benephali (838)

• SYAGRIUS (Siacre) (600) Bishop of Autun in France at 560-600

• Venerable THEOKLITOS a Magistros from Constantinople who retired from the world and took the monastic habit, becoming an ascetic on Mt Olympos in Asia Minor, reposed in peace
Ὁ Ὅσιος Θεόκλητος

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Amen .

Blessed be God .

Blessed be God.

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• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018