
вторник, 6 сентября 2022 г.

• 2022 • September 6 / August 24 • 7530 #συνοδικός since #2018


5.9.2022 oo:oo 92\195 #συνοδικός #synodikos SUNDAY
#₴ #συνοδικός

• συνοδικός • September 6 / August 24 • συνοδικός •
2022 (7530)
dedicated in honor of the DORMITION : 宿舍斋戒 : sùshè zhāijiè of the Most Holy Theotokos .
Let God’s will abide in everything, but we shall ask for His mercy towards us who are sinful.


• Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "PETROVSKAYA" ("of Saint Peter of Moscow") 彼得夫斯卡亚 (1306) written by Saint Peter, Metropolitan of Kyiv in 1306
The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Of Saint Peter" was so called because it was written by Saint Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow, while he was abbot of the Ratsk Monastery near Volhynia. During a visit to the Ratsk Monastery by Saint Maximus, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia, Saint Peter gave him this icon as a gift. The Metropolitan took it to Vladimir at Klyazma, where his cathedral was then located. Upon the death of Saint Maximus, the abbot Gerontius, who wished to become the new metropolitan, intended to take this icon to Patriarch Athanasius of Constantinople. The journey of Abbot Gerontius was delayed, however, by a terrible storm at sea. During this storm, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to him and said: "The office of bishop will not be conferred upon you, but rather on the one who painted My Icon." When he came before Patriarch Athanasius, Saint Peter was already in Constantinople and had been consecrated as Metropolitan. The Patriarch gave the icon to Saint Peter with the words: "Take the holy icon of the Mother of God, which you painted with your own hands, for this reason the Ever-Virgin Herself has granted you this gift, and She foretold your path." Saint Peter took the icon to Vladimir, and when the metropolitan cathedral was transferred to Moscow in 1325, the icon was placed in the Dormition Cathedral above the table of oblation.
• Appearance (1385) of the Most Holy Theotokos to Saint Sergius of Radonezh
Late at night, Saint Sergius was reading an Akathist to the Mother of God. Having finished his habitual rule, he sat down to rest a bit, but suddenly he said to his disciple, Saint Micah, "Be alert, my child, for we shall have a wondrous visitation." Scarcely had he uttered these words than a voice was heard: "The All-Pure One approaches!"
Saint Sergius rushed from the cell to the entrance, and suddenly it was illumined by a bright light, brighter than the sun. He beheld nearby in imperishable glory the Mother of God, accompanied by the Apostles Peter and John. Unable to bear such a vision, Saint Sergius reverently prostrated himself before the Mother of God.
She said to him, "Fear not, My chosen one! I have come to visit you. Your prayer for your disciples and your monastery has been heard. Do not be troubled, for your habitation shall prosper, not only in your lifetime, but also after your departure to God. I will be with your monastery, supplying its needs abundantly, and protecting it." Having said this, the Mother of God disappeared.
For a long time Saint Sergius was in an inexpressible rapture, and having come to himself, he went to Saint Micah. "Tell me, Father," he asked, "what is the meaning of this miraculous vision? My soul nearly left my body from terror!" But Saint Sergius was silent, and only his luminous face spoke of the spiritual joy which he had experienced. "Wait a bit," he said finally to his disciple, "my soul also trembles because of this wondrous vision."
After a while Saint Sergius summoned two of his disciples, Saints Isaac and Simon, and shared with them the vision and the promise of the Theotokos. They all sang a Molieben to the Mother of God. Saint Sergius spent the remaining part of the night unable to sleep, calling to mind the divine vision.
The appearance of the Mother of God at the cell of Saint Sergius, at the present place of the Serapionov Chamber, was on one of the Fridays of the Nativity Fast in 1385. The commemoration of the visit of the Mother of God to the Trinity Monastery and of Her promise was reverently kept by the disciples of Saint Sergius.
On July 5, 1422 the holy relics of Saint Sergius were uncovered, and soon after an icon of the Appearance of the Mother of God was placed on his grave. The icon was honored with great reverence.
In 1446, Great Prince Basil was besieged at the Trinity Monastery by the armies of Princes Demetrius Shemyaka and John of Mozhaisk. He barricaded himself in the Trinity Cathedral, and when he heard that he was being sought, he took the icon of the Appearance of the Mother of God and with it met Prince John at the southern church doors, saying: "Brother, we kissed the Life-Creating Cross and this icon in this church of the Life-Creating Trinity at this grave of the Wonderworker Sergius, that we would neither intend nor wish any evil to any of our brethren among ourselves. Now I do not know no what will happen to me here."
Monk Ambrose reproduced the icon of the Appearance of the Mother of God to Saint Sergius, carved in wood in the mid-fourteenth century.
In 1552, Tsar Ivan the Terrible took the icon of the Appearance of the Mother of God on his Kazan Campaign. The most famous icon, written in 1588, was by the steward of the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, Eustathius Golovkin, on a board from the wooden reliquary of Saint Sergius, which was taken apart in 1585 when the relics of Saint Sergius were placed in a silver reliquary.
Through this icon, the Mother of God repeatedly protected the Russian army. In 1657, Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich took it on the Polish campaign. In 1703, the icon took part in all the military campaigns against Swedish King Charles XII, and in 1812 Metropolitan Platon sent it to the Moscow military levy. The icon was carried in the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, and during World War I it was at the quarters of the supreme commander-in-chief in 1914.
A church was built over the grave of Saint Micah and at its consecration on December 10, 1734 was named in honor of the Appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos and the holy Apostles to Saint Sergius of Radonezh.
On September 27, 1841 the church was restored and consecrated by Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow who said: "By the grace of the All-Holy and All-Sacred Spirit the restoration of this temple is now accomplished, fashioned before us in honor and memory of the Appearance of our Lady the Most Holy Theotokos to our holy God-bearing Father Sergius, to which Saint Micah was also an eyewitness."
The commemoration of this grace-bearing event is rightly marked by the consecration of a church, however, this whole monastery is a memorial of that miraculous visit. Therefore, its purpose in the continuing centuries was the fulfillment of the promise of the heavenly Visitor: "This place shall endure."
In memory of the visit of the Mother of God at the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery, an Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos is sung on Fridays, and a special service in honor of the appearance of the Mother of God is celebrated at the monastery on August 24, on the second day of the leave-taking of the Feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.

SAINT MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century

• The Martyrs of Utica (Massa Candida, The White Mass or The White Group) 153 Martyrs including women, at Utica (258)
About 258, proconsul Valerian of African visited Carthage and commanded that all Christian prisoners be brought before him. In his Sermon 306, Saint Augustine of Hippo numbers them as 153, although the Roman Martyrology gives the number as 300. The proconsul order that a huge pit of burning lime be prepared in the midst of a field. Next to it a pagan altar was set up with salt and liver for sacrifices. Setting his tribunal in the open field, the prisoners were brought before him and offered the choice of sacrificing or being thrown into the fiery pit. Unanimously they chose death. It was said that they are called Massa Candida or White Mass because their remains conglomerated into one great white mass; however, it now appears that it is the name of a place near Utica.


NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century

• Venerable Schemahieromonk ARISTOCLEUS the Elder of Moscow and Mount Athos (1838–1918)
• New Hieromartyr presbiter MAXIM 玛克息默 Sandovich (Gorlitsky) (1886-1914) protomartyr of the Lemko peoples, Poland
• Hosiosmatyr SERAPHIM (Simeon Shakhmut’) of Zhyrovitchy, archmandrite (1901-1946)

MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century

• ABBAN (620) Missionary and Hermit
Abbot and Irish missionary. An Irish prince, Abban was the son of King Cormac of Leinster. He is listed as the nephew of Saint Ibar. Abban founded many churches in the old district of Ui Cennselaigh, in modern County Wexford and Ferns. His main monastery is Magheranoidhe, in Adamstown, Ireland. This monastery's fame is attributed in some records to another Abban, that of New Ross. Abban is also associated with Kill-Abban Abbey in Leinster, serving as abbot there until March 16, 620. He is revered in Adamstown, which was once called Abbanstown.

• Venerable ARSENIUS 阿尔塞尼 abbot of Komel, Vologda (1550)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀρσένιος ὁ Θαυματουργός
Arsenius 在高貴的出生的莫斯科出生。作為一個少年他在 Radonez 的聖 Sergius 的修道院收到了修道生活。作為一個作為模范的修道士, Arsenius 被選修道院院長但是他渴望了虔誠的孤獨並且撤退了到 Komel 的森林, 他生活了禁欲主義的生活直到他的死亡,勇敢與魔鬼的大誘惑斗爭。他在一年在主休息了 1550 A.D 。

• Martyr ATHANASIUS II Patriarch of Jerusalem (1244)

• Virgin Martyrissa AUREA of Ostia (260)

• Virgin Martyrissa AVIA (Aveze, Aurea, Avoie or Avoye) near Cologne (451)

• Translation of the relics of Apostle Martyr BARTHOLOMEW from Anastasiopolis to Lipari
One of the Twelves Apostles. Probably a close friend of Saint Philip; Bartholomew's name is always mentioned in the Gospels in connection with Philip, and it was Philip who brought Bartholomew to Jesus. May have written a gospel, now lost; it is mentioned in other writings of the time. May have preached in Asia Minor, Ethiopia, India and Armenia; some one did, leaving behind assorted writings, and local tradition says it was Bartholomew. Bartholomew is the patron of bookbinders, butchers, corn-chandlers, dyers, glovers, furriers, leather-workers, plasterers, shoemakers, tailors, tanners, vine-growers, and Florentine salt and cheese merchants. He is invoked against nervous disorders and twitchings.

• BREGWIN (764) 12th Archbishop of Canterbury. His letters to St Lull of Mainz still exist

• Repose of New Hieromartyr COSMAS 科斯玛 of Aitolia, Equal to the Apostles (1779)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κοσμᾶς ὁ Αἰτωλὸς

• Virgin Martyrissa CYRA (Syra) 基拉 of Persia (558) a kinswoman of Saint Mary Golinduc
Syra 是聖瑪利亞‧戈林杜克的一個女親戚 (7 月 12 日 ) 。她是從 Hirhaselevkosa 的鎮和一個著名的做禮拜火異教徙司祭的女兒的一個波斯人。在異教高聳了, 童女 Syra 從心成為了的克裡斯琴女人和她為主與愛煽動了的窮人聽說了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督。在病期間並且當她是還未受洗禮的時, Syra 從一個克裡斯琴司祭但是因為她是還未受洗禮的,被拒絕了的司祭的教會尋求了塵土。然後, 與大信念,她摸了司祭的外衣並且被愈合。那奇跡愈合在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思証實了她的甚至更多。但是她的卑鄙的父親在到她在其期間從天國的視覺收到了勇氣和安逸的嚴厲的折磨上傳遞了她。她被力量與繩扼死並且然後在波斯人的時間期間在一年淹死了 558 A.D 皇帝 Chozroesi 我在 18 歲時。並且因此這個神聖的童女光榮地完成了她的現世的旅行並且在天國的天神的居住收起了居住。

• Translation (1717) of the relics of DIONYSIUS 迪奥尼西 of Zakynthos, archbishop of Aegina (1622) to Zakynthos
Ἀνακομιδὴ Τιμίων Λειψάνων Ἁγίου Διονυσίου τοῦ ἐκ Ζακύνθου

• Hieromartyr EUTYCHIUS 艾弗提希 (107) disciple of St John the Theologian
Ὁ Ἅγιος Εὐτυχὴς ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας μαθητὴς τοῦ Ἁγίου Ἰωάννη Θεολόγου
Spiritual student of Saint Paul the Apostle. May have been the young man raised from the dead by Paul at Troas in Acts 20. Worked with Saint John the Evangelist on Patmos. Imprisoned and tortured for his faith, but he avoided martyrdom.
Eutyches 是更少些的宗徒之一並且在 Sebastopol 出生。他是宗徒伊望。約翰的門徙和模仿者神學家和宗徒葩。韋勒保羅。盡管他沒在 70 個宗徒之中被標記, 不過, 因為他是大宗徒的門徙,他被稱為一個宗徒並且, 因為在他的福音的服務,他顯示了真實的宗徒的熱情。奉獻了一個傳司祭主教, 聖 Eutyches 旅行了很多,, 作為他的同伴的一個天神。在監獄,他從一個天神收到了天國的面包。當他的身體是與重量的單位率鐵杆的碎片希伯萊語的第十七個字母時,血與不平常的芳香的沒藥從他流動了。他被扔進火並且在野生的野獸前並且最後在 Sebastopol 與一把劍斬了。

• GELDARIUS (Gildarius) of Ireland
This is probably the Saint Gildard, a priest, who formerly gave singular edification to the inhabitants of the parish of Lurcy-le-Bourg, in the diocese of Nevers, France, and where he died on the 24th of August. In some of the ancient Martyrologies, his name is associated with that of St Patrick, Abbot, in the territory of Nivernais. St Gildard was buried in the Church of Saint Loup, near Nevers.

• GEORGE 奥尔吉 Limniotes the Confessor of Mt Olympus (716)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Γεώργιος ὁ Ὁμολογητής ὁ Λιμνιώτης
額我略是一個懺悔者並且一大禁欲天堂。他在反對崇拜聖像者的時間在 95 歲時死了, 716 A.D .

• GERASIMOS of Kefalonia (1506-1579)

• Bishop IRCHARD (Erthad, Merchard, Yarcard, Yrchard) of Scotland (5/7th cent.) Apostle of the Picts
Seventh century spiritual student of Saint Ternan of Culross. Bishop, consecrated in Rome, Italy by Pope Gregory the Great.

• Sainted MARTYRIUS Archbishop of Novgorod (1199)

• OUEN (Audöenus, Aldwin, Owen, Dado) (610-684) Bishop of Rouen

• PATRICK (Sen Patrick) (450) a bishop in Ireland, surnamed Patrick the Elder. His relics were later enshrined at Glastonbury in England
He may have been a kinsman and contemporary of Saint Patrick of Ireland or the abbot of a monastery in Nevers, France.

• Translation (1479) of the relics of PETER 彼得 Akerovych, metropolitan of Kiev (1326)

• Hieromartyr PTOLEMY of Nepi (1st c.) a disciple of the Apostle Peter, Bishop of Nepi in Tuscany in Italy

• Martyr ROMANUS of Nepi (1st c.) Bishop of Nepi in Tuscany in Italy, by tradition a disciple of Saintt Ptolemy

• SANDRATUS (Sandradus) (986) monk of the monastery of St Maximinus at Trier and of Saintt Pantaleon in Cologne in Germany, monastery founder and first abbot in Mönchengladbach and Weissenburg

• SEGIN (Seighein)

• SERAPION 塞拉彼雍 the Wonderworker, abbot of the Monastery of St John the Baptist at Garedja, Georgia (1747)

• Martyr TATION 塔提翁 at Claudiopolis (305)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Τατίων ὁ Μάρτυρας
由降下,梭織離子從在在 Bithnyia 的 Claudioupolis 附近的 Mantinaeas 。他在 Diocletian 的時間受苦了。在他活並且這樣被埋葬的大折磨以後放棄了他的神聖的靈魂到上帝。

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Amen .

Blessed be God .

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• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018