8.9.2022 oo:oo 90\197 #συνοδικός #synodikos WEDNESDAY
#₴ #συνοδικός
• συνοδικός • September 8 / August 26 • συνοδικός •
2022 (7530)
dedicated in honor of the DORMITION : 宿舍斋戒 : sùshè zhāijiè of the Most Holy Theotokos .
Let God’s will abide in everything, but we shall ask for His mercy towards us who are sinful .
• Commemoration of the VLADIMIR 弗拉迪弥尔 Icon (1130) of the Mother of God and the Deliverance of Moscow from the Invasion of Tamerlane (1395)
Occasionally one hears an ungodly word even among Christians: here, even God cannot help! There is no danger in which God cannot help nor are there any enemies who could conquer by their own power without God's permission. Do not ask how God will destroy the powerful army of our enemies; that is easier for God then it is for you to inhale or exhale air. Read how God, by one apparition, terrified the Syrian army, so the army dispersed and Israel was saved: "For the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots and a noise of horses, even the noise of a great host: and they said one to another, 'Lo, the king of Israel has hired against us the king of the Hittites and the kings of the Egyptians to come upon us'" (2 Kings 7:6). Read how Jerusalem was saved from the powerful army of Babylon without any effort of King Hezekiah except his cry and prayer before God: "And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the Lord went out and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred four-score and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses" (2 Kings 19:35). But God did not perform such miracles only in ancient times but He performs them every time when the faithful pray to Him. Thus, in the year 1395 A.D., the Tartar King Tamburlaine [Tamerlane] surrounded Moscow with his countless soldiers. The Russians brought the miracle-working icon of the Most-holy Theotokos from the town of Vladimir to Moscow and all the people with tears began to pray to the Most-Holy and Pure One. Suddenly, for no visible reason, the army of Tartars began to withdraw hurriedly and to flee. What happened? Tamburlaine had a vision in a dream: clouds of saints moving beneath the heavens and in their midst, the Holy Birth-giver of God as Queen and, further still, countless hosts of angels. The Theotokos sharply threatened Tamburlaine and ordered him to leave immediately from the land of the Russians and the saints waved their staffs at the emperor. Terrified by this dream, Tamburlaine as soon as it dawned, ordered a retreat and flight.
The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was written by the Evangelist Luke on a board from the table at which the Savior ate together with His All-Pure Mother and Righteous Joseph. The Mother of God, upon seeing this image, exclaimed, "Henceforth, all generations shall call Me blessed. The grace of both My Son and Me shall be with this icon."
• VLADIMIR-FLORISHCHEVSK Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God (1130)
• VLADIMIR-FLORISHCHEVSK Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God of Moskow (1660) painted by Simon Ushakov
• VLADIMIR-ELETSK Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God (1395)
• Miraculous Renewal of VLADIMIR Icon of the Mother of God in the hands of Righteous Abbess Rufina in Harbin (Manchzhuria) (1925)
• "TENDERNESS" (Eleousa) Icon of the Mother of God of the Pskov Caves (1542)
The Pskov Caves Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God, named the "Tenderness" (1542), is famous particularly for the defense of Pskov and the Pskov Caves Monastery from the army of Stephen Bathory in 1581. Its celebration is also on May 21, June 23 and October 7. The Tenderness Icon of the Mother of God is of the Eleousa (Umilenie) type.
SAINT MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century
The Roman Martyrology records that Simplicius and his two sons martyred under Marcus Aurelius. Modern hagiographers believe that the three may have been grouped artificially and are identical to Simplicius of Rome, Victorian of Amiternum, and Constantius of Perugia.
• Martyrs IRENAEUS and ABUNDIUS (258) in Rome drowned in the public sewers during the persecution of Valerian
• Martyrs ADRIAN (Adrianus or Adrianos) and NATALIA (Natalie, Natale, Natalee, Nathalee, Natica, Natika, Natasha or Anatolia) together with 33 companions, at Nicomedia (305)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἀδριανὸς καὶ Ναταλία οἱ Μάρτυρες
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 23 Μάρτυρες
Adrian 和 Natalia 是丈夫和妻子, 兩從 Nicomedia 的高貴並且富裕的家庭。Adrian 是 Praetorium 的頭並且異教徙和 Natalia 是秘密地一克裡斯琴。是年輕的並且一起為僅僅在婚姻生活了 13 個月直到殉教。當惡毒的皇帝 Maximian 訪問了 Nicomedia 時,他命令了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教被抓住並且經折磨。在在城市附近的一個洞, 23 合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教被隱蔽。某人報導了他們到當局並且他們殘忍地與公牛鞭子和杆被鞭打並且然後扔進監獄。在以後他們從監獄被帶並且在執政官前帶了登記他們的名字。Adrian 觀察了這些人, 折磨但是耐心,平靜並且適中並且他讓他們發誓告訴他他們為如此多的折磨從他們的上帝期望甚麼忍受嗎?他們有關幸福跟他說話了正直在上帝的王國。聽見這並且, 再觀察這些人, Adrian , 馬上, 轉到了文牘並且向他說︰“與這些聖人寫下我的名字, 我也是一克裡斯琴。”當皇帝聽說了這時,他問 Adrian ︰“你忘記了嗎?”到那 Adrian 答複了︰“我沒忘記但是相當我來到了我的感覺。”聽說這, Natalia 極大地高興了並且甚麼時候 Adrian , 與其它, 坐在監獄鎖住了, 她來到了他們的所有並且管理。當他們鞭打了並且與各種各樣的折磨折磨了她的丈夫時, Natalia 鼓勵了他持續到最後。在過長的折磨和監禁以後,皇帝命令了鐵砧被帶到監獄並且他們的腿和手被與決裂一個榔頭。這被執行並且 Adrian , 與 23 值得尊敬地人, 在折磨的最大下面放棄了神。Natalia 帶了他們的遺物去土耳其都市並且值得尊敬地埋葬了他們在那裡。在一些天以後, Adrian 在光和美人在她的所有看來了並且打電話給了她, 那, 她也和平地來到上帝和她放棄了她的神到上帝。
• Martyr ADRIAN the Roman (son of Roman Emperor Probus) and Martyrs ATTICUS and SISINNIUS at Nicomedia (320)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἀττικὸς καὶ Σισίνιος οἱ Μάρτυρες
• Monk BARLAAM the legendary hermit, and Monk JOASAPHAT 约阿撒法 (Bodhisattva, Prince of India) and King ABENNER the Josaphat's father (3-4th cent.)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰωάσαφ γιὸς τοῦ βασιλιὰ τῆς Ἰνδίας Ἄβενιρ
• Martyrissa SHIRIN (Sirina) and her 2 Child-Martyrs infant sons at Bet-Titta (447)
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century
• Monk ARISTOCLEUS of Athos and Moscow (1918)
• Blessed Fool for Christ MARIA Fedina of Diveyevo (1931)
• Hieromartyr PETER Iyevlev, presbiter, priest (1875-1918)
• GREGORY Kossov, the Confessor, presbiter, archpriest (1855-1928) of Orlov
• New Hieromartyr VICTOR Ellansky, presbiter, priest in Alma-Ata (1875-1937)
• Martyr DEMETRIUS Morozov in Alma-Ata (1875-1937)
• Martyr PETER Bordan (1895-1937)
• New Hieroconfessor Archpriest ROMAN 罗玛诺 Medved (1874-1937) of Moscow
• Hieromartyr NECTARIUS Trezvinsky, Bishop of Yaransk (1937)
• Finding in 2000 of the Relics of Hieroconfessor Metropolitain NICOLAS (Theodosy Mogilevsky) of Alma-Ata (1877-1955)
MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century
• Venerable ADELINDIS a Widow, Founder and Abbess of Buchau on the Federsee in Wurtemburg, Germany (930)
• Hosiosmartyr ADRIAN 阿德里安 (Andreas Zavalaschin) abbot of Ondrusov, Valaam (1549)
• Hosiosmartyr ADRIAN 阿德里安 abbot of Poshekhonye (1550)
• Venerable ADRIAN 阿德里安 of Uglich (1504) disciple of Saint Paisius of Uglich
• AIREID (Eread) of Ardrinnigh (6-7th cent.)
• ALEXANDER of Bergamo (303)
A later manuscript calls him a centurion of the Theban legion who escaped from prison but was recaptured. He is the patron of Bergamo, Italy, where there has been a church dedicated to him since the 4th century.
• Finding of the relics of BASSIAN 瓦西安 of Alatyr Monastery (17th c.)
• BREGWIN (Bregowine) 12th Archbishop of Canterbury (765)
• Virgin Maertyrissa CALEPODIA of Canale Monterano, Diocese of Sutri, Italy
• COMGALL Ua Sarain
• Blessed CYPRIAN 基普里安 of Storozhev, former outlaw (1598) converted by Adrian of Ondrusov
• ELIAS (660) a monk who became Bishop of Syracuse in Sicily
• FELIX of Pistoia (9th cent.) a holy hermit in Pistoia in Tuscany in Italy
• Abbot FOILAN (Faelan) of Cluain-Mhaoscna probably Clonmaskill, in Featullagh, County of Westmeath
• Martyr GELASINUS a Comedian at Heliopolis in Phœnicia (297)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Γελάσιος
• Martyr GENESIUS a Comedian under Emperor Dioclesian
• GENESIUS (Genès) of Arles in France (303) a public notary a catechumen martyred under Maximian Herculeus
• Venerable GREGORY of Utrecht in Holland, of Pfalzel, Abbot, Evangeliser in Friesen (775)
• Venerable IBESTION 伊维斯提雍 the Confessor, Egyptian ascetic (450)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰβιστίων
• JOSEPH the Patriarch
• MAXIMUS II Archbishop of Jerusalem, Hieroconfessor (347)
• NINIAN (432) Apostle and Enlightener of northern Britons and the Picts
• PANDWYNA (Pandwina, Pandonia or Pandiania) Nun at Eltisley (Ettisley or Eltesley), Cambridgeshire (904)
• Matrona PELAGIA (597) Founder of monasteries, mother of Saint Aredius. Many miracles were attributed to her intercession
• RUFINUS (5th cent.) Bishop of Capua in Italy
• Martyr SECUNDUS (3rd cent.) a soldier of the Theban Legion martyred near Ventimiglia in Italy
• Venerable TITHOES 提德奥 of the Thebaid, desert-dweller (406) disciple of Venerable Pachomius the Great
Ὁ Ὅσιος Τιθόης
乳頭鋤頭是聖 Pachomius 的門徙並且大在埃及的 ascetics 之中。乳頭鋤頭是在 Tabennsi 的一個修道院的修道院院長。他生活了他的在絕對的純淨的全部生活。同時一個兄弟問他︰“甚麼路徑導致謙卑?”答複了到這乳頭鋤頭︰“到謙卑的路徑是節製, 禱告並且認為你自己比任何東西下部。”乳頭鋤頭達到了完美的很高的度並且無論何時他在禱告在他的手上面提起了,他的神進入了極樂。他在第四或第 5 個世紀在主死了。可敬的 Ibistion 和他被紀念。
• Hieromartyr VICTOR (Vitores) (950) a priest in Spain martyred by the Moors
• ZEPHYRINUS (217) Pope of Rome, he defended Orthodox Christology against heresies
• ZER 则尔 JACOB 雅科弗 missionary of Ethiopia
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Amen .
Blessed be God .
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