13.9.2022 oo:oo 85\202 #συνοδικός #synodikos TUESDAY
#₴ #συνοδικός
• συνοδικός • September 13 / August 31 • συνοδικός •
2022 (7530)
dedicated in honor of the DORMITION : 宿舍斋戒 : sùshè zhāijiè of the Most Holy Theotokos .
Let God’s will abide in everything, but we shall ask for His mercy towards us who are sinful .
International Programmers Day : September 13 (256th day of the year)
JASENOVAC: The System of Ustasha Death Camps, the number of victims at this camp have been estimated between 80 000 and 800 000 .
This was one of the most horrible sites of the persecutions against Orthodox Serbs. The Ustashas, including Croats and Moslems from Hercegovinia, came with rifles, revolvers, axes and hammers, and brutally murdered the Serbs. To save ammunition, many Serbs were brought to the brick factory in Jasenovac and tossed into the fiery furnaces. As they were placed in single file the last person in line was shoved, creating enough force to thrust his fellow martyrs forward. Others were butchered along the Sava River and thrown into the water. The bloodthirsty Ustasha leader Ljubo Milosh boasted that he had killed over three thousand Serbs, each time jesting and crying out, "How sweet is Serbian blood!" One Orthodox Serb, Joca Divjak, was given to Milosh as a Christmas present. Martyr Joca's heart was torn out of his chest as other Serbs were forced to watch and laugh. Anyone who turned his head away from this abominable scene was killed on the spot. In all, over fifty thousand pious Serbian Orthodox Christians were martyred from August, 1941 to February, 1942 a period of seven months. There are many other lists of savageries which could be recounted - the record is truly astounding! These facts reveal that the Serbian Orthodox Church is in truth a Martyred Church. Her recent history demonstrates a courage and commitment to the Cross and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, which grants the Serbian Church a rightful and honorable place not only in Christian history but, more importantly, in the eyes of God Almighty Himself. So many - literally a million and a half innocent victims - upheld the belief in "laying down their lives" for the cause of Christ and His Holy Church. Their sacrifice for one another is an eternal witness and memorial, which should and must inspire all Orthodox Christians until the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. And truly, at the great Day of Judgment they will all be crowned with an incorruptible crown of glory, received as a result of their love for truth and justice, and for carrying out the message of "the Honorable Cross and Golden Freedom."
• Archbishop DOSITHEI of Zagreb (Croatia) (1945)
• Bishop IRENEI of Dalmatia
• Patriarch GABRIEL (1937-1950)
• Blessed Martyr VUKASIN of Klepci // MAY 16 // JUN 15 //
• Hieromartyr JOANIKIJE of Montenegro (1945) // JUN 19 //
• Hieromartyr SABBAS Trlaich, Bishop of Gornji Karlovac (1884-1941) who was skinned alive by the ustashi
Through their prayers may all the Orthodox be saved and strengthened in the defence of the Faith! Amen.
For us Orthodox Christians, this is not 'the City of the Dead,' but the City of Alives, as for the Lord all the martyrs - victims of Jasenovac - are alive. The innocent victims of the Great-martyrdom of Jasenovac live in our hearts, as well as in our souls, in the memorial prayer of recollection. All of them, together with us, await for the resurrection of the dead and life of an age to come.
SAINT MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century
• Martyrs CAESIDIUS and companions (3rd cent.) on the shores of Lake Fucino in Italy
• Martyrs THEODOTUS and and Wife RUFINA at Caesaria in Cappadocia (3rd cent.) parents of Martyr Mammas; and Blessed Widow AMMIA (Ammiana) of Caesaria in Cappadocia, nurserymaid of Martyr Mammas
• Martyrs ANDREAS the Stratylate, HERACLIUS, FAUSUS, MENAS (315)
• Holy 7 Youngwomen Virgyn Martyrissis of Gaza, by sword
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 7 Παρθένοι
• 4 Martyrs of Perge in Pamphylia
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 4 Μάρτυρες
• 366 Martyrs of Nicomedia, by sword
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 366 Μάρτυρες
• 100 000 Martyrs of Tbilisi in Georgia (1227) by the muslim mongols of Turkmen
• Martyrs ROBUSTIAN and MARK venerated in Milan in Italy from early times
• Sisters CUTHBURGH (Cuthburga) Queen and Abbess at Barking (725) and CWENBURGH (Coenburga, Quenburga or Cyneburga (735) Founder and Abbess of Abbey of Wimborne in Dorset, enlighteners of Germany
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Lyubimov, presbiter, priest (1918)
• Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Dvinsky, deacon (1918)
• Hieromartyr MICHAEL Kosuhin, presbiter, priest (1858-1937)
• Hieromartyr MIRON Řepík, presbiter (1885-1937) // AUG 31 //
• Hieromartyr DEMETRIUS Smirnov, presbiter, priest (1868-1938)
• Repose of Schemanun GABRIELA of Holy Trinity Monastery in Kiev (1992) founded by Elder Jonah
MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century
• Martyr AEDH
• AIDAN (Aedan) 埃丹 Bishop of Lindisfarne, Enlightener of Northumbria (651)
Monk at Iona, Scotland. Studied under Saint Senan at Inish Cathay. Bishop of Clogher, Ireland. Resigned the see to became a monk at Iona c.630. Evangelizing bishop in Northumbria, England at the behest of his friend the king, Saint Oswald of Northumbria. Once when pagans attacked Oswald's forces at Bambrough, they piled wood around the city walls to burn it; Saint Aidan prayed for help, and a change in wind blew the smoke and flames over the pagan army. Aidan was known for his knowledge of the Bible, his eloquent preaching, his personal holiness, simple life, scholarship, and charity. Miracle worker. Trained Saint Boswell. Founded the Lindesfarne monastery that became not only a religious standard bearer, but a great storehouse of European literature and learning during the dark ages. Saint Bede is lavish in his praise of the episcopal rule of Aidan.
One year, after attending the services of Pascha, King Oswald sat down to a meal with Bishop Aidan. Just as the bishop was about to bless the food, a servant came in and informed the king that a great number of needy folk were outside begging for alms. The king ordered that his own food be served to the poor on silver platters, and that the silver serving dishes be broken up and distributed to them.
• ARISTIDES the Athenian (133) a Greek philosopher who addressed an apologia for Christianity to Emperor Hadrian; wrote an account of the Passion of Saint Dionysius the Areopagite
• BARBOLENUS (640) 4th Abbot of Bobbio in Italy
• Translation (1482) of Relics of Venerable COLUMBANUS the Younger, Abbot of Luxeuil Abbey and Bobbio Abbey (543-615)
• Hieromartyr CYPRIAN 基普里安 bishop of Carthage (258) beheaded under Valerian
他作為哲學和辯術的一個教師在迦太基變得了著名。他結婚了但是當他成為了一克裡斯琴時,他停止了與他的妻子同居並且日夜把他自己奉獻了給神聖的經書的勤勞的學習並且 perfected 他的字元。因為他的不平常的優點,他作為一個發起人被選擇並且此后不久那作為一個主教。象他朝合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教是仁慈的一樣,也一樣他朝合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教的公司。他寫了聖神指導了的說明的許多工作。特別, 激烈地對聖像崇拜,猶太教和 Novatian 異端邪說寫了。美麗並且香甜是他的有關童貞的工作, 象殉教並且關於慈善一樣, 關於耐心,主的禱告等等。他在一年在纈草屬植物和 Galian 的時間受苦了並且死在他的死亡前的 258 A.D , 他向上帝,有福氣的人民和 25 黃金製造被給他到將斬的劊子手的左邊祈禱了。一真實的克裡斯琴的達不到的偉大和慷慨
• Venerable CYPRIAN Tropsky, monk of Yaroslavl
• Martyrissa CYRIACA (Dominica) of Rome, Widow (249)
• Martyr DIADOCH
Ὁ Ἅγιος Διάδοχος
• Venerable EANSWYTHE (Eansyth, Eanswide, Eanswith, Eanswitha or Eanswida) 埃安斯维特 Worderworker of Kent, Founder and Abbess of Folkestone (640) England, Grand-daughter of Saint King Aethelbert
• Sainted GENNADIUS 艮纳迪 patriarch of Constantinople (471)
Gennadius 作為主教皇接替了聖 Anatolius 。他是聖 Marcian 的一個同輩人 (1 月 10 日 ) 並且聖丹尼爾合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教苦行者 (12 月 11 日 ) 。在他的時間期間, 光榮的 Studite 修道院在[羅爾]瑪參議員 Studius 以後被成立並且命名, 來到了土耳其都市並且與 Gennadius 的福氣的人,造了聖伊望。約翰的教會前驅者並且沿著方面,它修道院。Gennadius 是很輕輕的並且製止。他將不製定任何人不由心知道全部詩篇。他在在教會的買賣聖職在其被咒詛的土耳其都市在一個本地的委員會主持了。他工作了奇跡並且, 在視覺,聽說了他的死亡。Gennadius 有 13 年的時間管理了教會並且和平地自己在一年送了 471 A.D 給主。
• GENNADIUS 艮纳迪 II (George Scholarius 斯霍拉里) patriarch of Constantinople (1372)
• JOHN 约安 Prodrom, metropolitan of Kiev (1089)
伊望。約翰是一保加利亞由出生。他在一年來到了 Kiev 1080 A.D 並且很快地達到了他不久被提高到大主教的王位的如此的尊重看。伊望。約翰有 8 年的時間管理了教會。他寫了一封書信給他在其因為革新責備了他的教皇克來孟, [羅爾]瑪教會介紹了它。他和平地在一年死了 1089 A.D 。
• JOSEPH of Arimathea and of Glastonbury
Wealthy Israelite owner of tin mines in Cornwall. May have been related to Jesus, and certainly was a disciple and student. He is the noble counselor mentioned in the Gospel of Mark. Provided the tomb for Christ, and with the help of Saint Nicodemus, interred Jesus. Tradition says he brought the Faith and the Holy Grail to England. When he planted his traveller's staff in Glastonbury, it took root and became a thorn tree which flowered each Christmas Day.
• OPTATUS (530) Bishop of Auxerre in France
• Hieromartyr PAULINUS Bishop of Trier (358)
Missionary to Germany where he worked with Saint Maximinus in the area of Trier. Bishop of Trier in 349. Strongly supported Saint Athanasius of Alexandria, which led to him being exiled to Phrygia, Asia Minor by the Arian Emperor Constantius in 355; he was never able to return to his diocese; he died in exile, and thus is considered a martyr.
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φιλέορτος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• SENAN (Sessan, Sessen) of Ath-omna, possibly Portumna, County of Galway
• Venerable WALA (Uualah) abbot in Corbie and Bobbio (755-836)
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Amen .
Blessed be God .
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