December 19 / December 6
2018 (7527)
Nativity (St Philip's) Fast
• The Holy Icon of Panagia "THE SEAFARING"
Painted on the Holy Icon (27.5 x 40 in.), which was executed in the popular style of the time, were the following seven holy Persons, in two rows. Upper row: our Lord Jesus Christ in the arms of His Most Holy Mother; our Panagia, holding our Lord as a child, and indicating him in the well-known manner of the Directress; the Archangel Michael at her right, standing in piety; and to her right, in a similar posture, the Venerable Forerunner. Bottom row: in the center, St Nicholas as a Bishop, blessing and holding the Gospel, between the two well-known soldierly Saints on horseback, St George (right) and St Demetrios (left). This icon was given by the two brothers Evangelos and Alexandros Misaelides, with the consent of their elder brother Christos, to the Monastery of Sts Cyprian and Justina outside Athens.
• The miraculous apparition of St Nicholas at the First Ecumenical Council (325)
• The Wonderworking icon of St Nicholas the Drenched (1911) of St Sophia’s Cathedral in Kiev in Ukraine, now kept somewhere in New York City, according to some accounts
St Nicholas is a patron against drowning and any icon of St Nicholas saving people from drowning or where his icon has a small boat placed near it is called "St Nicholas the Drenched." This title is taken from a miraculous recovery of a child presumed drowned in the Dnipro River where the child was found sleeping on the altar before the icon of St Nicholas, both of which were drenched with water.
Dionysia, a lady remarkable for her great beauty, but much more so for her holy zeal and piety, was so long scourged in the most conspicuous place of the forum, that every part of her body was covered with wounds and blood. Seeing Majoricus, her only son, tremble at the sight of her torments, she said to him: "Son, remember that we have been baptized in the name of the holy Trinity, in the Church, our Mother. Let us not lose the clothing of our salvation, lest the master of the feast, finding us without the nuptial garment, command his servants to cast us into outer darkness." The young man being strengthened by her words, suffered a most cruel martyrdom with constancy. The courageous mother embracing his body, gave thanks to God with a loud voice, and buried him in her own house, that she might frequently pray upon his tomb.
A nobleman of Suburbis, named Servus, was tortured by the persecutors with the utmost fury. After his body was bruised with clubs, he was hoisted in the air by pulleys, and then let down again, that he might fall with all his weight on the pavement; and this was repeated several times. After this, he was dragged along the streets, and torn with flint stones and pebbles, insomuch, that his flesh and skin hung down in many places from his sides, back, and belly, and his ribs appeared bare.
• AUXILIUS, ISSERNINUS and SECUNDINUS (5th c.) Workers with St Patrick in the enlightenment of Ireland
• Name Day of Royal Martyr Tsar NICHOLAS II (1918)
• NICHOLAS 尼古拉 (Ivan Kasatkin) Equal to the Apostles Archbishop of Japan (1836-1912)
The Orthodox cathedral of Tokyo (metropolitan diocese of Japan), Tokyo Resurrection Cathedral, was informally named after him as Nikorai-do, first by the local community, and today nationwide, in remembrance of his work.
• Hosiosmartyr hieromonk GALAKTION (Gregory Urbanovich-Novikov) (1869-1937) day of martyrdom, shoted in Taldy-Kurgan in Kazakhstan
• Hieromartyr archpriest SERGIUS Uspenskij (1878-1937) day of martyrdom after Mozhajsk prison of Moskow, shoted and graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr archpriest SERGIUS Goloshchapov(1882-1937) day of martyrdom after Mozhajsk prison of Moskow, shoted and graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr deacon NIKIFOR Litvinov (1892-1937) day of martyrdom after Volokolamsk prison of Moskow, shoted and graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr presbiter MICHAEL Uspenskij (1874-1937) day of martyrdom after Kashira prison of Moskow, shoted and graved at Butovo
• Hieromartyr archpriest PETR Krestov (1890-1941) day of death after Riasan prison, in lasaret of Vyatkag KZ
• Hieromartyr GRIGOL Peradze of Georgia, Archimandrite (1899-1942) killed in the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz (Oświęcim) when he took the blame for the murder of a German officer to spare his fellow prisoners, or, according to another report, when he entered a gas-chamber in the place of a Jewish prisoner who had a large family
Monk in at Emesa (modern Hims, Syria). His community was destroyed and the brothers dispersed by pagan nomad raids when Abraham was in his early 20's. He moved to Constantinople (modern Istanbul, Turkey) where c.500 he was made abbot at Gratia, Bithynia at age 26. He served for ten years, but finally fled in secret to Palestine for the quieter life of a hermit. However, when Church authorities located him, Abraham was ordered to return to his post. Consecrated as the reluctant bishop of Kratia soon after. Around 525 he was finally allowed to resign his see and retire for 30 years of ermetical solitude and prayer.
• Bishop AEROS
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀέρος ὁ Ἐπίσκοπος
• ANTONIUS Abbot of Siya in Novgorod
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀντώνιος ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ Νέος ὁ ἐν Σιήσκῳ
• Virgin ASELLA the Recluse at Rome, Abs. (407)
"A flower of the Lord", this virgin became a nun in Rome at the age of ten and then lived for many years until she became abbess, "the mother of many virgins".
A consecreated virgin (a nun) from age 10. At age 12 she moved into a cell in Rome, Italy in which she lived the rest of her life. From it she led a community of like-minded women, and she emerged only to attend Divine Service and to visit the tombs of martyrs. She received visits from the historian Bishop Palladia. Her story is recounted by Saint Jerome who called her a flower of the Lord.
• BEREHERT of Tullylease
• BRECAN of Ardbraccan Abbey (6-7th c.)
• GERTRUDE the Elder of Hamage (also Hamay or Hamaye) (649) a widow who founded and was the 1st Abbess of Hamaye (Hamay, Hamage) Convent near Douai in the north of France
Married lay woman. Widow. Founded the convent at Hamaye near Douai, France. She joined the convent as nun and first abbess.
• Virginal Abbot GOBBAN of Old Leighlin, and Hermit of Holy Island (639) who founded the monastery of Old Leighlin, and afterwards resigned it to St Laserian, retiring in 632 to Killamery in Ossory
Holy Father, Gobban, pray to God for us!
• Hieroconfessor MAXIMUS 玛克息默 Metropolitan of Kiev & Vladimir (1305) who opposed the false Union of Lyons perpetrated by the Emperor Michael VIII in 1274
On the night following the move to Vladimir, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to the Saint, saying "You have done well, Maximus my servant, in coming to live in my city!" She then put a mantle on his shoulders which he found when he awoke. The Maximov Icon of the Mother of God (April 18) was placed on the wall above the grave of the Saint. It was painted in the year 1299 following a vision to Metropolitan Maximus. A description of this vision was inscribed on the left side of the crypt.
• Sainted NICHOLAS 尼科拉 the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia (335)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νικόλαος ὁ Θαυματουργός Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Μύρων τῆς Λυκίας
全世界每年的12 月6 日都要纪念圣尼科拉日。尼科拉出生于显赫且富有的家庭,是德奥梵和,span class="person">诺娜唯一的儿子。尼科拉的父母来自吕基亚的帕特拉市。上帝赋予了他们这个唯一的儿子,为了向上帝回报,他们将这唯一的儿子献于上帝。圣尼科拉从他的叔叔、帕特拉的主教尼科拉那里学到了有关属灵方面的知识,并在他叔叔修建的“新锡安山”修道院剪发成为一名修士。尼科拉的父母去世后,他将所继承的全部财产都分给了穷人,没有为自己留下任何东西。作为帕特拉的一名司祭,尼科拉因他的慈爱而众所周知,尽管如此,他非常谨慎地隐藏他所施行的慈善事工,履行上帝的话语:“你施舍的时候,不要叫左手知道右手所作的”(玛特泰福音/太/玛6:3)。当他在隐匿到荒凉且安静的地方,考虑着这样渡过他的一生的时候,从高处传来的声音临到他:“尼科拉,如果你想被我加冕的话,就回到人们中间来进行修行。”在这之后,出于上帝神圣的意志,尼科拉立即被选为吕基亚米拉的主教。尼科拉仁慈、聪明、且无畏,是他看守的羊群的真正牧人。在戴克里先和马克思米安在位期间对基督徒进行迫害期间,尼科拉被打入了监牢,即使是在监牢中,他也以上帝的律法教导人们。尼科拉出席了在尼西亚举行的第一次普世大公会议(公元325 年),出于对真理的忠贞,他用手打了异教者奥里乌斯一个耳光。由此,尼科拉被清除出大公会议,并撤消了他的主教职务,直到主耶稣和圣母亲自向几位大主教显现,告诉他们批准尼科拉为主教。尼科拉是上帝的真理的护卫者,他在人们中间曾经作为一名勇敢的正义的捍卫者。有两次,他拯救了三个人免于冤枉之死刑。赋予怜悯、诚实且作为一名正义的爱好者,尼科拉在人们当中行走如同上帝的天使一般。甚至在尼科拉在世期间,人们都将他看成是一位圣人,在遇到困难或不幸的时候请求他帮助;尼科拉有时在梦中向那些求叫他的人们显现,有时则亲自到他们的面前,不管身在何处,都能够迅速且轻松地帮助他们。在尼科拉的脸上曾经出现过一道光亮,就如同当初出现在摩伊息斯的脸上一样,他为人们带来抚慰、和平和美好的愿望。在年迈时,尼科拉短时间内得了病,由此安息主怀;尼科拉一生辛苦劳作且硕果累累、充满喜乐,在进入基督永生的国度之后,仍然用他的怜悯帮助地上的信徒们,并荣耀上帝。尼科拉于公元343 年12 月6 日离世。
His power as a wonderworker gave birth to a marvelous legend which is the origin of traditional children's festivals in the East as well as the West. St Nicholas is esteemed a patron of children, because he was from his infancy a model of innocence and virtue, and to form that tender age to sincere piety was always his first care and delight. To impress on the minds of children perfect sentiments of devotion, faith, and all virtues, with an earnestness in all duties, is a task often as delicate as it is important.
Saint Nicholas is the patron of travelers, and we pray to him for deliverance from floods, poverty, or any misfortunes. He has promised to help those who remember his parents, Theophanes and Nonna.
This is the feast day of “Cold Nicholas” as he is popularly called in Ukraine, his great festal day as the patron of children in particular. He is a patron of Ukraine and many legends surround his various patronages, including prayers in honour of his seven major miracles mentioned in his Life.
While at the first Ecumenical Council that condemned Arianism, St Nicholas punched Arius in the face and was censured by the Fathers of the Council for behaviour unbecoming a Bishop. His bishop’s mantle and gospel were taken away from him. But at that moment, an apparition occurred with the appearance of Christ and His Mother on either side of Nicholas, bearing a bishop’s mantle and a gospel-book. The Fathers then immediately reinstated Nicholas and icons of him to this day celebrate the miraculous event.
• NICHOLAS 尼科拉 Bishop of Patara, the uncle of the Great St Nicholas, and it was he who guided him to the spiritual life and ordained him a priest
• Holy Martyr NICHOLAS 尼科拉 Karamos (1657) cruelly tortured for the Christian Faith by the Turks and was hanged in Smyrna
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νικόλαος ὁ Νεομάρτυρας ὁ Καραμάνος ἢ Κασσέτης
尼科拉因基督信仰而遭受土耳其人的严刑拷打,并于公元1657 年在士麦那被吊死。
Overheard by some Muslims, he was brought before the judge, who asked if it was true that he wanted to embrace Islam. To this Nicholas replied: "God forbid I should ever deny my Maker and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, the true God who will judge the living and the dead and will give to each according to their deeds."
• Venerable NILUS of Stolobnoye, Russia (1554)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Νεῖλος ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ Νέος ὁ ἐν τῇ νήσῳ Στολοβνόε ἐν τῇ λίμνῃ Σεληγέρα
• Martyr NISER under Maximian and Diokletian (286-305) by fire
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νισέρ
• Hieromartyr POLYCHRONIUS (4th c.) Priest. Attended the Council of Nicaea. Opposed Arianism. Murdered at the altar by Arian extremists while he was celebrating Divine Service
• Hosiosmartyr SINTRAM of Corvey Abbey, and of Wezelum (885) in Nieder-Weisel near Butzbach in Hessen
• Sainted THEOPHILUS 德奥斐洛 Bishop of Antioch (185)
德奥梵受到过良好的希腊哲学的教育,在读过《圣经》之后,他就接受了浸礼,成了基督信仰的伟大捍卫者。他的作品《信仰之上》一直保留到今日。德奥梵管理安提约希亚的教会13 年之久,而后,于公元181 年得以进入基督永生的国度。
• VM VICTORIA at Cucusa in Northwestern Africa (484) suspended in the air whilst a fire was kindled under her
All this while her husband, who had apostatized from the Faith, talked to her in the most moving and passionate manner, conjuring her at least to have pity on him and her innocent babes, and save herself by obeying the king. The martyr stopped her ears not to hear his seducing words, and turned her eyes from her children, that she might more perfectly raise her heart to heaven. The executioners seeing her shoulders dislocated, and several of her bones broken, and not perceiving her to breathe, thought she was dead, and took her down. But she came to herself, and afterwards related, that a virgin had appeared to her, who, touching every part of her body, immediately healed it.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Blessed be God.
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