
среда, 12 декабря 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • December 13 / November 30 • Nativity Fast •


December 13 / November 30
2018 (7527)
Nativity (St Philip's) Fast
• Martyrs CASTULUS (Castolo, Castulo, Catulus, Kastl, Kastulis, Kastulus) of Moosburg and EUPREPIS of Rome (286)
Castulus of Rome married to Saint Irene of Rome. Military officer in the imperial palace in Rome during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. A quiet Christian, he was denounced to authorities for sheltering fellow Christians; arrested, tortured and martyred.
• MM SAPOR bishop of Beth-Nictor, and ISAAC bishop of Beth-Seleucia; MAHANES with caused the skin to be flayed from the top of the head to the navel, under which torment he expired, ABRAHAM whose eyes were bored out with a hot iron, in such a manner, that he died of his wounds two days after, and SIMEON buried in the earth up to his breast, and shot to death with arrows (339) for decline of idolarity doctrine of Zoroaster
We confess only one God, who made all things, and Jesus Christ born of him.
• MM NARSES bishop of Schiahareadat (the capital of Beth-Germa, a province in the heart of Persia), and JOSEPH his disciple, and others (343) including: JOHN bishop of Beth-Seleucia, was put to death in the castle of Beth-Hascita, by order of Ardascirus, prince of Persia, probably a son of Sapor; ISAAC priest of the town Hulsar, was stoned to death without the walls of Beth-Seleucia, by the command of the president of Adargusnasaphus; PAPA priest of Herminum, was put to death in the castle of Gabal, by prince Ardascirus, when he was viceroy of Hadiabus; UHANAM a young clergyman, was stoned to death by certain apostate gentlewomen of Beth-Seleucia, by order of the same prince; GUHSCIATAZADES a eunuch in the palace of Ardascirus, refused to sacrifice to the sun; whereupon that prince commanded Vartranes, an apostate priest, who had shrunk at his trial and renounced his faith, to kill him with his own hand, at last the impious Vartranes made a trembling push, and stabbed the holy eunuch; The Martyrs, whose names follow, were of the laity: SASANNES, MARES, TIMÆUS, and ZARON, sealed their faith with their blood in the province of the Huzites; BAHUTHA a most noble lady of Beth-Seleucia, was put to death for the same by order of the president; TECLA and DANACLA, virgins of the same city, suffered death soon after her, under the same judge; TATONA, MAMA, MAZACHIA, and ANNE, virgins and citizens of Beth-Seleucia, suffered martyrdom without the walls of the city of Burcatha; The virgins ABIATHA, HATHES, and MAMLACHA, of the province of Beth-Germa, were massacred by order of King Sapor, when he made a progress through that country // NOV 20 //
• Sainted PETER 裴特若 the 1st Catholicos of Georgia (5th c.) and SAMUEL 撒穆伊尔 (5-6th c.) ascended the throne of the Apostolic Orthodox Church of Georgia in the 6th century, after the holy catholicos Peter
• Martyrs of Saxony: ATTROBAN, BENJAMIN, GERWALD, GRISOLD, FOLKARD, EMMING Enlighteners in Sachsen (782) suffered in Blexen on the Weser (at River Weser, Lawer Saxony, Germany), today Stadtteil of Nordenham
Missionaries who worked with Saint Willehad of Bremen.
• Venerables NESTOR and JEFTIMIJ of Dečani
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• ELIAS schemamonk of Valaam and Verkhoturye (1900)
• Hieromartyr JOHN Chestnov, presbiter, priest (1874-1937)
• SEBASTIAN (Jovan Dabović) of Jackson and San Francisco (1863-1940) The 1st Serbian Orthodox Apostle
Our venerable father Sebastian Dabovich (now St Sebastian of Jackson and San Francisco) was a prominent Serbian priest in the Russian Mission in America in the 1890s and early 1900s. He founded numerous churches and was the author of several books.
Holy Apostle Sebastian, pray to God for us!
• Sainted ALEXANDER 亚历山大 bishop of Methymna on Lesbos (325) and a member of the 1st Ecumenical Council
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀλέξανδρος Μηθύμνης
• Holy Glorious and Illustrious and All-praised Apostle ANDREW 安德列 the First Called (the Protoclet) 首先蒙召者, of the Twelve (62) brother of Apostle Peter; crucified on a saltire (x-shaped) cross in Patras Greece. Patron Saint of Scotland and the Scottish flag is the Cross of St Andrew; Patron Saint of a whole bunch of Eastern Orthodox countries including Greece, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, and Cyprus
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀνδρέας ὁ Ἀπόστολος ὁ Πρωτόκλητος
He was the one who introduced Peter to Jesus, telling him “we have found the Messiah!” (John 1:41-42) but it’s poor Andrew who is always known as the brother of Simon Peter. St Andrew preached the gospel in Achaia and Thrace (among other places) and was crucified on a diagonal cross in Patras. This is why a diagonal cross or saltire is known as a St Andrew’s Cross.
He was an apostle, evangelist, prophet, pastor and teacher (Ephesians 4:11). As an evangelist, he carried the good news of the Gospel to the 4 corners of the earth; as a prophet, he prophesied the baptism of the Russian people and the greatness of Kiev as a city and a Christian center; as a pastor, he established and organized many churches; as a teacher, he tirelessly taught people right up to and during his crucifixion, when he taught from the cross until his last breath. In addition to this, he was a martyr, which is also according to the gift of the Holy Spirit, and is not given to everyone. And so we see in this apostle, as in the others, the fullness of the grace of the Spirit of God. And every great work that a follower of Christ performs must be ascribed to that grace.
根据基督教传说,安得烈生于位于加利利海边城镇(《约翰福音》1:44)。由于他是犹太人,安得烈这个希腊化的名字肯定不是他的原名,但其希伯来文或亚兰文名字并未流传。他曾是施洗约翰的门徒,也是耶稣第一个门徒(《约翰福音》1:37-40)。他住在迦百农(《马可福音》1:29)。在福音书曾有数个重要场合他被指认为和耶稣较亲密的门徒。 (《马可福音》13:3;《约翰福音》6:8,12:22);《使徒行传》只提过他一次。
他和他哥哥彼得都是渔夫,因此传统说耶稣召他们作门徒许诺使他们得人如得鱼。于是他和哥哥彼得撇下所有跟随耶稣,许多人只知道彼得,不知道他的兄弟安得烈,更不知道彼得之所以成为彼得,安得烈占很重大的因素,而教会历史也可能会改写。 (《约翰福音》1:35-41)。
安得烈是个喜欢领人认识主耶稣的人。圣经中三次提到他,都是提到他怎样把人带到主耶稣面前。圣安德烈宗徒的福传榜样是每个基督徒所值得效仿的。 一、领彼得去见耶稣(《约翰福音》1:40-42)
The name "Andrew" (Greek: manly, brave, from ἀνδρεία, Andreia, "manhood, valour"), like other Greek names, appears to have been common among the Jews, Christians, and other Hellenized people of Judea.
St Andrew did go to Scotland — at least his relics did. Scotland used to be the home of the relics of St Andrew, specifically a finger, some teeth and a kneecap. The relics were taken to Scotland by a 4th Century monk, St Regulus who was commanded to take them "to the ends of the earth." Clearly, Scotland was the obvious solutionAccording other version, the relics were translated from the monastery of Hexham in Northumberland to the kingdom of Fife in the 8th Century. The bishop there, St Acca, had been trained in Rome and it was probably there that he was given permission to take the relics to the wild, northern island of Britain. Once in Scotland, they were kept at St Andrews, Fife. St Andrews became one of the largest and most prosperous towns in Scotland and a major pilgrimage site. Because of the presence of his relics, St Andrew was adopted as the patron saint and special protector of the Scottish nation.
St Andrew’s Cathedral in Kyiv (Rastrelli) keeps the cross which he is said to have planted on the Kyivan hills as he blessed them and foretold that the city would have many churches. The slanted foot-rest of the Orthodox three-bar Cross, called the “National Cross of Ukraine,” has sometimes been seen as a symbolic hearkening to the Cross of St Andrew (“X”) to underscore the connection to Ukraine’s Apostle, St Andrew.
• Entrance of Apostle ANDREW into Georgia
• Martyr ANDREW 安德列 who was dragged along the ground on behalf of the veneration of the holy icons, and he was perfected (741-775) of Byzantium, suffered for the veneration of holy icons with the Monk Martyr Stephen the New, with whom they languished together in prison. After his martyr's death, were executed
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀνδρέας ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Sainted ANDREW Șaguna, Metropolitan bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Transylvania (1809-1873) and one of the Romanian community political leaders in the Habsburg Monarchy, especially active during the 1848 Revolution
• CAOIMHSEAC (Ceavsa) of Connach
• CONSTANTIUS (5th c.) a priest in Rome who opposed the Pelagians and at whose hands he suffered a great deal
• CRIDA (Crider) of Cornwall, Princess of Leinster, Mother of St Boethius (7th c.) Patroness of Creed, Cornwall
Daughter of an Irish chieftain. Nun. Friend of Saint Canice of Aghaboe.
• Equeal to the Apostles Sainted archbishop FRUMENTIUS 弗路门提 (Abba Salāmā) the Enlightener of Abyssinia, 1st Bishop of Ethiopia (Aethiopia, formerly Abysssinia) (380) of Inda
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φρουμέντιος Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Ἀβησσυνίας (Αἰθιοπίας)
When he returned from Alexandria to Abyssinia as a consecrated bishop, he began to perform the greatest miracles, thus converting great masses of people to the Faith. Then the amazed king asked him: "So many years have you lived among us and never have we seen you perform such miracles. How is it that you do so now?" To this, the Blessed Frumentius replied to the emperor: "This is not my work, but the work of the grace of the priesthood." The saint then explained to the king how he had forsaken parents and marriage and the whole world for the sake of Christ, and how he had ― by the laying on of hands by St Athanasius ― received the grace of the priesthood: miracle-working grace.
• Great Martyr JOHN of Antioch
• Great Martyress LUCIA
• VM MAURA at Constantinople
The virgin Maura was martyred at Constantinople. One of the Ionian islands is named in her honor, althoug her authenticity has been questioned.
• MIROCLES (Merocles, Mirocleto) of Milan (318) Archbishop of Milan, Italy. Writer. Attended the Council of Rome in 313. One of the originators of the Ambrosian liturgy and chant. His life and works were praised by Saint Ambrose of Milan
• TROJAN (Troyen) (533) a priest in Saintes in France where he later became bishop after St Vivien
• Sainted TUDWAL (Tugdual) 图德瓦尔 of Brittany, Bishop of Tréguier (564) monk from Wales who went to Brittany and became Bishop of Tréguier. 3 places in the Lleyn Peninsular in Gwynedd recall him and his relics are still honoured in Tréguier
Son of King Hoel I and Saint Koupaïa; cousin of King Deroc of Dumnonia. Monk in Wales. Friend and co-worker with Saint Briarch. Evangelized in Brittany. Founded the monastery of Lan Pabu at Leon, Spain. Bishop of Tréguier (Treher), Brittany. Advisor to King Childebert I. Several sites in the Leyn Peninsula of Wales bear his name.
• Holy and Rightbelieving VAKHTANG 瓦赫唐 Gorgasali 格尔伽撒利, King of Georgia (502)
• ZOSIMUS the Wonder-Worker, Hermit (6th c.) a Palestinian anchorite
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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