
пятница, 31 августа 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • September 1 / August 19 •


September 1 / August 19
2018 (7526)
Afterfeast of Dormition of the Mother of God
• Remembrance of envoke the Moscow from advancing of tatars in 1591 by church procession with Icon of the Mother of God of the DON (1380) 顿河圣母像纪念日 written by Theophan the Greek
The Don Icon of the Mother of God was written by Theophanes the Greek. On September 8, 1380, the day of the Kulikovo Battle (and the Feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos), the Icon was with the Russian army, giving it help, but after the victory it was passed on by the Don Cossacks as a gift to their commander, Great Prince Demetrius of the Don, who then transferred it to Moscow. At first, the icon was at the Kremlin's Dormition Cathedral, and later at the Annunciation Cathedral. In commemoration of the victory on the banks of the River Don it was called the Don Icon. In 1591, Crimean Khan Nuradin and his brother, Murat-Girei, invaded Russia with a large army. Advancing on Moscow, they positioned themselves on the Vorobiev hills. A procession was made around Moscow with the Don Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in order to guard the city from the enemy. On the day of battle it was in the military chapel in the ranks of the soldiers, and set the Tatars to flight. In 1592, the Don monastery was founded at the very place where the icon had stood amid the soldiers. The wonderworking icon was placed in this monastery, and its feast day was established as August 19. By established custom, once every four years His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia performs the rite of the preparation of Holy Chrism in the small cathedral in honor of the Don Icon of the Mother of God.
• Martyr ANDREW 安德列 Stratelates 将军 and 2 593 soldiers beheaded with him in Cilicia (284-305) by the governor Seleucus of Cilicia on the pretext that they had abandoned their military standards
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀνδρέας ὁ Στρατηλάτης καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῷ 2 593 Μάρτυρες
安德魯是一個官員, 一個論壇, 在在皇帝 Maximian 的朝代期間的[羅爾]瑪軍隊。他是一敘利亞由出生並且在敘利亞服務了。當波斯人與在那裡威脅了[羅爾]瑪帝國時軍事, 安德魯與軍隊一起被委托對敵人斗爭。在這個場合期間,安德魯作為一位司令被支持 - Stratelates 。秘密地一克裡斯琴, 盡管他沒被給某人施洗禮, 安德魯在生活的上帝信任了並且, 許多戰士,他僅僅選擇了最好和進入的戰斗。如果他們將在一個的幫助之上調用,他在戰斗前向他的戰士說那, 真實的上帝, 合[利爾]斯托。斯基督主, 他們的敵人將在他們前作為塵土散布。真正, 在安德魯和他的信念充滿了熱情的所有的戰士為幫助調用了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督並且做了襲擊。波斯的軍隊完全被消滅。當勝利的安德魯回到了安提阿一些時, 是羨慕的, 是一克裡斯琴和帝國的代理人的被告的安德魯召集了他到場。安德魯公開地在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督承認了他的不動搖的信念。在痛苦的折磨以後,代理人把安德魯扔了進監獄並且在[羅爾]瑪寫了到皇帝。知道的安德魯的在人民之中並且在軍隊的方面, 皇帝命令了代理人釋放安德魯到自由並且尋求另外的機會和另外一個原因 ( 不他的信念 ) 並且然後殺死他。通過上帝的展現, 安德魯聽說了皇帝的命令並且, 與他一起帶他的忠誠的戰士, 2593 數字在裡面, 在 Cilicia 與他們一起分離了到跗骨並且在那裡, 都被主教撇。特爾彼得給某人施洗禮。由帝國的當局迫害了甚至在那裡, 與他的分開的安德魯更遠撤退了進亞美尼亞人Tavros山。這裡, 在一條溝壑當他們在禱告時,[羅爾]瑪軍隊趕上了他們和所有到最後被斬。不他們之一甚至想要保衛自己但是都為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督渴望一位殉教者的死亡。在這個點上, 殉教者的血的流在此流動了, 從每疾病治好了許多的水爆發了的愈合的一個彈簧。主教撇。特爾彼得秘密地與他的人一起來了並且, 在一樣的點上,值得尊敬地埋葬了殉教者的正文。值得尊敬地死, 他們都與光榮的花環被使圓滿並且在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的王國在居住上面拿了吾主。
• MM TIMOTHY 提摩太 Bishop of Gaza, AGAPIUS 阿伽彼 and THECLA (Thekla) 特克拉 and others of Palestine (304) martyred for Christ during the reign of the wicked Emperor Diocletian. Timothy was burned alive and Agapius and Thecla were thrown before wild beasts
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Τιμόθεος, Ἀγάπιος καὶ Θέκλα οἱ Μάρτυρες
都 3 是為在居心不良的皇帝 Diocletian 的朝代期間的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的市場年。提摩斐。提摩太活被燒並且統帥更和 Thecla 在野生的野獸前被扔。
• Martyrs EUTYCHIAN the soldier, STRATEGIOS, MIRON suffered in fire (304) Οἱ Ἅγιοι Εὐτυχιανὸς καὶ Στρατήγιος οἱ Μάρτυρες
• Hosiosmartyrs LEOVIGILD a monk and pastor in Cordoba in Spain and CHRISTOPHER a monk of the monastery of St Martin de La Rojana near Cordoba, martyred in Cordoba under Abderrahman II (852)
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Repose of Abbess MARIA Ushakova of Diveyevo (1904)
• NICOLOS Lebedev the Confessor, presbiter, priest in Tver (1869-1933)
• Hieromartyr SIMON Mchelidze, archpriest (1865-1924)
• Hieromartyr HERMAN Dzhadzhanidze, archpriest (1868-1924)
• Hieromartyr IERATHEOS Nicoladze, archpriest (1865-1924)
• Hieromartyr VISSARION Kukhianidze, protodeacon (1871-1933)
• Repose of Archimandrite SPYRIDON Efimov (1984) disciple of John of Shanghai and San Francisco
• BADULF (Badour, Badolf) (850 ) monk and Abbot of Ainay near Lyons in France
• Venerable BERTULF of Bobbio in Italy, Abbot (640)
He became a monk at Luxeuil in France, then went to Bobbio in Italy where he became abbot on the repose of St Attalas.
• CALMINIUS (Calmilius) (690) hermit who founded the monasteries of Villars and Mauzac near Riom in France
• CREDAN (780) 8th Abbot of Evesham in England
• CRESCENTIA (also Criscentia) of Paris (4-5th c.)
• CUMIN Bishop in Ireland (7th c.)
• DONATUS of Mount Jura (535) of Orléans in France, priest, vicar of Bishop Gallican I of Embrun, hermit on Mt Jura near Sisteron in Provence
• ELAPHIUS (580) Bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne in France
Died of natural causes in Spain while on a pilgrimage to the relics of St Eulalia of Merida.
• ENAN Patron of Drumrath, County of Westmeath (6th c.)
• Uncovering of the relics of GENNADIUS abbot of Kostroma (1565)
• GUENNINUS (7th c.) Bishop of Vannes in Brittany (in modern France)
• JULIUS (190) early Martyr in Rome
• MAGNUS of Avignon (660) Bishop of Lérins, France
Married. Father of Saint Agricola of Avignon. Governor of Avignon, France. Widower. Monk at Lérins Abbey.
• Hieromartyr MAGNUS bishop of Trani, Italy (660) beheaded near Fabrateria Vetus, Latium (modern Ceccano, Italy)
• MARIANUS (515) hermit in the forest of Entreaigues in Berry in France
St Gregory of Tours wrote a biography of him.
• MARINUS (800) bishop at the monastery of St Peter in Besalu in Catalonia in Spain
• MOCHTA (Mocheteus, Mochteus, Mochuta) of Louth (535) of Wales, Abbot, Bishop, he founded the monastery of Louth in Ireland; Spiritual student of Saint Patrick
• NAMADIA (700) Wife of St Calminius, as a widow she became a nun at Marsat in France
• Hieromartyr Sainted PITIRIM 彼提林 Bishop of Velikoperm (Great Perm) (1455)
• RUFINUS venerated in Mantua in Italy from early times
• Righteous SARAH (Sarai or Sara) Wife of Abraham and Mother of Isaac; died of natural causes at age 127
Jewish Old Testament Matriarch. Wife of the Patriarch Abraham. A convert from paganism, she was the first female convert to the faith of Abraham. Nomad in the desert of Canaan. When she was aged 90, she heard angels say she would finally become a mother. She laughed at the idea, and when her son was born, she named him Isaac from the word for laughter.
• SEBALD (770) born in England, he lived as a hermit near Vicenza in Italy and then preached with St Willibald in the Reichswald in Germany
• Pope SIXTUS III (440)
• Venerable THEOPHANES 德奥梵 the New Wonderworker, from Naoussa in Macedonia and of the monastery Docheiariou on the Mt Athos (15th c.)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Θεοφάνης ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ Νέος
Theophanes 在 Ioannia 出生並且, 作為一個年輕的人,都離開了並且去了他是噸肯定的Athos山在 Dochiariu 的社區的一個修道士。他是到在齋戒的所有的修道士的一個例子, 禱告, 通宵的守夜並且所有這些剝奪他自己是不必要的。及時,並且因為這, 他作為修道院院長被選。后來, 因為與修道士的一些誤解, 他離開了Athos山並且, 與他的外甥,去了 Berea [ Beroea ] 都神聖的 Theotokos 在他建立了一個修道院在的馬其頓尊敬。甚麼時候與神的生活的這修道院 blossomed , Theophanes 委托了他的外甥管理它並且他去了他在神聖的天神長的榮譽建立了另外的修道院的 Naousa 。Theophanes 和平地在第 15 個世紀死了。他的工作奇跡遺物, 甚至現在, 在 Naousa 的修養並且表明上帝的大力量。
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

четверг, 30 августа 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • August 31 / August 18 •


August 31 / August 18
2018 (7526)
Afterfeast of Dormition of the Mother of God
• Panagia PANTANASSA (Most-Holy Queen of All) (1639) of Vatopedi, Mount Athos
Panagia Pantanassa (Most-Holy Queen of All) is a miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary from the holy and great Monastery of Vatopedi, Mount Athos, Greece. The icon depicts the Theotokos enthroned and holding her son. The holy and miracle-working icon of the Virgin Mary was brought to the Vatopedi monastery by the blessed elder Joseph from Nea Skete. The first record of the icon's miraculous powers is from the witness of Elder Joseph. One day a young man from Cyprus went to visit and entered into the church. At that point, the elder witnessed a glowing light radiating from the face of the Theotokos and an invisible power pushed the young man down to the ground. When the young man had recovered from his fall, he began to repent and weep and confessed that he did not believe and was a participant in the black arts. He changed his life and became an Orthodox Christian. This icon is also known for working many miracles, especially healing people with cancer. There are many recent records of people who have been healed from cancer after participating in the Supplicatory Canon to the Pantanassa at the monastery.
• The HODIGITRIA Icon of the Mother of God, situated in the Mela monastery near Trapezund was written, by tradition, by the Evangelist Luke
• Martyrs FLORUS 弗洛若 and LAURUS 拉弗若 of Illyria (138) the patrons of farm animals and horses in particular
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Φλῶρος καὶ Λαῦρος οἱ Μάρτυρες
Florus 和 Laurus 是在肉的兄弟, 並且在神並且在職業。兩個是熱心的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教並且, 由職業,石工。他們生活在了 Illyria 。一個異教徙王子為堂的大樓僱用了他們到聖像。碰巧在他們的工作期間,一塊石頭飛了並且打擊了異教徙司祭的與好奇心正在觀察建築者的工作的兒子的眼睛。看見他的瞎並且流血的兒子, 異教徙司祭在 Florus 和 Laurus 開始了到呼喊並且想要打他們。那麼, 神聖的兄弟向他說如果他將相信他們在其相信了的上帝,他的兒子將被愈合。異教徙司祭答應了。Florus 和 Laurus 與眼淚祈禱了到一個, 生活, 主上帝並且在孩子的家上跟蹤了十字的跡象受傷的眼睛。孩子很快地被愈合並且當它是,他的眼睛就變得了整個。然後異教徙司祭 Merentius 和他的兒子被給某人施洗禮並且, 立即在那以後,兩個在火邊為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督受苦了。他們甚麼時候完成了堂, Florus 和 Laurus ,把一個十字放了在它上, 召集了所有的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教並且與唱歌的聖歌的通宵的守夜以主伊伊穌。斯耶穌的名義奉獻了它。聽說這, Illyrian 代理人燒了許多那些合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教並且活在一口井扔了 Florus 和 Laurus 並且然後用塵土填滿了它。后來, 他們的遺物被揭示到土耳其都市並且遷座。這些 2 個好兄弟受苦了並且為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督是市場年並且被合[利爾]斯托。斯基督在第二世紀贊美。
• Martyrs PROCULUS and MAXIMUS of Illyria drowned in a well (2nd c.) employers of Florus and Laurus
Sculptors. Stone-cutters who worked to build Christian churches.
• Τὸ Ἅγιο Πλῆθος τῶν Πενήτων (Φτωχῶν)
• Martyrs HERMAS埃尔弥斯, SERAPION 塞拉彼雍 and POLYAENUS 颇利埃诺 in Rome who were dragged by their feet over rough ground until they died (2nd c.)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἔρμος (ἢ Ἑρμῆς), Σεραπίων καὶ Πολύαινος οἱ Μάρτυρες
• Martyrs HILARION 伊拉里雍, DIONYSIUS 迪奥尼西 and HERMIPPUS 埃尔弥颇, Hieromartyr EMILIAN 埃弥利安 and others (about 1 000) of Italy (4th c.)
Emilian 在亞美尼亞出生。根據他的愿望和尋求的殉教,他旅行了到意大利在 Diocletian 的朝代期間宣講合[利爾]斯托。斯基督。他被選 Trevi 的主教。由於在他的折磨的時間期間的許多奇跡,近似 1000 異教徙相信了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督。他被劍和 Hilarion ,他的神的父親和 2 個兄弟, 狄奧尼修斯和 Hermippus 殺死。
• JOHN and CRISPUS (303) priests in Rome who devoted themselves to recovering and burying the bodies of the martyrs, for which they themselves suffered martyrdom
• 300 martyrs who were burned in a fire for smashing idols
• Venerable monks BARNABUS 瓦尔纳弗 and his nephew SOPHRONIUS 索福若尼 and CHRISTOPHER of Mt Mela near Trebizond (412) Founders of Soumela Monastery
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Βαρνάβας, Σωφρόνιος καὶ Χριστόφορος
• Venerable 4 Ascetics in the desert, reposed in peace
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Τέσσερις Ὅσιοι Ἀσκητὲς
• MM EUDOXIA and her brother ELYANUS in Egypt
• Sainted 格奥尔吉 GEORGE I patriarch of Constantinople (683) and JOHN 约翰 patriarch of Constantinople
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Γεώργιος καὶ Ἰωάννης Πατριάρχες Κωνσταντινουπόλεως
• The Holy Kollyvades AGAPIOS (1844) and PORPHYRIOS (1852) the Ascetics of Santorini, founders of the steep Hermitage at the edge of Mesa Mountain (or Mesa Vouno) in Santorini (or Thera), between the bays of Perissa and Kamari
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr GREGORY Bronnikov, presbiter, priest (1876-1937)
• Martyr EUGENE Dmitrev, psalmreader (1937)
• Martyr MICHAEL Jeregodsky (1878-1937)
• New Martyrs Archimandrite AUGUSTINE 奥古斯丁 of Orans Monastery, Protopriest NICHOLAS 尼科拉 of Nizhni-Novgorod, and 15 people with them (1918)
• Martyr AGAPITUS (274) a fifteen year old who bravely confessed Christ and was martyred in Palestrina near Rome
• Holy New Hieromartyr AGAPIOS of Galatista (1710-1752)
• Bishop ALIPIUS (Alypius) of Tagaste (430)
• Venerable ARSENIUS 阿尔塞尼 the Younger (from Paros, Ioannina), Hesychast, Winderworker on the island of Paros (1800-1877)
Ἀνακομιδὴ Τιμίων Λειψάνων Ὁσίου Ἀρσενίου τοῦ νέου τοῦ ἐν Πάρῳ
• CHRISTODOULOS 赫里斯托杜洛 the Philosopher, called the Ossetian, of Georgia (12th c.)
• Venerable CHRISTOPHER 赫里斯托佛尔 abbot of Mt Mela Monastery (694)
• Holy New Martyr CONSTANTINE of Kappua (1610)
Άγιος Κωνσταντίνος εκ Καππούας
• Bishop DAIG Maccairill (Dagaeus, Daganus) (586) of Inis-Caoin-Deagha, now Iniskeen, in the County of Louth
• Hosiosmartyr DEMETRIUS of the Walach of Samarina in the Pindos Mountains, Monk martyred in Ioannina (1808)
• EONUS of Arles (502) Archbishop of Arles, France in the late 5th and early 6th century. Fought the Pelagian heresy. Ordained Saint Cesareo of Arles
• ERNAN of Donegal, Ireland (643) nephew and spiritual student of St Columba of Iona. Missionary to the Picts. Founded a monastery in Donegal, Ireland. When St Columba died, Ernan had a vision of Columba's soul ascending to heaven. St Adamnan of Iona mentioned Ernan in his writings
• ERNIN (Mernog) of Rathnoi, now Rathnew, County of Wicklow, and of Killdreenagh (6-7th c.)
• EVAN (Inan) (9th c.) hermit in Ayrshire in Scotland, where churches are dedicated to him
• FIRMINUS Bishop of Metz (496)
Greek or Italian by origin, he was Bishop of Metz in France for eight years.
• HELEN (Helena, Halina or Ellen) Empress of Constantinople (330) the patroness of dyers, nailsmiths, and needle-makers. She is invoked against fire and thunder
• Venerable HIERO (Jeron, Iero, Jerome), hieromonk (886) priest and martyr at Egmond, Holland
• JOHN of Rome (590) Benedictine monk at Saint Andrew's monastery on the Coelian Hill, Rome, Italy under abbot Saint Gregory the Great who later wrote about him. Miracle worker
• Sainted JOHN V patriarch of Constantinople (674)
• Repose of Venerable JOHN 约安 abbot of Rila (946)
這大禁欲並且正統的教會的聖人在 Sophia 附近出生, 在在國王鮑裡斯的朝代期間的 Skrino 的鎮的保加利亞。他有窮人但是尊敬的父母。在他的父母的死亡以後, 伊望。約翰是噸肯定一個修道士並且撤退了到山荒地並且, 開始了生活在一個洞的嚴格的禁欲主義的生活。在那裡, 他忍受了許多襲擊, 從魔鬼和人的兩個, 從強盜和他的親戚。在這以後,他搬了到 Rila 山並且在一棵空樹裡安定了。他僅僅在植物和蠶豆上喂了, 它, 根據上帝的普羅維登斯開始了在鄰近成長。有許多年的時間, 他沒看見一個人的臉直到再, 由上帝的普羅維登斯,他被牧羊人發現正在尋求他們的失去的綿羊。這樣, 聖人在人民之中被聽說並且他們開始了來找他在疾病並且在痛苦尋求幫助。保加利亞的國王撇。特爾彼得自己訪問了伊望。約翰並且從他尋求了法律顧問。是為神的生活的熱心者的人,在伊望。約翰的最近解決了的許多。在那裡, 一個教會和修道院快速被造。聖伊望。約翰和平地在 8 月 18 日在主休息了, 946 A.D 在 70 歲時。在他的死亡以後,他在門徙看來了。最初, 他的遺物被遷座到 Sophia , 然後到匈牙利,然後到 Trnovo 並且最後到 Rila 修道院在哪兒他們修養今天。在整個世紀, Rila 修道院是光的烽火, 為保加利亞的克裡斯琴人的工作奇跡力量和神的安逸的一個地方特別在在土耳其人下面的奴役的困難的時間期間。
• Martyress JULIANA 犹利亚纳 of Myra near Strobilus
Ἡ Ἁγία Ἰουλιανὴ ἡ Μάρτυς πλησίον τοῦ Στροβίλου
• LAURA (Lauren, Laureen, Lauralie or Lora)
• Martyr LEO 莱翁 drowned near Myra in Lycia
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λέων ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Venerable MACARIUS the Monk of Pelekete in Constantinople, abbot, hieroconfessor (830)
To you, O Master, who loves all mankind
I hasten on rising from sleep.
By your mercy I go out to do your work
and I make my prayer to you.
Help me at all times and in all things.
Deliver me from every evil thing of this world
and from pursuit by the devil.
Save me and bring me to your eternal kingdom,
For you are my Creator,
You inspire all good thoughts in me.
In you is all my hope and to you I give glory,
now and forever. - St Macarius
Monk at the monastery at Pelekete, taking the name Macarius. Abbot. Miracle worker. Ordained by Patriarch Tarasius of Constantinople. Imprisoned and tortured for his opposition to Emperor Leo's orders of iconoclasm. Released by Emperor Michael the Stammerer, then exiled for his continued support of icons.
• Holy New Martyr MATTHEW of Crete (1670-1697)
• MILO of Fontenelle (740) became a monk together with his father at Fontenelle in France and later a hermit
• Repose of NIKOLAS "of the Turk", Schemamonk of the Skete Optina (1893)
• RÓNÁN of Iona (660) Monk at Iona Abbey. Was involved in the controversy with Saint Finan of Iona concerning the celebration of Easter. Confessor of the faith
• Venerable SOPHRONIUS 索福若尼 of St Anne's Skete on Mt Athos (18th c.)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σωφρόνιος ὁ Ἁγιορείτης
• Righteous monk THADDAEUS of Stepanzminda (6th c.) disciple of Johannes Sedasneli
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

среда, 29 августа 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • August 30 / August 17 •


August 30 / August 17
2018 (7526)
Afterfeast of Dormition of the Mother of God

• Icon of the Mother of God of SVEN of St Alypius (1288)
The Sven Icon of the Mother of God of the Caves has two festal celebrations: May 3 (the day of the repose of St Theodosius of the Caves), and August 17 (the day of the repose of St Alypius), who wrote the icon. The August 17 celebration was established in 1815 in thanksgiving for the deliverance of the city of Briansk (around which the icon appeared in 1288) from invasion during the 1812 Napoleonic War.
• Icon of DORMITION of the Mother of God of the Kiev Caves
The Kiev Caves Icon of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the most ancient icons in the Russian Orthodox Church. The Mother of God entrusted it to four Byzantine architects, who in 1073 brought the icon to Sts Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves. The architects arrived at the monks' cave and asked, "Where do you want to build the church?" The saints answered, "Go, the Lord will point out the place." "How is it that you, who are about to die, have still not designated the place?" the architects wondered. "And they gave us much gold." Then the monks summoned all the brethren and they began to question the Greeks, saying, "Tell us the truth. Who sent you, and how did you end up here?" The architects answered, "One day, when each of us was asleep in his own home, handsome youths came to us at sunrise, and said, 'The Queen summons you to Blachernae.' We all arrived at the same time and, questioning one another we learned that each of us had heard this command of the Queen, and that the youths had come to each of us. Finally, we beheld the Queen of Heaven with a multitude of warriors. We bowed down to Her, and She said, 'I want to build Myself a Church in Rus, at Kiev, and so I ask you to do this. Take enough gold for three years.' We bowed down and asked, 'Lady Queen! You are sending us to a foreign land. To whom are we sent?' She answered, 'I send you to the monks Anthony and Theodosius.' We wondered, 'Why then, Lady, do You give us gold for three years? Tell us that which concerns us, what we shall eat and what we shall drink, and tell us also what You know about it.' The Queen replied, 'Anthony will merely give the blessing, then depart from this world to eternal repose. The other one, Theodosius, will follow him after two years. Therefore, take enough gold. Moreover, no one can do what I shall do to honor you. I shall give you what eye has not seen, what ear has not heard, and what has not entered into the heart of man (1 Cor.2:9). I, Myself, shall come to look upon the church and I shall dwell within it.' She also gave us relics of the holy martyrs Menignus, Polyeuctus, Leontius, Acacius, Arethas, James, and Theodore, saying, 'Place these within the foundation.' We took more than enough gold, and She said, 'Come out and see the resplendent church.' We went out and saw a church in the air. Coming inside again, we bowed down and said, 'Lady Queen, what will be the name of the church?' She answered, 'I wish to call it by My own name.' We did not dare to ask what Her name was, but She said again, 'It will be the church of the Mother of God.' After giving us this icon, She said, 'This will be placed within.' We bowed down to Her and went to our own homes, taking with us the icon we received from the hands of the Queen." Having heard this account, everyone glorified God, and St Anthony said, "My children, we never left this place. Those handsome youths summoning you were holy angels, and the Queen in Blachernae was the Most Holy Theotokos. As for those who appeared to be us, and the gold they gave you, the Lord only knows how He deigned to do this with His servants. Blessed be your arrival! You are in good company: the venerable icon of the Lady." For three days St Anthony prayed that the Lord would show him the place for the church. After the first night there was a dew throughout all the land, but it was dry on the holy spot. On the second morning throughout all the land it was dry, but on the holy spot it was wet with dew. On the third morning, they prayed and blessed the place, and measured the width and length of the church with a golden sash. (This sash had been brought long ago by the Varangian Shimon, who had a vision about the building of a church.) A bolt of lightning, falling from heaven by the prayer of St Anthony, indicated that this spot was pleasing to God. So the foundation of the church was laid. The icon of the Mother of God was glorified by numerous miracles. Two friends, John and Sergius, sealed their friendship before it. After many years John fell mortally ill. He gave part of his wealth to the Caves monastery, and he gave Sergius the portion for his five-year-old son for safekeeping. He also entrusted his son Zachariah to his guardianship. When Zachariah turned fifteen, he asked for his inheritance, but Sergius persisted in saying that John had distributed everything to the poor. He even went into the Dormition Church and swore before the wonderworking icon that he had taken nothing. When he attempted to kiss the icon, he was not able to come near it. He went to the doors and suddenly shouted, "Sts Anthony and Theodosius! Let me not be struck down for my dishonesty. Entreat the Most Holy Theotokos to drive away the multitude of demons which torment me. Let the gold and silver be taken away. It is sealed up in my granary." Zachariah gave away all his inheritance to the Caves monastery, where he also himself was tonsured a monk. From that time, no one would take oaths before the wonderworking icon. More than once the icon defended the land from enemy invasion. In 1677, when the Turks laid siege to Chigirin and danger threatened Kiev, they carried the icon around the city for almost the entire day of August 27. In 1709, the Mother of God blessed Russian armies going to the Battle of Poltava. In 1812 they carried the icon around Kiev again. The icon is commemorated twice during the year: May 3 and August 15.
• Icon of the Mother of God of ARMATIA 阿尔玛提亚
Σύναξις Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου ἐν τοὶς Ἀρματίου
The Armatian Icon of the Mother of God was situated in Constantinople at the Armatian monastery. The place, where the monastery was located, was called "Armation" or "of the Armatians" and received suchlike a name from the military magister Armatias, nephew of the tyrant Basiliskos and a contemporary of the emperor Zenon (474-491). The celebration of the wonderworking icon was established to commemorate deliverance from the Iconoclast heresy. The VII OEcumenical Council in the year 787 drew up dogmatic determinations about icon-veneration based on the foundations of Holy Scripture and Church Tradition.
• The HODIGITRIA Icon of the Mother of God
• MM PAUL 保罗 and his sister JULIANA (Juliane) 犹利亚纳 and QUADRATUS 卦德拉特, ACACIUS 阿喀基 and STRATONICUS 斯特拉托尼科 and others, at Ptolemaïs in Syria (273)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Παῦλος καὶ Ἰουλιανὴ οἱ Μάρτυρες καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῶν Μαρτυρήσαντες
Στρατόνικος, Κοδρᾶτος καὶ Ἀκάκιος οἱ δήμιοι
• MM THYRSUS 提尔索, LEUCIUS 莱弗基, CALLINIKOS (Coronatus) 科若纳特 and companions, martyrs in Caesarea in Bithynia (249-251)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Θῦρσος, Λεύκιος, Κορωνᾶτος καὶ ἡ συνοδεία τους
• MM STRATON 斯特拉同, PHILIP 腓力, EUTYCHIAN 艾弗提希安 and CYPRIAN 基普里安 in Nicomedia (303)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Στράτων, Φίλιππος, Εὐτυχιανὸς καὶ Κυπριανὸς οἱ Μάρτυρες
• LIBERATUS the Abbot, BONIFACE deacon, SERVUS and RUSTICUS subdeacons, ROGATUS, SEPTIMUS and MAXIMUS, monks (483)
• Venerablesses BENEDICTA (Benetta, Benita, Benedetta, Eulogia or Bettina) and CECILIA Abs. at Susteren in Rhenenia (The Rhineland in Germany) (10th c.)
• EUTYCHIUS, his brother EUTYCHIANUS and his sister KASSIANE ascetics in Crete
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• GEORGE (Gheorghe Lazar) the Pilgrim (1846-1916)
• Hieromartyr ALEXIS Velikosel’sky presbiter, priest (1865-1918)
• Hieromartyr DIMITRI Ostroumov, presbiter, archpriest (1865-1937)
• MM ARCHILLEUS Sirotin, Archpriest, MIKHAIL Grochov, Priest and Onurov, Deacon (1921)
• Monk ABIDINGIDSE from the monastery T'ba (T'beti) (from Chichuni in Adzaria) (13th c.)
• Hosiosmartyr AGAPIUS monk, martyred in Thermes (Thermie) at Thessaloniki (1752)
• AIGLON the Anachoret
Ὁ Ὅσιος Αἴγλων
• Venerable ALYPIUS 阿利彼 the Iconographer, monk of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1114) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Anthony Near Caves of the Lavra
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀλύπιος ὁ Ζωγράφος ὁ ἐν Σπηλαίῳ
描繪聖像 [ 臉 ] 在木頭上的聖人, Olympius 在他的自己的靈魂模仿了甚至他們的好工作。他愈合了敗壞的一個人, 看見了上帝的一個天神並且, 在他的老年,和平地在一年在主死了 1114 A.D 。
St Alypius is known for the famous miracle involving an Angel who came to help him finish an icon he had begun. A patron saint of iconographers, St Alypius’ work represents the best of Byzantine iconographic style where success is measured not in terms of artistic quality so much as the ability of the icon to reflect the spirituality and humility of the iconographer so as to inspire others to prayer and reflection. Portraying the images [faces] of the saints on wood, Olympius imitated even their good works in his own soul. He healed a man of leprosy, saw an angel of God and, in his old age, died peacefully in the Lord in the year 1114 A.D.
• Venerable AMOR (Amator, Amour) of Amorbach, Abbot, Enlightener of Odenwald (777)
• ANASTASIUS (553) Bishop of Terni in Italy
Hermit near Perugia, Italy. Bishop of Terni, Italy. Helped keep his flock from following the Arian heresy. Following the destructive invasion of his area by Totila, Anastasius led rescue and rebuilding efforts of homes and churches.
• Repose of Schemanun ARDALIONA of Ust-Medveditsky Convent (1864)
• CARLOMAN King of Austrasia (707-755)
Eldest son of Charles Martel. King of Austrasia in 741. Supported the founding of monasteries at Fulda in Germany, and of Lobbes and Stavelot in Belgium. Supported the missionary work of Saint Boniface. Late in life, and on the advice of Saint Boniface, Carloman abdicated the throne in favour of his brother, and became a monk, first on Mount Soracte and then Monte Cassino in Italy where he worked in the kitchen and as a shepherd.
• CHRISTODOULOS (Qristodule, Osse) philosopher (12th c.)
• Hosiosmartyr DEMETRIUS 迪弥特里 of Samarina in Epirus (1808)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Δημήτριος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας ὁ Μοναχὸς
• DRITHELM of Melrose, Hermit (700)
Wealthy and pious layman, a husband and father. Following a terrifying vision of the afterlife during a near-death experience during an epidemic in 696, he became a hermit and then monk at Melrose, Scotland. Bede writes of him in his History.
• Venerable ELGONOS (Aeglon, Eglon) the hermit and anchorite from the Sketian desert
• Venerable ELLAS 伊利亚 (Elias the Younger) in Calabria (823-905)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἠλίας ὁ Νέος
伊利亞。以利亞是由在在南部的意大利的 Calabria 的修道院 Mellicia 的降下和修道院院長的希臘語。在在東方的聖像的破壞的時間期間,許多東方的修道士與圖簽逃跑了到 Calabria 。及時, 修道士生活廣泛地在整個 Calabria 被散布。Calabrian 修道士被他們的生活的學識淵博和嚴峻區分。同時, 有如此多的在 Calabria 與埃及被作比較的 Calabria 的正統的修道院和修道士舊。后來, 通過世紀,正統的 Calabria 列入 Ohrid 的大主教的職位的權威下了。可敬的伊利亞。以利亞在一年在 Thessalonica 死了 903 A.D 。
• ERNAN of Torach, now Tory Island, County of Donegal
• EUSEBIUS (310) Greek exiled to Sicily
Son of a physican. 31st pope in 310. His papacy lasted only four months, most of which he spent in exiled to Sicily by emperor Maxentius due to disturbances over how to deal with the lapsi, Christians who lapsed from the faith during the persecutions of Diocletian, and then came back to it. Eusebius wanted to welcome them back, after penance. Baptized Saint Eusebius of Vercelli.
• Venerable HIERO (Jeron, Iero, Jerome) 耶若恩 hieromonk (886) priest and hosiosmartyr at Egmond, Holland
• JAMES the Deacon (7th c.) Deacon-Monk of York, England, Named by Saint Bede
• Hieromartyr JEROEN of Noordwijk (857)
• JOHN (Eóin Mac Carlain, Eóin son of Carlan) of Saint John's Point, County Down
• LEVKII of Volokolamsk, monk (15th c.)
• Hosiosmartyr MAKARIOS of Mount Auxentios, Hermit and Monk (768)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μακάριος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας
• Martyr MAMAS (257)
• Hieromartyr MYRON 弥荣 of Cyzicus, the presbyter (250)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μύρων ὁ Μάρτυρας
Priest who tried to face down the people who came to destroy his church in the persecutions of Decius and Antipater. They tortured and killed him, and then razed the building.
邁倫是在富裕並且突出的起源的 Achaia 的鎮的一個司祭並且從本質上講是客氣並且適中的, 兩上帝並且人的一個情人。在皇帝 Decius 的朝代期間並且, 在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的誕生的瞻禮上,異教徙收費了進教會, 外面從服務拖了邁倫並且使他遭到了折磨。在在火的折磨的時間期間,一個天神在他看來了並且鼓勵了他。在那以後,他們開始了從他的頭把他的皮膚切成脫衣到他的腳。殉教者抓住了一個他的皮膚的如此的脫衣並且, 與它,打擊了 torturer - 法官 - 在臉上。法官反輕拍, 好像擁有,拿了一把劍並且殺死了他自己。最後, 他們帶了邁倫去 Cyzicus 的城市並且旋轉在那裡他與在一年的劍 250 A.D 。
• ONUPHRIUS of Valaam, monk (death day 1912)
• Martyr PATROCLUS 帕特若克洛 of Trychasia (now Troyes) in Gaul (270-275)
普特洛克勒斯是 Trychasia 的城市的一個公民, 在法國的現在的天 Troyes [ 高盧 ] 。他從他的父母繼承了大財富並且, 從這, 作為一真實的克裡斯琴, 仁慈為的施行每日的行為少些幸運當他自己生活了時一天僅僅曾經拿食物的禁欲的生活, 在太陽的設置以後。因為他的生活的聖潔,主同意了普特洛克勒斯愈合並且他全部作為一奇跡工人被知道的力量。蛹的皇帝, 到達高盧, 命令了那普特洛克勒斯在他前被帶。聖普特洛克勒斯在皇帝前在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督宣告了他的信念並且沒隱蔽任何東西。“ O 皇帝, 如果你需要我的財富的一些東西, 我將把它給你, 因為我把你看作窮人”到皇帝的說的聖普特洛克勒斯。到那,皇帝答複了︰“你把我稱為皇帝,怎麼樣, 有無數的富人的窮人?聖普特洛克勒斯然後說︰“你有僅僅短暫的現世的財富但是你為你是差的不在你自己的所有也不你在你的心擁有合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思。“他被譴責至死並且在到戰士上傳遞了在一條河附近被帶去沼澤被殺死在那裡並且把他的正文丟在泥裡。但是上帝的聖人向上帝祈禱了他的正文別在泥裡並且由他突然成為了的上帝的力量留下不可見到戰士並且被遷座到河的另外的方面。在長搜索以後,戰士發現了他並且旋轉他在一個干燥的點上。2 個乞丐, 到誰普特洛克勒斯經常給了救濟金, 過來這條道路, 認出了他們的恩人的正文並且與榮譽埋葬了它。
• Venerable PIMEN archimandrite of Ugrisch (1880)
• Venerable Monk PHILIP 斐利普 of Sukhonsk and Yankov, Vologda (1662)
• RAPHAEL 拉法伊尔 of the Banat, Serbia
• TBELI 特贝利 Abuseridze of Khikhuni, Adjara (1190-1240)
• THEODULUS (Theodore) of Grammont (4th c.)
An early Bishop of Valais who was much revered in Switzerland and Savoy.
• Venerable RELINDIS the Recluse near Liége, Belgium (10th c.)
• Venerable THEODORETUS 德奥多里特 of Kola, Archmandrite, Enlightener of the Sami people (Laplanders) (1571)
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

вторник, 28 августа 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • August 29 / August 16 •


August 29 / August 16
2018 (7526)
Afterfeast of the Dormition
• Translation of the IMAGE NOT-MADE-WITH-HANDS OF OUR LORD AND GOD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST from Edessa to Constantinople (Holy Mandelion) (944)
主伊伊穌。斯耶穌合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的圖簽,“沒用手做” • The Third "FEAST OF THE SAVIOR" in August
Μνήμη εἰσόδου τῆς ἀχειροτεύκτου μορφῆς τοῦ Κυρίου καὶ Θεοῦ καὶ Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ
On the sixteenth of this month [August], we commemorate the entrance of the acheiropoiton (made without hands) image of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ, brought from the city of Edessa to the God-protected Queen of cities (Constantinople). The Feast of the Transfer of the Icon Not-Made-by-Hands, made together with the Afterfeast of the Dormition, they call the third-above Savior Icon, the “Savior on Linen Cloth.” The particular reverence of this Feast in the Russian Orthodox Church is also expressed in iconography, and the Icon Not-Made-by-Hands was one of the most widely distributed.
According to the Prologue, there are four known Icons of the Savior Not-Made-by-Hands:
- at Edessa, of King Abgar (August 16)
- the Kamulian, — Saint Gregory of Nyssa (January 10) wrote of its discovery, while according to Saint Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain (July 14), the Kamulian icon appeared in the year 392, but it had in appearance an icon of the Mother of God (August 9)
- in the time of Emperor Tiberius (578-582), Saint Mary Syncletike (August 11) received healing from this on ceramic tiles (16 August)
This third Feast of the Saviour in August is in honour of the Holy Face of our Lord imprinted on a cloth. The tradition behind it is that King Abgar of Edessa, who lived in the time of our Lord’s sojourn on earth, was becoming progressively blind when he heard about the great miracle-worker of Israel. He wrote a letter to our Lord inviting Him to come to live with him in Edessa. Our Lord wrote back to Abgar thanking him but declining his offer. Our Lord told the king that He would send him one of his disciples to cure him of his malady. After our Lord’s Ascension into Heaven, St Thaddeus went to Edessa with the cloth on which was the Image of our Lord’s Face (by tradition made when Christ washed His Face and then wiped it with that cloth, miraculously transferring His Image onto it). When the cloth touched King (Saint) Abgar’s eyes, he received his full sight back and enshrined the cloth above the main gate of his city.
在吾主宣講了好消息並且愈合的時間人的每病和體弱, 在幼發拉底河王子 Abgar 的岸上生活在了 Edessa 的城市在那裡完全與敗壞被感染。他聽說了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督, 每疼痛和疾病的醫生並且送了一個藝術家, 亞拿尼亞, 到與他在其懇求了主來到 Edessa 並且敗壞治好他的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的一封信的巴勒斯坦。結果主是不能的來, 王子命令了亞拿尼亞描繪他的相似並且把它帶到他, 相信這相似將能恢複他的健康。被回答了他是不能的來的主, 因為他的熱情的時間正在來臨拿了一條毛巾, 擦了他的臉並且, 在毛巾上,他的都純的臉完美地被畫。主與王子將被它愈合的消息把這條毛巾給了亞拿尼亞, 然而並非全部,並且晚些時候, 他將送他一個使者將擦掉他的疾病的剩余物。收到毛巾, 它和敗壞完全從他的它的正文但是一些掉落了的吻的王子 Abgar 在他的臉上留下了。后來, 宗徒 Thaddaeus ,宣講主條, 來到了 Abgar 並且秘密地愈合了並且給某人施洗禮他。然後破壞了在城市並且在門上面的門前站了的聖像他放了的王子與合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的相似的毛巾納入了木頭, 在一個金框架裝裱了並且用珍珠佩戴了。另外, 王子在門上在圖簽下方寫了︰“ O 合[利爾]斯托。斯基督上帝, 沒有人將是慚愧的在你希望。”后來, Abgar 的大孫子之一恢複了 Edessa 的聖像崇拜和主教在門上在那根圖簽上面獲得了晚上和 walled 。世紀從那以後過去了。在皇帝東[羅爾]瑪帝國皇帝的朝代期間,波斯的國王 Chozroes 攻擊了 Edessa 並且城市在大艱難。碰巧 Eulabius , Edessa 的主教, 有了都神聖的 Theotokos 的視覺揭示了封上的牆和忘記的圖簽的謎到他。圖簽被發現並且, 由它的電源,波斯的軍隊被打敗。
• Icon of the Mother of God of St THEODORE (1239) 圣德奥多若圣母像
On August 16 is commemorated the miraculous finding of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of St Theodore. According to Tradition, the Theodore Icon of the Mother of God was written by the Evangelist Luke, and resembles the famous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.
This icon received its name from St Alexander Nevsky's father, Great Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, who in holy Baptism was named Theodore in honor of St Theodore Stratelates. According to Tradition, his elder brother, St George, had found the icon in an old wooden chapel near the city of Gorodets. Later, the Gorodets Monastery of St Theodore was built on this spot. When the citizens of Gorodets fled the city at the approach of the Khan they did not have time to take the Icon with them. In 1239, the residents of Kostroma saw the Icon being carried through their city by a radiant figure who resembled St Theodore Stratelates. The next day the Icon was found in a tree by Prince Basil of Kostroma, St Alexander Nevsky's younger brother, while he was hunting in the forest. The Icon was placed in the church of St Theodore Stratelates, and many miracles took place before it. Prince Yaroslav-Theodore became the Great Prince of Vladimir after his brother, St George, died in battle against the Mongols at the Sita River. He gave the icon which he inherited from his brother to his own son, St. Alexander Nevsky. The wonderworking Theodore Icon of the Mother of God was constantly with St Alexander Nevsky, and he often prayed before it. After St Alexander Nevsky died on November 14, 1263 at the monastery founded by his father, the icon was taken by his younger brother, Basil.
Numerous copies of the Kostroma Theodore Icon were made, and one of the first was commissioned and brought to Moscow by Tsar Michael's mother, the nun Martha. From the second half of the seventeenth century, various copies of the Theodore Icon were enlarged with scenes depicting events from the history of the wonderworking icon.
The Theodore Icon is two-sided. On the reverse side is the image of the holy Great Martyr Paraskeva, depicted in the splendid attire of a princess. It is believed that the image of St Paraskeva on the reverse of the icon is connected with the wife of St Alexander Nevsky.
The first Romanov tsar, Michael, was acclaimed as sovereign before the Theodore Icon in 1613.
The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of St Theodore is also commemorated on March 14.
• Triumph of Holy Theotokos of PORT ARTUR (1904)
• 33 Martyrs of Palestine (303)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 33 Μάρτυρες ἀπὸ τὴν Παλαιστίνη
• New Martyrs King CONSTANTINE 君士坦丁 Brancoveanu of Wallachia and his four sons CONSTANTINE 君士坦丁, STEPHEN 斯特梵, RADU 拉铎 and MATTHEW 玛特泰, and the loyal Counsellor of the holy Prince Constantine Brancoveanu IANACHE 雅纳赫 Vacarescu (1714)
• Martyrs ISAAC and JOSEPH of Karnu, Georgia
• Discovery of the Relics of Newly-Revealed Six Martyrs of Megara: SERAPHIM 塞拉芬, DOROTHEOS 多若德奥, IAKOVOS (James) 雅科弗, DEMETRIOS 迪弥特里, VASILIOS (Basil) 瓦西里 and SARANTIS 撒兰提斯 (1798)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Σεραφείμ, Δωρόθεος, Ἰάκωβος, Δημήτριος, Βασίλειος καὶ Σαράντης
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr STEPHEN priest (1918)
• Hieromartyrs priest VLADIMIR and his brother BORIS (1931)
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Sokolov, presbiter, priest (1893-1937)
• Virgin Martyress ANNA Jezhova, nun (1885-1937)
• Martyr JACOB Gortinsky (1937)
• AKAKIOS Bishop of Liti and Rendini (15th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀλκιβιάδης ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Sainted ALTFRID of Hildesheim, bishop (874)
• Martyr AMBROSE of Ferentino (303) centurion put to death under Diocletian in Ferentino in central Italy
• ANTHONY 圣安托尼 the Stylite of Martq'ophi, Georgia (6th c.)
• Great New Martyr APOSTOLOS 阿颇斯托洛 of the town of St Laurence, martyred in Constantinople (1667-1686)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀπόστολος ὁ Μάρτυρας ὁ Νέος
• ARSACIUS (Ursacius) of Nicomedia (358) a Persian soldier of the Roman army during the reign of Emperor Licinius
• ARMAGILLUS (Armagilus, Armail, Armael, Armahel, Armel, Arthmael, Arzel, Ermel, Erme, Ermin, Ermyn, Hermel, Thiarmail) (550) of Brittany; invoked to cure headaches, fever, colic, gout, and rheumatism. He is the patron of hospitals
Cousin of St Samson of York and St Cadfan. Monk. Abbot. Founded Saint-Armel-des-Boscheaux and Plou-Ermel monasteries in Brittany in coastal France. The church of Saint Erme in Cornwall in England is dedicated to him.
• Translation of the Relics of BERNWARD Bishop of Hildesheim (1022)
• Venerable CHERIMON (Chaeremon) of Egypt (395)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Χαιρήμων
• Martyr CHRISTOPHER of Guria, Georgia
• DANIIL of Metheora
Ὁ Ὅσιος Δανιὴλ ὁ Μετεωρίτης
• Translation (966) of the Relics of Sainted DAVID of Wales, bishop of Mynyw (587-601)
• Martyr DIOMEDES 迪奥弥迪 the Physician of Tarsus in Cilicia (298)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Διομήδης
Diomedes 有從跗骨的突出的出生和一位醫生。愈合的人民, Diomedes 關於合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思教了他們。皇帝 Diocletian 訂了他在一年 298 在 Nicaea 斬了 A.D 那些斬了他並且把他的頭帶了到皇帝被使失明並且當他們放回了頭至正文並且祈禱時, 他們再被使整個。
• Sainted ELEUTHERIUS Bishop of Auxerre in France 532-561 (561)
• 艾弗斯塔提 EUSTATHIUS II archbishop of Serbia (1309)
• FRAMBALDO (Rasbaldo, Rasbaldus) (650) Hermit and monk in the area of Cenomanian Gaul (around modern Le Mans, France)
• VM GEMMA at Saintes (Saintonge) in France (2nd c.)
• GERASIMOS 革拉西默 the New Ascetic of Kefalloniaand Mount Athos (1579)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Γεράσιμος ὁ νέος ἀσκητής ὁ ἐν Κεφαλληνίᾳ
• Righteous JOACHIM (7 B.C.) Father of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary
• Venerable JOACHIM 约雅敬 monk, of Osogovo and Sarandapor (11th c.)
Joachim 生活了在在在在一個地方的一個洞的 Osogovsk 山上的第 11 個世紀的第二一半的禁欲主義的生活調用了 Sarandopor 。后來, 在這個地方, 禁欲的另外一個, 從綿羊的欄位的悉奧多, 到誰聖 Joachim 在一個夢出現了, 造了一個教會。在整個世紀,許多奇跡在可敬的 Joachim 的遺物上發生了並且今天仍然做。
• LUGHAN (or Lugain)
• Sainted MAKARIUS I Archbishop of Jerusalem (333)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μακάριος ὁ Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος
• Repose of Venerabless MATRONA Popova (1851) disciple of Tikhon of Zadonsk
• Translation (1791) of the Relics of Sainted MAURILIUS of Angers, bishop (453)
• Hosiosmartyr Monk NICODEMUS 尼科迪默 of Meteora (1551)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νικόδημος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας ὁ Μοναχός • Venerable NILUS 尼尔 of Hericuseia, monk (1350) brother of Emperor Theodore Laskaris, who rebuilt the monastery of the Mother of God at Epirus Ὁ Ὅσιος Νεῖλος ὁ Ἐρικούσιος
• Venerable RAPHAEL of Banat, Serbia (17th c.)
• Venerable ROMAN 罗玛诺 the Sinaite of Djunisa, Serbia (14th c.)
• SERENA Matr. at Rome (3rd c.)
Married to emperor Diocletian, and a secret Christian. Through she was certainly unable to stop the massacre of Christians, she worked to help where she could to ease their persecutions and improve their lot.
• Sainted SIMPLICIANUS Bishop of Milan (401)
• New Martyr STAMATIUS 斯塔玛提 of Volos, Thessaly (1680)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Σταμάτιος ὁ Μάρτυρας
Stamatius 是在 Volos 在出生的一個農民 Thessaly 。甚麼時候一無人性的 Agha [ 統帥 ] 從人民收集了皇家的獻禮並且極大地虐待了他們, Stamatius 與若干個他的同伴為土耳其都市分離了抱怨到高官 [ 從前回教國的高官 ] 。由他的 Agha 的鋒利的批評, Stamatius 冒犯了蘇的高貴人並且他們逮捕了他。最初, 他們想要由謅媚變換他到回教, 有希望他富人,光榮和榮譽。但是殉教者驚呼了︰“我的富人,光榮和榮譽;那是我的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督。”然後土耳其人折磨了他並且最後, 在神聖的智慧的教會前 [ Hagia Sophia ], Stamatius 在一年被斬是合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的這位戰士怎麼與殉教者的花環被使圓滿的 1680 A.D 。
• STEPHEN King of Hungary (935-1038)
My beloved son, delight of my heart, hope of your posterity, I pray, I command, that at every time and in everything, strengthened by your devotion to me, you may show favor not only to relations and kin, or to the most eminent, be they leaders or rich men or neighbors or fellow-countrymen, but also to foreigners and to all who come to you. By fulfilling your duty in this way you will reach the highest state of happiness. Be merciful to all who are suffering violence, keeping always in your heart the example of the Lord who said, "I desire mercy and not sacrifice." Be patient with everyone, not only with the powerful, but also with the weak. Finally be strong lest prosperity lift you up to much or adversity cast you down. Be humble in this life, that God may raise you up in the next. Be truly moderate and do not punish or condemn anyone immoderately. Be gentle so that you may never oppose justice. Be honorable so that you may never voluntarily bring disgrace upon anyone. Be chaste so that ;you may avoid all the foulness of lust like the pangs of death. All these virtues I have noted above make up the royal crown, and without them no one is fit to rule here on earth or attain to the heavenly kingdom. - from Saint Stephen's advice to his son.
• THEODULE (Theodulus, Theodore) of Grammont (4th c.) First bishop of Valais, Switzerland; Fought against Arianism and enshrined the relics of the Theban Legion
• TIMOTHY 提摩泰 of Chalcedon, Bishop of Euripos, founder of the monastery of Pendeli (1510-1590)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Τιμόθεος Ἐπίσκοπος Εὐρίπου κτίτορας τῆς Ἱερᾶς Μονῆς Πεντέλης
• Hieromartyr TITUS (410) deacon martyred during the sack of Rome by the Goths while he was distributing alms to the half-starved population
• VM THEODORA of Vasta in the Peloponnesos, Nun (10th c.)
• Commemoration of the Great Earthquake at Constantinople (542)
On this day (August 16) we commemorate our compassionate assailing in the days of old, of the fearsome threat of an earthquake, from which the All-Compassionate God, in whom is all our hope, redeemed us.
On August 16, 542 an earthquake caused considerable damage in Constantinople: churches and houses collapsed and the wall was damaged, particularly in the area around the Golden Gate. The spear fell from the statue of Constantine, and apparently the hand of the statue of Xerolophus fell off too. Many people were killed and there was a state of general panic. The sole primary source for this earthquake is Theophanes (222), who wrote: 6034. And on the 16th of August in the same indiction, the 5th, there was a great earthquake in Constantinople, and churches and houses and the wall fell, especially the part of the wall around the Golden Gate. And also the spare which the statue in the Forum of Constantine holds, fell down, and the right hand of the statue of Xerolophus. And many people died and there was great fear.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

понедельник, 27 августа 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • August 28 / August 15 •


August 28 / August 15
2018 (7526)
诞神女安息日 DORMITION ("Uspenie", "Koimesis", The "Falling-Asleep" or "Repose") OF OUR MOST HOLY LADY THE MOTHER OF GOD AND EVER-VIRGIN MARY 圣母安息节
Ἡ Κοίμησις τῆς Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου
The Dormition of the Mother of God (Greek: Κοίμησις Θεοτόκου, Koímēsis Theotokou often anglicized as Kimisis; Slavonic: Успение Пресвятыя Богородицы, Uspenie Presvetia Bogoroditsi; Georgian: მიძინება ყოვლადწმიდისა ღვთისმშობელისა) is a Great Feast of the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches which commemorates the "falling asleep" or death of Mary the Theotokos ("Mother of God", literally translated as God-bearer), and her bodily resurrection before being taken up into heaven. It is celebrated on 15 August (28 August N.S. for those following the Julian Calendar) as the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.
主在西奈山上所作的十诫中的第五条就是:“当孝敬父母”(出埃及记20:12),他用自己的例证展示出了一个人应当尊重他的父母。在被钉在十字架上忍受极端痛苦之时,主记住着他的母亲,并指示给宗徒约安,他对母亲说:“母亲,看你的儿子!”(约安福音/约/若19:26)。而后又对约安说:“看你的母亲!”(约安福音/约/若19:27)。他就是说这话的同时断气的。约安在耶路撒冷的锡安山上有他的家,诞神女就是在那里渡过她在世的最后时刻的。她用她的祷告、温文尔雅的劝告、温柔和耐心,大大地帮助她儿子的宗徒。起初,她的整个时间都在耶路撒冷渡过的,经常拜访使她回想起所发生的大事件,以及她儿子施行伟大奇迹的地方,尤其是各各他、伯利恒和橄榄山。诞神女进行了长途旅行,在安提约希亚,她拜访了圣伊格纳提(上帝的载体),同时,她还拜访了拉匝若(拉匝若死后第四天,主耶稣使他复活)和塞浦路斯的主教;她访问了圣山阿托斯,并为圣山祝福;在耶路撒冷迫害基督徒期间,诞神女同福音书的作者约安在艾弗所。在诞神女高龄之际,她经常在耶稣升天的地方-橄榄山上向主作祷告,以便主能够尽快带她离开这个世界。有一次,天使长伽弗里伊尔出现在她面前,告诉她,还有三天的时间她将安息。天使送给她一支棕榈枝,并告诉她,在她的葬礼上将携带这个棕榈枝。诞神女非常高兴地返回家中,并衷心希望能够再看一眼所有的基督的宗徒。主成全了她的意愿,众天使偕同所有圣徒在云中出现,同时也聚集在锡安山约安的家中。诞神女非常喜悦,她看到了众宗徒,并鼓励他们、劝告他们、抚慰他们,之后,诞神女便无痛苦、无病痛地安然将灵魂交在上帝的手中。宗徒们抬着装有诞神女遗体的棺柩,有香气不时从棺柩中散发出来,有众多基督徒相伴。他们将棺柩抬到革特西玛尼花园、抬到诞神女的父母-圣约雅敬和安娜的陵墓前。出于上帝的天意,云彩将他们从邪恶的犹太人面前遮掩起来。犹太人的祭司安托尼用手抓住了棺柩,打算破坏棺柩,就在此时,上帝的天使割断了他的双手。安托尼向宗徒们大声呼叫,请求他们的帮助。当他表白对主耶稣基督的信仰之后,他的双手痊愈了。宗徒多马没有在场,这也是出自上帝的天意,以便再次揭示出诞神女一个新的、且全荣耀的奥秘。第三天的时候,多马来了,并欲吻诞神女的遗体。但是当宗徒们打开棺柩的时候,他们发现只有包尸布在那里,尸体却不见了。那个晚上,诞神女在众天使的围护下出现在众宗徒面前,对他们说:“欢喜吧!我将永远与你们同在!”有关诞神女安息时的确切年龄不是很详知,但是大多数人认为她安息时的年龄为65 岁。
This feast has been called the “patronal feast day of Ukraine.” In fact, the three great monasteries/lavras of Ukraine are dedicated to the Holy Dormition: the Pochaiv Lavra in the west, the Kyiv Caves Lavra and the Svyatohirska (“Holy Mountain”) Lavra in the east. As during Holy Week, so too on this day a special Epitaphion/winding sheet in honour of the Most Holy Mother of God is brought out for public veneration. In accordance with what is a unique Ukrainian church tradition, the miraculous icon of the Dormition in the Kyiv Caves Lavra hangs above the main iconostasis and is lowered on major festal days. The miraculous icon of the Pochaiv Mother of God likewise hangs over the Royal Doors of the iconostasis and is lowered for public veneration.
One might notice the similarities between the traditional depictions of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Byzantine iconography and the account of the death of the Egyptian Desert Father, Sisoes the Great. In both Christ is seen coming to receive the soul of the dying saint surrounded by an aureola or cloud of blinding light and accompanied by the angels and prophets. In Byzantine iconography the other Christs shown surrounded by such a cloud of light are those also seen in icons of the Transfiguration, the Resurrection and the Last Judgment. One might further note that in some icons of the Dormition the Theotokos is depicted at the top of the icon in a similar aureola before the opening gates of heaven. This suggests that contemporary accounts of the deaths of the Desert Fathers accompanied by sudden burst of light came to influence the development of the iconography of the Dormition.

• Icon of SOPHIA THE WISDOM OF GOD (989) in Novgorod
• A copy of the IVIRON THEOTOKOS (The Panagia Portaitissa) ICON of the Mother of Godin MOZDOK (13thc.)
• Icon of the Mother of God "ATSKURSK" (1stc.)
This holy and wonderworking icon, by tradition, was wonderfully depicted on a board, in which the Mother of God put her figure, and was brought by the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-called to Iberia. Today it is in the Gaiane Cathedral, near Kutais. There the former Princess Saint Tamara had another Holy Icon of the Mother of God that today is called Gaiane.
• Icon of the Mother of God of TSILKANI (4th c.)
It is found in the Tsilkani Temple of the Theotokos, in Kartli (Georgia), written on a board from the Bethlehem manger and is contemporary with St Nina, the enlightener of Georgia (January 14).
• Icon of the Mother of God of VLAKHERNA in the Quabtahev Monastery, in the middle of Kartli (Georgia)
• Icon of the Mother of God of VLADIMIR in Rostov (12th c.)
It was written in the 12th century by the Venerable Alypius of the Monastery of the Caves and now is found in the Rostov Dormition cathedral.
• Icon of the Mother of God of GAIANE (13th c.)
• Icon of the Mother of God of BAKHCHISARAY
• Icon of the Mother of God of Galich-Chukhlomsk "TENDERNESS" (Eleousa) (1350)
• Icon of the Mother of God of SURDEGI (1530)
• Icon of the Mother of God of TUPICHEVSK Monastery of Holy Spirit at Mogilev (17th c.)
• ICON OF THE BLESSED MOTHER OF BETHLEHEM in the village of Metech in Georgia (1891)
• ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD OF BETHLEHEM worshiped in the Cathedral of Tbilisi in Georgia
• Icon of the Mother of God THE ENLIGHTENER OF MINDS
• Panagia PHANEROMENE at Lefkada Monastery οf Faneromeni (1136)
• Remembrance of the defense of the Saracen besiegers before Constantinople in the year 718 thanks to the intercession of Mary (718)
• The KIEVO-PECHERSK Icon of the Uspenie (Dormition) of the MostHoly Mother of God (1073)
• Icon of the Mother of God of OVINOV 1425)
This wonderworking icon is in the men's Monastery of St. Paisius (refer to the Kostroma Diocese). It received its name from the Boyar Ovinov, to whom it wonderfully appeared on the shore of Lake Galicia, near the city of Galicia in the princedom of Dmitri of the Don River. On the spot of its appearance Ovinov built the Temple of the Dormition of the Mother of God.
• Icon of the Mother of God of PSKOV-PECHERSK Cave Monastery (1472)
It is found in Pskov Monastery of the Caves (refer to the Pskov Diocese), in which it was wonderfully revealed in 1472. Again it is glorified by miracles in 1523. See October 7.
• Icon of the Mother of God "SEMIGORODNAYA" (1423)
This wonderworking icon representing the Dormition of the Mother of God was written by the Venerable Dionysius the Deaf in the 15 century. Brought by hermits from its monastery it was put into the parish church of the Semigorodny District, beyond the Dvinsk River. After the terrible plague that devastated the Vologda District in 15 century, the church stood in desolation for about 150 years. In 1593, through a special vision, the Starets Julian, from the family of Beloozero noblemen, found the icon and constructed a monastery on the spot where the holy icon was found. Now the icon is in the Tupichev Monastery, Mogilev Diocese. The icon is celebrated on the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit.
• Icon of the Mother of God of PIUKHTITSA (16th c.)
• KREKHIV Icon of the Theotokos
• ZHYDACHIV Icon of the Theotokos
• Most Merciful ZAHAYETSKA icon of the Mother of God
• Panagia MALEVI
• Panagia of TRIPOLITSA in Tripoli
• Panagia VOULKANIOTISSA in Messinia
• Monastery of Panagia KOSMOSOTIRA (Salvation of the World) in Feres
• The Chapel of Panagia KRIFTI (The Hidden Panagia)
Παναγιά Κρυφτή
• Veneration of the Panagia on the Island of Santorini
• Panagia of MIKROKASTROU and the Dormition Monastery
• Panagia KAVOURADAINA in Leros
Panagia Kavouradaina is a picturesque chapel of Leros in Xirokampos, considered one of the island’s most beautiful. It is a whitewashed, domed chapel, somewhat difficult to reach, although there are stairs leading there, built inside a rock’s crack next to the coast. Further down, we find the location where, according to tradition, a fisherman was looking for crabs (“kavouri”) and found inside a crack (or inside a crab’s shell, according to a different version) a tiny, miraculous icon of the Theotokos. This accounts for the chapel’s name.
We have drawn information on how it was built from tradition.
1. One version is the following:
While a fisherman was collecting sea shells among the rocks, he was bitten by a crab. At that precise moment he saw the icon of the Virgin Mary on the rocks. He immediately prayed and soon the wound healed. Witnessing this miracle he picked up the icon and devoutly took it to the village church, telling his compatriots about the event. That same night he had a dream of a woman in black who said to him: “You must put me back in exactly the same spot where you found me”. The next morning after searching, the icon was once again found on the same part of the rocks as it had been the previous day. After this it was decided that a small church be built on the same spot as where the icon had been found.
2. A second version of how the church was built is the following:
Many years ago two fishermen from Kalymnos set out one day to go fishing. The bad weather however did not allow them to fish for long. When the wind started blowing and the weather got worse they decided to moor at Diapori. So that they would not waste a night’s fishing they decided to fish near the beach with a harpoon to catch an octopus or anything they found by the light of their fishing lamp. As they looked down to the seabed they discerned a big group of crabs. When they filled their fishing baskets with crabs, and they had prepared to leave, a miracle happened: A piece of wood rose to the surface at the exact spot where they were fishing, although the currents were pushing it behind their boat. They stopped, full of curiosity, and took it out of the water. When they cleaned it, they saw that it was the icon of the Panagia. They kissed the icon and crossed themselves. In the morning, when they arrived in Kalymnos, they both went home. One taking the basket with the crabs and the other the icon of the Panagia. He hung it in a corner of his house and left a small olive oil lamp alight next to it. On the third night while the fisherman was sleeping, he saw the Panagia in his sleep and she said to him: “Take me to Leros and build me a little church, where you found me. Don’t forget to do it!” When he woke up, the fisherman told his friend and they set off for Leros. They arrived at the rocks of Diapori. They tied up their boat and they went to find Lerian builders to build a church. When it was built they placed the icon of the Panagia on the wooden iconostasis. A few days later, they returned to Kalymnos satisfied that they had realized the Panagia’s wish. However, three days later the fisherman saw the Panagia in his sleep, whose eyes were full of pain and with an angry look on her face, saying to him: “My child, you set me up well in my corner. Go back again and build me the church where you found me. I’m waiting for you”. The Kalymnian was at a loss when he arrived in Leros and saw the church demolished. He tried to find the icon of the Panagia, unsuccessfully. Disappointed he took the road to Xirokampos. To his great surprise he saw the icon against the rocks a little further away from the demolished church. The fisherman thought that as the Panagia wanted that spot to be where her church was, there it must be built. This is how it happened and is still located there, up until today.
A feast for the icon is celebrated every year on the 8th of September and 15th of August.
• The Castle of the Panagia in Leros
On the hill Apityki (or Pityki) and at a height of 200 m. above sea level, almost in the center of the island of Leros, stands the medieval Castle of the Panagia, which took its name from the church of the Theotokos, which treasures the "Holy Palladium of Lerians" - the icon of the Panagia Odigitria, or Panagia of Kastro, which miraculously arrived on the island of Leros during the era of iconoclasm. In a bull of Emperor Alexios Komnenos (1056 - 1118) the Castle was founded with the name Panteli Castle and built upon the foundations of an ancient Acropolis, and in its current form it was later altered by the Knights of Saint John (who occupied it from 1309 - 1522, followed by the Turks). Emperor Alexios gave this Castle to Saint Christodoulos together with the Castle of Patmos. The tomb of Eldress Gavrilia (1897 - 1992) is within the Castle also.
Among the traditions of the people for the August 15th feast is for mother's who have dedicated their children to the Panagia of Kastro to dress their children all in black on August 14th, they make prosphoro for the Divine Liturgy, they walk up to the Castle by way of 499 stairs, and after the Great Vespers Service they remove the black clothing and offer them to the Theotokos.
• Panagia GOURLOMATA ("bulging eyes") of Leros
•The Monastery of Panagia PANACHRANTOS (The All Pure One) in Andros
• Chapel of Panagia THALASSINI ("of the sea") in Andros
The small chapel of Panagia Thalassini (lit. "of the sea") is located in the old harbor of Chora in Andros. According to local tradition, she is the protectress of sea travellers along with St. Nicholas. According to the rules of proper iconographic style, the Virgin Mary always wears a red robe on the outside which is used to display her humanity, while underneath she wears a blue or dark green robe which testifies to her giving birth to the God-man Jesus Christ. In the icon of Panagia Thalassini, however, we have her wearing blue on the outside. This may be of its association with the color of the sea. The Chapel celebrates on August 15th.
• Panagia MYRTIDIOTISSA ("Of the Myrtle Tree") of Kythera
• Panagia THALASSOMAHOUSA of Strofades Monastery
The historic icon of the Sacred Monastery of Strofades near Zakynthos was in olden times kept in Constantinople. During iconoclasm it was the custom of the pious to throw certain icons into the sea, leaving it in the hands of God to lead them where He wills, much like the infant Moses of old. To save this particular icon of the Mother of God from maniacal icon smashers, it was thrown into the sea. While in the sea, the icon stood upward and was guided to Strofades Monastery in the Ionian Sea near Zakynthos. The Abbot and the monks received the icon with great joy and supplications from the sea and placed it in the katholikon of the monastery. They named it "Thalassomahousa" (Slaughterer of the Sea) because the icon fought the waves of the sea to arrive at Strofades Monastery unharmed. Today the icon resides in the Metropolis of Zakynthos. It is celebrated yearly on August 15th.
• The Monastery of Panagia CHRYSOLEONTISSA (Golden Lioness) in Aegina
Within the Monastery one can see the "Handprint of the Panagia". According to one tradition, when the monks were bringing the icon of Panagia Chrysoleontissa from their old monastery to establish a new one, they stopped on the road to rest. At the spot where they placed the icon, it left an imprint which can still be seen today. Another tradition says that the Panagia herself climbed the mountain, and at the spot she decided to rest the imprint remained. An oil lamp burns at this spot day and night.
• The Monastery of Panagia SPILIANI ("of the Cave") in Nisiros
According to tradition, a local farmer discovered a small cave, around 1400 AD, with an icon of the Virgin Mary inside this cave, near the hot springs of Mandraki on the island of Nisiros. He took this icon to the Church of Panagia Potamitisas ("of the Rivers"). The next day, the icon was missing. They supposed it to be stolen but after a few days it was rediscovered by the locals in a cave on a 30m high rock. Again they took the icon to the church of Panagia Potamitisas but again the icon went missing and was rediscovered in this same cave on the rocks. This happened three times until the locals decided to transform the cave into a church and leave the icon in its preferred location. This cave has been called Panagia Spiliani ("of the Cave") and the monastery is built immediately above this cave. The locals of Nisiros (aka Nissyros, Nisyros, Nissiros) acknowledge this icon as the protectress of the island.
• The Chapel of Panagia MAKRINI in Samos
• The Monastery of Panagia of "TOSO NERO" ("So Much Water") in Sifnos
According to tradition in Sifnos, a family on the island is chosen which they call "Panigyrades" to hold the old icon of the Dormition of the Theotokos in their home for the year. When the time for the feast arrives they take care of all the expenses for the festival. A procession takes place throughout the streets of the island and some Panigyrades even hold a dinner for the people that follow the procession.
• Panagia YPSENI in Rhodes
• The Church of Panagia PREKLA in Skiathos
The name Prekla is probably derived from the Latin preclarus (most glorious). It is dedicated to the Dormition of the Theotokos and was built towards the end of the 16th or the beginning of the 17th century. The church was wonderfully decorated and there were beautiful icons, especially the icon of Panagia Prekla, the gold sculptured icon screen in front of the altar, the chandelier, the silver hanging oil lamps, and the standing bronze candle holders... In the past, before 1821, when the now deserted and ruined town was still inhabited, all the residents of the two parishes would go to the church during the first 15 days of August to hear the Supplications and chants.
It is said that the name comes from Trikoukies (medlar trees that had three kernels). Another version says that is from the tree Kokkonia according to which the closest monastery of Kykkos was named by that too. Another tradition mentions that the monastery was supported during Turkish domination with the one third (trikoutsi) of the taxation of the Kouklia manors.
• The Monastery of Panagia TROODITISSA in Cyprus
• The Miraculous Panagia of JERUSALEM Icon
It is said that Elder Paisios the Athonite, who had seen in vision the Theotokos, once said of her appearance: "The Panagia looks a lot like the icon of the Panagia of Jerusalem. She is exactly the same. I have seen her many times and I don't know of any other icon resembling her so much." This should not be surprising, since the Panagia of Jerusalem icon has the reputation of being an icon "made-without-hands".
• Panagia SOUMELA
• Feast of Carpre's daughters
• MACARIUS 玛喀里the Roman, abbot, Wonderworker of Novgorod (1550) and his disciple CHARITON 哈里同 of Novgorod (16th c.)
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• HIERON founder of the new Athos (1912)
• Venerable GEORG Lazar (MosulGheorghe) of Varatec in Romania, elder (1916)
• Repose of Abs. RUFINA of Harbin and Shanghai (1937)
• MM priest PAUL 帕弗罗 Szwajko and presbyter JOANN 约安纳 of Graboviec (Chelm and Podlasie in Poland) (1943)
• Elder JOSEPH the Hesychast of the New Skete on Mount Athos (1959)
• Hieromartyr ANDREW Voliansky, priest
• ALIPIUS (Alypius) Bishop of Tagaste in North Africa (430)
• Sainted ALTFRID Bishop of Hildesheim (874)
Benedictine monk at Corvey Abbey. Bishop of Hildesheim, Germany in 851. Founded Essen Abbey. Adviser to the East Frankish King Louis the German. Known for his devotion to the Mother of God.
• Venerable ANTHONIUS (in the scheme: Arsenius) of Murom, friend of Seraphim of Sarov (1851)
• ARDUINUS (1009) a priest in Rimini in Italy who lived as a hermit and ended his days in the monastery of San Gudenzio
• Sainted AUDENTIUS Bishop of Toledo (396)
• Hosiosmartyr CHRISTOS 赫里斯托 of Ioannina, Hieromonk (1770)
• GERASIMOS the New Ascetic of Kefallonia (1579)
St Gerasimos the New Ascetic of Kefalloniais known as a renowned healer of the demon possessed. The demon possessed and the mentally ill flock to his holy shrine which contain his incorrupt relics on a daily basis to receive healing. He became a grace-filled exorcist because of his great discipline for fasting and prayer.
• Translation of Relics (836) of Venerable LANDELIN (Lando) abbot in Crespin (from Lobbes) (686) in the monastery Flechtdorf in Diemelsee near Kassel, Germany
• Mac Cartin (Ard, Aid, Aed, Maccarthannus) Bishop of Clogher in Ireland (506) disciple of Patrick of Ireland
• Martyr NAPOLEON (Neopolus) of Alexandria (300)
Saint Napoleon was so horribly maimed during his torture that he died while being carried back to his dungeon at Alexandria, Egypt, during the reign of Diocletian.
• Sainted SIMPLICIANUS Bishop of Milan (401)
Raised in a Christian family. Teacher and catechist. Priest. Instrumental in the conversion of both Saint Alipius of Tagaste and Saint Augustine of Hippo, who remembered his fondly, wrote about him with deep gratitude, calling him the “spiritual father of my soul”, and would submit his own writings to him to review and comment. Archbishop of Milan, Italy for about three to four years, being chosen when he was already in his 70’s. Friend of, advisor to and correspondent with Saint Ambrose of Milan. Also corresponded extensively with Pope Anastasius I and bishops in Africa and Gaul, but none of the writings have survived. Simpliciano always wore a black leather belt; following a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Saint Monica, the belt became part of the habit of the Augustinians.
• STEPHAN 斯特梵 Elder of Vyatka (1890)
• Martyr TARSICIUS of Rome (255) the patron of first communicants and altar boys
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ταρσίζιος ὁ Μάρτυρας
Third to fourth century layman or deacon (sources vary). While taking Communion to prisoners, Tarcisius was attacked by a pagan mob, and died defending the Host. Martyr. It is said that when the pagans searched him after beating him to death, the Hosts had miraculously disappeared.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

воскресенье, 26 августа 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • August 27 / August 14 •


August 27 / August 14
2018 (7526)
Forefeast of the Dormition
Προεόρτια (παραμονή) τῆς κοιμήσεως τῆς Θεοτόκου
These excerpts are from the church hymns for this day. "Acclaiming the Feast of Exodus in anticipation", "let us praise the honorable repose of the Mother of God": "For the Mother of God, the Golden ark, now prepares to pass over from earth to heaven", and, "For tomorrow the Queen of all, bound for the mansions of Heaven, commits her soul into the hands of the Son". Singing "the Forefeast" hymns and "celebrating the all-splendid memory of your honored Dormition", "Coming to the tomb of the Virgin let us faithful begin striving to offer up divine incense", "at Her divine burial with one mind with the heavenly hosts" "let us sing a hymn at her burial". The Troparion of the Forefeast invites us to gather on this day in gladness, for the Theotokos is about to depart from earth to heaven.
• Exhibition of the VENERABLE CROSS in the Imperial Palace of Constantinople
Ἀνακομιδὴ Τιμίου Σταυροῦ στὸ Παλάτι
On this day, the 14th of August, we celebrate the return of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross, which began its procession around the city of Constantinople on August 1st, to the Imperial Palace from which it emerged.
• Icon of the Mother of God “THE CONVERSER” (1383)
The "Converser" Icon of the Mother of God is so named because it depicts the Mother of God and St. Nicholas of Myra speaking with the sacristan George. This event occurred soon after the appearance of the Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in 1383, when the Most Holy Theotokos Herself commanded sacristan George to say that they should replace the metal cross on the newly-constructed temple in Her honor at Tikhvin with a wooden one. At the place of this vision a chapel was built in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The chapel burned several times (the first time was in 1390 at the same time as the church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos). In 1515, a wooden church was built and a monastery founded in honor of this holy icon.
• Icon of the Mother of God of NARVA (1558)
The Narva Icon of the Mother of God became famous in 1558 when the Russian army attacked the city of Narva. In one of the houses where Russian merchants had once lived, drunken Germans grabbed an icon of the Mother of God that had been left behind. Mocking it, they threw the icon into a fire under a kettle, in which they were brewing beer. Flames shot out from the kettle and engulfed the roof of the house. At that moment a storm blew up, and spread the fire throughout the city. Taking advantage of the confusion, the Russian army advanced and took the city. The Wonderworking Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, and an icon of St. Nicholas, were found in the ashes unharmed.
• Martyrdom of Righteous LAZARUS; SALOMI, his wife; and their children, ABEEM (also Animo), ANTONIUS, HOSEA, LAZARUS, ANIANA, SEMUNA and MARCOLUS; at Antioch (Syria) during the reign of Antiochus, King of Rome (166 B.C.)
• ECHLECH, CUIMMEIN and COEMHAN 3 Sons of Daighre
• Commemoration of the disciples of St Tikhon of Zadonsk: Monks THEOPHANES, AARON, NICANDER, COSMAS and METROPHANES (18-19th c.)
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr VASILY Bogojavlensky, archbishop of Chernigov (1867-1918)
• Hosiosmartyr MATHEW( Mikhail Pomerantcev) archmandrite (1881-1918)
• Martyr ALEXIS Zverev, missionary (1918)
• Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Tsedrinsky, presbiter, archpriest (1918)
• Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Smirnov, presbiter, archpriest (1885-1937)
• Hieromartyr NICHOLAS Tolgsky, presbiter, archpriest (1937)
• Hosiosmartyr ELEUTHERIUS of Chimkent in Kazakhstan, schemaarchimandrite (1870-1937)
• Hosiosmartyr ELEUTHERIUS Pechennikov, schemaarchimandrite (1870-1937)
• Hosiosmartyress EVA (Aquilina Pavlova), Abbess(1879-1937)
• Hosiosmartyress EUDOKIA Perevoznikova, Nun (1880-1937)
• Martyr THEODOR Zaharov (1874-1937)
• Hieroconfessor ALEXANDER Urodov, archmandrite (1961)
• Venerable THEODOSIUS Makkos of Bethany, Archimandrite (1991)
SYNAXIS OF THE NEW MARTYRS OF GEORGIA WHO SUFFERED UNDER THE ATHEIST YOKE (20th c.) • Hosiosmartyr NAZARIUS 纳匝里 Lezhava, metropolitan of Kutaisi and Gaenati (1872-1924) and his companions Priest-martyrs monk HERMAN 革尔曼 Jadschanidse, HIEROTHEOS 耶若德奥 Nikoladze and SIMEON 西蒙 Mtschedlidse and Archdeacon BESSARION 维萨里雍 K'uchianidse (1924) and all New Martyrs of Georgia torn by the totalitarian regime
SYNAXIS OF THE NEW MARTYRS WHO SUFFERED UNDER THE ATHEIST YOKE (20th c.) • 纪念无神论时期格鲁吉亚全体为正教信仰而被屠杀的新殉道者(20世纪)
• ANASTASIUS (11th c.) Abbot (996-1006) of Pannonhalma in Hungary and then 2nd Archbishop of Eszterzom and primate of Hungary
• Translation of Relics (1798) of Venerable Monk ARKADII 阿尔喀迪 of Vyazemsk and Novotorzhsk (1077)
• ATHANASIA (Anastasia) the Wonderworker of Aegina (Aigina) Matr., W., Fndr. and Abs. of Timia Monastery (860)
Married. Her first husband died fighting the Saracens. Her second husband became a monk. Athanasia turned their home into a convent, then built Timia Abbey to house a larger congregation. Her reputation for holiness spread, and she became an advisor to Empress Theodora.
• Hieromartyr CALLISTUS Bishop of Todi, Italy (528)
Zealous opponent of the heresy of Arianism. Preached against the excesses and loose lives of the local nobility - and was murdered by the servants of those nobles.
• Venerable EBERHARD of Einsiedeln, Abbot (958)
• EUSEBIUS Bishop of Emesa
• EUSEBIUS of Cremona in Italy, Abbot in Bethlehem (423)
• EUSEBIUS Priest and Confessor at Rome (361)
• Hieromartyr EUSEBIUS of Palestine, Priest (3rd c.)
• FACHANAN 法堪南 (6th c.) the 1st Bishop of Ross (Rosscarbery) in Ireland • Martyr LUKE (Lucius, Lukios) the soldier
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λούκιος ὁ Μάρτυρας ὁ στρατιώτης
• MARKELLUS 玛尔凯洛 Bishop of Apamea in Syria, martyr (389)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μάρκελλος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας Ἐπίσκοπος Ἀπαμείας
Marcellus 在富裕並且著名的父母的賽浦路斯上出生並且他是高度 -- 教育。他進入了婚姻並且有了孩子。當他的妻子死了時, Marcellus 在敘利亞撤退了到修道士生活, 把他的孩子留給上帝的普羅維登斯。他因為他的 Ampamaens 因為其作為他們的主教選了他的同情,溫柔和神的知識變得了著名。作為一個主教, Marcellus 熱心地勞動了變換異教徙到克裡斯琴‧法斯。當崇拜聖像的堂被燒時,聖像崇拜者抓住了 Marcellus , 據說作為一個引起了火,並且關於一年在火燒了他在聖 Marcellus 的生活特別有啟發性的 389 A.D 是有福氣的水的水和使用祝福被提及在那裡。
• The Holy Prophet MICAH 弥亥亚 of Moreseth (712 B.C.) of the 12 Minor Prophets
Ὁ Προφήτης Μιχαίας
馬拉基亞瑪拉基有猶太並且從他為其被打電話給的 Morasth 的村莊的部落“ Morasthite 。”他是先知艾賽爾,阿摩司,馬拉基亞瑪拉基和猶太的國王少量火腿, Ahaz 和 Hezekiah 的一個同輩人。馬拉基亞瑪拉基斥責了他的人的罪惡並且斥責了假的先知“酒並且強壯的飲料”預言了 ( 馬拉基亞瑪拉基 2:11 ) 。他預知了撒馬利亞的破壞。他也預知了耶路撒冷的破壞, 哪個因為他們的領導人接受,被來的愿望賄賂, 司祭為收益教並且它的先知為錢告訴財富。“當欄位和耶路撒冷將作為堆成為,因此為你的緣故的天國將被耕作” ( 馬拉基亞瑪拉基 3:12 ) 。但是, 所有的他的預言, 最重要的預言伊伊穌。斯耶穌是那, 特別他的出生的地方。他作為伊伊穌。斯耶穌的出生地提及了伯利恆,“其去向前從舊, 從永久” ( 馬拉基亞瑪拉基 5:2 ) 。是否這個先知被猶太人殺死或他是否死了,不確切被知道和平的死亡。“ Morasthite 在猶太的 Hezekiah 國王的日子預言了並且跟說的猶太的所有的人民說話了的馬拉基亞瑪拉基, 這樣說主機的主;像欄位和耶路撒冷將作為一個森林的高地方成為房子的堆和山,天國將被耕作。猶太和所有的猶太的 Hezekiah 國王根本放他至死嗎?他不害怕主並且懇求了主並且主他對他們讀了的魔鬼后悔了他嗎?這樣我們可能取得對我們的靈魂的大魔鬼“ ( 耶[列爾]密。亞耶利米 26:18-19 ) 。然而, 他在他的村莊裡被埋葬並且他的遺物被發現,這被知道, 和先知馬拉基亞瑪拉基的遺物,在皇帝 Theodosius 的朝代期間大根據神秘的展現,Eleutheropolis 的 Zevin 收到了哪個主教。
• Sainted SIMPLICIANUS Bishop of Milan (401)
• Martyr SIMEON 西麦翁 the Goldsmith of Trebizond (1653)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Συμεὼν ὁ Τραπεζούντιος, ὁ χρυσοχόος
For his unwillingness to convert to Islam, after imprisonment and torture, the Turks hanged him in 1653 in Constantinople.
• Translation of the relics (1091) of Venerable THEODOSIUS 德奥多西 of the Kiev Caves (1473) from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1473) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Theodosy Far Caves of the Lavra called in his honour
Ἀνακομιδὴ Τιμίων Λειψάνων Ὁσίου Θεοδοσίου ἡγουμένου τοῦ Σπηλαίου
• Martyr URSICIUS (Ursicinus) 邬尔西基 of Illyricum (304) a tribune of the imperial army from Illyrium, was beheaded under Diocletian at Nicomedia
Ὁ Ἅγιος Οὐρσίκιος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Righteous WERENFRID of Arnheim, presbiter, enlightener Frisians in Holland (760)
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

суббота, 25 августа 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • August 26 / August 13 •


August 26 / August 13
2018 (7526)
Apodosis of the Transfiguration 主易圣容节庆期圆满日
• Annunciation of St Joachim with the Birth of the Virgin Mary (and Comm. of St Anna or Hannah)
• Icon of the Mother of God of MINSK (1500)
The Minsk Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was brought by Prince Vladimir from Korsun in the Crimea and placed in Kiev's Cathedral of the Tithes (the consecration of the church in 996 is commemorated on May 12). In 1500, during the capture of Kiev by Khan Mengli-Gyr, a Tatar soldier stripped the cover and adornments from the icon, and threw it into the Dniepr River. It was eventually found floating in the Svislocha River, near Minsk. On August 13, 1500, surrounded by an extraordinary light, the icon was brought to shore and taken to the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Minsk Icon was brought to the Uniate Monastery of the Holy Spirit in 1616, and returned to the Orthodox in 1839. The Holy Spirit Monastery’s church became an Orthodox cathedral, which was dedicated to Sts. Peter and Paul. Every Friday, an Akathist was served before the holy icon, and many miracles have been recorded. The Minsk Icon, of the Hodigitria type, is more than four and a half feet tall, and three feet wide.
• Icon of the Mother of God of the “SEVEN ARROWS” (1830) and that of the “SOFTENING OF EVIL HEARTS”
Both of these icons represent the Mother of God with seven arrows piercing her soul/heart in fulfillment of St Simeon’s prophecy at the time of the Meeting of the Lord that “an arrow shall pierce your heart so that the thoughts of many may be laid bare.” The "Seven Arrows" Icon of the Mother of God depicts the Virgin's heart pierced by seven arrows. For a long time the icon was located at the belltower stairway entrance of a church near Vologda, Russia, in honor of the Apostle John the Theologian. Since it was face downwards, the icon was mistaken for an ordinary board and walked on.A cripple in the city of Kadnikova then had a vision that he would receive healing after praying before this icon. A Molieben was served before the newly-discovered icon, after which the sick man became well.The icon was glorified in 1830 during a cholera epidemic at Vologda.
• Icon of the Mother of God “OF THE PASSION” (1641)
This icon is perhaps the most popular icon of the Mother of God of all time and in both East and West. The tradition behind it is that when the Archangels St Michael and St Gabriel one day appeared to the Child Jesus holding the instruments of the Lord’s future Passion, He became frightened and ran to His Mother – jumping up onto her arms so quickly that one of his sandals became loosened. As the Child Jesus clutches His Mother’s outstretched hand (by which she indicates to us the Divine Saviour of the world), her eyes continue to “ponder all these things in her heart.”
• Venerable SERGIUS and HERMANUS Wonderworkers of Valaam (14th c.) // JUN 28 / JUL 11 // SEP 11/24 TR REL //
• Venerable AVRAAMIUS of Rostov (11th c.) // OCT 29/NOV 11 //
• Sainted JOHN of Novgorod (1186)// SEP 7/20 //
• VenerableCORNILIUS of Paliy-island (1420) // MAY 19/JUN 1 //
• VenerableARSENIUS of Konevets (1447) // JUN 12/25 //
• Venerable SAVVATIUS of Solovki (1435) // AUG 8/21 TR REL // SEP 27 / OCT 10 //
• VenerableGENNADIUS of Novgorod (1504) // DEC 4/17 //
• Venerable ALEXANDER of Svir (1533) // APR 17/30 UNCOV REL // AUG 30/SEP 12 //
• VenerableATHANASIUS of Siandeba (1577) // JAN18/31 //
• Hosiosmartyr ADRIAN of Ondrusov (1549) // AUG 26/SEP 8 //
• Hosiosmartyr EVFROSINUS of Sinozersk (1612) // MAR 20/APR 2 //
• Venerable NAZARIUS hegumen (1809) // FEB 23/MAR 8 //
• Venerable HERMAN of Alaska (1836) // JUL 27/AUG 9 // NOV 15/28 REPOSE //
• SaintedIGNATIUS (Dmitry Brianchaninov) Bishop of the Caucasus and the Black Sea (1867) // APR 30/MAY 13 //
• Venerable LEV of Optina (1841) // OCT 11/24 //
• VenerableANTIPA of Valaam and Mount Athos (1882) // JAN 10/23 //
• VenerableARETHA of Verhoturje (1903) // JUN 10/23 //
• VenerableILYA of Verhoturje (1900) // NOV 30/DEC 13 //
• Hieromartyr JUVENALY of Alaska, Protomartyr of America (1796) // SEP 11/24 //
• Hieromartyr THEOPHAN Bishop of Solikamsk (1918) // DEC 11/ 24 //
• New Hieromartyr ANDRONIC Barsukov (1917) // DEC 7/20 //
• PATRIKY Petrov, confessor (1933) // MAR 11/24 //
• New Hieromartyr SERGY Gal’kovsky (1917) // DEC 7/20 //
• Hosiosmartyr JEREMIAH Leonov, monk (1918) // JAN 1 //
• New HieromartyrATHANASIUS Jegorov(1937) // AUG 7/20 //
• ARETHA Mitrenin, confessor (1932) // OCT 24/NOV 6 //
• New Hieromartyr PETR Kozlov (1938) // FEB 15/28 //
• New HieromartyrTAVRION Tolokontsev (1939) // MAY 25/JUN 7 //
• New Hieromartyr JUVENALY // SEP 11 //
Synaxis of Saints of KEMEROVO // SUNDAY BEFORE AUGUST 18/31//
• Righteous PETR of Tomsk (1820) // MAR 4 //
• Venerable VASILISK of Syberia (1824) // DEC 29 //
• Venerable ZOSIME (Zaharia Verhovsky) of Tobolsk, schemamonk (1833) // OCT 24//
• Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Ryasensky (1932) // NOV 22 //
• Hieromartyr AMPHILOHY Skvortsov, archbishop of Yenisej (1937) // SEP 18 //
• Hieromartyr PAVLIN Kroshechkin, archbishop of Mogilev (1937) // OCT 21 //
• Hieromartyr SERAPHIM Samojlovich, archbishop of Uglich (1937) // OCT 22 //
• Hieromartyr ARCADIUS Jershov, bishop of Sverdlovsk (1937) // OCT 21 //
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Andreev (1937)
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Lebedev (1937)
• Hieromartyr ANATOLY Levitsky (1937)
• Hieromartyr VASILY Bogojavlensky (1937)
• Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Sobolev (1937)
• Hieromartyr GRIGORY Averin (1937) // SEPT 7 //
• Hieromartyr LEV Jegorov (1937) // SEPT 7 //
• Hieromartyr MIRON Rzhepik (1937) // AUG 31 //
• Hieromartyr NIKANDER Chernelevsky (1937)
• Hieromartyr PETR Popov (1937)
• Hieromartyr HERMANUS Polyansky (1937)
• Hieromartyr MINA Shelaev (1937)
• Hieromartyr NEOPHIT Osipov (1937)
• Martyr CYPRIAN Annikov (1937) // OCT 21 //
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Liharev (1938)
• Hieromartyr IOANN Orlov (1938)
• Hieromartyr CONSTANTINE Pyatikrestovsky (1938)
• Hieromartyr CONSTANTINE Sokolov (1938) // MAR 12 //
• Hieromartyr LEONIDAS Viktorov (1938)
• Hieromartyr MIKHAIL Berezin (1938) // DEC 31 //
• Hieromartyr MIKHAIL Markov (1938) // JUN 3 //
• Hosiosmartyress MARIA Tseitlin (1938)
• Hosiosmartyress MARIA Nosova (1938) // APR 27 //
• Hosiosmartyress NATALY Baklanova (1938)
• Martyr MIKHAIL Stroev (1938)
• Hosiosmartyress EUDOKIA Pavlova (1939)
• Hieromartyr VASILY Mirozhin (1941)
• Hieromartyr LEONIDAS Muravjev (1941) // OCT 29 //
• Hieromartyr PHILARET (Ivan Pryahin, Seraphim in schema) Abbot of Sreznevo (1942) // FEB 22 //
• Martyr BORIS Uspensky (1942) // DEC 2 //
• Martyr IOANN Kolesnilov (1943)
• Hieromartyr PAVEL Smirnov (1938) // FEB 16 //
• Martyr HIPPOLYTUS 伊颇利特 of Rome and 18 martyrs with him, including his mother CONCORDIA 孔科尔迪亚, Martyrs IRENAEUS 伊里奈 and ABUNDIUS 阿文迪 (258)
Hippolytus 是在[羅爾]瑪的監獄的一個軍事的領導人和在 \O 上看見。他出生並且提起了異教徙。甚麼時候副主教被扔進監獄的聖老楞佐, Hippolytus 被皇帝訂特別看守這個囚犯。Hippolytus 與他的老楞佐恢複了瞎人 Lucillus 的視力並且老楞佐怎麼治好了許多其它的自己的眼睛看了誰是病了的並且他 [ Hippolytus ] 相信的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督。當老楞佐給某人施洗禮了時他, Hippolytus 有了天國的視覺並且說︰“我在大幸福看見了無罪的靈魂, 即, 在天堂。”他然後花了老楞佐進他的自己的家和給某人施洗禮的老楞佐所有的成員, 與舊的女家庭教師 Concordia , 標記 19 。當老楞佐為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督被殺死時, Hippolytus 在晚上拿了殉教者的身體, 在一張彎屈的表包了它並且值得尊敬地埋葬了它。然而, 這某種程度來到了皇帝 Decius 並且在跟隨老楞佐的死亡的第 3 天的耳朵, Hippolytus 被逮捕, 在皇帝前帶了並且拒絕否認真實的費思, 他與石頭在嘴上被粘住。在那以後,皇帝命令了 Hippolytus 被脫得光光並且鞭打。裸體在皇帝前,他說︰“你沒剝去我但是相當你開始了給我穿衣服﹗”然後他們外面在地面上拉長了他並且無情地打他但是 Hippolytus 僅僅驚呼了︰“我是一克裡斯琴。”在聽見 Hippolytus 的家庭的那所有之上的皇帝是合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教, 他命令了他們都被帶在裡面。變老的 Concordia 說︰“與不名譽地與你同居比,我們需要更多值得尊敬地在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思與吾主人死, 是不潔的。”Concordia 是第一被殺死並且, 在她以後, 留下 18 被殺死, 在 Hippolytus 的眼睛前的所有。最後, 他們系住了 Hippolytus 到一匹野生的馬並且到處拖了他直到殉教者放棄了他的靈魂到上帝。
• Martyrs PAMPHILUS and CAPITON beheaded by the sword in the locale of Oliurea near Constantinople (3rd c.)
• VMM CENTOLLA and HELENA (Helen or Elena) of Burgos in Old Castile in Spain (304)
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr JOHN Shishev, presbiter, priest (1865-1918)
• Hieromartyr IOASAPH Panov, presbiter, priest (1860-1918)
• Hieromartyr CONSTANTINE Popov, presbiter, priest (1918)
• Hieromartyr PETR Iovlev, priest (1875-1918)
• Hieromartyr ANDREY Volyansky, priest (1919)
• Hosiosmartyr Abbot SERGIUS and companions (1921)
• New Martyrs BENJAMIN Kazansky, Metropolitan of Petrograd; Archimandrite SERGIUS Shein, and 2 laymenwith them (1922)
• Hieromartyr SERAPHIM 教塞拉芬 (Nicholas Zvezdinsky) bishop of Dmitrov (1883-1937)
• Hieromartyr NICHOLOS Orlov, presbiter, priest (1881-1937)
• Hieromartyr JACOB Arhipov, presbiter, priest (1888-1937)
• Hieromartyr ALEXIS Vvedensky, deacon (1903-1937)
• Martyr VASILY Alexandrin, psalmist (1872-1942)
• Hieroconfessor BASIL Preobrazhensky bishop of Kineshma (1945)
• MM PANTELIJA (Panta or Pantelia) Dakich (11 year old CS) and IAN Jovicich (19 years old) at Gorazhdevats near Pech, Serbia (2003)
• Hieromartyr ANASTASIUS the Priest (662) friend and spiritual student of St Acacius. Priest. Papal legate. Imprisoned and exiled for failure to adopt the Monothelite heresy
• Hosiosmartyr ANASTASIUS the Monk (662) friend and spiritual student of St Acacius. Monk. Imprisoned and exiled for failure to adopt the Monothelite heresy • BRIGID of Cuainoi (or Cluana Diailama)
• Martyr CASSIAN of Imola (250) who refused to worship idols and suffered a slow death in Imola in Italy
• CASSIAN Bishop of Todi (4th c.) martyred under Maximian Herculeus
• Martyress CONCORDIA of Rome; Patron Saint of nursing mothers and wet nurses • Martyr CORONAT
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κορωνάτος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• VenerableAbba DOROTHEOS 多若德奥 of Gaza (570) a disciple of the venerable elders Barsanuphios the Great and John the Prophet
Ὁ Ὅσιος Δωρόθεος
• DOSITHEUS the Submissive, monk of the Monastery of Abba Seridos (6th c.) disciple of Dorotheus of Gaza
Ὁ Ὅσιος Δοσίθεος
• EUDOCIA 妇艾弗多基亚 (Athenaïs, Eudoca, Eudosia, Eudoxia, Eudoxia-Athenais, Athenaïs-Eudociae or Athenais-Eudokia) Empress of Constantinople (460) wife of Emperor Theodosius the Younger
Ἡ Ἁγία Εὐδοκία ἡ βασίλισσα
• Hosiosmartyress Nun HELENA of Burgos, Spain (304)
• Venerable HERULPH (Hariolph) of Ellwangen, Abbot (815) Bishop of Langres in France
Born to the nobility, the son of the Count of Ellwangen (part of modern Germany). Benedictine monk at the abbey of Saint Gall in Switzerland. Founded Ellwangen Abbey, diocese of Augsburg, Germany, in 764. Later he became Bishop of Langres in France.
• IRENE 伊里尼 (Pyrisca, Priska, in monastic renamed Xene or Xenia) of Hungary, Empress of Constantinople, Nun (12th c.)wife of the Emperor John II Comnenus; retired into monastic life
Ἡ Ἁγία Εἰρήνη ἡ Βασίλισσα (μετονομασθείσα σε Μοναχὴ Ξένη)
艾琳是皇帝伊望。約翰‧科姆嫩烏斯第二的妻子, 1118-1143 A.D , 叫的 Calojohn ( Caloyan ), 伊望。約翰好。除了她的修道士禁欲和許多好工作,因為她造了修道院,艾琳也是著名的萬能 [ Pantocrator ] 在土耳其都市的最光榮並且最美麗的修道院之一。晚些時候,12 月一種著名軟件壓縮工具的聖史蒂芬生活了在這個修道院的禁欲主義的生活。
• JUNIAN (587) Founder of the monastery of Mairé in Poitou in France and later a hermit in Chaulnay
• Venerable LUDOLF (983) Abbot of New Corvey in Westphalia in Germany from 971 to 983
• Glorification and transfering of the Relics from Lazia to Constantinopleof Venerable MAXIMUS 玛克息默 the Confessor (662)
Ἀνακομιδὴ Τιμίων Λειψάνων Ὁσίου Μαξίμου τοῦ Ὁμολογητοῦ
• Uncovering of the relics (1547) of St MAXIMUS 愚玛克息默 of Moscow, FoolforChrist (1434)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μάξιμος ὁ διὰ Χριστὸν Σαλός τῆς Μόσχας
• MOLACCA Son of Cairthenn
• MURTAGH (Muredach) (455) first Bishop of Killala in Ireland, hermit on the island of Innismurray
• PARAMON monk
• Hieromartyr PONTIAN Pope of Rome, bishop (236)
• Venerabless RADEGUNDIS (Radegund, Rhadegund or Radegunde) 拉德昆德 of Thuringia, Queen of the Franks, Dcn., Fndr. of Holy Cross Monastery at Poitiers (587)
Princess of Thuringia. Queen of France. Daughter of the pagan king Berthachar of Thuringia. She was given at age 12 to Clotaire I as a hostage after he conquered her father's army in 531. The girl converted to Christianity during her captivity, and 540 she was married against her will to Clotaire who then badly mistreated her, partly for being childless. In 555 she finally left him and took the veil from St Medard. Deaconess at Noyon, France. She founded the convent of the Holy Cross, Poiters, France; among the many relics in its chapel was a piece of the True Cross. She placed the house under the Rule of Saint Caesarius of Arles, and lived there her remaining 30 years; it became a center of scholarship. Spiritual student of Saint John of Chinon. Friend of St Fortunatus, who composed his hymn Vexilla Regis in her honor. She was very active in the affairs of the Church and civil politics, and gained a repuation as a peacemaker. Jesus College in Cambridge was originally dedicated to her.
• Venerable Abba SERID (Seridos) 塞里德 of Gaza (543)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σέριδος ἡγούμενος τῆς Μονῆς στὴ Γάζα
Seridus 作為在在巴勒斯坦的 Gaza 附近的著名的社區的創始人著名。如此的光榮的父親作為︰聖 Barsanuphius ,伊望。約翰,佐羅塞奧斯神父,佐羅塞奧斯和其它生活了在這個社區的禁欲主義的生活。聖 Seridus 在第 6 個世紀死了並且在他的主的永久的快樂收起了居住。
• Glorification and the second uncovering (1991) of the Relics of TIKHON (Tychon) 提弘 bishop of Voronezh, wonderworker of Zadonsk and All Russia (1724-1783)
St Tikhon of Zadonsk is most popular in the West today. He was not only a great spiritual writer and counselor, but a man of deep evangelical piety and holiness. He prayed the Jesus Prayer incessantly, read the Bible constantly and approached Holy Communion frequently. In his cell, he set up a life-size series of iconic representations of Christ carrying the Cross to Calvary, something very similar to a “Way of the Cross.”
Tikhon 在一年在諾夫哥主啊的遠見在 Korotsk 的村莊裡在一個簡單的農民家庭出生他收到了的 1724 A.D 在年齡 34 點並且因為他的禁欲和大的神的智慧的修道士剃發,不久收到了越來越大的服務直到最後他作為 Voronezh 的主教被奉獻。他的主教製度持續了幾乎 5 年並且, 因為脆弱的健康,他在 Zadonsk 的修道院在住處上面撤退了並且拿。他和平地在一年死了在 Zadonsk 的 1783 A.D 在哪兒他的工作奇跡遺物現在修養。他是一大禁欲最美麗的神的工作的俄國的教會,稀罕的牧人,調解者和一個作者。由他的智慧,神聖和禁欲主義, Tikhon 能在古老的時間的正統的教會的偉大的父親之中被等同。因為在他的遺物上的許多見証的奇跡, 他被宣告聖人,最初, 由人民並且在那以後由在一年的官方的教會 1861 A.D 。
• TIMOTHY of Mount Athos, Schemamonk in the Monastery of Valaam (1848)
• VITALIANA (also Vitalina), Recl. at Artonne, between Riome and Gannat, in Auvergne, Pat. of Artonne (Puy-le-Dome) (390)
• VALAAM Monk (1848)
• Venerable WIGBERT 维格博特 Abbot of Fritzlar and Hersfeld, presbiter, English missionary of Gessenand, Thuringia in Germany (675-746)
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

понедельник, 20 августа 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • August 25 / August 12 •


August 25 / August 12
2018 (7526)
主易圣容节庆期 • Afterfeast of TRANSFIGURATION
DIDGOROBA Day in Georgia: commemoration of the miraculous victory in the Battle of Didgori on August 12, 1121
Didgoroba is Georgian holiday, that is annually observed on August 12. This holiday commemorates the Battle of Didgori on August 12, 1121. This is not an official holiday, but the festival is much loved by the nation. The Battle of Didgori took place 40 km west of Tbilisi, modern capital of Georgia. The battle was fought between the armies of the Kingdom of Georgia and the Great Selijud Empire (medieval Turko-Persian empire, the predecessor of the Ottoman Empire. At that time the Great Selijud Empire was declining and King David IV of Georgia's decisive victory led to reconquest of Tbilisi, then-Muslim held city. Preparations to Didgoroba are made several days before the feast day. The main events usually take place in the village of Didgori, the place where the battle was fought. Folk groups give free performances. President of Georgia often visits the celebration. Georgians are attracted to Didgori not only by celebration of Didgoroba. People want to have a look at sword sculptures, that were erected on the Mound Didgori in the 1990s. The Battle of Didgori (Georgian: დიდგორისბრძოლა, didgoris brdzola; Turkish: Didgori Muharebesi) was fought between the armies of the Kingdom of Georgia and the declining Great Seljuq Empire at the place of Didgori, 40 km west of Tbilisi, (the modern-day capital of Georgia), on August 12, 1121. The battle resulted in King David IV of Georgia’s decisive victory over a Seljuk invasion army under Ilghazi and the subsequent reconquest of a Muslim-held Tbilisi, which became the royal capital. The victory at Didgori inaugurated the medieval Georgian Golden Age and is celebrated in the Georgian chronicles as a "miraculous victory" (ძლევაჲსაკვირველი, dzlevay sakvirveli). Modern Georgians continue to remember the event as an annual September festival known as Didgoroba ("[the day] of Didgori").
• VM FELICISSIMA and M GRATILAN (Gratilianus) at Faleria in Tuscany (304)
• MM HILARIA at Augsberg in Rhaetia (Bavaria) and her servants DIGNA, EUNOMIA (Eumenia) and EUTROPIA (Euprepia); QUIRIACUS, LARGIO, CRESCENTIAN, NIMMIA, JULIANA along with her 25 companions (304) at Rome
St Hilaria was the mother of Saint Afra of Augsburg. While visiting the tomb of Saint Afra with some friends, she was seized by the authorities and martyred. Burnt alive.
• Martyrs ANICETUS 阿尼基特 and PHOTIUS 佛提 (Photinus) and others of Nicomedia (306) Unmercenary Saints
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Φώτιος καὶ Ἀνίκητος οἱ Μάρτυρες
Though Saints Photios and Aniketos were not physicians in life, they are considered to be Unmercenary (Anargoiroi) Saints. This is made evident in the fact that they are invoked with other Unmercenaries in prayers of the Services of Holy Anointing (Unction) and the Sanctification of the Waters.
皇帝 Diocletian 曾經與邪惡的意愿訪問了 Nicomedia 的城市完全消除合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教。但是當他開始了他的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教的冷酷無情的折磨時, 聖 Anicetas , 城市的高評價的官員之一, 大膽地在皇帝前承認了他的在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的信念主, 上帝為我們的救助在肉賦予。與這一起, Anicetas 也作為一個合理的男人是卑鄙的聾並且啞的石頭和禮拜告發了聖像。皇帝命令了他的舌頭是 severed 但是 Anicetas , 由上帝的力量,繼續說話。他們然後對他但是在他附近被擁抱了的獅子釋放了一頭獅子。在那片刻大力英雄的堂崩潰了。Photius , Anicetas 的一個男親屬,看見 Anicetas 的奇跡和耐力,吻了他, 自己聲明了一克裡斯琴並且驚呼了到皇帝︰“ O 謬見岩山, 慚愧, 你的上帝是不存在﹗”皇帝然後命令了 Anicetas 很快地被斬。然而, 劊子手,對神聖的 Photius 舉手, 與劍打擊了他自己並且死。在延長了折磨以後, Anicetas 和 Photius 被扔進他們有 3 年的時間雕萎了的監獄。然後他們被拿出,火在一個龐大的爐子被點亮並且他們扔他們進火。許多另外的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教,男人,女人和孩子, 情愿地跟隨了他們進火。從火被聽見合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教的禱告為 martydom 的死亡正在贊揚上帝。他們都關於一年承受了 305 A.D 。“聖人 Anicetas 和聖人 Photius 在與油涂油於的聖禮在禱告被調用 [ 神聖的涂油 ] 並且在水的福氣。”
• Martyrs PAMPHILUS 庞斐洛 and CAPITON 喀彼托 beheaded by the sword in the locale of Oliurea near Constantinople (3rd c.)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Πάμφιλος καὶ Καπίτων οἱ Μάρτυρες
• ATTRACTA (Adhracht, Athracta, Araght, Arachta, Athracht, Athrachta, Tarahata, Taraghta or Adrochta) Abbess of Drum (of Achonry) Anchor., Healer, and her maiden StMITAIN Fndr. of monastery of Killaracht (Kilaracht or Killaraght) (Cell of Adhracht) near Boyle and Lake Techet (now Lough Cara or Gara), Coolavin, County of Sligo (494)
• PORCARIUS Abbot of Lérins and 500 Ccompanions (732)
Porcarius was a Benedictine monk. Abbot of Lérins, France, a house of 500 monks. Warned in a vision that the monastery would be attacked, he managed to evacuate about three dozen of the students and younger brothers to the mainland by boat; Porcarius and all but four of the remaining brothers were massacred by invading Saracens.
• Venerable SERGIUS and STEPHAN monks at Molos
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Σέργιος καὶ Στέφανος
• 12 SoldierMartyrs of Crete( 4th c.)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Δώδεκα Στρατιῶτες Μάρτυρες ἀπὸ τὴν Κρήτη
• 33 Martyrs of Palestine
• Martyr GERONTIUS and those with him of Saint David Gareji Monastery (19th cent) Georgia
Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries the Dagestanis were continually raiding and pillaging the Davit-Gareji Wilderness. They destroyed churches and monasteries, stole sacred objects, and tortured and killed many of the monks who labored there.
A Dagestani army invaded the Davit-Gareji Wilderness in the summer of 1851. They looted the Davit-Gareji Lavra and carried off many of the monastery’s sacred treasures and books. Then they took many of the monks captive and tortured a few of the most pious.
First they stabbed Hierodeacon Otar to death, then they beheaded Hieromonk Gerontius. The unbelievers battered Hieromonk Serapion to death with their swords. Monk Herman was stabbed in the stomach, then beheaded. Monk Besarion was also beheaded. The eighteen-year-old Simeon tried to flee on foot but was shot at with bows and arrows, then caught and beheaded. Monk Michael, the most outstanding among the brothers in humility and silence, was subjected to the harshest tortures.
After their martyrdom the bodies of these holy men were illumined with a divine light.
The martyrdom of the holy fathers of the Davit-Gareji Monastery was described in 1853 by Hieromonk Isaac of Gaenati, who witnessed the tragedy. Hieromonk Isaac himself was captured and led away to Dagestan by the merciless bandits. He was later freed through the mediation of Tsar Nicholas I (1825-1855).
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr LEONIDASBiryukovich, presbiter, archpriest (1864-1937)
• Hieromartyr IOANNNikol’sky, presbiter, priest (1878-1937)
• Hieromartyr NICHOLOSDobroumov, presbiter, priest (1876 -1937)
• Hieromartyr BASIL Infantjev, presbiter, priest (1918)
• Martyress EUDOKIA Safronova of Moscow (1878-1938)
• New Martyrsof BELOGOR ST NICHOLOS MONASTERYat Belaya Gora (White Mount) village, Perm: Hosiosmartyr archmandrite BARLAAM (Vasily Konoplev) abbot of Belogor St Nicolos monastery(1858-1918); hegumen ANTONY Arapov (1880-1918); hieromonks SERGIUS (Alexander Vershinin) (1881-1918), ILYA (Jacob Popov) (1887-1918), VIACHESLAV (Andrew Kosozhylin) (1879-1918), IOSAPH (John Sabantcev)(1880 -1918), IOANN (Jacob Novos’olov) (1879 -1918), BESSARION (Vasily Okulov) (1880-1918); hierodeacons MIKHEY (Petr Podkorytov) (1876 -1918), MATHEW (Mikhail Bannikov) (1881-1918), EUPHIMIUS (Vladimir Korotkov) (1882 -1918); monks BARNABAS (Venedict Nadezhdin) (1873-1918), HERMOGENUS (Alexander Bojaryshnev) (1888-1918), ARCADIUS (Andrew Noskov) (1889-1918), EUPHIMIUS (JemeljanSharshylov) (1887-1918), MARKELLOS (MikhailShavrin) (1871-1918), DIMITRYSozinov (1918), SABBAS Kolmogorov (1894-1918), JOHN Rotnov (1918), SERGIUS Samatov (1918); novices JACOB Startcev (1918), PETER Rochev (1918), JACOB Danilov (1918), ALEXANDER Arapov (1893 -1918), THEODORE Belkin (1918), ALEXIS Korotkov (1918), PETER (1918), SERGIUS (1918), JOHN (1918)
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER 亚历山大 bishop of Comana (285)
作為一簡單的炭燒,亞力山大在 Neo-Caesarea 附近生活在了 Comana 的鎮。當 Comana 的主教死了時,聖額我略 Neo-Caesarea 的奇跡工人和主教 (11 月 17 日 ) 是然後打電話了在一個委員會主持選一個新主教。牧師和相似的躺人在委員會在場了。然而, 選舉人是不能的在一個人上同意。在評估一個候選人的時間,他們都首先注意了他的 externals 的點︰外部的尊嚴和行為。聖額我略然後說他們不必如此多象在神和神的能力一樣看外部的特征很多。然後嘲笑的一些玩笑嗯驚呼了︰然後我們應該作為吾主教選亞力山大為炭燒﹗一般的笑然後續起了。聖額我略問了︰“這亞力山大是誰?”並且, 認為他的名字是沒沒有上帝的普羅維登斯在這個委員會提及, 額我略命令了亞力山大在委員會前被帶。作為一炭燒,他完全被玷污並且在破布。他的外觀再在委員會喚起了笑。額我略然後一旁拿了亞力山大並且讓他宣誓有關他自己說真相。亞力山大說他是一個希臘的哲學家並且他享受了大榮譽和位置但是他都拒絕了,嗡嗡聲流血他自己並且做了他自己從他讀了並且理解了神聖的經書的時間是“為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的緣故的一個笨蛋”。額我略訂了洗澡並且在新服裝給穿衣服了的亞力山大並且, 與他一起,進入了委員會並且在所有前開始了在神聖的經書檢驗亞力山大。所有在亞力山大的優雅的智慧和詞很驚訝並且能幾乎沒在這個明智的人認出, 以前的安靜炭燒。亞力山大一致地被選主教。由他的聖潔,智慧和美德,他獲得了對他的成群的愛。亞力山大死了一位殉教者的為在 Diocletian 的朝代期間的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的死亡。
• CASSIAN of Benevento (340) Bishop of Benevento in the south of Italy
• Venerable CASTOR monk
Ὁ Ὅσιος Κάστωρ
• Translation of relics of St EDWOLD hermit of Cerne
• EGLON ('Ajlawan) ascetic on the Mount of Olives
• Holy Martyr and Archdeacon EUPLUS of Catania (304)
• Martyress FELICISSIMA the Blind (304) beheaded
A blind girl whose sight was restored by Saint Gracilian when he was in prison for his faith. Convert.
• HERCULANUS of Brescia (550) Bishop of Brescia in Italy
• IRENE (Pyrisca, Priska, Xene or Xenia) of Hungary, Empress of Constantinople, Nun (12th c.)
• JANBERT (Jambert) (792)Abbot of St Augustine's, he succeeded St Bregwine as 14th Archbishop of Canterbury in England in 765
• Martyress JULITTA (Julietta) at Caesarea in Cappadocia, Matr. (304)
• LELIA of Ireland (5th c.)daughter of Prince Cairthenn. Lived in the Irish cities of Limerick and Kerry. Nun. Superior of a convent in Munster, Ireland
Several Irish place names keep her memory alive, and her house was renamed St Lelias’s in honour of her holiness.
• Virgin MEREWENNA (Merevenna or Merwenna), Pat. of Marham Church of Bude at Cornwall (5th c.) one of the daughters of Brychan of Brecknock
• MOLAISE 摩莱塞 of Devenish (563)
• MUREDACH (Murtagh) 穆瑞达奇 1st bishop of Killalaconsecrated by Patrick, hermit and founder of Innismurray on the island of Innesmurrayin Ireland (6th c.) disciple of St Patrick, and may have been a relative
• Monk NOTING bishop of Constance (934)
• Venerable PALAMON 帕拉蒙 of Egypt (323) instructor of St Pachomius the Great Ὁ Ὅσιος Παλάμων
• Venerable RADEGUNDIS of Thuringia, Queen of the Franks (587)
• SEIGINE 塞吉奈 abbot of Iona (652) Founder of the Church on Rathlin Island, County of Antrim
• SIMPLICIO (Simplicius) of Vercelli (470) 8th bishop of Vercelli, Italy. Served during a period of barbarian invasion
• TETTA (Thetta) Abs. of double monastery of Wimborne Abbey, Dorset (745-772)
• UST (Just, Justus) of Penzance, hermit

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018