August 26 / August 13
2018 (7526)
Apodosis of the Transfiguration 主易圣容节庆期圆满日
• Annunciation of St Joachim with the Birth of the Virgin Mary (and Comm. of St Anna or Hannah)
• Icon of the Mother of God of MINSK (1500)
The Minsk Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was brought by Prince Vladimir from Korsun in the Crimea and placed in Kiev's Cathedral of the Tithes (the consecration of the church in 996 is commemorated on May 12). In 1500, during the capture of Kiev by Khan Mengli-Gyr, a Tatar soldier stripped the cover and adornments from the icon, and threw it into the Dniepr River. It was eventually found floating in the Svislocha River, near Minsk. On August 13, 1500, surrounded by an extraordinary light, the icon was brought to shore and taken to the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Minsk Icon was brought to the Uniate Monastery of the Holy Spirit in 1616, and returned to the Orthodox in 1839. The Holy Spirit Monastery’s church became an Orthodox cathedral, which was dedicated to Sts. Peter and Paul. Every Friday, an Akathist was served before the holy icon, and many miracles have been recorded. The Minsk Icon, of the Hodigitria type, is more than four and a half feet tall, and three feet wide.
• Icon of the Mother of God of the “SEVEN ARROWS” (1830) and that of the “SOFTENING OF EVIL HEARTS”
Both of these icons represent the Mother of God with seven arrows piercing her soul/heart in fulfillment of St Simeon’s prophecy at the time of the Meeting of the Lord that “an arrow shall pierce your heart so that the thoughts of many may be laid bare.” The "Seven Arrows" Icon of the Mother of God depicts the Virgin's heart pierced by seven arrows. For a long time the icon was located at the belltower stairway entrance of a church near Vologda, Russia, in honor of the Apostle John the Theologian. Since it was face downwards, the icon was mistaken for an ordinary board and walked on.A cripple in the city of Kadnikova then had a vision that he would receive healing after praying before this icon. A Molieben was served before the newly-discovered icon, after which the sick man became well.The icon was glorified in 1830 during a cholera epidemic at Vologda.
• Icon of the Mother of God “OF THE PASSION” (1641)
This icon is perhaps the most popular icon of the Mother of God of all time and in both East and West. The tradition behind it is that when the Archangels St Michael and St Gabriel one day appeared to the Child Jesus holding the instruments of the Lord’s future Passion, He became frightened and ran to His Mother – jumping up onto her arms so quickly that one of his sandals became loosened. As the Child Jesus clutches His Mother’s outstretched hand (by which she indicates to us the Divine Saviour of the world), her eyes continue to “ponder all these things in her heart.”
• Venerable SERGIUS and HERMANUS Wonderworkers of Valaam (14th c.) // JUN 28 / JUL 11 // SEP 11/24 TR REL //
• Venerable AVRAAMIUS of Rostov (11th c.) // OCT 29/NOV 11 //
• Sainted JOHN of Novgorod (1186)// SEP 7/20 //
• VenerableCORNILIUS of Paliy-island (1420) // MAY 19/JUN 1 //
• VenerableARSENIUS of Konevets (1447) // JUN 12/25 //
• Venerable SAVVATIUS of Solovki (1435) // AUG 8/21 TR REL // SEP 27 / OCT 10 //
• VenerableGENNADIUS of Novgorod (1504) // DEC 4/17 //
• Venerable ALEXANDER of Svir (1533) // APR 17/30 UNCOV REL // AUG 30/SEP 12 //
• VenerableATHANASIUS of Siandeba (1577) // JAN18/31 //
• Hosiosmartyr ADRIAN of Ondrusov (1549) // AUG 26/SEP 8 //
• Hosiosmartyr EVFROSINUS of Sinozersk (1612) // MAR 20/APR 2 //
• Venerable NAZARIUS hegumen (1809) // FEB 23/MAR 8 //
• Venerable HERMAN of Alaska (1836) // JUL 27/AUG 9 // NOV 15/28 REPOSE //
• SaintedIGNATIUS (Dmitry Brianchaninov) Bishop of the Caucasus and the Black Sea (1867) // APR 30/MAY 13 //
• Venerable LEV of Optina (1841) // OCT 11/24 //
• VenerableANTIPA of Valaam and Mount Athos (1882) // JAN 10/23 //
• VenerableARETHA of Verhoturje (1903) // JUN 10/23 //
• VenerableILYA of Verhoturje (1900) // NOV 30/DEC 13 //
• Hieromartyr JUVENALY of Alaska, Protomartyr of America (1796) // SEP 11/24 //
• Hieromartyr THEOPHAN Bishop of Solikamsk (1918) // DEC 11/ 24 //
• New Hieromartyr ANDRONIC Barsukov (1917) // DEC 7/20 //
• PATRIKY Petrov, confessor (1933) // MAR 11/24 //
• New Hieromartyr SERGY Gal’kovsky (1917) // DEC 7/20 //
• Hosiosmartyr JEREMIAH Leonov, monk (1918) // JAN 1 //
• New HieromartyrATHANASIUS Jegorov(1937) // AUG 7/20 //
• ARETHA Mitrenin, confessor (1932) // OCT 24/NOV 6 //
• New Hieromartyr PETR Kozlov (1938) // FEB 15/28 //
• New HieromartyrTAVRION Tolokontsev (1939) // MAY 25/JUN 7 //
• New Hieromartyr JUVENALY // SEP 11 //
Synaxis of Saints of KEMEROVO // SUNDAY BEFORE AUGUST 18/31//
• Righteous PETR of Tomsk (1820) // MAR 4 //
• Venerable VASILISK of Syberia (1824) // DEC 29 //
• Venerable ZOSIME (Zaharia Verhovsky) of Tobolsk, schemamonk (1833) // OCT 24//
• Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Ryasensky (1932) // NOV 22 //
• Hieromartyr AMPHILOHY Skvortsov, archbishop of Yenisej (1937) // SEP 18 //
• Hieromartyr PAVLIN Kroshechkin, archbishop of Mogilev (1937) // OCT 21 //
• Hieromartyr SERAPHIM Samojlovich, archbishop of Uglich (1937) // OCT 22 //
• Hieromartyr ARCADIUS Jershov, bishop of Sverdlovsk (1937) // OCT 21 //
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Andreev (1937)
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Lebedev (1937)
• Hieromartyr ANATOLY Levitsky (1937)
• Hieromartyr VASILY Bogojavlensky (1937)
• Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Sobolev (1937)
• Hieromartyr GRIGORY Averin (1937) // SEPT 7 //
• Hieromartyr LEV Jegorov (1937) // SEPT 7 //
• Hieromartyr MIRON Rzhepik (1937) // AUG 31 //
• Hieromartyr NIKANDER Chernelevsky (1937)
• Hieromartyr PETR Popov (1937)
• Hieromartyr HERMANUS Polyansky (1937)
• Hieromartyr MINA Shelaev (1937)
• Hieromartyr NEOPHIT Osipov (1937)
• Martyr CYPRIAN Annikov (1937) // OCT 21 //
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Liharev (1938)
• Hieromartyr IOANN Orlov (1938)
• Hieromartyr CONSTANTINE Pyatikrestovsky (1938)
• Hieromartyr CONSTANTINE Sokolov (1938) // MAR 12 //
• Hieromartyr LEONIDAS Viktorov (1938)
• Hieromartyr MIKHAIL Berezin (1938) // DEC 31 //
• Hieromartyr MIKHAIL Markov (1938) // JUN 3 //
• Hosiosmartyress MARIA Tseitlin (1938)
• Hosiosmartyress MARIA Nosova (1938) // APR 27 //
• Hosiosmartyress NATALY Baklanova (1938)
• Martyr MIKHAIL Stroev (1938)
• Hosiosmartyress EUDOKIA Pavlova (1939)
• Hieromartyr VASILY Mirozhin (1941)
• Hieromartyr LEONIDAS Muravjev (1941) // OCT 29 //
• Hieromartyr PHILARET (Ivan Pryahin, Seraphim in schema) Abbot of Sreznevo (1942) // FEB 22 //
• Martyr BORIS Uspensky (1942) // DEC 2 //
• Martyr IOANN Kolesnilov (1943)
• Hieromartyr PAVEL Smirnov (1938) // FEB 16 //
• Martyr HIPPOLYTUS 伊颇利特 of Rome and 18 martyrs with him, including his mother CONCORDIA 孔科尔迪亚, Martyrs IRENAEUS 伊里奈 and ABUNDIUS 阿文迪 (258)
Hippolytus 是在[羅爾]瑪的監獄的一個軍事的領導人和在 \O 上看見。他出生並且提起了異教徙。甚麼時候副主教被扔進監獄的聖老楞佐, Hippolytus 被皇帝訂特別看守這個囚犯。Hippolytus 與他的老楞佐恢複了瞎人 Lucillus 的視力並且老楞佐怎麼治好了許多其它的自己的眼睛看了誰是病了的並且他 [ Hippolytus ] 相信的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督。當老楞佐給某人施洗禮了時他, Hippolytus 有了天國的視覺並且說︰“我在大幸福看見了無罪的靈魂, 即, 在天堂。”他然後花了老楞佐進他的自己的家和給某人施洗禮的老楞佐所有的成員, 與舊的女家庭教師 Concordia , 標記 19 。當老楞佐為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督被殺死時, Hippolytus 在晚上拿了殉教者的身體, 在一張彎屈的表包了它並且值得尊敬地埋葬了它。然而, 這某種程度來到了皇帝 Decius 並且在跟隨老楞佐的死亡的第 3 天的耳朵, Hippolytus 被逮捕, 在皇帝前帶了並且拒絕否認真實的費思, 他與石頭在嘴上被粘住。在那以後,皇帝命令了 Hippolytus 被脫得光光並且鞭打。裸體在皇帝前,他說︰“你沒剝去我但是相當你開始了給我穿衣服﹗”然後他們外面在地面上拉長了他並且無情地打他但是 Hippolytus 僅僅驚呼了︰“我是一克裡斯琴。”在聽見 Hippolytus 的家庭的那所有之上的皇帝是合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教, 他命令了他們都被帶在裡面。變老的 Concordia 說︰“與不名譽地與你同居比,我們需要更多值得尊敬地在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思與吾主人死, 是不潔的。”Concordia 是第一被殺死並且, 在她以後, 留下 18 被殺死, 在 Hippolytus 的眼睛前的所有。最後, 他們系住了 Hippolytus 到一匹野生的馬並且到處拖了他直到殉教者放棄了他的靈魂到上帝。
• Martyrs PAMPHILUS and CAPITON beheaded by the sword in the locale of Oliurea near Constantinople (3rd c.)
• VMM CENTOLLA and HELENA (Helen or Elena) of Burgos in Old Castile in Spain (304)
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr JOHN Shishev, presbiter, priest (1865-1918)
• Hieromartyr IOASAPH Panov, presbiter, priest (1860-1918)
• Hieromartyr CONSTANTINE Popov, presbiter, priest (1918)
• Hieromartyr PETR Iovlev, priest (1875-1918)
• Hieromartyr ANDREY Volyansky, priest (1919)
• Hosiosmartyr Abbot SERGIUS and companions (1921)
• New Martyrs BENJAMIN Kazansky, Metropolitan of Petrograd; Archimandrite SERGIUS Shein, and 2 laymenwith them (1922)
• Hieromartyr SERAPHIM 教塞拉芬 (Nicholas Zvezdinsky) bishop of Dmitrov (1883-1937)
• Hieromartyr NICHOLOS Orlov, presbiter, priest (1881-1937)
• Hieromartyr JACOB Arhipov, presbiter, priest (1888-1937)
• Hieromartyr ALEXIS Vvedensky, deacon (1903-1937)
• Martyr VASILY Alexandrin, psalmist (1872-1942)
• Hieroconfessor BASIL Preobrazhensky bishop of Kineshma (1945)
• MM PANTELIJA (Panta or Pantelia) Dakich (11 year old CS) and IAN Jovicich (19 years old) at Gorazhdevats near Pech, Serbia (2003)
• Hieromartyr ANASTASIUS the Priest (662) friend and spiritual student of St Acacius. Priest. Papal legate. Imprisoned and exiled for failure to adopt the Monothelite heresy
• Hosiosmartyr ANASTASIUS the Monk (662) friend and spiritual student of St Acacius. Monk. Imprisoned and exiled for failure to adopt the Monothelite heresy
• BRIGID of Cuainoi (or Cluana Diailama)
• Martyr CASSIAN of Imola (250) who refused to worship idols and suffered a slow death in Imola in Italy
• CASSIAN Bishop of Todi (4th c.) martyred under Maximian Herculeus
• Martyress CONCORDIA of Rome; Patron Saint of nursing mothers and wet nurses
• Martyr CORONAT
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κορωνάτος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• VenerableAbba DOROTHEOS 多若德奥 of Gaza (570) a disciple of the venerable elders Barsanuphios the Great and John the Prophet
Ὁ Ὅσιος Δωρόθεος
• DOSITHEUS the Submissive, monk of the Monastery of Abba Seridos (6th c.) disciple of Dorotheus of Gaza
Ὁ Ὅσιος Δοσίθεος
• EUDOCIA 妇艾弗多基亚 (Athenaïs, Eudoca, Eudosia, Eudoxia, Eudoxia-Athenais, Athenaïs-Eudociae or Athenais-Eudokia) Empress of Constantinople (460) wife of Emperor Theodosius the Younger
Ἡ Ἁγία Εὐδοκία ἡ βασίλισσα
• Hosiosmartyress Nun HELENA of Burgos, Spain (304)
• Venerable HERULPH (Hariolph) of Ellwangen, Abbot (815) Bishop of Langres in France
Born to the nobility, the son of the Count of Ellwangen (part of modern Germany). Benedictine monk at the abbey of Saint Gall in Switzerland. Founded Ellwangen Abbey, diocese of Augsburg, Germany, in 764. Later he became Bishop of Langres in France.
• IRENE 伊里尼 (Pyrisca, Priska, in monastic renamed Xene or Xenia) of Hungary, Empress of Constantinople, Nun (12th c.)wife of the Emperor John II Comnenus; retired into monastic life
Ἡ Ἁγία Εἰρήνη ἡ Βασίλισσα (μετονομασθείσα σε Μοναχὴ Ξένη)
艾琳是皇帝伊望。約翰‧科姆嫩烏斯第二的妻子, 1118-1143 A.D , 叫的 Calojohn ( Caloyan ), 伊望。約翰好。除了她的修道士禁欲和許多好工作,因為她造了修道院,艾琳也是著名的萬能 [ Pantocrator ] 在土耳其都市的最光榮並且最美麗的修道院之一。晚些時候,12 月一種著名軟件壓縮工具的聖史蒂芬生活了在這個修道院的禁欲主義的生活。
• JUNIAN (587) Founder of the monastery of Mairé in Poitou in France and later a hermit in Chaulnay
• Venerable LUDOLF (983) Abbot of New Corvey in Westphalia in Germany from 971 to 983
• Glorification and transfering of the Relics from Lazia to Constantinopleof Venerable MAXIMUS 玛克息默 the Confessor (662)
Ἀνακομιδὴ Τιμίων Λειψάνων Ὁσίου Μαξίμου τοῦ Ὁμολογητοῦ
• Uncovering of the relics (1547) of St MAXIMUS 愚玛克息默 of Moscow, FoolforChrist (1434)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μάξιμος ὁ διὰ Χριστὸν Σαλός τῆς Μόσχας
• MOLACCA Son of Cairthenn
• MURTAGH (Muredach) (455) first Bishop of Killala in Ireland, hermit on the island of Innismurray
• PARAMON monk
• Hieromartyr PONTIAN Pope of Rome, bishop (236)
• Venerabless RADEGUNDIS (Radegund, Rhadegund or Radegunde) 拉德昆德 of Thuringia, Queen of the Franks, Dcn., Fndr. of Holy Cross Monastery at Poitiers (587)
Princess of Thuringia. Queen of France. Daughter of the pagan king Berthachar of Thuringia. She was given at age 12 to Clotaire I as a hostage after he conquered her father's army in 531. The girl converted to Christianity during her captivity, and 540 she was married against her will to Clotaire who then badly mistreated her, partly for being childless. In 555 she finally left him and took the veil from St Medard. Deaconess at Noyon, France. She founded the convent of the Holy Cross, Poiters, France; among the many relics in its chapel was a piece of the True Cross. She placed the house under the Rule of Saint Caesarius of Arles, and lived there her remaining 30 years; it became a center of scholarship. Spiritual student of Saint John of Chinon. Friend of St Fortunatus, who composed his hymn Vexilla Regis in her honor. She was very active in the affairs of the Church and civil politics, and gained a repuation as a peacemaker. Jesus College in Cambridge was originally dedicated to her.
• Venerable Abba SERID (Seridos) 塞里德 of Gaza (543)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σέριδος ἡγούμενος τῆς Μονῆς στὴ Γάζα
Seridus 作為在在巴勒斯坦的 Gaza
附近的著名的社區的創始人著名。如此的光榮的父親作為︰聖 Barsanuphius ,伊望。約翰,佐羅塞奧斯神父,佐羅塞奧斯和其它生活了在這個社區的禁欲主義的生活。聖 Seridus 在第 6 個世紀死了並且在他的主的永久的快樂收起了居住。
• Glorification and the second uncovering (1991) of the Relics of TIKHON (Tychon) 提弘 bishop of Voronezh, wonderworker of Zadonsk and All Russia (1724-1783)
St Tikhon of Zadonsk is most popular in the West today. He was not only a great spiritual writer and counselor, but a man of deep evangelical piety and holiness. He prayed the Jesus Prayer incessantly, read the Bible constantly and approached Holy Communion frequently. In his cell, he set up a life-size series of iconic representations of Christ carrying the Cross to Calvary, something very similar to a “Way of the Cross.”
Tikhon 在一年在諾夫哥主啊的遠見在 Korotsk 的村莊裡在一個簡單的農民家庭出生他收到了的 1724 A.D 在年齡 34 點並且因為他的禁欲和大的神的智慧的修道士剃發,不久收到了越來越大的服務直到最後他作為 Voronezh 的主教被奉獻。他的主教製度持續了幾乎 5 年並且, 因為脆弱的健康,他在 Zadonsk 的修道院在住處上面撤退了並且拿。他和平地在一年死了在 Zadonsk 的 1783 A.D 在哪兒他的工作奇跡遺物現在修養。他是一大禁欲最美麗的神的工作的俄國的教會,稀罕的牧人,調解者和一個作者。由他的智慧,神聖和禁欲主義, Tikhon 能在古老的時間的正統的教會的偉大的父親之中被等同。因為在他的遺物上的許多見証的奇跡, 他被宣告聖人,最初, 由人民並且在那以後由在一年的官方的教會 1861 A.D 。
• TIMOTHY of Mount Athos, Schemamonk in the Monastery of Valaam (1848)
• VITALIANA (also Vitalina), Recl. at Artonne, between Riome and Gannat, in Auvergne, Pat. of Artonne (Puy-le-Dome) (390)
• VALAAM Monk (1848)
• Venerable WIGBERT 维格博特 Abbot of Fritzlar and Hersfeld, presbiter, English missionary of Gessenand, Thuringia in Germany (675-746)
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Blessed be God.