
среда, 16 мая 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • May 17 / May 4 •


May 17 / May 4
2018 (7526)
耶穌升天節 THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD // 2018 //
Ἡ Ἀνάληψις τοῦ Κυρίου
The Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, also known as Holy Thursday, Ascension Day, or Ascension Thursday, commemorates the Christian belief of the bodily Ascension of Jesus into heaven. Ascension Day is traditionally celebrated on a Thursday, the fortieth day of Easter (following the accounts given in Mark 16:19, Luke 24:51 and Acts 1:2), although some Christian denominations have moved the observance to the following Sunday. The festival of the Ascension is kept for nine days, ending on the Friday before Pentecost. The following day is kept as a Soul Saturday. This Memorial Day is appointed so that the faithful departed share in the blessings of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Let the Holy Spirit come into your life to bring you comfort and show you Truth.

Icon of the Mother of God "STARO RUS" (Old Russian) (1570) 旧鲁萨圣母圣像纪念日
Σύναξις Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου τῆς «Παλαιᾶς» ἐν Ρωσίᾳ
The Starorusskaya Icon of the Mother of God was titled such because for a long time it was located Stara Russa, whither it had been brought by the Greeks from Olviopolis during the very first period of Christianity in Russia. The icon was situated in Stara Russa until the 17th century. In 1655 during the time of a plague it was revealed to a certain inhabitant of the city of Tikhvin that the pestilence would cease, if the wonderworking Starorusskaya Icon were transferred there, and the Tikhvin Icon sent to Stara Russa. After the transfer of the icons the plague ceased, but the Tikhvin people did not return the icon and only in the XVIII Century did they give permission to make a copy from the Starorusskaya Icon, which on 4 May 1768 was sent to Stara Russa. A feast was established in honour of this event. On 17 September 1888 the original was also returned to Stara Russa and a second festal date established.
• Hieromartyr ALBIAN (Olbian) 阿尔比安 Bishop of Anaea in Asia Minor, and his disciples (284-303)
• Hieromartyr ERASMUS 埃拉斯默 Bishop of Formia in Campania, and 20 000 Martyrs with him (303)
• Martyrs FLORIAN and 40 Companions at Lorsch, Austria (304)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φλωριανὸς ὁ Μάρτυρας
Florian a senior Roman officer in Noricum, now Upper Austria, he was drowned in the River Enns near Lorsch under Diocletian. He is the patron-saint of Upper Austria and Poland.
• Hieromartyr bishop SILVANUS 息庐安 of Gaza, and with him 40 Martyrs (311)
• Martyrs APHRODISIUS 阿弗若迪西, LEONTIUS 莱翁提, ANTHONY 安托尼, VALERIAN 瓦莱里安, MACROBIUS 玛克若维 and 60 others Monks at Scythopolis of Palestine (4th c.)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἀντωνίνος, Ἀφροδίσιος, Βαλεριανός, Λεόντιος, Μακρόβιος καὶ Μίδας οἱ Μάρτυρες καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτοῖς μαρτυρήσαντες
• Translation (890) of the relics of the Righteous LAZARUS and Equal to the Apostles MARY Magdalene
Ἀνακομιδὴ Τιμίων Λειψάνων Ἁγίου καὶ Δικαίου Λαζάρου καὶ τῆς Μαρίας τῆς Μαγδαληνῆς τῆς Μυροφόρου
• The Alfanov brothers of Novgorod: Sts NICETAS 尼基塔, CYRIL 基里尔, NICEPHORUS 尼基佛尔, CLEMENT 克莱孟特 and ISAAC 伊撒克 of Novgorod (14-15th c.) founders of the Sokolnitzki Monastery in 1389
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Ἰσαάκ, Κλήμης, Κύριλλος, Νικήτας καὶ Νικηφόρος ἐκ Ρωσίας
• Holy Georgian Martyrs of Persia (1660) // DAY OF THE HOLY ASCENSION //
It would be too long to narrate all that has passed in this miserable migration, how many murders, how many deaths caused by privation, how many seductions, rapes, and acts of violence, how many children drowned by their own parents or cast into rivers through despair, some snatched by force from their mother’s breasts because they seemed too weak to live and thrown down by the wayside and abandoned there to be food for wild beasts or trampled underfoot by the horses and camels of the army, which marched for a whole day on top of dead bodies; how many sons separated from their fathers, wives from their husbands, sisters from their brothers, and carried off to distant countries without hope of ever meeting again. Throughout the camp, men and women were sold on this occasion much cheaper than beasts, because of the great number of them.
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• New Hieromartyr DIMITRI Archbishop of Gdov (1938)
• New Hieromartyr JOHN 约翰 Vasil’jev, priest (1886-1942) day of death in prison KZ
• New Hieromartyr NICHOLAS 尼科拉 Tokhtujev, deacon (1903-1943) day of death in Pechorlag KZ, Koneva of poselok Kozhva, Vorkuta, Komi
• New Hieromartyr Archpriest VASILY Martysz (1945)
ADA (Adrechildis) Abbess of St Julian near Le Mans (7th c.)
ÆTHELRED (Ethelred, Ailred) 埃特尔瑞德 of Bardney (716) King of Mercia in England, he abdicated in order to become a monk at Bardney where he later became abbot
• VM ANTONIA of Constantinople (3rd c.) Christian maiden who was tortured and martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian and Galerius burned at the stake in Constantinople
ANTHONY du Rocher (6th c.) disciple of St Benedict and companion of St Maurus in his mission to France, founder of the monastery of Saint Julian in Tours
By tradition a disciple of St Benedict and companion of St Maurus in his mission to France. He was the founder of the monastery of Saint Julian in Tours. He is called 'du Rocher' because he ended his days as a hermit at a place called le Rocher.
• Bishop ARBEO of Freising (726-783)
Student under Saint Corbinian. Benedictine monk. First abbot at the Scharnitz Monastery at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany in 763. Bishop of Freising, Germany in 765. He increased the reputation of the diocese for prosperity and religious devotion, founded several convents, and make the Freising cathedral school and library famous for its scholarship. Author of the first Latin-German dictionary. Wrote a biography of Saint Corbinian, and transferred his relics from Mais to Freising in 767.
ATHANASIOS 阿塔纳西 of Corinth, bishop (10-11th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀθανάσιος Ἐπίσκοπος Κορίνθου
CONLETH a maker of sacred vessels, 1st Bishop of Kildare (519)
A hermit in Old Connell on the River Liffey in Ireland. St Brigid came to know him and he became the spiritual father of her nuns at Kildare, of which he became the first bishop. He was a metalworker and very skilled as a copyist and illuminator.
CUNEGUND (1052) a nun at the convent of Niedermunster in Ratisbon in Germany
CURCODOMUS a deacon in Rome (2nd c.) sent to help St Peregrinus, 1st Bishop of Auxerre in France
• Hieromartyr CYRIACUS (Quiriacus) Bishop of Ancona in Italy (133) who was martyred under Julian the Apostate in the Holy Land
Saint Cyriacus, patron of Ancona, Italy, is variously and unreliably conjectured to have been the legendary Jew named Judas Quiriacus, who revealed where the Cross was hidden to Empress Saint Helena. Later he was baptized, consecrated as bishop of Jerusalem, and martyred during the persecutions of Julian the Apostate. Otherwise, he is said to have been the bishop of Ancona who died or was killed during a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, or he is styled as Bishop Judas of Jerusalem, who was killed during a riot there in 133. In other words, we don't really know who he was, but we have a 12th-century illumination of his martyrdom.
• Hermit ENÉOUR (Enegwor, Enemour, Ener, Enevor) (6th c.) brother of St Thumette, the two of them sailed on a stone from Wales to Bigouden in Brittany in northern France
• Tr.Rel. of St ETHELBURGA (Edelburge, Ethel, Aedilburh, Aethelburh) First Abbess of Monastery at Barking in Essex, England (675)
• Translation (1131) of Relics of Sainted GOTTHARD (Godard, Gothard) of Hildesheim, became Bishop of Hildesheim in 1022 and did much to spread the Faith (1038)
Born in Bavaria, he became a monk at Niederaltaich in Germany. Later he restored monastic life elsewhere. The monasteries of Tegernsee, Hersfeld and Kremsmünster all received abbots from Niederaltaich. In 1022 he became Bishop of Hildesheim and did much to spread the Faith.
• Venerable GUIDO (Wido) Abbot in Pomposa (970-1046)
HELENA of Troyes in France
HILARY 伊拉里显 the Wonderworker of the desert (385)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἱλάριος ὁ Θαυματουργός
HILSINDIS (1028) Matr., W., Fndr. of convent of Thorn on the Marne in France
Hilsindis was born into the family of the dukes of Lorraine (France). In her widowhood she was the abbess-founder of the convent of Thorn on the Marne River in France.
MELANGELL (Monacella) Reclusess of Pennant (Penant, Tanat) (present day Powys) near Llangynog, Montgomeryshire (6-7th c.)
MOCHUA (Cronan) son of Cuimine, of Sliabh Eibhlinne, now Slieve Phelim Mountains, County of Limerick
MONICA 莫尼卡 of Tagaste (387) the mother of St Augustine of Hippo; the patron saint of wives and mothers whose husbands or sons have gone astray
Ἡ Ἁγία Μόνικα μητέρα τοῦ Ἁγίου Αὐγουστίνου
It is a notorious mistake and misrepresentation, to call this fault the crime of drunkenness, though such a habit insensibly paves the way to the utmost excesses; and this danger of a saint ought to be a powerful warning to deter all persons, especially servants and young people, from a like custom of sipping, how insignificant and trifling soever the first steps towards it may appear. If Monica was awakened before she was brought to the brink of the precipice, this was the effect of a singular grace; and, where she repented, thousands perish, and regardless of every evil, present and future, become the murderers of their bodies, their reason, the fortunes of their family, and their immortal souls. This destroying evil arises from small beginnings neglected.
NEPOTIANUS (395) nephew of St Heliodorus, Bishop of Altino near Venice in Italy, by whom he was ordained after leaving his high position as an officer in the imperial bodyguard
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νεποτιανὸς ὁ πρεσβύτερος
Saint Heliodorus, bishop of Altino, ordained his nephew Nepotian as priest after he abandoned his high position as an officer in the imperial bodyguard. Nepotian was much esteemed by Saint Jerome, who dedicated to him a treatise on the sacerdotal life.
NICEPHORUS 尼基佛尔 of Medikion, abbot and founder of Medikion Monastery (813)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Νικηφόρος ἡγούμενος τῆς μονῆς Μηδικίου
NICEPHORUS 尼基佛尔 the Solitary (the Hesychast) of Mount Athos (1300) teacher of St Gregory Palamas
Ὁ Ὅσιος Νικηφόρος ὁ ἐν Ἄθῳ ἀσκήσας
PAULINUS of Sinigaglia (826) Bishop and now patron-saint of Sinigaglia in Italy
• Martyr PAULINUS whose relics are enshrined in Cologne in Germany
• Virgin Martyress PELAGIA 佩拉吉亚 of Tarsus in Asia Minor (287)
Ἡ Ἁγία Πελαγία ἡ Μάρτυς
• Hieromartyr PORPHYRIUS of Camerino (250) priest who preached in Umbria in Italy and was beheaded under Decius
Porphyrius is said to have preached in Umbria, Italy, chiefly at Camerino, and to have been beheaded under Decius. He belongs to the apocryphal legend of Saint Venantius. Porphyrius is depicted in art dressed in a doctor's cap and gown, holding a book, with Saint John the Baptist. He might also be portrayed as a priest with Saint Venantius.
SACERDOS (Sardot, Sadroc, Sardou, Serdon, Serdot) of Limoges, Bishop of Limoges (670-720)
Born in the neighbourhood of Sarlat in Périgord in France, he became a monk and eventually founded Calabre (Calviat) Abbey. He was appointed bishop of Limoges and shepherded his flock until shortly before his death.
• Zealous missionary SCANNAL of Cell-Coleraine (563) in Ireland was a disciple of St Columba of Iona
SIOLLAN the Deacon
THEODOSIA (Fedosia) Princess of Vladimir (1244) wife of Jaroslav Vsevolodovich; mother of St Alexander Nevsky
Ἡ Ὁσία Θεοδοσία πριγκίπισσα τοῦ Βλαδιμίρ
• Martyress TRIFINA at Rome
VENERIUS of Milan, 2nd bishop of Milan (409) a loyal supporter of St John Chrysostom
Venerius is one of the breed of fast-track bishops. He was ordained a deacon by Saint Ambrose. About 400 AD, Venerius was promoted to the see of Milan following the death of Saint Simplician. Venerius is best remembered as a loyal supporter of Saint John Chrysostom.
• Sainted WILLERICH Bishop of Bremen (838)

After his Resurrection Jesus remained on earth forty days, appearing at intervals to his Disciples in various places. He ate, drank, and conversed with them, thus verifying and assuring his Resurrection. On this day corresponding to the fortieth day from the Passover, falling then on the third of May, he appeared to them in Jerusalem. He first conversed with them on various topics; then he gave them his last commandment, to go forth and preach in his Name to all the nations, beginning with, Jerusalem. At the same time told them not to depart from Jerusalem, but remain there a while until they were clothed with power from on high by the descent of the Holy Spirit upon them.
Having said this, he led them to the Mount of Olives. Then he lifted up his hands and blessed them. And as he was speaking to them with words of fatherly blessing, he was parted from them and ascended into heaven, being received by a shining cloud, indicating his divine, majesty. He sat on it as on a royal chariot and began to ascend to heaven, gradually disappearing from the sight of the Disciples as they gazed at him. And as they stood thus two angels in brilliant white robes appeared to them in the form of men and said to them, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. In these words, therefore, is fulfilled and defined the doctrine concerning the Son of God and his Word, in the Confession of Faith. And thus after our Lord Jesus. Christ fulfilled all his great dispensation for us, He ascended in glory into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God the Father. As for his undefiled Disciples, they returned to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, rejoicing in the promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit (Lk. 24:46-52 and Acts 1:1-12).
It may be explained that the Mount of Olives was at such a distance from Jerusalem as would permit the Jews to walk to it on the sabbath, hence, it is said that it was a sabbath day's journey. Incomanius (in his commentary on Acts) explained that the distance must have been one mile, or two thousand cubits, as Origen also says in the Fifth of his Stromata. They deduce this from the fact that the tents of the Israelites of old in the wilderness were about that distance from the cupola of the holy tabernacle of the covenant, to which they walked on the sabbath for the worship of God.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018