
суббота, 19 мая 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • May 20 / May 7 •


May 20 / May 7
2018 (7526)
7th Sunday of Pascha 葩斯哈庆期第七主日: THE FATHERS OF THE FIRST ECUMENICAL COUNCIL 纪念第一届神圣普世大公会议诸圣教父 // 2018 //
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 318 Πατέρες τῆς Α’ Οἰκουμενικῆς Συνόδου
We believe in one God. The Father Almighty. Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, begotten of the Father before all ages. Light of Light; true God of true God; begotten not made; of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were made; who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man. And He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father; and he shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; whose Kingdom shall have no end.
第一次尼西亞公會議(或稱第一尼西亞會議),是於公元325年在東羅馬帝國(拜占庭帝國)尼西亞(今 土耳其布爾薩省伊茲尼克)召開的基督教大公會議。此會議乃基督教歷史第一次的世界性主教會議,確立了一些影響深遠的宗教法規和現今普遍基督教會接納的傳統教義。在基督教被國教化過程中,會議亦為關鍵之一。第一次尼西亞會議由羅馬皇帝君士坦丁一世召集召開,按羅馬元老院的形式組織大會的進行。君士坦丁一世身穿耀眼的金邊紫袍進場,恭敬地坐在主教們後,作為會議的觀測者。教會歷史家優西比烏在會議開始時,宣讀會議祝辭。亞歷山大宗主教亞歷山大一世與西班牙的奧塞思先後主持了會議的討論。羅馬教宗亦委派兩位教士出席會議。會議主要是解決亞歷山卓教會中,耶穌與天父關係理解上的分歧:耶穌當然與天父同質不只是是類似。亞歷山大教會內一方的主教認為耶穌與天父同質,另一方則認為耶穌與天父類似。君士坦丁一世在議期間,曾多次出席會議。最後,何西烏建議以該撒利亞主教、教會歷史家優西比烏所提出的《尼西亞信經》為基礎,並採用了關鍵性字詞——「聖子與聖父同質」。尼西亞會議的決議否定了耶穌次於天父的從屬論觀點(在估計的 250-318 所有參加者中,最後只有兩人支持阿里烏教派即是亞流派)。信經在皇帝君士坦丁一世施加壓力下通過,定為正統的教義標準,否定教義者被定為異端。會議同時制定了20條教會法規,擴大正統派主教的權力,並對羅馬帝國全境教會具強制性約束力。會議中,出席者在基督教逾越節(非現今之復活節)的日期上達成了一致意見,決定在春分後的、第一滿月後的、第一個星期天為節慶,獨立於《聖經》中的希伯來曆。會議還授權亞歷山大主教(推測可能是按亞歷山大日曆)每年向其他的主教宣佈確切的日期。君士坦丁一世於當時邀请了所有的1800名教会的主教(有1000位在东方,800位在西方),但最后只有250-320左右的人能與會。根据参加会议的優西比烏(Eusebius)、亚他那修(Athanasius) 和尤斯坦修斯(Eustathius)统计,人数是250人、318人和270人不等。根据后来希腊教会史学家苏格拉提塞士的紀錄,人数超过300人,而另外四項纪录则是318人。多數參與本次會議的是來自东方的主教,在其中有三位大主教。在与会者中,有曾受迫害的教父、一位是以前的隐士,有一位牧羊人主教,另外還有來自於国外的主教。在说拉丁语的西方省份中,有五位代表與會。与会者的旅行和膳食是免费的,但与会者不是单独旅程,每个都许可带两个教士和三个执事,所以与会总人数可能超过1500人。優西比烏曾提到有數不清的教士、执事或助理參與。第一次尼西亞公會議對基督教具有重大歷史性意義,因這是第一次通過用基督徒代表集會形式取得共同意見,也是基督學(基督教神學的一個分支)發展的第一個起因。無論在教會及三位一體的教義發展方面,第一次尼西亞公會議對其後基督教發展影響長遠重大。通過皇帝的權力召集基督教會的主教們聚在一起,是主教代表首次聚在一起聯合同意的教義聲明,也是首次由皇帝運用國家力量影響主教會議的程式。這就是所謂「君士坦丁轉換」,即教會與政權連結在一起,這至今仍然引發許多辯論。美國生活科學網站將尼西亞會議評為改變人類歷史十大事件之一,當中描述「由君士坦丁來召集和主持會議,標誌著皇權對教會有了一定限度的控制。而《尼西亞信經》的產生,為後來的一些尼西亞大會開創了制定信仰聲明和正經的先例,為教義的正統性和為整個基督教國家的合一提供了指導綱領。」然而在短期內,第一次尼西亞公會議並未有完全解決當初召開的核心問題。《尼西亞信經》的反對者——阿裡烏和米勒修斯,不久後就重新得到了幾乎所失去的權力。在西元4世紀剩餘的時間裡,阿裡烏繼續傳播並導致教會分裂。而幾乎是立即地,尤士比尤斯運用其在法院的影響力,使君士坦丁偏向正統的尼西米會議主教們。尤斯坦修斯在330年被流放,愛森那塞修斯雖繼承了亞歷山大主教位置,但在335年第一次泰耳會議後被免職。而阿裡烏則回到了君士坦丁堡,重新被接納入教會,不久便去世。君士坦丁一世也在隔年去世,在其死前受洗於阿裡烏教派。
This day commemorates the 318 God-bearing Fathers who gathered in Nicaea in 325 at the request of the Emperor, Saint Constantine the Great, to address the heresy of Arianism together with other issues that concerned the unity of the Church. During the time of the Ecumenical Councils many pious Bishops were recognized as great teachers and defenders of the faith and were glorified by the Church as saints. Among them:
NICHOLAS Archbishop of Myra in Licea
ATHANASIUS the Great, of Alexandria
BASIL the Great, Archbishop of Cesaria of Capadocia (330-­379)
GREGORY the Theologian (326-389)
JOHN Chrysostom (the Golden Mouth)
We should be mindful of many equally saintly fathers, who rendered most useful service to the defence and expansion of the Church like IRINEUS of Lyon, CYPRIAN of Carthage, Blessed AUGUSTIN, AMBROSE of Mediolan, HERONIMUS, CYRIL of Alexandria, CYRIL of Jerusalem, GREGORY of Nissa, GREGORY of Neocesaria and others, whose names even if we wished only to list would take many chap­ters of this brief historical account. But their lives, their work, their writings are most helpful for Christians to form their conceptions on different subjects related to the faith and teaching of the Church and we wish we could present them to our readers more fully but as it is, we desire very much that they study “the Fathers of the Church” with every possible opportunity.
Icon of the Mother of God of LÜBECH (11th c.) 柳别奇
The Liubech Icon of the Mother of God received its name from the city of Liubech, on the Chernigov outskirts. The icon manifest itself during the XI Century. The miracles occurring from this icon were described by Sainted Dimitrii of Rostov. In 1653, when an onslaught of the Poles against Liubech was immanent, they sent off the icon to Kiev. In 1701 after the restoral they returned the icon to the Liubech church in honour of the Resurrection of Christ, and in the Kiev Sophia cathedral was left an exact copy.
LÜBECH Icon of the Mother of God of Kiev (1701)
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos found on a pear tree in ZHYROVITSA (1470) 芝若维茨
Σύναξις Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου ἐν Ζίροβιτς Ρωσίας
The Zhirovitsk Icon of the Mother of God manifest itself in the year 1470 in the vicinity of Zhirovitsa on the Grodnensk frontier. In the forest, belonging to the Orthodox Lithuanian dignitary Alexander Solton, shepherds beheld an extraordinarily bright light, peering through the branches of a pear tree, standing over a brook at the foot of an hill. The shepherds approached closer and beheld on the tree a not-large icon of the Mother of God shining radiantly. The shepherds with reverence took hold the icon and conveyed it to Alexander Solton. Alexander Solton did not pay any special attention to the report of the shepherds, but he nonetheless took the icon and shut it away in a chest. On the following day Solton had guests, and he wanted to show them what had been found. To his amazement, he did not find the icon in the chest, although shortly before this he had seen it. After a certain while the shepherds again found the icon in the same place and again they brought it to Alexander Solton. This time however he received the icon with great reverence and gave a vow to build at the place of its discovery a church in honour of the MostHoly Mother of God. Around the wooden church soon gathered a settlement and a parish was formed. In about the year 1520 the church was completely burned, despite the efforts of the inhabitants to extinguish the blaze and save the icon. Everyone thought, that the icon had perished. But one time peasant children, returning from school, beheld a miraculous vision: the Virgin extraordinarily beautiful in resplendid radiance sat upon a stone at the burned church, and in Her hands was the icon, which everyone reckoned had been burnt. The children did not dare approach Her, but they hastened to tell about the vision to their kinsfolk and acquaintances. Everyone accepted the story about the vision as a Divine revelation and together with the priest they set off to the hill. On a stone with a burning candle stood the Zhirovitsk Icon of the Mother of God, totally unharmed by the fire. For awhile they placed the icon in the house of the priest, and the stone was fenced in. When they built a stone church, they placed the wonderworking icon there. A men's monastery later grew up around the church. Its brethren headed the struggle for Orthodoxy against the Unia and Latinism. In 1609 the monastery was seized by the Uniates and remained in their hands until the year 1839. During this time the Zhirovitsk Icon of the Mother of God was venerated by both Uniates and Catholics. In 1839 the monastery was returned to the Orthodox and became the first locale of the restoration of Orthodox Divine-services on the West-Russian frontier. During the time of the First World War, they conveyed the Zhirovitsk Icon of the Mother of God to Moscow, and at the beginning of the decade of the 1920's it was returned to the monastery. At present it is located in the cathedral in honour of the Uspenie (Dormition) of the MostHoly Mother of God of the Zhirovitsk monastery, Minsk diocese, and it is deeply reverenced for its graced help. The icon was carved in stone having the dimensions of 43x56 cm.
• "CHELNSK" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (16th c.) // 7TH SUNDAY OF PASCHA //
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos named "Tenderness" 邬弥勒涅 of PSCOV CAVES (1524) // 7TH SUNDAY OF PASCHA //
The "Umilenie-Tenderness" Pskovo-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God was written and brought to the Pskovo-Pechersk monastery through the efforts of the Pskov merchants Vasilii and Feodor in about the year 1521. It was glorified especially by miracles of healing in the year 1524. This holy icon and also the "Uspenie-Dormition" Icon were glorified in 1581 during the time of the siege of Pskov by the Polish king Stefan Bathory. The 7 October feastday of the "Umilenie" Icon was established in memory of the deliverance of Pskov from the invasion of Napoleon in 1812.
Day of Remembrance for THE VICTIMS OF POLITICAL REPRESSIONS by the Soviet regime; Ukraine // 3RD SUNDAY OF MAY //
Day of Remembrance for those repressed (i.e. arrested, exiled, sent to the camps or shot) during the collectivisation of agriculture (1927-1933), in the forced-labour camps of the Gulag, and shot in their tens of thousands during the Great Terror of 1937-1938. Restoring the Names is our common cause. We also pray for the repose of the souls of the departed servants of God: innocently murdered in the hard times days, endured suffering and torment, who bitterly died in exile and imprisonment, of those their names You, O Lord, weigh themselves. God of spirits and of all humankind, as You trampled down death, overthrowing the evil one and granting life to Your world, will You, Lord, grant rest to Your servant now asleep in death, in a place of light, a place of renewed life, a joyous place, shunned alike by pain and sorrow and sighing. By Thine own Blood, O Savior, Thou hast ransomed mortal men, and by Thy death Thou hast delivered us from bitter death, granting us eternal life by Thy Resurrection. Give rest, then, O Lord, to all those who have fallen asleep in godliness, whether in wilderness or city, on the sea or land, in every place, both princes, priests and bishops, monks and married people, of every age and line, and count them worthy of Thy heavenly Kingdom. Have mercy, O Lord, if it, be possible, on the souls of Thy servants, departed to eternal life in separation from Thy Holy Orthodox Church. O Lord, Seek out the Lost Souls and if it be Possible, Have Mercy upon them, Unsearcheable and Unfathomable are Thy Judgements, O Master, Hold not this my prayer to be a sin, but let thy will be done, unto the ages of ages, Amen.
Synaxis of VENERABLE FATHERS OF ROSSIKON of Mount Athos St Panteleimon Monastery (2016) including:
• Venerable ANTHONY of Kiev Caves, Founder of Monasticism in Russia (1073) // JUL 10 // SEP 2 //
• Venerable MOSES the Hungarian of the Kiev Caves Monastery (1043) // JUL 26 //
• Sainted SAVA I Enlightener and first Archbishop of Serbia (1237) // JAN 12 //
• Venerable AMMON the Recluse, of the Far Caves in Kiev (13th c.) // OCT 4 //
• Venerable ISAIAH of Mt Athos, abbot of Rossikon (1380) // AUG 21 //
• Sainted CYPRIAN Metropolitan of Kiev (1406) // MAY 27 // SEP 16 //
• Venerable SERGIUS of Nurma in Vologda, Abbot (1412) disciple of St Sergius of Radonezh // OCT 7 //
• Sainted DIONYSIUS of Rostov (1425)
• Venerable ARSENIUS of Konevits, founder of Konevits Monastery, Wonderworker (1447) // JUN 12 // MAY 15 //
• Venerable SABBAS abbot of Vishera in Novgorod, the Wonderworker (1461) // OCT 1 //
• Venerable SABBAS founder and Abbot of Krypetsk Monastery, Pskov (1495) // AUG 28 //
• Venerable NILUS of Sora, abbot and wonderworker (1508) // MAY 7 //
• Martyr ANTHONY Karsotis (1516)
• Venerable INNOCENT of Komel the Wonderworker, in Vologda (1521), disciple of St Nilus of Sora // MAR 19 //
• Sainted Patriarch ATHANASIUS III Patelaros, of Constantinople, from Lubensk (Lubny), Wonderworker (1654) (1654) // MAY 2 //
• Hosiosmartyr PACHOMIUS the Russian of Mount Athos, of Usaki near Philadelphia (1730) // MAY 7 //
• Hosiosmartyr CONSTANTIUS the Russian, Priest at Constantinople, by beheading (1743) // DEC 26 //
• Hosiosmartyr AGAPIOS (1752)
• Venerable BASIL the Elder of Poiana Mărului, Romania (1767) // APR 25 // • Sainted IGNATIUS of Mariupol in the Crimea, Metropolitan of Gothia and Kafa (1786) // FEB 3 //
• Venerable PAISIUS (Petr Velichkovsky) of Moldavia and Mt Athos (1722-1794) an Eastern Orthodox monk and theologian who helped spread staretsdom or the concept of the spiritual elder to the Slavic world. He is a pivotal figure in Orthodox Church history // NOV 15 //
• Hieromartyr NICETAS the Albanian, of Mount Athos and Serres (1808) // APR 4 //
• Hieromartyr PAVEL (1821)
• Venerable HILARION the Georgian (the New) of Imereti and Mt Athos (1864) // FEB 14 //
• Venerable ANTIPAS of Calapodeşti in Romania, of Mount Athos and of Valaam Monastery, Hieroschemamonk (1882) // JAN 10 //
• Venerable GABRIEL of Mount Athos (1849-1901) whose relics in St Eliah
Monastery in Odessa, Ukraine // JUL 9 //
• Venerable Elder ARISTOCLEUS of Moscow and Mt Athos, Schemahieromonk (1918) // AUG 24 //
• Hieromartyr DANACT Kalashnikov of Moscow (1937) // DEC 2 //
• Hosiosmartyr Hieromonk GABRIEL Gur, of Lytkarino, Moscow (1898-1937) // NOV 6 //
• Hosiosmartyr GABRIEL Vladimirov, Hieromonk of the St Michael Skovorodsky Monastery, Novgorod (1937) // NOV 6 //
• Hosiosmartyr Hieromonk HILARION Gromov, of Petushki, Vladimir (1937) // SEP 28 //
• Hosiosmartyr Hieromonk HILARION Tsurikov, of Mirzoyan in Kazakhstan (1937) // AUG 22 //
• Hosiosmartyr Hieromonk JOHN Laba, of Mirzoyan in Kazakhstan (1937) // AUG 22 //
• Venerable Elder SILOUAN the Athonite, of St Panteleimon Monastery, Mt Athos (1866-1938) // SEP 11 //
• Hosiosmartyr Hieromonk JONAH Sankov, of Alpatievo, Moscow (1938) // JUN 21 //
• Hosiosmartyr ANTHONY Korzh (1938) // MAR 1 //
• Hieromartyr ANTIPAS Kirillov (1938) // FEB 22 //
• Venerable Hieroconfessor ALEXEI (Alexander Kabalük) of Carpathia,
Schemaarchimandrite, of Khust, Apostle of Carpatho-Russia (1877-1947) // OCT 8 // NOV 19 //
• Venerable THEODOSIOS of Caucasus (1841-1948)
• Venerable KUKSHA (Kosma Velichko) of Odessa, Hieroschemamonk of Odessa (1964) // SEP 16 //
• Venerable JOB (Ivan Kundria) of Ugolka (1902-1985) // JUL 15 KHUST // OCT 9 UZHGOROD //
• Archimandrite SOPHRONY Sakharov (1896-1993), also Elder Sophrony, was best known as the disciple and biographer of St Silouan the Athonite and compiler of St Silouan's works, and as the founder of the Patriarchal Stavropegic Monastery of St John the Baptist in Tolleshunt Knights, Maldon, Essex, England
No one on this earth can avoid affliction; and although the afflictions which the Lord sends are not great men imagine them beyond their strength and are crushed by them. This is because they will not humble their souls and commit themselves to the will of God. But the Lord Himself guides with His grace those who are given over to God's will, and they bear all things with fortitude for the sake of God Whom they have so loved and with Whom they are glorified for ever. It is impossible to escape tribulation in this world but the man who is given over to the will of God bears tribulation easily, seeing it but putting his trust in the Lord, and so his tribulations pass.
Saint Panteleimon Monastery (Μονή Αγίου Παντελεήμονος, Moní Agíou Panteleímonos), known as Rossikon (Ρωσσικόν, Rossikón), is a Russian Orthodox monastery built on the southwest side of the peninsula of Mount Athos in Macedonia, Northern Greece. It is often referred to as "Russian" and does have historical and liturgical ties to the Russian Orthodox Church.
• Virgin Martyresses FLAVIA Domitilla, EUPHROSYNA & THEODORA (2nd c.)
Niece of Flavia Domitilla the Elder. The two are sometimes confused. Virgin Martyress was a great-niece of emperors Domitian and Titus, and also of Saint Flavius Clemens. She became a Christian and on refusing to marry a pagan was banished from Rome. She was eventually martyred at Terracina with her foster sisters Euprosyna and Theodora. In art, Flavia Domitilla is portrayed as a noblewoman with her two sisters, Euphrosyna and Theodora.
• Martyrs QUADRATUS (Codratos) of Nicomedia and his Companions (251–259)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κοδράτος ὁ Μάρτυρας καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῷ ἀθλήσαντες ἐν Νικομηδείᾳ
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ρουφίνος καὶ Σατορνίνος οἱ Μάρτυρες
• Hieromartyr FLAVIUS and Martyrs AUGUSTUS and AUGUSTINUS from Asia Minor (284-305)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φλάβιος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῷ Ἅγιοι Μάρτυρες Αὔγουστος καὶ Αὐγουστίνος οἱ αὐτάδελφοι
• Venerabless PROMPTIA and FRANKLA missionaries of Catalaunian (515)
• Brothers SERENICUS and SERENUS monks and settled hermits near the River Sarthe in France (669)
Two brothers belonging to a noble family in Spoleto in Italy. They became monks and later settled as hermits near the River Sarthe in France. Serenus remained a hermit till the end of his life, but Serenicus became the abbot of a monastery with some one hundred and forty monks.
• Venerable Fathers of Georgia - St JOHN 约翰 of Zedazeni Monastery in Georgia and his 12 disciples (6th c.): SHIO 示奥 of Mgvime 穆格维麦; DAVID 大卫 of Gareji, ANTHONY 安托尼 of Martqopi, THADDEUS 塔德 of Urbnisi or Stepantsminda, STEPHEN 斯特梵 of Khirsa, ISIDORE 伊西多尔 of Samtavisi, MICHAEL 米迦勒 of Ulumbo, PYRRHUS 彼若斯 of Breta, ZENO 则农 of Iqalto, JESSE (Ise) 耶瑟 of Tsilkani, JOSEPH 约熙福 of Alaverdi, ABIBUS 阿维弗 of Nekress
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰωάννης ἐκ Γεωργίας καὶ οἱ μαθητὲς αὐτοῦ
In the sixth century, two hundred years after St Nina had preached the Gospel in Georgia, the most holy Mother of God appeared to John, an ascetic of Antioch, and commanded him to choose twelve of his disciples and go to Georgia, to strengthen the Orthodox faith there. John did so. Reaching Georgia, these twelve missionaries were formally welcomed by the prince of that country and the Catholicos, Eulalius, and immediately began their work with great zeal. The people gathered around them in hordes, and they strengthened them in the Faith with great wisdom and many miracles. The chief of these Christ-loving missionaries was St John of Zedan, and the names of the others were: Abidus, Antony, David, Zeno, Thaddeus, Jesse, Isderius, Joseph, Michael, Pyrrus, Stephen and Shio. With apostolic zeal, they all strengthened the Christian faith in Georgia, founded many monasteries and left many disciples to follow them. thus they became worthy of glory in heaven and power on earth.
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
ALEXIS Toth, Confessor and Defender of Orthodoxy in America (1909)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀλέξιος ὁ Ὑπερασπιστὴς τῆς Ὀρθοδόξου Πίστεως
This light of Orthodoxy in North America was born in Austro-Hungary in 1854, to poor Carpatho-Russian parents. His father was a priest in the Eastern-rite Roman Catholic church and, following in his father's footsteps, he was ordained in 1878. In 1889 he was appointed to serve as pastor to a Uniate parish in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Prompted partly by the strong hostility of the American Roman Catholic hierarchy at that time to Eastern-rite practices, he convened a meeting of about ten Eastern-rite priests in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania, where the divinely-led decision was made to seek to return to the Orthodox faith. Fr Alexis contacted Bishop Vladimir of the Russian church in San Francisco, who, in 1891, received Fr Alexis and 361 of his parishioners back into the faith of their ancestors. From that time forward, Fr Alexis worked tirelessly, at great personal sacrifice, to proclaim the truths of the Orthodox faith, especially to those still attached to its mimic, Byzantine Catholicism. For long periods of time he received little or no salary and (despite claims that he had embraced Orthodoxy to enrich himself) worked in a bakery to support himself. Through his work, thousands of Christians in North America were led into the fullness of the Orthodox Faith during his lifetime. St Alexis reposed in 1909. He was officially glorified in 1994. His holy relics can be venerated at St Tikhon's Monastery in South Canaan, Pennsylvania.
• Repose of Schema Elder BORIS (monk Nicholas) of Valaam and Pskov (1967) • Repose of Hieromonk EULOGIUS of Valaam (1969)
May the Lord be merciful to the ever-memorable servants of God and give them rest in Abraham's bosom, and number them among the just.
• Martyr ACACIUS 阿喀基 the centurion at Byzantium (303)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀκάκιος ὁ Μάρτυρας ὁ κεντυρίων
He was an officer in the Roman army during the reign of the Emperor Maximian, and a Christian from his childhood. Summoned before the judges, he said that he had inherited a steadfast faith from his parents, and that he would not waver in it, having seen his faith confirmed many times in the miracles worked by the relics of the Saints. He courageously endured torture in Pyrrinthus of Thrace, then was taken to Byzantium where, after further cruel tortures, he was beheaded.
BERCHAN of Daire Eachdroma
St Berchan, or Breacain, who was venerated at Eachdruim, is said to have been a son to Saran. This chieftain received St Patrick, in a very rude manner, when the Irish Apostle visited Dalaradia, where he lived. For this, the saint reproved him, and predicted, that he should be expelled from his place.
BERCHAN (Breccan) of Daire Eachdroma in Mucraime, in the west of Connaught
CERENICO (Cenerico, Cenic, Cinereo) of Spoleto (669) deacon in the area of Le Mans, France. Hermit at Séez, France. Benedictine monk who attracted 140 brother monks by his piety and wisdom
CYRIL Archbishop of Jerusalem
• Bishop DOMITIANUS 多弥提安 (560) Bishop of Maestricht (or Tongres) in modern Belgium, the apostle of the Meuse Valley. At the synod of Orléans in 549, he distinguished himself by his refutation of heresies. His relics are venerated at Huy
He spoke out convincingly against heretics and pagans. Opposed heretics at the Synod of Orleans in 549. Encouraged the development of writings and sermons against heresy. Worked in the Meuse Valley to convert pagans. Built churches and hospices to care for the spiritual and physical needs of the people. Well known for his generosity, his fund-raising abilities that helped ease a famine, and his work against heretics.
• Martyr DUJE (Doimus, Domnio, Domnius, Dujam) of Antiohia, Syria (304) beheaded at Salona, Dalmatia (in modern Croatia)
• Uncovering of the relics of St EUTHYMIUS 艾弗提弥 the Great (473)
Μετακομιδὴ Τιμίων Λειψάνων Ὁσίου Εὐθυμίου τοῦ Μεγάλου
FLAVIA Domitilla the Elder (99)
Flavia Domitilla was the wife of Titus Flavius Clemens, a Roman consul, and daughter of Emperor Domitian's sister. She was converted to Christianity and was banished to the island of Pandatania (Pandateria) in the Tyrrhenian Sea for her faith after her husband was martyred in 96 AD. A niece my marriage, also called Domitilla, was banished to the island of Ponza for her faith and may have been burned to death when she refused to sacrifice to the gods. In art, Flavia Domitilla is portrayed as a noblewoman holding a palm, crowned by angels, with Sts Achilleus and Nereus.
• Venerabless HEILIKA (Helga, Eilika, Heilka) Abbess of Niedernburg (954-1020)
• Venerable JOHN 约翰 of Beverley, Bishop of York (721) who ordained St Bede to the Priesthood // MAY 7 // TR REL OCT 25 //
Studied at Canterbury under Saint Adrian and Saint Theodore. Benedictine monk at Whitby. Bishop of Hexham, England in 687. Metropolitan of York, England in 705. Founded a monastery at Inderawood (later Beverley), which became an important ecclesiastical center. Ordained the Venerable Bede who wrote of him, and recorded miracles worked by him. John always preferred the contemplative life and retired to the Inderawood Abbey in 717. King Henry V's victory at Agincourt was attributed to the aid of Saint John and Saint John of Bridlington.
JOHN the Confessor, of Psychaita, on the Bosphorus (825)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰωάννης ὁ Ψυχαΐτης
• Martyr JUVENAL of Benevento (132) a Saint of Narni in Italy. His shrine is in Benevento
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰουβενάλιος ὁ Μάρτυρας
LASSAR (Lasre or Laisre)
LIUDHARD (Letard) Bishop of Canterbury (600) England
Frankish Saint Liudhard was chaplain to Queen Bertha of Kent, daughter of King Charibert of Paris, who agreed to marry the pagan King Ethelbert on the condition that she be free to practice her religion and bring her bishop with her. Liudhard was that bishop. He is said to have played an important part in the conversion of the king to Christianity; however, there are no letters extant from the prolific writer Pope Saint Gregory to him. There is one (dated to 601) to Queen Bertha, which reproaches her for her failure to achieve her husband's conversion. Liudhard restored an ancient Romano-British church for her at Canterbury. He was buried in the abbey of SS. Peter and Paul (now Saint Augustine's) in Canterbury. In the 11th century, Goselin wrote a short vita of Liudhard, but seems to have confused him with Saint Liephard, whose feast is kept at Cambrai and who is called "archbishop of Canterbury and martyr". Liudhard was neither.
LYDIA 利迪亚 of Philippi (1st c.)
She is mentioned in chapter 16 of the Acts of the Apostles. A seller of purple cloth and a believer in God, she was baptized along with her household by St Paul, who stayed at her house during his missionary travels. She is the first recorded convert to Christianity in Europe.
• VM MAXIMA (Même) at Sainte-Même near Dourdan, Diocese of Chartres in France
• Martyr MAXIMUS
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μάξιμος ὁ Μάρτυρας
MOCHIAROG of Doire Echdroma
NILUS 尼尔 Abbot and Wonderworker of Sora (1508)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Νεῖλος ἐκ Ρωσίας
• Uncovering (1815) of the relics of St NILUS 尼尔 the Myrrh-gusher of the Great Lavra on Mount Athos (1651)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Νεῖλος ὁ ἐν τῇ μονῇ Μεγίστης Λαύρας ἀσκήσας
• Hosiosmartyr Monk PACHOMIUS 帕霍弥 of Mount Athos, of Usaki near Philadelphia (1730)
PETER of Pavia (735) in Italy during the reign of Luitprand, King of the Lombards
PLACID (Placidus, Plait) Benedictine Abbot of the basilica monastery of St Symphorian in Autun, France (675)
• Martyr QUADRATUS of Herbipolis (257)
Prior to his martyrdom at Herbipolis under Valerian, Saint Quadratus suffered in prison for years at Nicomedia, Nicaea, and Apamea.
SERENICUS of Hyesmes (669) born to the Italian nobility in Spoleto, Italy. Monk. Hermit near the River Sarthe in France. Abbot of a local monastery
TARASIUS the Wonderworker of Lycaonia
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ταράσιος ὁ Ἐρημίτης ὁ Θαυματουργὸς
• Commemoration of the Apparition of the Sign of the Precious Cross over Jerusalem 至尊十字圣号显现于耶路撒冷上空纪念日 (351)
Μνήμη τοῦ ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ φανέντος σημείου τοῦ Τιμίου Σταυροῦ ἐπὶ Κωνσταντίου
Commemorates the appearance on 7 May 351, Pentecost that year, of a luminous image of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. It stretched from Mount Golgotha to the Mount of Olives (about two miles / three kilometers), was brighter than the sun, lasted several hours, and was seen by the entire city. It led to many conversions, and was reported in a letter attribued to Saint Cyril of Jerusalem: "At about the third hour of the day (mid-morning) an enormous cross, formed of light, appeared in the heaven above holy Golgotha and reaching to the holy Mount of Olives, being seen not by one or two only, but manifest with perfect clarity to the whole multitude of the city; not, as one might suppose, rushing swiftly past in fancy, but seen openly above the earth many hours in plain sight, and overcoming the beams of the sun with its dazzling rays."
Here is the special PRAYER TO SAINT VARUS (Uar) Patron Saint of Reposed Souls outside of The Orthodox Church:
O Holy, wondrous Martyr Varus, who, burning with zeal for the Heavenly King, didst confess Him before thy torturers and didst greatly suffer for Him! Now the Church doth venerate thee, as one glorified with the glory of heaven by Christ the Lord, Who granted thee the abundant grace to approach Him boldly. And now, standing before Him together with the Angels, rejoicing on high, beholding the Most Holy Trinity clearly, and enjoying the Uncreated Light, remember the suffering of our relatives who have died outside the Orthodox Faith, and accept our pleas, and as thou didst intercede for the unbelieving ancestors of Cleopatra and didst free them from eternal suffering, remember those who have died unbaptized and have been buried in an ungodly and UnOrthodox manner, and pray earnestly that they may be delivered from eternal darkness, that we may all, with one mouth and one heart, praise the Most Merciful Creator unto the ages of ages.
PRAYER TO ARCHANGEL URIEL for Repentence of Unbelieving Relatives (Heterodox Christians or Athiests who are still alive):
Archangel of God, Uriel! Beseech our Lord Jesus Christ that He may soften the hearts of my relatives who are sick with unbelief, enlightening their souls with the light of saving knowledge of the Orthodox Christian Church! Through thy all-powerful prayers, may they come to repentance, to belief in the Son of God, Who redeemed all mankind by His Blood. Amen.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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