23.8.2022 00:00 105\180 #συνοδικός #synodikos TUESDAY
• συνοδικός • August 21 / August 8 • συνοδικός •
2022 (7530)
dedicated in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos .
THE DORMITION : 宿舍斋戒 : Sùshè zhāijiè FAST
Afterfeast of the TRANSFIGURATION of OUR LORD commemorated on August 19/7
The hymns at Vespers today speak of the sun appearing dim compared to the divine light of the Transfiguration. In His compassion for humanity, Christ took on mortal flesh, yet Peter, James and John saw the radiance of His glory. The incarnate Lord “made Adam’s darkened image to shine again” when He appeared on earth “arrayed in the original beauty of the Image (Genesis 1:26).
The Church’s hymns today invite us to “ascend the holy mountain” and “with the eyes of faith,” to “behold the radiant Transfiguration of the Lord.” Christ has transformed our fallen human nature and restored its original beauty “by the burning radiance of His divinity.”
Troparion for TRANSFIGURATION of OUR LORD — Tone 7
You were Transfigured on the Mount, O Christ God, / revealing Your glory to Your disciples as far as they could bear it. / Let Your everlasting Light shine upon us sinners! / Through the prayers of the Theotokos, O Giver of Light, glory to You!
Kontakion for TRANSFIGURATION of OUR LORD — Tone 7
On the Mountain You were Transfigured, O Christ God, / and Your disciples beheld Your glory as far as they could see it; / so that when they would behold You crucified, / they would understand that Your suffering was voluntary, / and would proclaim to the world, / that You are truly the Radiance of the Father!
FEASTS of GROUPS OF SAINTS and CONFESSORS of DAY before the 20th century :
• Hieromartyr NIKODIM (Alexander Kononov) bishop of Belgorod (1871-1919) // OCT 20 // DEC 28 //
FEASTS of GROUPS OF SAINTS and CONFESSORS of DAY before the 20th century :
• Holy Martyrs SIXTUS II (Xystus) 西克特 Pope of Rome, Archdeacon LAURENCE 劳伦提, deacons FELICISSIMUS 斐利基息默 and AGAPITUS 阿伽彼特, JANUARIUS, MAGNUS, VINCENT, Martyr ROMANUS 罗玛诺 the Soldier and HIPPOLYTUS of Rome (258)
• Martyress ANNA Lykoshyna (1884-1925) // SEP 28 //
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Sakharov, archpriest (1873-1927) // JUL 25 //
• Hosiosmartyr VENIAMIN (Basil Kononov) archmandrite (1868-1928) // APR 4 //
• Hosiosmartyr NIKIFOR (Nicholas Kuchin) hieromonk (1868-1928) // APR 4 //
• Hosiosmartyr INNOCENTY Beda, archmandrite (1881-1928) // DEC 24 //
• Hieromartyr PETR (Basil Zverev) archbishop of Voronezh (1878-1929) // JAN 25 // JUN 4 //
• Hieromartyr ILARION (Vladimir Troitskij) archbishop of Vereja (1886-1929) // DEC 15 //
• Hieromartyr NICHOLAS Vostorgov, priest (1875-1930) // JAN 19 //
• Hieromartyr VASILY Zelentsov, bishop of Pryluki (1870-1930) // JAN 25 //
• Hieromartyr VASILY Nadezhdin, presbiter (1895-1930) // FEB 6 //
• Hieromartyr IOANN Steblin-Kamensky, archpriest (1887-1930) // JUL 20 //
• Hieromartyr VASILY Izmajlov, archpriest (1885-1930) // OCT 15 //
• Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Vvedenskij, priest (1869-1931) // MAR 21 //
• Hieromartyr NICHOLAS Simo, archpriest (1875-1931) // APR 5//
• Hosiosmartyr SERAPHIM (Anthony Tjevar) hieromonk (1899-1931) // NOV 23 //
• Hieroconfessor AMBROSY (Alexander Poliansky) bishop of Kamenets-Podolsky (1878-1932) // DEC 7 //
• Hieroconfessor NICHOLAS Lebedev, presbiter (1869-1933) // AUG 19 //
• Hieroconfessor VICTOR (Constantine Ostrovidov) bishop of Glazov (1875-1934) // APR 19 // JUN 18 //
• Hieromartyr ONISIM (Michael Pylaev) bishop of Tula (1872-1937) // FEB 14 //
• Hieromartyr ALEXIS Vorobjov, archpriest (1888-1937) // AUG 7 //
• Hosiosmartyr ELEVTHERIUS Pechennikov, schemaarchmandrite (1870-1937) // AUG 14 //
• Hieroconfessor ROMAN Medved’, archpriest (1874-1937) // JUL 21 // AUG 26 //
• Hieromartyr HERMAN (Nicholas Riashentsev) bishop of Viazniki (1883-1937) // SEP 2 //
• Hieromartyr DAMASKIN (Dmitrij Tcedrik) bishop of Starodub (1878-1937) // SEP 2 //
• Hieromartyr CONSTANTINE Bogoslovsky, archpriest (1871-1937) // SEP 6 //
• Hieromartyr EUGENE (Semeon Zernov) metropolitain of Gorky (1877-1937) // SEP 7 //
• Hieromartyr ZAHARIA (Zahar Lobov) archbishop of Voronezh (1865-1937) // SEP 9 //
• Hieromartyr AMPHILOHY (Alexander Skvortsov) bishop of Krasnoyarsk (1885-1937) // SEP 18 //
• Martyr VLADIMIR Pravdolyubov (1888-1937) // SEP 21 //
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Orlov, priest (1885-1937) // SEP 30 //
• Hieromartyr JUVENALY (Eugene Maslovskij) Archbishop of Riazan (1878-1937) // OCT 11 //
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Shchukin, archbishop of Semipalatinsk (1891-1937) // OCT 17 //
• Hieromartyr VASILY Kozyrev, archpriest (1889-1937) // OCT 21 //
• Hieromartyr DAMIAN (Dmitry Voskresensky) archbishop of Kursk (1973-1937) // OCT 21 //
• Hieromartyr IOANN Kozyrev, priest (1885-1937) brother of St Vasily Kozyrev // OCT 21 //
• Hieromartyr SERAPHIM (Semen Samojlovich) archbishop of Uglitch (1880-1937) // OCT 22 //
• Hieromartyr ARSENY Troitsky, archpriest (1880-1937) // NOV 6 //
• Hosiosmartyr GAVRIIL (Grigory Vladimirov) hieromonk (1873-1937) // NOV 6 //
• Hieromartyr PROCOPY (Petr Titov) archbishop of Odessa and Kherson (1877-1937) // NOV 10 //
• Hieromartyr SERGY Znamensky, archpriest (1879-1937) // NOV 14 //
• Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Medvedük, archpriest (1888-1937) // NOV 20 //
• Hieromartyr EMILIAN Panasevich, priest (1875-1937) // NOV 20 //
• Hieromartyr IOASAPH (Vladimir Zhevakhov) bishop of Mogilev (1874-1937) // NOV 22 //
• Hosiosmartyr NIKON (Nicholas Beliaev) archmandrite (1888-1937) // NOV 27 //
• Hieromartyr SERGY Goloshchapov, archpriest (1882-1937) // DEC 7 //
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Pospelov, archpriest (1883-1937) // DEC 13 //
• Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Lozina-Lozinsky, archpriest (1885-1937) // DEC 13 //
• Hieromartyr VASILY Vinogradov, priest (1891-1937) // DEC 15 //
• Hieromartyr ARCADY Ostal’sky, bishop of Bezhetsk (1889-1937) // DEC 16 //
• Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Preobrazhensky, priest (1873-1937) // DEC 18 //
• Hieromartyr ILYA Benemnsky, priest (1883-1937) // DEC 18 //
• Martyr IOANN Popov, professor of theology (1867-1938) // JAN 26 //
• Hieromartyr IGNATIUS (Sergy Sadkovsky) bishop of Scopino (1887-1938) // JAN 28 //
• Martyr LEONID Sal’kov (1886-1938) disciple of St Iona Atamanskij // FEB 22 //
• Hieromartyr ANTHONY (Vasily Pankeev) bishop of Belgorod (1892-1938) // MAY 19 //
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Krylov, archpriest (1892-1938) // DEC 26 //
• Hosiosmartyr MAXIMILIAN (Michael Marchenko) hegumen of St Sergius Trinity Lavra (1871-1938)
• Hieromartyr PAVEL Dobromyslov, archpriest (1877-1940) // JAN 20 //
• Martyress VERA Samsonova (1880-1940) teacher and starosta of church // JUN 1 //
• Hieromartyr NICANDER Grivsky, priest (1880-1940) // SEP 19 //
• Hieroconfessor ALEXANDER Orlov, priest (1878-1941) // APR 14 //
• Hieromartyr NICHOLAS Pravdolübov, priest (1892-1941) // JUL 31 //
• Hieromartyr PETR Krestov, archpriest (1890-1941) // DEC 6 //
• Martyr STEPHAN Nalivajko, psalmist (1898-1945) // JAN 30 //
• Hieroconfessor SERGY Pravdolübov, archpriest (1890-1950) // DEC 5 // SEP 21 //
• Hosiosconfessor ALEXANDER (George Urodov/Orudov), archmandrite (1876/1882-1961) // AUG 14 //
• Hieroconfessor ATHANASY (Sergiy Saharov) bishop of Kovrov (1887-1962) // OCT 15 //
• Hieroconfessor PETR Chel’tsov, priest (1888-1972) // AUG 30 //
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λαυρέντιος ὁ ἀρχιδιάκονος καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῷ Ξυστὸς καὶ Ἰππόλυτος
当教宗斯特梵被杀时(8 月2 日),雅典人圣西克斯图斯接替了教宗的职位。起初,西克斯图斯是一位哲学家,而后成了一名基督徒。当时,罗马的主教一个接一个地被杀死,成为罗马主教就意味着死亡。皇帝德西乌斯毅然决定毁灭基督教,教宗西克斯图斯和他的两名辅祭菲里斯西乌斯和阿加皮图斯很快就被带到了法庭。当他们被带到监狱时,劳伦提对教宗说:“你去哪里,神父?不带你的儿子吗?不带你的辅祭,主教去哪里呢?”教宗安慰他,并预示劳伦提他将为基督的缘故而遭受巨大的苦难,而不久后他也将会步他(西克斯图斯)后尘。确实,当西克斯图斯和他的两名辅祭遭斩首时,劳伦提就被拘捕。劳伦提事先将他的物品以及教会的物品安放好。作为教堂的财务管事,劳伦提将教堂中一切有价值的东西转移到了一个鳏夫西里亚库斯的家中。当时,劳伦提用手按西里亚库斯,治愈了他可怕的头疼病,并使失明者克雷斯塞什恢复了视力。被投入监狱之后,劳伦提还医治了一个被关押多年的失明犯人卢斯鲁斯,并为他实行了浸礼,后来这个犯人也为基督殉难(8 月13 日)。因为劳伦提并不想否认基督,还劝说皇帝德西乌斯不要再拜一些虚假的神,由此,他的脸部遭石块的击打,同时,整个身体被如同蛇尾般尖锐的鞭子抽打。一名在场的士兵罗马努斯相信了基督,立即遭到了斩首。最后,他们将劳伦提赤身裸体地放在铁架上烧烤。在烤架上,劳伦提感谢上帝,同时嘲弄皇帝的拜异教行为。当劳伦提将其纯洁与英勇的灵魂交于上帝后,他的尸体被希伯里图斯在夜间带走。起初,安放在西里亚库斯的家里,之后,被转移到一个山洞中,在那里希伯里图斯将其荣耀地埋葬。圣劳伦提与其他人于公元258 年殉道。
• Martyrs of Alexandria (260-267)
• 165 Martyrs martyred in Rome under Aurelian (274)
• 6 Martyrs of Bizin
• VMM PAULA (Pavla), VASSA (Bassa) and AGATHONICA (Agathonika or Agathonice) at Carthage in North Africa (3rd c.)
• THIENTO Abbot of Wessobrunn in Bavaria in Germany with 6 of his monks by invading Hungarians (955)
• MM EUTICIA, MARY a Nun; and 5 innocent children
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• New Hieromartyr VIACHESLAV Zakedsky, presbiter, priest (1879-1918)
SAINT MARTYRS and CONFESSORS before the 20th century :
• AGILBERTA (Aguilberta or Gilberta) Abs. of Jouarre, Seine-et-Marne, France (680)
• AREDIUS (Arige, Aregius) (614) an outstanding Archbishop of Lyons in France
• Martyr BESSUS (Besso, Besse) Soldier of the Theban Legion (286) thrown from Mount Fautenio, Campiglia Soana, Turin, Italy
• BLANE (Blaan, Blain) of Ireland, Bishop (6th c.) disciple of Sts Comgall and Canice in Ireland
• CUIMMIN Abbot of Drumbo, County of Down
• DEUSDEDIT the Shoemaker, Confessor (6th c.)
• EIRONOS (Heron, Hiron) the Philosopher from Alexandria, confessor against the Arians (4th c.) a Christian philosopher. He is mentioned by St Gregory the Theologian in his books. He died peacefully and took up habitation with the Lord
The laus of the Roman Martyrology records: "At Alexandria the commemoration of holy martyrs who in the persecution of Valerian, under Emilian the Governor, were long tormented with various and sharp tortures, and obtained the crown of martyrdom by diverse kinds of deaths" that were graphically detailed by St Dionysius of Alexandria.
Οἱ Ἅγιοι ἕξι Μάρτυρες οἱ ἐν Βιζύῃ (κατ’ ἄλλους Λιβύη)
Ἡ Ἁγία Ἀγαθονίκη ἡ Παρθενομάρτυς ἡ ἐν Καρχηδόνι
• New Hieromartyr ATHANASIUS Kislov, presbiter, priest (1880-1937)
• VM ASTERIA (Hesteria or Hesperia) at Bergamo in Italy (307)
Convert to Christianity. He escaped the massacre of the Legion and became an evangelist in the mountain district of Val Soana. Reported to be a miracle worker and able to heal by prayer. The spot where he landed (and died) left an impression in the rock, and a shrine was soon built over it. Relics taken to Ozegna in the 9th century and enshrined a chapel now known as the Beata Vergine del Convento e del Bosco. Relics later taken to the cathedral of Virea, Italy and enshrined in a sarcophagus Relics later enshrined in a side altar in the cathedral with those of several other martyr saints.
• BETTELIN (Bertram) Wonderworker of Ilam and Stafford (8th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἤρων ὁ φιλόσοφος
• GERONTIUS (Geraint) King and Martyr (508)
• JOB Abbot of Pochaevo
• Martyr LAURENTIUS of Antioch Chief of the seven deacons of Rome (259) roasted like a fish ― cooked to death on a gridiron
Ordered by the pagan Romans to surrender the riches of the Church, St Laurence brought the poor and sick saying, “These are the riches of the Church.” His veneration has always been popular in Ukraine, especially among winemakers. Tradition says that the ashes of his burned body were dispersed by the winds, and appear at different places around the world on his feast day.
The Martyrs Archdeacon Laurence, Pope Sixtus, Deacons Felicissimus and Agapitus, and the soldier Romanus were citizens of Rome, and suffered in the year 258 during the reign of Emperor Valerian (253-260). Saint Sixtus was born in the city of Athens, and at first he was a philosopher, but later he became a follower of Christ. When he arrived in Rome, he showed himself to be a wise and devout member of the Church. Over a period of time, he passed through the various ranks of the clergy, and became the Bishop of Rome following the martyric death of Saint Stephen (August 2). Several Roman Hierarchs preferred to die rather than offer sacrifice to idols. Soon, Saint Sixtus was also arrested and imprisoned together with his deacons Felicissimus and Agapitus.
When Archdeacon Laurence visited Saint Sixtus in prison, he cried out with tears, "Where are you going, Father, without your son? Where do you hasten without your Archdeacon? Never have you offered the Bloodless Sacrifice without me. Take me with you, so that I may join you in shedding our blood for Christ!”
Saint Sixtus teplied, "I am not forsaking you, my son. I am old and I accept the lesser battle, but greater suffering awaits you. You must achieve the greater victory and triumph over your tormentors. Three days after my death, you shall follow after me."
Then he entrusted Archdeacon Laurence with the Church's treasures and sacred vessels, telling him to distribute these to the poor. He gathered them up and went around the city on foot, to the clergy and impoverished Christians who were in hiding, helping them according to their needs.
When he heard that Saint Sixtus had been brought to trial with his deacons, Saint Laurence went there in order to witness the outcome. Seeing that the martyrs were obstinate in their refusal to offer sacrifice to the idols, Valerian ordered them to be taken to the temple of Mars outside the city walls, and put to death if they did not offer incense to the idols. When he saw the pagan temple, Saint Sixtus prayed for it to be destroyed. There was an earthquake which caused part of the temple to collapse, and the statue of Mars was shattered to pieces. Saint Laurence cried out, “Father, I have fulfilled your command, and have distributed the treasures of the Church which you entrusted to me."
After hearing about treasure, the soldiers placed him under guard. Saint Sixtus and the other martyrs were beheaded in front of the temple on August 6, 258. Afterward, the soldiers brought Saint Laurence to the Emperor, informing him that they had heard the Archdeacon mention something about the Church's hidden treasures. The Emperor ordered him to reveal where the treasures were, and the Archdeacon asked for three days in order to collect them. Then Saint Laurence gathered all the poor and the needy, and brought them to the Prefect, saying, "Behold the treasures of the Church."
The ruler became very angry at this and ordered Hippolytos (Iππόλυτος) who was in charge of the prison, to throw the Archdeacon into the dungeon with other prisoners. There the Saint restored the sight of a man named Lucillus. Hippolytos was amazed at this, and asked to see the Church's treasures. Saint Laurence told him that if he believed in Christ and was baptized, he would find true wealth and everlasting life. Hippolytos said that if this was true, he would do as he asked.
Hippolytos took Saint Laurence to his home, where he instructed and baptized the jailer and all his household, consisting of nineteen persons. Soon afterward, Hippolytos was ordered to bring the Archdeacon to Emperor Valerian. Seeing that the Saint had not agreed to offer sacrifice, he ordered that Saint Laurence be tortured. Still, the Archdeacon refused to sacrifice to the idols. As the Martyr endured these torments, a soldier named Romanus cried, "Laurence, I see a radiant youth standing by you, and wiping your wounds. Entreat Christ, Who has sent His Angel to you, not to abandon me."
Then Valerian commanded Hippolytos to return the Saint to prison. Romanus brought a pitcher of water and asked the Martyr to baptize him. Immediately after the soldier was baptized, he was seized by other soldiers and taken to the Emperor. Before anyone could question him, Romanus shouted, "I am a Christian."
The Emperor ordered him to be taken outside the city and beheaded on August 9.
The next day, Saint Laurence was placed on a rack, scourged with whips with sharp iron points attached to them, and then was stretched out naked on a red-hot iron gridiron with burning coals underneath it. The Holy Martyr glanced at the ruler and said, “You have already roasted one side of my body, now turn me over turn over the other side so you may taste what you have roasted."
Then he glorified God, saying, “I thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, that You have found me worthy to enter Your gates."
Saint Laurence received the unfading crown of martyrdom on August 10, 258.
That night, Saint Hippolytos took the Saint's body he wrapped it in a shroud with spices. Then he and the priest Justin brought the relics to the home of a widow named Kyriake, where it remained until evening. Later, many Christians escorted the Saint's body to a cave on the widow's property. After praying all night, they buried the Martyr there with honor. Then Father Justin served the Divine Liturgy, and everyone partook of the Holy Mysteries.
Saint Hippolytos and the other Christians suffered martyrdom three days after the death of Saint Laurence, on August 13.
A large part of Saint Laurence's relics are located in the church of Saint Laurence "outside the walls" in Rome. Other pieces of the holy relics are to be found in the Monasteries of Saint Panteleimon on Mount Athos, and at Kykkos, Cyprus.
Troparion of archdeacon LAURENTIUS — Tone 4
Victorious martyr of Christ our God, / by the sign of the Cross you gave sight to the blind; / you distributed the riches of the Church to the poor; / you were tried by fire and no evil was found in you. / As you endured the burning, / may your prayers extinguish the flames of our many sins, / blessed Archdeacon Laurence!
Kontakion for archdeacon LAURENTIUS — Tone 2
Your heart burned with divine fire / as the flames of the passions died within you. / God-bearing martyr Laurence, the pillar of those who struggle, / you cried out in the midst of your contest: / “Nothing can separate me from the love of Christ.”
• Blessed LAURENTIUS 劳伦提 of Kaluga, Fool for Christ (1515)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λαυρέντιος ὁ διὰ Χριστὸν Σαλός τῆς Καλούγας
Blessed Laurence, the Fool-for-Christ and Wonderworker of Kaluga, lived at the beginning of the XVI century at a distance of half a verst from old Kaluga, near a forest church dedicated to the Nativity of Christ, set upon a high hill.
There was a long underground entrance from his dwelling place to the church, where he attended services. He also lived at the home of the Kaluga Prince Simeon. It is thought that Blessed Laurence was descended from the noble Khitrov family, since his name is at the head of their memorial at the Peremyshl’sk Liutykov Monastery in the Kaluga diocese.
Blessed Laurence went barefoot both winter and summer, dressed in a shirt and sheepskin coat. By his ascetical struggles he had risen to such heights of virtue that during his lifetime, he was glorified by gifts of grace. He healed many diseases of the eyes through his prayers.
When the Crimean Tatars attacked Kaluga in May 1512, Blessed Laurence, then in the Prince's home, suddenly shouted in a loud voice: “Give me my sharp axe, for the curs are attacking Prince Simeon and I must defend him!” Saying this, he grabbed the axe and left. Suddenly, he was on board a ship next to the Prince. The Holy Fool Laurence inspired and encouraged the soldiers, and at that very hour they defeated the enemy.
Sometimes, he is depicted on icons with an axe in his right hand, set upon a long handle. It is certain that Prince Simeon (+ 1518), who owed his life to Blessed Laurence, built a monastery on the site of the Saint’s ascetical struggles and dedicated it to him.
Blessed Laurence reposed on August 10, 1515, on his Name Day. The Saint is also commemorated on July 8, perhaps in remembrance of his first posthumous miracle in Kaluga in 1621.
In that year, the paralyzed boyar Lev Andreevich Kologrivov, who could not move his hands and legs, and was unable to speak, was placed near the tomb of Saint Laurence. During a Moleben, as the Gospel was read, the paralyzed man spoke and began to believe. Raising his right hand, he made the Sign of the Cross; then he stood up, went to the tomb and attached himself to it. By the end of the Moleben, he was able to speak normally, and became perfectly healthy.
Blessed Laurence seems to have been glorified in the second half of the XVI century. Tsar Ivan the Terrible wrote the following on a deed granting land to the monastery in 1565: “To the Monastery of the Nativity of Christ, where Laurence, the Fool-for-Christ lies."
During the Napoleonic invasion of Russia, the intercession of Blessed Lawrence for his native land was shown in a vivid manner. Kaluga became "the limit of the (French) offensive and the beginning of the enemy's retreat and destruction," according to an inscription on the Maloyaroslavets monument commemorating the battle on October 12, 1812.
In August 2018, some of Saint Laurence's relics were discovered in a storeroom of the Moscow Central Museum of the Armed Forces. On August 10/23, a portion of the holy relics was given to the Monastery in Kaluga where the body of Saint Laurence was once buried.
• The Arrival of St MAELRUAIN with the Relics of the Saints at Tallaght
• Righteous PLECTRUDE of Cologne, Queen (725)
• Second Uncovering and Translation (1998) of the relics of Venerable SABBAS of Storozhev or Zvenigorod (1407)
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
Blessed be God.
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