• συνοδικός • August 21 / August 8 • συνοδικός •
2022 (7530)
dedicated in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos .
THE DORMITION FAST 宿舍斋戒 : Sùshè zhāijiè
Afterfeast of the TRANSFIGURATION of OUR LORD commemorated on August 19/7
The hymns at Vespers today speak of the sun appearing dim compared to the divine light of the Transfiguration. In His compassion for humanity, Christ took on mortal flesh, yet Peter, James and John saw the radiance of His glory. The incarnate Lord “made Adam’s darkened image to shine again” when He appeared on earth “arrayed in the original beauty of the Image (Genesis 1:26).
The Church’s hymns today invite us to “ascend the holy mountain” and “with the eyes of faith,” to “behold the radiant Transfiguration of the Lord.” Christ has transformed our fallen human nature and restored its original beauty “by the burning radiance of His divinity.”
Troparion — Tone 7
You were Transfigured on the Mount, O Christ God, / revealing Your glory to Your disciples as far as they could bear it. / Let Your everlasting Light shine upon us sinners! / Through the prayers of the Theotokos, O Giver of Light, glory to You!
Kontakion — Tone 7
On the Mountain You were Transfigured, O Christ God, / and Your disciples beheld Your glory as far as they could see it; / so that when they would behold You crucified, / they would understand that Your suffering was voluntary, / and would proclaim to the world, / that You are truly the Radiance of the Father!
• Icon of the Mother of God of TOLGA 托尔伽 (1314)
The Tolga Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos appeared on August 8, 1314 to the Rostov hierarch Prochorus (Tryphon in schema). Going about his diocese, the saint visited the environs of White Lake and from there traveled along the banks of the Rivers Sheksna and Volga, to Yaroslavl. He stopped with the approach of night 7 versts distant from Yaroslavl, at the right bank of the Volga River where there flows opposite into it the River Tolga.
At midnight, when everyone was asleep, the saint awoke and saw a bright light illuminating the area. The light proceeded from a fiery column on the other bank of the river, to which there stretched a bridge. Taking up his staff, the saint went across to the other bank, and having approached the fiery column, he beheld on it the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, suspended in the air. Astonished at the miracle, the saint prayed for a long time, and when he went back, he forgot to take his staff.
The next day, after serving Matins, when Saint Prochorus was preparing to continue his journey by boat, they began to search for his staff, but they were not able to find it anywhere. The saint then remembered that he had forgotten his staff on the other side of the river, where he had gone across on the miraculous bridge. He then revealed what had occurred, and sent servants across on a boat to the other shore. They came back and reported that in the forest they had seen an icon of the Mother of God suspended in the branches of a tree, next to his bishop’s staff.
The saint quickly crossed over with all his retinue to the opposite shore, and he recognized the icon that had appeared to him. Then after fervent prayer before the icon, they cleared the forest at that place, and put down the foundations of a church. When the people of Yaroslavl learned of this, they came out to the indicated spot. By midday the church was already built, and in the evening the saint consecrated it in honor of the Entrance into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, and having installed the icon there he established a Feast on the day of its appearance. Saint Prochorus later built the Tolga monastery near this church. Saint Prochorus died on September 7, 1328.
The Tolga Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is also commemorated on July 18.
• Consecration of Church of the Most Holy Mother of God in Jerusalem
Ἐγκαίνια Ναοῦ Θεοτόκου ἐν Ἱερουσαλύμοις
• Consecration of the Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in the Year 891 and the Solar Eclipse That Day
Ἐγκαίνια Ναοῦ Ἁγίων Ἀποστόλων Πέτρου καὶ Παύλου
According to the Synaxarion of Constantinople, the following commemoration is made on August 8th:
Consecration of the Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul, within the walls of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, inside the revered house of the Most Holy Theotokos in Marnakiou. And the Venerable Cassian. And we commemorate when the eclipse of the sun took place from the sixth to the ninth hour, so that even the stars appeared, in the year from the creation of the world six-thousand three-hundred and ninety-nine (6399, or the year 891 A.D.), at the fifteenth solar cycle, as well as lunar cycle, at the ninth Indiction, in the reign of Leo the Wise, and Alexander the brother of this pious and friend of Christ emperor. This is the only day in the Church calendar that an eclipse is commemorated, let alone a total solar eclipse that lasted three hours. It seems to have taken place on the day of the consecration of the Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Marnakiou, which is near Chalcedon. Though many significant eclipses are recorded in Constantinople's history, including one which took place a week before the Fall of Constantinople, this is the only one commemorated in the Church calendar, probably because it lasted three hours and took place during the consecration. That this was a total eclipse is suggested by the fact that stars were visible in the middle of the afternoon, notably from noon to 3:00pm. It should be noted that the hymns at Vespers today speak of the sun appearing dim compared to the divine light of the Transfiguration. In His compassion for humanity, Christ took on mortal flesh, yet Peter, James and John saw the radiance of His glory. The incarnate Lord “made Adam’s darkened image to shine again” when He appeared on earth “arrayed in the original beauty of the Image" (Genesis 1:26). August 8th falls within the post-festal days of the Transfiguration.
FEASTS of GROUPS OF SAINTS and CONFESSORS of DAY before the 20th century
• MM CYRIACUS a deacon, CRESCENZIANO, GIULIANA, MEMMIA, LARGUS, SMARAGDUS and companions (304) of 24 Martyrs who suffered in Rome under Diocletian
• Martyrs ELEUTHERIUS 埃莱弗特里 of Byzantium and LEONIDES 莱奥尼迪 of Constantinople, and many infants with them (305)
• 12 Ascetics of Egypt having died at sea
• 2 Martyrs of Tyre dragged over the ground
• MOSES the monk, and his companions
• New Martyrs TRIANDAPHYLLUS 特里安达斐洛 the Sailor of Zagora in Thessaly (1680) and ANASTASIUS 阿纳斯塔西 (Spaso) of Radovishte in Strumica who suffered at Thessalonica (1794)
• The First (1566) and Second (1992) Translation of the relics of Sts ZOSIMAS 佐西玛 (1478), SABBATIUS 萨瓦提 (1435) The Patrons of Ukrainian beekeepers
NEW MARTYRS and CONFESSORS in the 20th century
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἐλευθέριος, Λεωνίδης καὶ τὰ Ἅγια Νήπια οἱ Μάρτυρες
The Martyrs ELEUTHERIUS, LEONIDES, along with many infants, were cast into a fire at a youthful age during one of the persecutions against Christians.
Troparion — Tone 4
Your holy martyrs O Lord, / through their sufferings have received incorruptible crowns from You, our God. / For having Your strength, they laid low their adversaries, / and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through their intercessions, save our souls!
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Δέκα Ὅσιοι καὶ Ἀσκητὲς ἀπὸ τὴν Αἴγυπτο
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Δύο Μάρτυρες ἀπὸ τὴν Τύρο
Ὁ Ἅγιος Τριαντάφυλλος ὁ Μάρτυρας ἀπὸ τὴ Ζαγορά
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀναστάσιος ὁ Μάρτυρας ἀπὸ τὴ Βουλγαρία
Triandaphyllos 在急轉口出生並且 Spaso 在亂彈集成通信適配器的主教管區在 Radoviste 出生。他們都是斯拉夫人。兩個是年輕並且簡單的人。但是他們的為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的愛比這個世界或這生活對他們更寶貴。他們獻出了生命並且沒暴露合[利爾]斯托。斯基督。他們為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思在土耳其人的手受苦了︰在在一年的土耳其都市的 Triandaphyllos 在在一年的 Thessalonica 的 1680 A.D 和 Spaso 1794 A.D 。
Beekeepers pray to these saints for an increase of bees.
The patrons of Ukrainian beekeepers, SABBATIUS and ZOSIMAS more than likely were tonsured at the Kyiv Caves Lavra before going to Solovki where they introduced beekeeping. Their icons are often placed in outdoor shrines among bee-hives together with those of St John the Baptist and St Alexius the Man of God.
The Transfer of the Relics of Saints ZOSIMAS and SABBATIUS of Solovki took place on August 8, 1566, on the third day of the altar-feast of the Solovki monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The relics of the saints were transferred into a chapel of the Transfiguration cathedral, built in their honor.
The Life of Saint ZOSIMAS is found under April 17; the Life of Saint Sabbatius on September 27.
Saint ZOSIMAS, the Igumen of Solovki and great luminary of the Russian North, was the founder of cenobitic monasticism on Solovki Island. He was born in the Novgorod diocese, in the village of Tolvui near Lake Onega. From his early years he was raised in piety, and after the death of his parents Gabriel and Barbara, he gave away his possessions and received the monastic tonsure.
In search of a solitary place, he journeyed to the shores of the White Sea, and at the mouth of the Suma he met Saint Herman (July 30), who told him of a desolate sea island, where he had spent six years with Saint Sabbatius (September 27).
About the year 1436, the ascetics crossed the sea and, providentially, they arrived at the Solovki islands. There Saint ZOSIMAS beheld a vision of a beautiful church in the sky. With their own hands the monks built cells and an enclosure, and they began to cultivate the land and to plant seeds.
Once, in late autumn, Saint Herman had to go to the mainland for provisions. Because of the autumn weather he was unable to return. Saint ZOSIMAS remained alone on the island all winter, enduring many temptations in his struggles with the demons. Death by starvation threatened him, but miraculously two strangers appeared and left him a supply of bread, flour and oil. In the spring Saint Herman returned to Solovki with a fisherman named Mark, and he brought supplies of food and some materials to make fishing nets.
When several hermits had gathered on the island, Saint ZOSIMAS built a small wooden church in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and a trapeza. At Saint Zosimas's request, an Igoumen was sent from Novgorod to the newly-formed monastery with an antimension for the church. Thus the renowned Solovki Monastery had its beginning. In the severe conditions of the remote island the monks knew how to economize. But the Igoumens who were sent from Novgorod to Solovki could not endure life under such harsh conditions, and so the brethren chose Saint ZOSIMAS as their Igoumen.
Saint Zosimas occupied himself with building up the inner life of the monastery, and he introduced a strict cenobitic Rule. In 1465 he transferred the relics of Saint Sabbatius to Solovki from the River Vyg. The monastery suffered from the nobles of Novgorod, who confiscated the fish caught by the monks. The saint was obliged to go to Novgorod in order to seek the Archbishop's protection.
Following the Archbishop's advice, he visited the homes of the nobles and asked them not to allow the monastery to suffer harm. The influential and wealthy Martha Boretskaya impiously ordered Saint ZOSIMAS to be thrown out, but then she repented and invited him to a meal. At this meal he suddenly saw that six of the illustrious nobles sat there without their heads. Saint ZOSIMAS told his disciple Daniel about this vision, and predicted the impending death of the nobles. His prediction came to pass in the year 1478, when the six boyars were executed during the capture of Novgorod by Ivan III (1462-1505).
Shortly before his repose, the Saint prepared his own grave, in which he was buried beyond the altar of the Transfiguration church (+ April 17, 1478). Later on, a chapel was built over his relics. His relics and those of Saint Sabbatius were moved to the chapel which was dedicated to them at the Transfiguration cathedral on August 8, 1566.
Many miracles took place when Saint ZOSIMAS and Saint Sabbatius appeared to fishermen who were perishing in the depths of the sea. Saint ZOSIMAS is also considered a patron of bee-keeping and a guardian of beehives; and he is even known as "The Bee-keeper.” Those who are sick often hasten to Saint Zosimas, asking to be healed. The many hospital churches dedicated to him attest to the great healing power of his prayers to God.
Saint ZOSIMAS is also commemorated on August 8, and on the First (1566) and Second (1992) transfers of the relics of Saints ZOSIMAS and Sabbatius.
Troparion of Saint ZOSIMAS — Tone 8
By a flood of tears you made the desert fertile, / and your longing for God brought forth fruits in abundance. / By the radiance of miracles you illumined the whole universe! / O our holy father Zosimas, pray to Christ our God to save our souls!
Saint SABBATIUS of Solovki came to the Saint Cyril of White Lake monastery in the year 1396, where he received the monastic tonsure. He there pursued asceticism for a long time, unquestioningly fulfilling all obediences. His humility, gentle love towards the brethren and his strict life distinguished the monk SABBATIUS among his fellow ascetics. He soon became burdened by the attention and esteem of the brethren and laity coming to him, and having learned that on Lake Ladoga is the rocky island of Valaam, he decided to settle there.
The brethren of the Saint Cyril of White Lake monastery were very sad to be parted from their Elder. At Valaam the worldly fame also began to disquiet the humble Elder. Then the monk learned that in the north was the uninhabited island of Solovki, and he began to ask the igumen’s blessing to settle there in solitude. But the igumen and the brethren did not want to be separated from their holy Elder.
At the command of God Saint SABBATIUS left the Valaam monastery by night and set off to the shores of the White Sea. When he learned from the local people that the island was two days distant, that on it were many lakes and that no one lived on the island, he was even more eager to settle there. The astonished local people asked the ascetic, whitened with grey hair, how he would live there and what he would eat. “My Master,” replied the monk, “gives the fresh strength of youth to the frail, and nourishes the hungry to satiety.”
For a certain time Saint Sabbatius remained at the chapel near the mouth of the Vyg River, in the environs of Soroka. There he encountered Saint Germanus pursuing asceticism as a hermit, and together they decided to settle upon the island. In a frail boat, praying to God, the Elders set off upon the harsh sea and after three days they reached Solovki Island.
The ascetics settled by the Sekirna hill, where they raised up a cross and built their cells. In the severe conditions of the north, the Elders hallowed the unpopulated island by their exploits. Here also the Enemy of mankind, the devil, tempted the holy Elders. A certain fisherman with his wife, moved with a sense of envy, came somehow to the island and settled near the ascetics. But the Lord did not permit the laypeople to remain near the monks. Two youths in bright garb appeared to the wife of the fisherman and struck her with rods. The fisherman took fright, quickly gathered his things and he and his wife hastened to return to his former place of residence.
Once, when Saint Germanus had gone for supplies along the Onega River, Saint SABBATIUS, alone and sensing his impending end, turned to God and prayed that He would grant him to partake of the Holy Mysteries. The monk sailed for two days to the mainland and at ten versts from the Vyg River encountered the igumen Nathanael, who had come to the distant settlement to commune a sick Christian. Igumen Nathanael rejoiced at meeting the monk, fulfilled his wish and heard the account of his exploits on the island. In parting, they agreed to meet at the church along the Vyg River.
Entering the temple, the holy Elder prayerfully gave thanks to God for Communion. He then enclosed himself in a cell located near the church, and began to prepare himself for death. During this time the Novgorod merchant John came to shore and, having venerated the holy icons in church, he went to the holy Elder. Having received his blessing and guidance, he offered the monk a portion of his wealth and was saddened when he heard a refusal. To comfort the merchant, Saint Sabbatius offered to let him stay over until morning, and promised him prosperity on further journeying. The merchant John, however, hastened to disembark.
Suddenly there was an earthquake, and a storm arose on the sea. Taking fright, the merchant stayed where he was. In the morning when he entered the cell for a blessing, he saw that the Elder was already dead. He and Igumen Nathanael, who had just arrived, buried Saint SABBATIUS at the chapel and wrote a manuscript of his Life. This occurred on September 27, 1435. After thirty years, the relics of Saint SABBATIUS were transferred to the Transfiguration church by Saint Zosimas (April 17) and the brethren of Solovki Island. In 1566, the relics of Saints SABBATIUS and ZOSIMA were transferred into a church, named in their honor (August 8).
Troparion of St SABBATIUS — Tone 3
You abandoned the world and fought the good fight / by hardship, vigil and prayer. / Pray to Christ our God to save our souls, O holy Father Sabbatius!
Kontakion of St SABBATIUS — Tone 2
Fleeing the turmoil of life / you dwelt on an island in the sea. / You took up your cross and followed Christ / toiling in vigils, fasting and hardships. / You became the adornment of the righteous / And we lovingly celebrate your memory. / Pray to Christ our God / to save our souls, O righteous Sabbatius!
• PHILARET 斐拉瑞特 of Ichalka, Ivanovo (1913)
• Hosiosmartyr JOSEPH Baranov, hieromonk (1861-1918)
• Hieromartyr NICOLOS Shumkov, presbiter, priest (1886-1937)
• Hieromartyr NICODEMUS (Nicholas Krotkov) archbishop of Kostroma and Galich (1868-1938 )
• Schemaabbess JOANNA of Suzdal (1999)
SAINT MARTYRS and CONFESSORS before the 20th century
• CASSIAN monk on Cyprus
• CURCACH Virgin of Cluain-Lothair (Cloonlogher), County of Leitrim
• DARIA (Dara, Dera or Daire) Virgin, Blind nun of St Brigid of Kildare’s monastery (6th cent.)
• ELLIDIUS (Illog) (7th c.) Patron-saint of Hirnant in Powys in Wales and of a church in the Scilly Isles
• EMILIAN (Aimilianos) 埃弥利安 the Confessor, bishop of Cyzicus (815)
• Hosiosmartyr EUTHYMIUS 艾弗提弥 abbot of the Monastery of St John the Baptist at Garesja, Georgia (1804)
• GEDEON (796) the 13th Bishop of Besançon in France (790-796)
• Martyr GORMIZDAS (Hormisdas) 格尔密兹达斯 of Persia (418) converted to Christianity in his youth. He later refused to apostacize, was stripped of his rank and title by King Varannes, and busted to army camel-driver. When he continued to cling to his faith, he was executed
Ὁ Ὅσιος Γρηγόριος ὁ ζωγράφος ὁ ἐν τῷ σπηλαίῳ
• LEOBALD (Leodebod) (650) founder of Fleury, later called Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire, near Orleans in France
• Martyr MARINUS of Anzarba (290) beheaded in Anzarba, Cilicia, Asia Minor (modern Çukurova region of Turkey)
• Sainted MYRON 弥荣 bishop of Crete (350)
• Righteous RATHARD of Andechs, presbiter, monastery founder (815) a noble who became a priest and founded the monastery of Diessen in Germany
• REGULINDA (Reginlinda) Matr., Abs. of Sts Felix and Regula Monastery at Zurich (959)
• SEVERUS (445) a priest who came from far away to enlighten the area around Vienne in France
• Nun SIGRADA at Soissons in France (678)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Στυράκιος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• TERNATIUS (Terniscus) (680) 11th Bishop of Besançon in the east of France
• THEODOR Abbot of Orow
• Venerable THEODOSIOS Hegumenos of the monastery on Mount Orobea (11th c.)
• THEODOSIUS Abbot at the Church of the Most Holy Mother of God in Jerusalem, and the Apostle Peter and Paul in Constantinople
• ULTAN (8th c.) born in Ireland, he was a priest at the monastery of St Peter in Crayke in Yorkshire in England. He excelled in the art of book illumination
• ZOSIMAS 佐西玛 the Sinaite of Tumana Monastery, Serbia (14th c.)
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
Blessed be God .
Ὁ Ἅγιος Αἰμιλιανὸς ὁ Ὁμολογητής Ἐπίσκοπος Κυζίκου
Emilian 在惡毒的皇帝利奧的朝代期間在 Cyzicus 作為主教為亞美尼亞人服務了, 反對崇拜聖像者。自從他沒想要從教會有關聖像的移動提交到皇帝的法令, Emilian 和另外的正統的主教被放逐進流放。他為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的緣故在流放,不朽的大部分疼痛和恥辱度過了 5 年。Emilian 死了在他們年 820 A.D 並且在天堂的公民之中收起了居住。
The Holy Confessor EMILIAN (Amilianos), the Bishop of Kyzikos, succeeded Bishop Nicholas, and remained in his See from 787 - 815. Saint EMILIAN suffered many afflictions and sorrows during the reign of the Iconoclast Emperor Leo the Armenian (813-820). He and other bishops were summoned to the Emperor's tribunal, and Leo ordered the bishops to refrain from teaching their flocks to venerate the Holy Icons. Saint EMILIAN told the Emperor that the question of venerating icons ought to be discussed and decided only within the Church, by its spiritual leaders, and not at the imperial court. During this time he continued to strengthen his flock by his own example and his unwavering confession of the true Faith.
In the year 815 the Hierarch was banished for five years, enduring much pain and humiliation for the sake of Christ. Saint EMILIAN went to the Lord in the year 820, and received an unfading crown of glory for his defense of the Holy Icons.
Troparion — Tone 3
In confessing the Faith you proclaimed Orthodox doctrine / and were unjustly exiled for rebuking the wicked Emperor. / O righteous and glorious Emilian, / the boast of Kyzikos, / entreat Christ God to grant us His great mercy.
Kontakion — Tone 3
In the 9th Ode of the Canon of the Service to the Sobor-Assemblage of the Kievo-Pechersk Monastics. Reposed within the Nearer Caves (Comm. 28 September) – the Monk GREGORY is termed a "byzantine". This signifies possibly that he was among the number of iconographers who had come from Constantinople to Kiev for the embellishing of the Great Church of the monastery, in honour of the Dormition-Uspenie of the Most Holy Mother of God.
Saint GREGORY of Sinai was born around the year 1268 in the seacoast village of Clazomenia near the city of Smyrna (Asia Minor), of rich parents. In about the year 1290, he was taken into captivity by the Hagarenes and sent off to Laodicea.
After gaining his freedom, the saint arrived on the island of Cyprus, where he was tonsured a monk. He set off afterwards to Mount Sinai and there assumed the great schema. Having fulfilled his obediences of cook and baker, and then as copyist, he surpassed all in reading and knowledge of Scriptural and patristic books.
The strictness of his life (fasting, vigil, psalmody, standing at prayer) brought some to astonishment and others to envy. Departing the monastery, the monk visited Jerusalem. For some time he lived on the island of Crete, and afterwards he visited Mt. Athos with its monasteries and ascetics. In this way, he acquired the experience of many centuries of the monastic life from the ancient monasteries. Only after this did Saint Gregory the Sinaite settle himself in a solitary place for “hesychia” [stillness doing the Jesus Prayer], a cell for silence and the unhindered pursuit of mental prayer, combined with hard work.
The precious legacy of Saint GREGORY is in his teaching about the inner life, 15 texts “On Stillness,” and 137 texts “On Commandments and Doctrines,” where he says that “trying to comprehend the commandments through study and reading without fulfilling them, is like mistaking a shadow of something for its reality” (“On Commandments and Doctrines,” section 22).
He is renowned also as a remarkable hymnographer (“It is Truly Meet” is ascribed to him), and a canon to the Most Holy Trinity read at Sunday Vigil, and a canon to the Holy Cross. In a book of canons (from the year 1407) of Saint Cyril of White Lake (June 9) is found the “Canon of Supplication to the Lord Jesus Christ, the work of GREGORY the Sinaite.”
Because of his concern for the spreading of monasticism, the saint founded several cells on Athos, and also four monasteries in Thrace. Saint GREGORY the Sinaite died in the year 1310 (some historians suggest the year 1346) at his so-called “Concealed” (“Parariseia”) monastery, founded on Mt. Paroria on the west coast of the Black Sea for the strict followers of his life.
Saint GREGORY is also commemorated on November 27 (his repose), February 11, and April 6.
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μύρων
Saint MYRON, Bishop of Crete, a wonderworker, in his youth was a family man, and worked as a farmer. He was known for his goodness, and he assisted everyone who turned to him for help. Once, thieves burst in upon his threshing floor, and Saint MYRON himself helped them lift a sack of grain upon their shoulders. By his generosity the saint so shamed the thieves, that in future they began to lead honorable lives.
Out of profound respect for the saint, the Cretan people urged him to accept ordination to the priesthood in his native city of Raucia, and afterwards they chose him Bishop of Crete.
Wisely ruling his flock, Saint MYRON received from the Lord the gift of wonderworking. At the time of a flood on the River Triton, the saint stopped its flow and went upon it as upon dry land, and then he sent a man back to the river with his staff to command the river to resume its course. Saint MYRON fell asleep in the Lord at the age of 100, around the year 350.
Ὁ Ὅσιος Θεοδόσιος ἡγούμενος Ὀρόβων
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.
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