
среда, 31 августа 2022 г.

• 2022 • September 1 / August 19 • 7530 #συνοδικός


31.8.2022 00:00 97\189 #συνοδικός #synodikos THURSDAY
#₴ #συνοδικός

• συνοδικός • August 31 / August 18 • συνοδικός •
2022 (7530)
dedicated in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos .
Let God’s will abide in everything, but we shall ask for His mercy towards us who are sinful.

Afterfeast of the Dormition : 宿舍斋戒 : sùshè zhāijiè
In today’s hymns at Vespers, the Mother of God is praised as “only created being to pass from earth to heaven in the flesh.”
Troparion — Tone 1
In giving birth you preserved your virginity, / in falling asleep you did not forsake the world, O Theotokos. / You were translated to life, O Mother of Life, / and by your prayers, you deliver our souls from death.
Kontakion — Tone 2
Neither the tomb, nor death could hold the Theotokos, / who is constant in prayer and our firm hope in her intercessions. / For being the Mother of Life, / she was translated to life by the One who dwelt in her virginal womb.


• Intercession of the “Don” Icon of the Mother of God against the Tatars Attack in 1591 by church procession with Icon of the Mother of God of the DON (1380) 顿河圣母像纪念日 written by Theophan the Greek
The Don Icon of the Mother of God was written by Theophanes the Greek. On September 8, 1380, the day of the Kulikovo Battle (and the Feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos), the Icon was with the Russian army, giving it help, but after the victory it was passed on by the Don Cossacks as a gift to their commander, Great Prince Demetrius of the Don, who then transferred it to Moscow. At first, the icon was at the Kremlin's Dormition Cathedral, and later at the Annunciation Cathedral. In commemoration of the victory on the banks of the River Don it was called the Don Icon. In 1591, Crimean Khan Nuradin and his brother, Murat-Girei, invaded Russia with a large army. Advancing on Moscow, they positioned themselves on the Vorobiev hills. A procession was made around Moscow with the Don Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in order to guard the city from the enemy. On the day of battle it was in the military chapel in the ranks of the soldiers, and set the Tatars to flight. In 1592, the Don monastery was founded at the very place where the icon had stood amid the soldiers. The wonderworking icon was placed in this monastery, and its feast day was established as August 19. By established custom, once every four years His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia performs the rite of the preparation of Holy Chrism in the small cathedral in honor of the Don Icon of the Mother of God.


• Martyr ANDREW 安德列 Stratelates 将军 and 2 593 soldiers beheaded with him in Cilicia (284-305) by the governor Seleucus of Cilicia on the pretext that they had abandoned their military standards
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀνδρέας ὁ Στρατηλάτης καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῷ 2 593 Μάρτυρες
安德魯是一個官員, 一個論壇, 在在皇帝 Maximian 的朝代期間的[羅爾]瑪軍隊。他是一敘利亞由出生並且在敘利亞服務了。當波斯人與在那裡威脅了[羅爾]瑪帝國時軍事, 安德魯與軍隊一起被委托對敵人斗爭。在這個場合期間,安德魯作為一位司令被支持 - Stratelates 。秘密地一克裡斯琴, 盡管他沒被給某人施洗禮, 安德魯在生活的上帝信任了並且, 許多戰士,他僅僅選擇了最好和進入的戰斗。如果他們將在一個的幫助之上調用,他在戰斗前向他的戰士說那, 真實的上帝, 合[利爾]斯托。斯基督主, 他們的敵人將在他們前作為塵土散布。真正, 在安德魯和他的信念充滿了熱情的所有的戰士為幫助調用了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督並且做了襲擊。波斯的軍隊完全被消滅。當勝利的安德魯回到了安提阿一些時, 是羨慕的, 是一克裡斯琴和帝國的代理人的被告的安德魯召集了他到場。安德魯公開地在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督承認了他的不動搖的信念。在痛苦的折磨以後,代理人把安德魯扔了進監獄並且在[羅爾]瑪寫了到皇帝。知道的安德魯的在人民之中並且在軍隊的方面, 皇帝命令了代理人釋放安德魯到自由並且尋求另外的機會和另外一個原因 ( 不他的信念 ) 並且然後殺死他。通過上帝的展現, 安德魯聽說了皇帝的命令並且, 與他一起帶他的忠誠的戰士, 2593 數字在裡面, 在 Cilicia 與他們一起分離了到跗骨並且在那裡, 都被主教撇。特爾彼得給某人施洗禮。由帝國的當局迫害了甚至在那裡, 與他的分開的安德魯更遠撤退了進亞美尼亞人Tavros山。這裡, 在一條溝壑當他們在禱告時,[羅爾]瑪軍隊趕上了他們和所有到最後被斬。不他們之一甚至想要保衛自己但是都為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督渴望一位殉教者的死亡。在這個點上, 殉教者的血的流在此流動了, 從每疾病治好了許多的水爆發了的愈合的一個彈簧。主教撇。特爾彼得秘密地與他的人一起來了並且, 在一樣的點上,值得尊敬地埋葬了殉教者的正文。值得尊敬地死, 他們都與光榮的花環被使圓滿並且在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的王國在居住上面拿了吾主。
The Martyr Andrew Stratelates was a military commander in the Roman army during the reign of the emperor Maximian (284-305). They loved him in the Roman army because of his bravery, invincibility and sense of fairness. When a large Persian army invaded the Syrian territories, the governor Antiochus entrusted Saint Andrew with the command of the Roman army, giving him the title of “Stratelates” (“Commander”). Saint Andrew selected a small detachment of brave soldiers and proceeded against the adversary.
His soldiers were pagans, and Saint Andrew himself had still not accepted Baptism, but he believed in Jesus Christ. Before the conflict he persuaded the soldiers that the pagan gods were demons and could not help them in battle. He proclaimed to them Jesus Christ, the omnipotent God of Heaven and earth, giving help to all who believe in Him.
The soldiers went into battle, calling on the help of the Savior. The small detachment routed the numerous host of the Persians. Saint Andrew returned from the campaign in glory, having gained a total victory. But jealous men denounced him to the governor Antiochus, saying that he was a Christian who had converted the soldiers under his command to his faith.
Saint Andrew was summoned to trial, and there he declared his faith in Christ. For this they subjected him to torture. He laid himself upon a bed of white-hot copper, but as soon as he sought help from the Lord, the bed became cool. They crucified his soldiers on trees, but not one of them renounced Christ. Locking the saints away in prison, Antiochus sent the report of charges on to the emperor, unable to decide whether to impose the death sentence upon the acclaimed champion. The emperor knew how the army loved Saint Andrew, and fearing a rebellion, he gave orders to free the martyrs. Secretly, however, he ordered that each be executed on some pretext.
After being freed, Saint Andrew went to the city of Tarsus with his fellow soldiers. There the local bishop Peter and Bishop Nonos of Beroea baptized them. Then the soldiers proceeded on to the vicinity of Taxanata. Antiochus wrote a letter to Seleucus, governor of the Cilicia region, ordering him to overtake the company of Saint Andrew and kill them, under the pretext that they had deserted their military standards.
Seleucus came upon the martyrs in the passes of Mount Tauros, where they were evidently soon to suffer. Saint Andrew, calling the soldiers his brothers and children, urged them not to fear death. He prayed for all who would honor their memory, and asked the Lord to create a curative spring on the place where their blood would be shed.
At the time of this prayer the steadfast martyrs were beheaded with swords. During this time, a spring of water issued forth from the ground. Bishops Peter and Nonos, with their clergy, secretly followed the company of Saint Andrew, and buried their bodies. One of the clergy, suffering for a long time from an evil spirit, drank from the spring of water, and at once he was healed. Reports of this spread among the local people and they began to come to the spring. Through the prayers of Saint Andrew and the 2 593 Martyrs suffering with him, they received gracious help from God.

Οἱ στρατιῶτες ἦταν κυριευμένοι ἀπὸ φόβο, λόγω τοῦ ὅτι ὁ ἐχθρὸς ἦταν πολυάριθμος καὶ εἶχε πολλὲς νῖκες στὸ ἐνεργητικό του. Ἡ ἀρχηγία τοῦ μικροῦ σώματος στρατιωτῶν εἶχε ἀνατεθεῖ ἀπὸ τὸν ἀρχιστράτηγο Ἀντίοχο σὲ ἕναν γενναῖο χριστιανὸ ἀξιωματικό, τὸν Ἀνδρέα. Βεβαίωσε λοιπὸν ὁ Ἀνδρέας τοὺς στρατιῶτες του πὼς ὁ θρίαμβος τῆς νίκης θὰ εἶναι μὲ τὸ μέρος τους, ἂν ὅλοι μὲ πραγματικὴ πίστη ἐπικαλεσθοῦν τὸν παντοδύναμο Θεὸ τῶν χριστιανῶν. Διότι ὅλα τὰ κατορθώματα τῶν χριστιανῶν ἐπιτυγχάνονται «σὺν τῇ δυνάμει τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χρίστου». Μὲ τὴ δύναμη, δηλαδή, τοῦ Κυρίου μας Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ.nΠράγματι, τὰ λόγια τοῦ Ἀνδρέα ἀνύψωσαν τὸ ἠθικὸ τῶν στρατιωτῶν, μὲ ἀποτέλεσμα νὰ συντρίψουν τὸ πολυπληθὲς στράτευμα τοῦ ἐχθροῦ. Ὁ Ἀντίοχος ἐπαίνεσε δημόσια τὸ κατόρθωμα αὐτό, ἀλλὰ ὅταν ἔμαθε ὅτι οἱ στρατιῶτες εἰλκύσθηκαν ἀπὸ τὸν Ἀνδρέα στὸ χριστιανισμό, ἔστειλε 1 000 στρατιῶτες νὰ τοὺς ἀφοπλίσουν καὶ νὰ τοὺς στείλουν στὰ σπίτια τους. Ὁ Ἀνδρέας, ὅμως, μετὰ ἀπὸ συζήτηση εἵλκυσε καὶ αὐτοὺς στὸν χριστιανισμό. Ἐξοργισμένος τότε ὁ Ἀντίοχος, ἔστειλε εἰδικὸ σῶμα μὲ ἔμπιστους ἀξιωματικοὺς καὶ σκότωσε ὅλους τους χριστιανοὺς στρατιῶτες.
Ἦταν στὸν ἀριθμὸ 2 593!

• Martyrs TIMOTHY 提摩太 Bishop of Gaza, AGAPIUS 阿伽彼 and THECLA (Thekla) 特克拉 and others of Palestine (304) martyred for Christ during the reign of the wicked Emperor Diocletian. Timothy was burned alive and Agapius and Thecla were thrown before wild beasts
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Τιμόθεος, Ἀγάπιος καὶ Θέκλα οἱ Μάρτυρες
都 3 是為在居心不良的皇帝 Diocletian 的朝代期間的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的市場年。提摩斐。提摩太活被燒並且統帥更和 Thecla 在野生的野獸前被扔。
The Martyrs Timothy, Agapius and Thekla suffered martyrdom in the year 304. The Martyr Timothy was a native of the city of Caesarea in Palestine. He studied the Holy Scripture, and having received a special gift of eloquence, he became a teacher of the Christian Faith.
During the time of persecution against Christians under the co-emperors Diocletian (284-305) and Maximian (305-311), the martyr was brought to trial by the governor Urban. Saint Timothy fearlessly declared himself a Christian and spoke about the love of the Lord Jesus Christ for mankind and of His coming into the world for their salvation. The martyr was subjected to cruel torture, and when they saw that he still remained steadfast in his love for Christ, they killed him.
And in this same town and year the Martyrs Agapius and Thekla were condemned. They were thrown to be eaten by wild beasts, and suffering in this manner, they received their heavenly crowns.

Οἱ Ἅγιοι Τιμόθεος, Ἀγάπιος καὶ Θέκλα, μαρτύρησαν στὴν Γάζα. Στὴν πόλη αὐτή, ἀπὸ τὰ πρῶτα χρόνια τοῦ χριστιανισμοῦ εἶχε ἱδρυθεῖ ἐκκλησία, τὴν ὁποία συνεχῶς πολεμοῦσαν οἱ εἰδωλολάτρες. Ἀλλὰ ὅσο τὴν πολεμοῦσαν, τόσο αὐτὴ μεγάλωνε καὶ ὅλο καὶ πιὸ πολλοὶ γινόντουσαν χριστιανοί. Κατὰ καιροὺς γινόντουσαν μεγάλοι διωγμοὶ ἐναντίον τους. Σὲ μία τέτοια ἐξέγερση, μὲ ἐντολὴ τοῦ ἐπάρχου Οὐρβανοῦ, συνελήφθη ὁ Τιμόθεος. Ἀφοῦ ὑπεβλήθη σὲ πολλὰ σκληρὰ καὶ ἀπάνθρωπα βασανιστήρια ρίχτηκε στὴν φωτιὰ ὅπου καὶ μαρτύρησε. Βλέποντας ὁ Ἀγάπιος καὶ ἡ Θέκλα τὸ μαρτύριο τοῦ Τιμοθέου, εἶπαν ὅτι θέλουν νὰ μαρτυρήσουν καὶ αὐτοὶ γιὰ τὸν Χριστό τους καὶ οἱ εἰδωλολάτρες τοὺς ἔριξαν στὰ ἄγρια θηρία.

• Martyrs EUTYCHIAN the soldier, STRATEGIOS, MIRON suffered in fire (304)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Εὐτυχιανὸς καὶ Στρατήγιος οἱ Μάρτυρες

• Hosiosmartyrs LEOVIGILD a monk and pastor in Cordoba in Spain and CHRISTOPHER a monk of the monastery of St Martin de La Rojana near Cordoba, martyred in Cordoba under Abderrahman II (852)

NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century

• Repose of Abbess MARIA Ushakova of Diveyevo (1904)
• NIKOLAY Lebedev the Confessor, presbiter, priest in Tver (1869-1933)
• Hieromartyr SIMON Mchelidze, archpriest (1865-1924)
• Hieromartyr HERMAN Dzhadzhanidze, archpriest (1868-1924)
• Hieromartyr IERATHEOS Nicoladze, archpriest (1865-1924)
• Hieromartyr VISSARION Kukhianidze, protodeacon (1871-1933)
• Repose of Archimandrite SPYRIDON Efimov (1984) disciple of John of Shanghai and San Francisco
We pray that the seeds they planted will continue to flourish and bring abundant fruit for Orthodox Christians and our fellow men for many decades to come. All founders of Orthodox parishes pray that, by God's Grace, their beloved parish will continue to exist until the Coming of Our Lord! May the Lord grant us the strength, the fortitude, the patience, and the wisdom in His love to faithfully continue this task.

MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century

• BADULF (Badour, Badolf) (850 ) monk and Abbot of Ainay near Lyons in France

• Venerable BERTULF of Bobbio in Italy, Abbot (640)
He became a monk at Luxeuil in France, then went to Bobbio in Italy where he became abbot on the repose of St Attalas.


• CALMINIUS (Calmilius) (690) hermit who founded the monasteries of Villars and Mauzac near Riom in France

• CREDAN (780) 8th Abbot of Evesham in England

• CRESCENTIA (also Criscentia) of Paris (4-5th cent.)

• CUMIN Bishop in Ireland (7th c.)

• DONATUS of Mount Jura (535) of Orléans in France, priest, vicar of Bishop Gallican I of Embrun, hermit on Mt Jura near Sisteron in Provence

• ELAPHIUS (580) Bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne in France
Died of natural causes in Spain while on a pilgrimage to the relics of St Eulalia of Merida.

• ENAN Patron of Drumrath, County of Westmeath (6th cent.)

• Uncovering of the relics of GENNADIUS abbot of Kostroma (1565)

• GUENNINUS (7th cent.) Bishop of Vannes in Brittany (in modern France)

• JULIUS (190) early Martyr in Rome

• MAGNUS of Avignon (660) Bishop of Lérins, France
Married. Father of Saint Agricola of Avignon. Governor of Avignon, France. Widower. Monk at Lérins Abbey.

• Hieromartyr MAGNUS bishop of Trani, Italy (660) beheaded near Fabrateria Vetus, Latium (modern Ceccano, Italy)

• MARIANUS (515) hermit in the forest of Entreaigues in Berry in France
St Gregory of Tours wrote a biography of him.

• MARINUS (800) bishop at the monastery of St Peter in Besalu in Catalonia in Spain

• MOCHTA (Mocheteus, Mochteus, Mochuta) of Louth (535) of Wales, Abbot, Bishop, he founded the monastery of Louth in Ireland; Spiritual student of Saint Patrick

• NAMADIA (700) Wife of St Calminius, as a widow she became a nun at Marsat in France

• Hieromartyr Sainted PITIRIM 彼提林 Bishop of Velikoperm (Great Perm) (1455)

Saint Pitirim, Bishop of Great Perm, was chosen and consecrated to the See of Perm after the suffering and death of Saint Gerasimus of Perm (January 24). Before becoming bishop, Archimandrite Pitirim was head of the Chudov monastery. He later became known as the composer of the Canon to Saint Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow (February 12), and also wrote his Life.
As bishop, Saint Pitirim first occupied himself with establishing friendly relations between the Zyryani and Voguli peoples. He circulated admonitory letters and messages, seeking to defend the Zyryani from pillage. The Voguli leader Asyka however, taking advantage of princely dissention and the remoteness of the bishop from the capital, plundered Christian settlements and killed defenseless people.
Novgorod landowners held lands at the Rivers Vyg and Dvina, suffering death from the constant pillaging. In the year 1445, they marched out against the Voguli and took Asyka captive. The crafty pagan swore friendship to Perm and vowed to harass Christians no longer. Set free, Asyka waited for a convenient moment to attack Ust’-Vym with the aim of killing Saint Pitirim, to whom he attributed his defeat by the Novgorodians.
During this time Saint Pitirim was twice in Moscow: in 1447 to address an encyclical to Prince Demetrius Shemyaka, having broken a treaty (it is supposed that the writer was Saint Pitirim); and again in the year 1448 for the consecration of Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow (March 31). Taking advantage of Saint Pitirim’s absence, Asyka again made an attack on a Zyryani settlement near the Pechora, robbing and killing the inhabitants. Not only the Zyryani, but also the Voguli living their nomadic life near the Pechora tributary, had become convinced of the truth of the preachings of Saint Pitirim, and they had begun to accept Baptism.
Embittered by this, Asyka committed a new crime. On August 19, 1456 he murdered Saint Pitirim, when he was out blessing the waters at the point of land formed by the confluence of the Rivers Vaga and Vychegda. The body of the saint remained for 40 days in a grave at the place of his death (since they awaited an answer to the sad news of his death). In spite of the hot weather, decay did not touch him. The Hieromartyr was buried in the Ust’-Vym cathedral church of the Annunciation next to his predecessor Saint Gerasimus. The memory of his repose was already entered into a typikon in the year 1522. In the year 1607 the joint commemoration of the three Great Perm holy Hierarchs: Gerasimus, Pitirim and Jonah, was established (January 29). They succeeded one another at the Ust’-Vym cathedral.

• RUFINUS venerated in Mantua in Italy from early times
• Righteous SARAH (Sarai or Sara) Wife of Abraham and Mother of Isaac; died of natural causes at age 127
Jewish Old Testament Matriarch. Wife of the Patriarch Abraham. A convert from paganism, she was the first female convert to the faith of Abraham. Nomad in the desert of Canaan. When she was aged 90, she heard angels say she would finally become a mother. She laughed at the idea, and when her son was born, she named him Isaac from the word for laughter.

• SEBALD (770) born in England, he lived as a hermit near Vicenza in Italy and then preached with Saint Willibald in the Reichswald in Germany

• Pope SIXTUS III (440)

• Venerable THEOPHANES 德奥梵 the New Wonderworker, from Naoussa in Macedonia and of the monastery Docheiariou on the Mt Athos (15th cent.)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Θεοφάνης ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ Νέος
Theophanes 在 Ioannia 出生並且, 作為一個年輕的人,都離開了並且去了他是噸肯定的Athos山在 Dochiariu 的社區的一個修道士。他是到在齋戒的所有的修道士的一個例子, 禱告, 通宵的守夜並且所有這些剝奪他自己是不必要的。及時,並且因為這, 他作為修道院院長被選。后來, 因為與修道士的一些誤解, 他離開了Athos山並且, 與他的外甥,去了 Berea [ Beroea ] 都神聖的 Theotokos 在他建立了一個修道院在的馬其頓尊敬。甚麼時候與神的生活的這修道院 blossomed , Theophanes 委托了他的外甥管理它並且他去了他在神聖的天神長的榮譽建立了另外的修道院的 Naousa 。Theophanes 和平地在第 15 個世紀死了。他的工作奇跡遺物, 甚至現在, 在 Naousa 的修養並且表明上帝的大力量。 Saint Theophanes the New, a native of the city of Ioannina, lived during the sixteenth century. As a young man, he received monastic tonsure on Mount Athos at the Docheiariou monastery. He was later chosen igumen of this monastery because of his lofty virtue. With the help of God, the Saint freed from the Turks who had captured Constantinople his own nephew who had been forcibly converted to Islam, gave him refuge in his own monastery, and blessed him to enter the monastic life.
The brethren, fearing revenge on the part of the Turks, began to grumble against the saint. He, not wanting to be the cause of discord and dissension, humbly withdrew with his nephew from the Docheiariou monastery, quit the Holy Mountain and went to Beroea. There, in the skete monastery of Saint John the Forerunner, Saint Theophanes built a church in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos. And as monks began to gather, he gave them a cenobitic monastic rule.
When the monastery flourished, the saint withdrew to a new place at Naousa, where he made a church in honor of the holy Archangels and founded there also a monastery. To the very end of his days Saint Theophanes did not forsake guiding the monks of both monasteries, both regarding him as their common father.
After receiving a revelation foreseeing his own end and giving his flock a final farewell, the saint died in extreme old age at the Beroeia monastery. Even during his life the Lord had glorified his humble saint: saving people from destruction, he calmed a storm by his prayer, and converted seawater into drinking water. Even after death, the saint has never forsaken people who asked for his grace-filled help.

Γεννήθηκε στὰ Ἰωάννινα, στὶς ἀρχὲς τοῦ 16ου αἰώνα. Πῆγε στὸ Ἅγιον Ὄρος, ὅπου στὴ Μονὴ Δοχειαρίου ἐκάρη μοναχὸς καὶ ἀργότερα, λόγῳ τῆς ὁσιακῆς ζωῆς του, ἐξελέγη ἡγούμενος τῆς ἐν λόγῳ Μονῆς. Μετὰ ἀπὸ μία περιπέτεια μὲ τὸν ἀνεψιό του, κατέληξε σ’ ἕνα ὄρος τῆς Νάουσας τῆς Μακεδονίας, ὅπου ἔκτισε Μονὴ καὶ ναὸ στὸ ὄνομα τῶν Ἀρχαγγέλων. Ἡ ζωή του ὑπῆρξε πραγματικὰ ἁγία καὶ γι’ αὐτὸ μετὰ τὸν θάνατό του, ἡ σεβάσμια κάρα του, ποὺ μεταφέρθηκε στὴ Μονὴ τῆς Νάουσας, ἔγινε ἀφορμὴ πολλῶν θαυμάτων.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.


Blessed be God.

вторник, 30 августа 2022 г.

• 2022 • August 31 / August 18 • 7530 #συνοδικός


31.8.2022 00:00 97\189 #συνοδικός #synodikos SATURDAY
#₴ #συνοδικός

• συνοδικός • August 31 / August 18 • συνοδικός •
2022 (7530)
dedicated in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos .
Let God’s will abide in everything, but we shall ask for His mercy towards us who are sinful.

Afterfeast of the Dormition : 宿舍斋戒 : sùshè zhāijiè
In today’s hymns at Vespers, the Mother of God is praised as “only created being to pass from earth to heaven in the flesh.”
Troparion — Tone 1
In giving birth you preserved your virginity, / in falling asleep you did not forsake the world, O Theotokos. / You were translated to life, O Mother of Life, / and by your prayers, you deliver our souls from death.
Kontakion — Tone 2
Neither the tomb, nor death could hold the Theotokos, / who is constant in prayer and our firm hope in her intercessions. / For being the Mother of Life, / she was translated to life by the One who dwelt in her virginal womb.


• Panagia PANTANASSA (Most-Holy Queen of All) (1639) of Vatopedi, Mount Athos
Panagia Pantanassa (Most-Holy Queen of All) is a miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary from the holy and great Monastery of Vatopedi, Mount Athos, Greece. The icon depicts the Theotokos enthroned and holding her son. The holy and miracle-working icon of the Virgin Mary was brought to the Vatopedi monastery by the blessed elder Joseph from Nea Skete. The first record of the icon's miraculous powers is from the witness of Elder Joseph. One day a young man from Cyprus went to visit and entered into the church. At that point, the elder witnessed a glowing light radiating from the face of the Theotokos and an invisible power pushed the young man down to the ground. When the young man had recovered from his fall, he began to repent and weep and confessed that he did not believe and was a participant in the black arts. He changed his life and became an Orthodox Christian. This icon is also known for working many miracles, especially healing people with cancer. There are many recent records of people who have been healed from cancer after participating in the Supplicatory Canon to the Pantanassa at the monastery.

• The HODIGITRIA Icon of the Mother of God, situated in the Mela monastery near Trapezund was written, by tradition, by the Evangelist Luke


• Martyrs FLORUS 弗洛若 and LAURUS 拉弗若 of Illyria (138) the patrons of farm animals and horses in particular
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Φλῶρος καὶ Λαῦρος οἱ Μάρτυρες
Florus 和 Laurus 是在肉的兄弟, 並且在神並且在職業。兩個是熱心的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教並且, 由職業,石工。他們生活在了 Illyria 。一個異教徙王子為堂的大樓僱用了他們到聖像。碰巧在他們的工作期間,一塊石頭飛了並且打擊了異教徙司祭的與好奇心正在觀察建築者的工作的兒子的眼睛。看見他的瞎並且流血的兒子, 異教徙司祭在 Florus 和 Laurus 開始了到呼喊並且想要打他們。那麼, 神聖的兄弟向他說如果他將相信他們在其相信了的上帝,他的兒子將被愈合。異教徙司祭答應了。Florus 和 Laurus 與眼淚祈禱了到一個, 生活, 主上帝並且在孩子的家上跟蹤了十字的跡象受傷的眼睛。孩子很快地被愈合並且當它是,他的眼睛就變得了整個。然後異教徙司祭 Merentius 和他的兒子被給某人施洗禮並且, 立即在那以後,兩個在火邊為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督受苦了。他們甚麼時候完成了堂, Florus 和 Laurus ,把一個十字放了在它上, 召集了所有的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教並且與唱歌的聖歌的通宵的守夜以主伊伊穌。斯耶穌的名義奉獻了它。聽說這, Illyrian 代理人燒了許多那些合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教並且活在一口井扔了 Florus 和 Laurus 並且然後用塵土填滿了它。后來, 他們的遺物被揭示到土耳其都市並且遷座。這些 2 個好兄弟受苦了並且為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督是市場年並且被合[利爾]斯托。斯基督在第二世紀贊美。
The Martyrs Florus and Laurus were brothers by birth not only in flesh but in spirit. They lived in the second century at Byzantium, and afterwards they settled in Illyria [now Yugoslavia]. By occupation they were stone-masons (their teachers in this craft were the Christians Proclus and Maximus, from whom also the brothers learned about life pleasing to God).
The prefect of Illyria, Likaion, sent the brothers to a nearby district for work on the construction of a pagan temple. The saints toiled at the structure, distributing to the poor the money they earned, while they kept strict fast and prayed without ceasing.
Once, the son of the local pagan-priest Mamertin carelessly approached the structure, and a chip of stone hit him in the eye, severely injuring him. Saints Florus and Laurus assured the upset father, that his son would be healed.
They brought the youth to consciousness and told him to have faith in Christ. After this, as the youth confessed Jesus Christ as the true God, the brothers prayed for him, and theeye was healed. In view of such a miracle, even the father of the youth believed in Christ.
When the construction of the temple was completed, the brothers gathered the Christians together, and going through the temple, they smashed the idols. In the eastern part of the temple they set up the holy Cross. They spent all night in prayer, illumined with heavenly light. Having learned of this, the head of the district condemned to burning the former pagan priest Mamertin and his son and 300 Christians.
The martyrs Florus and Laurus, having been sent back to the prefect Likaion, were thrown down an empty well and covered over with earth. After many years, the relics of the holy martyrs were uncovered incorrupt, and transferred to Constantinople. In the year 1200 the Novgorod pilgrim Anthony saw them. Stephen of Novgorod saw the heads of the martyrs in the Pantokrator monastery around the year 1350.

Ἦταν δίδυμα ἀδέλφια καὶ ἦταν ἄρρηκτα ἑνωμένοι διὰ τῆς θερμῆς πίστεως καὶ ἀγάπης ποὺ εἶχαν πρὸς τὸ Χριστό. Κατάγονταν ἀπὸ τὸ Βυζάντιο καὶ εἶχαν διδαχθεῖ τὸν χριστιανισμὸ καὶ τὴν τέχνη τοῦ λιθοξόου ἀπὸ τοὺς Ἁγίους Πρόκλο (καὶ ὄχι Πάτροκλο, ὅπως λανθασμένα γράφεται ἀπὸ ὁρισμένους Συναξαριστές, καὶ ποὺ ἡ μνήμη του ἔτσι λανθασμένα ἐπαναλαμβάνεται καὶ τὴν 21η Ἰανουαρίου) καὶ Μάξιμο, οἱ ὁποῖοι ὑπέστησαν καὶ μαρτυρικὸ θάνατο γιὰ τὸν Χριστό. Μετὰ τὸν θάνατο τῶν διδασκάλων τους, ὁ Φλῶρος καὶ ὁ Λαῦρος ἀναχώρησαν στὴν Ἰλλυρία καὶ διάλεξαν σὰν τόπο διαμονῆς τους τὴν πόλη Οὐλπιανά. Στὴν πόλη αὐτὴ ἐργάζονταν τὴν τέχνη τους, ἀλλὰ συγχρόνως μέσῳ αὐτῆς προσπαθοῦσαν γιὰ τὴν ἐξάπλωση τοῦ Εὐαγγελίου. Ἐκεῖ ὑπῆρχε καὶ κάποιος ἱερέας εἰδώλων, ὀνομαζόμενος Μερέντιος. Ὁ γιὸς αὐτοῦ Ἀθανάσιος ἀπὸ τὸ ἕνα του μάτι ἔπαθε τύφλωση, ποὺ ἀπὸ τὴν ἰατρικὴ ἐπιστήμη δὲ βρῆκε θεραπεία. Τότε πλησίασε τοὺς δυὸ τεχνῖτες ἀδελφούς, οἱ ὁποῖοι μὲ τὴν ἐπίκληση τοῦ ὀνόματος τοῦ Χριστοῦ θεράπευσαν τὸ μάτι τοῦ γιοῦ τοῦ εἰδωλολάτρη ἱερέα, μὲ ἀποτέλεσμα νὰ πιστέψουν καὶ οἱ δύο στὸν Χριστό. Αὐτὸ μόλις τὸ ἔμαθε ὁ ἔπαρχος Λύκων, συνέλαβε τοὺς δύο ἀδελφοὺς καί, ἀφοῦ τοὺς βασάνισε φρικτά, τοὺς ἔριξε μέσα σὲ ἕνα πηγάδι, ὅπου καὶ παρέδωσαν τὸ πνεῦμα τους. Ἔτσι, οἱ δυὸ τεχνῖτες ἀδελφοὶ μπῆκαν στὴν αἰώνια πόλη, «ἧς τεχνίτης καὶ δημιουργὸς ὁ Θεός». Τῆς ὁποίας, δηλαδή, τεχνίτης καὶ κτίστης εἶναι αὐτὸς ὁ Θεός.

• Martyrs PROCULUS and MAXIMUS of Illyria drowned in a well (2nd c.) employers of Florus and Laurus
Sculptors. Stone-cutters who worked to build Christian churches.

• 300 martyrs who were burned in a fire for smashing idols
Τὸ Ἅγιο Πλῆθος τῶν Πενήτων (Φτωχῶν)
They were killed by Licinius by fire, because they destroyed the idols of the temple. This temple was built by Saints Floros and Lavros. However, the money that this king gave them for the construction of the temple, the saints gave it to this multitude of poor people, who, then, at the instigation of Saints Floros and Lavros, destroyed the idols of the temple and turned it, like a tin, in Christian.
Θανατώθηκαν ἀπὸ τὸν Λικίνιο διὰ πυρός, ἐπειδὴ κατέστρεψαν τὰ εἴδωλα τοῦ ναοῦ. Τὸ ναὸ αὐτὸν, ἔκτισαν οἱ Ἅγιοι Φλῶρος καὶ Λαῦρος. Τὰ χρήματα ὅμως ποὺ τοὺς ἔδωσε ὁ βασιλιὰς αὐτὸς γιὰ τὴν ἀνέγερση τοῦ ναοῦ, οἱ ἅγιοι τὰ ἔδωσαν στὸ πλῆθος αὐτὸ τῶν φτωχῶν, οἱ ὁποῖοι, κατόπιν, μὲ προτροπὴ τῶν Ἁγίων Φλώρου καὶ Λαύρου, κατέστρεψαν τὰ εἴδωλα τοῦ ναοῦ καὶ τὸν μετέτρεψαν, τρόπον τινά, σὲ χριστιανικό.

• Martyrs HERMAS 埃尔弥斯, SERAPION 塞拉彼雍 and POLYAENUS 颇利埃诺 in Rome who were dragged by their feet over rough ground until they died (2nd cent.)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἔρμος (ἢ Ἑρμῆς), Σεραπίων καὶ Πολύαινος οἱ Μάρτυρες
The martyrs Hermes, Serapion, and Polyaenus were Romans who suffered for Christ in the second century. They were thrown into prison, and under interrogation they firmly confessed their faith in Christ and refused to offer sacrifice to idols. The martyrs were dragged through crowds and impassable places. Pelted with stones and other material, they died, receiving their heavenly crowns.
Ἦταν τέκνα τῆς Ρώμης καὶ διακρίνονταν γιὰ τὸ ζῆλο τους στὴ διάδοση τῆς πίστης καὶ ἐναντίον τῆς πολεμικῆς τῶν εἰδωλολατρῶν. Καταγγέλθηκαν στὶς ἀρχὲς καὶ ἔμειναν σταθεροὶ στὴν ὁμολογία τῆς πίστης τους. Τότε, μιὰ σειρὰ ἀπὸ ἄγρια βασανιστήρια τοὺς περίμεναν. Στὴν ἀρχὴ τοὺς ἔδειραν ἀλύπητα καὶ ἔπειτα τοὺς ἔριξαν σὲ μία φυλακὴ σκοτεινὴ καὶ δυσώδη. Ἐκεῖ τοὺς ταλαιπωροῦσαν μὲ πολλὲς στερήσεις καὶ κακοπάθειες. Ἀλλὰ τίποτα δὲν κατάφερε νὰ τοὺς κλονίσει. Τότε τοὺς ἔβγαλαν ἀπὸ ἐκεῖ, καὶ ἀφοῦ τοὺς ἔδεσαν σφιχτὰ μὲ σχοινιά, τοὺς ἔσυραν οἱ ὄχλοι σὲ ἀνώμαλο ἔδαφος, γεμάτο μὲ πολλὲς καὶ κοφτερὲς πέτρες. Ἔτσι οἱ σάρκες τους κομματιάστηκαν καὶ τὰ κεφάλια τους γέμισαν ἀπὸ πληγὲς καὶ αἵματα. Οἱ ψυχές τους ὅμως ἀνέγγιχτες, πέταξαν στὸν Σωτῆρα Χριστὸ γιὰ νὰ ἀναπαυτοῦν αἰώνια κοντά Του.

• Martyrs HILARION 伊拉里雍, DIONYSIUS 迪奥尼西 and HERMIPPUS 埃尔弥颇, Hieromartyr EMILIAN 埃弥利安 and others (about 1 000) of Italy (4th cent.)
Emilian 在亞美尼亞出生。根據他的愿望和尋求的殉教,他旅行了到意大利在 Diocletian 的朝代期間宣講合[利爾]斯托。斯基督。他被選 Trevi 的主教。由於在他的折磨的時間期間的許多奇跡,近似 1000 異教徙相信了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督。他被劍和 Hilarion ,他的神的父親和 2 個兄弟, 狄奧尼修斯和 Hermippus 殺死。
Saints Emilian the Bishop, and with him Hilarion, Dionysius, and Hermippus were born and lived in Armenia. After the death of their parents, the hieromartyrs Emilian, Dionysius, and Hermippus (they were brothers), and their teacher Hilarion left their native land and arrived in Italy, in the city of Spoleto.
Saint Emilian began to preach the Gospel to the pagans. He won the deep respect of the Christian community because of his strict and virtuous life, and he was chosen bishop of the city of Trebium. He was consecrated by Marcellinus, the Bishop of Rome. After moving to Trebium, Saint Emilian converted many pagans to Christ, for which he was brought to trial before the emperor Maximian (284-305).
The saint suggested that the emperor see for himself the power of prayer to Christ. A man who had been crippled for a long time was brought before him. However much the pagan priests tried to heal him by appealing to the idols, they accomplished nothing. Then Saint Emilian prayed to the Lord and commanded the crippled man, in the name of Jesus Christ, to get up. The man stood up healthy and went home rejoicing.
This miracle was so convincing that the emperor was inclined to admit the truth about Christ, but the pagan priests told him that the saint had worked magic. He was subjected to fierce tortures, in which the Lord encouraged him, saying: “Fear not, Emilian, I am with you.”
They tied him to a wheel, threw him on hot tin, dunked him in a river, and put him in the arena to be eaten by wild beasts, but he remained unharmed. In view of all these miracles the people began to shout: “Great is the Christian God! Free His servant!” On this day 1000 men believed in Christ, and all received the crown of martyrdom.
In a rage, the governor ordered that the beasts be killed since they did not attack the saint. The martyr gave thanks to the Lord because even the wild beasts accepted death for Christ. They locked Saint Emilian in prison together with his brothers and teacher, and after fierce tortures the hieromartyrs Hilarion, Dionysius, and Hermippus were beheaded with the sword.
Saint Emilian was executed outside the city. When the executioner struck the martyr on the neck with a sword, it became soft like wax, and did not wound the saint. Soldiers fell on their knees to him asking forgiveness and confessing Christ as the True God. The saint prayed on his knees for them and asked the Lord to grant him a martyr’s death. His prayer was heard, and another executioner cut off the saint’s head. Seeing a milky liquid flowing from his wounds, many of the pagans believed in Christ and they buried the martyr’s body with honor.

• JOHN and CRISPUS (303) priests in Rome who devoted themselves to recovering and burying the bodies of the martyrs, for which they themselves suffered martyrdom

• Venerable monks BARNABUS 瓦尔纳弗 and his nephew SOPHRONIUS 索福若尼 and CHRISTOPHER of Mt Mela near Trebizond (412) Founders of Soumela Monastery
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Βαρνάβας, Σωφρόνιος καὶ Χριστόφορος
Saints Barnabas and his nephew Sophronius were Athenians who lived on Mount Mela near Trebizond in Asia Minor. They died in the year 412.
Δὲν ἔχουμε σαφὴ βιογραφικά τους στοιχεῖα. Μόνο ἀπὸ τὸ «Νέον Λειμωνάριον» μαθαίνουμε ὅτι ἀπεβίωσαν εἰρηνικὰ κατὰ τὸ ἔτος 412. Ἀπ' αὐτοὺς ὁ Βαρνάβας ἦταν Ἱδρυτὴς τῆς Μονῆς Σουμελᾶ, ὁ Σωφρόνιος ἦταν ἀνεψιός του, καὶ οἱ δυὸ ἦταν στὴν καταγωγὴ Ἀθηναῖοι. Ὁ δὲ Χριστόφορος καταγόταν ἀπὸ τὴν Τραπεζούντα καὶ ὑπῆρξε νέος Ἱδρυτὴς τῆς Μονῆς Σουμελᾶ, μετὰ τὴν ἐρήμωσή της.

• Venerable 4 Ascetics in the desert, reposed in peace
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Τέσσερις Ὅσιοι Ἀσκητὲς

• MM EUDOXIA and her brother ELYANUS in Egypt

• Sainted 格奥尔吉 GEORGE I patriarch of Constantinople (683) and JOHN 约翰 patriarch of Constantinople
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Γεώργιος καὶ Ἰωάννης Πατριάρχες Κωνσταντινουπόλεως
Ὁ Πατριάρχης Ἰωάννης ὁ Ε’ διαδέχτηκε τὸν Θωμὰ Β’ τὸ ἔτος 668 καὶ πατριάρχευσε μέχρι τὸ 674. Προηγούμενα, ὡς πρεσβύτερος τῆς Ἐκκλησίας τῆς Κωνσταντινουπόλεως, εἶχε ὑπηρετήσει σὰν πρωτέκδικος καὶ χαρτοφύλακας τοῦ Πατριαρχείου καὶ σκευοφύλακας τῆς ἁγίας Σοφίας. Διακρίθηκε γιὰ τὸ ὀρθόδοξο φρόνημά του καὶ ποίμανε τὴν ἐκκλησία εἰρηνικὰ ἐπὶ Κωνσταντίνου τοῦ Πωγωνάτου. Ὑπῆρξε φιλάνθρωπος, ἀφιλοχρήματος, ζοῦσε μὲ μεγάλη μάλιστα ἁπλότητα καὶ πάντα ἔλεγε, ὅτι κανένα ἄλλο δὲν τιμᾷ τὸν κληρικὸ καὶ μάλιστα τὸν Ἱεράρχη, ὅσο ἡ ἁπλότητα τῆς ζωῆς του καὶ ἡ διάθεση τῶν εἰσοδημάτων του γιὰ τοὺς πεινασμένους καὶ γυμνούς. Ὁ δὲ Πατριάρχης Γεώργιος ὁ Α’ πατριάρχευσε ἀπὸ τὸ 678 μέχρι τὸ 683. Προηγούμενα εἶχε κάνει Σύγκελος τοῦ Πατριαρχείου καὶ σκευοφύλακας τῆς Ἁγίας Σοφίας. Ἐπὶ Γεωργίου Α’ συγκροτήθηκε στὴν Κωνσταντινούπολη ἡ ΣΤ’ Οἰκουμενικὴ Σύνοδος, ποὺ ἀναθεμάτισε τοὺς αἱρετικοὺς μονοθελητές. Γιὰ τὸν χαρακτῆρα τοῦ Πατριάρχη αὐτοῦ γράφτηκε ὅτι ἦταν «Νομεὺς ἀγαθὸς τοῦ Θεοῦ νόμων φύλαξ».

• The Holy Kollyvades AGAPIOS (1844) and PORPHYRIOS (1852) the Ascetics of Santorini, founders of the steep Hermitage at the edge of Mesa Mountain (or Mesa Vouno) in Santorini (or Thera), between the bays of Perissa and Kamari

NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century

• Hieromartyr GREGORY Bronnikov, presbiter, priest (1876-1937)
• Martyr EUGENE Dmitrev, psalmreader (1937)
• Martyr MICHAEL Jeregodsky (1878-1937)
• New Martyrs : Hieromartyr Archimandrite AUGUSTIN 奥古斯丁 of Orans Monastery, Protopriest NIKOLAY 尼科拉 of Nizhniy-Novgorod, and 15 people with them (1918)

MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century

• Martyr AGAPITUS (274) a fifteen year old who bravely confessed Christ and was martyred in Palestrina near Rome

• Holy New Hieromartyr AGAPIOS of Galatista (1710-1752)

• Bishop ALIPIUS (Alypius) of Tagaste (430)

• Venerable ARSENIUS 阿尔塞尼 the Younger (from Paros, Ioannina), Hesychast, Winderworker on the island of Paros (1800-1877)
Ἀνακομιδὴ Τιμίων Λειψάνων Ὁσίου Ἀρσενίου τοῦ νέου τοῦ ἐν Πάρῳ
Today the Church commemorates the uncovering of the relics of Saint Arsenius of Paros (1800-1877), who was glorified by the Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1967.
The main Feast of Saint Arsenius, “the glory of Epirus and the boast of Paros,” is on January 31.
Saint Arsenius and his Elder stayed on Mount Athos for six years before being forced to leave by ignorant monks who were against the Kollyvades movement. The Kollyvades called for a strict adherence to holy Tradition, opposed performing memorial services on Sundays, and believed that Christians should receive Holy Communion more frequently than four times a year. They also practiced unceasing prayer of the heart (hesychasm), which was misunderstood by many people of that time. Some of the Athonite monks, in their ignorance, were highly critical of the Kollyvades, insulting and mistreating them, and forcing them into exile.
Father Daniel and Saint Arsenius left Athos when the anti-Kollyvades sentiments against frequent Communion were particularly intense. This was just before the start of the Greek War of Independence on March 25, 1821. After a brief stay at the Penteli Monastery near Athens, the two went to the island of Paros. Unable to remain there, they ultimately settled on the island of Pholegandros.
Since there were no teachers on the island, the inhabitants asked Father Daniel to permit Father Arsenius to teach their children. The Elder agreed to their request, and also had Father Arsenius ordained a deacon by the Metropolitan of Thira. After his ordination, the Greek government appointed Father Arsenius as a teacher. His teaching career lasted from 1829 to 1840.

• CHRISTODOULOS 赫里斯托杜洛 the Philosopher, called the Ossetian, of Georgia (12th cent.)
The great Church figure and philosopher Saint Christodoulos was from the village of Sakara in the Imereti region. He possessed an exceptional knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and spoke several languages fluently. To support his prodigious understanding of the Christian Faith, Christodoulos became thoroughly acquainted with other creeds as well. To this purpose, he even memorized the Koran.
Once the Persian king Iamame arranged a debate on theological issues between the Muslims and the Christians, and he invited the elder Christodoulos to take part in this event. At first the king himself debated with the elder and suffered an upset. Then a certain pagan astrologer was brought to replace him, and when it became clear that he too was no match for the elder-philosopher, he summoned a renowned scholar to outwit him. In the debates with this scholar, Christodoulos freely cited both the Holy Scriptures and the Koran, and with his brilliant logic and rhetoric he triumphed over his rival. His challengers were disgraced.
In his work Pilgrimage, the famous 19th-century historian Archbishop Timote (Gabashvili) describes his journey to Mt. Athos and notes that Saint Christodoulos had labored with the monks of the Ivḗron Monastery.
Church historians believe that Saint Christodoulos labored first in Georgia, then moved to Mt. Athos, and finally to the island of Patmos.

• Venerable CHRISTOPHER 赫里斯托佛尔 abbot of Mt Mela Monastery (694)
Saint Christopher was born in Gazara, near Trebizond. He was the head of a monastery on Mount Mela in the second half of the seventh century (641-668).

• Holy New Martyr CONSTANTINE of Kappua (1610)
Άγιος Κωνσταντίνος εκ Καππούας

• Bishop DAIG Maccairill (Dagaeus, Daganus) (586) of Inis-Caoin-Deagha, now Iniskeen, in the County of Louth

• Hosiosmartyr DEMETRIUS of the Walach of Samarina in the Pindos Mountains, Monk martyred in Ioannina (1808)

• EONUS of Arles (502) Archbishop of Arles, France in the late 5th and early 6th century. Fought the Pelagian heresy. Ordained Saint Cesareo of Arles

• ERNAN of Donegal, Ireland (643) nephew and spiritual student of Saint Columba of Iona. Missionary to the Picts. Founded a monastery in Donegal, Ireland. When St Columba died, Ernan had a vision of Columba's soul ascending to heaven. St Adamnan of Iona mentioned Ernan in his writings

• ERNIN (Mernog) of Rathnoi, now Rathnew, County of Wicklow, and of Killdreenagh (6-7th cent.)

• EVAN (Inan) (9th cent.) hermit in Ayrshire in Scotland, where churches are dedicated to him

• FIRMINUS Bishop of Metz (496)
Greek or Italian by origin, he was Bishop of Metz in France for eight years.

• HELEN (Helena, Halina or Ellen) Empress of Constantinople (330) the patroness of dyers, nailsmiths, and needle-makers. She is invoked against fire and thunder

• Venerable HIERO (Jeron, Iero, Jerome), hieromonk (886) priest and martyr at Egmond, Holland

• GEORGE I was Patriarch of Constantinople
Saint George I was Patriarch of Constantinople from 678-683. He lived during the reign of the emperor Constantine Pogonatos (668-685).

• JOHN of Rome (590) Benedictine monk at Saint Andrew's monastery on the Coelian Hill, Rome, Italy under abbot Saint Gregory the Great who later wrote about him. Miracle worker

• Sainted JOHN V patriarch of Constantinople (674)
Saint John V was Patriarch of Constantinople from 669-674. He lived during the reign of the emperor Constantine Pogonatos (668-685).

• Repose of Venerable JOHN 约安 abbot of Rila (946)
這大禁欲並且正統的教會的聖人在 Sophia 附近出生, 在在國王鮑裡斯的朝代期間的 Skrino 的鎮的保加利亞。他有窮人但是尊敬的父母。在他的父母的死亡以後, 伊望。約翰是噸肯定一個修道士並且撤退了到山荒地並且, 開始了生活在一個洞的嚴格的禁欲主義的生活。在那裡, 他忍受了許多襲擊, 從魔鬼和人的兩個, 從強盜和他的親戚。在這以後,他搬了到 Rila 山並且在一棵空樹裡安定了。他僅僅在植物和蠶豆上喂了, 它, 根據上帝的普羅維登斯開始了在鄰近成長。有許多年的時間, 他沒看見一個人的臉直到再, 由上帝的普羅維登斯,他被牧羊人發現正在尋求他們的失去的綿羊。這樣, 聖人在人民之中被聽說並且他們開始了來找他在疾病並且在痛苦尋求幫助。保加利亞的國王撇。特爾彼得自己訪問了伊望。約翰並且從他尋求了法律顧問。是為神的生活的熱心者的人,在伊望。約翰的最近解決了的許多。在那裡, 一個教會和修道院快速被造。聖伊望。約翰和平地在 8 月 18 日在主休息了, 946 A.D 在 70 歲時。在他的死亡以後,他在門徙看來了。最初, 他的遺物被遷座到 Sophia , 然後到匈牙利,然後到 Trnovo 並且最後到 Rila 修道院在哪兒他們修養今天。在整個世紀, Rila 修道院是光的烽火, 為保加利亞的克裡斯琴人的工作奇跡力量和神的安逸的一個地方特別在在土耳其人下面的奴役的困難的時間期間。
Saint John of Rila, the great spiritual ascetic of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and Heavenly Protector of the Bulgarian nation, was born in the year 876 in the village of Skrino in the Sredets district [now Sofia].
After he had been orphaned, the boy became a cowherd in order to avoid people. Once the rich man beat him for losing a cow with its calf. The boy cried long and he prayed, that God would help him. When he found the cow with the calf, the water at that time flowed high and strong in the River Struma. The young cowherd prayed, he placed his own tattered shirt on the water, made the Sign of the Cross over it, took up the calf in his arms and went with it, as though on dry land, to the other bank of the river where the cow was.
The rich man, hidden in the forest, was frightened upon seeing this miracle. He rewarded the youth generously, then sent him away from his home. Having given away his things, the boy left his village. Where and when the saint took monastic tonsure is unknown.
At the very beginning he lived an ascetical life on top of a high and barren hill, eating only wild plants. His cell was made from brushwood. After a short time, robbers fell upon him by night, beat him, and drove him away. Later, he found a deep cave and settled in it. Soon, his nephew Saint Luke also came to live there.
Luke secretly left the home of his parents and went into the wilderness where the Saint was living. After much effort, he succeeded in finding him. At first the blessed one, seeing him from afar, thought this was a demonic temptation, and so he prayed. Like many solitaries, Saint John was bothered by demons, who assumed the shape of wild animals and tried to force him to leave. As Luke approached, he made prostration and asked for Saint John's blessing. That convinced the ascetic that it was truly his nephew, and not a delusion. He blessed Luke and asked why he had come. The young man told him of his desire to share his way of life, and was permitted to remain. Luke emulated Saint John the Forerunner, who had lived in the wilderness from childhood.
Satan could not endure Saint John's holy life of prayer and fasting. Moved by the devil, an acquaintance of Luke's father found him overwhelmed by grief and upset by his son's disappearance, so he said, "Your brother John came by night, took your son, and has him even now. Unless you rescue the boy, he will become food for the wild beasts. Come, and I will show you where he is, and then you can go and take your child."
When Luke's father heard this, he became furious and cursed his innocent brother. When they came near the place, the acquaintance showed him John's cave from afar and departed. The brother went on and found the Saint. He reproached him, calling him a deceiver and an evil man who had stolen his son.
He tried to kill the venerable one with a heavy stick and some stones, but Saint John just stood there saying nothing. The father seized the boy and took him from the wilderness, intending to bring him back to the world. The blessed man, knew that the child would fall into the snares of the devil, was overcome with sorrow and tears. He fell to his knees and prayed: "Lord Jesus Christ, behold the affliction of my heart, and grant me a sign of Thy mercy. Thou hast said, 'Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven' (Matthew 19:24).
After they had walked a short distance, a snake bit Luke, and at once he died a painless death. The father did not know what to do. He returned to Saint John and repented of his actions. With profound sorrow, he revealed what had happened. Saint John told him to bury the boy and return to his home. The Saint was comforted in his sorrow and he glorified God, because by means of a physical death, He had saved the child from the future death of his soul. Saint John often visited the grave of his righteous nephew, which became his favorite place of solitude.
Saint John spent twelve years in the desolate cave, and then he went into the Rila wilderness and settled in the hollow of a tree. He fasted and prayed a great deal, wept incessantly, and ate only grass. Seeing such endurance, God caused beans to grow, which he ate for a long time. The beans and his exploits made him known to people.
Once a flock of frightened sheep ran along the hilly steep paths, and did not stop until the place where the monk lived. The shepherds, following after the flock, with astonishment saw the hermit, who amicably greeted them: “You arrive here hungry. Pick some of my beans and eat.” All ate and were satisfied. One gathered many beans in reserve. Along the way home he offered them to his comrades, but there were no beans in the pilfered pods. The shepherds turned back penitent, and the Elder stood there, saying with a smile: “See, children, these fruits are appointed by God for subsistence in the wilderness.”
From that time they began to bring to the monk the sick and those troubled by unclean spirits, which he healed by prayer. Fleeing celebrity, the monk went from his beloved tree-hollow and settled on a high and rocky crag difficult of access, where he dwelt for seven years under the open sky. Reports about the great ascetic reached even the Bulgarian king Peter (927-969), who wanted to meet him. Saint John wrote a letter, refusing such a meeting out of humility.
Later on Saint John accepted under him the guidance of monks, who built a monastery with a church in the cave where Saint John formerly lived. He wisely tended his flock and died on August 18, 946 at 70 years of age.
Five years before his end he wrote in his own hand “A Testament to Disciples,” one of the finest creations of Old Bulgarian literature. The holy life of the ascetic and the remarkable mercies of God through his prayers were a fine preaching of the Christian Faith in the newly-baptized Bulgarian land. In the uneasy time of struggle of Bulgaria with Byzantium, under the west Bulgarian king Samuel (976-1014), Saint John appeared to his disciples, commanding them to transfer his relics to Sredets (Sofia), where the Bulgarian Patriarch Damian (927-972) was hiding. It is presumed that the transfer of relics took place in the year 980.
Somewhat later, the right hand of Saint John of Rila was transferred to Russia (presumably to the city of Rila, where a church was constructed in the name of Saint John of Rila, with a chapel dedicated to the martyrs Florus and Laurus, on the day of their commemoration (August 18) on which he died).
The name of Saint John was known and loved by the Russian people from antiquity. Data about the death of the saint is preserved, especially in Russian sources (the Menaion for August in the twelfth century, in the Mazurinsk Chronicle).
In the year 1183, the Hungarian king Bela II (1174-1196), during a campaign against the Greeks, seized the chest with the relics of Saint John, together with other booty, and took it to the city of Esztergom.
In the year 1187, after he embellished the reliquary, he sent back the holy relics with great honor. On October 19, 1238 the relics of Saint John were solemnly transferred to the new capital, Trnovo, and put in a church dedicated to the saint. On July 1, 1469 the holy relics of Saint John of Rila were returned to the Rila monastery, where they rest to the present day, granting grace-filled help to all the believers.

• Martyress JULIANA 犹利亚纳 of Myra near Strobilus
Ἡ Ἁγία Ἰουλιανὴ ἡ Μάρτυς πλησίον τοῦ Στροβίλου


• LAURA (Lauren, Laureen, Lauralie or Lora)

• Martyr LEO 莱翁 drowned near Myra in Lycia
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λέων ὁ Μάρτυρας

• Venerable MACARIUS the Monk of Pelekete in Constantinople, abbot, hieroconfessor (830)
Saint Macarius, Igumen of the Pelekete Monastery, was born at Constantinople in 785. While still a child, he lost his parents. The saint fervently read the Scriptures and came to realize that earthly things are temporary and perishable, and that heavenly things are permanent and imperishable. Therefore, he decided to devote his life entirely to God. He entered the Pelekete monastery in Bithynia, where at the time the igumen was the renowned ascetic, Saint Hilarion (March 28).
After the death of Saint Hilarion, Saint Macarius was unanimously chosen as igumen by the brethren. During the reign of the Byzantine Emperors Leo V the Armenian (813-820) and Michael II the Stammerer (820-829), Saint Macarius suffered as a confessor for the veneration of holy icons. He was sent to the island of Aphousia, where he died in about the year 830.

To you, O Master, who loves all mankind I hasten on rising from sleep. By your mercy I go out to do your work and I make my prayer to you. Help me at all times and in all things. Deliver me from every evil thing of this world and from pursuit by the devil. Save me and bring me to your eternal kingdom, For you are my Creator, You inspire all good thoughts in me. In you is all my hope and to you I give glory, now and forever. - Saint Macarius of Pelekete

• Holy New Martyr MATTHEW of Crete (1670-1697)

• MILO of Fontenelle (740) became a monk together with his father at Fontenelle in France and later a hermit

• Repose of NIKOLAS "of the Turk", Schemamonk of the Skete Optina (1893)

• RÓNÁN of Iona (660) Monk at Iona Abbey. Was involved in the controversy with Saint Finan of Iona concerning the celebration of Easter. Confessor of the faith

• Venerable SOPHRONIUS 索福若尼 of St Anne's Skete on Mt Athos (18th cent.)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σωφρόνιος ὁ Ἁγιορείτης
Saint Sophronius lived in the eighteenth century. He left home on his wedding night and became a monk on Mount Athos. After living there for fifty years, he died in peace.
Γεννήθηκε στὴν Ἤπειρο ἀπὸ γονεῖς εὐσεβεῖς τὸ 18ο αἰῶνα. Ἀπὸ μικρὸς διακρινόταν γιὰ τὴν σεμνὴ ζωή του καὶ τὸν σεβασμό του στὰ θεία. Ὅταν ᾖλθε σὲ ἡλικία γάμου, οἱ γονεῖς του τὸν πάντρεψαν παρὰ τὴ θέλησή του μὲ μιὰ σεμνὴ γυναῖκα. Ἀλλὰ τὴ νύχτα τοῦ γάμου, ἔφυγε στὸ Ἅγιον Ὄρος. Ἐκεῖ, στὴ σκήτη τῆς Ἁγίας Ἄννης δοκιμάστηκε καὶ ἐκάρη μοναχός. Ἀργότερα χειροτονήθηκε Ἱερέας καὶ ἔφτασε σὲ μεγάλα ὕψη ἁγιότητας. Ἡ ζωὴ του ὑπῆρξε ἐνάρετη καὶ ἀγγελική. Ἡ πνευματική του τελειότητα ἦταν παράδειγμα ὄχι μόνο στοὺς ἀδελφούς της Σκήτης τῆς Ἁγίας Ἄννης, ἀλλὰ καὶ σ’ ὅλο τὸ Ἅγιον Ὄρος. Ἔτσι ὀσιακὰ ἀφοῦ ἔζησε, ἀπεβίωσε εἰρηνικά.

• Righteous monk THADDAEUS of Stepanzminda (6th cent.) disciple of Johannes Sedasneli

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

понедельник, 29 августа 2022 г.

• 2022 • August 30 / August 17 • 7530 #συνοδικός


30.8.2022 00:00 98\188 #συνοδικός #synodikos SATURDAY
#₴ #συνοδικός

• συνοδικός • August 30 / August 17 • συνοδικός •
2022 (7530)
dedicated in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos .
Let God’s will abide in everything, but we shall ask for His mercy towards us who are sinful.

Afterfeast of the Dormition : 宿舍斋戒 : sùshè zhāijiè
In today’s hymns at Vespers, the Mother of God is praised as “only created being to pass from earth to heaven in the flesh.”
Troparion — Tone 1
In giving birth you preserved your virginity, / in falling asleep you did not forsake the world, O Theotokos. / You were translated to life, O Mother of Life, / and by your prayers, you deliver our souls from death.
Kontakion — Tone 2
Neither the tomb, nor death could hold the Theotokos, / who is constant in prayer and our firm hope in her intercessions. / For being the Mother of Life, / she was translated to life by the One who dwelt in her virginal womb.


• Icon of the Mother of God of SVEN of St Alypius (1288)
The Svena Icon of the Mother of God has two commemorations: May 3, the Feast of Saint Theodosios of the Caves, and August 17, the Feast of Saint Alypios of the Caves.
The Svena Icon of the Mother of God was painted by Saint Alypios of the Caves († August 17, 1114). It depicts the Mother of God sitting on a throne, with the Divine Child on her lap. To the right of the throne stands Saint Theodosios, and on the left is Saint Anthony of the Caves. Prior to 1288 it was kept in the Kiev Caves Monastery, where it became famous for miracles, and in 1288 it was transferred to the Bryansk Svena Monastery, which is dedicated to the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.
Prince Roman of Chernigov became blind while in Bryansk. Hearing of the miracles from an Icon painted by Saint Alypios, the prince sent a messenger to the Monastery asking that the Icon be brought to him at Bryansk so that he might be healed. The Icon was sent with a priest along the Desna River. During the voyage, the boat landed on the right bank of the Svena River. After spending the night, the travelers went by boat the next morning to pray before the Icon, but they did not find it there. Then they saw it on a hill opposite the Svena River, among the branches of an oak tree. News of this reached Prince Roman, and he was led to the Icon on foot. The prince prayed fervently and promised to build a monastery at this place, and donate to it all the lands that he could see from the hill. After he prayed, the prince began to see light. First he saw a path, then close objects and finally, all the surrounding area. Then the prince had a Moleben served, and built a wooden church in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. The tree on which the Icon had rested was cut down and used to make boards for other icons. At the same time, the annual commemoration of the Svena Icon was established for May 3.
The Icon became renowned for healing the blind, deliverance from demonic possession, and protection from enemies.
One of its most significant miracles was revealed in 1812, when Bryansk was under the threat of invasion by Napoleon's troops. Residents of the city organized a Cross Procession, carrying the Svena Icon of the Mother of God in their arms, and offering prayers to their Protectress so that she would save the city from the French invasion. Their prayers were heard and the enemy bypassed the city.
Every year, on August 17, there was a Cross Procession in remembrance of the miracle at Bryansk, but this ended after the Revolution. The Monastery was closed in 1924, and all the buildings, including the XVIII century Dormition Cathedral, were destroyed. No one knows what would have happened to the ancient wonderworking Icon if it had not been rescued by the famous art historian Nicholas Pomerantsev (1891-1986). He brought the Icon to Moscow, and had it restored. After the most difficult painstaking work, it was placed in the Tretyakov Gallery, where it is kept to this day.

• Icon of DORMITION of the Mother of God of the Kiev Caves
The Kiev Caves Icon of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the most ancient icons in the Russian Orthodox Church. The Mother of God entrusted it to four Byzantine architects, who in 1073 brought the icon to Sts Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves. The architects arrived at the monks' cave and asked, "Where do you want to build the church?" The saints answered, "Go, the Lord will point out the place." "How is it that you, who are about to die, have still not designated the place?" the architects wondered. "And they gave us much gold." Then the monks summoned all the brethren and they began to question the Greeks, saying, "Tell us the truth. Who sent you, and how did you end up here?" The architects answered, "One day, when each of us was asleep in his own home, handsome youths came to us at sunrise, and said, 'The Queen summons you to Blachernae.' We all arrived at the same time and, questioning one another we learned that each of us had heard this command of the Queen, and that the youths had come to each of us. Finally, we beheld the Queen of Heaven with a multitude of warriors. We bowed down to Her, and She said, 'I want to build Myself a Church in Rus, at Kiev, and so I ask you to do this. Take enough gold for three years.' We bowed down and asked, 'Lady Queen! You are sending us to a foreign land. To whom are we sent?' She answered, 'I send you to the monks Anthony and Theodosius.' We wondered, 'Why then, Lady, do You give us gold for three years? Tell us that which concerns us, what we shall eat and what we shall drink, and tell us also what You know about it.' The Queen replied, 'Anthony will merely give the blessing, then depart from this world to eternal repose. The other one, Theodosius, will follow him after two years. Therefore, take enough gold. Moreover, no one can do what I shall do to honor you. I shall give you what eye has not seen, what ear has not heard, and what has not entered into the heart of man (1 Cor.2:9). I, Myself, shall come to look upon the church and I shall dwell within it.' She also gave us relics of the holy martyrs Menignus, Polyeuctus, Leontius, Acacius, Arethas, James, and Theodore, saying, 'Place these within the foundation.' We took more than enough gold, and She said, 'Come out and see the resplendent church.' We went out and saw a church in the air. Coming inside again, we bowed down and said, 'Lady Queen, what will be the name of the church?' She answered, 'I wish to call it by My own name.' We did not dare to ask what Her name was, but She said again, 'It will be the church of the Mother of God.' After giving us this icon, She said, 'This will be placed within.' We bowed down to Her and went to our own homes, taking with us the icon we received from the hands of the Queen." Having heard this account, everyone glorified God, and St Anthony said, "My children, we never left this place. Those handsome youths summoning you were holy angels, and the Queen in Blachernae was the Most Holy Theotokos. As for those who appeared to be us, and the gold they gave you, the Lord only knows how He deigned to do this with His servants. Blessed be your arrival! You are in good company: the venerable icon of the Lady." For three days St Anthony prayed that the Lord would show him the place for the church. After the first night there was a dew throughout all the land, but it was dry on the holy spot. On the second morning throughout all the land it was dry, but on the holy spot it was wet with dew. On the third morning, they prayed and blessed the place, and measured the width and length of the church with a golden sash. (This sash had been brought long ago by the Varangian Shimon, who had a vision about the building of a church.) A bolt of lightning, falling from heaven by the prayer of St Anthony, indicated that this spot was pleasing to God. So the foundation of the church was laid. The icon of the Mother of God was glorified by numerous miracles. Two friends, John and Sergius, sealed their friendship before it. After many years John fell mortally ill. He gave part of his wealth to the Caves monastery, and he gave Sergius the portion for his five-year-old son for safekeeping. He also entrusted his son Zachariah to his guardianship. When Zachariah turned fifteen, he asked for his inheritance, but Sergius persisted in saying that John had distributed everything to the poor. He even went into the Dormition Church and swore before the wonderworking icon that he had taken nothing. When he attempted to kiss the icon, he was not able to come near it. He went to the doors and suddenly shouted, "Sts Anthony and Theodosius! Let me not be struck down for my dishonesty. Entreat the Most Holy Theotokos to drive away the multitude of demons which torment me. Let the gold and silver be taken away. It is sealed up in my granary." Zachariah gave away all his inheritance to the Caves monastery, where he also himself was tonsured a monk. From that time, no one would take oaths before the wonderworking icon. More than once the icon defended the land from enemy invasion. In 1677, when the Turks laid siege to Chigirin and danger threatened Kiev, they carried the icon around the city for almost the entire day of August 27. In 1709, the Mother of God blessed Russian armies going to the Battle of Poltava. In 1812 they carried the icon around Kiev again. The icon is commemorated twice during the year: May 3 and August 15.

• Icon of the Mother of God of ARMATIA 阿尔玛提亚
Σύναξις Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου ἐν τοὶς Ἀρματίου
The Armatia Icon of the Mother of God was in Constantinople at the Armatian monastery. The place where the monastery was located, was called “Armation” or “of the Armatians” and received its name from the military magister Armatias, nephew of the tyrant Basiliscus, and a contemporary of the emperor Zeno (474-491).
The celebration of the wonderworking icon was established to commemorate deliverance from the Iconoclast heresy. The Seventh Ecumenical Council of 787 drew up dogmatic definitions about icon veneration based on Holy Scripture and Church Tradition.
The Armatia Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is commemorated twice during the year, on July 21 and August 17.

• The HODIGITRIA Icon of the Mother of God

SAINT MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century

• Martyrs PAUL 保罗 and his sister JULIANA (Juliane) 犹利亚纳 and QUADRATUS 卦德拉特, ACACIUS 阿喀基 and STRATONICUS 斯特拉托尼科 and others (273) at Ptolemaïs in Syria
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Παῦλος καὶ Ἰουλιανὴ οἱ Μάρτυρες καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῶν Μαρτυρήσαντες
Στρατόνικος, Κοδρᾶτος καὶ Ἀκάκιος οἱ δήμιοι
The Holy Martyr Paul and his sister Juliana were executed under the emperor Aurelian (270-275) in the Phoenician city of Ptolemais. The emperor happened to visit Ptolemais, and among those who met him was Paul, who made the Sign of the Cross. They arrested him and threw him in prison.
On the following day, when they brought him to trial, he openly and boldly confessed his faith in Christ, for which he was subjected to fierce tortures. Juliana, seeing the suffering of her brother, began to denounce the emperor for his injustice and cruelty, for which she was also subjected to torture.
They beat the martyrs, tore their bodies with iron hooks, burned them over red-hot grates, but they were not able to break the wondrous endurance of the Lord’s confessors. Three soldiers torturing the saints were struck by the courageous spirit of the martyrs, and they in turn believed in Christ. These newly chosen of God were named Quadratus, Acacius and Stratonicus, and they were immediately executed.
The tormentor tried to seduce Saint Juliana with a promise to marry her, if she were to renounce Christ, but the saint refused the offer and remained steadfast. By order of the emperor they sent her to a brothel to be defiled. The Lord also preserved her there, and anyone who tried to touch the saint lost his sight. Then the enraged emperor commanded that they again burn the bodies of the saints. Those who saw the suffering of the saints began to murmur loudly, and Aurelian gave orders to behead the martyrs. With gladdened face the brother and sister went to execution singing, “For Thou hast saved us from those who afflicted us and hast shamed those who hated us” (Ps. 43/44:7).

• Martyrs THYRSUS 提尔索, LEUCIUS 莱弗基, CALLINIKOS (Coronatus) 科若纳特 and companions (249-251) martyred in Caesarea in Bithynia
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Θῦρσος, Λεύκιος, Κορωνᾶτος καὶ ἡ συνοδεία τους
The Martyrs Thyrsus, Leucius, Coronatus, and their Companions suffered in Bythnian Caesarea and Apollonia under the emperor Decius (249-251). [It is possible that Coronatus is the same person as Cornutus, whose commemoration is on September 12].

• Martyrs STRATON 斯特拉同, PHILIP 腓力, EUTYCHIAN 艾弗提希安 and CYPRIAN 基普里安 (303) in Nicomedia
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Στράτων, Φίλιππος, Εὐτυχιανὸς καὶ Κυπριανὸς οἱ Μάρτυρες
The Martyrs Straton, Philip, Eutychian and Cyprian suffered at Nicomedia. Visiting the circus, they taught people to abandon their idol-worship, and they converted many pagans to Christ. The governor, observing that the people were leaving the circus, summoned to himself the martyrs, who firmly confessed their faith in Christ. For this they were given over to wild beasts to be eaten. The beasts did not touch them, and the martyrs were then tortured and thrown into a fire.

• Hieromartyrs LIBERATUS the Abbot, BONIFACE deacon, subdeacons SERVUS and RUSTICUS, monks ROGATUS, SEPTIMUS and MAXIMUS (483)

• Martyr KASSIANE together with Martyrs MYRON, EUTYCHIOS and EUTYCHIANOS

• Venerable BENEDICTA (Benetta, Benita, Benedetta, Eulogia or Bettina) and CECILIA Abbess at Susteren in Rhenenia (The Rhineland in Germany) (10th cent.)

• EUTYCHIUS and his brother EUTYCHIANUS and his sister KASSIANE ascetics in Crete

NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century

• GEORGE (Gheorghe Lazar) the Pilgrim (1846-1916)
• Hieromartyr ALEXEY Velikosel'sky presbiter, priest (1865-1918)
• Hieromartyr DIMITRY Ostroumov, presbiter, archpriest (1865-1937)
• Martyrs Archpriest ARCHILLEUS Sirotin, Priest MIKHAIL Grochov, Deacon Onurov (1921)

SAINT MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century

• CARLOMAN King of Austrasia (707-755)
Eldest son of Charles Martel. King of Austrasia in 741. Supported the founding of monasteries at Fulda in Germany, and of Lobbes and Stavelot in Belgium. Supported the missionary work of Saint Boniface. Late in life, and on the advice of Saint Boniface, Carloman abdicated the throne in favour of his brother, and became a monk, first on Mount Soracte and then Monte Cassino in Italy where he worked in the kitchen and as a shepherd.

• CHRISTODOULOS (Qristodule, Osse) philosopher (12th cent.)

• Hosiosmartyr DEMETRIUS 迪弥特里 of Samarina in Epirus (1808)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Δημήτριος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας ὁ Μοναχὸς
The holy monk Demetrios was born in the village of Samarina, in the Pindos region of Greece in the late XVIII century. He became a monk in the monastery of his homeland, where he exhausted his body and soul with fasting. After Ali Pasha's 1808 suppression of an insurrection inspired by Father Euthymios Vlakhavas, Saint Demetrios came out of his monastery and went to the neighboring villages preaching the Word of God, comforting the villagers, and giving them hope. Ali Pasha thought that Father Demetrios had also been preaching rebellion, but the monk said that he was only trying to strengthen the Christians in their faith, and urging them to respect the law. The Pasha did not believe him, so he ordered him to be subjected to cruel tortures.
The executioners pierced his arms with nails and then placed pieces of wood under the nails of his hands and feet. An iron band was placed around his forehead. This was tightened and produced excruciating pain. All the while they told him to name his fellow conspirators. Saint Demetrios remained silent, and he was thrown into prison. Later, he was hanged upside down, with a fire under his head. A certain Turk, after witnessing the courage of the Saint, believed in Christ and then he suffered martyrdom.
Next, Ali Pasha sealed Demetrios into a wall, leaving only his head out to prolong the torture. The Martyr survived for ten days, then he surrendered his soul to God on August 17,1808.

• DRITHELM of Melrose, Hermit (700)
Wealthy and pious layman, a husband and father. Following a terrifying vision of the afterlife during a near-death experience during an epidemic in 696, he became a hermit and then monk at Melrose, Scotland. Bede writes of him in his History.

• Venerable ELGONOS (Aeglon, Eglon) the hermit and anchorite from the Sketian desert

• Venerable ELLAS 伊利亚 (Elias the Younger) in Calabria (823-905)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἠλίας ὁ Νέος
伊利亞。以利亞是由在在南部的意大利的 Calabria 的修道院 Mellicia 的降下和修道院院長的希臘語。在在東方的聖像的破壞的時間期間,許多東方的修道士與圖簽逃跑了到 Calabria 。及時, 修道士生活廣泛地在整個 Calabria 被散布。Calabrian 修道士被他們的生活的學識淵博和嚴峻區分。同時, 有如此多的在 Calabria 與埃及被作比較的 Calabria 的正統的修道院和修道士舊。后來, 通過世紀,正統的 Calabria 列入 Ohrid 的大主教的職位的權威下了。可敬的伊利亞。以利亞在一年在 Thessalonica 死了 903 A.D 。

• ERNAN of Torach, now Tory Island, County of Donegal

• EUSEBIUS (310) Greek exiled to Sicily
Son of a physican. 31st pope in 310. His papacy lasted only four months, most of which he spent in exiled to Sicily by emperor Maxentius due to disturbances over how to deal with the lapsi, Christians who lapsed from the faith during the persecutions of Diocletian, and then came back to it. Eusebius wanted to welcome them back, after penance. Baptized Saint Eusebius of Vercelli.

• Venerable HIERO (Jeron, Iero, Jerome) 耶若恩 hieromonk (886) priest and hosiosmartyr at Egmond, Holland

• JAMES the Deacon (7th cent.) Deacon-monk of York, England, Named by Saint Bede

• Hieromartyr JEROEN of Noordwijk (857)

• JOHN (Eóin Mac Carlain, Eóin son of Carlan) of Saint John's Point, County Down

• LEVKIY of Volokolamsk, monk (15th cent.)
Saint Leucius of Volokolamsk was the founder of the Dormition monastery on the Ruza River (the monastery was located 32 versts from the city of Volokolamsk and 2 versts from the village of Seredo-Stratilatsk).
Saint Leucius was a disciple of Saint Paphnutius of Borov (May 1) and an associate of Saint Joseph of Volokolamsk (September 9). The time of the founding of the monastery by Saint Leucius might perhaps be determined from the remnants of the Life of Saint Daniel of Pereyaslavl (April 7). Saint Daniel upon his arrival at the Borov monastery in the year 1466 was entrusted by Saint Paphnutius to the Elder Leucius as an experienced ascetic in the spiritual life.
After ten years, i.e. in 1476, the Elder and his disciple settled in the Volokolamsk region, where they dwelt together for another two years in founding the monastery. After this Saint Daniel went to Pereyaslavl. It is conjectured that Saint Leucius was 62 years of age at the founding of the monastery. Having raised up a monastery, he became known throughout the surrounding region for his ascetic life. According to Tradition, Saint Leucius died in extreme old age at the end of the fifteenth century. He was buried in the monastery he founded.
In the manuals of iconography the monk is listed under July 27: “He was greyed, and a beard like Saint Sergius, his hair uncovered, a schema on his shoulders, in his hands a staff, and monastic garb.”
The commemoration of Saint Leucius is observed both on December 14 and on August 17, on the Feast of the Holy Martyr Leucius.

• Hosiosmartyr MAKARIOS of Mount Auxentios, Hermit and Monk (768)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μακάριος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας

• Martyr MAMAS (257)
• Hieromartyr MYRON 弥荣 of Cyzicus, the presbyter (250)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μύρων ὁ Μάρτυρας
Priest who tried to face down the people who came to destroy his church in the persecutions of Decius and Antipater. They tortured and killed him, and then razed the building.
邁倫是在富裕並且突出的起源的 Achaia 的鎮的一個司祭並且從本質上講是客氣並且適中的, 兩上帝並且人的一個情人。在皇帝 Decius 的朝代期間並且, 在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的誕生的瞻禮上,異教徙收費了進教會, 外面從服務拖了邁倫並且使他遭到了折磨。在在火的折磨的時間期間,一個天神在他看來了並且鼓勵了他。在那以後,他們開始了從他的頭把他的皮膚切成脫衣到他的腳。殉教者抓住了一個他的皮膚的如此的脫衣並且, 與它,打擊了 torturer - 法官 - 在臉上。法官反輕拍, 好像擁有,拿了一把劍並且殺死了他自己。最後, 他們帶了邁倫去 Cyzicus 的城市並且旋轉在那裡他與在一年的劍 250 A.D 。
The Holy Martyr Myron was a presbyter in Achaia (Greece), and lived during the third century. He suffered in the year 250 under the emperor Decius (249-251). The presbyter was gentle and kind to people, but he was also courageous in the defense of his spiritual children.
On the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, he was celebrating the Divine Liturgy. The local governor Antipater came into the church with soldiers so as to arrest those praying there and to subject them to torture. Saint Myron began to plead for his flock, accusing the governor of cruelty, and for this the saint was delivered over to be tortured.
They took Saint Myron and struck his body with iron rods. They then threw the presbyter into a red-hot oven, but the Lord preserved the martyr, but about 150 men standing nearby were scorched by the fire. The governor then began to insist that the martyr worship idols. Saint Myron firmly refused to do this, so Antipater ordered the leather thongs to be cut from his skin. Saint Myron took one of the leather thongs and threw it in the face of his tormentor.
Falling into a rage, Antipater gave orders to strike Saint Myron all over his stripped body, and then to give the martyr to wild beasts to be eaten. The beasts would not touch him, however. Seeing himself defeated, Antipater in his blind rage committed suicide. They then took Saint Myron to the city of Cyzicus, where he was beheaded by the sword.

• ONUPHRIUS of Valaam, monk (death day 1912)

• Martyr PATROCLUS 帕特若克洛 of Trychasia (now Troyes) in Gaul (270-275)
普特洛克勒斯是 Trychasia 的城市的一個公民, 在法國的現在的天 Troyes [ 高盧 ] 。他從他的父母繼承了大財富並且, 從這, 作為一真實的克裡斯琴, 仁慈為的施行每日的行為少些幸運當他自己生活了時一天僅僅曾經拿食物的禁欲的生活, 在太陽的設置以後。因為他的生活的聖潔,主同意了普特洛克勒斯愈合並且他全部作為一奇跡工人被知道的力量。蛹的皇帝, 到達高盧, 命令了那普特洛克勒斯在他前被帶。聖普特洛克勒斯在皇帝前在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督宣告了他的信念並且沒隱蔽任何東西。“ O 皇帝, 如果你需要我的財富的一些東西, 我將把它給你, 因為我把你看作窮人”到皇帝的說的聖普特洛克勒斯。到那,皇帝答複了︰“你把我稱為皇帝,怎麼樣, 有無數的富人的窮人?聖普特洛克勒斯然後說︰“你有僅僅短暫的現世的財富但是你為你是差的不在你自己的所有也不你在你的心擁有合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思。“他被譴責至死並且在到戰士上傳遞了在一條河附近被帶去沼澤被殺死在那裡並且把他的正文丟在泥裡。但是上帝的聖人向上帝祈禱了他的正文別在泥裡並且由他突然成為了的上帝的力量留下不可見到戰士並且被遷座到河的另外的方面。在長搜索以後,戰士發現了他並且旋轉他在一個干燥的點上。2 個乞丐, 到誰普特洛克勒斯經常給了救濟金, 過來這條道路, 認出了他們的恩人的正文並且與榮譽埋葬了它。
The Martyr Patroclus lived during the third century under the emperor Aurelian (270-275). He was a native of the city of Tricassinum (now the city of Troyes in France) and led a pious Christian life: he loved to pray, to read the Holy Scriptures, to fast and to be charitable to the poor. For this the Lord bestowed upon him the gift of wonderworking.
The emperor Aurelian summoned Saint Patroclus to himself and commanded him to worship idols, promising for this great honors and riches. The saint disdained idol worship saying that the emperor himself was a beggar.
“How can you call me, the emperor, a beggar?” asked Aurelian. The saint answered: “You possess many earthly treasures, but you do not have heavenly treasures. Since you do not believe in Christ and in the future life, you shall not receive the blessedness of Paradise. Therefore, you are poor.”
Aurelian sentenced him to beheading by the sword. Soldiers led him to the banks of the River Sequanum (now the Seine), but suddenly their eyes were clouded, and Saint Patroclus at this time went across the river on the water and began to pray on a hill on the other shore. Coming to themselves, some of the soldiers were astounded at the disappearance of the martyr and they glorified God, but others attributed the miracle to magic.
A pagan woman pointed out to the soldiers that Saint Patroclus was on the other bank of the river. Crossing over there, the soldiers killed the martyr. His body was buried by night by the priest Eusebius and deacon Liberius.

• Venerable PIMEN archimandrite of Ugrisch (1880)

• Venerable Monk PHILIP 斐利普 of Sukhonsk and Yankov, Vologda (1662)
Saint Philip of Sukhona was a hermit on Mount Yankov, on the left bank of the Sukhona River, two versts from the city of Ustiug. The Ustiug inhabitants built a monastery at the place of his ascetic deeds, so as to learn monastic life under his guidance.
In the year 1654, they built a church in honor of the Mother of God “Of the Sign,” with a chapel in the name of Saint Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow. Brethren soon gathered. Saint Philip, while refusing no one his guidance, would not, in his humility, accept the office of igumen. He died at the monastery as a simple monk on August 17, 1662.

• RAPHAEL 拉法伊尔 of the Banat, Serbia
When Rafailo Banatski or Rafailo of Banat arrived in Banat, he erected a hut from reeds, on the place where it is today Vavedenska Orthodox church, in the region of today's Zrenjanin and known as Gradnulica. This place has long been called "Monastery". According to the Serbian Orthodox Church calendar, the feast day of Rafailo is celebrated on 16 August or 29 August, Old Style and New Style dates under saint name "Rafailo Banatski".
Venerable Raphael or Rafailo of Banat is traditionally known as a Serb monk from Banat. Archpriest Miloš Popović from Zrenjanin considered that Raphael came from surroundings and that he was first a monk in a nearby monastery called Drenovac. He went from Banat to Holy Mountain, and he struggled in the Hilandar monastery. In the old days, after obedience, he went to his hometown and settled in the gate of the Becker church of the Annunciation Church in the village of Gradna Street. He could not return to the Drenovac monastery, because in the meantime it died and was destroyed. In 1666, there was also a monastery (convent of the Hilandar monastery) with two nuns at the Vavedenjski temple. Former monks from Drenovac moved there around 1700. In that place, with a home composed of two monastic cells, the monk Raphael lived and died later.
Raphael of Banat was allegedly first settled in the Hilandar convent called "Bakabosh", which was located in the Banat kadiluku, southeast of Veliki Bečkerek. Later, he moved to the church in the village of Gradna Street, where he struggled in the gate in a reed hut. There he practiced healing for the believers who visited him in search of a cure.
It is not known exactly when the old man Raphael passed away, but his tomb has been preserved, on which a chapel of hexagonal appearance was erected, next to the altar and the church dedicated to the Presentation of the Most Holy Mother of God). The chapel dedicated to the Venerable Raphael of Banat - Hilandarc, is older than the church, which in 1826 was built over the foundations of an older temple.
One icon with the image of Saint Raphael has been preserved, which is kept today in the Hilandar monastery. On the back of the icon is the inscription: "This Saint Raphael, a native of Serbia, a Hilandar priest-monk, was sent on a journey to the monastery obedience to Banat, and there he introduced himself, God glorified him with miracles from his honorable relics to those who come to him in faith.
Believers used to come and still come to the chapel erected on the south side next to the Vavedenjski temple in the Gradnulica district of Zrenjanin. The patients spend the night there, and Raphael's prayer is read to them for healing. According to tradition, he was widely known during his life, an ascetic, and a vidar (visionary), and after his death, the relics of the saint became miraculous. Many believers came to the tomb of the Venerable Raphael, asking for help and bringing many votive gifts to his grave.
In the Banat village Hajdučici, in 1985, Bishop Amfilohije Radović began building the Orthodox monastery of Saint Rafail. The new monastery in Banat is dedicated to Raphael of Banat. It was a consequence of the canonization of the Venerable Raphael of Banat, two decades earlier. The parish church in Hajdučica dedicated to Saint Archangel Michael, erected in 1939 as an endowment of the landowner Olga Janković (daughter of Lazar Dundjerski), was taken as the place of worship of the new monastery, at that place.
There is a publishing library "Venerable Raphael of Banat" in Vrsac. In the nineties of the 20th century, the "Spiritual Center of the Venerable Raphael of Banat" was opened in Zrenjanin near the Church of the Assumption, with a reading room and a club, where cultural and spiritual activities were held. There was a meeting place of writers, artists, and believers in the building of the Church Municipality. The men's Singing Society of the same name was formed there.
The monk Rafailo from Hilandar was canonized a saint by the decision of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church in 1965.

• TBELI 特贝利 Abuseridze of Khikhuni, Adjara (1190-1240)
The holy Father Tbeli Abuseridze lived and labored in the 13th century. His father John, the archduke of Upper Atchara, perished in a battle with the Turks. After Tbeli’s mother was widowed, she was tonsured a nun and given the name Katherine. Tbeli’s brothers, Abuseri and Bardan, were also well-known figures in their time.
Saint Tbeli received an education befitting his noble rank and succeeded in fully developing his natural abilities.
Saint Tbeli left an indelible mark on the history of Georgian culture as a hymnographer, an astronomer, an expert in sacred music, and a scholar of diverse interests. We know from his works that he built a church in honor of Saint George in the village of Khikhani (in upper Atchara), and it has been suggested that he composed most of his works, including a chronicle of his own ancestry, in that village. He had seven children whom he brought there, and at the end of his chronicle he left a second testament, commanding that his family’s future generations be brought there as well.
Saint Tbeli contributed immensely to the life of Gelati Academy. Historians believe it was there that he received the broad education that allowed him to express himself in so many different fields. Saint Tbeli’s collection of hymns to Saint John the Baptist, Saint John the Theologian, and Saint John Chrysostom reveals his true piety and talent as a writer of the Church. The profound theological ideas, the symbolic and mystical comprehension of phenomena, the “knowledge of the visible” and “comprehension of the invisible” evident in this work paint Saint Tbeli as one equally endowed as both a scholar and a theologian.
Saint Tbeli was fascinated by the science of chronology, and he compiled a work called Chronicles: Complete Commentaries and Rules to address some of the problems related to chronology. Combining a solid understanding of astronomy and history, this work conveys the cosmic meaning of the Julian calendar and Christian eschatology. Saint Tbeli’s famous hagiographical work The New Miracle of Great-martyr George contains valuable historical information about the Abuseridze family’s efforts to revive Georgian culture during the ancient feudal epoch.
While pursuing his literary and scholarly interests, Saint Tbeli also labored as a holy and God-fearing pastor. (Scholars believe that the saint was a bishop of Tbeti, from which he received his appellation Tbeli.) The Georgian Apostolic Church has numbered our Holy Father Tbeli Abuseridze among the saints in recognition of the countless good deeds he performed on behalf of the Church and its people.

• THEODULUS (Theodore) of Grammont (4th cent.)
An early Bishop of Valais who was much revered in Switzerland and Savoy.

• Venerable RELINDIS the Recluse near Liége, Belgium (10th cent.)

• Venerable THEODORETUS 德奥多里特 of Kola, Archmandrite, Enlightener of the Sami people (Laplanders) (1571)
Saint Theodoritus left home and went to the Solovki Monastery when he was only thirteen years old. The following year he was tonsured and placed under obedience to the wise Father Zosimas. For the next fifteen years he grew in wisdom and virtue, then was ordained a deacon by the Archbishop of Novgorod.
Saint Theodoritus spent one more year with his Elder, then asked for permission to visit other monasteries. At each place he spoke with experienced ascetics, deriving much spiritual profit from their conversation. After two years at the White Lake Monastery, Saint Theodoritus lived alone in the forest around the monastery. During his four years in the forest, he came into contact with other ascetics, from whom he learned many useful things.
Father Zosimas at Solovki, sensing that he would die soon, wrote to Saint Theodoritus asking him to return to him. He served his Elder for about a year, taking care of him during his final illness.
Saint Theodoritus then traveled to the mouth of the Kola River and undertook missionary labors among the Lapps with the Elder Metrophanes. The Lapps worshiped idols and did not live in towns or cities. The monks learned their language so they could teach them about Christ, and also translated prayers for them.
Saint Theodoritus labored among the Lapps for twenty years. He was ordained to the holy priesthood in Novgorod, and later returned to the Lapps and established a monastery. He then spent two years in the Novgorod area as igumen of a monastery. Later, he was raised to the rank of archimandrite and became the igumen of the Savior-Saint Euthymius Monastery at Suzdal for five years.
In 1554 Saint Theodoritus was slandered and confined for two years at the White Lake Monastery. Upon his release, he went to live in a monastery at Yaroslav. Tsar Ivan the Terrible sent him to Constantinople in 1558 to discuss his coronation with the Patriarch.
Saint Theodoritus returned to Russia with the Patriarch’s reply, and the Tsar gave him twenty-five silver coins and a sable coat. Not wishing to acquire material possessions, the saint sold the coat and gave the money away to the poor.
Searching for peace, he went to the monastery at Priluki in Vologda. From there, Saint Theodoritus made two visits to the Lapps whom he had converted. He departed to the Lord on August 17, 1571 at the Solovki Monastery where he had been tonsured.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.


Blessed be God.

воскресенье, 28 августа 2022 г.

• 2022 • August 29 / August 16 • 7530 #συνοδικός


29.8.2022 00:00 99\187 #συνοδικός #synodikos SATURDAY
#₴ #συνοδικός

• συνοδικός • August 29 / August 17 • συνοδικός •
2022 (7530)
dedicated in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos .
Let God’s will abide in everything, but we shall ask for His mercy towards us who are sinful.

Afterfeast of the Dormition : 宿舍斋戒 : sùshè zhāijiè
In today’s hymns at Vespers, the Mother of God is praised as “only created being to pass from earth to heaven in the flesh.”
Troparion — Tone 1
In giving birth you preserved your virginity, / in falling asleep you did not forsake the world, O Theotokos. / You were translated to life, O Mother of Life, / and by your prayers, you deliver our souls from death.
Kontakion — Tone 2
Neither the tomb, nor death could hold the Theotokos, / who is constant in prayer and our firm hope in her intercessions. / For being the Mother of Life, / she was translated to life by the One who dwelt in her virginal womb.


Translation of the IMAGE NOT-MADE-WITH-HANDS OF OUR LORD AND GOD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST from Edessa to Constantinople (Holy Mandelion) (944)
主伊伊穌。斯耶穌合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的圖簽,“沒用手做” The Third "FEAST OF THE SAVIOR" in August
Μνήμη εἰσόδου τῆς ἀχειροτεύκτου μορφῆς τοῦ Κυρίου καὶ Θεοῦ καὶ Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ
On the sixteenth of this month [August], we commemorate the entrance of the acheiropoiton (made without hands) image of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ, brought from the city of Edessa to the God-protected Queen of cities (Constantinople). The Feast of the Transfer of the Icon Not-Made-by-Hands, made together with the Afterfeast of the Dormition, they call the third-above Savior Icon, the “Savior on Linen Cloth.” The particular reverence of this Feast in the Russian Orthodox Church is also expressed in iconography, and the Icon Not-Made-by-Hands was one of the most widely distributed.
According to the Prologue, there are four known Icons of the Savior Not-Made-by-Hands:
- at Edessa, of King Abgar (August 16)
- the Kamulian, — Saint Gregory of Nyssa (January 10) wrote of its discovery, while according to Saint Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain (July 14), the Kamulian icon appeared in the year 392, but it had in appearance an icon of the Mother of God (August 9)
- in the time of Emperor Tiberius (578-582), Saint Mary Syncletike (August 11) received healing from this on ceramic tiles (16 August)
This third Feast of the Saviour in August is in honour of the Holy Face of our Lord imprinted on a cloth. The tradition behind it is that King Abgar of Edessa, who lived in the time of our Lord’s sojourn on earth, was becoming progressively blind when he heard about the great miracle-worker of Israel. He wrote a letter to our Lord inviting Him to come to live with him in Edessa. Our Lord wrote back to Abgar thanking him but declining his offer. Our Lord told the king that He would send him one of his disciples to cure him of his malady. After our Lord’s Ascension into Heaven, St Thaddeus went to Edessa with the cloth on which was the Image of our Lord’s Face (by tradition made when Christ washed His Face and then wiped it with that cloth, miraculously transferring His Image onto it). When the cloth touched King (Saint) Abgar’s eyes, he received his full sight back and enshrined the cloth above the main gate of his city.
在吾主宣講了好消息並且愈合的時間人的每病和體弱, 在幼發拉底河王子 Abgar 的岸上生活在了 Edessa 的城市在那裡完全與敗壞被感染。他聽說了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督, 每疼痛和疾病的醫生並且送了一個藝術家, 亞拿尼亞, 到與他在其懇求了主來到 Edessa 並且敗壞治好他的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的一封信的巴勒斯坦。結果主是不能的來, 王子命令了亞拿尼亞描繪他的相似並且把它帶到他, 相信這相似將能恢複他的健康。被回答了他是不能的來的主, 因為他的熱情的時間正在來臨拿了一條毛巾, 擦了他的臉並且, 在毛巾上,他的都純的臉完美地被畫。主與王子將被它愈合的消息把這條毛巾給了亞拿尼亞, 然而並非全部,並且晚些時候, 他將送他一個使者將擦掉他的疾病的剩余物。收到毛巾, 它和敗壞完全從他的它的正文但是一些掉落了的吻的王子 Abgar 在他的臉上留下了。后來, 宗徒 Thaddaeus ,宣講主條, 來到了 Abgar 並且秘密地愈合了並且給某人施洗禮他。然後破壞了在城市並且在門上面的門前站了的聖像他放了的王子與合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的相似的毛巾納入了木頭, 在一個金框架裝裱了並且用珍珠佩戴了。另外, 王子在門上在圖簽下方寫了︰“ O 合[利爾]斯托。斯基督上帝, 沒有人將是慚愧的在你希望。”后來, Abgar 的大孫子之一恢複了 Edessa 的聖像崇拜和主教在門上在那根圖簽上面獲得了晚上和 walled 。世紀從那以後過去了。在皇帝東[羅爾]瑪帝國皇帝的朝代期間,波斯的國王 Chozroes 攻擊了 Edessa 並且城市在大艱難。碰巧 Eulabius , Edessa 的主教, 有了都神聖的 Theotokos 的視覺揭示了封上的牆和忘記的圖簽的謎到他。圖簽被發現並且, 由它的電源,波斯的軍隊被打敗。
Troparion — Tone 2
We venerate Your most pure image, O Good One, / and ask forgiveness of our transgressions, O Christ God. / Of Your own will You were pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh / to deliver Your creatures from bondage to the Enemy. / Therefore with thanksgiving we cry aloud to You: / “You have filled all with joy, O our Savior, / by coming to save the world.”
Kontakion — Tone 2
Uncircumscribed Word of the Father / as we behold the victorious image of Your true incarnation, / not made by hands, but divinely wrought / in Your ineffable and divine dispensation towards us, / we honor it with veneration!


• Icon of the Mother of God of Saint THEODORE (1239) 圣德奥多若圣母像
On August 16 is commemorated the miraculous finding of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Saint Theodore. According to Tradition, the Theodore Icon of the Mother of God was written by the Evangelist Luke, and resembles the famous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.
This icon received its name from Saint Alexander Nevsky's father, Great Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, who in holy Baptism was named Theodore in honor of St Theodore Stratelates. According to Tradition, his elder brother, St George, had found the icon in an old wooden chapel near the city of Gorodets. Later, the Gorodets Monastery of St Theodore was built on this spot. When the citizens of Gorodets fled the city at the approach of the Khan they did not have time to take the Icon with them. In 1239, the residents of Kostroma saw the Icon being carried through their city by a radiant figure who resembled Saint Theodore Stratelates. The next day the Icon was found in a tree by Prince Basil of Kostroma, Saint Alexander Nevsky's younger brother, while he was hunting in the forest. The Icon was placed in the church of Saint Theodore Stratelates, and many miracles took place before it. Prince Yaroslav-Theodore became the Great Prince of Vladimir after his brother, Saint George, died in battle against the Mongols at the Sita River. He gave the icon which he inherited from his brother to his own son, Saint Alexander Nevsky. The wonderworking Theodore Icon of the Mother of God was constantly with St Alexander Nevsky, and he often prayed before it. After St Alexander Nevsky died on November 14, 1263 at the monastery founded by his father, the icon was taken by his younger brother, Basil.
Numerous copies of the Kostroma Theodore Icon were made, and one of the first was commissioned and brought to Moscow by Tsar Michael's mother, the nun Martha. From the second half of the seventeenth century, various copies of the Theodore Icon were enlarged with scenes depicting events from the history of the wonderworking icon.
The Theodore Icon is two-sided. On the reverse side is the image of the holy Great Martyr Paraskeva, depicted in the splendid attire of a princess. It is believed that the image of Saint Paraskeva on the reverse of the icon is connected with the wife of Saint Alexander Nevsky.
The first Romanov tsar, Michael, was acclaimed as sovereign before the Theodore Icon in 1613.
The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Saint Theodore is also commemorated on March 14.

• Triumph of Holy Theotokos of PORT ARTHUR (1904)
It is not given to us to perceive what is awaiting the Church ahead. Woes and persecutions often accompany the life of a Christian. But the miraculous reappearance of the icon of the most Holy Theotokos proves her gracious Intercession for all Orthodox Christians. This will give us courage and selflessness in bearing our own cross.”
This icon is also unique because it was the first image of the Most Holy Theotokos to be revealed to Christians in the 20th century. A sailor named Theodore Katansky who visited Kiev Caves Lavra in 1903 told other believers about it. He had been a hero of the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War.
Theotokos of Port Arthur (Our Lady of Port Arthur, also known as Theotokos upon Swords and the Far Eastern Gatekeeper) is an Eastern Orthodox icon, representing the Theotokos (Virgin Mary) with the Mandylion and God the Father, flanked by two angels. The icon's dimensions (without frame) are approximately 124×77 cm. The icon is associated with the vision of an old veteran sailor, who came to pray in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra on December 11, 1903. In his dream, the sailor reportedly saw the Virgin Mary, who warned him about the upcoming Russo-Japanese War. Mary instructed to make an exact depiction of the vision and deliver it to Port Arthur (now Lüshunkou District) so that the Russians would gain her patronage and protection in the war.
Brought to the walls of the distant city and naval base, the holy image was meant to help the Orthodox triumph over the pagans and inspire soldiers and sailors to fight bravely.
Following the onset of the Russo-Japanese War, the devotees donated money for materials needed for making the icon.The image itself was painted free of charge by icon painter Pavel Shtronda in 1904 according to the sailor's vision. The icon, however, was not delivered to Port Arthur in time and the Siege of Port Arthur, as well as the war in general, ended with Russian defeat (for this reason the icon is also called the Unachieved Victory). Nonetheless the icon continued to be venerated and six copies were made. The icon was considered lost for more than 90 years. In 1998 Christian pilgrims from Vladivostok came to Jerusalem and fortuitously saw the icon in an antique shop. Expert examination confirmed its identity and the icon was bought and brought back to Russia. The original icon can be found now in Vladivostok in Pokrovsky Church (44 Okeansky Ave.). The feast day of the Theotokos of Port Arthur is 29 August (16 August in the Old Style calendar).

FEASTS of GROUPS OF SAINTS and CONFESSORS of DAY before the 20th century

• 33 Martyrs of Palestine (303)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 33 Μάρτυρες ἀπὸ τὴν Παλαιστίνη


• New Martyrs King CONSTANTINE 君士坦丁 Brancoveanu of Wallachia and his four sons CONSTANTINE 君士坦丁, STEPHEN 斯特梵, RADU 拉铎 and MATTHEW 玛特泰, and the loyal Counsellor of the holy Prince Constantine Brancoveanu IANACHE 雅纳赫 Vacarescu (1714)

• Martyrs ISAAC and JOSEPH of Karnu, Georgia

• Discovery of the Relics of Newly-Revealed Six Martyrs of Megara: SERAPHIM 塞拉芬, DOROTHEOS 多若德奥, IAKOVOS (James) 雅科弗, DEMETRIOS 迪弥特里, VASILIOS (Basil) 瓦西里 and SARANTIS 撒兰提斯 (1798)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Σεραφείμ, Δωρόθεος, Ἰάκωβος, Δημήτριος, Βασίλειος καὶ Σαράντης

NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century

• Hieromartyr STEPHEN priest (1918)
• Hieromartyrs priest VLADIMIR and his brother BORIS (1931)
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Sokolov, presbiter, priest (1893-1937)
• Virgin Martyrissa Venerable ANNA Jezhova, nun (1885-1937)
• Martyr JACOB Gortinsky (1937)

MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS before the 20th century

• AKAKIOS Bishop of Liti and Rendini (15th c.)

Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀλκιβιάδης ὁ Μάρτυρας

• Sainted ALTFRID of Hildesheim, bishop (874)

• Martyr AMBROSE of Ferentino (303) centurion put to death under Diocletian in Ferentino in central Italy

• ANTHONY 圣安托尼 the Stylite of Martq'ophi, Georgia (6th c.)

• Great New Martyr APOSTOLOS 阿颇斯托洛 of the town of St Laurence, martyred in Constantinople (1667-1686)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀπόστολος ὁ Μάρτυρας ὁ Νέος

• ARSACIUS (Ursacius) of Nicomedia (358) a Persian soldier of the Roman army during the reign of Emperor Licinius

• ARMAGILLUS (Armagilus, Armail, Armael, Armahel, Armel, Arthmael, Arzel, Ermel, Erme, Ermin, Ermyn, Hermel, Thiarmail) (550) of Brittany; invoked to cure headaches, fever, colic, gout, and rheumatism and the patron of hospitals
Cousin of St Samson of York and St Cadfan. Monk. Abbot. Founded Saint-Armel-des-Boscheaux and Plou-Ermel monasteries in Brittany in coastal France. The church of Saint Erme in Cornwall in England is dedicated to him.

• Translation of the Relics of BERNWARD Bishop of Hildesheim (1022)

• Venerable CHERIMON (Chaeremon) of Egypt (395)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Χαιρήμων
Saint Cherimon was an ascetic in Egypt in the Skete desert monastery, either at the end of the fourth century, or the beginning years of the fifth century. His name is remembered in the Lausiac History of Palladius and in the alphabetic Paterikon.
His cave stood at a distance of 40 stadia from church and 12 stadia from a spring of water. The saint died at handicraft at more than 100 years of age. Saint Cherimon is remembered by Saint Theodore the Studite (November 11) in the Lenten Triodion, in the Service for Cheesefare Saturday, in the 6th Ode of the Matins canon.

• Martyr CHRISTOPHER of Guria, Georgia


• DANIIL of Metheora
Ὁ Ὅσιος Δανιὴλ ὁ Μετεωρίτης

• Translation (966) of the Relics of Sainted DAVID of Wales, bishop of Mynyw (587-601)

• Martyr DIOMEDES 迪奥弥迪 the Physician of Tarsus in Cilicia (298)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Διομήδης
Diomedes 有從跗骨的突出的出生和一位醫生。愈合的人民, Diomedes 關於合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思教了他們。皇帝 Diocletian 訂了他在一年 298 在 Nicaea 斬了 A.D 那些斬了他並且把他的頭帶了到皇帝被使失明並且當他們放回了頭至正文並且祈禱時, 他們再被使整個。
The Martyr Diomedes was born in Cilician Tarsus. He was a physician, and a Christian, and he treated not only ills of the body but also of the soul. He enlightened many pagans with belief in Christ, and baptized them. The Church venerates him as a healer and mentions him during the Mystery of Holy Unction.
Saint Diomedes traveled much, converting people to the true Faith. When he arrived in the city of Nicea, the emperor Diocletian (284-305) sent soldiers to arrest him. Along the way from Nicea to Nicomedia, he got down from the cart so as to pray, and he died.
As proof of carrying out their orders, the soldiers cut off his head, but became blinded. Diocletian gave orders to take the head back to the body. When the soldiers fulfilled the order, their sight was restored and they believed in Christ.

• Sainted ELEUTHERIUS Bishop of Auxerre in France 532-561 (561)

• 艾弗斯塔提 EUSTATHIUS II archbishop of Serbia (1309)

• FRAMBALDO (Rasbaldo, Rasbaldus) (650) Hermit and monk in the area of Cenomanian Gaul (around modern Le Mans, France)

• VM GEMMA at Saintes (Saintonge) in France (2nd cent.)

• GERASIMOS 革拉西默 the New Ascetic of Kefalloniaand Mount Athos (1579)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Γεράσιμος ὁ νέος ἀσκητής ὁ ἐν Κεφαλληνίᾳ

• Righteous JOACHIM (7 B.C.) Father of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary

• Venerable JOACHIM 约雅敬 monk, of Osogovo and Sarandapor (11th cent.)
Joachim 生活了在在在在一個地方的一個洞的 Osogovsk 山上的第 11 個世紀的第二一半的禁欲主義的生活調用了 Sarandopor 。后來, 在這個地方, 禁欲的另外一個, 從綿羊的欄位的悉奧多, 到誰聖 Joachim 在一個夢出現了, 造了一個教會。在整個世紀,許多奇跡在可敬的 Joachim 的遺物上發生了並且今天仍然做。
Saint Joachim of Osogov was one of four great hermits of Bulgaria. He inspired hundreds and thousands of people to Christian asceticism by his ascetic efforts. He lived in the eleventh century, unknown by anyone, in a cave on a mountain of Osogov.

• LUGHAN (or Lugain)

• Sainted MAKARIUS I Archbishop of Jerusalem (333)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μακάριος ὁ Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος

• Repose of Venerable MATRONA Popova (1851) disciple of Tikhon of Zadonsk

• Translation (1791) of the Relics of Sainted MAURILIUS of Angers, bishop (453)

• Hosiosmartyr Monk NICODEMUS 尼科迪默 of Meteora (1551)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νικόδημος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας ὁ Μοναχός

• Venerable NILUS 尼尔 of Hericuseia, monk (1350) brother of Emperor Theodore Laskaris, who rebuilt the monastery of the Mother of God at Epirus Ὁ Ὅσιος Νεῖλος ὁ Ἐρικούσιος

• Venerable RAPHAEL of Banat, Serbia (17th cent.)

• Venerable ROMAN 罗玛诺 the Sinaite of Djunisa, Serbia (14th cent.)

• SERENA Matrona at Rome (3rd cent.)
Married to emperor Diocletian, and a secret Christian. Through she was certainly unable to stop the massacre of Christians, she worked to help where she could to ease their persecutions and improve their lot.

• Sainted SIMPLICIANUS Bishop of Milan (401)

• New Martyr STAMATIUS 斯塔玛提 of Volos, Thessaly (1680)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Σταμάτιος ὁ Μάρτυρας
Stamatius 是在 Volos 在出生的一個農民 Thessaly 。甚麼時候一無人性的 Agha [ 統帥 ] 從人民收集了皇家的獻禮並且極大地虐待了他們, Stamatius 與若干個他的同伴為土耳其都市分離了抱怨到高官 [ 從前回教國的高官 ] 。由他的 Agha 的鋒利的批評, Stamatius 冒犯了蘇的高貴人並且他們逮捕了他。最初, 他們想要由謅媚變換他到回教, 有希望他富人,光榮和榮譽。但是殉教者驚呼了︰“我的富人,光榮和榮譽;那是我的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督。”然後土耳其人折磨了他並且最後, 在神聖的智慧的教會前 [ Hagia Sophia ], Stamatius 在一年被斬是合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的這位戰士怎麼與殉教者的花環被使圓滿的 1680 A.D 。

• STEPHEN King of Hungary (935-1038)
My beloved son, delight of my heart, hope of your posterity, I pray, I command, that at every time and in everything, strengthened by your devotion to me, you may show favor not only to relations and kin, or to the most eminent, be they leaders or rich men or neighbors or fellow-countrymen, but also to foreigners and to all who come to you. By fulfilling your duty in this way you will reach the highest state of happiness. Be merciful to all who are suffering violence, keeping always in your heart the example of the Lord who said, "I desire mercy and not sacrifice." Be patient with everyone, not only with the powerful, but also with the weak. Finally be strong lest prosperity lift you up to much or adversity cast you down. Be humble in this life, that God may raise you up in the next. Be truly moderate and do not punish or condemn anyone immoderately. Be gentle so that you may never oppose justice. Be honorable so that you may never voluntarily bring disgrace upon anyone. Be chaste so that ;you may avoid all the foulness of lust like the pangs of death. All these virtues I have noted above make up the royal crown, and without them no one is fit to rule here on earth or attain to the heavenly kingdom. - from Saint Stephen's advice to his son.

• THEODULE (Theodulus, Theodore) of Grammont (4th cent.) First bishop of Valais, Switzerland; Fought against Arianism and enshrined the relics of the Theban Legion

• TIMOTHY 提摩泰 of Chalcedon, Bishop of Euripos, founder of the monastery of Pendeli (1510-1590)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Τιμόθεος Ἐπίσκοπος Εὐρίπου κτίτορας τῆς Ἱερᾶς Μονῆς Πεντέλης

• Hieromartyr TITUS deacon (410) martyred during the sack of Rome by the Goths while he was distributing alms to the half-starved population

• VM THEODORA of Vasta in the Peloponnesos, Nun (10th cent.)

• Commemoration of the Great Earthquake at Constantinople (542)
On this day (August 16) we commemorate our compassionate assailing in the days of old, of the fearsome threat of an earthquake, from which the All-Compassionate God, in whom is all our hope, redeemed us.
On August 16, 542 an earthquake caused considerable damage in Constantinople: churches and houses collapsed and the wall was damaged, particularly in the area around the Golden Gate. The spear fell from the statue of Constantine, and apparently the hand of the statue of Xerolophus fell off too. Many people were killed and there was a state of general panic. The sole primary source for this earthquake is Theophanes (222), who wrote: 6034. And on the 16th of August in the same indiction, the 5th, there was a great earthquake in Constantinople, and churches and houses and the wall fell, especially the part of the wall around the Golden Gate. And also the spare which the statue in the Forum of Constantine holds, fell down, and the right hand of the statue of Xerolophus. And many people died and there was great fear.

• Triumph of Holy Theotokos of PORT ARTHUR (1904)
Port Arthur was a city named for the captain of the English vessel Algerino, founded s'in Manchuria in 1858 on the site of a former Chinese settlement, Lao Shun. Forty years later China leased this city (along with its nearby territories) to Russia because of the Japanese threat. Russia thus became the protector and defender of these Far East territories. In 1902, the Saint Nicholas Orthodox garrison church was built there.
The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 was fought on account of competing claims to dominion in northeast China and Korea. In February of 1904, Japan initiated the war by attacking Port Arthur, the defense of which lasted into the beginning of 1905. The Japanese defeated the Russian Army at the Battle of Mukden, and the Russian Navy at the Battle of Tsushima Strait. The war marked the first modern defeat of a great European power by an Asian nation.
In December 1903, an aged sailor, who was one of the last defenders of Sevastopol during the Crimean War, came to the city of Kiev to pray before the holy relics of the Lavra of the Caves. One night, a strange noise woke the old man, and he saw the Mother of God surrounded by angels, among whom were the Archangels Michael and Gabriel. The Theotokos stood upon two discarded and broken swords on the shore of a bay, her back to the water. She also held a white cloth with blue fringes, upon which was an Image of the Savior, “Not-Made-By-Hands.” Angels in clouds of blinding light bore a crown above her head, while the Lord of Sabaoth sat higher still on a throne of glory, compassed about by the brilliant radiance.
The old man was astonished and seized with great fear, but the Mother of God calmed him and said, “Russia will soon be involved in a very difficult war on the shores of a far sea; many woes await her. Paint an icon showing my appearance as you see it now, and send it to Port Arthur. If the icon is in that city, Orthodoxy will triumph over paganism, and Russian warriors will attain my help, my patronage, and their victory.” The blinding light filled his room, and then the vision disappeared.
Upon hearing the old sailor’s story, the people of Kiev took heed, and just two months after the appearance of the Theotokos, it was spoken of throughout all the lands of Russia. The appearance was the first revelation of its kind in Russia during 20th century, the time of the Russian Golgotha. Yet this period has also been called the age of the Glory and Triumph of the Most Holy Theotokos, for in it, the Mother of God also manifested many miracles, signs, and revelations. The Most Pure Mother was always present with her Son during His crucifixion, and she likewise did not forsake the Russian people when they were on the Cross in that sorrowful time.
The people of Kiev expressed their hope that the admiral would make every possible effort, losing no time to deliver the icon safely and swiftly to the fortress of Port Arthur. But though the icon was in the admiral’s house by Pascha, he did not hurry to send it to the Far East. For several days, his home became like an artist’s salon. Generals, senators, and representatives of the local authorities dropped by to catch a glimpse of the icon. Metropolitan Anthony of St Petersburg also paid a visit, and reminded the admiral that the icon ought to be delivered to Port Arthur, and that he should have made haste to fulfill the bidding of Our Lady.
Soon afterwards, Admiral Nikolai Skrydlov was appointed to the position of the fallen Makarov. When he was preparing to set out for the battlefield of Port Arthur, the Dowager Empress Maria (mother of Nicholas II) decided to take responsibility for the icon. After a short moleben, the icon was delivered to the carriage-wagon of Admiral Skrydlov. He promised personally to bring the icon right to the cathedral of Port Arthur. But the admiral’s train did not go immediately to the Far East, as he himself was busy sorting out domestic and family affairs. By the end of April of 1904, Port Arthur was under siege by Japanese land forces, and as a result, Skrydlov came to Vladivostok instead of Port Arthur.
On March 31st (O.S.), the Russian war effort suffered a grievous blow. The commander of the Russian Navy, charismatic Vice Admiral Stepan Makarov, perished in an attempt to break through the Japanese blockade of Port Arthur. During those grim days the Emperor Nicholas II wrote in his journal, “All the day long I could not come to myself because of this heartbreakOne of his contemporaries commented in a written account of what came to pass: “The miraculous icon the Triumph of the Theotokos was temporarily placed in the Cathedral of Vladivostok on August 2, 1904.” This indicates that it was not placed in the Church for public veneration until ninety days after Admiral Skrydlov’s arrival. Occupied with affairs, he simply forgot about the icon. It was only after a decree of Empress Maria that the icon was finally taken from the admiral’s house to the Dormition Cathedral. An eyewitness wrote: Kneeling people in tears and with deep faith were praying before the icon. Those from the navy and the infantry, from soldiers to the admiral and general, fell down before the icon and were asking in their zealous prayers for the consolation, encouragement, and intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.
Bishop Evsevy of Vladivostok spoke these words August 6th before serving the first moleben before this miraculously revealed icon: Though the icon has not reached Port Arthur, let not the heart of the old sailor who was made worthy of this vision, nor the hearts of those who raised money for the icon be troubled. The Lord is Almerciful and Almighty, and though the icon of His Most Pure Mother is in Vladivostok she is able to help the warriors of Port Arthur, and all Russian warriors. Let us, citizens of Vladivostok, leap for joy to have such a holy thing.
But almost everyone felt that some wrong had been done. The publishing house of the Orthodox News and the military authorities received scores of letters daily. This one summarizes the people’s opinions: As the icon has not come to the point of its final destination, it cannot give the grace-filled help and protection of the Mother of God. Now, it is high time we asked for heavenly intercession, and if this help was promised upon the fulfillment of certain conditions, we ought not to leave things half done. Let every means of delivering the icon be attempted, however hazardous; it being the will of the Mother of God, her icon is sure to get to Port Arthur. Even if it does not happen, we will submit our will to the Mother of God, and our conscience will not reproach us for our negligence concerning that which the Heavenly Queen has told us through the old sailor.
A group of young Orthodox officers tried several times, but failed to deliver copies of the icon to Port Arthur, which was blockaded and beleaguered by Japanese forces. In the Dormition Cathedral, molebens before the icon did not cease. An eyewitness wrote that there were always many people weeping and praying, and one could hear the oft-repeated question: “Why did they not send the icon to Port Arthur, after all? Why was there no one who out of sheer love for the Motherland could take on the perilous but noble quest of delivering the icon of the Theotokos?”
It was then that a person appeared who would attempt such a noble deed—retired officer, Nikolai Fyodorov. He was in his fifties, and suffered from rheumatism and stomach disease, and surely never thought of any daring feats, living as he did in Gatchina (near St. Petersburg), such a long way from the Far East. But then he came across a newspaper article expressing the view that nobody was able to fulfill the mission of taking the icon to its destination.
Nikolai Fyodorov told his wife about his intent to make a dangerous journey to the Far East, and immediately made for the city of Kronstadt to ask the blessing of the great pastor of the Russian land, Saint John of Kronstadt. Later, he recounted that during his travels, many small miracles occurred, and any difficult problems were somehow easily solved. He said that this was not surprising, since he had Ssint John’s blessing.
On October 7th, Nikolai arrived in Vladivostok. That same day, Admiral Skryidlov received from Copenhagen a telegram from the Dowager Empress, which said that he should let Mr. Fyodorov take further care of the icon. Delivering the icon by land was out of question, due to the ongoing Japanese siege, so Nikolai decided to take it first to the city of Shanghai, China. The Norwegian steamer Eric was to take the icon on November 22nd. The Diocese News wrote that during the entire time before the appointed date, Fyodorov fasted, made confession, and took Holy Communion. The steamer left, and the believers waited hopefully for some news, but it did not come. On December 20th, Port Arthur fell.
At last on January 11th, a letter came to Vladivostok, wherein Fyodorov related that there had been no sail wind for some time, and he had had to stop at Chifu. At that point four torpedo boats had returned from Port Arthur with the most grievous news—Port Arthur had surrendered. But the ways of God are unfathomable, and so it was not God’s will for Fyodorov to reach the city.
Yet his effort remains nonetheless praiseworthy. As the head of the Russian Orthodox mission in Korea, Archimandrite Pavel, said: Glory to God that there was a man in Russia who manifested the Christian courage and faith that we lack. Alas! The history of the icon of the Triumph of the Theotokos was a test for our faith, and the fact of its having been painted in Kiev is as unusual as the lesson which Port Arthur taught us.
All of these events left a sorrowful memory, and a painful wound in the Russian heart. And though we find ourselves in the 21st century, far removed from them in time, we should not forget the desire of our Immaculate Lady revealed to us a century ago, and how it was left undone because some military officials lacked faith in her intercession.
Saint John of Kronstadt used to say that Russia was defeated precisely because of the indifference towards the holy icon, which was symptomatic of the general spiritual decline occurring in Russia at that time: Let us consider: is it not because Russian people have left their religious unity, and forsaken the ancient holy things and testaments of their forefathers, that woes and disasters now torment Russia? The Lord bestowed upon our nation the role of keeper and protector of holy things. These holy things are the religious and moral foundations for establishing one’s personal, family, and social life so as to draw away the evil and give an ample space for the good.
History itself bears out the truth of Saint John’s words. At the end of the war, Japan’s military resources were running short, while Russia was only just beginning her military deployment. Nevertheless, the Portsmouth Peace Treaty left Port Arthur and half of Sakhalin island to Japan, brought Korea under Japanese influence, and completely liquidated the Russian Pacific Navy. In 1925, American historian Tyler Dennett wrote: Now very few suppose that Japan was deprived of the fruits of its forthcoming victories by concluding the Portsmouth peace treaty. The contrary opinion predominates: Japan had already been exhausted by the end of May, and only that very treaty saved it from complete defeat in its collision with Russia.
God’s inscrutable providence thus allowed a humiliating defeat to befall Russia, in spite of her material advantage over Japan, because of the negligence shown with regard to the bidding of the Mother of God.
After the war, Nikolai Fyodorov gave back the icon to his military commanders. Having stayed for a time in the itinerant church of the commander-in-chief, it then returned to Vladivostok in May 1905. Following the Revolution of 1917, the Dormition Cathedral was closed and demolished, and the icon of Port Arthur was lost in the storm of tragic events that befell Russia in the 20th century. There was great deal of speculation as to where the icon might be, but for many years its whereabouts remained unknown.
Then, in due time, the Lord was pleased to reveal another of His miracles. Though many attempted to erase the memories of the past, a command of the Mother of God cannot be rescinded. So it is that on February 18th, 1998, pilgrims from Vladivostok came across the icon of Port Arthur in an antique shop in Jerusalem!
On May 6th, 1998, the Port Arthur icon of the “Triumph of the Theotokos” returned to Vladivostok. The joyful believers welcomed it with a Cross Procession and triumphant bell ringing. At present, the original icon resides in the Cathedral of the Protection, the main church of the Vladivostok diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. On Pascha of 2003, the doors of a new church in honor of this icon opened in Vladivostok. The church began holding services in the year of the 100th anniversary of the Mother of God’s appearance. At that time, a public movement began called “Blessing the Far East.” Thanks to their efforts, at last, in 2004, the frigate Pallada delivered the icon to the city of Port Arthur (now known as Lushun, China). A triumphant service was celebrated in the Russian cemetery of Port Arthur, with penitential prayers for those who had denied the will of the Mother of God. Thus, the Russian warriors who perished there received the icon after one-hundred years of waiting.
In January 2004, two visitors from the St. John Orthodox Community in Alaska, Dan Kendall and Gale Armstrong, visited the Church of the Port Arthur Icon in Vladivostok, and became acquainted with the history of the icon. A copy, with inscriptions in English, was given to them after the Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Nativity. Thus began the triumphant glorification of the icon within North America.
In September 2006, the St. Innocent Orthodox Missionary Society of Toronto delivered a miracle-working copy of the icon to Canada, which had been made exclusively for the Orthodox Christians of North America. The Bishop of Anchorage, Sitka, and Alaska was the first to welcome the icon on its way to Canada, in his blessed land which is the spiritual kin of Russia. The akathist for the icon was also translated into English by St. John’s Cathedral in Eagle River, Alaska at this time. From there, the Port Arthur Icon of the Triumph of the Theotokos began its triumphal tour across North America. In 2003 and 2014 the icon, together with another significant Theotokos Derzhavnaya icon, were brought to the Portuguese city of Fátima, where the famous Catholic Fátima Marian apparition occurred in 1917.
Today, this miracle-working copy has found a permanent home at Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, WV, where in 2014 a complete church service was composed in honor of the icon and published with the blessing of His Grace, Bishop George (Schaefer).
“I am absolutely certain that during my journey I both physically and spiritually felt the grace of God proceeding from the icon.” — Nikolai Fyodorov

Troparion - Tone 4
Today, O Mother of God, the city of Vladivostok rejoices, and with it all the reaches of the earth in beholding Thine Icon, which bears the historic name of Port Arthur. For blessed and glorious provision was offered to the devout forces of the far Russian realm and is offered to us today as we gaze on Thy holy image and cry: O Orthodox Christians of North America preserve the Orthodox Faith for this Faith is your firm foundation.
Kontakion for the Icon
Our Lady, we Thy servants in North America raise a hymn of thanksgiving to Thee, our Intercessor and Queen, chosen from all generations, Who dost defend us by the veil of Thy grace. We beseech Thee, O most Merciful Lady, to deliver us from all calamity and torment, as we bring Thee this glad song: Rejoice, Most Glorified Queen, Whose prayers cover our land with mercy!
Akathist to the Port Arthur Icon Of the Triumph of the Theotokos :
Serve to the Port Arthur Icon Of the Triumph of the Theotokos :

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018