
воскресенье, 3 февраля 2019 г.

• συνοδικός • 2019 February 4 / January 22 7527 •


February 4 / January 22
2019 (7527)

• Finding of the Holy Icon of PANAGIA ELEISTRIA in Koroni of Messenia, Greece (1897)
Εὕρεσις Ἱερᾶς Εἰκόνας Παναγίας Ἐλεηστρίας Κορώνης
On January 22nd our Holy Church honors the miraculous finding of the Sacred Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleistria in Koroni, which was found in 1897 in Koroni of Messenia, Greece. The discovery of the miraculous icon of the Eleistria is based on a vision of a most pious old woman from Koroni named Maria G Stathakis. For fifteen years this woman saw in her sleep a divine vision of the figure of the Theotokos, who indicated to her the location of three icons, one of Christ Crucified, one of the Theotokos and one of the Luke the Evangelist. Below are some of the dreams of this elderly woman:
One night she dreamed she was in the area where now there has been built a church to Panagia Eleistria. There appeared before her a woman dressed in white, who told her: "Tell your townspeople to come and dig in this place and they will find three small icons within a rock crevice. In that place they are to build a church. The foundations of the church should be on this wall that I have protected from earthquakes, wars and natural disasters." She saw this dream every September for three years. Another time during the excavations, before the icons were found, she saw that they would find a tank with a ladder. Of course these divine visions that were seen by this revered woman she declined to announce to the townspeople out of fear of being ridiculed and being considered crazy. But in 1897 the Virgin appeared once again and urgently ordered her to see to the excavations for the holy icons in the place previously indicated to her. With fear the old lady then announced her visions. Thus teams of men and women of every age and class, from Koroni and the surrounding area, began to excavate with reverence and eagerness in the place indicated by the woman. After a few days the tank and ladder were found, but because they could not find the holy icons, they began to relax in their work and eventually all work stopped. Immediately however the Theotokos appeared to the old woman and ordered that they continue their work until the holy icons were found and a church was built. As a sign for those who objected or despised the divine vision, she announced that there would appear in the wrist of her right hand three black seals. Indeed, one morning there appeared on the wrist of her right hand the three seals. When this sign became known to the people of Koroni, it caused great excitement! Immediately many rushed to the holy place and resumed the excavations with greater reverence and eagerness than before. After ten days of continuous work, the Divine Grace of the Theotokos was pleased to bring about success. For in a large fissure of a huge stone block there were found the desired icons on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of January in 1897. On the first day was found the icon of Christ Crucified, on the second the icon of the Theotokos, and on the third day the icon of Saint Luke together with a piece from a priestly stole and part of a pincer. The discovery of the icons brought to the residents of Koroni and the surrounding villages enormous excitement, causing a massive amount of people to come to the place of discovery. With all kinds of offerings and a lot of personal work, the construction of the church was accomplished in a short time, according to the suggestions of the old woman. The inauguration took place on December 26, 1900, a Tuesday, by Metropolitan Gabriel Petroudakis, former Metropolitan of Nikopolis, who was from Leros and had come for this occasion from Athens.
Remembrance of ALL THE DEPARTED who suffered in the years of persecution for Faith in Christ
• MM VICTOR and brothers VINCENT and ORONTIUS (305) of Puigcerda
They preached the Gospel in the Spanish Pyrenees and were martyred with St Victor at Puigeerda near Gerona in Spain. Their relics were later taken to Embrun in France.
• Hieromatyrs MANUEL 埃玛努伊尔 bishop of Adrianopol, bishop GEORGE 格奥尔吉, bishop PETER 彼得, bishop LEONTIUS 莱翁提; SIONIUS 西奥尼, GABRIEL 加百列, JOHN 约翰, LEONTUS 莱翁特, PARODUS 帕若德以, presbyters; and 377 companions of Adrianopol (814/817) Bulgaria
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Μανουὴλ, Γεώργιος, Πέτρος, Λέων, Σιώνιος, Γαβριήλ, Ἰωάννης, Λέων, Πάροδος καὶ ἄλλοι τριακόσιοι ἑβδομήντα ἑπτὰ Μάρτυρες
• The Daughters of Comgall: COLMA (Columba or Colmán), BOGHA (Boa or Boga) and LASSARA (Lasara, Laisse or Lasair) of Glenavy, County Antrim
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr ELIAH Berezovskij, presbiter, priest (1890-1938)
• Hieromartyr IOANN Uspenskij, presbiter, priest (1938)
• Hieromartyr EUTHYMIUS Tikhonravov, presbiter, priest (1938)
• Hieromartyrs JOHN Dobrokhotov, NICHOLAS Bukharin, JACOB Zjablitskij, PETER Zjablitskij, JOHN Korzhavin, JOHN Rozanov, JOHN Uspenskij Priests in Ivanov (1938)
• Glorification (2012) of Anti-Nazi Martyr Passion bearer ALEXANDER 亞歷山大 Schmorell 許墨瑞 (1917-1943) of Munich // JUL 13 // SEP 16 BIRTHDAY // FEB 4/5 GLORIFICATION //
His friends gave him the nickname "Schurik", a nickname he would be called by his closer friends for the rest of his life.
Alexander Schmorell was sentenced to death on 19 April 1943 at the Volksgerichtshof (People's Court) in the second trial against the White Rose. In the letters he wrote from prison he tried to console his family and assured them that he was at peace with his fate and not fearful of death. On 13 July 1943, at the age of 25, Schmorell was put to death by guillotine at the Munich-Stadelheim Prison. His cause, as a refugee from both the genocide of Soviet Communism and as a victim of the racism of Nazi Paganism, reminds us how all Orthodox in the last century suffered from the post-Christian extremes of Western European ideologies. Only when Europe returns to its Christian roots, of being a Spiritual Europe, will the White Rose’s vision of genuine freedom and honour and a New Europe be realised.
亞歷山大•許墨瑞,1917年9月16日生於俄羅斯奧倫堡,1943年7月13日於慕尼黑被處決。其為5個於1942年6月到1943年2月間,發起白玫瑰(Weiße Rose)反抗納粹運動的慕尼黑大學學生之一。許墨瑞的父親為一個出生在德國,但在俄羅斯發跡的醫生。而許墨瑞的母親則是一個俄羅斯人,為一名俄羅斯正教會牧師的女兒,許墨瑞便是在俄羅斯正教會受洗。他的母親在他兩歲的時候,因為斑疹傷寒而於俄國內戰期間病逝。1920年時,他的父親便娶了一個一樣是在俄羅斯長大的德國人為第二任妻子。1921年,當許墨瑞只有4歲時,為了逃離布爾什維克,於是他們舉家從俄羅斯遷移到了德國慕尼黑。而他的俄羅斯籍褓母也隨同他們一家搬到了德國,於許墨瑞成長的過程中扮演著他已故母親的角色。也因為這樣的生長環境,所以亞歷山大•許墨瑞同時會說德語和俄羅斯語。他認為他自己同時是德國人和俄羅斯人。在他通過高中畢業會考(Abitur)之後,他被徵召加入帝國勞動隊(Reichsarbeitsdienst),接著進入德意志國防軍(納粹德國的正規部隊)。1938年時,他參與了德奧合併以及德國入侵捷克斯洛伐克的軍事行動,在他服完兵役以後,許墨瑞於1939年在漢堡成為醫學院的學生。1940年秋天時,他回到慕尼黑,在此,他認識了漢斯•索爾和維利•格拉夫,並且和他們一起從事白玫瑰反抗行動,參與了白玫瑰前四封反納粹傳單的製作。且在第二份傳單中,許墨瑞寫了一段文章表達其對於猶太人大屠殺的抗議。1942年6月,許墨瑞做為一個軍醫,和漢斯•索爾、維利•格拉夫一起參加德蘇戰爭的巴巴羅薩作戰,且對於納粹對待敵軍和敵國人們的方式相當不滿。從俄羅斯返國後,於1942到1943年期間,他繼續在慕尼黑當一個醫學院的學生。1942年12月,許墨瑞和漢斯•索爾與庫特•胡伯教授連絡。他們在1943年時一起寫了第5份傳單:「呼籲所有的德國人!」(Aufruf an alle Deutschen!),然後由許墨瑞將傳單發散到奧地利的城鎮中。另外,他也和漢斯•索爾以及維利•格拉夫一起在慕尼黑各個建築的牆上塗鴉「打倒希特勒」(Nieder mit Hitler)和「自由」(Freiheit)的標語。在克里斯多福•波普斯特和漢斯•索爾以及他妹妹蘇菲•索爾遭到逮捕之後,許墨瑞曾經嘗試逃到瑞士,然而他最終仍然在1943年2月24日遭到逮捕,當天是他朋友的喪禮日,他在空襲庇護所中被認了出來。亞歷山大•許墨瑞於1943年4月19日在白玫瑰案的第二次審理程序中,遭到人民法庭(Volksgerichtshof)判處死刑。在他從獄中寫給家人的信裡面,他試著安慰他的家人,向他們表示他的心情感到非常的平靜,而且他將對死亡無所畏懼。1943年7月13日,許墨爾和庫特•胡伯一起被送上了斷頭台,時年25歲。
• AMHALGHAIDH (Umhalghaid)
• Hosiosmartyr ANASTASIUS 阿纳斯塔西 the Persian (also known as Magundat) (628)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀναστάσιος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας ὁ Πέρσης
Pagan magician. Soldier in the army of Persian king Khusrow II during the campaign that brought the Holy Cross from Jerusalem to Persia. Magundat was so impressed by the obvious power of the relic, and the devotion and sanctity of the Christians who flocked to it, that he converted to Christianity, left the army, took the name Anastasius, and became a monk in Jerusalem. After seven years of prayer and solitude, Anastasius returned to Persia to convert his countrymen. He was soon arrested for his faith, and was promised high honours if he would deny Christ and return to the service of Khusrow; he declined. Martyred with about 70 other Christians whose names have not come down to us.
• Hosiosmartyr hierodeacon ANASTASIUS 阿纳斯塔西 the Deacon of Kiev Caves, from the Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) in Kiev (1199) Ukraine. The Relics are kept at St Anthony Near Caves of the Lavra; possessed such steadfastness in God, that he received everything he asked for
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀναστάσιος ὁ Διάκονος
• Blessed BERNARD (Barnard, Barnardo) Archbishop of Vienne (842)
Born to the French nobility. Military officer in the army of Charlemagne. Upon the death of his parents, he retired from the military, divided his property into three parts (one for the Church, one for the poor, one for his children), bought the monastery in Ambronay, and retired there. Abbot at Ambronay in 805. Archbishop of Vienne, France in 810; Bernard resisted the appointment but accepted after being ordered to do so by Charlemagne and Pope Saint Leo III. Worked to unite the Church in France and the East, trying to overcome their differences in the use and attitude to images. He became embroiled in the political division of lands in France, was ordered deposed by the winning side, and retired from public life to concentrate on the pastoral duties of his see. The town of Romans grew up around the place were he used to go for solitude.
• Righteous BLESILLA (Blaesilla) of Rome, Matr., Widow (383) died in Rome aged 20
Daughter of St Paula. Friend and spiritual student of St Jerome. Married in her teens to Furius, son of Titiana; widowed after only seven months, after which she consecrated herself to God. Student of Hebrew.
• Bishop BRITHWALD (Berhtwald, Brihtwald) 布里特瓦尔德 of Sarum (1045) a monk at Glastonbury, he became Bishop of Ramsbury in 1005. He was a great benefactor of Malmesbury and Glastonbury, where he was buried
His fame comes not from his long episcopate, but from his prophecy and vision concerning the successor to Saint Edward the Confessor (October 13). Benedictine monk at Glastonbury Abbey. Bishop of Ramsbury, England in 1005; he served for 40 years. He eventually moved his see to Old Sarum (modern Salisbury, England). Benefactor of Glastonbury and Malmesbury abbeys. Given to visions, and had the gift of prophecy.
• COLMAN (7-8th c.) Bishop and Abbot of Lismore
• Abbot DOMINIC of Sora (1031) born in Foligno in Italy, he became a monk and founded several monasteries at Scandrilia, Sora, Sangro, and elsewhere near Naples. He died in Sora in Campania at the age of eighty; invoked against fever, hail, mad dogs, and snake-bite
Benedictine monk and abbot. Founded nine monasteries in in the kingdom of Naples (in modern Italy) including Scandrilia, Sora, and Sangro.
• Sainted bishop EPIPHANIUS of Pavia called the "glory of Italy" and "light of bishops" (439-497)
• GAUDENTIUS of Novara (417) a priest in Ivrea near Turin in Italy. He succeeded St Laurence as Bishop of Novara, where he was bishop for twenty years
Convert. Priest at Ivrea near Turin, Italy. Friend of Saint Laurence of Novara, Saint Eusebius of Vercelli and Saint Ambrose of Milan. Bishop of Novara, Italy from 398 until his death, serving for nearly 20 years. Legend says that after his death, the corpse began repeating sermons Gaudentius had given so that his priests could write them down and continue to use them.
• Abbot GOAR (Guarius, Guaire Mór) of Aghadowy, County of Londonderry (7-8th c.)
• HABERILLA (Habrilia), Abs. at Mehrerau on the Lake of Constance (7th c.) Patroness of Children
• Martyress HERENA (Irene) of Rome, Matr. (3rd c.)
• Bishop IOASAPH (Ioann Bolotov) 约萨夫 Enlightener of Alaska and the American land (1799)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰωάσαφ Φωτιστὴς τῆς Ἀλάσκας
• Venerable Father JOSEPH 约熙福 Samakos the Sanctified, of Crete (1511)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰωσὴφ ὁ Ἡγιασμένος ὁ ἐν Κρήτῃ
• Repose of Venerable hieroschemamonk MACARIUS 玛喀里 abbot of Zhabyn (1623) Wonderworker of Belevsk // JAN 22 // SEP 22 //
Ὁ Ὅσιος Μακάριος ἐκ Ρωσίας
• MOHRAEEL (Mohra’yl, Mohra’y or Mohraty) at Insana, Healer (4th c.)
• Bishop OLCESE (Ursicino, Ursicinus) (5th c.) in Sant’Olcese, Liguria, Italy
Bishop in Gaul (modern France) in the late 4th and early 5th century. When his region was invaded by Vandals c.407, Olcese fled to a village in the Liguria area of modern Italy; the town is today known as Sant’Olcese. There he lived as a prayerful hermit, and worked to convert the people of the region. Legend says that a bear once killed one of a pair of oxen that were pulling a cart of building materials for Saint Olcese. The bear then turned to attack Olcese, but the saint blessed the bear, made the sign of the cross over it, and the animal took the place of the ox it had just killed. The bear and the remaining ox then hauled the materials to the site where Olcese used them to build a church.
• Righteous THEODELIND (Dietlinde, Dietlind, Theodelinde, Theudelinde) the Queen of Langobarden (570-627)
Born to the nobility, the daughter of Wandrada and Duke Garibald I of Bavaria. She married King Authari of the Lombards in 588 in an arranged, political marriage, and was widowed in 590. In 591 she married Agilulf of Turin who ascended as the new king of the Lombards. Theodolinda devoted herself to restoring orthodox Christianity against the heresy of Arianism. She helped convert Agilulf to Catholicism from Arianism, and the two donated great wealth to existing churches, funded new churches in the Lombardy and Tuscany regions, and helped forward the work of Pope Saint Gregory the Great and Saint Columbanus of Bobbio. Mother of Prince Adaloaldo in 603. Widowed again in 616, she served as regent during a period of great political turmoil until Adaloaldo was an adult.
• Holy Hieromartyr Apostle 使徒 TIMOTHY 提摩太 Bishop of Ephesus, of the Seventy Apostles (96)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Τιμόθεος ὁ Ἀπόστολος
• Hieroconfessor bishop VALERIUS of Saragossa (315) a Deacon Saint Vincent's bishop with the stammer. He is said to have been arrested under Diocletian and shared Vincent's cruel imprisonment, but then was sent into exile
Bishop of Zaragoza, Spain from 290 to 315. Attended the Council of Iliberis. Imprisoned and then exiled during the persecutions of Diocletian, but returned to his see after the Edict of Toleration. Friend of Saint Vincent of Saragossa, who served as his deacon.
• Hieromartyr VINCENT the Deacon, of Saragossa, also known as Vincent of Aragon (304) born in Huesca in Spain, he became deacon of St Valerius in Saragossa and was martyred in Valencia under Diocletian. He has always been widely honoured. In some places he is honoured as the Patron of vinedressers, patron of bakers, roof-makers, sailors, schoolgirls, vine-dressers, vintners, tile-makers, and roofers. The Patron of vine-dressers and vintners may be due to the belief that he protects the fields against the frost that often occurs on or near his Feast Day in Burgundy
Ὁ Ἅγιος Βικέντιος ὁ Διάκονος
Everlasting God, to whom all hidden things are revealed, who sent into the world Thine Only Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, conceived through the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, that He might take on Him the punishment of our sins, and by His resurrection snatch us from the gates of hell, grant to our hearts such steadfastness of faith that confessing Christ, Thy Son, we may not perish but may be joined to Him in the confession of Thy Holy Name. Amen. - Saint Vincent
"To you has been granted in Christ's behalf not only that you should believe in him but also that you should suffer for him." Vincent had received both these gifts and held them as his own. For how could he have them if he had not received them? And he displayed his faith in what he said, his endurance in what he suffered. No one ought to be confident in his own strength when he undergoes temptation. For whenever we endure evils courageously, our long-suffering comes from him Christ. He once said to his disciples: "In this world you will suffer persecution," and then, to allay their fears, he added, "but rest assured, I have conquered the world." There is no need to wonder then, my dearly beloved brothers, that Vincent conquered in him who conquered the world. It offers temptation to lead us astray; it strikes terror into us to break out spirit. Hence if our personal pleasures do not hold us captive, and if we are not frightened by brutality, then the world is overcome. At both of these approaches Christ rushes to our aid, and the Christian is not conquered. - from a sermon by Saint Augustine of Hippo
• WENDREDA, Fndr. of Convent, Hermitess of March
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

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• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018