
вторник, 30 июля 2019 г.

• συνοδικός • 2019 July 30 / July 17 7527 •


July 29 / July 16
2018 (7526)
• "CHIRSK" of Pskov (1420) Icon of the Mother of God
The Chirsk (Pskov) Icon of the Mother of God was initially in the Chirsk village church of the Pskov diocese. On July 16, 1420, during the time of Great Prince Basil Dimitrievich, Archbishop Simeon of Novgorod and Pskov, and Prince Theodore Alexandrovich were present in Pskov. In a time of a deadly pestilence, tears flowed from the eyes of the Chirsk Icon of the Mother of God. This was reported to authorities in the city of Pskov. Priests and devout men carried the wonderworking icon to Pskov. A church procession was formed to meet the icon, which was placed in the cathedral church of the Holy Trinity. On the reverse of the icon are depicted the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke, and Saint Theodosius of the Kiev Caves.
SYNAXIS OF THE RUSSIAN SAINTS which were canonized at the Moscow synods of 1547 and 1549
• Hieromartyr ATHENOGENES 阿提诺格尼 bishop of Heracleopolis, and his 10 disciples: REGINOS, MAXIMINOS, PATROPHILOS, ATHENOGENES, ANTIOCHUS, AMMON, THEOPHRASTES, KLEONIKOS, PETROS and HESYCHIOS martyrs of Pedachthoe/Herakleopolis, Sebastea (311)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀθηνογένης ἐπίσκοπος Πηδαχθόης καὶ οἱ Δέκα Μαθητές του
司祭ATHENOGENES殉教者 , 在亞美尼亞的 SEBASTE 的主教
Ριγίνος, Μαξιμίνος, Πατρόφιλος, Ἀθηνογένης, Ἀντίοχος, Ἄμμων, Θεόφραστος, Κλεόνικος, Πέτρος καὶ Ἠσύχιος
Athenogenes 與 10 他的門徙在 Sebaste 的鎮附近生活在了一個修道院。在 Diocletian 的朝代期間, Philomarchus , 合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教的一個殘酷的迫害者, 來到了 Sebaste 。他逮捕了並且在鎮謀殺了許多合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教。當他看見了 Athenogenes 和他的門徙時,他告訴了長輩把犧牲提供給聖像以便不被殺死它是另外的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教。Athenogenes 回複了他︰“ O 迫害者, 你提及哪個誰正在被殺死,沒被殺死的那些 ( 死了 ) 但是相當在天堂並且與天神高興。”看見一頭女性的鹿是動人的視力, 仁慈的 Athenogenes 用他的自己的手喂了誰, 依賴他跑並且在痛苦看見他開始了流眼淚。山的甚至野生的野獸比異教徒朝合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的殉教者有了更大的可惜的事﹗在殘酷的折磨以後, 在哪個期間上帝的一個天神安慰了殉教者, 他們都被斬;最初 Athenogenes 並且在那以後的司祭和所有勞工同事, Athenogenes 他自己。都在一年被收到進天國的祖國 311 A.D 。
• Martyrs PAUL 保罗, ALEVTINA (Valentina) 阿勒弗提纳 and CHIONE 希奥尼亚 (Thea or Thee) at Palestinian Caesarea (308)
• Martyr MARINUS and 15 000 Martyrs with Many Women (304) of Pisidia, Asia Minor
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 15 000 Μάρτυρες οἱ ἐν Πισιδίᾳ
神聖 15,000 殉教者
Οἱ Ἁγίες πολλὲς Μάρτυρες Γυναῖκες
This is the number according to the Synaxarion of Constantinople, though other sources say they were 5 000, while others say 1 015.
這些 15000 位殉教者在波斯為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思被斬。
• ANASTASIOS and his successor EUXITHEOS (5th c.) Bishops of Thessaloniki
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀναστάσιος Ἐπίσκοπος Θεσσαλονίκης
Ὁ Ἅγιος Εὐξίθιος (ἢ Εὐδόξιος) Ἐπίσκοπος Θεσσαλονίκης
• Missionary Martyrs ONESIMOS Bishop of Ephesus and PHILEMON
• Martyred Women killed by sword
• Virgin Martyress REINELDIS with MM subdeacon GRIMOALD and servant GUNDULF (680) martyred near Hal in Hainault, Belgium
• The Five Ascetic Martyrs of Leipsoi: Monk NEOPHYTOS of Amorgos was killed by the Turks (1558), Monk JONAH of Leros was killed (1561), Monk NEOPHYTOS the Fazos was killed by pirates with an axe hammer (1609), Monk JONAH of Nysiros was killed by Pekir Pasha in the month of April by scourging (1635), Monk Parthenios of Philipopolis was killed when a spear pierced his neck (1696) // SUNDAY BETWEEN 11-17 JUL //
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• New Hieromartyrs SERAPHIM 塞拉芬, THEOGNOSTUS 德奥格诺斯特 and others of Alma-Ata (1921)
• Righteous MAGDALENA 玛格达利纳 Schemaabbess of New Tikhvin Convent in Siberia (1934)
• Blessed New Confessoress MATRONA 玛特若纳 Belyakova 贝尔雅科瓦, Fool for Christ Of Anemnyasevo (1864-1936) Penza
• New Hieromartyr JAMES Maskajev archbishop of Barnaul (1879-1937)
• Hieromartyr PETER Gavrilov, priest (1870-1937) of Barnaul
• Hieromartyr JOHN Mozhirin, priest (1870-1937) of Barnaul
• Hieromartyr monk THEODORE (Theodor Nikitin) (1873-1937) of Barnaul
• Martyr JOHN Protopopov (1902-1937) of Barnaul
• Hieromartyr archmandrite ARDALION (Alexander Ponomarev) (1938)
• Hieromartyr priest ATHENOGENES of Egypt (196) the author of the hymn sung at Vespers: "O Gladsome Light" - "Svete Tihi" Fos Ilaron." He died for Christ by fire and was made worthy of eternal glory in the Kingdom of God
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀθηνογένης
Athenogenes 是在薄暮被唱的聖歌的作者︰“輕的高興的 O ” - “ Svete Tihi ” Fos Ilaron 。“他在火邊為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督死了並且在上帝的王國永久的光榮被使值錢。
• Martyr ANTIOCHUS 安提奥霍 the Physician of Sebaste (304) brother of the holy Martyr Platon
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀντίοχος ἀδελφός του Ἁγίου Πλάτωνα
• Martyr CYRIAC the former executioner and then the companion of Martyr Antioch
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κυριάκος ὁ δήμιος
• Martyr DOMNIO (295) in Bergamo in Italy under Diocletian
• EUSTATHIUS Patriarch of Antioch, Confessor (338)
• Martyr FAUSTUS (251)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φαῦστος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Venerable FULRAD Abbot of St Denis Abbey near Paris, France (710-784)
• GENEROSUS (682) Abbot of Saint-Jouin-de-Marnes in Poitou in France
• Martyr HELIER (Elier, Herlier, Helerous) 赫利埃尔 of Jersey (6th c.) born in Tongres in Belgium, he lived as a hermit on Jersey in the Channel Islands and was martyred by heathen whom he was trying to convert
• IRMENGARD (Ermengard) Abbess of Buchau and of Chiemsee in Bavaria/Germany (866)
• New Martyr JOHN 约安 of Turnovo (1822)
• Martyress JULIA 犹利亚 of Carthage, at Corsica, Pat. of Corsica and Leghorn; martyred by being nailed to a cross
朱莉婭在區分的系的迦太基出生。當波斯人捕獲了迦太基時,許多人被帶進奴隸製。聖人朱莉婭被捕獲,奴役並且在敘利亞一個商人落入手中了。那個商人是異教徙。看見那朱莉婭是一克裡斯琴, 他在許多場合上建議了她否認合[利爾]斯托。斯基督並且與他但是朱莉婭一起在信念成為一個從來不能同意這。自從朱莉婭在服務是忠誠並且可靠的,商人把她丟了在和平裡並且沒再關於信念跟她說話。在一個上場合, 商人與商品裝載了船並且與他一起拿了朱莉婭並且因事航行了到遠陸地。當他們到達了英國管集成通信適配器時,有異教徙瞻禮和這對神不敬犧牲但是朱莉婭提供在因為如此多的人生活在了愚蠢的錯誤並且不知道真相,哭泣的船上仍然是的加入的商人。某種程度異教徙關於她發現了, 把她移開了從船, 盡管她的主人反對了這,並且然後開始了粗魯地折磨她的。他們 severed 她的乳房並且在岩石上扔了他們並且, 在那以後, 他們在一個十字上把她釘在十字架上了, 在哪個之上聖朱莉婭放棄了她的靈魂到上帝。她的死亡被上帝的一個天神揭示到修道士在上附近雞尾酒之一種或 Gorgona 和修道士的島來了並且值得尊敬地埋葬了殉教者的身體。許多奇跡在整個世紀並且從她自己在看來了的另外的世界在聖朱莉婭的墳出現了一些。她值得尊敬地在第 6 個世紀受苦了。在許多年以後,忠誠因為舊教會變得了太小並且使損毀,想要在聖朱莉婭的榮譽在另外的地方樹立一個新教會。因此, 他們收集了在一個新地點上造材料︰石頭,磚,沙和被要求的另外的所有。這樣發生了在晚上, 在今日的前夕上當他們打算了打基礎時,這材料的所有被一只不可見的手移動到舊教會的地點。在混亂,人再帶了材料到新地點但是再被發生了的一樣的事情︰材料在被移開到舊地點舊教會。晚上看守人看見了一個年輕的少女“全發紅光”在白公牛上,帶材料到舊教會。從理解的這每個人那聖朱莉婭沒希望她的教會在另外的地方被造, 因此他們拆毀了舊教會並且在那上同樣的地點造了新的。
• SCOTH (Scotha) of Cluain-mor-Moescna, Clonmakill or Clonmore, Westmeath • SINACH Mac Dara (6th c.)
• Hieromartyr SISENANDUS (851) born in Badajoz in • TENENAN (Tininor) of Leon, Bishop (7th c.)
• Repose of THEODOR the Elder, from the Glinsk hermitage (1859)
• TORPTHA (Torbach Mac Gorman) Archbishop of Armagh (8-9th c.)
• VALENTINE Bishop of Trier in Germany, or more probably Tongres in Belgium, martyred under Diocletian (350)
• VITALIAN (776) Bishop of Osimo in Italy
• VITALIAN Bishop of Capua in the south of Italy
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

• συνοδικός • 2019 July 29 / July 16 7527 •


July 29 / July 16
2018 (7526)
• "CHIRSK" of Pskov (1420) Icon of the Mother of God
The Chirsk (Pskov) Icon of the Mother of God was initially in the Chirsk village church of the Pskov diocese. On July 16, 1420, during the time of Great Prince Basil Dimitrievich, Archbishop Simeon of Novgorod and Pskov, and Prince Theodore Alexandrovich were present in Pskov. In a time of a deadly pestilence, tears flowed from the eyes of the Chirsk Icon of the Mother of God. This was reported to authorities in the city of Pskov. Priests and devout men carried the wonderworking icon to Pskov. A church procession was formed to meet the icon, which was placed in the cathedral church of the Holy Trinity. On the reverse of the icon are depicted the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke, and Saint Theodosius of the Kiev Caves.
SYNAXIS OF THE RUSSIAN SAINTS which were canonized at the Moscow synods of 1547 and 1549
• Hieromartyr ATHENOGENES 阿提诺格尼 bishop of Heracleopolis, and his 10 disciples: REGINOS, MAXIMINOS, PATROPHILOS, ATHENOGENES, ANTIOCHUS, AMMON, THEOPHRASTES, KLEONIKOS, PETROS and HESYCHIOS martyrs of Pedachthoe/Herakleopolis, Sebastea (311)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀθηνογένης ἐπίσκοπος Πηδαχθόης καὶ οἱ Δέκα Μαθητές του
司祭ATHENOGENES殉教者 , 在亞美尼亞的 SEBASTE 的主教
Ριγίνος, Μαξιμίνος, Πατρόφιλος, Ἀθηνογένης, Ἀντίοχος, Ἄμμων, Θεόφραστος, Κλεόνικος, Πέτρος καὶ Ἠσύχιος
Athenogenes 與 10 他的門徙在 Sebaste 的鎮附近生活在了一個修道院。在 Diocletian 的朝代期間, Philomarchus , 合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教的一個殘酷的迫害者, 來到了 Sebaste 。他逮捕了並且在鎮謀殺了許多合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教。當他看見了 Athenogenes 和他的門徙時,他告訴了長輩把犧牲提供給聖像以便不被殺死它是另外的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教。Athenogenes 回複了他︰“ O 迫害者, 你提及哪個誰正在被殺死,沒被殺死的那些 ( 死了 ) 但是相當在天堂並且與天神高興。”看見一頭女性的鹿是動人的視力, 仁慈的 Athenogenes 用他的自己的手喂了誰, 依賴他跑並且在痛苦看見他開始了流眼淚。山的甚至野生的野獸比異教徒朝合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的殉教者有了更大的可惜的事﹗在殘酷的折磨以後, 在哪個期間上帝的一個天神安慰了殉教者, 他們都被斬;最初 Athenogenes 並且在那以後的司祭和所有勞工同事, Athenogenes 他自己。都在一年被收到進天國的祖國 311 A.D 。
• Martyrs PAUL 保罗, ALEVTINA (Valentina) 阿勒弗提纳 and CHIONE 希奥尼亚 (Thea or Thee) at Palestinian Caesarea (308)
• Martyr MARINUS and 15 000 Martyrs with Many Women (304) of Pisidia, Asia Minor
Οἱ Ἅγιοι 15 000 Μάρτυρες οἱ ἐν Πισιδίᾳ
神聖 15,000 殉教者
Οἱ Ἁγίες πολλὲς Μάρτυρες Γυναῖκες
This is the number according to the Synaxarion of Constantinople, though other sources say they were 5 000, while others say 1 015.
這些 15000 位殉教者在波斯為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思被斬。
• ANASTASIOS and his successor EUXITHEOS (5th c.) Bishops of Thessaloniki
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀναστάσιος Ἐπίσκοπος Θεσσαλονίκης
Ὁ Ἅγιος Εὐξίθιος (ἢ Εὐδόξιος) Ἐπίσκοπος Θεσσαλονίκης
• Missionary Martyrs ONESIMOS Bishop of Ephesus and PHILEMON
• Martyred Women killed by sword
• Virgin Martyress REINELDIS with MM subdeacon GRIMOALD and servant GUNDULF (680) martyred near Hal in Hainault, Belgium
• The Five Ascetic Martyrs of Leipsoi: Monk NEOPHYTOS of Amorgos was killed by the Turks (1558), Monk JONAH of Leros was killed (1561), Monk NEOPHYTOS the Fazos was killed by pirates with an axe hammer (1609), Monk JONAH of Nysiros was killed by Pekir Pasha in the month of April by scourging (1635), Monk Parthenios of Philipopolis was killed when a spear pierced his neck (1696) // SUNDAY BETWEEN 11-17 JUL //
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• New Hieromartyrs SERAPHIM 塞拉芬, THEOGNOSTUS 德奥格诺斯特 and others of Alma-Ata (1921)
• Righteous MAGDALENA 玛格达利纳 Schemaabbess of New Tikhvin Convent in Siberia (1934)
• Blessed New Confessoress MATRONA 玛特若纳 Belyakova 贝尔雅科瓦, Fool for Christ Of Anemnyasevo (1864-1936) Penza
• New Hieromartyr JAMES Maskajev archbishop of Barnaul (1879-1937)
• Hieromartyr PETER Gavrilov, priest (1870-1937) of Barnaul
• Hieromartyr JOHN Mozhirin, priest (1870-1937) of Barnaul
• Hieromartyr monk THEODORE (Theodor Nikitin) (1873-1937) of Barnaul
• Martyr JOHN Protopopov (1902-1937) of Barnaul
• Hieromartyr archmandrite ARDALION (Alexander Ponomarev) (1938)
• Hieromartyr priest ATHENOGENES of Egypt (196) the author of the hymn sung at Vespers: "O Gladsome Light" - "Svete Tihi" Fos Ilaron." He died for Christ by fire and was made worthy of eternal glory in the Kingdom of God
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀθηνογένης
Athenogenes 是在薄暮被唱的聖歌的作者︰“輕的高興的 O ” - “ Svete Tihi ” Fos Ilaron 。“他在火邊為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督死了並且在上帝的王國永久的光榮被使值錢。
• Martyr ANTIOCHUS 安提奥霍 the Physician of Sebaste (304) brother of the holy Martyr Platon
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀντίοχος ἀδελφός του Ἁγίου Πλάτωνα
• Martyr CYRIAC the former executioner and then the companion of Martyr Antioch
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κυριάκος ὁ δήμιος
• Martyr DOMNIO (295) in Bergamo in Italy under Diocletian
• EUSTATHIUS Patriarch of Antioch, Confessor (338)
• Martyr FAUSTUS (251)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φαῦστος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Venerable FULRAD Abbot of St Denis Abbey near Paris, France (710-784)
• GENEROSUS (682) Abbot of Saint-Jouin-de-Marnes in Poitou in France
• Martyr HELIER (Elier, Herlier, Helerous) 赫利埃尔 of Jersey (6th c.) born in Tongres in Belgium, he lived as a hermit on Jersey in the Channel Islands and was martyred by heathen whom he was trying to convert
• IRMENGARD (Ermengard) Abbess of Buchau and of Chiemsee in Bavaria/Germany (866)
• New Martyr JOHN 约安 of Turnovo (1822)
• Martyress JULIA 犹利亚 of Carthage, at Corsica, Pat. of Corsica and Leghorn; martyred by being nailed to a cross
朱莉婭在區分的系的迦太基出生。當波斯人捕獲了迦太基時,許多人被帶進奴隸製。聖人朱莉婭被捕獲,奴役並且在敘利亞一個商人落入手中了。那個商人是異教徙。看見那朱莉婭是一克裡斯琴, 他在許多場合上建議了她否認合[利爾]斯托。斯基督並且與他但是朱莉婭一起在信念成為一個從來不能同意這。自從朱莉婭在服務是忠誠並且可靠的,商人把她丟了在和平裡並且沒再關於信念跟她說話。在一個上場合, 商人與商品裝載了船並且與他一起拿了朱莉婭並且因事航行了到遠陸地。當他們到達了英國管集成通信適配器時,有異教徙瞻禮和這對神不敬犧牲但是朱莉婭提供在因為如此多的人生活在了愚蠢的錯誤並且不知道真相,哭泣的船上仍然是的加入的商人。某種程度異教徙關於她發現了, 把她移開了從船, 盡管她的主人反對了這,並且然後開始了粗魯地折磨她的。他們 severed 她的乳房並且在岩石上扔了他們並且, 在那以後, 他們在一個十字上把她釘在十字架上了, 在哪個之上聖朱莉婭放棄了她的靈魂到上帝。她的死亡被上帝的一個天神揭示到修道士在上附近雞尾酒之一種或 Gorgona 和修道士的島來了並且值得尊敬地埋葬了殉教者的身體。許多奇跡在整個世紀並且從她自己在看來了的另外的世界在聖朱莉婭的墳出現了一些。她值得尊敬地在第 6 個世紀受苦了。在許多年以後,忠誠因為舊教會變得了太小並且使損毀,想要在聖朱莉婭的榮譽在另外的地方樹立一個新教會。因此, 他們收集了在一個新地點上造材料︰石頭,磚,沙和被要求的另外的所有。這樣發生了在晚上, 在今日的前夕上當他們打算了打基礎時,這材料的所有被一只不可見的手移動到舊教會的地點。在混亂,人再帶了材料到新地點但是再被發生了的一樣的事情︰材料在被移開到舊地點舊教會。晚上看守人看見了一個年輕的少女“全發紅光”在白公牛上,帶材料到舊教會。從理解的這每個人那聖朱莉婭沒希望她的教會在另外的地方被造, 因此他們拆毀了舊教會並且在那上同樣的地點造了新的。
• SCOTH (Scotha) of Cluain-mor-Moescna, Clonmakill or Clonmore, Westmeath
• SINACH Mac Dara (6th c.)
• Hieromartyr SISENANDUS (851) born in Badajoz
• TENENAN (Tininor) of Leon, Bishop (7th c.)
• Repose of THEODOR the Elder, from the Glinsk hermitage (1859)
• TORPTHA (Torbach Mac Gorman) Archbishop of Armagh (8-9th c.)
• VALENTINE Bishop of Trier in Germany, or more probably Tongres in Belgium, martyred under Diocletian (350)
• VITALIAN (776) Bishop of Osimo in Italy
• VITALIAN Bishop of Capua in the south of Italy
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

• συνοδικός • 2019 July 28 / July 15 7527 •


July 28 / July 15
2018 (7526)
• Panagia FANEROMENI (1136) of Kyzicus
• Holy Equal to the Apostles Great Princess OLGA (in Holy Baptism Helena) (969)
• Holy Equal to the Apostles Great Prince VLADIMIR (in Holy Baptism Basil)
enlightener of the Russian Land (1015)
• Martyrs THEODOR and IOANN (983)
• Hieromartyr MACARIOS metropolitain of Kiev (1497)
• Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Bogojavlenskij, metropolitain of Kiev (1918)
• Hieromartyr CONSTANTIN D’jakov, metropolitain of Kiev (1937)
• Hieromartyr IOASAPH Zhevakhov, bishop of Mogilev (1937)
• Hieromartyr ATHANASIOS Filippovich, hegumen of Brest (1648)
• Hieromartyr LUKIAN monk of Kiev Caves (1240)
• Sainted MIKHAIL metropolitain of Kiev (992)
• Sainted ILARION metropolitain of Kiev (11th c.)
• Sainted CONSTANTIN metropolitain of Kiev (1159)
• Sainted PETR Mogila, metropolitain of Kiev (1647)
• Sainted PHILARET Amfiteatrov, metropolitain of Kiev (1857)
• Sainted PETR metropolitain of Kiev and Moskow (1326)
• Sainted THEOGNOST metropolitain of Kiev and Moskow (1353)
• Sainted ALEXIS metropolitain of Kiev and Moskow (1378)
• Sainted CYPRIAN metropolitain of Kiev and Moskow (1406)
• Sainted PHOTIOS metropolitain of Kiev and Moskow (1431)
• Sainted IONA metropolitain of Kiev and Moskow (1464)
• Sainted GERMAN bishop of Novgorod (1096)
• Sainted NIKITA bishop of Novgorod (1108-1109)
• Sainted NIPHONT bishop of Novgorod (1156)
• Sainted THEOPHIL archbishop of Novgorod (1483)
• Sainted STEPHAN bishop of Vladimir and Volynia (1094)
• Sainted SIMON bishop of Vladimir and Suzdal (1226)
• Sainted SERAPION bishop of Vladimir (1275)
• Sainted THEOCTIST bishop of Chernigov (1123)
• Sainted THEODOSY (Углицкий), archbishop of Chernigov (1696)
• Sainted ISAIAH bishop of Rostov (после 1089)
• Sainted DIMITRI Tuptalo, metropolitain of Rostov (1709)
• Sainted ARSENY Matsejevich, metropolitain of Rostov (1772)
• Sainted JEFREM bishop of Suzdal (11th c.)
• Sainted SIMON bishop of Suzdal (12th c.)
• Sainted DIONYSI archbishop of Suzdal (1385)
• Sainted JEFREM bishop of Perejaslavl (1105)
• Sainted NIKOLAS bishop of Perejaslavl (11th c.)
• Sainted IOANN Maksimovich, metropolitain of Tobolsk (1715)
• Sainted PAVEL Konüskevich, metropolitain of Tobolsk (1770)
• Sainted INNOCENTY Kul’chitskij, bishop of Irkutsk (1731)
• Sainted SOPHRONI Kristalevskij, bishop of Irkutsk (1771)
• Sainted LUKA bishop of Belgorod (1089)
• Sainted MARIN bishop of Jurjev (1095)
• Sainted INNOCENTY bishop of Tmutarakan’ (11-12th c.)
• Sainted MINA bishop of Polotsk (1116)
• Sainted LAVRENTI bishop of Turov (1182)
• Sainted ARSENY bishop of Tver (1410)
• Sainted IOASAPH Gorlenko, bishop of Belgorod (1754)
• Sainted MELETIJ Leontovich, archbishop of Kharkov (1840)
• Sainted ANTHONY Smirnitskij, archbishop of Voronezh (1846)
• Sainted INNOCENTY Borisov, archbishop of Kherson (1857)
• Sainted THEOPHAN Govorov, bishop of Tambov, Recluse of Vyshen (1894) • Passionbearer Martyrs Brothers Princes BORIS and GLEB (1015)
• Passionbearer Martyr Prince and monk IGOR (1147)
• Holy Nobleborn Prince JAROSLAV the Wise (1054)
• Holy Nobleborn Prince VLADIMIR Monomakh (1125)
• Holy Nobleborn Prince ROSTISLAV (1167-1168)
• Venerable THEODOR Prince of Ostrog and monk of Kiev Caves (1410)
• Righteous IULIANIA Princess of Ol’shansk (15-16th c.)
• Venerable ANTHONY Abbot of Kiev Caves (1073)
• Venerable THEODOSY Abbot of Kiev Caves (1074)
• Venerable MOSES the Hungarian, monk of Kiev Caves (1051)
• Venerable BARLAAM игумен Печерский (1062)
• Venerable DAMIAN the Presbiter, monk of Kiev Caves (1062-1074)
• Venerable MATTHEW the Clairvoyant, monk of Kiev Caves (1078-1088)
• Venerable NIKON the Great, Abbot of Kiev Caves (1088)
• Venerable ISAAKI the Recluse, monk of Kiev Caves (1088-1103)
• Venerable AGAPIT the Physician, monk of Kiev Caves (1090)
• Venerable IEREMIAH the Clairvoyant, monk of Kiev Caves (11th c.)
• Venerable LAVRENTI the Recluse in Near Caves, monk of Kiev Caves (11-12th c.)
• Venerable ALIPIOS the Iconographer, monk of Kiev Caves (11-12th c.)
• Venerables 12 Holy Builders of Great Church of Lavra of Kiev Caves (11-12th c.)
• Venerable MARKO the Grave Digger, monk of Kiev Caves (11-12th c.)
• Venerables FEOFIL the Veeper, monk of Kiev Caves (11-12th c.)
• Venerable PROKHOR "Lebednik", monk of Kiev Caves (1107)
• Venerable PIMEN the Muchailing, monk of Kiev Caves (1139)
• Venerable NESTOR the Chronicler, monk of Kiev Caves (1113-1116)
• Venerable ONISIFOR the Confessor, monk of Kiev Caves (12th c.)
• Venerable SPIRIDON the Prosphora Baker, monk of Kiev Caves (12th c.)
• Venerable NIKODIM the Prosphora Baker, monk of Kiev Caves (12th c.)
• Venerable ELIAH of Murom, monk of Kiev Caves (12th c.)
• Venerable NIKOLA Svyatosha, monk of Kiev Caves (1142)
• Venerable POLIKARP archmandrite of Kiev Caves (1182)
• Venerable ATHANASI the Recluse in Near Caves, monk of Kiev Caves (12-13th c.)
• Venerable ERAZM monk of Kiev Caves (12-13th c.)
• Venerable ARETHA monk of Kiev Caves (12-13th c.)
• Venerable TIT monk of Kiev Caves (12-13th c.)
• Venerable IOANN the Muchsufferrer, monk of Kiev Caves (1073-1214)
• Venerable IGNATI archmandrite of Kiev Caves (15th c.)
• Hosiosmartyr GRIGORI the Wonderworker, monk of Kiev Caves (1093)
• Hosiosmartyr BASIL of Kiev Caves (1096-1099)
• Hosiosmartyr THEODOR of Kiev Caves (1096-1099)
• Hosiosmartyr EVSTRATI of Kiev Caves (1097)
• Hosiosmartyr KUKSHA monk of Kiev Caves (12-13th c.)
• Hosioscinfessor NIKON the Thin, monk of Kiev Caves (11-12th c.)
• Hosioscinfessor KUKSHA Velichko, shemaabbot of Odessa (1964)
• Venerabless ANNA (Janka) of Kiev (1112)
• Venerable GERASIM abbot of Vologda (1178)
• Venerable STEPHAN abbot of Makhrish (1406)
• Venerable KOSMA abbot of Jakhroma (1492)
• Venerable LEONTI abbot of Zverinets Caves (11-13th c.)
• Venerable MARKIAN abbot of Zverinets Caves (11-13th c.)
• Venerable MIKHAIL abbot of Zverinets Caves (11-13th c.)
• Venerable IONA abbot of Zverinets Caves (11-13th c.)
• Venerable MINA abbot of Zverinets Caves (11-13th c.)
• Venerable KLIMENT abbot of Zverinets Caves (11-13th c.)
• Venerable MANUIL abbot of Zverinets Caves (11-13th c.)
• Venerable ANDRONIK the Cave Dveller, monk (11-13th c.)
• Venerable THEODOR Kalika, monk of Zverinets Caves (11-13th c.)
• Venerabless DOSIFEJA (Dari Tyapkina) of Kiev, monk of Kiev and Kitajev Caves (1777) who dressed and runneth in men’s attire
• Venerabless ALEXANDRA Mel’gunova, nun of Divejevo (1789)
• Venerabless OLIMPIADA Strigaleva, nun of Arzamas (1828)
• Venerabless JELENA Bekhtejeva, nun of Frolovsky Convent in Kiev (1834)
• Venerable FEOFIL Gorenkovskij, monk of Kiev and Kitajevo Caves (1853)
• Venerable PARFENI Krasnopevtsev, monk of Kiev Caves (1855)
• Venerabless DIMITRA Jegorova, builder of Vvedensky Convent in Kiev (1878)
• Venerable Blessed PAISY Iarotskij, monk of Kiev Caves (1893)
• Venerabless ANASTASIA Romanov, nun of Pokrovsky Convent in Kiev (1900)
• Venerable IONA Miroshnichenko (Petr in schema) of Kiev(1902)
• Venerable archmandrite GAVRIIL of Athon (1905)
• Venerable ALEXIS Shepelev, of Golosejevo, monk of Kiev Caves (1917)
• Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Councils 纪念前六次神圣普世大公会议之诸位圣教父 // SUNDAY CLOSEST TO JULY 29 //
On the Sunday that falls between the 13th and 19th of this month [July], we commemorate the Holy Six Ecumenical Synods, namely the 318 God-bearing Fathers of the First Synod who gathered in Nicaea against Arianism in the year 325; and the 150 of the Second Synod who came together in Constantinople against the Pneumatomachs in the year 381; and the 200 at the Third who came together in Ephesus against Nestorius in the year 431; and the 630 at the Fourth in Chalcedon who came together against the Monophysites in the year 451; and the 165 of the Fifth Synod who came together against Origen and his followers in the year 553; and the 170 of the Sixth who came together in Constantinople against the Monothelites in 680.
第一個 6 全合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教會的委員會的這普通的紀念在第 13 和 7 月 19 日之間在星期天被保持。
In the Ninth Section of the Nicea-Constantinople Symbol-Creed of Faith – worked out by the holy fathers of the First and Second Ecumenical Councils, we confess our faith in "One, Holy, Catholico-Conciliar ("Sobornyi") and Apostolic Church". By virtue of the Catholico-Conciliar ("Sobornyi") nature of the Church, the All-Churchly or Ecumenical Council is the Church's supreme facility, and possessing the plenitude, to resolve the major questions of religious life. An Ecumenical Council is comprised of archpastors and pastors of the Church, and representatives of all the Local Churches, from every land of the "oikumene" (i.e. from all the whole inhabited world, the Ecumenical/ecumenical basis of the "Universality" ("Vselennost'") of the Church is implied in the Greek word "kath'olon", from whence the word "catholic", which encompasses the evangelisation of the whole world).
The Church Slavonic word "Sobornyi" – in English usually translated merely as "Catholic", has actually a deeper and more profound meaning than commonly understood in the West, and it reflects linguistically the Greek word "katholikos" as interpreted by Holy Tradition for Saints Cyril and Methodios. The adjective form "Sobornyi" has its word-root in "Sobor" – meaning an "assembly" or "council". The erudite might also recognise similarity with the word "Sobornost'" – a term emphasised in ecclesiology by the Russian religious-philosopher A. S. Khomyakov in the 1800's. "Sobornost'" is translated sometimes as "Catholico-Conciliarity", but often also as "Communality". This latter nuance signifies the "Catholicity" of the Church, not as a formal external quality regarding the Church as worldly institution and outward authority, but rather existing as a spiritually inward and dynamic quality within each believer. It is the Gospel that defines the locus of the Church saying: "The Kingdom of God is within you". This however does not mean the fragmenting individualism of belief often seen in Protestantism. The Church as "ekklesia" (assembly of believers) is "One" in Christ in the Apostolicity and Holiness of its faith in Christ – our own oneness is with the one authentic faith of the Holy Apostles in the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, preserved as Holy Tradition throughout all the generations of believers. The "Communality" or "Communion in Christ Jesus" is not merely with our fellow believers in the Church in the present time, but with all the generations of the "faithful" that have gone before us. All the Four Marks of the Church – One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic – are inter-connected. The Catholicity of the Church extends universally not merely through spatiality, but also back through time – it is the "Church Triumphant" as well as the "Church Militant".
The Orthodox Church acknowledges Seven Holy Ecumenical Councils: The First Ecumenical Council (Nicea I) (Comm. 29 May, and also movably, on 7th Sunday after Pascha) was convened in the year 325 against the heresy of Arius, in the city of Nicea in Bithynia under the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine the Great.
The Second Ecumenical Council (Constantinople I) (Comm. 22 May) was convened in the year 381 against the heresy of Macedonias, by the emperor Theodosius the Great.
The Third Ecumenical Council (Ephesus) (Comm. 9 September) – was convened in the year 431 against the heresy of Nestorius, in the city of Ephesus by the emperor Theodosius the Younger.
The Fourth Ecumenical Council (Chalcedon) (Comm. 16 July) – was convened in the year 451, against the Monophysite heresy, in the city of Chalcedon under the emperor Marcian.
The Fifth Ecumenical Council (Constnatinople II) (Comm. 25 July) – "Concerning the Three Chapters", was convened in the year 553, under the emperor Justinian the Great.
The Sixth Ecumenical Council (Constantinople III) (Comm. 23 January) – during the years 680-681, was against the Monothelite heresy, under the emperor Constantine Pogonatos.
The Seventh Ecumenical Council (Nicea II) (Comm. as moveable feastday on Sunday nearest 11 October) – was convened just like the First Council, at Nicea, but in the year 787 against the Iconoclast heresy, under the emperor Constantine and his mother Irene. (Accounts about the Councils are likewise located under the days of commemoration).
The significance of a special Church veneration of the Holy Fathers of the Ecumenical Councils consists in this, that the Ecumenical Councils, and only they, are of themselves in entirety expressive of the faith, will and mind of the Ecumenical Catholic Church – of an Orthodox Plenitude, by virtue of the immutable promises of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the grace of the Holy Spirit, and by the Apostolicity inhering in the hierarchy, – they possess the wherewithal to bring forth infallible and "of benefit to all" definitions in the areas of Christian faith and Church piety. The dogmatic conciliar definitions – "orosoi" in Greek, are employed in the Orthodox Church as having an inalienable and constant authority, and such definitions always begin with the Apostolic formula: "It hath pleased the Holy Spirit and us" (Acts 15: 28). The Ecumenical Councils were convened in the Church each time regarding a special need, in connection with the appearance of divergent opinions and heresies, so as to seek out the Orthodox Church teaching of faith and tradition. But the Holy Spirit has thus seen fit, that the dogmas – the truths of faith, immutable in their content and scope, constantly and consequently are revealed by the conciliar mind-set of the Church, and are given precision by the holy fathers within theological concepts and terms in exactly such measure, as is needed by the Church itself for its economy of salvation. The Church, in expounding its dogmas, is dealing with the concerns of a given historical moment, "not revealing everything in haste and thoughtlessly, nor indeed, ultimately hiding something" (Saint Gregory the Theologian). A brief summary of the dogmatic theology of the First Six Ecumenical Councils is formulated and contained in the First Canon-rule of the Council of Trullo (also known as Quinisext), held in the year 692. The 318 Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council are spoken of in this Canon I of Trullo as having: "with one-mindedness of faith revealed and declared to us the oneness of essence in the three Hypstaseis-Persons of the God-original nature and, ... instructing to be worshipped – with one worship – the Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, they cast down and dispelled the false-teaching about unequal degrees of Divinity". The 150 Holy Fathers of the Second Ecumenical Council left their mark on the theology of the Church as regards the Holy Spirit, "repudiating the teaching of Macedonias, who wanted to chop apart the Undivided Unity, such that there should not perfectly be the mystery of our hope". The 200 God-bearing Fathers of the Third Ecumenical Council expounded the teaching about "the One Christ, the Son of God Incarnate" and they confessed that "truly the God-begetter [Theotokos, Bogoroditsa, i.e. Mother of God] without seed hath given birth to Him, whilst being the Immaculate and Ever-Virgin". The point of faith of the 630 God-chosen Holy Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council promulgated "One Christ, the Son of God... glorified in two natures". The 165 God-bearing Holy Fathers of the Fifth Ecumenical Council "collectively gave anathema and repudiated Theodore of Mopsuetia, the teacher of Nestorius, and Origen, and Didymas, and Euagrios, renovators of the Hellenic teaching about the transmigration of souls and the transmutation of bodies and the impieties raised against the resurrection of the dead". The faith-confession of the 170 Holy Fathers of the Sixth Ecumenical Council "explained, that we ought to confess two natural volitions, or two wills [trans. note: the one Divine, and the other human], and two natural operations (energies) in He That hath been incarnated for the sake of our salvation, our One Lord Jesus Christ, True God". In decisive moments of Church history, the holy Ecumenical Councils promulgated their dogmatic definitions, as trustworthy delimitations in the spiritual militancy for the purity of Orthodoxy, which will last until such time, as "all shalt come into the oneness of faith in the knowledge of the Son of God" (Eph. 4: 13). In the struggle with new heresies, the Church does not abandon its former dogmatic concepts nor replace them with some sort of new formulations. The dogmatic formulae of the Holy Ecumenical Councils need never to be superseded, they remain always contemporary to the living Tradition of the Church. Wherefore the Church proclaims: "The faith of all in the Church of God hath been glorified by men, which were luminaries in the world, cleaving to the Word of Life, so that it be observed firmly, and that it dwell unshakably until the end of the ages, conjointly with their God-bestown writings and dogmas. We reject and we anathematise all, whom they have rejected and anathematised, as being enemies of Truth. And if anyone doth not cleave to nor admit the aforementioned pious dogmas, and doth not so think nor preach, let that one be anathema" (from Canon I of the Council of Trullo, ascribed to the Sixth Ecumenical Council). Besides the dogmatic activity, the Holy Fathers of the Ecumenical Councils exerted great efforts towards the strengthening of churchly discipline. Local Councils promulgated their disciplinary canon-rules, as is obvious, according to the circumstances of the times and place, frequently differing among themselves in various particulars. The universal unity of the Orthodox Church required unity also in canonical practise, i.e. a conciliar deliberation and affirmation of the most important canonical norms by the fathers of the Ecumenical Councils. Thus, according to conciliar judgement, there have been accepted by the Church: 20 Canons from the First, 7 Canons from the Second, 8 Canons from the Third, and 30 Canons from the Forth, Ecumenical Councils. The Fifth and the Sixth Ecumenical Councils concerned themselves with the resolving of exclusively dogmatic questions and did not leave behind any disciplinary canon-rules. The need to establish in codified form in the Church of the customary practises over the years 451-680, and ultimately to affirm the aggregate of a canonical codex for the Orthodox Church, occasioned the convening of a special Council, the activity of which was wholly devoted to the general application of churchly rules. This was convened in the year 692. The Council "in the Imperial Palace" or "Under the Arches" (in Greek "en trullo"), came to be called the Trullo Council. They also called it the "Qunisext" [meaning the "fifth and sixth"], considering it to have completed in canonical matters the activities of the Fifth and Sixth Councils, or rather moreso – that it was simply of the Sixth Council itself, i.e. a direct continuation of the Sixth Ecumenical Council, separated by but a few years. The Trullo Council, with its 102 Canon-rules (more than of all the Ecumenical Councils combined), had a tremendous significance in the history of the canonical theology of the Orthodox Church. It might be said, that by the fathers of this Council there was a complete compilation of the basic codex from the relevant sources for the Orthodox Church's canons. Listing through in chronological order, and having been accepted by the Church – the Canons of the Holy Apostles, and the Canons of the Holy Ecumenical and the Local Councils and the holy fathers, the Trullo Council declared: "Let no one be permitted to alter or to annul the aforementioned canons, nor in place of these put forth, or to accept others, made of spurious inscription" (2nd Canon of Trullo Council, ascribed to the Sixth Ecumenical Council). Church canons, sanctified by the authority of the first Six Ecumenical Councils (including the rules of the Seventh Ecumenical Council in 787, and likewise the Constantinople Councils of 861 and 879, which were added on later under holy Patriarch Photios), form the basis of the books of "The Rudder" or "Kormchaya Kniga" (a law‑canon codex known as "Syntagma" or "Nomokanon" of 14 titles). In its repository of grace is expressed a canonical norm, a connection to every time-period for guidance in churchly practise for all the Local Orthodox Churches. New historical conditions can lead to the change of this or that particular external aspect of the life of the Church, which causes for it the necessity of creative canonical activity in the conciliar reasoning of the Church, as regards the inclusion of external norms of churchly life in conformity with historical circumstances. The details of canonical regulation are not at all once fleshed out into life for the various eras of churchly organisation. But amidst every push to either forsake the literal-letter of a canon or fulfill and develope it, the Church again and again turns for reasoning and guidance to the eternal legacy of the Holy Ecumenical Councils – to the impoverishable treasury of dogmatic and canonical truths.
• Commemoration of THE 4TH OECUMENICAL COUNCIL (451)
The Fourth OEcumenical Council, at which 630 bishops participated, was convened in the year 451 in the city of Chalcedon under the emperor Marcian (450-457). Still back in the time of the emperor Theodosius II (408-450), the bishop of Dorileuseia Eusebios in 408 reported to a Council held at Constantinople under the holy Patriarch Flavian (Comm. 18 February), concerning a personage of one of the monasteries of the capital, the archimandrite Eutykhios, who in his undaunted zeal against the soul-destroying heresy of the Nestorius ― went to the opposite extreme and began to assert, that within Jesus Christ the human nature under the hypostatic union was completely absorbed by the Divine nature, in consequence of which it lost everything characteristic of human nature, except but for the visible form; wherein, such that after the union in Jesus Christ there remained only one nature (the Divine), which in visible bodily form lived upon the earth, suffered, died, and was resurrected. The Constantinople Council condemned this new false-teaching. But the heretic Eutykhios had patronage at court, and was in close connection with the heretic Dioskoros, the successor to Sainted Cyril (Comm. 18 January) upon the patriarchal cathedra-seat at Alexandria. Eutykhios turned to the emperor with a complaint against the injustice of the condemnation against him, and he demanded the judgement of an OEcumenical Council against his opponents, whom he accused of Nestorianism. Wanting to restore peace in the Church, Theodosius had decided to convene a Fourth OEcumenical Council in the year 449 at Ephesus. But this Council became branded in the chronicles of the Church as the "Robbers Council". Dioskoros, appointed by the emperor to preside as president of the Council, ran it like a dictator, making use of threats and outright coercion. Eutykhios was exonerated, and Saint Flavian condemned. But in the year 450 the emperor Theodosius died. The new emperor Marcian raised up onto the throne with him the sister of Theodosius, Pulcheria. Restoring peace to the Church was a matter of prime importance. An OEcumenical Council was convened in the year 451 at Chalcedon. The Patriarch of Constantinople, Saint Anatolios (Comm. 3 July) presided over the Council. Dioskoros at the first session was deprived of his place among those present, and at the third session he was condemned with all his partisans. The Sessions of the Council were 16 in all. The Chalcedon holy fathers pronounced anathemas against the heresy of Eutykhios. On the basis of Letters Saint Cyril of Alexandria and Pope Saint Leo the Great, the fathers of the Council resolved: "Following the holy fathers, we all with one accord teach to confess as one and the same the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, perfect in Divinity and perfect in humanity, truly God, truly man, of Whom is a reasoned soul and a body, One in Essence with the Father through Divinity and that Same-One one-in-essence with us through humanity, in all things like unto us except for sin, begotten before the ages from the Father in Divinity, but in these latter days born for us and our salvation from Mary the Virgin Mother of God in humanity. This self-same Christ, Son and Lord, the Only-Begotten, is in two natures perceived without mingling, without change, without division, without separation [Greek: "asugkhutos, atreptos, adiairetos, akhoristos"; Slavic: "neslitno, neizmenno, nerazdel'no, nerazluchno"], such that by conjoining there be not infringement of the distinctions of the two natures, and by which is preserved the uniqueness of each nature conjoined in one Person and One Hypostasis, ― not split nor separated into two persons, but rather the One and Self-same Son, the Only-Begotten, the Word of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, as in antiquity the prophets taught of Him and as the Lord Jesus Christ Himself taught us, and as the Creed-Symbol of the fathers has passed down to us". In the two final Sessions of the Council, 30 Canon-rules were promulgated concerning ecclesial hierarchies and disciplines. Beyond this, the Council affirmed the decrees not only of the three preceding OEcumenical Councils, but also of the Local Councils of: Ancyra, Neocaesarea, Gangra, Antioch and Laodiceia, which had occurred during the 4th century.
• MM CYRICUS (Cyriacus, Cyr, Cirgues, Quiricus, Cyriac, Cerycus, Kirik, Ciricus, Ciriacus, Kyrikos, Kiriakos, Kerykos or Cirycus) 基里科 and his mother JULITTA (Joulitta, Julietta, Julita or Oulitta) 犹利塔 of Iconium, at Tarsus (305)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Κήρυκος καὶ Ἰουλίττα ἡ μητέρα του
聖人 Julitta 出生高貴。她是在與她的新生的孩子 Cyriacus 的早年齡的 widowed 。她在 Lycaonia 的鎮生活在了 Iconium 並且完全被奉獻給合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思。她很快地給某人施洗禮了她的在他的出生以後的兒子並且當他是時, 3 歲在費思指示了他並且教了他象那的一個孩子一樣祈禱很多年齡是有能力的。甚麼時候 Diocletian decreed 在 Iconium 的鎮的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教的迫害, 無罪的血是流。Julitta 帶了她的兒子並且在 Seleucid 的城市裡從異教徒的大怒隱蔽了。它不是好些在那裡。Julitta 被逮捕並且, 作為一克裡斯琴,在法官前被帶。自從 Julitta 勇敢地在主伊伊穌。斯耶穌承認了她的信念, 法官, 以便使她的感覺悲傷和原因成為她搖晃,在他的手臂帶了孩子並且開始了撫愛他。Cyriacus 大聲驚呼了︰“我是一克裡斯琴, 釋放我到我的母親﹗”轉他的臉離開法官的 Cyriacus 開始了用他的手抓他。法官這樣成為了激怒他擲了孩子到地面並且與他的腳推了他。孩子沿著石頭樓梯滑動了並且放棄了他的神聖並且無罪的靈魂到上帝。看 Cyriacus 怎麼在她前受苦了看, 聖 Julitta 是歡樂的並且因為他殉教者的花環使她的兒子值錢,由於上帝給了。在受苦的大部分以後, Julitta 在一年被斬 304 A.D 聖人 Cyriacus 和 Julitta 的遺物, 甚至今天, 奇跡正在工作。這些聖人的遺物的部分將在上帝的神聖的出生送禮者的醫院小教會被發現在 Ohrid 。
• VMM POLLUTANA, JULIA and JUSTA with MM deacon CATULINUS (Cartholinus), JANUARIUS and FLORENTIUS at Carthage in North Africa
• VMM ZOSIMA and BONOSA, and their brother, M EUTROPIUS, and 38 soldiers, at Port Romano near the mouth of the Tiber River (Ostia) (273) near Rome under Aurelian
• Venerable Hermit DONALD (Donivald, Donevald, Domhnall, Donewald or Donevaldus) Confessor of Ogilvy, and his daughters (known as The Nine Maidens) of Forfarshire, Scotland (716)
Our Venerable and God-bearing Father Donald of Ogilvy, lived in in Olgivy, in Forfarshire, Scotland, in the early part of the 8th century. Upon the death of his wife, he and his nine daughters began to live a monastic lifestyle at home under his direction, cultivating the land by hand, and eating barley bread and water once a day. After Saint Donald's repose at around 716, his daughters all entered a monastery in Abernethy, founded by Saints Darlugdach and Brigid, where they became known as the Nine Maidens, or the Nine Holy Virgins.
• Prince VLADIMIR and Princess AGRIPPINA of Rzhev
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr PETER Troitskij, deacon (1897-1938)
• Venerable JOB (Ivan Kundria) Archimandrite of Uholsk (1902-1985)
• Martyr ABUDIMUS 阿弗迪默 of the isle of Tenedos (299) born on the island Tenedos and suffered under Diocletian
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀβούδιμος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• ADALARD the Younger (800-824) monk at Corbie in France under Abbot Saint Adalard
• ANNA Matr. (1011)
• APRONDIA (Apronia or Evronie) of Toul and Trancol, Nun, Diocese of Troyes (France) (500)
• Righteous ASIYA (Asia) the Physician, Wonderworker of Tanis in Syria (427)
• ATHANASIUS Bishop of Naples in Italy (872)
• BENEDICT (820) Bishop of Angers in the west of France
• BISCHOY Abbot in the Sketish Desert (408)
• COMMAN Son of Diomma (Dimmai) (Comman Mac Dimmai)
• EDITH (Eadgith, Eadgyth, Eadgitha or Egwina) of Polesworth, Abbess at Polesworth, Warwickshire (10th c.) sister of a King of England
• ETERNUS (660) 9th Bishop of Evreux in France
• Martyr FELIX of Pavia in Italy
• Venerable GUMBERT (Guntpert) abbot in Ansbach (790)
• HARUCH (830) Bishop near Werden in Germany
• HENRY II (972-1024) King of Germany and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire married St Cunegundes // JUL 13 //
• JAMES Bishop of Nisibis (350)
• JUSTINIAN II "Rhinotmetes" ("with cut nose") Emperor who invoked the Quinisext synod (711)
Μνήμη Βασιλέως Ἰουστινιανοῦ Β’ τοῦ Νέου
• Martyr LOLIANUS among the Greeks (304) beaten by legs to death
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λολλιανός ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Finding of the Relics (Head) of Hosiosmartyress Wonderworker MATRONA 玛特若纳 (Maria, Kyra) of Chios (1462)
Εὕρεσις Τιμίων Λειψάνων Ὁσίας Ματρώνας τῆς Χιοπολίτιδας
It should also be noted that since an abbess is called Kyra, till this day Saint Matrona is known to locals in Chios as Holy Kyra, and this is why it is also the name day of women named Kyratso and Kyrasia on her feast. The Church celebrates her memory on October 20, and the discovery of her skull on July 15.
• MICHAEL Metropolit of Moskow
• Righteous OTGER of Roermond, deacon, Enlighter of Niederrhein (753)
• Sainted PLECHELM of Roermond, Apostle of Guelderland, Bishop and Confessor, Enlighter of Niederrhein (730)
• Righteous Youthess REGINSWINDA (Reginswindis) at Laufen, Germany (840)
• RONAN Son of Magh
• SWITHUN 斯维顿 bishop and wonderworker of Winchester (862)
• Translation (893) of relics of VEDASTUS (Vedastus, St Vaast, St Waast, St Gaston, Foster) of Arras and Cambrai, Bishop (540) patron saint invoked against eye trouble
• Holy Equal to the Apostles Great Prince VLADIMIR 弗拉迪弥尔 (in Holy Baptism Basil 瓦西里) enlightener of the Russian Land (1015)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Βλαδίμηρος ὁ Ἱσαπόστολος βασιλιὰς τῶν Ρώσων
聖人 VLADIMIR 大, 俄國的王子
在浸禮 Vladimir 被稱為巴西略並且是王子的兒子 Svyatoslav ,並且 Igor 和奧爾加的孫子。在開始 Vladimir 是在他的信仰並且在他的生活方式的全部的異教徙。聽說另外的信念存在, 他小心地開始了至於其他們是最好詢問。為這個原因他送了使者到土耳其都市。當使者回來了時,他們通知了王子他們在神聖的智慧的正統的教會出席了一種服務並且他們是“在自己外面,不知道他們是否是在地球上的或在天堂。”這啟發了 Vladimir 被給某人施洗禮並且給某人施洗禮他的人。主要的聖像, Perun , 被移開從 Kiev 的山丘並且擲了進第聶伯河。在擁抱克裡斯琴‧法斯以後, Vladimir 完全改變了他的生活並且施加了他的努力的所有正確完成這費思的所有的規則。代替破壞的聖像, Vladimir 命令了教會在整個他的狀態被造並且他在 Kiev 造了一個美麗的教會到上帝的都神聖的母親。這個教會在一樣的點上被造聖悉奧多和他的兒子, 伊望。約翰, 為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的更早承受的殉教 (7 月 12 日 ) 。與 Vladimir 更早與其保護了聖像崇拜的那個同樣的不可抵抗的努力,他現在散布合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教。他在一年在主發現修養 1015 A.D 。
The Metropolitan of Kiev Saint Ilarion (1053), in his "Word on Law and Grace", spoken on the day of memory of Saint Vladimir at the saint's crypt in the Desyatin-Tithe church, calls him "an apostolic sovereign", "like" Saint Constantine, and he compares his apostolic evangelisation of the Russian Land to that of the evangelisation by the holy Apostles.
The Miracle of St BARBARA in Polydendri, Attica on July 15 of 1917
According to witness testimony of those who live in the village of Polydendri in Attica, which were compiled by the parish priest there in 1986, in 1917 an epidemic struck the village, as well as a great blessing. Many became sick that year and eight died, with others on the verge of death. Two of those who died were from the village of Grammatiko, which was in east Attica, so it was theorized that the epidemic originated there. Everyone panicked. Many took to the mountains. Officers quarantined homes and the surrounding roads in which the sick were found. Some guarded the wells and fountains of the center to prevent the sick from contaminating the water. The unfortunate sick would have to go to a tank outside the village to get water. The church would not allow to be read the funeral service for the dead, however the parish priest of the village, Papa-Yiannis Tsakos, did perform funerals privately. One elder gentleman stated: "One of the dead I dragged from the house to the church, at night, and we buried him. After I took his cloak I slept, but did not catch the illness." Over the graves they would spread lime to prevent the epidemic from spreading. In this atmosphere of panic and despair, according to Anna Vasilakou who was ten years old at the time, Panagiotis Spyridon Sotirchos had a vision at the iconostasis of the church of St Barbara, who told him: "Come and get me so that I can chase away the sickness." Then Papa-Yianni with the commissioners of the church went to Aigaleo, to the Church of St Barbara, and from there brought by car the wonderworking icon of the Saint to the intersection of the village. There the Christians received her with emotion, reverence and tears, and the whole road was covered with laurels. They fell before the icon crying: "Help us St Barbara! Chase away the sickness!" They then processed the icon around the village, and the great miracle occurred. The epidemic ceased! Not only did not another get sick, but all the sick became well. Since then, out of gratitude, the villagers of Polydendri established a feast to commemorate this miracle of St Barbara. An icon of St Barbara was commissioned for the village, and she is celebrated every July 15th.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

• συνοδικός • 2019 July 27 / July 14 7527 •


July 27 / July 14
2019 (7527)

• ELISAVETHGRADSK Icon of the Virgin Mary (19th c.) of Kirovograd, Ukraine
Akathist is composed by Hieromartyr Bishop Onuphrios Gagalük.
• Martyr AQUILA (Akyla) 阿桂拉及 Apostle of the Seventy, and his wife Martyress PRISCILLA (Prisca) 普里斯基拉 Ap. and Deaconess of Asia Minor (68)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀκύλας ὁ Ἀπόστολος
就鳥座是 70 個宗徒之一。作為一個猶太人,他首先與他的妻子普麗西拉生活在了意大利。甚麼時候所有的猶太人從[羅爾]瑪和意大利被駕駛的皇帝[羅爾]瑪皇帝名 decreed , 就鳥座在 Cornith 安定了, 宗徒葩。韋勒保羅在此第一次遇見了他並且有一年和一半的時間在他的家留下了並且給某人施洗禮他和他的妻子。為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督,就鳥座和普麗西拉的費思與熱情燒護衛了葩。韋勒保羅到 Ephesus 並且在他的宗徒的勞動幫助了他。葩。韋勒保羅從在的 Ephesus 寫了他的第一封書信給 Corinthians , 朝結束,他說︰“就鳥座和普麗西拉在主迎接你很多, 與教會那是他們的房子” ( 1 Corinthians 16:19 ) 。在皇帝[羅爾]瑪皇帝名的死亡以後,猶太人被允許回到意大利,並且就鳥座和普麗西拉這樣回到了[羅爾]瑪。在這以後從 Cornith 寫書信給[羅爾]瑪人的宗徒葩。韋勒保羅, 迎接他的老朋友和他的勞工同事︰“迎接普麗西拉和就鳥座我的在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督伊伊穌。斯耶穌的助理;為我的生活有的人,在他們的自己的頸下面放了︰到誰不僅我給感謝, 而且猶太人的所有的教會“ ( [羅爾]瑪人 16 ︰3-4 ) 。晚些時候, 我們在他和聖提摩斐。提摩太勞動的 Ephesus 看見就鳥座宗徒。在[羅爾]瑪鎖住了, 葩。韋勒保羅在 Ephesus 寫到提摩斐。提摩太︰“迎接普麗西拉和就鳥座” ( 2 提摩斐。提摩太 4:19 ) 。作為一個主教, 就鳥座給某人施洗禮了許多並且與費思,破壞的聖像,造的教會,製定的司祭和傳播照亮了他們光榮賦予在人之中的上帝的兒子。最後, 他被居心不良的異教徒謀殺並且在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的王國收起了居住。
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἀκύλας καὶ Ἰλάριος οἱ Μάρτυρες
Μαρτύρησαν διὰ λιθοβολισμοῦ.
• VLADIMIR and AGRIPPINA Wonderworkers of Rzhev
• 4 Crypto-Christian Neomartyrs: EMMANUEL, ANEZINA, GEORGE and MARIA
The New Martyrs of the faith, Emmanuel, Anezina and their children George and Maria, were cryptochristians and had the following Turkish names: the father was called “Ibraim Ibni Abdullach" and his wife was “Fatme Ibni Abdullach”, the daughter was called “Hatizie” and the son “Mustafa". Also the father, Emmanuel, was 40 years old, while his wife Anezina was 38, the son, George, was 18 and the daughter, Maria, was 16. As Muslims, they lived in the village Melissourgio of Kissamos and worked peacefully out in their fields. One day a neighbor saw them cross themselves as they sat to eat and turned them in to the Turks. They were spied on again, where they were seen doing their cross before going to bed, and taken to court, which decided for them to be beheaded, because they did not deny any of that which they were accused of. Instead they boldly said: “We were born Christians and we will die Christians.” It is worth mentioning that after they were told the court decision, they were presented before the court again and were told that if they returned to the religion of Islam they would live. Yet again they refused the offer and chose Christ.They were sentenced to death by decapitation and their bodies were thrown outside of the fortress in Hania, to be eaten by wild animals and vultures.
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr CONSTANTINE Bogojavlenskij, priest (1918)
• Hieromartyr NICHOLAS Poretskij, Archpriest (1865-1933)
• COLMAN Son of Aingen (Colman Mac Andgein)
• Righteous Youth DENTELIN of Mons (647)
• DEUSDEDIT (Adeodatus, Frithona) of Canterbury, Bishop (664)
Born in England and baptised Frithona, he was the first Englishman to become Archbishop of Canterbury, succeeding St Honorius in 655.
• Venerable ELLIUS (Hellius) 埃利 of Egypt (395)
Hellius 是第四個世紀的一個埃及的修道士。從他的早少年他在荒地把他自己奉獻了給修道士禁欲主義, 那由他的生活和有力的奇跡, 他攪動了修道士和俗人的驚訝相似並且盡管他逃跑了人的光榮, 他是不能的隱蔽他自己。他與魔鬼的誘惑忍受了大斗爭, 特別在時間期間延長齋戒。一次, 魔鬼為他提供了美味的蘋果但是 Hellius 不允許他自己被欺騙的蜂蜜和另外一個時間。他能認出人的心, 能認出每個人的熱情和思維, 不以便顯示出他的內部的知識,但是改正人。
• FELIX of Como (390) first Bishop of Como in Italy. He was a friend of St Ambrose • IDUS (Id) of Leinster (5th cent.) Bishop of Ath-Fhadhat, now Ahade or Aghade, County of Carlow; Baptised by St Patrick
• Martyr Soldier JUSTUS 犹斯特 at Rome (77) of the alleged sons of Saint Symphorosa
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰοῦστος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• JUSTINIAN II the New, Emperor of Byzantium
• JOSEPH 约熙福 Studite the Confessor, archbishop of Thessalonica (833) brother of St Theodore
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰωσὴφ ὁ Ὁμολογητής
• Martyr JOHN 约安 of Merv in Turkmenistan (1012)
• HERACLIUS 伊拉克利 patriarch of Alexandria (180-247)
Born in Egypt c. 180; died 247. Heraclas and his brother Saint Plutarch were the first students at Origen's catechetical school in Alexandria. There they were converted to Christianity by their master. Heraclias became Origen's assistant, was ordained, and succeeded Origen as head of the school when Bishop Demetrius of Alexandria condemned Origen in 231. Heraclias succeeded Demetrius as bishop of Alexandria that same year. Thinking it was safe to return, Origen went back to Alexandria, was excommunicated by his former disciple, and was driven from the city.
• Martyr HERACLIUS beaten to death by bludgeons (289)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἡράκλειος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Venerable LIBERT (783) born in Malines in Belgium, he was baptised and became a monk with St Rumoldus. Later he moved to the monastery of Saint-Trond where he was martyred by barbarians
• Repose of LONGINUS of Svjatogorsk, Hieroschemamonk (1882)
• MAELCEADAR the Victorious (Maldegarius, surnamed Vincent) first earl of the Hannoina (Hainault) (7th c.)
• MARCELLINUS (Marchelm, Marculf) 玛尔凯利诺 of Utrecht, priest (762)
Missionary to the Netherlands with St Willibrord of Echternach. Worked with St Lebuin of Deventer in the area of Overijssel, Netherlands
• MARCIANO of Frigento (5th c.)
Born to a wealthy Christian family, when Marciano received his inheritance he gave it all away to the poor and devoted himself to God. His devotion and spiritual wisdom attracted to so many admirers and would-be students that he left Greece for Italy, and became a hermit near the town of Frigento. Miracle worker and healer. Pilgrim to Rome, Italy, travelling with his friend, Bishop Lorenzo of Canosa, Italy. In Rome, Marciano was chosen bishop of Frigento by Pope Saint Leo the Great who, in a church near Rome, had encountered Marciano in prayer and received a vision that he was to be consecrated. While there are very few points of information in this story, there are a lot of problems with the dates in the original sources. It is possible that, since the first biography was not published until 1662, several Marcians, Marcianos and saintly men with similar names, had their stories mashed together.
• Martyr MIROPA (Myrope)
• Repose of Venerable NICODEMUS 尼科迪默 of Mt Athos, spiritual writer (1809)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Νικόδημος ὁ Ἁγιορείτης ὁ σοφὸς διδάσκαλος τῆς Ἐκκλησίας
He is best known for his collections of Orthodox writings, most importantly the Philokalia, a five-volume compendium of writings on asceticism and prayer, especially the Jesus Prayer, by the holy Fathers of the Church. (The first four volumes have been translated into English). He produced an Orthodox edition of Unseen Warfare, originally by Lorenzo Scupoli, a Roman Catholic. (This was further revised by St Theophan the Recluse). He also edited the Pedalion (Rudder), a collection of the canons of the Orthodox Church with his commentary.
• Hosiosmartyr ONESIMUS 奥尼息默 the Wonderworker (354) Monk of Magnesia
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ὀνήσιμος ὁ Θαυματουργός
• OPTATIAN (505) Bishop of Brescia in Italy c 451-505
• PETER Bishop of Gortyna in Crete (740)
• Martyr PETER the New
Ὁ Ἅγιος Πέτρος ὁ νέος
• Hieromartyr PHOCAS of Sinope (117) bishop of Sinope on the Black Sea
• RAGENULFA (Rainofle or Ragnulf) Solitary at Aincourt near Louvain in Belgium (7th c.)
• STEPHEN 斯特梵 abbot of Makhrishche (1406) Vologda
• Day of Canonization (1993) of THEOPHILUS of Kiev, Fool-for-Christ (1853) of the Kyiv-Bratsky and Kyiv Caves Monasteries
• Venerable VINCENT Madelgaire (Vincent of Soignies) (615-677) married to St Waltrude c.635; son-in-law of St Bertille. Father of four: St Madalberta, St Landericus, St Dentlin of Soignies, and St Aldetrudis. Sent by King Dagobert I to Ireland to recruit monks to work as missionaries in the region. Founded the Benedictine abbeys of Hautmont in 642, and later one on his estate in Soignies, Belgium. Around 653 he retired live as a monk in Hautmont Abbey, taking the name Vincent, and then to the one at Soignies, Belgium where he became abbot
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

• συνοδικός • 2019 July 26 / July 13 7527 •


July 26 / July 13
2019 (7527)

• Icon of the Mother of God “IT IS TRULY MEET” (Axion estin: Ἄξιον ἐστίν) 诚应为洵
The “It is Truly Meet” Icon of the Mother of God is in the high place of the altar of the cathedral church at the Karyes Monastery on Mount Athos. One Saturday night an Elder went to Karyes for the all-night Vigil. He left, instructing his disciple to remain behind and read the service in their cell. As it grew dark, the disciple heard a knock on the door. When he opened the door, he saw an unknown monk who called himself Gabriel, and he invited him to come in. They stood before the icon of the Mother of God and read the service together with reverence and compunction. During the Ninth Ode of the Canon, the disciple began to sing “My soul magnifies the Lord…” with the Irmos of St Cosmas the Hymnographer, “More honorable than the Cherubim….”
The stranger sang the next verse, “For He has regarded the low estate of His handmaiden….” Then he chanted something the disciple had never heard before: “It is truly meet to bless Thee, O Theotokos, ever-blessed and most pure, and the Mother of our God…” Then he continued with, “More honorable than the Cherubim.…”
While the hymn was being sung, the icon of the Theotokos shone with a heavenly light. The disciple was moved by the new version of the familiar hymn, and asked his guest to write the words down for him. When the stranger asked for paper and ink, the disciple said that he did not have any.
The stranger took a roof tile and wrote the words of the hymn on its surface with his finger. The disciple knew then that this was no ordinary monk, but the Archangel Gabriel. The angel said, “Sing in this manner, and all the Orthodox as well.” Then he disappeared, and the icon of the Mother of God continued to radiate light for some time afterward. The Eleousa Icon of the Mother of God, before which the hymn “It Is Truly Meet” was first sung, was transferred to the katholikon at Karyes. The tile, with the hymn written on it by the Archangel Gabriel, was taken to Constantinople when St Nicholas Chrysoberges was Patriarch. Numerous copies of the “It Is Truly Meet” Icon are revered in Russian churches. At the Galerna Harbor in St Petersburg, a church with five cupolas was built in honor of the Merciful Mother of God, and into it was placed a grace-bearing copy of the “It Is Truly Meet” icon sent from Mt Athos.
The hymn in Greek is:
Ἄξιόν ἐστιν ὡς ἀληθῶς,
μακαρίζειν σε τὴν Θεοτόκον,
τὴν ἀειμακάριστον καὶ παναμώμητον
καὶ μητέρα τοῦ Θεοῦ ἡμῶν.
Τὴν τιμιωτέραν τῶν Χερουβεὶμ
καὶ ἐνδοξοτέραν ἀσυγκρίτως τῶν Σεραφείμ,
τὴν ἀδιαφθόρως Θεὸν Λόγον τεκοῦσαν,
τὴν ὄντως Θεοτόκον,
σὲ μεγαλύνομεν.
Σύναξις Ἀρχαγγέλου Γαβριήλ
上帝的這大的天神長在 3 月 26 日被慶祝。在這天然而, 他在整個人的救助的全部歷史為他的外觀和奇跡被慶祝並且尊敬。這慶祝首先在第 9 個世紀在Athos山上被建立,這被相信, 在皇帝巴西略和女皇的朝代期間 Constantina Porphyrogenitus 和主教皇尼古拉斯‧奇裡索弗蓋斯,在在在他用他的手指在一個石頭藥片上寫了的 Karyes 附近的一個房間的天神長加百列的外觀的場合上,到上帝的出生送禮者的聖歌,“值錢它是會,”[ Dostojno 玩笑 Axion Estin ] 。由於這, 甚至今天, 這個細胞被稱為細胞“ Axion Estin 。”與這相關,天神長加百列的另外的外觀也被紀念︰到摩西的外觀當他正在趨於時 Jethro 的成群並且, 在此時間, 他聯系了到上帝被叫了的這大的, 世界怎麼被創造並且摩西在他的創造的書記錄了的所有的剩余的 ( 開始 );他的到先知丹尼爾的外觀並且揭示未來王國並且救世主來的謎到他;他的到聖安和她將生一個女兒的諾言的外觀, 都有福氣並且都純的神聖的童女瑪利亞;到神聖的童女的簡短的外觀當她在耶路撒冷生活在了堂時;到 Zacharias 的外觀有關伊望。約翰的出生的高司祭和消息與啞的 Zacharias 的前驅者和嚴重的懲罰因為他沒相信詞;再, 到在拿撒勒的神聖的童女的外觀並且概念的好消息和主的出生通知她伊伊穌。斯耶穌合[利爾]斯托。斯基督;到正直的約瑟夫的外觀;到在伯利恆附近的牧人的外觀;到主的外觀他自己在客西馬尼的花園裡當他在他的熱情以前作為一個人加強了吾主時;到忍受沒藥女人的外觀等等。
The Sobor of the ArchAngel Gabriel is celebrated on the day following after the Annunciation/Blagoveschenie, ie. 26 March. This feast is celebrated a second time 13 July. The reason for its being established probably served the dedication in the 17th cent. of a church at Constantinople, constructed in the name of the Holy Archi-Strategos / Chief of the Heavenly Hosts. An account of the Holy ArchAngel is located under 26 March and 8 November.
SYNAXIS OF HILANDAR 希兰达尔 SAINTS, Mt Athos 纪念阿托斯圣山希兰达尔修道院全体圣徒
The Hilandar Monastery (Μονή Χιλανδαρίου) is one of the twenty Eastern Orthodox monasteries in Mount Athos in Greece. It was founded in 1198 by Archbishop of the Serbian Church Saint Sava and his father and founder of the Nemanjić dynasty Grand Prince Stefan Nemanja, who upon relinquishing his crown, took monastic vows to become ordinary monk Symeon in Hilandar. The monastery represents a focal point of Serbian religious and secular culture, as well as "the first Serbian university". It is ranked fourth in the Athonite hierarchy of 20 sovereign monasteries. The Mother of God through her Icon of the Three Hands (Trojeručica), is considered the monastery's abbess. Etymological meaning of "Hilandar" is probably derived from Greek word chelandion, which is a type of Byzantine transport ship, whose skipper was called "helandaris".
希利安达里乌修道院 ― 是希腊阿索斯山的一个塞尔维亚正教会修道院,由塞尔维亚正教会首任大主教圣萨瓦和他的父亲、放弃王位出家修道的尼曼雅王朝首任大茹潘斯特凡•尼曼雅一世(西緬修士)创建于1198年。该修道院代表塞尔维亚宗教和世俗文化的焦点,以及“塞尔维亚第一所大学”。它在阿索斯山的20座修道院中排名第四位。该修道院内约45名修士。
Resulting in the flank of the former Byzantine Empire, the successor of the Eastern Roman Empire, Mount Athos is the last living remnant of this millennial civilization that the power of his imperial ideology, philosophical ideas, religious and cultural patterns influenced on the whole world at that time, especially on the Orthodox nations, which still takes the strength of that living source. The greatest treasures of Mount Athos are monks who are carriers of monasticism, bearers of the word of God to the world. One of the few Serbian builders monasteries of Mount Athos is Chilandar, Orthodox spiritual center, the medieval city, spiritual, cultural and national treasures of Serbs, Serbian mirror of the soul, pride, consolation and way to the Lord. It takes a lot of time, space, energy, will and knowledge to present Chilandar. What makes it great are the deeds and words which Chilandar donated us to the lap time and the eternal faith of Christ and the cross in which all and where everything is. Hilandar`s heritage is out of time and space. Chilandar Monastery is the first Serbian university and one of the oldest in the world. In terms of literature, religion, the study of nature, medicine, according to all of the criteria was a real university, who is trained by the best experts in these areas at this time. The monastery keeps the largest collection of Serbian charters, relics, relics of saints, old icons. Hilandar has the largest collection of miraculous icons in the world, even eight of which are the most valuable and most respected in the cristian world: the icon of the Virgin with three hands (Bogorodica Trojeručica); the icon of Christ Pantocrator, which is the most beautiful icon of Christ on the planet and icons of Holy Virgin- Odigitria, which is considered the greatest masterpiece of Byzantine art of the thirteenth century. Here is the largest library of manuscripts of the Serbian people, the largest collection of coppercut and copperwrite plates, old textiles of worship, old church plates, woodcarving works, porcelain, gold objects, crosses and the most beautiful church on Mount Athos in the judgment of Byzantine. In Hilandar was founded Serbian literacy, translation and copying activities, there is conceived Serbian medieval state of law and diplomacy, and established one of the first Serbian hospital. A place where Moravian architecture reaches its peak, through which during the last eight centuries greatest artists of icon painting and frescoes. Chilandar to the fifteenth century possessed over 30 major land`s properties – Metochia`s in Europe and Asia with over 360 villages and vast spiritual, human and material resources which can measure the power of the state. In a word, what is preserved in Hilandar is greater than the preserved heritage in all other Serbian monasteries. The aim of this website is to inform the general public about the greatest treasure of the monastery Chilandar, yet only briefly, because the story was too big, but yet small for a Chilandar.
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἠλιόφωτοι
Ἐπαφρόδιτος, Ἀμμώνιος, Χουλέλαιος, Εὐσθένιος καὶ Ἠλιόφωτος ὁ ἀρχηγός τους
• MM ANDREW and PROBUS (965)
• MM MAURA (Maureen, Moura, Moira, Maíre, Mairin or Mawr), BRIGID (Britta, Bridget or Brígit) (3rd c.) and their brother ESPAIN (Spanus, Hispadus or Espian) together with MM ALDEGUND and her son JOHN at Balagny-sur-Thérain, near Creil in France) (9th c.)
Ss Maura and Brigid were two British princesses from Northumbria who were born in the third century. While making their way to Rome on a pilgrimage, they were murdered by Frankish soldiers in Balagny-sur-Therain. Their bodies were buried at the spot of their martyrdom, and pilgrims eventually flocked to their shrine.
• M TROPHIMA at Alexandria with St SERAPION & others
• VM JUSTINA and M ZENO at Trieste (Istria) in Italy (3rd c.)
• MM THEODOSIA together with 12 Martyred Noblewomen of Caesaria, and her son Great Martyr PROCOPIUS (Prokcopius or Proconius) (3-4th c.)
• MM EUGENE Bishop of Carthage, Archdeacon SALUTARIS, VINDEMIAL Bishop of Capsa, LONGINUS, ANTONY, MURITTA and companions (505)
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Martyr ALEXANDER Schmorell (1917-1943)
• KONSTANTIN Orpisan, martyr in Jilava in Romania (1959)
• Repose of Blessed PHOTIOS Kontoglou (1895-1965) restored the practice of true Byzantine iconography to the Church
• Hieromartyr Pope ANACLETUS (96)
• Tr.Rel. (1620) of ANTONY of Leokhovo, monk (1611)
• ARN (Arno von Endsee) Bishop of Würzburg (892)
• CORNILI of Pereyaslavl, monk (1693)
• CRUIMTHER Fionntain, of Cill-airthir
• Righteous CUNIGUNDE of Luxembourg, Empress (975-1033)
• ESDRAS the Prophet
Priest and scribe who left Babylon in the 7th year of Artaxerxes (458 B.C.) with a caravan of 1,800 Jewish exiles, to return to Jerusalem. The Persian king had given Esdras a letter ordering the satraps beyond the Euphrates to aid him to enforce observance of the Mosaic Law in Judea. Esdras brought with him an exemption from taxation for the temple officials, and gifts from Artaxerxes and the Jews of Babylon. With these the temple worship was to be enhanced and subsidized. Within a year mixed marriages, of which even priests had been guilty, were dissolved. In 444 B.C., after the walls of Jerusalem had been rebuilt, the Law was read to the assembled multitude, whereupon the Feast of Tabernacles and the Day of Atonement were observed. There followed the renewal of the Covenant, which all solemnly agreed to keep. By Esdras and Nehemias the restoration of the Law was effected. The measures which Esdras himself effected determined in great part the organization and practise of later Judaism. The Talmud assigns to him the compilation of the Books of Paralipomenon. He is also credited with the collection of the canonical books of the Old Testament extant in his time. Jewish tradition regards him as the author of the Books of Esdras.
• Righteous HENRY II (Good King Henry, Henry the Pious or the Lame, Heinrich Duke of Bavaria) King of Germany and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (972-1024) married Cunigunde of Luxembourg
• Martyress GOLINDUC (Golinduch) of Persia (Mary or Maria in Holy Baptism) martyred at Jerusalem (591)
Ἡ Ἁγία Γολινδοὺχ ἡ Περσίδα ποὺ μετονομάστηκε Μαρία
• Martyr DOFGAN of Wales
• DWYNWEN (Donwen, Donwenna, Dwyn or Dunwen) Nun of Anglesey (Llan-Dwyn, Llanddwyn or Ludgvan and Porthd-Dwyn) (460)
• Martyr DOGFAN (Doewan) (5th c.) martyred by heathen in Dyfed in Wales where a church was dedicated to him
• ERNIN (Arney) of Inis-caoin, now Inniskeen, Counties of Meath and Cavan
• JULIAN 犹利安 bishop of Cenomanis (95) venerated as the first Bishop of Le Mans in France
聖人朱利安, CENOMAINS 的主教 [ 情夫, 法國]
一些認為這聖人不除西蒙以外是任何一個麻風病患者, 被主治好。宗徒撇。特爾彼得奉獻了他一個主教並且送了他到異教徙高盧, 聖朱利安在此忍受了大痛苦但是成功了變換許多人到合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思。當他給某人施洗禮了時王子 Defenson , 這個王子的許多題目轉到了真實的費思。由上帝的優雅,他工作了大奇跡︰他愈合了病了, 扔出去魔鬼並且複興死了。他和平地結束了生活並且, 在他的死亡的時間,當他在午餐時,在今日的中間在王子 Defenson 看來了。
• JUST 犹斯特 monk in Cornwall (5th c.)
• Tr.Rel. at Sherborne of St JUTWARA (Jutwell, Aed-wyry, Aude, Judith or Juthware) of Exeter and Lanteglos at Laneast (6-7th cent.) Virgin of Devonshire, Sister of St Sidwell
• Martyr MARCIAN 玛尔基安 of Iconium (258)
• Translation of Relics of MILDRED (Mildthryth) 密尔德瑞德 Abess of Minster-in-Thanet, Kent in England (700) // 20 FEB // 13 JUL TR REL //
• MOSILOC (Mothiolog) of Cloonatten, Parish of Kilmichael Oge, County of Wexford
• ONESIPHOROS the Wonderworker, Ascetic of Anarita in Paphos, Cyprus
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ὀνησίφορος
• Tr.Rel. of St PEGA (Pee) Anchoress of Peakirk (719)
• SABBAS of Liwisk, monk
• Virgin HM Amma SARA (Sarah the Egyptian, Emma Sara or Sarra of the Nile) 萨拉 Abs. at Scetis (Scete) in Libya (370) desert hermitess in Egypt known for her piety, discipline and extremely ascetic life
Ἡ Ὁσία Σάρρα
作為一個年輕的少女,莎拉撤退了生活嚴峻的禁欲並且有 60 年的時間的生活生活了在離亞力山大大帝不遠的尼羅河的岸上的禁欲主義的生活。由她的例子她吸引了許多女人到修道士生活。她在一年在主發現休息 370 A.D 。
• Martyr SERAPION 塞拉彼雍 under Severus (205)

• Martyress SIRIN (Sira) of Persia (520-559)
• Venerable STEPHEN 斯特梵 of St Sabbas' Monastery (794) the nephew of St John of Damascus
Ὁ Ὅσιος Στέφανος ὁ Σαββαΐτης
SABAS 的可敬的史蒂芬
史蒂芬是到聖伊望。約翰大馬士革人的一個第一表親。他生活了在聖 Sabas 的修道院的禁欲主義的生活他為哪個是 surnamed Sabas 把了。他是在在巴勒斯坦的修道士之中的聖 Sabas 和一顆照耀的星的生活的一個大的模仿者。他在在一年的主的 reposed 794 A.D , 在裡面他的 60 -- 第 9 年。
Today’s saint should not be confused with the other St Stephen of Saint Sava’s Monastery who is commemorated on October 28.
• TURIAF (Turiav, Turiavus) (750) succeeded St Samson as Bishop of Dol in Brittany
• WILLEHAD Bishop of Bremen, Christian missionary (789)
• The First Recorded Miracle of St SPYRIDON in Kerkyra
On the 13th of July the Orthodox Church celebrates the miracle of our Holy Father Spyridon the Wonderworker, who gave sight to the blind man Theodore. In 1577 the Venetians undertook a construction project outside of the fortifications of the city, which resulted in the demolition of the Church of Saint Spyridon in Koukounaria, which was near the Jewish cemetery and housed the incorrupt relics of the Saint for many years. No trace of this church exists today, yet it was in this church that St Spyridon worked his first recorded miracle, giving sight to the blind man Theodore. For many years, whenever people passed by the area of this church, they would do their cross and speak of this miracle with astonishment. Konstantinos Tsagaras, hearing of this miracle and wanting to honor the Saint for working his wonder in his neighborhood, decided in 1700 to build a chapel to St Spyridon in Sarokou. On July 13, 1735 this chapel was consecrated to commemorate the miracle of St Spyridon healing the blind man.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

понедельник, 29 июля 2019 г.

• συνοδικός • 2019 July 25 / July 12 7527 •


July 25 / July 12
2019 (7527)

• Icon of the Mother of God of THREE HANDS 三臂圣母像 (717) Hilandar, Mt Athos
In the ninth century during the time of the Iconoclasts, St John of Damascus was zealous in his veneration of the holy icons. Because of this, he was slandered by the emperor and iconoclast Leo III who informed the Damascus caliph that St John was committing treasonous acts. The caliph gave orders to cut off the hand of the monk and take it to the marketplace. That evening St John, having asked the caliph for the cut-off hand, put it to its joint and fell to the ground before the icon of the Mother of God. The monk begged Our Lady to heal his hand, which had written in defense of Orthodoxy. After praying he fell asleep and saw in a dream that the All-Pure Mother of God had turned to him promising him quick healing. The Mother of God directed him to toil without fail with this hand. Having awakened from sleep, St John saw that his hand was unharmed. In thankfulness for this healing, St John placed a hand fashioned of silver on the icon, from which the icon received its name “Of Three Hands.” (Some iconographers have mistakenly depicted the Most Holy Theotokos with three arms and three hands.) According to Tradition, St John wrote a hymn of thanksgiving to the Mother of God: “All of creation rejoices in You, O Full of Grace,” which appears in place of the hymn “It is Truly Meet” in the Liturgy of St Basil the Great. St John Damascene accepted monasticism at the St Sava the Sanctified Monastery and bestowed his wonderworking icon at that place. The Lavra presented the icon “Of Three Hands” in blessing to St Sava, Archbishop of Serbia. During the invasion of Serbia by the Turks, Christians who wished to protect the icon entrusted it to the safekeeping of the Mother of God Herself. They placed it upon a donkey, which without a driver proceeded to Mt Athos and stopped in front of the Hilandar Monastery. The monks put the icon in the monastery’s cathedral church. During a time of dissension over the choice of the abbott, the Mother of God appeared at the monastery Herself and came to rule it. From that time Her holy icon has occupied the abbott’s place in the temple. There is only a vicar at the Hilandar Monastery, and from the holy icon, the monks take a blessing for every obedience.
• Icon of the Mother of God of THREE HANDS of Beloberezhsk (1718)
• "THE SELFPAINTED" (Panagia Prodromitissa) icon of the Most Holy Mother of God in the monastery Hilandar on Mount Athos, Moldavian (1863)
At the Romanian Skete of the Honorable Forerunner (Timios Prodromos in Greek) there is a miraculous icon of the Panagia. It is a rare icon of the Orthodox Church, because it was painted without human hands. This miracle of acheiropoiitos (created without hands) iconography came to be in the following manner. In the year 1863 the founders of the Skete, Fathers Niphon and Nektarios, wished to acquire a beautiful icon of the Panagia, like all the other Athonite monasteries. In Iasi, Romania they found a pious iconographer named Iordakin Nicholas, and they asked him to paint with prayer and fasting the icon they desired. The iconographer agreed, and with much reverence began his work. While he daily read the Supplication Service to the Most Holy Theotokos, in the beginning he painted the vestments of the Panagia and the Lord. Then he tried to paint the face, but failed. Pained and troubled he stopped the iconography, covered the icon with a cloth, locked the lab, and retired to his room to pray harder. The next day, wanting to make an effort to paint the divine faces, he entered the lab. When he withdrew the cloth which was over the icon, he beheld a wonder of the Lord. He was amazed to see that the sacred and all-holy faces were miraculously and perfectly made, and the icon was completed in its current form. The fathers of the Romanian Skete received and transferred the wondrous icon to Mount Athos. During the journey it accomplished numerous miracles and continues to work miracles today, to the glory of our Holy Triune God and the salvation of the faithful. It is celebrated on July 12th.
• Hieromartyrs bishop HERMAGORAS and deacon FORTUNATUS of Aquileia (66)
According to tradition, St Hermagoras was a disciple of the Apostle Mark and was consecrated first Bishop of Aquileia in Italy. After a fruitful apostolate he and his deacon Fortunatus were beheaded under Nero.
• MM Bishop PAULINUS of Antioch and companions (67)
Venerated as the first bishop and patron-saint of Lucca in Tuscany in Italy. By tradition he was born in Antioch and sent to Lucca by the Apostle Peter where he was martyred with others.
• Martyrs PROCLUS 普若克洛 and his nephew HILARY 伊拉里 of Ancyra (117)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Πρόκλος καὶ Ἱλάριος οἱ Μάρτυρες
這些神聖的殉教者在亞洲在 Kallippi 出生了並且 Proclus 是 Hilarius 的叔叔。他們是在 Trajan 的朝代期間的市場年。“你的系是甚麼?”法官向 Proclus 詢問了。Proclus 回答了︰“我的系是合[利爾]斯托。斯基督並且我的希望是我的上帝。”當法官威脅了時他與折磨, Proclus 說︰“當你害怕冒犯時有序的皇帝的訂單不掉進暫存的痛苦,多少更是我們到擔心的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教冒犯上帝的戒律以便我們不能掉進永久的痛苦﹗”當他們正在折磨 Proclus 時, Hilarius 在法官前來了並且說︰“我也是一克裡斯琴﹗”在受苦的大部分以後,他們是被判了至死的兩個︰Proclus 在一個十字上被把釘在十字架上並且 Hilarius 被斬。都進入了他們的主的快樂。
• Martyrs NABOR and FELIX of Milan (304)
• Martyrs ANDREW and PROV (Probbus) (965)
• Protomartyrs of Rus’ THEODORE 德奥多若 the Varangian and his son JOHN 约翰 the Youth (983) of Kiev; their relics repose in the monastery of the Near Caves of Anthony in Kiev. Those without children and those who miscarry invoke their intercession
悉奧多和伊望。約翰是父親和兒子, 並且由降下瓦蘭金人 ( 海盜 ) 被給某人施洗禮並且然後在 Kiev 的異教徙城市裡安定了。激怒的異教徙在它與他們一起破壞了他們的家並且, 這樣, 都為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督受苦了。他們的在在 Kiev 的安當的洞的修道院的遺物修養。那些沒有流產的孩子和那些調用他們的調解。
• Martyrs ANDREAS the Soildier, HERACLIUS, FAUSTUS, MENAS and companions Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἀνδρέας ὁ Στρατηλάτης, Ἡράκλειος, Φαῦστος, Μηνᾶς καὶ ἡ συνοδεία τους
• Monks GERASIMOS and ACACIUS on Crete (17th c.)
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Translation (2004) of the relics of New Hieromartyr MOMCILO 默穆基洛 Grgurevic 格尔古瑞维奇 of Serbia
• Elder PAÏSIOS (Arsenios Eznepidis) of the Holy Mountain (1924–1994)
Ὅσιος Παΐσιος ὁ Ἁγιορείτης
• Venerable ANSBALD of Prum in Western Germany, abbot (886)
• Translation (1620) of the relics of St ANTHONY 安托尼 abbot of Leokhnov, Novgorod (1611)
• Venerable ARSENIUS 阿尔塞尼 of Novgorod, Fool for Christ (1570)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀρσένιος τοῦ Νόβγκοροντ (Ρῶσος)
• COLMAN Priest, of Cluain Bruchais
• Venerable GABRIEL 加百列 of Georgia and Iveron, Mt Athos (1000) who approached the icon of Panagia Portaitissa
• GEORGE the Confessor (776-821) the Bishop of Mytilene // APR 7 // FEB 1 //
Ἀνακομιδὴ Τιμίων Λειψάνων Ἁγίου Γεωργίου Ἐπισκόπου Ἄσσου Μυτιλήνης
• Martyress GOLINDUC 格林杜克 (玛利亚 Mary or Maria in holy baptism) of Persia, confessor (591) Martyred at Jerusalem
神聖的女性的GOLINDUC殉教者 [ 瑪利亞]
Golinduc 是由出生的一個波斯人。她與一位波斯的哲人進入了婚姻並且生活處於婚姻的狀態的 3 年。她然後有了天神的視覺給她看了另外的世界︰罪人和不輕信的人和快樂的折磨正直。在這以後,她離開了丈夫並且被給某人施洗禮。在浸禮,她收到了瑪利亞的名字。由她的丈夫迫害了, 她永久被判到監獄。她有 18 年的時間被關押並且在她的信念仍然是固定。在這以後,她與一條可怕的蛇但是被省去了她的並且蛇的上帝被扔進一個坑沒傷害她。當邪惡的年輕的人被送隘路時她的, 被使她不可見到他們的眼睛的上帝。在她的痛苦震驚了, 許多波斯人擁抱了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思。她訪問了她告發了 Severian 異端邪說的耶路撒冷, 它教了在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的神聖的天性他們為哪個讀 Trisagion 受苦了 [ TrisvjatojeThe 三次神聖聖歌 ] 在下列形式︰“神聖的上帝, 神聖有力,神聖並且不朽為我們把釘在十字架上了, 在我們上有仁慈。”最後, 在宣講真實的費思以後,她和平地在一年在非最後公共汽車的城市附近死了 587 A.D 。
• HARDUIN of Fontenelle (749-811) Benedictine monk at the monastery of Saint-Wandrille in Fontenelle, Rouen, Normandy (in modern France). Priest. He received permission to live as a hermit, and lived locked in a cell near the abbey. Prolific copyist of the writings of the Fathers of the Church. Taught mathematics and calligraphy. Pilgrim to Rome during the papacy of Pope Hadrian I
• M JASON (1st c.) torn apart by wild animals
Jason was a friend and host of Saint Paul (Acts 17:5) in Salonka, Thessalonica, during his second missionary journey. Jason was a prominent convert to Christianity and is probably the same Jason with Sosipater mentioned by Saint Paul in the Epistle to the Romans (16:21). In the Greek legend Jason is described as the bishop of Tarsus, Cilicia, who, with Sosipater, evangelized Corfu, where Jason died. Syrian legend says he evangelized the area around Apamea and was martyred there by being thrown to wild beasts. The Roman Martyrology wrongly identifies him with the Mnason mentioned in Acts 21:16, "a Cyprian, an old disciple," with whom Saint Paul was staying in Jerusalem and whom tradition makes bishop of Tamasus in Cyprus.
• Venerable JOHN 约翰 the Georgian of Iveron, Mt Athos (1005)
Born to the 10th century Iberian nobility. Married layman, and outstanding military commander. Father of Saint Euthymius the Illuminator. With his wife's approval, he became a monk on Mount Olympus in Bithynia. Travelled to Constantinople to his son, who was being held hostage by the emperor. Euthymius then joined his father as a monk. Their holiness attracted would-be followers, so they retired to the monastery of Saint Athanasius on Mount Athos in Macedonia. With John's brother-in-law, retired general John Thornikos, and Euthymius, John founded Iviron (Iweron) monastery on Mount Athos; Saint John served as its first abbot. The monastery is still in use, though now by Greek Orthodox monks.
• Martyr MAMAS 玛玛斯 near Sigmata
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μάμας πέραν ἐν τῷ Σίγματι
• VM MARCIANA of Spain (303) Pat. of Tortosa
• MASQUAL Guebra
• MENULPHUS (Menou) of Quimper, Bishop (7th c.)
• Venerable MICHAEL 米迦勒 of Maleinus, monk, abbot (962) Spiritual Father of St Athanasios the Athonite
Ὁ Ὅσιος Μιχαὴλ ὁ Μαλεῖνος, πνευματικὸς πατέρας τοῦ Ἁγίου Ἀθανασίου τοῦ Ἀθωνίτη
MALEINOS 的可敬的米迦勒
米迦勒是高貴的出生的一個富裕的人。在他的少年拒絕現世的商品, 他撤退了到Malea山, 近Athos山, 他在此生活了禁欲主義的生活, 通過齋戒和禱告淨化他的心。晚些時候, 他有了許多門徙, 哪個最突出是聖 Athanasius 阿陀斯山。米迦勒和平地關於一年死了 940 A.D 。
• NAZARUS (Nazair, Nasan) Bishop of Liethmore, County of Tipperary
• PATERNIAN (470) Bishop of Bologna in Italy c 450-470
• Hieromartyr PROCULUS (542) Bishop of Bologna in Italy (540-542) martyred by the Goths
• Martyr SERAPION the New, in Alexandria (211)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Σεραπίων ὁ νέος
• Blessed Sainted SERAPION 塞拉彼雍 bishop of Vladimir (1275)
• Hosiomartyr SIMON 西蒙 abbot of Volomsk (1641)
• ULTAN of Cork, County of Cork
• VERONICA (Berenike, Beronike, Prounike, Berenice, Bernice, Veronion or Veronike) the Bleeder, a Woman Healed by Christ (64) Matr. of Jerusalem
Ἡ Ἁγία Βερονίκη
維朗妮卡是主愈合了的與血的問題的女人。“並且, 看到, 一個女人, 它是與血 12 年的一個問題的 diseased ,在他后面來了,並且摸了他的服裝的縫” ( 聖瑪特婓馬太 9:20 ) 。從到主的感謝她的醫生, 維朗妮卡訂了主伊伊穌。斯耶穌的一尊塑像她在哪個前向上帝祈禱了完全適合她。根據傳統,這尊塑像被保存直到皇帝朱利安的朝代背教者改變了塑像進宙斯的一個聖像。這是聖人的塑像在東方的教會被使用的最稀罕的例子之一。它被知道, 后者在西方的教會成為了普通的慣例。聖人維朗妮卡支持了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思直到死亡並且和平地死了。
Righteous Veronica was, according to tradition, that woman with the issue of blood, who received healing by a touch to the hem of the robe of Christ (Mt. 9: 20-22). She gave the Lord a veil, with which the Lord wiped His face, when He went to crucifixion. On the veil was imaged the Face of the Lord.
• VIVENTIOLUS (524) monk at St Oyend in France who became Archbishop of Lyons. He was close to St Avitus of Vienne
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

• συνοδικός • 2019 July 24 / July 11 7527 •


July 24 / July 11
2019 (7527)

• Icon of the Mother of God of OKOVETSK-RZHEVSK (1539)
The Rzhevsk (or Okovetsk) Icon of the Mother of God is from the Rzhevets Monastery in Poltava. On May 26, 1539, on the Feast of Pentecost, in the Tver diocese, in the town of Vyryshensk located in a virgin forest on the bank of the Vyryshna River, not far from the city of Rzhev, at a crossroads for people from four surrounding villages, the monk Stephen made a discovery – fastened to a pine tree was a large iron cross and on another tree an old painted icon depicting the Mother of God with Child, and also St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra. With the discovery of the holy cross and the icon there shone an extraordinary light and healings occurred. From Pentecost to the start of the Apostles’ Fast, twenty-seven healings occurred. The monk Stephen, and immediately after him, Father Gregory Onisiphorov, journeyed to Moscow with reports of the appearance of the holy icon and cross and the healings that had occurred. Metropolitan Joseph of Moscow gave thanks to the Lord, and after verifying the miracles, gave his blessing to erect two churches – one dedicated to the Procession of the Venerable Wood of the Cross of the Lord, and the other in honor of the Hodigitria Mother of God, which contained a chapel named for St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. At the consecration of the churches, a priest and deacon were sent from Moscow, together with church utensils, icons, vestments, books and bells. In January 1541 the Rzhevsk icon was solemnly transferred to Moscow for the consecration of a church in honor of the Rzhevsk Icon of the Mother of God. After the consecration of the temple, the icon and cross were transferred to the Dormition Cathedral, where they remained until July 11, 1541. On that day the Rzhevsk icon and cross were returned to the place of their miraculous appearance. The Metropolitan, together with all the assembled clergy and faithful of Moscow, as well as Tsar Ivan Vasilievich, accompanied the icon from the Dormition Cathedral to the Church of the Rzhevsk Icon of the Mother of God, where a copy of the icon was placed. In memory of this celebration, the Feast of the Rzhevsk Icon of the Mother of God was established on July 11.
• "BORKOLABOVSK" (1659) Icon of the Mother of God
• "SHUYA-SMOLENSK" Icon of the Mother of God
• The RUDNENSK Icon of the mother of God
The Rudnensk Icon of the mother of God appeared in the year 1687 in the Rudnya locale of Mogilevsk diocese. In 1712 the icon was transferred to the Florovsk Ascension monastery in Kiev, where now it is situated. It also named Ratkovskaya of russian word meaned Grieve.
• Martyresses JANUARIUS 雅努阿里 and PELAGIA 佩拉吉亚 of Nicopolis in Armenia (310)
• Martyrs and brothers SABINUS (Savinus) and CYPRIAN venerated in Brescia in Italy
Sigisbert founded the monastery of Dissentis in Switzerland. He built it on land given to him by St Placid, a wealthy landowner who joined the monastery as a monk and was later martyred for defending it.
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Repose of Cave-Dweller ANASTASIA of Padan of St Cornelius Hermitage in Olonets (1901)
• Hieromartyr presbiter IGNATI Jakimov (1872-1918) at Perm
• Uncovering (1998) of relics of Hieromartyr ILARION (Vladimir Troitskij) archbishop of Vereya (1886-1929)
• New Hieromartyrs of Serbia (1941-1945): MOMCILO 默穆基洛 Grgurevic 格尔古瑞维奇 • DOBROSLAV 多布若斯拉夫 Blazenovic 博拉则诺维奇 • MILAN 弥朗 Bozic 博兹奇 • MIHAILO 弥哈伊洛 Djusic 德犹西奇 • JOVAN 约梵 Zecevic 则切维奇 • BOZIDAR 博兹达尔 Jovic 约维奇 • BOGDAN 博格丹 Lalic 拉利奇 • TRIFUN 特里丰 Maksimovic 玛克西默维奇 • VELIMIR 维利弥尔 Mijatovic 弥雅托维奇 • BOZIDAR 博兹达尔 Minic 密尼奇 • MILADIN 弥拉定 Minic 密尼奇 • MARKO 玛尔克 Popovic 颇颇维奇 • DIMITRIJE 迪弥特里 Rajanovic拉雅诺维奇 • BUDIMIR 布迪弥尔 Sokolovic 索科洛维奇 • RELJA 瑞尔雅 Spahic 斯帕希克 • LAZAR 拉匝尔 Culibrk 库里布尔克 • SAVO 萨瓦 Siljac 西尔雅克 • SAVO 萨瓦 Skaljka 斯卡尔吉卡 • MILORAD 弥洛拉德 Vukojicic 弗科伊基奇 • RATOMIR 拉托弥尔 Jankovic 杨科维奇 • MIHAILO 弥哈伊洛 Jevdjevic 耶弗德耶维奇 • DUSAN 杜桑 Prijovic 普里约维奇 • DOBROSAV 多布若撒弗 Sokovic 科维奇 • NESTOR 奈斯托尔 Trkulja 特尔库尔雅 • SERAFIM 塞拉芬 Dzaric 德匝里奇 • ANDRIJA 安德列 Siljak 西尔雅克 • SLOBODAN 斯洛博丹 Siljak 西尔雅克 • JOVAN 约梵 Rapajic 拉帕伊奇
• Gerontas (Starets) SOPHRONIUS Sakharov (1993) founder of the monastery of John the Baptist in Essex
• Hieromartyr ABUNDIUS (854) parish priest in Ananelos, a village near Cordoba in Spain. He had no thought of martyrdom, but when he had to, he bravely confessed Christ before the tribunal of the Moorish Caliph of Cordoba. He was beheaded and his body was thrown to the dogs
• AMABILIS Nun at convent St Amand in Rouen in France (634)
• Uncovering of the relics of the Monk ARKADIUS of Vyazemsk and Novotorzhsk (1677)
The relics of the Monk Arkadii, glorified by miracles, were uncovered on 11 July 1677 at the Novotorzhsk Borisoglebsk (Boris and Gleb) monastery. Two days later they were transferred from the right side of the Borisoglebsk cathedral to the left side, beneathe a chapel in honour of the holy Righteous Ancestors of God Joakim and Anna. In 1755 they were re-situated into a stone tomb. The account about the life of the Monk Arkadii is located under 13 December, the day of his repose.
• ARSENIUS Patriarch of Alexandria (970-1010)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀρσένιος Πατριάρχης Ἀλεξανδρείας
• Translation of the Relics of Great Martyress BARBARA
The relics of the holy Great Martyress Barbara were transferred to Kiev by Barbara, the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenos, who married the Russian prince Michael Izyaslavich. They rest even now at Kiev's St Vladimir Cathedral, where an Akathist to the saint is served each Tuesday. The hand of St Barbara is kept in a special shrine in the Monastery of St Michael in Kiev, on the left side of the church. The glove covering the hand is changed frequently, and pieces are given to pilgrims.
• Venerable BENEDICT of Nurcia (480-550) Father of Western Monasticism
Prayer ought to be short and pure, unless it be prolonged by the inspiration of Divine grace.
Born to the Roman nobility near Nursia in Umbria in central Italy, at the age of twenty he went to live as a hermit in a cave near Subiaco. Twin brother of St Scholastica. Studied in Rome, Italy, but was dismayed by the lack of discipline and the lackadasical attitude of his fellow students. Fled to the mountains near Subiaco, Italy, living as a hermit in a cave for three years; reported to have been fed by a raven. Friend of St Romanus of Subiaco who lived as a nearby hermit; spiritual teacher of St Placid. Benedict's virtues caused an abbey to request him to lead them. Founded the monastery at Monte Cassino, where he wrote the Rule of his order. His discipline was such that an attempt was made on his life; some monks tried by poison him, but he blessed the cup and rendered it harmless. He returned to his cave, but continued to attract followers, and eventually established twelve monasteries. Had the ability to read consciences, the gift of prophesy, and could forestall attacks of the devil. Destroyed pagan statues and altars, drove demons from groves sacred to pagans. At one point there were over 40 000 monasteries guided by the Benedictine Rule. A summation of the Rule: "Pray and work." He reposed while standing in prayer before the altar. Some relics of St Benedict were later translated to France but others remained at Montecassino.
• Hieromartyr Presbyter CINDEUS (Kindeos) 金德 of Pamphylia (305)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κινδέος ὁ Πρεσβύτερος
• Martyr CYRIACUS the Executioner
By order of governor Hadrian, he executed St Antiochus of Sebaste. When he saw the resolve of the Christians and then the miracle of milk flowing from the body of St Antiochus instead of blood, he converted to Christianity.
• Venerable CYRIL the New of Paros (1748-1833)
• CYWAIR (Cowair) Pat. of Llangywair (Llangower) near Bala in Merionethshire
• Venerable DROSTAN 德若斯坦 of Old Deer and Aberdeen, abbot of Dalcongaile (610) Apostle of Scotland; disciple and nephew of the great St Columcille (Columba)
• FALBI (Failbhe) Son of Culocha, of Disert Mic-Conlocha, in Cuircne, County of Westmeath
• Virgin GABTINA (Gaibhthene)
• Sainted HILDULF of Trier, bishop (707) Abbot both of Moyenmoutier and Bonmoutier (Galilaea, afterwards called Saint-Dié)
• JAMES Bishop of Nisibis, Confessor (350)
• JOHN of Bergamo (690) Bishop of Bergamo in Italy (c 656 to c 690), he was renowned for his learning and great success in fighting Arianism
• Venerable LEO 莱翁 monk of Mandra (496)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Λέων ὁ ἐν τὴ Μάνδρᾳ
• LEONTIUS the Younger (510-565) soldier who served against the Visigoths. He married and went to live in Bordeaux in France where he became bishop
• LONAN of Ard-Cruinn
• Martyr MARKIAN of Iconium, Lycaonia, Asia Minor (243)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μαρκιανὸς ὁ Μάρτυρας
Young Christian man who publicly proclaimed his faith during persections led by governor Perennio; it led to his arrest, torture, having his tongue cut out to stop him praying, and execution.
• Martyress MARCIANA of Caesarea gored by a bull and killed by leopard attack in the amphitheatre at Caesarea, Mauritania (in modern Algeria)
Making personal vows, she retired to the city of Caesarea, Mauritania (in modern Algeria) to live is a penitent hermitess. Imprisoned, tortured, threatened with rape, and eventually executed for refusing to worship of statue of the pagan goddess Diana during the persecutions of Diocletian.
• Martyr MARTYROKLES pierced with arrows (303)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μαρτυροκλής ὁ Μάρτυρας
• New Hosiosmartyr NECTARIUS 奈克塔里 of St Anne's Skete, Mt Athos (1820)
Nectarius 在亞洲未成年者在 Vryoulla 出生。在年齡十七他被強迫到擁抱回教。他有了類似的命運作為做了聖 Nicodemus 。甚麼時候, 作為一個伊斯蘭教徒, 他在他的母親前出現了, 她驚呼了︰“從我的分離, 我不知道你。我作為一克裡斯琴生了你, 不作為一個伊斯蘭教徒。”他痛苦地后悔了並且為Athos山分離了並且在聖人的 Scete 在那裡安妮是噸肯定一個修道士。決定為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督受苦並且, 從而離開洗他的罪惡,他再回到了他承受了殉教的 Vryoulla 。他被土耳其人在 1820 年 7 月 11 日在他的出生的地方為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督斬, 在 21 歲時。
Though raised a Christian, when Nectaire went into the service of a Turk, he converted to Islam. When he discovered that his mother, whom he thought he dead, was still alive, he travelled to see her, and back home he renounced Islam and returned to Christianity. He spent some time in exile, but eventually returned to Ephesus, publicly proclaimed his faith, and was murdered for it.
• Venerable NICODEMUS 尼科迪默 of Vatopedi, Mt Athos (1320) teacher of Gregory Palamas
Ὁ Ὅσιος Νικόδημος
• New Hosiosmartyr NICODEMUS 尼科迪默 the Albanian of Elbasan and Mt Athos (1722) Myrrhgusher
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νικόδημος ὁ νέος Ὁσιομάρτυρας ἀπὸ τὸ Ἐλβασᾶν
Nicodemus 在 Elbasan 出生, 阿爾巴尼亞。他結婚了並且有了孩子。由土耳其人欺騙了, 他擁抱了回教並且也強迫了他的孩子到擁抱回教, 除了一個兒子, 逃跑了到他是噸肯定的神聖的Athos山一個修道士。Nicodemus 旅行了到Athos山帶給他的兒子他后悔了並且回到了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思並且是噸肯定的在他上被成為了如此的印象的背后但是Athos山一個修道士。因為他的背教他有 3 年的時間哭泣了並且最後決定了回到阿爾巴尼亞他的他以前進行了它的罪惡后悔。在回來之上他在土耳其人前聲明了他是一克裡斯琴並且在 1722 年 7 月 11 日被斬。他的奇跡工作的遺物,甚至今天,未經觸動的修養和 uncorrupt 。
• Martyr NICODEMUS 尼科迪默 of Hilandar, Mt Athos (1809)
• New Hosiosmartyr NIKOLAS of Bryulon, monk
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νικόλαος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας ὁ ἐκ Βρυούλλων
• Blessed Equal to the Apostles OLGA 奥尔伽 princess of of Kyiv, High Queen of Kyivan Rus’ (879-969) in holy baptism called Helen
Ἡ Ἁγία Ὄλγα ἡ Ἰσαπόστολος ἡ βασίλισσα
聖人海倫娜 [ 奧爾加]
海倫娜, 是一個大的俄國的公主, 在她的浸禮前,被稱為奧爾加。奧爾加是王子 Igor 的妻子。主教皇 Polyeuctus 給某人施洗禮了她在土耳其都市。她為在俄國的正教信仰是很熱心的。她在一年進入了永久的休息 969 A.D 。
First Christian queen of Ukraine. Married to Igor I, duke of Kiev c.903. She ruled Kievan Rus after Igor's assassination in 945. Following her conversion and baptism in 957 in Constantinople, when she took the name Helena, she tried to introduce Christianity to the Ukraine on a wide scale, but failed. When her son Sviatoslav reached adulthood, she handed the throne to him, c.963. Grandmother of St Vladimir, great-grandmother of St Boris and St Gleb.
• Hieromartyr PIUS I (155) Pope from c 142 to c 155. He may have been a brother of Hermas, the writer of the work called The Shepherd. If so, Pius, like his brother, was born a slave. He opposed the Gnostics, notably the Gnostic Marcion. He may have been martyred
• Martyr SIDRONIUS (270) in Rome under Aurelian
• THURKETYL (Turketil) (887-975) Abbot of Crowland, Lincolnshire; restored Croyland Abbey, a house that had been destroyed by pagan Danes. Abbot of the monastery at Bedford, England
Commemoration of Miracle in 451 of GM EUPHEMIA (Efimia, Ephemia, Eupheme or Evphemia) 艾弗斐弥亚 the All-Praised of Chalcedon (303)
Θαῦμα Ἁγίας Εὐφημίας τῆς Μεγαλομάρτυρος
聖人尤菲米婭在 9 月 16 日被紀念, 她在其上是市場年的日子。在這天, 然而, 被紀念包圍她的光榮的遺物的奇跡, 它在 Chalcedon 在第四個全合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教會的委員會的時間被表明。這個委員會在一年在皇帝 Marcian 和女皇 Pulcheria 的朝代期間被集合 451 A.D , 在皇帝 Theodosius 的死亡以後更年輕。為召集這個委員會的原因是 Dioscorus 的異端邪說, 亞力山大大帝和 Eutyches 的主教皇, 從土耳其都市的一位修道院長, 散布假教那在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督主沒有 2 天性, 神聖並且人,但是僅僅一, 神聖的天性。在這委員會 Anatolius , 土耳其都市的主教皇, 並且羽毛未豐, 耶路撒冷的主教皇, 起了最突出的作用。因為一個結論不能從任何一個通過爭論和証詞被得出,看齊,主教皇 Anatolius 打手勢了正統並且異教徒寫下他們的信念的招供並且然後把他們放在石棺在哪兒聖的遺物尤菲米婭 reposed 。他們都同意了這。因此, 信念的 2 招供在偉大的女性的殉教者的胸上被寫並且放。石棺與皇帝的封口被關上,封上並且軍事的警衛被指定。他們的所有在禱告和齋戒度過了 3 天。當他們在第四天打開了石棺時,他們在聖人的右手和礙手礙腳的信念的異端的招供看見了信念的正統的招供。這樣爭論, 通過上帝的力量,贊成正統說法被決定。在皇帝 Heraclius 的朝代期間,尤菲米婭從 Chalcedon 被遷座到土耳其都市到教會的聖的遺物在賽馬或戰車賽場附近奉獻了給她。這些遺物被扔進海的 Isaurian 訂了的聖像破壞的皇帝利奧但是, 在一種奇跡的方式,石棺被遷座到蘭諾斯島的島並且把Glyceria殉教者 放了在大女性的教會。然後, 在女皇艾琳的朝代期間,與聖尤菲米婭的遺物的石棺再被回到到它的以前的地方的土耳其都市。血有時從這些遺物流動了它幫助了那些是病了的或在痛苦。
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018