
суббота, 30 июня 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • July 1 / June 18 •


July 1 / June 18
2018 (7526)
• Icon of the Mother of God the Most Holy Theotokos "THE GOD LOVING" ("Bogolübov") 博格路博夫 (1157) // JUN 18 //
Σύναξις Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου ἐν Μπογκολιούμπσκϊυ Ρωσίας
The Bogolub Icon of the Mother of God, one of the most ancient wonderworking icons of Russia, was written in the twelfth century at the request of Prince Andrew Bogolubsky, in memory of an appearance to him by the Mother of God. In 1155, Prince Andrew, having resettled from Vishgorod to the Suzdal region of Russia, brought with him a wonderworking icon of the Mother of God, written by the Evangelist Luke (ultimately, it came to be called the Vladimir Icon). Seven miles from Vladimir, the cart carrying the wonderworking icon stopped and could not be moved. Prince Andrew asked the priest Nicholas, who accompanied him, to serve a Molieben before the Icon. For a long time Andrew prayed with tears before the venerable image. He later went into his tent and continued his fervent prayers. The Most Holy Theotokos appeared to him with a small scroll in Her hand and told the pious prince that the icon should remain at Vladimir, and that on the site of Her miraculous appearance a church and holy monastery should be built. She then prayerfully raised Her hand to Heaven, and received a blessing from Christ the Savior. In fulfilling her command, Prince Andrew built a stone church and monastery in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. Afterwards the prince commissioned iconographers and asked that the Mother of God be depicted as he had seen in the vision, in full stature, with the scroll in Her right hand, and Her face turned towards the Savior. When the church was completed, the icon was placed in it, and a yearly celebration in honor of the appearance of the Mother of God was established on June 18. The monastery, and the city which formed around it, was named Bogolub by St. Andrew, because in his own words, “the Mother of God loves this place,” and the prince himself came to be called Bogolub or “God-lover.” This wonderworking icon of the Mother of God was afterwards transferred from the Bogolub Monastery to the Dormition Cathedral in Vladimir, but the icon of the Appearance remained at Bogolub. The icon of the Bogolub Mother of God was glorified by innumerable miracles, and over the span of many centuries manifested its grace-filled help to the believers of Russia. The miracles and signs wrought by the icon inspired believers throughout Russia to make copies of the venerable image, some of which were also miraculous.
• Reverence list of "BOGOLÜBOV" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Moskow (1157)
The Icon of the Mother of God of Bogoliubsk-Moskow was written in the year 1157 and in earlier times was situated in Moskow at the Solyana Square, over the Varvarsk Gates of the Chinese Quarter. The wonderworking image was glorified by healings during the time of a fierce plague in 1771. From this time the icon became especially venerated by believers, and a molieben was done yearly before the wonderworking image on 18 June. On the vigil of the feast for three days the icon was taken down from the wall and transferred to a special pavilion, whither thronged numerous people for prayerful veneration of the image of the Mother of God. After the course of three days the icon was again put up over the gates, where it remained until the following year on18 June. Unique to this icon is that there is imaged upon it, besides the Saviour and the Mother of God, also these saints: Sainted-hierarchs Peter, Alexei, Jona and Philip ― Metropolitans of Moskow, Blessed Vasilii and Maksim, the Nun Paraskeva, Saint Basil the Great, the Apostle Peter, Alexei "the man of God", the Disciple Simeon ― kinsman of the Lord, the Martyress Paraskeva and the Nun-Martyr Evdokia.
• Reverence list of "BOGOLÜBOV" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Uglich (1654)
The Icon of the Mother of God of Bogoliubsk-Uglich was glorified by the miraculous ending of a pestilential plague in the year 1654. At the time of the deadly epidemic, the Uglich tradesman Aphanasii Kustov went along the city ramparts and arrived at the church in honour of Blessed Prince Dimitrii of Uglich. He saw there three lads, which he assumed were the children of the city voevoda-commander, living not far from the church. One of these however ordered Aphansii to announce in the city square that the inhabitants of the city should pray to the Lord God and His All-Pure Mother and invoke also the help of the holy wonderworkers Tsarevich Dimitrii and Roman of Uglich. The inhabitants of the city quickly gathered together in the church of Blessed Dimitrii the Tsarevich, they sang a molieben before the Bogoliubsk Icon of the Mother of God, and the terrible plague immediately stopped.
• Reverence list of "BOGOLÜBOV" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Zimarovo (1237)
The Icon of the Mother of God of Bogoliubsk-Zimarovsk according to ancient tradition stood on the gates of the city of Pronsk, and during the time of an invasion of Tatars (13th c.) it was taken down and broken in pieces, but of itself it miraculously came back together, though one half of it remained higher than the other. In the latter 18th century this icon was situated in the house of the landowner Lopukhin, living at Moscow. Because of the antiquity of the icon they kept it among a number of things in a storeroom. At the time of a fierce plague in 1771 one of the afflicted inhabitants of Moscow was commanded in a dream vision to make a molieben before the icon, located in the house of Lopukhin. They located the icon and gave it to the sick person, who after making the molieben was healed, returning the wonderworking image. Other similar healings were done by the icon. Before his death (about 1780) the owner of the icon made a bequest to send it to its own native region, to the village of Zimarovo in Ryazan gubernia, situated 18 versts from the city of Ranenburg. In 1848 an outbreak of cholera raged in this city. The inhabitants quickly set off to the venerable image in the village of Zimarovo, and when the ancient wonderworking icon of the Bogoliubsk Mother of God was brought to the city, the threat of the danger of disease stopped.
• Reverence list of "BOGOLÜBOV" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Yuryevskoe (1771)
The Icon of the Mother of God of Bogoliubsk-Iur'evsk was given by the emperor Peter I to the dignitary Boris Mironovich Baturin. In the second half of the XVIII Century it belonged to the landowner Zagryazhsky, and in 1771 through prayers to the wonderworking image a fierce plague was averted. By way of inheritance, in 1838 the icon came to the parish church of the village of Iur'ev, Borovsk district, Kaluga gubernia, and it received the title Iur'evsk. Through the intervention of the Mother of God, in 1848 the Iur'ev parishioners were saved from cholera, and in the years 1848-1853 through prayers before the wonderworking image, the cholera stopped at Maloyaroslavl' and Borovsk. During the time of this dread disease, a certain woman had died, but through the grief-stricken prayers of her spouse before the Bogoliubsk Icon, she revived. In commemoration of the miraculous help of the Mother of God at Borovsk and at Maloyaroslavl', an annual church-procession is made with the wonderworking Iur'evsk icon. There are known also other copies of the wonderworking Bogoliubsk Icon of the Mother of God, made famous in earlier times through the mercy of the Heavenly Queen. Among the venerable copies of particular importance are the Tul'sk (1771), Kozlovsk (1771), Tarussk (1848 and 1870), and Elatemsk (1771). It is significant, that just as with the original of the Bogoliubsk Mother of God, so also its copies are glorified by healings in times of terrible sickness, in particular plague and Cholera.
• Reverence list of "BOGOLÜBOV" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Kozlov (1771), of Elatma (1771), of Tula (1771), of Tarusa (1790), of Usman (1831)
• The Meeting of Pükhtinsk "AT THE SOURCE" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1946)
• Korobeinikov-KAZAN Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1938) // SUNDAY AFTER JUN 18/JUL 1 //
• VM PAULA and Child Martyr CYRIACUS Pat. of Málaga (305) stoned to death in Málaga in Spain under Diocletian
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Κυριακὸς καὶ Παύλα οἱ Μάρτυρες
• 2 Martyrs of Cyprus whose feet were burned
Οἱ Ἅγιοι δύο Μάρτυρες οἱ ἐν Κύπρῳ
• 18 Martyrs
• Martyr LEONTIUS 莱翁提 a Roman commander and with him Martyrs HYPATIUS 伊帕提 and THEODULUS 德奥杜洛 at Tripoli in Syria (73)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λεόντιος ὁ Μάρτυρας καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῷ Ὕπατος καὶ Θεόδουλος μαρτυρήσαντες
维斯帕斯安皇帝在位期间里昂蒂乌斯是腓尼基的特里波里的罗马指挥官。维斯帕斯安出生于海拉斯(希腊),身体高大、强壮、有力,在战场上非常英勇。皇帝的手下哈达里安是基督徒的敌人,对基督徒进行残忍地迫害,他派遣军事分队去逮捕里昂蒂乌斯。希帕蒂乌斯是这支军分队的高级官员,半路上他生病了,发高烧,由此,军队的行进速度不得不减慢。一个晚上,上帝派来天使出现在希帕蒂乌斯面前,对他说:"如果你想恢复健康,那就同所有的士兵向天空高呼三次:'里昂蒂乌斯的上帝,帮助我!'" 希帕蒂乌斯将这个异像告诉了他的士兵们,按照天使吩咐的那样连同全体士兵这样高呼了三次,之后希帕蒂乌斯立即恢复了健康。这个奇迹使所有人感到震惊,尤其是特奥杜洛。之后,希帕蒂乌斯和特奥杜洛走在其他士兵前面寻找指挥官里昂蒂乌斯。里昂蒂乌斯亲切地接待了他们,并服侍他们。当里昂蒂乌斯向他们解释他的信仰时,他们的心充满了对基督火一般的爱,就在那时,一片明亮的云降到希帕蒂乌斯和特奥杜洛身上,云中的露水落在他们身上。这是上帝的圣灵对他们皈依的灵魂进行浸礼,当时,圣里昂蒂乌斯这样说:"以神圣的三位一体父、子和圣灵之名。"邪恶的哈达里安听说希帕蒂乌斯和特奥杜洛皈依了基督,于是下令对他们进行残忍地鞭打,之后用斧头将他们斩首。这两位里昂蒂乌斯的属灵孩子就这样死去。之后,哈达里安下令对里昂蒂乌斯进行残忍地折磨,但是里昂蒂乌斯信仰坚定毫不动摇。他遍体鳞伤,但是仍切切地向上帝祷告,请求上帝不要抛弃他。在施刑期间,上帝派来天使向他显现,鼓励并安慰他。最后,他们将里昂蒂乌斯打倒在地,对他痛打,直到他将灵魂交给上帝为止。基尔•诺塔里乌斯亲眼目睹了圣里昂蒂乌斯的受刑过程,他将自己所看到的记录在铅板上,将其放置在殉道者的陵墓前。圣里昂蒂乌斯于公元73年荣耀殉道。
• Bishop GREGORIUS, Deacon DEMETRIUS and Hermit CALOGERUS of Sicily (5th c.) anchorites, missionaries and defenders of Trinitarianism against Arianism
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Γρηγόριος, Δημήτριος καὶ Καλόγηρος οἱ Ἀναχωρητές
• Twin brothers and deacons Hieromartyrs MARK and MARCELLIAN (287) suffered in Rome under Maximian Herculeus
• Sisters Virgins EDBURGA and EDITH of Aylesbury (or of Bicester) (650) Anglo-Saxon princesses, supposedly of King Penda of Mercia, who became nuns at Aylesbury
• FURADHRAN and BAITHIN of Dunleer, County of Louth
• Martyrs POTENTINUS with his sons SIMPLICIUS and FELICIUS of Steinfeld
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Righteous ILIA Chavtchavadze of Georgia (1837-1907)
• Hieromartyr priest ARCADIJ Gariaev (1877-1918)
• Uncovering (1997) of Relics of Righteous JONAH Atamansky Hieroconfessor of Odessa (1855-1924)
• Hieromartyr BASIL Smirnov, archpriest (1870-1938)
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Krutitskij, priest (1898-1938)
• Hieromartyr BASIL Krylov, priest (1889-1938)
• Hieromartyr SERGIUS Krotkov, archpriest (1876-1938)
• Hosiosmartyr Archimandrite NIKANOR (Nikifor) Morozkin (1870-1938) of Spas-Ruzsky, Moskow br
• Finding (1997) of the relics of New Hieromartyr VICTOR 维克托尔 Ostrovidov, bishop of Glazov (1934)
• Hieromartyr JOANIKIJE Lipovac, Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, executed by Communist partisans at the close of World War II (1945)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰωαννίκιος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας Μητροπολίτης Μαυροβουνίου καὶ Παραθαλασσίας
• Hermit ABRAHAM of Clermont in the Auvergne region (472)
While on a journey from Syria to Egypt to learn from the desert monks, he was kidnapped by thieves and kept captive for five years. He eventually escaped and by land and sea made his way to Gaul where he settled as a hermit near Clermont in the Auvergne region. His reputation for holiness spread, and he attracted so many would be students that he had to build a monastery for them. Miracle worker.
• Martyr AETHERUS 埃特若 of Nicomedia (305) beheaded for his confession of faith in Christ during the time of the persecution against Christians under the emperor Diocletian
Ὁ Ἅγιος Αἰθέριος ὁ Μάρτυρας ὁ ἐν Νικομηδείᾳ
• Virgin Martyress ALENA (Aline) of Dilbeek at Vorst (or La Forêt) near Brussels, Belgium (640) // JUN 16 // JUN 18 //
Born of pagan parents near Brussels in Belgium, Alena was baptised without their knowledge. She was put to death while secretly going to the liturgy. Saint Alena (also written Alène or Alina) is a Christian saint who, if historical, was martyred around the year 640. She is sometimes referred to as Alena of Forest, or Alena of Brussels, having died in Forest, Belgium which is now one of the nineteen municipalities of Brussels.
• AMANDUS (431) Bishop of Bourdeaux
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀμάνδος Ἐπίσκοπος Μπορντὼ Γαλλίας
• CALOGERUS the Anchorite (486) a Greek who lived for 35 years as a hermit near Girgenti in Sicily after preaching Christ in the isles of Lipari, Italy. Noted exorcist
• CALOGERO of Sicily (466-561) Hermit with the gift of healing by prayer br /> • COLMAN Son of Mici
• Martyr ELPIDIOS in Gaul (4th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἐλπίδιος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Venerable EPHREM of Syria (378)
• Venerable ERASMUS monk (634)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἔρασμος
• FORTUNATUS the Philosopher (569) hagiographer from Vercelli, wrote a life of Saint Marcellus, the Bishop of Paris
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φορτουνάτος ὁ Φιλόσοφος
Bishop Saint Fortunatus, who is often confused with Saint Venantius Fortunatus, was driven from his see in northern Italy by the Lombards. Saint Germanus of Paris held him in high esteem.
• Venerable GUY of Baume, hegumen, hermit (940)
Benedictine monk at Baume with Saint Berno of Cluny. Abbot at Baume. Resigned the position c.940 to retire as a hermit near Fay-en-Bresse.
• GONERI of Brittany (6th c.) was exiled from Britain to Brittany, where he was a hermit near Treguier
• HILDEMARCA Abs. of Fécamp in Northern France (670)
• Venerable Youth LEONTIUS canonarch of the Kiev Far Caves of Theodosiy (1315)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Λεόντιος ὁ ἐν τοῖς Σπηλαίοις τοῦ Κιέβου
Saint Leontius, Canonarch of the Kiev Caves In his youth he entered the Kiev Caves monastery, where he received tonsure. He was endowed with a fine voice, and when he learned his letters, he fulfilled the obedience of canonarch (leader of church singing). Saint Leontius died at a young age in the fourteenth century. He was glorified by the Lord for his selfless deeds with the gift of miracles. The relics of the holy ascetic are located in the Far Caves, and he is also commemorated on August 28, the Synaxis of the Saints of the Kiev Caves.
• Venerable LEONTIUS 莱翁提 the Clairvoyant, of Argos and of Dionysiou Monastery, Mt Athos (1605) the Myrrh-gusher
Ὁ Ὅσιος Λεόντιος ὁ Μυροβλήτης
The Monk Leontios the Perspicacious, of Athos, was born in Peloponnesian Argos. He asceticised on Mount Athos for a long time at the monastery of Saint Dionysios. He spent 60 years at the monastery, and not once did the holy ascetic leave the monastery. For his deep faith and deeds he was granted by God the gift of perspicacity and prophecy. On 16 March 1605 at age 85 the Monk Leontios expired to the Lord. The holy relics of the saint of God were glorified by a flow of curative myrh.
• LEONTIUS the Shepherd, monk
Ὁ Ὅσιος Λεόντιος ὁ Ποιμένας ὁ πέραν τοῦ ἄστεως
• VM MARINA (Margaret or Margarita) at Alexandria
• MARINA 玛利纳 of Bithynia (8th c.) who dressed and runneth in men’s attire as monk Marinos // JUN 18 // JUL 17 //
• MICHAEL of Olympos, monk and confessor (6th c.) disciple of John Sedasneli, Georgia
• MINNBORINUS of Cologne, Abbot (986)
• OSMANNA (Osanna, Argariarga) Nun at the convent of Jouarre in France (700)
This Irish maiden crossed the Channel to become a hermitess near Brieuc.
• PETER of of Koriša, aristocrat who gave away all his possesions and became a monk at the Monastery of the Holy Archangels, and later, a hermit in the Šar Mountains
Ὁ Ὅσιος Πέτρος ἐκ Σερβίας
Koriša is a town just north of Prizren in Kosovo. It is located in the Prizrenski Podgor region. It is known for the mountain Kabaš, Mountain next to it, and the Saint Mark Koriški Monastery. It was the site of the 1999 Koriša bombing.
• THENEVA (Dwynwen, Thaney, Thenaw, Thenog, Thenova) of Glasgow (7th c.) Mother of St Kentigern Mungo
Saint Theneva was a British princess. When it was discovered that she had conceived out of wedlock, she was thrown from a cliff. Unharmed at the bottom, she was then set adrift in a boat on the Firth of Forth. It was expected that she would die at sea, but God protected her and kept her alive. She landed at Culross, where she was sheltered by Saint Serf and gave birth to Saint Kentigern, named Mungo ("darling") by his foster-father, Serf. She gave her name to Saint Enoch's Square and Railway Station in Glasgow, Scotland, where she is co-patron together with her son.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

• συνοδικός • June 30 / June 17 •


June 30 / June 17
2018 (7526)
• VMM CYRIACA (Cyria) and her sister MUSCA (Musra) together with MM VALERIANUS and MARIA at Aquileja
• Martyress DABAMON of Degwah and her daughter Righteous YOUNA (Yona) at Sa (Sais) in Egypt (2nd c.)
• Martyr ISAURUS伊撒弗若 and with him BASIL 瓦西里, INNOCENT 英诺肯提, FELIX 斐利克斯, HERMES 埃尔弥斯 and PEREGRINUS 佩瑞格里诺 of Athens
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἴσαυρος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτῷ μαρτυρήσαντες
These Athenians were found hiding themselves from persecution in a cave at Apollonia, Macedonia. They were beheaded.
• Translation of Relics (900) of VMM FORTUNATA, VALERIA and SATURNINA of Rome (273)
• Venerables monks JOSEPH 约熙福 the Wilderness Dweller and PIOR 彼奥尔 of Scetis (4th c.) disciples of St Anthony the Great
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰωσὴφ ὁ Ἀναχωρητής
Ὁ Ὅσιος Πιώρ
• Martyrs NICANDER and MARCIAN imperial Roman soldiers and DARIA (173/303) Christian lay people, two of them imperial Roman soldiers, who were converts to Christianity and were beheaded together in Venafroin Italy in the persecutions of Maximian and Diocletian
• Martyrs MANUEL 埃玛努伊尔, SABEL 撒维尔 and ISMAEL 伊斯玛伊尔 of Persia (362)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Μανουήλ, Σαβὲλ καὶ Ἰσμαὴλ οἱ Μάρτυρες
Three well-educated Christian men who were sent as ambassadors from King Baltan of Persia to the court of emperor Julian the Apostate to negotiate peace between the two states, and an end of Julian’s persecutions of Christians. Instead of negotiating, Julian imprisoned them, ordered them to make a sacrifice to pagan idols, and when they refused, had them executed.
• A group of 262 MARTYRS who suffered under Diodetian and buried on the old Via Salaria in Rome
• Brothers and monks BOTULF (Botolph) 博托尔弗 Abbot of the Monastery of Ikanhoe and ADULF (Adolph) (680) Boston, England
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Ἀδούλφιος καὶ Βοτούλφιος ὁ Ὁμολογητής , οἱ αὐτάδελφοι
• Uncovering of the relics (1562) of the Alfanov Brothers of Novgorod (1389) Sts NICETAS, CYRIL, NICEPHORUS, CLEMENT and ISAAC of Novgorod, founders of the Sikolnitzki Monastery
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Ἰσαάκ, Κλήμης, Κύριλλος, Νικήτας καὶ Νικηφόρος ἐκ Ρωσίας
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• New Hieromartyr priest ABERKIUS Severovostokov (1918) of Ufa
• Hosiosmartyr NICANDER Prusak (1918) Hieromonk, of Yaroslavl
• New Hieromartyr MAXIMUS Popov (1934)
• New Hieromartyr ISMAEL Rozhdestvensky, priest (1938)
• Virgin Martyress novice PELAGIA Balakireva (1901-1943)
• Repose of Elder GERVASIUS Paraskevopoulos (1964) of Patras
• Archbishop JOHN 伊望 (Michael Maksimovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker (1966) // MOVABLE HOLIDAY ON THE SATURDAY CLOSEST TO JUNE 19TH //
Vladyka turned his attention to the existence of local saints who had lived in antiquity but who were heretofore unknown to the Orthodox Church. At his initiative, the Synod passed a resolution with respect to veneration of a host of saints who had lived in the West prior to the schism of 1054.
By prayers before his incorrupt relics, people are strengthened in faith, and Mosaic over the NW entrance to the Cathedral. receive healing, consolation, and spiritual powers. After the many struggles, cares, sorrows which he endured for the sake of Christ and His Truth, Holy Hierarch John has arrived at the peaceful heavenly harbor, where rejoicing together with the angels, he glorifies the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, God One in Trinity, to Whom from us as well may there be glory, honor and worship, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
• ADLEIDIS (5-6th c.) Matr., W., Fndr. of convent in Bergamo, Italy
• AETIUS 埃提 (Djan Darada) the Eunuch, enlightener of Ethiopia, baptized by the Apostle Philip (1st c.)
The Holy Disciple Aetius was an eunuch and had the duty of protector of the treasury of the Ethiopian empress Candice. On the way from Jerusalem to Gaza he was baptised by the holy Apostle Philip (Acts 8: 26-40) and became the Enlightener of Ethiopia.
• Sainted AGRIPPINUS (615) Bishop of Como in the north of Italy
• ALBAN Protomartyr of Britanny
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀλβανὸς ὁ Πρωτομάρτυρας ἐκ Βρετανίας
• Venerable ANANIAS 阿纳尼雅 the Iconographer of Novgorod (1581)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀνανίας ὁ εἰκονογράφος
The Monk Ananii of Novgorod, an iconographer of the Novgorod Antoniev monastery, asceticised during the 16th century. An account about him is included in the narration about the miracles of the Monk Antonii the Roman, from which it is known, that the iconographer Ananii wrote "marvelous icons of many holy wonderworkers" and, fulfilling a monastic vow, not once in 33 years did he go outside the monastery walls. Historical records impute the time of his blessed end as the year 1581.
• Hieromartyr ANTIDIUS (Antel, Antible, Tude) (265) Bishop of Besançon in France
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀντίδιος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας
Disciple and successor of St Froninus as Bishop of Besançon in France. He was put to death by the Vandals at the hamlet called Ruffey.
• Translation of Relics (766) of Hieromartyr ARSATIUS bishop of Milan (400)
• AVITUS (Avy) (530) Abbot, near Orleans
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἄβιτος
Monk at the Menat monastery in Auvergne, France. Abbot of the Micy monastery near Orleans, France. Hermit in area of Perche, France. His reputation for holiness led to would-be spiritual students to gather around his shack. Eventually there were so many that they were led to build a new monastery where Avitus served as abbot.
• Venerable BESSARION the Great, Wonderworker of Egypt, Hermit (400)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Βησσαρίων ὁ Ἀναχωρητής
St Bessarion, an Egyptian hermit and a disciple of Saint Antony, lived in the open air, and often lost himself in the trackless desert. He always carried a copy of the four Gospels under his arms. One day he met a naked beggar. Bessarion himself had only one garment, but he gave it to the beggar and went about with nothing on, still carrying the Gospels under his arm. When the commissioner of peace saw the saint, he asked "Who has stripped you?" Bessarion held out his book and replied, "This has stripped me." Another version continues the story that he sold even this book, his prized and only possession, to relieve a poor man.
• BRIAVEL (6th c.) a hermit at St Briavels, now in Gloucestershire in England
• Translation of the Relics of COLUMCILLE Abbot of Iona, Apostle to Scotland
• DAVID of Bourges (815) Archbishop of Bourges, France in 785 where he served the remaining 30 years of his life
• GUNDULPHUS (6th c.) a bishop in France who is said to have reposed in Bourges Ὁ Ἅγιος Γουνδούλφιος Ἐπίσκοπος Γαλλίας
• HADRIAN III (885) Pope of Rome
• Venerable HERVEUS (Hervé) of Brittany (575) blind from childhood, he was born in Wales but was taken when very young to Brittany. Though blind, he became Abbot of Plouvien, from where he moved with some of his monks to Lanhouarneau
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἐρβέος ὁ ἐν Γαλλία
• HIMERIUS (560) born in Calabria in Italy, he became a monk and then Bishop of Ameila in Umbria. He is described as a great ascetic. In 995 his relics were translated to Cremona where he is one of the main Patron Saints
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰμέριος Ἐπίσκοπος Ἀμελίας
• HYPATIUS (Ypatios) abbot of monastery of Rufinianos (446)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ὑπάτιος ὁ ἐν Ρουφιαναῖς
Born in Phrygia; died c. 450. At the age of 19, St Hypatius embraced the life of a hermit in Thrace. Later he migrated to Chalcedon and Bithynia, where he headed a flourishing laura and from which he staunchly opposed the heresy of Nestorius. • MICHAEL Ihumen of the Kyiv Zverynetsky Caves (1087)
• MOLLING (Moling, Myllin, Molignus, Dairchilla, Daircell, Taircell) (697) Bishop of Wexford (of Ferns)
• Martyr MONTANUS (300) a soldier who was taken to the island of Ponza in Italy and martyred by being thrown into the sea with a heavy stone tied round his neck. Christians recovered his body and enshrined it in Gaeta
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μοντανὸς ὁ Μάρτυρας ἐξ Ἰταλίας
• Holy Martyr Hermit NECTAN 奈克坦 (Nighton) of Hartland (6th c.) // May 18 // ALL SAINTS OF BRITAIN AND IRELAND 3RD SUNDAY OF PENTECOST // DEC 4 TR REL //
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νέκταν ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας
• Hieromartyr PHILONEIDES 斐洛尼迪 bishop of Kurion in Cyprus (306)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Φιλονίδης ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας Ἐπίσκοπος Κουρίου
• Venerable RAMBOLD (Ramnold) (1001) monk at St Maximinus in Trier in Germany, he Abbot of St Emmeram in Regensburg. He reposed at the age of one hundred
• Martyr SHALVA 沙尔瓦 of Akhaltsikhe, Georgia (1227)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Σάλβα ὁ Μάρτυρας ἐκ Γεωργίας
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

четверг, 28 июня 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • June 29 / June 16 •


June 29 / June 16
2018 (7526)
• Icon of the Mother of God of DOCIANES
Σύναξις Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου ἐν Δοκιαναῖς (ἢ πέραν ἐν Εὐδοκιαναῖς)
• Martyrs CYRICUS (Cyriacus, Cirgues, Cyr, Quiricus, Cyriac, Cerycus, Ciricus, Ciriacus, Kiriakos, Kirik, Kyrikos, Kerykos or Cirycus) and his mother JULITTA (Joulitta, Julita or Oulitta), W., of Iconium, at Tarsus (304)
• Virgin Martyresses ACTINEA and GRAECINA at Volterra (3-4th c.) in Italy under Diocletian
Οἱ Ἁγίες Ἀκτινέα καὶ Γρεσινιάνα οἱ Παρθενομάρτυρες
• Bishops FELIX and MAURUS of San Felice (6th c.) born in Palestine, after a pilgrimage to Rome, this father and son lived as hermits at what is now called San Felice near Narni in central Italy
• Martyrs TIGRIUS 提格里 the Presbyter and EUTROPIUS 艾弗特若彼 the Reader (404) among the clergy of St John Chrysostom of Constantinople
• Venerables Hegumen BERTALD and presbiter Monk AMAND (540) Hermits of Ardenne
• Hieromartyrs brothers priest FERREOLUS and deacon FERRUTIO (215)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Φερραίολος καὶ Φερρούκιος οἱ Ἱερομάρτυρες οἱ ἐν Γαλατίᾳ
Ferreolus, a priest, and Ferrutio, a deacon, were brothers from Asia Minor. They were sent by St Irenaeus of Lyons to enlighten the area round Besançon in France, where they preached for thirty years and were finally martyred.
• 5 Nikomedian Martyrs by the sword
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Πέντε Μάρτυρες ἐν Νικομηδείᾳ
• 40 Martyrs of Rome, by fire
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Τεσσαράκοντα Μάρτυρες οἱ Ρωμαῖοι
• Virgin Martyrs CUNIGUNDIS (Cundegundis), WIBRANDIS, MECHTUNDIS and CHRISTIANA (Chrishona, Christina) of Rapperswil, at Eycksel (Eichsel) near Constance (383)
• Righteous Virgins CHRISTINA, MARGARET and ODILE of Dinkelberg (383)
• NIKON, BASIL and TIKHON (16th c.)
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Νίκων, Βασίλειος καὶ Τύχων οἱ ἐν Σολόκοβο τῆς Ρωσίας
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• New Hieromartyr HERMOGENES (Germogen) 埃尔摩根 Dolganev, bishop of Tobolsk (1858-1918)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἑρμογένης ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας Ἐπίσκοπος Τομπὸλσκ Ρωσίας
• Hieromartyr EUPHREMIUS Dolganev, archpriest (1874-1918) Brother of Bishop Germogen Dolganev
• Hieromartyr MICHAEL Makarov, priest (1881-1918)
• Hieromartyr PETER Korelin, priest (1918)
• Martyr CONSTANTINE Minyatov (1874-1918)
• Archimandrite ARDALION (Alexander Ponomarev) (1877 – June 29, 1938) Mitred Protopriest Alexander, in monasticism Ardalion
• Repose of Righteous MARIA (1943) Disciple of St Paul of Taganrog
• ACTINEA Martyr of Volterra in Italy
• AITHEACHAN (Athcain) of Inbher Colpthai, Colpe, County of Meath (6th c.)
• Virgin Martyress ALENA (Aline) of Dilbeek at Vorst (or La Forêt) near Brussels, Belgium (640)
St Alena (also written Alène or Alina) is a Christian saint who, if historical, was martyred around the year 640. She is sometimes referred to as Alena of Forest, or Alena of Brussels, having died in Forest, Belgium which is now one of the nineteen municipalities of Brussels.
• AMANDUS (Amand, Amatius, Amantiu) of Beaumont (6th c.) Hermit at Beaumont, archdiocese of Rheims, France
• AURELIAN Bishop of Arles (550)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Αὐρηλιανὸς Ἐπίσκοπος Ἀρελάτης
Bishop of Arles, Gaul (modern France) in 546. Founded a monastery and convent in Arles, and brought many relics to them including a piece of the True Cross. The Rule he gave each of the houses in his diocese stressed devotion to the saints and martyrs. Assisted at the Council of Orleans in 549. Referred to himself as Aurelian the Sinner. Papal vicar of Gaul under Pope Vigilius, from whom he received the pallium, one of the symbols of his high office.
• BERTHALDUS (Bertaud) (540) Priest in the Ardennes in France
• Hieromartyr CECCARDUS (Cichardo, Ceccardo) of Luni (860) Bishop of Luni, Italy
• CETTIN (Cethach, Cethagh) Bishop of of Oran, Ireland (5th c.) consecrated by Saint Patrick as an auxiliary bishop
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κεττίνος
• COLMAN Mc Roi (6th c.) a deacon who was a disciple of St Columba. He also founded a monastery at Reachrain, now Lambay Island, near Dublin in Ireland
Ὁ Ὅσιος Κολμανὸς ἐξ Ἰρλανδίας
• CURIG (6th c.) Bishop of Llanbadarn in Wales
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κουρίγγος ἐξ Οὐαλίας
There is a confusion of many saints with similar names to Curig. Nevertheless, he is believed to have been bishop of Llanbadarn, Wales, where several churches are dedicated to his honour.
• Martyr ELAPPAS
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἐλάππας ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Martyr EUTROPIUS of Mesopotamia
• FELIX Ascetic
• Repose of Elder GERASIMUS of the St Tikhon Monastery of Kaluga (1898)
• ILUD (Juliot, Juliana) (5-6th c.)
• ISMAEL (Ysfael, Osmail) Bishop of Menevia (6th c.) disciple of St Teilo in Wales, he was consecrated bishop by him
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰσμαὴλ ἐξ Οὐαλίας
• JULIOT sister of St Nectan of Hartland
• Hosiosmartyr KAIKHOSRO (Qiakhosro) 凯霍斯若 of Georgia (1558) monk, of Jerusalem, under Abbas I of Persia
Ὁ Ἅγιος Καουαϊκχόρσος ὁ Μάρτυρας ὁ Ἰβηρίτης μοναχὸς ἐν Ἱερουσαλήμ
• QUIRINUS of Tegernsee Martyr at Rome (270)
• Hieromartyr MARK 玛尔克 the Just, Bishop of Apollonia (1st c.) nephew of Barnabas
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μάρκος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας Ἐπίσκοπος Ἀπολλωνιάδος
• MAURUS Ascetic
• MNEMONIUS Bishop of Amathus, Cyprus (4th c.) ordained to the diaconate his successor St Tychon
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μνημόνιος Ἐπίσκοπος Ἀμαθοῦντος Κύπρου
• Repose of Venerable Elder MOSES 摩西 (Timothy Putilov) of Optina (1862) founder and archimandrite of the Optina Skete of St John the Baptist
Ὁ Ὅσιος Μωυσῆς τῆς Ὄπτινα
• NIKEPHOROS monk in Kaluga
• Venerable SABBAS of Moskow, Monk of Andronikov Monastery (1378)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σάββας τῆς Μόσχας
• SETNA Son of Tren, Bishop
• SIMILIAN (Sambin) (310) 3rd Bishop of Nantes in France. St Gregory of Tours testified to his holiness
Ὁ Ἅγιος Σιμιλιανὸς ὁ Ὁμολογητής Ἐπίσκοπος Νάντης
• SIMPLICIUS of Bourges (477) the father of a large family when the local bishops chose him to be Bishop of Bourges in France. He defended the Church against the Arian Visigoths
• Uncovering (1200) of the relics of Venerable THEODORE the Sykeote, Bishop of Anastasiopolis in Galatia (613)
Ἀνακομιδὴ Τιμίων Λειψάνων Ὁσίου Θεοδώρου τοῦ Συκεώτου
• Transfer of the Relics in 2002 of Sainted THEOPHAN the Recluse, bishop of Tambov and Shatsk (1894)
• Sainted TYCHON 提弘 bishop of Amathus in Cyprus (425)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Τύχων ὁ Θαυματουργός Ἐπίσκοπος Ἀμαθοῦντος Κύπρου
The life of Tychon, an early bishop of Amathus (modern Limassol), Cyprus, was recorded by Saint John the Almsgiver. He energetically fought against the last remnants of paganism in the island, especially against the cult of Aphrodite.
• Venerable TIKHON 提弘 of Kaluga and Medin (1492)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Τύχων ὁ ἐν Μεντὺν τῆς Ρωσίας
Among the disciples of the Monk Tikhon, particularly distinguished by his sanctity of life was the Monk Nikiphor of Kaluga. It is assumed, that he was the successor of the Monk Tikhon in guiding the monastery. The Monk Nikiphor is depicted on icons together with other Kaluga saints: the Monk Paphnutii of Borovsk (1 May), the Monk Tikhon of Kaluga and Blessed Lavrentii of Kaluga (10 August).
• Venerable TIKHON 提弘 of Lukhov amd Kostroma (1503)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Τύχων ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ ἐν τῷ Λούκωφ τῆς Ρωσίας
• TIKHON 提弘 of Krestogorsk of Vologda
Ὁ Ὅσιος Τύχων ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ ἐν Καράτσεβ τῆς Ρωσίας
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

среда, 27 июня 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • June 28 / June 15 •


June 28 / June 15
2018 (7526)
• Icon of the Mother of God "MARIANICA" (13th c.) 玛利亚尼喀
Σύναξις Ὑπεραγίας Θεοτόκου πέραν ἐν τοῖς Μαρανικίου ἢ Μαρινακίου
Σύναξις τῶν Ἁγίων Σέρβων Νεομαρτύρων
Humbly addressing You about most previously of the New Martyrs of the 20th century in Serbia, within the region of Kosovo, especially the martyrdom of two Hieromartyrs (monastic priest) that took place 1990's in the Serbian Orthodox Church, in the region of Kosovo. The crowing of a these holy New Martyrs of Serbia in this report is not the first time the Serbian Orthodox Christians in Serbia, have witnessed martyrs. MORE THEN 750 000 ORTHODOX SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS GAVE THEIR LIVES IN THE DEFENSE OF THE FAITH DURING THE TIME OF BOTH WORLD WAR I, AND WORLD WAR II. Similar tribulations took place during the heroic struggle of the Serbs for national liberation at the beginning of the 19th century. Hundreds of noble Serbian clergymen were impaled at the fields of Kalemegdan in Belgrade, or were killed outright in prison camps. Throughout these ordeals the constant cry which united and comforted the Serbs was the five-century-old rallying cry of Kosovo, "For the Honorable Cross and Golden Freedom," a Christian plea based on the triumphant struggle of Jesus Christ on the Cross. For the Serbs at this time, to die for Christ and the Orthodox Faith was an honor, a holy privilege which they believed would be recompensed with eternal blessed life. For, as all pious Orthodox Christians believe, the Cross was the first step in the Lord's final victory over the devil and his power; and the Lord's Resurrection, the summit of this victory, granted true freedom to all those who endured. Hence the Christian Serbs were happy to "lay down their lives" for Christ in behalf of their family, friends and nation. During the first quarter of the 20th century, specifically during the years 1913, 1914 and 1915, the terrible assaults of the evil one rose up again against the Serbian Church. These years have been recorded as the first years of her martyrdom in modern times. Besieged by the Germans, Hungarians, Bulgarians and Albanians, the Serbian Church suffered bitterly during this time. For example, Metropolitan Vincent of Skoplje (Macedonia) was burned alive in the Gorge of Surdulica along with 157 Serbian priests. Later, during the 1930's, the Serbs suffered tremendously under the infamous Concordat, which sought to limit their religious and civil rights. The Concordat was an attempt by the overly conciliatory government to sign an agreement with the Vatican that would have given the Roman Church a privileged position in Yugoslavia. It was finally defeated in 1937, thanks in large part to the heroic witness of Patriarch Varnava, who reposed during the heat of the controversy, and was thought by many to have been poisoned. But of all the persecutions in the history of the Serbian Orthodox nation, none was more excruciating and terrifying than those which began in 1941. The Serbs and the Serbian Church were forced to undergo some of the worst atrocities the world has ever known. It has been said that these Christians were tortured even more than the Hebrews were by the Egyptians as recorded in the Book of Exodus; worse than the barbarous annihilations in ancient Carthage and the exterminations of the Christians in Nubia, North Africa, and even worse than the Holocaust victims in Nazi Germany during World War II. In all, there were OVER 800 000 SERBS BUTCHERED AND SLAIN BY THE REGIME OF ANTE PAVELICH IN THE "FREE CROATIAN STATE" DURING WORLD WAR II. In addition, many thousands of Serbs were forced to convert to Roman Catholicism under pain of death.
Many were simply asked to make the sign of the Cross, and if they did so in Orthodox fashion - from right to left - they were tortured on the spot.
Besides these, there were over 300 000 civilians killed by the Germans, Bulgarians, Hungarians and Albanians, many being sent to concentration camps to starve to death. In the end, the death toll of SERBIAN MARTYRS AMOUNTED TO OVER ONE-AND-HALF-MILLION, or more than one third of the entire Serbian people, OVER THE SPAN OF THIRTY YEARS (1914-1944, FROM WORLD WAR I TO WORLD WAR II).
Must we provide the horrible details of these atrocities? Pregnant women's wombs were ripped open; men were roasted on rotisserie spits used to cook animals (there were cases in which people were forced to eat the roasted bodies of members of their own families). Malicious medical experiments were performed. People were impaled, had their eyes gouged out, were sawn in two. Hearts were cut out of innocent victims and eaten by their adversaries. Slow, agonizing deaths could last for weeks and weeks. Every manner of torture that the devil could instill in people to use on their fellow human beings was on full display during those years of tribulation.
During these persecutions the leaders of the Serbian Orthodox Church were the first to suffer and lay down their lives for their people. Bishop PLATON of Banja Luka (Bosnia) was murdered in an incredibly bestial manner: he was taken by the Ustashas, along with the previously arrested priest, Fr DUSAN Jovanovich, to the village of Vrbanja, where their beards were shaved with a blunt knife, their eyes were gouged out, their noses and ears were cut off, and a fire was lit on their chests. Their bodies, together with the bodies of several other martyred clergymen, were thrown into the Vrbanja River. Croatian armed forces, formed by Hitler's Nazis to punish the Serbs for resisting him. Mostly Roman Catholic by faith, but including Moslems as well, they committed atrocities so horrible against the Orthodox Serbs that even the Nazi soldiers were appalled.
Many clergymen and monastics were executed right outside the walls of their churches and monasteries, in major cities such as Krushevac, Kragujevac, Mostar and Novi Sad. Here are but a few of the well-known examples of the torments Serbia has been subjected to:
• GLINA Region
Over 120 000 were killed by the Ustashas, as many as six hundred per evening being bludgeoned to death assembly-line style in the local Orthodox churches. The few that survived fled to the area of Petrova Gora.
On August 3 of 1941, 3 000 Serbs were massacred for refusing to convert to Roman Catholicism.
• VOJNICH Region
On July 29 of 1941, the chief of the Ustasha police in Zagreb, Bozidar Gervoski, arrived with a number of Ustasha police units. They rounded up some 3 000 Serbian Christians from Krnjak, Krstinje, Siroka Reka, Slunj, Rakovica and other villages, and after mocking and torturing them, led them to the village mill in Pavkovich, where they were butchered like cattle.
The long list of bloody sacrifices began with the martyred priest Fr BRANKO Dobrosavljevich from Veljun. Fr BRANKO was ordered to read the canon for the departure of the soul from the body over his son, who was still alive. His son was then killed in his presence, and he was subsequently tortured and killed himself. There followed for several weeks mass executions of innocent Serbs, including women and children.
On the Orthodox Feast of Christ's Nativity in 1942 about 1 200 Serbs, along with their parish priests, were cruelly murdered in Churug. At the end of the same month 1 300 more Serbs, including clergy, met the same fate in Novi Sad.
• SADILOVAC settlement in Croatia
On July 31 of 1942, the Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos was burned to the ground, along with 463 people, ranging in age from newborn babies to old men and women.
On June 26 of 1941, Croatian Ustashas tortured and murdered the entire monastery brotherhood, then threw their bodies into a pit. A Roman Catholic friar removed all the church valuables by tractor; the monastery church was subsequently demolished, and then the rest of the buildings were burnt down.
• JASENOVAC: The System of Ustasha Death Camps // SEP 13 //
This was one of the most horrible sites of the persecutions against Orthodox Serbs. The Ustashas, including Croats and Moslems from Hercegovinia, came with rifles, revolvers, axes and hammers, and brutally murdered the Serbs. To save ammunition, many Serbs were brought to the brick factory in Jasenovac and tossed into the fiery furnaces. As they were placed in single file the last person in line was shoved, creating enough force to thrust his fellow martyrs forward. Others were butchered along the Sava River and thrown into the water. The bloodthirsty Ustasha leader Ljubo Milosh boasted that he had killed over three thousand Serbs, each time jesting and crying out, "How sweet is Serbian blood!" One Orthodox Serb, Joca Divjak, was given to Milosh as a Christmas present. Martyr Joca's heart was torn out of his chest as other Serbs were forced to watch and laugh. Anyone who turned his head away from this abominable scene was killed on the spot. In all, over fifty thousand pious Serbian Orthodox Christians were martyred from August, 1941 to February, 1942 a period of seven months.
700 000 new martyrs of Serbia who were killed in the 1930's and 1940's.
There are many other lists of savageries which could be recounted - the record is truly astounding! These facts reveal that the Serbian Orthodox Church is in truth a Martyred Church. Her recent history demonstrates a courage and commitment to the Cross and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, which grants the Serbian Church a rightful and honorable place not only in Christian history but, more importantly, in the eyes of God Almighty Himself. So many - literally a million and a half innocent victims - upheld the belief in "laying down their lives" for the cause of Christ and His Holy Church. Their sacrifice for one another is an eternal witness and memorial, which should and must inspire all Orthodox Christians until the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. And truly, at the great Day of Judgment they will all be crowned with an incorruptible crown of glory, received as a result of their love for truth and justice, and for carrying out the message of "the Honorable Cross and Golden Freedom."
• Archbishop DOSITHEI of Zagreb (Croatia)
• Bishop IRENEI of Dalmatia was also imprisoned and later transferred to an Italian concentration camp near Florence
• Patriarch GABRIEL (1937-1950)
• VUKASIN of Klepci // MAY 16 // JUN 15 //
• Hieromartyr JOANIKIJE of Montenegro (1945) // JUN 19 //
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Σέρβοι Νεομάρτυρες, οἱ ὁποῖοι ἑορτάζουν σήμερα, εἶναι: Οἱ Μητροπολίτες Ζάγκρεμπ Δοσίθεος, Μαυροβουνίου Ἰωαννίκιος, Σαράγιεβο Πέτρος, οἱ Ἐπίσκοποι Γκόνι – Κάρλοβιτς Σάββας, Μπαναλιούκας Πλάτων, οἱ ἱερομάρτυρες Ραφαὴλ ἐν Σισιβάτς (ἱερομόναχος), Μπράνκο Ντομπροσάλιεβιτς, Γεώργιος Μπόγκιτς, Δανιὴλ Μπάμπιτς, καὶ ὁ Μάρτυς Βουκαλὶν ἐξ Ἐρζεγοβίνης.
• ILIJA Ajdukovic, priest, Srednja Gora (Udbina)
• DJURO Alagic, archpriest, Gornja Dubrava (Ogulin)
• JOVAN Andric, priest, Tepljuv (Knin)
• DUŠAN Aškrobic, deacon, Mostar
• DANE Babic, priest, Svinjica (Petrinja)
• DJORDJE Babic, priest, Balajnice (Našice)
• NIKOLA Ban, archpriest, Bjelovar
• MILAN Banjac, priest, Drvar
• SIMO Banjac, priest, Kamen (Glamoc)
• Dr BRANKO Barac, archpriest, Sisak
• BRANKO Bilanovic, student of theology, Monastery Zitomislic
• JOVAN Bjegovic, priest, Bihac
• DUŠAN Blagoje, priest, Stolac
• DOBROSAV Blazevic, priest, Donji Vakug (Bugojno)
• DUŠAN Bobarevic, archpriest, Vlasenica
• DJORDJE (Georgie) Bogic, priest, Našice
• NIKOLA J. Bogunovic, priest, Donji Lapac
• MILAN Bozic, archpriest, Sarajevo
• DANIKO Brakuš, priest, Bjelo Polje (Korenica)
• BRANKO Brazin, priest, Bolcin (near Bjelovar)
• ILIJA Budimir, priest, Crni Lug (Bos. Grahovo)
• RISTO Catic, priest, Gubin (Livno)
• VLADIMIR Cejovic, archdeacon, Mostar
• ANTIN Culumovic, monk, Monastery Tavna
• ALEKSANDAR Cupovic, achpriest, Bracevci (Djakovo)
• STEVAN Curcic, priest, Ogulin
• JOVAN Cutilic, priest, Veliko Oborsko, Bijeljina
• DIMITRIJE Damjanovic, archpriest, Nišic (Sarajevo)
• ZIVKO Danilovic, archpriest, Ljubija
• ILARION Deretic, abbot, Monastery Zavale
• DUŠAN Diklic, priest, Plitvicka Jezera (Korenica)
• MILOŠ Diklic, priest, Kosinja (Perunišic)
• BOGDAN Djogovic, pastor, Kifino Selo (Nevesinje)
• IGNJATIJE Djukic, monk, Velika Kladuša
• MILAN Djukic, priest, Plaški
• VLADIMIR Djukic, archpriest, Srpske Moravice
• BRANKO Dobrosavljevic, archpriest, Veljun (Kordun)
• MILE Dokmanovic, archpriest, Plaški
• MILE Dokmanovic, priest, Perjasica (Vojnic)
• MILOJKO Došen, priest, Pocitelj (Gospic)
• GAVRILO Eklemovic, monk, Privina Glava
• ANTONIJE Gajic, monk, Mala Trešnjevica
• BOGOLJUB Gakovic, secretary of church court, Plaški
• PETAR Galogaza, archpriest, Petrinja
• DUŠAN Gavranovic, priest, Vagan (Knin)
• MILAN Golubovic, teacher of religion, Drvar
• DJORDJE Gospic, priest, Crnjeljevo (Bijeljina)
• JOVAN Grozdanic, priest, Ragun (Gospic)
• MIHAILO Gutovski, archpriest, Trebinje (Vojnic)
• VLADIMIR Gvozdenovic, archpriest, Mostar
• LJUBOMIR Hajdinovic, priest, Capljina
• ILIJA Ilic, archpriest, Plaški
• BRANKO Ivanovic, archpriest, Sid
• LJUBOMIR Jakšic, priest, Han Pijesak (Vlasenica)
• DIMITRIJE Jerkovic, priest, Siroka Kula (Gospic)
• EMILIJAN Josipovic, archpriest, Opatovac
• MIHAILO Jovanovic, priest, Jablanica (Brcko)
• MIHAILO (Mika) Jovanovic, priest, Brodac (Bijeljina)
• The Holy Hieromartyr PLATON Jovanovic, the third Serbian Orthodox bishop of Banja Luka
• SEVASTIJAN Jovic, monk, Drniš
• PAVLE Katanic, priest, Bijeljina
• JOVAN Knjazev, priest, Zovik (Brcko)
• SAVA Kojic, monk, Buhaca (Slunj)
• DJURO Kosanovic, archpriest, Plaški
• TEOFAN Kosanovic, monk, Gomirje
• RADOVAN Kovacevic, priest, Primišlje (Slunj)
• VASILIJE Kovacina, priest, Metkovic
• VOJISLAV Krnjevic, archpriest, Mostar
• LJUBOMIR Krnjic, priest, Brodac (Brcko)
• BOGDAN Lalic, archpriest, Sarajevo
• PANTELIJA Landup, priest, Kamensko (Pakrac)
• RADOVAN Lapcevic, archpriest, Blatuša (Vrgin Most)
• SPASA Lavrnja, priest, Licka Guvaja (Lapac)
• JOVAN Magarasevic, archpriest, Tuzla
• PETAR Majstorovic, archpriest, Licki Doljani (Lapac)
• DUŠAN Malobabic, archpriest, Kolarici (Vojnic)
• MILOŠ Mandic, archpriest, Gracac
• STAVRO Manistulic, priest, Pocrnje
• ADAM Marin, priest, Koprivnica
• DJURO Marjan, archpriest, Senj
• RISTO Markovic, priest, Lagon (Bijeljina)
• DRAGOMIR Maskijevic, priest, Derventa (Vlasenica)
• SIMEON Matic, archpriest, Trzic
• VOJISLAV Medan, priest, Dubac (Stolac)
• DJORDJE Milojevic, priest, Nova Pavljan (Bjelovar)
• MILADIN Minic, priest, Biljesevo (Zenica)
• RAFAILO Momcilovic, monk, Sisatovac // JUN 15 NEW MARTYRS OF SERBIA // SEP 3 //
• VDILIJE Nakarada, priest, Madzvine (Kordun)
• STANISLAV Nasadil, priest, Licke Jasenice (Ogulin)
• EMILIJAN Neric, monk, Monastery Tavna
• TIHOMIR Neskovic, priest, Janja
• PETAR Ninkovic, priest, Vojnic
• PAVLE (Paja) Obradovic, archpriest, Nebljuš
• NOVAK Okiljevic, novice, Monastery Zitomislic
• BOGDAN Opacic, priest, Bacuge (Glina)
• VUJADIN Panjkovic, priest, Debelo Brdo (Korenica)
• DIMITRIJE Pantelic, priest, Cadjevica (Bijeljina)
• ROMAN Pašcan, monk, Beocin
• ILIJA Pavlica, priest, Munjava (Ogulin)
• MAKARIJE Pejak, deacon, Monastery Zitomislic
• PETAR Pejanovic, priest, Mostar
• MILORAD Pekic, priest, Sibislica (Brcko)
• VUKAŠIN Petkovic, priest, Mostar
• MILOŠ Petrovic, priest, Zuzani (Derventa)
• MILE Peuraca, priest, Gornji Budacki (Vojnic)
• ILIJA Pintar, priest, Srpska Jasenica (Bos. Krupa)
• MARKO Popovic, archpriest, Blagaj (Bugojno)
• MILHAILO Popovic, priest, Poljaca (Knin)
• MILAN Popovic, priest, Rmanj
• MILENKO Popovic, deacon, teacher of religion, Bijeljina
• SAVO Popovic, priest, Brezovo Polje (Brcko)
• STEVAN Popovic, archpriest, Medjaši (Bijeljia)
• MARKO Prodanovic, student of theology, Monastery Zitomislic
• OGNJEN Radic, priest, Mostar
• NIKOLA Radmanovic, archpriest, Slušnica (Slunj)
• MILOŠ Rajcevic, archpriest, Plaški
• UROŠ Rajcevic, priest, Mogoric
• PETAR Rašeta, archpriest (Bunic)
• VOJISLAV Rašis, priest, Tupnjevac (Bjeljina)
• KIRPRIJAN Reljic, priest, Vera (Vukovar)
• DRAGO Ristanovic, student of theology, Ruplje (Trebinje)
• RODOLJUB Samardzic, priest, Dracevo
• BOZIDAR Šarenac, priest, Dracevo
• JANKO Savic, priest, Knezina (Vlasenica)
• MILOŠ Savic, priest, Milici (Vlasenica)
• ANDREJ Semilutski, priest, Majur (Djakovo)
• VUKOLAJ Skendzic, priest, Brinj
• LJUBOMIR Skoric, priest, Modrani (Bijeljina)
• DMITAR Skorupa, priest, Cvijanovic Brdo (Slunj)
• DOBROSAV Sokovic, priest, Sjeverin (Rudo)
• RELJA Spahic, priest, Blazuj (Sarajevo)
• KOSTA Stanišic, archpriest, Livno
• RADE Stanisavljevic, teacher of religion, Korenica
• RADIVOJE Stanisavljevic, priest, Korenica
• SPIRIDON Starovic, archpriest, Avtovac
• JAŠA Stepanov, priest, Plaški
• MATIJA Stijacic, archpriest, Smiljani (Gospic)
• MIRKO Stojasavljevic, priest, Glamoc
• DJURO Stojanovic, priest, Plaški
• JOVAN Stojanovic, archpriest, Pakrac
• DAMJAN Štrbac, priest (Bos. Grahovo)
• DOSITEJ Štulic, monk, Monastery Krupa
• METODIJE Subotin, monk, Gomirje
• DUSAN Subotic, archpriest, Bosanska Gradiška
• DUSAN Sušnjar, priest, Dunjac (Vojnic)
• KONSTANTIN Todorovic, priest, Ugljenik (Bijelnina)
• PETAR Tovirac, priest, Zabrdje (Bijeljina)
• MILAN Trišic, priest, Vrlika, Sinj
• VIDAK Višnjevac, archpriest, Gacko
• VOJISLAV Vojinovic, priest, Osijek
• BOGDAN Vranješevic, priest, Krupa na Vrbasu
• PETAR Vucinic, priest, Plaški
• NIKOLA Vuckovic, priest, Drljace
• KONSTANTIN Vucurevic, monk, Monastery Zitomislic (Mostar)
• JEFTO Vujevic, archpriest, Mostar
• MILOŠ Vujic, priest, Radovice (Slunj)
• DOSITEJ Vukicevic, monk, Monastery Zitomislic
• NIKOLA Zagorac, priest, Petrovo Selo (Korenica)
• JOVAN Zecivic, priest, Bozuca (Tepce)
• LAZAR Zivadinovic, archdeacon, Zagreb
• GLIGORIJE Zivkovic, archpriest, Baluga
• SLAVKO Zjalicc, priest, Paklenice (Novska)
• JOVAN Lazarevic, priest, Korduk, Zvornik
• SEVASTIJAN Milovanovic, priest, Duvno
• DRAGOMIR Ostojic, priest, Zvornik
• DIMITRIJE Rajakovic, priest, Nišic, Sarajevo
• NIKOLA Skakic, priest, Sarajevo
• LJUBOMIR Svitlic, priest, Bijeljina
• Hieromartyr SAVA Bishop of Gorno-Karlovats taken to the Velebit Mountain and thrown into a pit with numerous other Serbs
• MIHAILO Vasic, priest, Banja Luka
• Archbishop PETER Zimonich of Sarajevo (Bosnia) tortured and humiliated in every way conceivable, and then thrown into a pit to die, together with 55 Orthodox priests
During this war was the first holy New Martyr was the Hierarch VLADIMIR, who was bishop of Raska and Prizren, just as similar to the first holy New Martyr of Russia, in the 20th century was Hierarch Metropolitan Vladimir of Moscow. More then 10 000 Orthodox Christians in Kosovo where killed, and numerous churches destroyed during the Second War, in which where exposed to murders and terror by the Albanian extremists and nationalist. This list also includes dozens of priest, but also monks, as well as included the Bishop of Raska and Prizren Holy Hierarch (Bishop) VLADIMIR, who was sent to prison in Albania and killed in prison. Then again we had a holy New Martyr from the Decani Monastery which is located in Kosovo, which took place during the Second World War. The late Bishop Nikolaj (Velimirovic), over a quarter of a century ago, inscribed into the Church calendar by his own hand the following notation for the date Augst 31 (O.S.): "The 700 000 who suffered for the Orthodox faith at the hands of the Roman crusaders and Ustaši during the time of the Second World War. These are the New Serbian Martyrs."
MARTYRED AFTER THE SECOND WORLD WAR : Holy New Martyr Archdeacon GAVRILO (Gabriel) From The Decani Monanstery
HOLY NEW MARTYRS OF SERBIA IN THE 1990's In the region OF KOSOVO, Serbia: Holy New Hieromartyr STEFAN Puric of Serbia (1999) • Holy New Hieromartyr HARITON Lukic of Serbia (1960-1999)
MEMORIAL to THE GREAT HOSPICE for travellers in Switzerland at 2 469 m altitude in the Pennine Alps
The first hospice or monastery was the 9th century one at Bourg-Saint-Pierre mentioned for the first time around 812-820. This was destroyed by Saracen incursions in the mid-10th century, probably in 940, the date at which they also occupied Saint-Maurice.
• Apostles FORTUNATUS 佛尔图纳特, ACHAICUS 阿亥科 and STEPHEN 斯特梵 of 70 Apostoles
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Ἀχαϊκός, Στεφανᾶς καὶ Φουρτουνάτος οἱ Ἀπόστολοι ἐκ τῶν Ἑβδομήκοντα
About the Holy Disciple Stephen the Holy Apostle Paul recollects in the 1st Epistle to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 16: 15-18). The Apostle Paul wrote: "I am joyful in the arrival of Stephen, Fortunatus and Achaecus: they have made up for me your deficiencies, wherefore they have set at rest both my spirit and your spirit. Respect such".
• Martyrs VITUS 维托 (Guy); MODESTUS (Modestos) 默德斯托 his tutor; and CRESCENTIA 克瑞森提亚 his attendant; at Lucania in Southern Italy (303)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Βίτος, Μόδεστος καὶ Κρησκεντία οἱ Μάρτυρες
• Martyr HESYCHIUS 伊西赫 the Soldier of Dorostolum a Roman soldier, was martyred at Dorostorum (Sillistria) in Moesia (Bulgaria) together with the veteran St JULIUS and others in Moesia (302)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἡσύχιος ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Virgin Martyresses Sisters LEONIS (Leonida) 莱奥尼斯 and LIBYE (Lewbe, Livy, Lybe) 利维耶 and St EUTROPIA (Eftropia) 艾弗特若彼亚 together with her Mother who suffered in Palmyra at Nisibis (Sibapolis) of Syria (305)
Οἱ Ἁγίες Λεωνίς, Λιβύα καὶ Εὐτροπία οἱ Παρθενομάρτυρες
Lybe was beheaded; Leonis, her sister, died at the stake; and the 12 year-old slave girl, Eutropia, was used as a target for the soldiers to practice their shots. Their martyrdom took place under Diocletian at Palmyra in Syria.
• Blessed AUGUSTINE 奥古斯丁 bishop of Hippo (430) and his mother MONICA 妇莫尼卡 of Tagaste (387)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Αὐγουστίνος Ἐπίσκοπος Ἱππῶνος
• TAMADA (also Teemada, Ada or Timeda) and her CHILDREN, Together with St ARMENIUS and his mother St EMMADA in Egypt
• DOMITIAN and HADELIN (686) disciples of St Landelinus at Lobbes in Belgium Οἱ Ὅσιοι Δομετιανὸς καὶ Ἀδελίνος
• ELFLEDA (also Elflida or Ethelfleda) and ETHELHILDA Nuns at Winchester, Abs. at Romsey in Hampshire, England (1000)
• Translation (1524) of the relics of Hosiosmartyrs Abbot GREGORY 格里高利 and cellar CASSIAN 喀西安 of Avnezh, Vologda (1392)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Γρηγόριος καὶ Κασσιανὸς οἱ Ὁσιομάρτυρες καὶ Θαυματουργοί
• SERGIUS and BARBARA of Oyatsk, monastics, parents of St Alexander of Svir (1477-1480)
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• New Hieromartyr VASILIJ Sitnikov, deacon (1850-1918)
• New Hieromartyr AMOS Ivanov, priest (1919) shot by the Bolsheviks
• Repose of INNOCENT Metropolitain of Peking (1931)
• Repose of Elder KOSMAS of Valaam and Riga (1968)
• JOB Kundria of Ugolka, Archimandrite (1985)
• MARTHA Pešić, Abbess in Wojwodina in Serbia (1989)
• Repose of Elder ANTHIMUS of St Anne's Skete, Mt Athos (1996)
• ABRAHAM 阿弗拉穆 abbot of Auvergne (480) Gaul
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀβραὰμ ὁ Θαυματουργός ὁ ἐν Γαλλίᾳ
While seeking to learn from hermits, Abraham was captured by bandits in Egypt, he was imprisoned and enslaved by them for five years before he could escape. Making his way to Europe, he lived as a hermit near Clermont, Gaul (modern France). Priest. Abbot of Saint Cyriacus abbey.
• Prophet先知 AMOS 阿摩斯 of the Twelve Minor Prophets (8th c. B.C.) Father of Prophet Jonah
Ὁ Προφήτης Ἀμώς
• Bishop BARDO of Mainz (1053)
• Martyress BENILDIS (Benilde) Matr., at Cordoba (853)
A woman of Cordoba in Spain who was so moved by the courage of the priest Athanasius during his martyrdom at the hands of the Moors, that she braved death at the stake on the following day. Her ashes were thrown into the Guadalquivir.
• BEOC of Wexford and Lan Veoc in Brittany (585)
• Bishop BERNARD of Menthon, Confessor (1008)
• CEDRONUS 凯德若诺 patriarch of Alexandria (107)
• COLMAN Son of Corodran, of Meelick, County of Monaghan
• CONSTANTINE (706) monk with St Philibert at Jumieges in France and then Bishop of Beauvais
Ὁ Ὅσιος Κωνσταντίνος Ἐπίσκοπος Μπεβαί Γαλλίας
• CYRILL the Wonderworker
Ὁ Ὅσιος Κύριλλος ὁ Θαυματουργός
• Martyr DULAS 杜拉斯 (Tatian) of Cilicia (300/313) who was scourged, burned, tortured and martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian after having undergone horrid tortures: disemboweled Zephyrinu, Cilicia, Asia Minor; his body was thrown into a ditch, and a sheepdog stood guard over it until local Christians could give him proper burial
Ὁ Ἅγιος Δουλᾶς ὁ Μάρτυρας
• Venerable DULAS the Passion-bearer of Egypt
Ὁ Ὅσιος Δουλᾶς ὁ ἐν Αἰγύπτῳ ἀσκήσας
• EADBURGA (Edburga, Edburgh or Eadburh) Nun of Winchester (960)
Daughter of King Edward the Elder and Edgiva of Kent; grand-daughter of King Alfred the Great. As a child she was placed in the convent of Nunnaminster, Winchester, England, which King Alfred's widow had founded. She lived her whole life there, a holy nun and abbess.
• Venerable EIGIL of Fulda Abbey, hegumen (822)
Born to the Bavarian nobility; nephew of St Sturmi of Fulda. Educated in Fulda, Germany in the monastery of his uncle Sturmi. Eigil became a Benedictine monk in Fulda. Priest. Teacher at the monastery school. Abbot of the monastery in 817, a house that was in decline at that point. He restored the community, built churches, founded another house, and trained his successor, St Rabanus Maurus.
• 艾弗冷 EPHRAIM II the Bulgarian, patriarch of Serbia (1400) // JUN 15 // AUG 30 SERBIAN HIERARCHS 13-14TH CC //
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἐφραὶμ Πατριάρχης Σερβίας
• Tr.Rel. to Constantinople in 363 of Hosiosmartyress FEBRONIA (Fevronia or Anahid) Virgin and Nun, Ascetic at Nisibis (Sibapolis) in Mesopotamia (305)
• Martyr GRACE
Ἡ Ἁγία Γραῦς ἡ Μάρτυς
• Hieromartyr HILARION of Espalion (793) Priest in Lévinhac, France
Beheaded c.793 in Perse, diocese of Rodez, France. Legend says that the body got up, washed the blood off the severated head, and then took it to his mother; he had jokingly promised he would do so every time she nagged him of the danger of passing through Muslim territory to being the Sacraments to the people of Perse.
• Martyr ISOECUS
• Venerable JEROME (Hieronymus) 耶若尼默 of Stridonium (420)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἱερώνυμος
• Sainted JONAH 约纳 metropolitan of Moscow (1461) // MAR 31 // MAY 27 TR REL // JUNE 15 // OCT 5 MOSCOW HIERARCHS //
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰωνᾶς Μητροπολίτης Μόσχας
• Repose of JONAH the Fool for Christ of Peshnosha Monastery (1838)
• JOSEPH 约熙福 monk of Bethlehem
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰωσὴφ ὁ ἐν Βηθλεέμ
• Venerable LANDELINUS abbot of Crespin (Crepy) (625-686)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Λανδελίνος ὁ ἐν Γαλλίᾳ
Born near Bapaume, Landelinus lived for a time as a robber, but he repented and became a monk. He was later ordained and founded monasteries in France and Belgium, at Lobbes in 654, Aulne (656), Walers (657) and Crespin (Crepy) in 670. Worked with Saint Ursmar. Spiritual director of Saint Hadelin of Lobbes and Saint Domitian of Lobbes.
• Great Martyr Holy Nobleborn LAZAR 拉匝若 the Tsar of Serbia (1389)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λάζαρος ὁ Μάρτυρας πρίγκιπας τῶν Σέρβων
• LOTHARIUS of Séez (756) founded a monastery in the forest of Argentan, France; it was later named Saint-Loyer-des-Champs in his honour. Bishop of Séez, France for 32 years
• MELAN (549) Bishop of Viviers in France from 519 on
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μελανὸς Ἐπίσκοπος Βιβιέρ
Died after 549. Saint Melan was consecrated bishop of Viviers in 519. He was still bishop in 549, when he sent representatives to a council at Orléans.
• Sainted MICHAEL 弥哈伊尔 1st metropolitan of Kiev (992) // JUN 15 // SEP 30 //
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μιχαὴλ ὁ πρῶτος Μητροπολίτης Κιέβου καὶ πάσης Ρωσίας
• Martyr NERSES
Ὁ Ἅγιος Νερσῆς ὁ Μάρτυρας
• ORSIESIUS 奥尔谢西 the Cenobite, Abbot Hermit of Tabenna (368-380) disciple of St Pachomius the Great
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ὀρτίσιος
Orsiesius was a favorite disciple of St Pachomius at Tabennisi, and his assistant in drawing up the rules for the cenobites. He succeeded Pachomius as abbot. He was praised by Saint Antony and Saint Athanasius, but some 12 years before his death he was forced by his monks to resign because of the harshness of his rule. He resumed that office several years later. He is the author of an ascetical treatise that St Jerome translated into Latin.
• Translation of the relics of St PACHOMIOS the Great
• Venerable SABBAS 萨瓦 the Fool for Christ of Vatopedi, Mt Athos (1283-1349)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σάββας ὁ διὰ Χριστὸν Σαλός ὁ Βατοπαιδινός
• SYMEON 西麦翁 archbishop of Novgorod (1421)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Συμεὼν Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Νόβγκοροντ καὶ Πσκώφ
• SPYRIDON 斯彼里顿 patriarch of Serbia (1388)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Σπυρίδων Πατριάρχης Σερβίας
• STEPHAN of Vologda (1542)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Στέφανος τοῦ Ὀζέρο καὶ Κομὲλ Ρωσίας
• STEPHANIE (Stefanie)
• Translation (9th c.) of the relics of Venerable THEODORE 德奥多若 the Sykeote 西凯奥提 (613) // APR 22 // JUN 15 //
The Relics of St Theodore the Sykeote, Bishop of Anastasioupolis were transferred from Galatea to Constantinople in the ninth century. His relics were seen in the year 1200 by the Russian pilgrim Anthony at the monastery of St George.
• Holy Schemamonk THEOPHANES (in the world Theodore Talunin) of the Roslavl Forests and Optina (1819)
• TRILLO (Drillo, Drel) (6th c.) Abbot of Llandrillo, Wales, Companion of St Cadfan of Wales
Ὁ Ἅγιος Τρίλλος Ἐπίσκοπος ἐν Οὐαλίᾳ
Trillo, son of a Breton chieftain, migrated to Wales with Saint Cadfan. He is the patron of two places named Llandrillo in Denbighshire (now Gwynedd) and Monmouth. At Gwynedd there is an ancient oratory in the Irish style built over a spring that is used for baptisms named after him. Another Llandrillo in Merionethshire (now Gwynedd) had a well where rheumatism was cured. Patron saint of two places in Gwynedd in Wales.
• VAUGE (Vorech) (585) Priest in the diocese of Armagh, Ireland. Retiring from public work, he settled in Brittany to live as a hermit near Lesneven, France
Died June 15, 585. He was a holy priest in the church of Armagh, Ireland, who, to fly the archiepiscopal dignity, retired into to Penmarch, Cornwall, when it appeared he was to be consecrated archbishop. He landed at Penmarch in that county, and being honourably received, built himself a hermitage, yet often went out to preach to the people, and kindle in their breasts the most ardent desire of Christian perfection. But that doesn't mean that he kept to himself: He often preached to the local people and instilled the desire for Christian perfection in their breasts. He was called to receive the recompense of his labours on the 15th of June, 585. Under the name of St Vorech he seems titular saint of Llanlivery in Cornwall.
• VOUGA (Vougar, Veho, Feock, Fiech) Bishop of Lesneven (6th c.)
A bishop from Ireland who settled in Brittany and lived there as a hermit near Lesneven.
• Elderly Woman Martyress
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

вторник, 26 июня 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • June 27 / June 14 •


June 27 / June 14
2018 (7526)

• Venerable SERAPHIM of Sarov (1833) // JAN 2 // JUL 19 // KURSK // NIZHEGORODSK // TAMBOV //
• New Hieromartyr SERAPHIM Chichagov, Metropolitan of St Petersburg (1937) // NOV 28 // BRIANSK // MOSKOW // NEWMARTYR BUTOVO // PETERBURG //
• Venerabless ALEXANDRA Melgunova of Diveevo (1789) // JUN 13 // NIZHEGORODSK //
• Venerabless HELENA 艾莱尼 Manturova of Diveevo (1832) // MAY 28 // NIZHEGORODSK //
• Venerabless MARTHA Miliukova of Diveevo (1829) // AUG 21 // NIZHEGORODSK //
• Blessed PELAGIA Serebrennikova (1884) // JAN 30 // NIZHEGORODSK //
• Blessed MARIA Fedina of Diveevo (1931) // AUG 26 // NIZHEGORODSK //
• Blessed PARASCEVA of Diveevo (1915) // SEP 22 // NIZHEGORODSK //
• Martyresses EVDOKIA Nemkova (Sheikova) with her obedients: DARIA Timagina (Timolina), DARIA Ulybina (Siushinskaya) and MARIA (1919) of Suvorovo // AUG 5 // NIZHEGORODSK // NEWMARTYRS //
• New Hieromartyr JACOB Gusev, priest (1937) // DEC13 // NIZHEGORODSK // NEWMARTYRS //
• New Hieromartyr MICHAEL Gusev, archipriest (1937) // NOV 7 // NIZHEGORODSK // NEWMARTYRS //
• Hieromartyr Nun MARTHA Testova of Diveevo (1941) // APR 13 // NIZHEGORODSK // NEWMARTYRS //
• Nun MATRONA Vlasova, confessoress (1963) // OCT 25 // NIZHEGORODSK // NEWMARTYRS //
• Hosiosmartyress Nun PELAGIA Testova of Diveevo (1944) // OCT 21 // NIZHEGORODSK // NEWMARTYRS //
• Martyrs CANTIANILLA, AFRA and ANTONY at Spezzia
• Hosiosmartyress DIGNA Nun at Tábanos, near Córdoba, together with Hosiosmartyrs ANASTASIUS and FÉLIX (853) killed for their faith by order of the Moorish caliph
• Martyrs VALERIUS and RUFINUS (287) in Soissons in France
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Οὐαλέριος καὶ Ρουφίνος οἱ Μάρτυρες
Saint Valerius lived at Soissons, Gaul (in modern France). May have been a missionary from Rome, Italy. Fled during the persecution of Diocletian, but was captured. When brought to court, he made a bold, public statement of faith. Tortured and martyred with Saint Rufinus.
• Sufferred Christians of Egypt, Syria, the Middle East and Ukraine
• Martyred FATHERS AND MOTHERS OF ATCHARA under Islamization of Georgia, or the Move forward of Islam in Western Georgia in the 17-18th centuries // JUN 11 //
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Uncovering of the relics (1992) of New Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Bogojavlenskij, Metropolitan of Kiev (1848-1918)
• New Hieromartyr JOSEPH Sikov, priest (1873-1918)
• New Hieromartyr PAVEL Ivanov, priest (1875-1938) in Butovo
• New Hieromartyr VLADIMIR Sergeev (1867-1918)
• New Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Sidorov (1867-1918)
• New Hieromartyrs priests NICOLOS Vinogradov (1871-1938), ALEXANDER Parusnikov (1879-1938) and deacon NICOLOS Zapolskiy (1889-1938) in Butovo
• Holy 11 Estonians Martyred During the Soviet Occupation of Estonia (1940-1941): Protopresbyter VASILLI Ritskok, Presbyters JOHANNES Kraav, JOAN Segejev, ARTEEMI Vapper and ΝIKOLAI Leisman, Deacons VASILLI Astanin and PEETER Koslov, Presvytera MARTA Leisman and the Laypeople JOANN Lagovski, THEODOR Pettai and ANNA Pettai
• BASIL the Great (329-379) Archbishop of Cæsarea, Confessor
• Translation of the Relics of St BRENDAN the Navigator, Abbot and Founder of Clonfert, Ireland, Who Sailed to America // MAY 16 //
• Sainted BURCHARD Bishop of Meissen (970) Germany
Benedictine monk at the monastery of Saint Emmeram in Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany. First bishop of Meissen, Germany in 968; he only served about a year. Established the Cathedral Chapter in Meissen.
• CAOMHÁN of Inisheer (6th c.) related to St Kevin of Glendalough. Spiritual student of Saint Enda of Aran
His grave is known as Caomhán's bed and it is an island tradition to spend the feast vigil praying at his grave; many miraculous cures have been reported from this vigil.
• CEARAN (Ciaran) the Devout, Abbot of Bealach-duin, now Castle-Kieran, County of Meath, Ireland (870)
Abbot of Bellach-Duin, now Castle Kerrant, in Ireland. He was called the devout. Cearan (Ciaran) June 14
• Hieromartyr Archbishop CYRIL of Gortyne, Crete (303)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Κύριλλος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας Ἐπίσκοπος Γορτύνης
• Hieromartyr St CYRIL III (1638) Patriarch of Alexandria
Cyril Lucaris was a relative of St Meletios Pigas, Patriarch of Alexandria, who sent him to Ukraine where Cyril became a professor at the Ostrozhka Academia. He was both a patriarch of Alexandria as well as of Constantinople as he struggled to defend the Orthodox Church against her various enemies. He was martyred by the Turks on the charge that he was plotting with the Ukrainian Kozaks to create a general insurrection against the Sultan. The controversial charges against him, namely, that he was a “Protestant” and had composed a Protestant creed were rejected by Orthodoxy and he was glorified a Saint by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria.
• Virgin CUMAN Beg (Cumman the Little, Cummine Beg) of Kill Cuimne in Tamnacha
• Virgin DAVNET (Damhnat) (6th c.)
6th century woman who early in life dedicated herself to God. Founded a monastery in the area of her village. Born Sliabh Beagh, parish of Tydavnet, County Monaghan, Ireland. Died Sliabh Beagh, parish of Tydavnet, County Monaghan, Ireland of natural causes.
• DOGMAEL (Docmael, Dogfael, Dogmeel, Dogwel, Toel), Hermit of Pembroke, Wales (5-6th c.) Monk at Dyfed, Wales, in Anglesey, Wales, and in Brittany in northern France
• Prophet 先知 ELISHA 埃利塞 (10th c. B.C.) received the mantle of prophecy from Elijah and continued the work of prophecy
Ὁ Προφήτης Ἐλισσαῖος
Old Testament prophet of Israel on whom, by Divine command, fell the mantle of Elias the Prophet. Accompanied Elias until the latter was translated and his prophetical power was confirmed by many miracles, among them the raising of a child to life and the cure of the Syrian general Naaman of leprosy.
• ELISHA 埃利塞 monk of Suma and Solovki (15-16th c.)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἐλισσαῖος ὁ ἐν Σούμυ Ρωσίας ἀσκήσας
The Monk Elisei of Sumsk ―took monastic vows at the Solovetsk monastery. He was occupied with the plaiting of fishing nets. Before death he became a schemamonk. In 1688 miracles began from the grave of the monk, resting beneathe a crypt in the Nikol'sk church of the city of Suma, Archangel'sk diocese.
• ETHERIUS (6th c.) Bishop of Vienne in France
• Blessed FORTUNATUS of Naples (350) Bishop of Naples, Italy. Fought to keep Arianism out of his diocese
• GEROLD (806) monk of Fontenelle and from 787 Bishop of Evreux in France
Courtier to Blessed Charlemagne. Left court life to become a monk at the abbey of Fontenelle in Normandy, France. Bishop of Evreux, France in 787. Late in life he resigned his see and returned to life as a monk at Fontenelle.
• HARTWIG (1023) 21st Archbishop of Salzburg in Austria (991-1023)
• Venerabless IULITTA (Joulitta or Julia) 犹利塔 of Tabenna in Egypt, Matr., Ascetic (4th c.)
Ἡ Ὁσία Ἰουλίττα
• JOHN 约安 Mavropos (Mavron "The Black") metropolitan of Euchaita (1100)
• Venerable JOSEPH 约熙福 the Hymnographer (845/883) of the Studium, bishop of Thessalonica; brother of St Theodore of the Studion
Born to Christian parents. He fled Sicily in 830 due to Arab invasion, and became a monk in Thessalonica. He joined the monastery of the Studium in Constantinople, but was forced to flee Constantinople in 841 due to iconoclast persecution. On his way to Rome, Italy he was captured by pirates and spent several years as a slave in Crete. He ministered to his fellow slaves, converting many. He finally managed to escape and return to Constantinople where he founded a monastery. When he opposed the Iconoclast emperor Theophilus, Joseph was exiled to the Chersonese. Bishop of Salonica. One of the great liturgical poets and hymnists of the Byzantine Church, credited with approximately 1 000 works.
• LOTHARIUS (756) Founder of a monastery in the forest of Argentan in France which was later called Saint-Loyer-des-Champs after him. He then became Bishop of Séez for thirty-two years
• Hieromartyr MARCIAN of Syracuse (255) the first 'Bishop of the West', sent to Syracuse in Sicily by the Apostle Peter. It is more likely that Marcian was sent to Sicily in the third century. He was martyred by Jews who threw him from a tower. • MARK of Lucera (328) bishop venerated locally in the south of Italy
• Sainted METHODIUS 麦托迪 patriarch of Constantinople (847)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μεθόδιος ὁ Ὁμολογητής Πατριάρχης Κωνσταντινουπόλεως
• METHODIUS 麦托迪 abbot of Peshnosha (1392)
• Holy Nobleborn MSTISLAV 密斯提斯拉夫 (Baptized GEORGE 格奥尔吉) the Brave, prince of Novgorod (1180)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Μστισλάβος – Γεώργιος ὁ Ἀνδρεῖος πρίγκιπας τοῦ Νόβγκοροντ
• NENNUS (Nem, Nenus, Nehemias) Abbot of the Isle of Arran, Scotland (7th c.)
Nennus, born into the O'Birn family, succeeded St Enda as abbot of the monasteries of the Arran and Bute isles in 654 upon his demise in the government of the great monastery of the isles of Arran, which formerly were two, before the name of Bute was given to one of them. The festival of St. Nenus has been always kept with great solemnity in many parts of Ireland.
• Venerable NIPHON 尼丰 monk of Kapsokalyvia, Mt Athos (1411)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Νήφων ὁ Καυσοκαλυβίτης
• Martyr PROTUS in Aquileia in Italien (290)
Tutor and catechist to Saints Cantius, Cantian and Cantianilla of Aquileia. To escape the persecutions of Diocletian, he moved with the family to Aquileia, Italy. However, the authorities there quickly ordered them to sacrifice to idols; they refused.
• PSALMODIUS (Psalmet, Saumon, Saumay) Hermit of Limoges, France (690) Disciple of St Brendan
• QUINTIAN bishop in France
• RICHARD of St Vannes (1046) called 'Gratia Dei, 'Thanks be to God', from a phrase he often said. He became a monk at St Vannes in Verdun in the north of France
• Venerable SABBAS 萨瓦 the Fool for Christ of Vatopedi, Mt Athos (1349)
• Martyress THEOPISTA (3rd c.) of Rome, Italy
For preferring a life devoted to God over marriage to a young imperial Roman nobleman, she was martyred in the persecutions of Valerian.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

понедельник, 25 июня 2018 г.

• συνοδικός • June 26 / June 13 •


June 26 / June 13
2018 (7526)
• The Weeping Icon of the Mother of God of TERNOPIL
Synaxis of Saints of ZAPOROZHIE in Ukraine
• Hieromartyr archpriest MIKHAIL Shafanov (Chekhranov) and his wife Martyress SOFIA (1918)
• Hieromartyr presbiter MATTHEW Alexandrov (1921)
• Hieromartyr archpriest DIMITRI Ignatenko (1872-1935) // SEP 15 //
• Hieroconfessor ALEXIS Usenko, presbiter (1873-1937)
• Hieromartyr SERGIOS Zverev, archbishop of Melitopol and Jeletsk (1937) // NOV 7 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest MIKHAIL Bogoslovskij (1940) // MAR 15 //
• Hieromartyr archpriest VIKTOR Kiranov (1942) // MAR 17 //
• Hieromartyr presbiter ALEXANDER Il’jenkov (1942) // MAR 1 //
• Righteous PETR Kalnushevskij, kozak ataman
• Martyr STEPHAN Nalivajko
• Hieromartyr ALEXANDER Shyshyn
• Hieroconfessor THEODOSY Stankevich
• Hieroconfessor MITROPHAN Vozdvizhenskij
• Hieroconfessor PHILOSOPH Ziabryev
• Venerable ANDRONICUS 安德若尼科 (1395) disciple of Venerable Sergius of Radonezh, and St SABBAS 萨瓦 (1410) abbots of Moscow; monks ALEXANDER, DANIIL Chornyj (i.o. the Black) and ANDREW Rublev the Iconographers
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀνδρόνικος ὁ ἐν Μόσχᾳ ἀσκήσας
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ ἐν Μόσχᾳ ἀσκήσας
• Venerabless ANNA 安纳 of Constantinople (826) who dressed and runneth in men’s attire, and her son Venerable JOHN 约翰 of Bethany (9th c.) lived in asceticism in one of the monasteries near Olympus
Ἡ Ὁσία Ἄννα καὶ ὁ υἱὸς αὐτῆς Ἰωάννης
• 10 000 Martyrs beheaded by the sword for Christ
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Μύριοι Μάρτυρες
• Martyrs FORTUNATUS and LUCIAN in North Africa
NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• JOHN Triantaphyllides, the New Chrysostom and Merciful, of Chaldia in Asia Minor (1836-1903)
• New Hieromartyr ALEXIS Archangelskiy, priest (1864-1918) shoted in selo Verkh-Techa on the river Techa at Perm
• New Hieromartyr ALEXANDER 亚历山大 priest (1918)
• New Hieromartyr DEMETRIUS 迪弥特里 Smirnov, priest (1870-1940)
• Virgin Martyress PELAGEA 佩拉吉亚 Zhydko (1897-1944) day of death in Dzhartas of Karlag NKVD KZ, Kazakhstan
• Repose of Archimandrite DIMITRY Egorov of Santa Rosa, California (1992)
• Blessed ACHILLEO of Alexandria (312) Priest, ordained in the late 3rd century. Director of the famous school in Alexandria, Egypt. Bishop of Alexandria in 311. Though he only led his see for a few months, he was known for preaching and writing against Arianism
• Translation of Relics of Venerabless ADELTRUDIS (Aldetrudis) Abbess in Maubeuge (696)
• Mother ALEXANDRA 亚里山德拉 (Agatha Melgunova), W., Fndr. and Abbess of Diveyevo Convent (1789) // JUN 13/26 REPOSE // JUN 14/27 ALL SAINTS OF DIVEYEVO // JUL 15/28 ALL SAINTS OF KIEV // SUNDAY AFTER AUG 26TH ALL SAINTS OF NIZHNY NOVGOROD //
• ANTHIMUS 安提默 the Iberian,Metropolitan of Wallachia (1716)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἄνθιμος ὁ Ἰβηρίτης
• Sainted ANTIPATER 安提帕提尔 bishop of Bostra in Arabia (458)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἀντίπατρος Ἐπίσκοπος Βόστρων
• Martyress ANTONINA 安托尼纳 of Nicaea (284-305)
• Martyress AQUILINA 阿桂利纳 of Byblos in Lebanon (293)
Ἡ Ἁγία Ἀκυλίνα ἡ Μάρτυς
Arrested at age 12 for her faith during the persecutions of Diocletian. When she clung to her faith, the magistrate Volusian ordered the child beaten and beheaded. Martyr. St Joseph the Hymnographer composed an Office in her honour.
• Hieromartyr AVENTINO of Arbusto (9th c.)
Hermit in the Arbusto Valley of the Pyrenees region of France. He spent most of his time in prayer, but would sometimes come down to the villages to preach. Martyred by Moors for preaching Christianity.
• Holy Virgin DAMHNADA of Cavan in Fermanagh
The eminent spirit of sanctity which the glorious St Patrick bequeathed as it were to a great number of heroic imitators of his virtue, was most conspicuous in the wonderful life of this holy virgin, famed in Ireland for an extraordinary gift of miracles. A holy virgin in Ireland who was greatly venerated in Cavan in Fermanagh.
• DAMNAT (Davnet, Davnat, Dympna, Damhnait or Damhnat) of Co. Monaghan, Fndr. of monastery at Tydavnet (or Tedavnat) (which means “Davnet’s house”), Sliabh Beagh (or “Slíab Betha”)
• Martyr DIODORUS 迪奥多若 of Emesus who was crucified
Ὁ Ἅγιος Διόδωρος ὁ Μάρτυρας ὁ ἐξ Ἐμέσης
• EULOGIUS patriarch of Antioch
• EULOGIUS 艾弗洛吉 Archbishop of Alexandria (607)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Εὐλόγιος Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Ἀλεξανδρείας
Monk as a young man. Well educated in the literature and science of his day, was a Biblical scholar, and studied the writings of the great pastors. Opposed the Eutychian and Monophysite heresies. Patriarch of Alexandria, Egypt in 579, serving for 28 years. His correspondence with St Gregory the Great has survived.
• Hieromartyr FANDILAS (853) a priest and Abbot of Peñamelaria near Cordoba in Spain. He was beheaded in Cordoba by order of the Emir Mohammed
• VM FELICULA at Rome (90)
Ἡ Ἁγία Φηλίκουλα ἡ Μάρτυς
Felicula, a Roman maiden, is thought to have been a foster sister of St Petronilla. After Petronilla's martyrdom under Domitian, Felicula was left for two weeks in her prison without food or drink, and then was thrown into a ditch to die. Her body was recovered by St Nicomedes.
• Venerable JAMES (827)
• JAMES the Ascetic (10th c.) who was demonically deceived and worshipped antichrist, but later repented
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰάκωβος ὁ ἐξ ἀπάτης τὸν ἀντίχριστον προσκυνήσας
• Mac NISSI Abbot of Clonmacnoise monastery, King's County (6th c.) County Offaly, Ireland
• Finding (1960) of the relics of Martyr NICHOLAS the Deacon of Lesbos in Greece (1463)
Εὕρεσις Τιμίων Λειψάνων Ἁγίου Νικολάου τοῦ Ἱερομάρτυρος
• NIPHON Kausokalybites, monk of Kapsokalyvia, Mt Athos (1411)
• PEREGRINUS (Ceteo, Ceteus, Cetheus, Cetteo, Cetteus, Pellegrino, Pelligrinus) (600) Bishop of Amiterno (modern San Vittorino, Italy) and of L'Aquila in the Abruzzi in Italy. He was drowned in the River Aterno by the Arian Lombards for asking for mercy for a condemned prisoner
• Venerable Father PHILOTHEOS of Sklataina (1475-1550) Second Founder of the Monastery of St Stephen at Meteora
Our Venerable Father Philotheos was born in 1475 in the village of Sklataina, which since 1927 is called Rizoma and is located in Trikala of Thessaly. The beginning of monastic life at Meteora on the rock of Agios Stephanos, where the Monastery of Saint Stephen is located today, dates back to early in the 12th century. Saint Anthony Kantakouzenos, in the first half of the 15th century, is the first founder of the monastery, and Saint Philotheos, who renovated or rather rebuilt from its foundations the old small and elegant Katholicon, the present Church of Saint Stephen, in 1545 is referred to as its second founder. The rebuilding of the Church of Saint Stephen was done with the help of the Hieromonk Gerasimos. Philotheos is also noted for rebuilding the cells and other buildings of the monastery. For the rebuilding of the monastery, as well as its decoration and liturgical function, funding came from both Philotheos and Gerasimos, indicating their affluence.
• Martyr RAMBERT (Ragnebert, Ragnobert) (680) a courtier in Austrasia in the east of France, he was murdered by the tyrant Ebroin in the Jura mountains
• Sainted TRIPHYLLIUS 特里斐利 bishop of Leucosia (Nicosia) in Cyprus (370) Disciple of Saint Spyridon
Ὁ Ἅγιος Τριφύλλιος Ἐπίσκοπος Λήδρας
Triphyllius, a lawyer converted to Christianity, was made bishop of Nicosia, Cyprus. He was a companion of St Spiridion and a loyal supporter of St Athanasius against the Arians, who bitterly persecuted him.
• Hieromartyr VICTORIN Bishop of Assisi (240)
Chosen bishop of Assisi, Italy by Pope Fabian in the mid-3rd-century. Martyred with several companions outside of Assisi during the persecutions of emperor Gordian III.
• WILICARIUS of Vienne (765) Bishop of Vienne, France. Went into exile to Rome, Italy, c.752 due to Frankish persecution. Retired from his see to spend his remaining years as a prayerful monk in the monastery of Saint Mauritius
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

• συνοδικός • June 25 / June 12 •


June 25 / June 12
2018 (7526)
Near the Saranova jama on Velebit mount near Gospic and in the Slana Bay on Pag island a commemoration for victims of Croatian Ustasha camps that killed tens of thousands of mainly Serbian civilians was held.
• The Most Holy Theotokos in commemoration of Icon named GOLUBINSKAJA (i.o. With Doves)
Golubinskaya Icon of the Mother of God, is in Tver province, in the church of the city of Torzhok. It is named so because there are pigeons depicted in Christ hands.
• The Most Holy Theotokos in commemoration of IGRITSKO-PESSOCHEN Icon (1571)
The Smolensk Igritsko-Pessochen Icon of the Mother of God was found on 12 June 1622 by the shepherds of the Savinskaya village in the church of St Nicholas the Wonderworker of the Igritsa (or Igrishch) pogost on the River Pesochnya. Entering the dilapidated "wretched old" church, which came to desolation after the pestilence of 1571, the shepherds found the image of the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" shining in colors, "as it is newly written" in the altar of the temple. From the icon, miracles began to occur, the first of which was the healing of the local landowner Emelyan Isayev, who was struck blind for 5 years. Soon, in 1624, in place of the icon was found with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Filaret, the monastery was founded. In 1932, after the closing of the last temple of the Pesochen Convent, the icon of the Mother of God was kept in the Resurrection Church of the village of Lubovnikovo. In 1958, the shrine was abducted from the temple, its fate is unknown.
• The Most Holy Theotokos in commemoration of Icon of REPKI
In the old days, this local icon was located in the village of Repki (hence its name Repitskaya), 35 versts from the city of Chernigov. June 12, 1740, she was transferred to Chernigov under the Archbishop of Chernigov Hilarion Rogolevsky and now is in Chernigov Borisoglebsky Cathedral, over the royal gates.
• Miracle-working icons of the Theotokos and of St Onuphrius at St Onuphrius Monastery in Poland (14th c.) 波兰的圣奥努弗里修道院之显行灵迹之圣母及圣奥努弗里圣像纪念日
• Icon of the Mother of God of MANJAVA SKETE
Manyava Skete of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, (transliterated often as Maniava or Manjava Skete) - otherwise known as Ukrainian Athos, is Orthodox solitary cell men´s monastery (skete) in the Carpathian mountains of western Ukraine. It is situated on the outskirts of the village of Maniava in Bohorodchany raion of Ivano-Frankivsk region. The founding father of the monastery is Saint Job of Maniava, who was monk on the Greek Athos for some time before. In 1606, together with Ivan Vyshensky and religious writer Zakhariya Kopystensky of Kyiv Pechersk lavra he organized the first monk community here. Manyava Skete is famous for the apparition of Virgin Mary who appeared here twice and for its miracle-working icon of Manyava Icon of Mother of God. In 1652 there was the plague epidemic in skete and the neighbouring areas. Many monks were dying from it. The remaining monks were pleading to God for mercy. On December 22, 1652 the Manyava hieromonk Filaret had a dream vision of Blessed Theotokos being dressed in a red hegumen´s cloak, who came in through the monastery gates and entered the Church of Anunciation of Virgin Mary and having stopped there, said. "The plague will already stop". In remembrance of this event there is an icon "Hegumenia of the Manyava monastery" kept in the skete. The icon "cried" twice, shedding myrrh (supernatural oil) in 2004 and last in spring of 2012. These events were widely reported by the Ukrainian news and TV media. Thousands of Orthodox pilgrims arrive here during the year.
The Monastery of St Onufry, also St Onuphrius or St Onouphrios, is a monastery of the Church of Poland located in village of Jableczna near Bug river, between Terespol and Koden. The monastery is under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan of Warsaw and All Poland. It is the only monastery in the area that has remained Orthodox since its establishment. St Onufry's Monastery was established during the fifteenth century. It was dedicated to a Egyptian hermit who lived during the fourth century. The monastery is located near the Bug River on the Polish, western side. Originally, the monastery owned land on both sides of the river with the main buildings on the eastern side. The relocation of the buildings occurred during the late 1830s when the facilities needed replacement and the decision was made to build a new on the left, western side. At the time of the Union of Brest, 1596, the monastery maintained a strong opposition to the agreement. During the first half of the seventeenth century the monastery was the seat of the Bishop of Chelm. In the early years of the twentieth century the monastery was home to eighty monks, five schools, an operating farm, and a clinic. At the start of World War I, the monks were forced to leave as the monastery came to be in the front lines of the war. During the highly nationalistic times of the re-founded nation of Poland after World War I, the monastery was able to maintain its Orthodox traditions and also remain open against strong Latin pressure. Again in World War II, the monastery was heavily damaged and suffered through the displacement of peoples by the communists after the war. During the final decades of the twentieth century and especially after the collapse of the communist governments, the monastery was renovated and expanded to include a seminary. The central church of the monastery is St Onufry Church that stands in the center of the monastery complex. It dates from the 19th century.
• Martyrs BASILIDES, QUIRINUS (Cyrinus), NABOR and NAZARIUS in Rome (1st c.)
Οἱ Ἅγιοι Βασιλίδης, Κυρίνος, Ναβώριος καὶ Ναζάριος οἱ Μάρτυρες καὶ οἱ σὺν αὐτοῖς μαρτυρήσαντες
• Martyrs VALERIUS and GALEN of Armenia (2nd c.) under the persecutions of emperor Hadrian
• Venerables JOHN 约安, ANDREW 安德列, HERACLEMON 伊拉克利蒙, THEOPHILUS 德奥斐洛 (4th c.) Hermits of Egypt mentioned in the Life of St Onuphrius // DEC 2 //
• Our Holy Venerable Fathers ONUPHRIOS 奥努弗里 the Great (400) and PETER 彼得 of Mount Athos (734)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ὀνούφριος ὁ ἐν Ἱερουσαλήμ
Ὁ Ὅσιος Πέτρος ὁ ἐν τῷ Ἁγίῳ Ὄρει ἀσκήσας

They lived in different times and places, but are commemorated together.
• Monks BASSIAN 瓦西安 and JONAH 约纳 of Petroma and Solovki (1561)
• Monks ONUPHRIUS 奥努弗里 and AUXENTIUS 奥弗克森提 of Vologda (1521)
Οἱ Ὅσιοι Αὐξέντιος καὶ Ὀνούφριος οἱ ἐρημίτες τῆς Βολογκντά
• Hieromartyr priest BENEDICT of Serres martyred in Thessaloniki by beheading (1821) and other Hosiosmartyrs with him: Monks PAUL of Ioannina in Epirus martyred in Thessaloniki (1824), SYNESIOS of Thessaloniki (1821) and TIMOTHEOS of Veria and Thessaloniki (1822)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Βενέδικτος ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας ὁ ἐκ Σερρῶν καὶ ἐν Θεσσαλονίκης ἀθλήσας
Ὁ Ἅγιος Παῦλος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας ὁ ἐξ Ἰωαννίνων καὶ ἐν Θεσσαλονίκη ἀθλήσας
Ὁ Ἅγιος Συνέσιος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας ἐκ Θεσσαλονίκης
Ὁ Ἅγιος Τιμόθεος ὁ Ὁσιομάρτυρας ὁ ἐκ Βεροίας καὶ ἐν Θεσσαλονίκη ἀθλήσας
These four Neomartyrs were Athonite monks from the Monastery of Konstamonitou. The year 1821 marked the first year of the Greek Revolution, at which time many Greeks were killed. Some of these were Martyrs, having died for their testimony of faith in Christ. In 1821 Abdul Abud was the Pasha of Thessaloniki, who persecuted the Christians and Athonite monks at the time.
BENEDICT was from the village of Daphne in Serres, where a metochion of Konstamonitou Monastery was located, and he became a monk with his father naturally at Konstamonitou Monastery. Initially the father went and was tonsured a monk, but due to the young age of Benedict he was sent to be educated at Polygyros, after which he went to the monastery and became a monk then a presbyter. During the Revolution he was arrested at a metochion of the monastery in Kalamaria near Thessaloniki. After suffering tortures with other monks and laypeople, he was put to death by beheading on June 12, 1821. After his martyrdom a luminous cross shone over his body. When Turkish soldiers informed the Christians of this, they were given permission to bury him.
PAUL was from Ioannina, whose father died when he was a young child and he was raised with care by his mother. There he received a well rounded education from Kosmas Balanos, the founder and head of the Gouma School. From a young age he was pious and loved to attend the divine services either at the Church of Saint John in Bounila or at the Panagia Peribleptos. One day Abbot Chrysanthos of Konstamonitou Monastery together with the New Martyr Benedict visited Ioannina for business of the monastery. There the young Peter, which was Paul's name before being tonsured a monk, met the Abbot and followed him back to the Holy Mountain, where he was tonsured a monk and given the name Paul. He also suffered in prison in Thessaloniki during the Revolution with other monks. He was noted for continuously praying: "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me", and "Most Holy Theotokos, help us." There he died at the age of thirty in 1824.
SYNESIOS was from Trigleia in Asia Minor. He arrived at the Holy Mountain at a young age, first in Iveron Monastery, where his brother Theophilos and uncle Gerasimos were living as monks, then Konstamonitou Monastery, where he was tonsured a monk. During the Revolution of 1821 he was taken by Turks together with other monks of the Holy Mountain, as well as the administrator of the Holy Mountain Spandoni, to Thessaloniki, and they were tortured in order to reveal hidden treasures from the monasteries, which according to sources were supposedly being held at the Metochion of Monoxylites. They remained in prison for two and half years, and all perished therein, including Synesios, due to the ill treatment, torments and deprivations of life in prison, in the year 1824.
TIMOTHY was from Beroia, and was initially married, but after the death of his spouse he went to become a monk at Konstamonitou Monastery. He was martyred during the Revolution when he was over sixty years old in 1822.

NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS in the 20th century
• Hieromartyr priest BASIL Militsyn (1861-1918) murdered with prosfora baker and psalmist Martyress KATERINE Bogolobova (Bogomolova)
• Hieromartyr presbiter ALEXIS Kantserov (1918) shoted on the river Kama at Ufa
• New Martyrs bishop ONUPHRIUS (1938) and with him ANTHONY, BARSANUPHIUS and JOSEPH (1937) and bishop ALEXANDER of Kharkov • Repose of Blessed Hermit PHILARETUS of Mt Athos (1961)
• Translation (1603) of Relics of ADALBERO Bishop of Augsburg (909)
• Synaxis of Venerable ALYPIUS the Stylite of Adrianopolis, in Constantinople
Σύναξις Ὁσίου Ἀλυπίου ἐν τῇ Κωνσταντινούπολη
• AMPHIANUS 盎斐亚诺 bishop and confessor in Cilicia (310)
Amphion is described in the Roman Martyrology as "an excellent confessor in the time of Galerius Maximian." Priest during the reign of Valerius Maximianus Galerius. Earliest known bishop of Epiphania, Cilicia (in modern Turkey) in 325. Attended the Council of Nicaea. Bishop of Nicomedia; opposed the Arians who were just starting to spread in the area. Writer whose works were recommended by Saint Athanasius of Alexandria for their defense of the faith. Suffered in the persecutions of Diocletian.
• Opening Relics in 1650 and Second glorification (1909) of ANNA 安纳 (Euphrosyne in monasticism) of Kashin, Qu., Schemanun and Miracle Worker (14th c.)
Holy Nobleborn Princess Anna of Kashinsk died on 2 October 1338. Her holy relics were uncovered on 21 July 1649. The solemn transfer of her relics from the wooden Uspenie-Dormition cathedral into the stone Resurrection church occurred on 12 June 1650. To the day of 12 June was appointed also the restoration of churchly veneration of Saint Anna.
• Martyress ANTONINA (Antonia or Antoni) of Nicaea in Bithynia in Asia Minor (284-305)
Ἡ Ἁγία Ἀντωνίνα ἡ Μάρτυς
• Venerable ARSENIUS 阿尔塞尼 of Konev (1447)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἀρσένιος ὁ Θαυματουργός τῆς Κονεβίας
Monk on Mount Athos in Greece for three years, dwelling in prayer and preparing for the Athos brethren vessels of copper. Monk at the Valaam monastery in northern Russia. Founded a monastery in the island of Konev, putting it under the Rule he had learned on Mount Athos.
• Venerable AUXENTIUS of Malsk and Pskov
• CHRODOBALD (Chlodobald, Chrodobalde, Ludbald, Rodebald) of Marchiennes (7th c.) Spiritual student of St Amandus of Belgium. Benedictine monk at the monastery of Elnone (modern Saint-Amand-les-Eaux) in Tournai, Flanders (in modern Belgium). Provost of the abbey of Marchiennes near Douai, France
• COMINUS (5th c.) monk and abbot; Patron of Ardcavan, Ireland
• VM CUNERA 库奈拉 of Rhenen (451) Netherlands
Cunera is particularly venerated in Germany, but is said to have been of British birth. Her legend says that she was a princess in the region of York, England. One of the holy virgins who travelled with Saint Ursula, she was saved from the massacre by the Frisian king Radboud who took her to his castle in Rhenen (in modern Netherlands) where she eventually ran the household. Queen Aldegonde became jealous, and had Cunera strangled and buried in a cattle shed. A miracle led to the discovery of the crime, which led to the conversion of Radboud to Christianity.
• CUNIALD (7th c.) confessor of the faith
• DIUCAILL (Dichuill) of Achadh-na-cro
• GEREBALD (885) Bishop of Châlons-sur-Seine in France (864-885)
• GESLAR (7th c.) confessor of the faith
• Venerable ISIDORE of Samtavro, monk and confessor of Faith (6th c.) disciple of John Sedasneli
• Venerable Abbot JULIAN 犹利安 of Dagouta at Constantinople
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰουλιανὸς ὁ «εἰς τὰ Λίβα ἐν τῇ Δαγούτῃ» λάμψας
• JOHN 约安 the Soldier of Egypt (6-7th c.)
• JOHN 约安 Tornicus 托尔尼科 of Mt Athos and Georgia (998)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ἰωάννης ὁ Ἁγιορείτης ἐκ Γεωργίας
Tornike is a Georgian name of unknown origin. Eristavi is a Georgian title, equivalent to the Roman Strategos, meaning literally "head of the army". An eristavi was also the ruler or governor of his province and a pillar of the Georgian monarchy. During certain periods of Georgian history the title was hereditary. The title is equivalent to a European duke.
• New Martyr JOHN of Trebizond, who contested in Akkerman (Asprokastron, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi) (1330 /1492)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰωάννης ὁ Μεγαλομάρτυρας ὁ Νέος ἐκ Τραπεζοῦντος καὶ ἐν Ἀσπροκάστρῳ
• Finding of the relics (1672) of JOHN 约安 of Moscow, Fool for Christ (1589)
Blessed John, the Fool for Christ and Wonderworker of Moscow, was born on the outskirts of Vologda. In his youth he toiled at a saltworks, where he was a water carrier. The Saint combined strict fasting and prayer with his heavy work. Later he moved on to Rostov, where he began his exploit of holy foolishness for the sake of Christ after meeting Monk Irinarh the Recluse (January 13). He wore chains with heavy iron crosses, and on his head was a heavy iron cap, for which they called him “Ivan the Great Cap”. In Moscow he went barefoot and almost naked in even the most severe frost, and he foretold the great misfortunes for Russia, the Time of Troubles and the incursion of the Poles, saying that “in Moscow will be many visible and invisible devils.” He fearlessly spoke the truth to everyone, regardless of the position they might occupy. Even to the Tsar himself, Boris Godunov, he often said: “A clever mind, you ask God’s doing. God long waits, painfully indeed it breaks.” Before death Saint John indicated for himself a grave at the Pokrov church on Rva, afterwards called the Cathedral of Basil the Great. Having prepared himself for the grave, he removed the chains and showered himself with water three times. Before his death on July 3, 1589 the blessed one displayed the gift of healing. He was venerated at Moscow as a great wonderworker and seer. On June 12, 1672 his relics were uncovered, resting beneath a crypt in one of the chapels of the Cathedral of Basil the Great, and in 1916 this chapel was dedicated to Saint John the Fool. The Service and Life were preserved in manuscripts of the 17th century.
• Martyr JOHN (Youannis) of Damascus (1684) under the Pasha Sari Houssein
• Martyr JOHN the Soldier
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰωάννης ὁ Μάρτυρας ὁ Στρατιώτης
• LEO III (816) born in Rome, he became Pope of Rome in 795. He suffered much from political factions in Rome and was himself seized and tortured. Leo refused to add the filioque to the Nicene Creed
• LOCHINIA (Lochin, Lochein) of Ireland (500) born a princess, the daughter of Briga and King Conall Derg of Oriel in northern Ireland. Sister of St Fanchea of Rossory, St Carecha of Clonburren, St Darenia of Cashel and St Enda of Arran
• ODULPHUS (855) born in Brabant in Belgium, he went to Utrecht in Holland and helped enlighten Frisia, founding a monastery
French nobility. Pious and studious youth. Augustinian priest. Curate of Oresscoth in Brabant. Worked with Saint Frederick of Utrecht to evangelize the Frisons. Canon of the cathedral at Utrecht, Netherlands where he worked to set a good example of prayer and fasting to laymen. Founded the Augustinian monastery at Stavoren.
• OLYMPIUS 奥林彼 bishop and confessor who suffered in Thrace (4th c.) Bishop of Aenos, Rumelia (modern Enez, Turkey)
Bishop Olympius of Enos (Aenos) in Rumelia was a contemporary of Saint Athanasius. For his opposition to Arianism he was deposed by the Emperor Constantius.
• Venerable ONUPHRIUS 奥努弗里 abbot of Malsk and Pskov (1492)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ὀνούφριος ὁ Θαυματουργός ἐν Πσκὼφ Ρωσίας ἀσκήσας
The Monk Onuphrii of Mal'sk and Pskov (Izborsk) founded a monastery in honour of the Nativity of the Mother of God at Mala, four versts from Izborsk and 56 versts from Pskov. The saint died on 12 June 1592 and was buried in the Nativity church, in a chapel named for him. The memory of the Monk Onuphrii is celebrated likewise on the so-called "Mal'sk Sunday" ― the 1st Sunday after the Peter and Paul fast.
• ONUPHRIUS 奥努弗里 abbot and founder of Katrom Monastery at Vologda (16th c.)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Ὀνούφριος τῆς Κατρόμα
• ONUPHRIUS the Fool for Christ, of Romanov-Borisoglebsk
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ὀνούφριος ὁ διὰ Χριστὸν Σαλός
• Venerable ONUPHRIOS of Preveza, of the Monastery of the Birth of the Theotokos, in Coronisia in Arta, Greece (18th c.)
• Repose of Elder PETER of Katounakia, Mt Athos (1867)
• Venerable SERAPION the Wonderworker, of Izborsk, Igumen (16th c.)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Σεραπίων ὁ Θαυματουργός ἐν Ἰζμπόρσκ τῆς Ρωσίας ἀσκήσας
• STEPHEN 斯特梵 of Komel, abbot of Ozersk Monastery, Vologda (1542)
Ὁ Ὅσιος Στέφανος τοῦ Ὀζέρο καὶ Κομέλ
The Monk Stephen of Ozersk and Komel'sk was born in the latter half of the 15th century in the Vologda lands. His father served at the prince's court, but the mundane life was not for the soul of the youth. He went off to the Glushitsk monastery of the Monk Dionysii, where he soon accepted monastic tonsure. With the blessing of the Glushitsk hegumen, the Monk Stephen made the rounds of the northern monasteries, in order to discover the spiritual customs. Having returned to the Vologda lands, he settled near the source of the River Komela. The Monk Stephen led a strict life. Once during the time of tearful prayer the monk was granted to see the Most Holy Virgin and St Nicholas, who besought the Mother of God to bless St Stephen to establish a monastery. In the year 1534 the Monk Stephen built a church in the name of St Nicholas. The monk reposed peacefully in the year 1542.
• TERNAN Bishop of Culross (5th c.) an early missionary bishop among the Picts in Scotland
St Palladius, the apostle of the Scots, ordained St Servanus (Serf) bishop of Orkney, consecrated Ternan as an early missionary bishop among the Picts of Scotland in 440. He is said to have lived at Abernathy and is the reputed founder of the abbey of Culross in Fifeshire, in which St Kentigern had established a most holy manner of life.
• TIMOTHY 提摩泰 the Hermit of Egypt (4th c.)
• TOMMEN mac Birn, Ailithir, Locha uane
• TRIPHYLLIUS Bishop of Leucosia (Nicosia) in Cyprus (370)
• ZENO monk
• ZENON Bishop of Kyrenia in Cyprus (5th c.)
Ὁ Ἅγιος Ζήνων Ἐπίσκοπος Κυρήνειας
25 June – Memory of Serbs murdered in Jadovno Croatian concentration camp system. Near the Saranova jama on Velebit mt. near Gospic and in the Slana Bay on Pag island a commemoration for victims of Croatian Ustasha camps that killed tens of thousands of mainly Serbian civilians was held. The camps ‘operated’ from the moment the Nazi satellite state of Croatia was established.
The Croat Ustasha state, all its agencies, from the Ustasha organization, political and military-police organs to the state administration, juridical and other organs, were engaged in organized genocide. The best example is the Gospić group of concentration camps (Gospić, Jadovno, Pag), better known in the historiography as Jadovno – after the camp and the largest place of execution set up by a state organ – the police administration. The Serbs and Jews were brought with the aid of state, military, police and party organs from the whole territory of the ISC to be destroyed there. Unlike some later camps, these didn’t even feature the title »working camp«. They were meant for destruction alone. They were set up and fulfilled greater part of their function even before any kind of resistence of the »disloyal« population, which is an obvious proof of the intent to destroy certain ethnic or religious communities, this being an important element in the definition of genocide. This system of camps and places of execution in the very beginning of the ISC’s existence, before the armed resistence, marks the beginning of the planned and executed genocide on the Serbian people and the Holocaust of the Jews.
Jadovno is the forerunner of the Jasenovac death camp system, the largest in the Yugoslav territory. The liquidation of the camp, due to the reoccupation of the 2nd Italian zone of occupation, meant also the liquidation of the inmates. Due to the shortness of time and the interventions of the occupation powers, part of the inmates wasn’t liquidated but sent to other camps – mostly to Jasenovac. It was they who were the first inmates there.
Over 40 000 people were killed in this camp during four months of its existence. Almost 95% of the victims were the Serbs, almost 5% the Jews and less than 0.3% other anti-Fascists. According to integral part of the study is the list of names with identification data of 10.688 victims . The Serbs make up 92%. Out of that over 10% were children. The Jews make up over 7%, some 2% among them being children. Somewhat less than 0.8% were other anti-Fascists. Among the murdered 74 priests of the Serbian Orthodox Church (two bishops among them) are listed by name. The bulk of the murdered were thrown into carst pits.
In the Collection of the Documents ( Documents ‘Jadovno’, research study by Djuro Zatezalo) the author presents documents about the legalization of the crime, about internment and perpetration of crimes which prove the intent of the Croat Ustasha state to destroy part of its population on account of its national, racial or religious affiliation. It also contains testimonies given to the Commissariat for Refugees in Belgrade in 1941 and 1942, statements and testimonies given before the Commission for Establishing the Crimes of the Occupants and Their Abettors 1944-1946, as well as a group of documents of Italian origin.
By a number of laws, the authorities strove to legalize the terror they have already been practicing. During the first three months of the ISC’s (Independent state of Croatia) existence, some 20 laws were passed that legalized racial and confessional inequality and terror over citizens, and several court-martials were set up: 10 “extraordinary people’s courts”, 10 “court-martials” 12 “mobile court-martials” and 2 “grand extraordinary people’s courts”. Among many other decrees, the one of July 18, on the name of religion stands out. It abolished the name “Serbian Orthodox faith”, renaming it “Greek-Eastern faith” instead. The name “Greek-Easterners” was officially used to designate the Serbs. The Cyrillic alphabet and the confession were prohibited, the name of the people, the language and the faith were taken away – all these being phases in the process of the destruction of the Serbian people in the ISC.
The propaganda campaign promoting the Ustasha views on the “Serbian and Jewish question” in the press, on the radio, from pulpits, as well as in the speeches of numerous officials, led to the increase of arrests, tortures, incarcerations and murders of the Serbs and Jews. Parallel with mass murders, the Serbian population was subjected to forcible conversions to Roman-Catholicism and expulsions. The Archbishop’s Board in Zagreb took active part in conversions of the Orthodox population, issuing special rules and instructions for action of the Roman-Catholic clergy in the ISC (published in the Katolički list on May 15, 1941). Massacres of even those who agreed to be converted, prove just how this “voluntary conversions” looked like. Thus, for example, the Ustasha rounded up 1.564 people from the districts of Vrginmost, Glina and Bosnaska Dubica under the pretext of conversion, took them to Glina and slaughtered them between July 27 and August 3, 1941 in the Serbian Orthodox church there. The Serbs from the villages of Sadilovac near Slunj, Šibuljina near Karlobag, Kolarić near Vojnić and in many other places, suffered the same fate. Crimes were turned into the normal government system. Due to sizeable Serbian population in Croatia, the crimes of the Ustasha state took on a massive character. “The Serbian people in the ISC was made a free culling game” wrote the special envoy of the German Foreign Ministry for the South-Eastern Europe, Hermann Neubacher.
Gospić was by no means earmarked by chance to become the centre for mass destruction of the Serbs. The Ustasha organization started its activities in Gospić in the 1930s, spreading the Ustasha ideology through legal associations (»Crussaders’ Fraternity«, sports association »Victoria«, gym organization »Croat Hero«). Until 1941 it firmly took roots among the high-school and university youth. Gospić became an important centre of the Ustasha organization. The most notorious Ustasha, murderers and butchers who formed the Auxiliary Ustasha Commando which committed mass slaughters of the Serbs and Jews in the concentration camps Jadovno on the mount Velebit, Slano at the island of Pag and other execution grounds throughout Croatia, originated from the "Crussaders’ Fraternity".
The Ustasha rule in Gospić was set up on April 10, 1941 at 5 PM. The very same evening arrests of the Serbs and the Communists started. The Auxiliary Ustasha Commando, aided by the Civic Guard, started the premeditated and organized crimes against the Serbs.
After the speach of Mile Budak in Gospić on May 2, 34 Gospić Serbs who had been tortured, manhandled, beaten and buthchered for days, were taken out of the prison, tied with wire, loaded on a truck and taken in the direction of Ličko Lešće to the execution ground in Janiče, by the so-called Macola’s Pit. Since May 4, almost every day one or more trucks would leave the Gospić prison, carrying 30 to 40 Serbs to places of execution – mostly in carst pits. The Serbs were brought to the jail every day, not only from Gospić, but from other parts of Lika too – individually, in groups or en masse, in trucks, drawn wagons or on foot – only to be taken out for execution. The time between mid-May and late August 1941 was marked by numerous Ustasha crimes in Lika, Gorski Kotar and other parts of the ISC, and by transports to the Gospić concentration camp, and then to the places of execution. Despite its spacious court-yard and corridors, the jail of the District Court in Gospić became to small, so the Ustasha set up concentration camps in Jadovno on mount Velebit and in Slana on the island of Pag. These, together with many other execution grounds provided enough space for the intake of 700 to 1 000 detainees daily.
Columns of tied men, women and children were taken through Gospić under maltreatment to be liquidated, in the sight of Italian officers and military authorities. These even sent their commissions which photographed and recorded these crimes. Whereas the Italians were helping the Ustasha without reacting to their crimes against the Serbian population during the first months of occupation, scared and endangered by the uprising of the Serbs which started in Lika in late July and early August, they reoccupied the so-called Zone Two in the second half of August. The Ustasha had to leave this area, so the concentration campsthere were closed down.
The Ustasha government organized various collection centres and camps which were run by district police authorities or local Ustasha officials. Furthermore, it organized resettlement camps and camps run by the Ustasha Survailance Service, i.e. since January 21, 1943 by the Main Direction for Public Order and Security. The first collection centers were set up in prison court-yards, district authorities’ buildings, former gyms, primary school buildings and outdoors. They were particularly numerous in 1941, but also later on, during or after larger military operations or mopping-up of the terrain. Among the most notorious were: »Danica« in Koprivnica (founded as early as on April 15, 1941, i.e. only five days after the proclamation of the ISC; the first inmates arrived already three days after its foundation, on April 18), Kerestinac (on April 19 the manor of the Ban Mihovilović was turned into a camp), Kruščica near Travnik, the Gospić group (the Gospić prison, Ovčara; the collection center at the railway station, Jadovno on Velebit, Slana and Metajna on the island of Pag, Stupačinovo near Baške Oštarije), Sisak-Caprag, Jastrebarsko, Tenja, Đakovo, Gornja Rijeka, Reka, Loborgrad; relocation camps: Vinkovci, Slavonska Požega, Bjelovar. The system of Jasenovac concentration camps deserves special mention: Krapje, Bročice, the Brick-Yard, the Tannery Camp including Stara Gradiška with its branches, economic outbuildings and execution grounds: Donja Gradina, Uštica, Mlaka, Feričanci, Bistrica and Jablanac.
The first organized extermination camp meant exclusively for destruction of entire national, religious, racial or ethnic groups was the Gospić system of camps, better known in the historiography after the concentration camp and the largest place of execution as the concentration camp Jadovno.
Arrests and incarcerations in the Gospić prison started in Lika already in April 1941. Among others, some 200 Serbs from Ogulin, 35 from the village of Otok, 70 from Gomirje (abbots Teofan Kosanović and Metodije Subotin among them), some 100 from Srpske Moravice, 200 from Plaško (the bishop of Upper Karlovac Sava Trlajić with 30 priests) were deported from this area. From Karlovac and Kordun transports were sent on April 26, June 6, July 25/26 with 60 Serbs and 30 Jews, with 14 Serbs from the village of Čemernica at the time of mass slaughter of 530 persons from the area of Veljuna in Hrvatski Blagaj. 46 persons were sent from Topusko on June 28, and several women and children on August 1. To his question what would be done with all these detainees in Gospić, a guard of the transport was answered by a Gospić Ustasha, they would serve as »dung for beech-trees« on Velebit. At the same time the crime in the Glina church was committed, more than 800 Serbs were deported from Banija on July 27, more than 150 people from Sisak in mid-July, 30 Serbs and 26 Jews on July 24, and 47 Serbs on July 26.
Some 200 persons were sent to Gospić from the Slavonski Brod area on August 2-4. A mass arrest of 120 Serbs took place in Nova Gradiška on April 11; 800 Serbs and 20 Jews were transported to Gospić on August 9. During April and May 700 Serbs and 9 Croats were seized in Osijek. In the Sokol building 12 Serbs were killed, 16 were taken out of the garrison prison and shot on the bank of the Drava, whereas the rest were transported to the camp on July 21-23 after having been tortured. 345 of them ended their lives on Velebit, while the rest were sent to other camps.
101 Serbs were deported from Vinkovci in late April and the first half of May; only five of them survived. More than 800 persons were deported from Vinkovci, Vukovar, Šid and Sremska Mitrovica to Gospić during June and July.
The first group of Serbs from Sarajevo was sent on May 17, and between the end of May and August 14, 1.778 men, women and children were sent to the Jadovno camp in 9 transports. A transport was sent from Zavidović in late July and on August 1; 44 Serbs were deported from Visoko. They were joined by two wagons with 80 Serbs in each, and in Doboj by two wagons with the arrested from Bijeljina and Tuzla. 28 Serbs were transported from Doboj, on August 1, and 25 on August 2; 25 Serbs and Jews from Derventa on August 1 and 73 on August 16; more than 100 people from Bosanski Brod in July, and some 800 Serbs were deported to the concentration camp in Slavonska Požega in mid-August, where the majority were murdered. During June and July some 550 Serbs were sent from Jajce in three transports. In early August 720 Serbs were arrested, mostly in Novi Travnik and its vicinity. 43 of them, together with others from Turbe and Travnik were taken to Jadovno on August 3, whereas the rest were killed near the village of Stojkovići at the place called Smrike.
Most of the Serbs and Jews from West Bosnia were transported to the Jadovno concentration camp from Banja Luka, Ključ, Kulen Vakuf, Gornji Vakuf, Bosanska Krupa, Bosanski Novi, Bihać, Velika Kladuša and Vrnograč. A number of people, several Orthodox prisests among them, was arrested in the Banja Luka area in the night of July 10/11, as well as the day after.71 Jews and 28 Serbs were sent to Jadovno from Banja Luka, 60 Serbs from the Ključ area on August 2, 150 Serbs from Otoka and other villages of the Bosanska Krupa area in mid-July. Out of 300 people captured in Bosanski Novi on July 31, the majority were killed and thrown into the Una and Sana rivers; 40 had their throats cut in prison and only 15 were taken to Gospić. In mid-July 1941, 45 people from the territories of the communes of Vrnograč, from the villages of Bosanska Bojna and Rujnica were deported, and some 50 from the Velika Kladuša area on July 21. Mass arrests and murders started only five days later, and they were to last incessantly from July 25 to August 8, 1941. 4.700 men, women and children from Velika Kladuša, Slunj and Vojnić were killed on the place called Mehino stanje where anti-tank trenches were dug at the foot of the hill Ičungar.
Several dozens Serbs were deported from Bjeljina to Gospić on June 23; another group, with 25 Orthodox priests among them, on July 15, and a group of 45 on August 2. After the arrest and deportation to Gospić of the Serbs from the Brčko area on August 2, the district head demanded in his dispatch for the Posavlje County of August 5, that “unplanned sending of the Serbs to the Gospić Concentration Camp be prevented« because he deemed such arrests wouldn’t help achieve the goal, since the capacities were insufficient to send all the 40.000 Serbs to “the Gospić concentration camp and to solve the Serbian question in the region in that way«. For that reason he suggested eviction as a preferable solution, whereas only those who would remain would be rounded up and sent to the concentration camp. The Ustasha transported the captured Serbs from Modriča to the Jadovno concentration camp in July. In the district of Zvornik, 31 people from the villages of Osmaci and Gojčina were deported in August, 111 persons from the Serbian villages of Međaši, Dubica, Sarač and Miljenovac on August 9, and 13 Serbs from the village of Rajinci. 60 persons from Rogatica and some 200 from Vlasenica were sent to the camp in July.
The Serbs from the Herzegovina were transported via Mostar, Sarajevo, Slavonski Brod, Zagreb and Karlovac to the concentration camps in Gospić, Jadovno and Slana. A large number of Serbs and Jews from Mostar, Ljubinje, Trebinje, Stolac, Ljubuško, Konjic and other Herzegovinian places were deported via that route. The Ustasha Police in Zagreb ordered the Hum County which had its center in Mostar, that transportation of the Serbs to the Gospić concentration camp should ensue on a daily basis. It is difficult to determine how many trains were sent from Mostar to Gospić. However, the following transports could be identified from the available archival sources: after the mass arrest in Mostar on July 19-20, a train with 186 Serbs was sent to Gospić. They arrived there tied and crammed in three railwaycars after four full days of traveling without food or water. Another 174 Serbs came on July 22, and some 700 prisoners on July 23. Transports were sent from Mostar to Jablanica on August 1, 2, 3, whereas one group was sent straight to Jadovno. 750 Serbs were deported to Jablanica. People from Mostar, Ljubinje, Stolac, Trebinje, Dubrovnik, Konjic and some other places were among them. 700 men, women and children were sent in four transports from Jablanica to Gospić. 56 Serbs from Foča were taken to Gospić and 145, mostly women and children, were sent on July 31. People arrested in Stolac on August 2, arrived in Gospić on August 9. The Serbs from Mostar were sent to Jablanica and from there, together with others, to Gospić. The same happened to 56 Serbs from Konjic and Drniš, as well as to a larger number of Orthodox and Roman-Catholic Serbs from Dubrovnik and its vicinity.
From a survey of arrests and transportation of people from the territory of the ISC to the Jadovno concentration camp, it can be concluded that the Ustasha state pursued the plan of extermination of the Serbian and Jewish peoples on a daily basis ever since its foundation. The Jadovno concentration camp complex with its auxiliary camps and Velebit pits was the spot of systematic destruction of people on account of their ethnic, religious and racial affiliation. Although the Serbs were arrested every day, the Ustasha arrested and killed them most massively during the Serbian-Orthodox holidays: on Easter (which in 1941 fell on April 25), St George’s Day (May 6), St Vitus’ Day (June 28), St Peter’s Day (12. July) and St Elias’ Day (August 2).
Fulfilling its mission of keeping the lasting memory of the victims of the genocide and the Holocaust, the Museum of Genocide Victims is engaged in collecting, processing, preserving, researching and presenting to the public of data and materials about the genocide against the Serbian people in its ethnic and state territory, about the Holocaust of the Jews and the genocide of the Gypsies, as well as the human losses and suffering of members of all nationalities in the Yugoslav territory in the wars of the 20th century.

If one has in mind the number of victims in Jadovno and its camps from mid-April to mid-August – in only four months – the intention of the Croat Ustasha state to destroy the Serbs and Jews becomes quite clear.
From the documents, statements of survivors and of the criminals themselves, we learn about the means and methods of torture the Ustasha applied on men, women and children from the moment of the arrest, to their stay in concentration camps to the execution places themselves. However, all these statements are but a faint shadow of a terrible reality, because it is impossible to describe all that was done to the innocent people. In their brutality these crimes surpass everything a psychologist can suppose a human individual is capable of doing.
It seems the favorite way of killing for the Ustasha was with a sledge-hammer, the so-called macola. The sledge-hammer, weighting some 3 kg, was used for killing most of the victims, regardless of their age or sex, but mostly for killing women and children – if they weren’t thrown into the pits alive. Apart from the sledge-hammer, men were also murdered with knives, and during the transport from Karlobag to Pag, the victims were hit on the head with a stone, having previously been tied to a stone, so as to sink when thrown into the sea. When screams of the living and half-living were heard from the Velebit pits, the Ustasha would kill them by throwing hand-grenades on their half-dead and mutilated bodies.
Beatings of the tied and the helpless were a daily occurrence, as well as cutting off of body parts, tearing out of fingernails, driving of nails under them or into the head, poring hot water or spreading salt into the ripped parts of the body, gouging out of eyes, breaking of legs and arms, tying the victim to a bench and pulling legs in different directions. Some were crowned with a thorny crown which was hit so the thorns would dig into the head. A brother was ordered to beat brother, a son to torture and kill his father, and vice versa. Faces and eyes were scorched with burning cigarettes. Some had their bodies ironed with a hot iron, soles of their feet cut with razors and…who could enumerate all the perversities of these sadists! The cases of murder without previous manhandling, beating or torture were very rare. Women were raped before being killed, their breasts cut off and children torn from their wombs. Some Roman-Catholic priests (Don Ljubo Magaš, Don Krsto Jelinić and others) took part in these crimes and in satisfying their sexually aberrant instincts. The victims of the Jadovno concentration camps were only rarely killed with fire-arms. Before being killed, their hands, and sometimes legs too, were tied with wire… Usually children were tied to their mothers and killed before them so as to cause mothers the worst mental suffering.
Orthodox priests were maltreated, tortured and killed with particular cruelty. In the execution places of Jadovno 74 murdered Orthodox priests were identified, the Sarajevo metropolitan Petar Zimonjić and the bishop of Upper Karlovac Sava Trlajić being among them. Metropolitan Petar was manhandled and tortured from the day he was arrested, on May 12, 1941, during his transfer to Zagreb, in the prison of the Zagreb police, in the Kerestinac concentration camp where his beard was shaven off, and finally on July 15, while he was taken to the Gospić camp where the Ustasha orgy was at its peak. He had to carry logs on his bare back, to clean the yard and the toilets, being most vulgarly insulted in the process. Under beating he had to hold sermons for the inmates as if he were in a church, which additionally spurred the Ustasha to beat him on the head and body. He and Bishop Sava of Plaško were several times taken out of the Jadovno concentration camp to Šaranova jama to watch their faithful being slaughtered, only to be murdered over the same pit with a stroke of a sledge-hammer in the back of the neck.
Dimitrije Jerković, a priest from Široka Kula near Gospić was flayed alive, his skin and hair cut off together. His beard was ripped off and he was killed over Macolina jama. The priest from Smiljan, Matija Stijačić was thrown after terrible torture half-dead into Šaranova jama together with the priest from Raduče, Grozdanović, parts of whose body were torn off beforehand. The Ustasha tore hairs from the beard and mustches of priest Nikola Bogunović from Donji Lapac, pricking his nose and whole body with red-hot needle. Priest Stevan Steva Čurčić from Ogulin was tortured by the Ustasha in the Ogulin tower, then taken to Vrginmost where he was tied and beaten, his beard torn off. Thus mutilated he was taken to the Zagreb police from where he was escorted tot the Danica concentration camp, and then to Gospić, only to be taken half dead after torture to Velebit and thrown into Šaranova jama. Priest Spasa Lavrnja from Suvaja near Donji Lapac was arrested by the Ustasha during a funeral and tortured before the whole funeral procession. After that he was taken to the Jadovno camp and muredered. In his house they cut the throat of his wife Ljubica, in the last stage of her pregnancy at that time, first ripping her belly open and tearing a child from her womb. Her four years old son was left by her dead body. The child cried for three days near the dead mother, and on the fourth day the Ustasha came and cut his throat too.
Such tortures were not done in concentration camps alone. Priest Đorđe Bogić from Našice, born in Subocka, was tied to a tree and his tongue, nose and beard with skin were cut off. Than his eyes were dug out, and when the butchers noticed he was still conscious, they ripped open his chest. Proko Pejović, hidden in the bush heard the Ustasha say: “Damn his Vlach mother, his heart is still beating, he’s still alive.” Than they shot him from the rifle.
We learn about the cruelty of the torturers from themselves. Seven Ustasha criminals were brought to justice only twelve years later, in 1953. In their statements they spoke about their crimes in the camps on Velebit, Jadovno and Slana. By the verdict of the District Court of Zadar, June 30, 1953, they were sentenced: Luka Barjašić to life imprisonment; Slavko Baljak and Ivan Kevrić to death; Jander Strika, Jerko Fratrović and Bene Barić to life imprisonment – the sentence of the last mentioned was soon converted to 20 years in prison; Mile Dudulica was sentenced to 20 years in prison. The Supreme Court confirmed this sentence on August 24, 1953. Slavko Baljak had joined the partisans and was in the Yugoslav People’s Army (YPA) from September 15, 1944 to December 5, 1953. Jerko Fratrović was in the YPA from May 30, 1945 to June1, 1946 and Strika Jandre was in the YPA too. All of them were employed until 1952 and lived in peace with no compunction.
They, with more than 180 members of the 1st Regiment of the 5th Ustasha Division which was in the Slana camp on the isle of Pag commanded by Ivan Devčić Pivac (from June 25 to August 25) took part in mass mishandling, torture and murders of the Serbs and Jews in the camps of Slana, Jadovno, over pits near Karlobag, Baške Oštarije and the village Stupačinovo on the slopes of Velebit. In their statements they spoke about thousands of murdered on Velebit and in the area of Furnaža on the isle of Pag. The largest massacre in the Slana camp between August 14 and 15, 1941 was a present to the Holy Virgin of Pag to which the butchers were bowing with bloody knives with which they had bestially murdered 800 women and children. Having done this criminal job the Ustasha returned to the camp with knives stuck to their belts and celebrated merrily the Holy Virgin, criminal, one Luka Barjašić and an eye-witness one Jakov Dokozić, reported. On that same day 60 of them came to the town of Pag to take part in the procession – to carry the Virgin’s statue in a large church procession from the church in Slani Grad to Pag.
On Velebit and Pag island the Ustasha killed anywhere they felt like doing it, so that it is today impossible to determine where all the Serbian and Jewish graves are. They usually killed without using fire-arms: with knives, sledge-hammers, with various other objects and by throwing the living into abysses or the pits they had dug out.
We learn about the crimes in the Jadovno concentration camp complex also from the reports of the Italian medics, from the statements of people whose throats were cut before being thrown into pits but who managed to survive by incredible chance, from the description by people who witnessed exhumation and burning of the mutilated bodies and from other reports.
Despite strict security measures of the Jadovno and Slana concentration camps, there were attempts at escape and at salvation from certain death.
Some managed to escape the Ustasha already at the arrest or while being transported or incarcerated or transported, even from the camps themselves. Some even managed to crawl out of the pits. Thanks to these individuals who managed to escape from the Ustasha claws, thousands of other innocent lives were saved because the people no longer trusted the Ustasha and their government. To 1991, 50 years later, there were those who remained the most trustworthy witnesses of the genocide committed by the Croat Ustasha against the Serbian and Jewish people.
17 incarcerated Serbs tried to escape from the Jadovno concentration camp complex. However, only the following succeded: Serđo Poljak from Šibuljina, Branko Cetina from Vrepce near Gospić, Savo Zoroja and Dane Čanak from Kuzmanovače near Široka Kula, Bogdan Lemajić from Smiljan near Gospić, Radoslav Grubor from Turbe near Travnik and three others whose names are unknown.
Even though he was wounded, Bogdan Lemajić managed to escape the massacre at the Šaranova jama. He returned to his village where he was hiding for a while. However, he was caught and beaten to death by the Ustasha Franjo Devčić who, together with other Ustasha, took part in the mass slaughter of the Serbs in Smiljan and Smiljansko Polje. Savo Zoroja, who escaped from the Jadovno camp on July 1, was killed in action as partisan in 1943. Dane Čanak, Branko Cetina and Radoslav Grubor left their written testimonies about mass murders of the Serbs in the Jadovno concentration camp.
Although he was wounded, Serđo Poljak managed to get out of the pit and escape in May 1941. The escape of Branko Cetina and his friend Savo Zoroja was also successful on July 1. Branko is today the only living eyewitness who told this author on June 17, 1990, on the very place where the camp had stood on Velebit, about how he had been arrested, incarcerated, taken to the Gospić prison, transported to the Jadovno camp and how he escaped. Only five days after him, Dane Čanak also managed to escape.
11 living people managed to crawl out of Jarčija jama in early August 1941. Janja Potkonjak was among them. She was thrown alive into the pit from which she got out, but died 30 days later of exhaustion, hunger and the traumas she suffered.
Dmitar Cvijanović, Janja Trešnjić and Janja Vujnović were captured by the Ustasha after they had left the pit, and murdered. Sava Jerković, Jela Stanić, Mara Vojnović, Mileva Cvijanović, Mile Potkonjak, a child, Marija Počuča and Pera Cvijanović had more luck. The Ustashe threw 78 Serbs from the village of Divoselo near Gospić into the Jarčija jama in Mid-Velebit, overlooking the village of Alanka on August 6, 1941. Marija Počuča with her three children was also thrown into the pit. Although she was wounded, she crawled out of the pit, as did Jela Stanić. With throats cut but not dead, some got out of pits and away from numerous execution grounds and left trustworthy testimonies about an organized and premeditated crime.
Apart from mass murders in the death camp Jadovno, the Ustasha were committing genocide in the whole territory of their state, particularly in times of Serbian Orthodox holidays: St. George’s Day, St. Vitus’ Day, St. Peter’s Day and St. Elias’ Day. The massacre of the Serbs in Hrvatski Blagaj (the Veljun masacre) took place on St. George’s Day, before any armed resistance. A massacre took place on St. Elias’ Day in 1941 in the Orthodox church of the Virgin’s Nativity in Glina. On St. Elias’ Day 1941, 113 Serbs, both men, women and children were slaughtered in the village of Bogdanić near Gospić, 48 in Lipe, 39 in Ostrvica, 27 in Barlete, 25 in Medak (hamlet of Papuče), 178 in Smiljan, where the father of Nikola Tesla served as a Serbian Orthodox priest, and where the great Tesla was born.
In the territory of the commune of Vrginmost in Kordun, in 1941 alone, the Ustasha killed in the most horrifying way 4 263 Serbian civilians in the following places of mass execution: in churches, in the fields and houses.
Out of the total, there were 925 children under 15. These are the data about the persons killed in the spring and summer of 1941: 735 people in the districts of Gospić and Perušić between July 20 and during August, and 3.217 persons until the end of 1941; 735 in districts of Korenica and Udbina from May 28 to August 3, and 1 492 until the end of the year; 684 in the district of Gračac from May through August, and 903 until the end of the year; 775 in the district of Donji Lapac from June to August 5, and 890 until the end of the year; 1 987 in the district of Slunj between May 6 and August 19, and 2 065 until the end of the year.

From the occupation on April 14 till the Roman Accords between the Kingdom of Italy and the ISC (Independent State of Croatia) signed on May 18, 1941 the Italians held military and civilian power in Lika. Under their auspices and protection the Ustasha power was soon established. From the Roman Accords till August 26, 1941, Lika was part of the so-called Second Demilitarized Zone of the Italian-occupied territory in the ISC. The rights of both parties to the agreement were clearly defined. Tus the ISC was in charge of the civilian administration in that zone.
Because in the Italian judgement Italian interests were threatened, and the Croat state being unable to prevent the spreading of the uprising of the Serbian people in the regions of Kordun, Banija, Lika and Kninska krajina, with the simultaneous spate of uprisings in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosanska krajina in late July and early August, triggered off by putting into practice the intentions of the ISC to destroy the Serbs as a national entity, reoccupation of Lika was carried out and the Italian troops took over the military and civilian power in the Second Zone again, in keeping with the order of August 15, given to the 2nd Army. The Croat formations’ activities in this area were banned, which resulted in the disbanding of the Jadovno concentration camp complex. Pavelić entrusted the task to the Ustasha lieutenent-colonel Vjekoslav Luburić – Maks. He speedily set about disbanding the camp and removing the traces of the crimes. The licquidation of the camp was understood as commission of mass murder of thousands of inmates, so the Italians would find as few as possible of them alive. Thh killing was going on every day from August 10 to August 25. We learn about that also from the report of the 1st Croat Gendarmerie Regiment of August 22 for the Administration of Public Order and Security of the ISC, in which it is stated that, due to the arrival of the Italian army the Ustasha were compelled to liquidate the Jadovno concentration camp complex. Except by killing the prisoners, other way to liquidate the camp either by moving it upcountry or by sending the inmates to other camps or prisons, wasn’t even considered. Until August 18 the inmates were sent to the Jadovno camp and murdered in pits by the side of the road or in the camp itself. The last group of 1 200 Serbs and 300 Jews was killed in the camp itself between August 15 and 20. They had to dig pits for themselves in the camp area, over which they were killed and covered with earth, whereas part of them was killed in the very vicinity of the camp, the bodies being thrown into pits 30-40 m to the South of it. The Ustasha piled stones, timber and branches on the last killed Serbs and Jews. Some 3.000 Serbs brought from the Slana camp were also killed in Jadovno in mid-August. The Jadovno concentration camp on Velebit was disbanded on August 20. On that day the Ustasha moved spades, pikes, caldrons and other equipment from Velebit to the collecting camp Ovčara.
Simultaneously with the liquidation of the Jadovno camp, the Ustasha were liquidating prisoners of the Slana camp. The camp guards were divided into three groups: one was killing on the island, the other at the sea, and the third was transporting the inmates to Karlobag and further on to Velebit where they were thrown into pits. Apart from the above-mentioned 3 000 Serbs who were sent to Jadovno, two more times 800 men, women and children were transported from the island, as well as three times 150 people who were killed over the pits of the Stupačinovo concentration camp between August 12 and 20. The command of the Italian division “Re” which arrived in Karlobag also learned about the liquidation of the last inmates on the island of Pag. A platoon in two motor-boats was sent to the island to see what was going on. On that day the Italians took 120 women and children to boats and transported them to Karlobag. They ordered the Ustasha to take the prisoners to Gospić in three trucks, but they (the Ustasha) killed them in Stupačinovo instead. The Italian command also transported some 250 inmates to the Gospić railway-station on August 21, from where the Ustasha sent them, together with other prisoners brought there from Ovčara, to Jastrebarsko.
From the prisons of the District Court on four occasions on August 17, 700 Serbs were sent in the direction of the Jadovno camp. These were the last prisoners who were taken out of the prison and thrown into the Šaranova jama. Some 1.100 prisoners of the Gospić camp, accomodated in the jailhouse, were tied with wire and the chain that run along, early in the morning of August 18, awaiting to be taken to Jadovno. Just when they were ordered to get moving around 1 PM, they were suddenly ordered to return. They were kept in the prison only until the next morning, when they were tied and transported to the railway station, where they were held at the collection cneter until night. Than they were loaded onto 13 freight cars. In the report by the 1st Croat Gendarmerie Regiment of August 22, it is said, among other things: "On August 19, between 3 and 6 o’clock, the Chetniks from the Gospić concentration camp were transported in 36 trucks to the local railway station where they were loaded into wagons and sent in the direction of Zagreb. The precise destination couldn’t be determined."
The first train with prisoners sent from Gospić arrived in Jastrebarsko in the morning of August 20, 1941. The inmates themselves took the dead out of the cars and threw them on the drawn wagon which took them to a field near Jastrebarsko for burrial. The Ustasha took 170 Serbs off this train and took them to the prison of count Eördödi’s mansion. Several hundreds of Jews and some Croats were put up there. In the evening a train with 900 Serbs moved in the direction of the newly-founded concentration camp Jasenovac. They arrived in the morning of August 21 and were taken over by the Ustasha of the 17th Ustasha Company. Three hours after the first train was sent to Jasenovac, the second one left, carrying some 400 inmates, mostly Jews. Several Croats and Serbian and Jewish women were taken off this train in Jastrebarsko. They were put up in the prison of Eördödi’s mansion. From the Gospić prison the last Serbs and the remaining Croats were taken out on August 20. They were transported to Jastrebarsko and locked up in the rooms of the local concentration camp.
The Jastrebarsko camp was run by Gospić camp commanders: Stjepan Rubinić, Dragutin Pudić Paraliza and Janko Mihailović. They arrived to Jastrebarsko with their Ustasha with the first train from Gospić and took over the entire organization of this camp. There were 2 200 inmates in all in the Jastrebarsko concentration camp at that time, with some 140 Communists brought from the Lepoglava jail among them and a few from Gospić.
There were some 60 Serbian women with children on the train that left Gospić on August 20, whom the Ustasha didn’t manage to kill in the Stupačinovo on Velebit because of the arrival of the Italian military. The last transport was sent from Gospić on August 21, containing some 900 inmates – mostly Jews and Jewish and Serbian women with children from the Ovčara concentration camp. At the Gospić railway station they were joined by 250 Jewish and Serbian women with children whom the Italian soldiers took by their trucks from the Slana camp via Karlobag to Gospić. The inmates were brought to the Jastrebarsko camp on August 22, and they remained there until September 1, when they were taken to Jasenovac, arriving there in the morning of September 2.
After the Serbian and Jewish men were taken from Jastrebarsko to Jasenovac, Serbian and Jewish women with their children were transported to the Kruščica concentration camp near Travnik. Some 250 men and women, mostly Croats, remained in the Jastrebarsko camp. On September 14 they were taken to Koprivnica where they found some 3 000 inmates. From Koprivnica they were transferred to Jasenovac and some of them to Zagreb.
While committing crimes against the Serbs and Jews since April 1941, the Ustasha authorities and their military formations were covering up in different ways murders, mass slaughters and massacres of civilian population. In documents they were covering up the truth about the crimes, and many documents were also destroyed. However, despite various ways of concealment, due to their massive character, these acts couldn’t remain undiscovered. The Ustasha threw bombs into many pits, filled them in and masked them with branches and stones, and even pored concrete over some of them. Local population was also hiding places of crimes in various ways, so that they were gradually covered with foliage and every trace of them was lost.
The after-war authorities also prevented in a way collection and publication of the authentic sources about the mass crimes of the Croat state against the Serbian and Jewish peoples. It was seen to that that as little as possible was spoken and written about them, so that they be forgotten. Oblivion was justified in the name of peace and brotherhood and unity.
A contribution to the destruction of the traces of the crimes was made also by the Italian occupation forces. After the liquidation of the Jadovno and Slana concentration camps in late August 1941 following the arrival of the Italian military, the civilian and military administration at the Croat coast and in Lika was taken over by the command of the 2nd Italian Army on September 6. Confiscation of all documents about the concentration camps in the Lika region was ordered. Most of them would eventually be destroyed. However, several documents of the 5th Corps of the 2nd Italian Army survived. They give information about the destruction of the traces of the Ustasha mass crimes, since it was the soldiers of this Italian unit who were entrusted with that task. From the report by Dr. Finderle of September 6, it is clear that he and a team of soldiers were charged by the Health Administration of the 5th Corps of the 2nd Italian Army with the task of finding mass graves and disinfecting them so as to prevent the spread of a possible contagion. In his report he informed his superiors about what he had found: pits with corpses of those killed on Velebit, mass graves in the Furnaž area and in some other places at Pag where the bodies were buried very shallow, so that they ‘presented tocsicological and infectious danger”. On the basis of his report, the Military-Sanitation Administration of the Italian 5th Corps ordered “the bodies buried in Slano on Pag to be exhumed, and piled onto a pyre, to be drenched with incendiary liquid and burned immediately.” A special sanitation platoon with the aid of 50 more soldiers accomplished the task in September 1941 in the course of full 10 days, working from morning till dusk.
The mass graves found by Italian medics don’t exist any more. The photos the Italians made while exhuming and burning the bodies were also lost. According to the report by Dr. Stazzi of September 22, the albums with photographs and his report were sent to the Italian Ministry of War in Rome. Ante Zemljar searched for them. He addressed also the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Italy. He got a reply from the head of the Office, stating the photographs couldn’t be put at his disposal since they had been lost somewhere. This author also tried to find this evidence, as well as other documents for which he had learned that they were in keeping of certain families from the island of Pag, but without success. Thus these sources about the Ustasha crimes also remain unknown to the public for the time being.
Concentration camps and places of mass executions: Jadovno on Velebit, Slana and Metajna on Pag, Stupačinovo, Ovčara and the Gospić concentration camp, numerous pits and other places of execution remained to this day mostly unmarked or only partly marked.
Among the marks erected in this locality there are: a grave in the Jadovno camp was fenced off by a wooden fence in 1961; over time it rotted and disappeared. Šaranova jama was surrounded by a stone wall and marked by a small memorial plaque by the road passing some 70 m by it. The way to the camp remained impassible and the path to it overgrown so that hardly anyone could pass and find the place of the camp itself. Between 1951 and 1961 on the wall or near the wall of the Šaranova jama several memorial plaques were put up: in 1961 a plaque for the victims from Sremski Karlovci, the memorial plaque of the Union of the Associations of Orthodox Priests of Croatia in which 51 names of the priests of the Serbian Orthodox Church are chiseled – the names of the metropolitan Petar Zimonjić and the bishop Sava Trlajić among them . (According to this author’s research, some more names were identified.) In 1961 over a pit some 40 m away from the camp a monument was erected that is nowadays in completely dilapidated state. In 1975 a modest monument was erected on a rock in Suha, where the Slana camp was beginning.
The place of the auxiliary camp Stupačinovo, collection camp Ovčara, prison of the Gospić District Court and the Accepting camp on the Gospić railway station were never marked. Numerous pits into which thousands and thousands of victims were thrown not only remained unmarked, but are completely inaccessible. These pits, except for the Šaranova jama and Jamina, were not even speleologically explored. The places of the Ustasha crimes are today inaccessible, overgrown with weeds and out of the way, and the graves can be found only by one who knows the terrain very well.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
for the sake of the prayers
of Thy most pure Mother,
our holy and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Blessed be God.

• 2022 • September 15 / September 2 • 7531 #συνοδικός since #2018